What to say if someone confesses their love to you? How to react to a declaration of love? What to do when a boy confesses his love.

Greetings to all readers of my blog, today is the fourth of January and I have only now been able to find some time to write another post. First of all, I want to congratulate you on the past New Year and the upcoming Christmas! And this time I would like to talk about a declaration of love. How to react to it correctly?

It seems that the question is simple, and you don’t need to invent anything special to answer it. This may be so, but it turns out that not everyone knows what to do if you are told: . For some, these words are long-awaited, but for others, it’s the opposite, so let’s figure it out.

There are two options for the development of events. The first and also the most pleasant: when your feelings are mutual and it is absolutely no difficulty for you to respond in kind. A person, as a rule, is overwhelmed with emotions at this moment, especially if he was not expecting it. Just say how you feel, don’t get lost, love is an integral part of our life, which will bring only good things into your life.

There is also a second option: a person you don’t love confesses his love to you. This is a relatively unpleasant and rather awkward moment when you hear these words, but you don’t know how best to respond so as not to offend. The best thing is not to rush, because people expect a positive answer at such a moment.

If this development is unexpected, say that you haven't even thought about it and communicate your decision later to give yourself time to collect your thoughts. Naturally, you can say categorically no, but then there is a high probability of not only losing contact with the person forever, but also ruining your relationship with him.

Also, there is a possibility of revenge on his part from unrequited love, do not discount this point, even if you are sure that this is impossible, people can sometimes be very unpredictable.

It also happens that you no longer want to see a person, but he suddenly decides confess your love. Then you don’t need to violently express your emotions and pour out all the negativity. Just thank him for his attention and tell him that you don’t feel anything like that and there are no chances in the future either.

Otherwise, you know how it happens: they tell you that they love you and at the same time they ask you whether you feel even the slightest sympathy, and whether the person has at least a small chance of reciprocity. In my opinion, this is not a completely correct question, it seems to me that there are only two answers: either you love it or you don’t, and there is no third answer. It can’t be that you seem to feel something, but you’re not sure about it, although... After all, most often women have to react to declarations of love, and which of us men can confidently say that the third option is not possible.

In conclusion, I will say that your reaction to the words: I love you should definitely be positive and positive, and my advice to you is not to rush with a yes or no answer, once you give it, you can’t take it back. As they say: a word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

P.S. And of course, the song from Basshunter – Now You're Gone, today I decided to dilute a large number of lyrical songs with good dance music with an excellent video, it’s the holidays after all, enjoy.

How often do people confess their love to you? Once a day, once a month, once a year? If you are an ordinary person, do not have a herd of fans behind you who constantly tell you about their love and are not a Hollywood star, then you should definitely know what exactly those who love you want to hear in response to their revelation.
People, by nature, are vulnerable and subtle creatures. Therefore, your: “I don’t care who loves whom,” can completely kill all human feelings in them. If they confess their love to you, truly confess them, sincerely, without hypocrisy, and for some reason you cannot reciprocate, then, be so kind, collect all the damn tenderness, restraint and understanding, put on a suitable mask and answer so that this selfless person would not even have the thought of going to hang himself, drown himself or open his veins. And most importantly, never, hear, never be silent in response to this “I love you.” Do you know what silence is? This is when, inside, it tears everything in half, pulls out the heart, and then so mercilessly puts it back in, when there is angina pectoris, heart attack, cardiac asthma five times a day. It's as if today should tell whether you will live tomorrow. Silence is like a sharp knife driven to the hilt. Don't be silent, I beg you, don't be silent.
Tell those you don't love that you're not right for them, that they're too good for you, tell them that you're already in love, but say it in a way that doesn't hurt. Say that you really appreciate their love, but you can’t reciprocate, and it’s not about them at all, it’s about you. Say that you are confused now, and when you figure it all out, you will know for sure whether your feelings are mutual. Speak. Just speak sincerely and truthfully.
And what to say to your loved ones, your heart will certainly tell you. Just don’t answer with these banal phrases: “I love you too,” “Yeah, I love you too.” Use your imagination. Say that you are madly in love, write it on paper and hang it on the door, whisper it in your ear, say it silently with your lips, just kiss it and hold it tightly to you.
Oh yes, men, for God’s sake, remember once and for all, if a woman confesses her love to you, appreciate it and under no circumstances ignore it. You can’t even imagine how much willpower, courage and bravery she needed for this. She stepped on her pride, stepped over all principles and suppressed all contradictions within herself. Believe me, she will wait 24 hours a day for your answer, and mentally curse herself for confessing.
Do not think that by your silence you are making her better, you are protecting her. You are wrong! You cause her such pain and subject her to such torment that it would be better if you hit her several times.
Don’t lead her to sin, otherwise she will hate and curse you all her adult life (while never ceasing to love you for a minute) for not making her happy. You will kill her faith in herself, faith in love and in an ideal man. And this is just one silence...
Remember, it costs nothing to respond to a declaration of love, but your answer will fill someone’s soul with happiness!
Don’t hurt those who live by you, who live in you, who love you and are not afraid to admit it!

The first option is positive. When the feelings are mutual, you can respond in an absolutely symmetrical way. This can become one of the most beautiful moments in life - emotions break through and are put into words. Don't try to talk about feelings in a complicated way, speak from your heart.

Difficult situations

The second option is not so great. A guy (or girl) for whom you do not have similar feelings confesses your love. This is a very awkward, difficult moment - you hear a confession, but you don’t know how to respond so as not to offend or offend this person. Take your time, don't answer mechanically, but don't give in vain hope.
If you are not sure of your feelings, you should not respond with a categorical refusal or agreement. It is very difficult to refuse such words later.

If the confession came suddenly, directly say that you have not thought about such development before, cannot understand emotions, and need time. You can, of course, answer with a categorical refusal, but this will most likely put an end to any further (even non-romantic) relationship with your lover.

Unfortunately, there is always the possibility that an unlucky lover will decide to take revenge on you to resolve the unrequited love situation. Even if such an idea seems absurd to you, do not discount it, sometimes people behave inappropriately. Therefore, you need to answer as gently as possible, not allowing the person to count on a positive answer in the future.

Sometimes a completely unpleasant person, whom you never want to see again, decides to let you know how they feel. You should not show your negative feelings about this person. Say that you do not feel reciprocal feelings and will not experience them in the future. This step will help get rid of an unnecessary fan.

As a response to recognition, if you asked for time to think, you can write a letter. This way it’s much easier to structure thoughts and emotions.

There is a third, intermediate option - maybe you are not sure of your feelings, it may seem that you are experiencing weak emotions, similar to falling in love. Then you should be honest about it. In general, a frank conversation is a panacea in a difficult situation. You need to explain to the person why you doubt your emotions, clarify the presence of circumstances that make it difficult to express feelings. Don't be afraid to offend the person you're interested in by telling them the truth about emotions. If you are important to him, he will be able to discuss the situation and understand it.

Many people make mistakes, but they do not always find the strength to admit it, which can also affect family relationships. A woman can demand an apology and recognition of guilt, but this can be difficult for a man to do because he is afraid of losing his authority by admitting that he was wrong. But it’s best to confess in time, without waiting for the conflict to go too far.


A woman will not be able to believe that you have realized your guilt and admit your mistake until you say it out loud. Don’t expect that simply apologizing will be enough; find the strength to explain yourself and demonstrate remorse. You hurt the woman you love, so she doesn’t want similar situations to happen again if you pretend that you don’t understand why she’s offended or angry. Admit your guilt or ask her to explain what exactly she didn’t like about your behavior - sometimes the resentment is simply caused by the fact that you perceive the same situations differently.

The reluctance to admit is often due to the fact that it can damage your pride; you don’t want to openly say about your weakness. But this is not at all a manifestation of strength. Strength of character is the ability to admit a mistake and correct it. You cannot be a strong man until you protect your woman from the insults and troubles that you inflicted on her. Don’t make her suffer and cry, just say: “I’m sorry, my love, I understand everything!” This is often quite enough.

Don’t let things get to the point of scandals – talk to your loved one. If you sincerely do not understand why her reaction was so strong, if it seems to you that she is “making a mountain out of a molehill,” try to understand her inner world, ask her to explain this reaction. If you are sincere, she will make an attempt to analyze her feelings and, perhaps, will understand that you did not commit an offense out of malice.

In the case when you don’t feel guilty at all and think that you have nothing to admit, you shouldn’t ignore her resentment either. In this case, the misunderstanding between you will only increase. Explain your position, the motives that determine your behavior. It is not at all necessary to admit your guilt if you do not feel it, so as not to become a victim of manipulation. Seek mutual understanding - this is the only way to overcome difficult family situations.

Not every person will find the strength to talk about their high feelings in a personal meeting. Fear of rejection leads to the fact that it is easier to confess your love during correspondence. Modern means of communication - the Internet and mobile telephony - provide many opportunities to convey recognition to the addressee.


The most important thing in life is recognition should be competent. Grammatical and spelling errors in the text, of course, will not change the essence of the message, but they can leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the recipient’s soul. That is why it is better to create the confession text in the Word text editor; in this case, the likelihood of errors will be minimized.

Do not forget that the declaration of love must be sincere, coming from the depths of the soul. It’s better not to use other people’s words, no matter how beautiful they may be, but to find your own. Even if you have never written anything like this before, do not be afraid, love awakens many abilities in a person. Think about your loved one, about your feelings for him, and the right words will appear by themselves. At the same time, the lines written by you will be more valuable than the poems of the most talented poets.

Select the correct text size. A message that is too short, consisting of a few words, will not be able to convey the full depth of your feelings. Too much recognition also has disadvantages; the most important words can simply get lost in it and become devalued.

Try to express your thoughts clearly and distinctly. Try to put yourself in the place of the object of your adoration and imagine how the lines you write will be perceived, what you might like about them and what will cause dissatisfaction. Check if there is anything offensive, ugly, or even simply vulgar in your words.

In recognition, try to formulate why you are attracted to this person, why you want to be near him. The written lines should convey all the feelings you experience, all your love and tenderness. Try to keep the words flowing smoothly and rhythmically, this will give them beauty and insight. If the eye “clings” to a certain word or turn of phrase, replace it with a more successful one.

Accompany your message with an image that best conveys your feelings. If a declaration of love is made through email or ICQ, then this is very easy to do. When sending a message via cell phone, use the mms format, which allows you to send an image with text. At the end of your message, do not forget to apologize, just in case, if your message is inappropriate.


  • write a declaration of love

Love is a beautiful feeling, sung in hundreds of works of art. Love can change not only the lives of individuals and families, but, as history shows us, of entire nations and states. Unfortunately, today people are increasingly afraid of strong feelings, and if they fall in love, they are afraid to admit it.

Deep Fears

From early adolescence, young boys and girls begin to be interested in the opposite sex. These first loves often shape our subsequent behavior on the love front.

Accordingly, every failure in a relationship that occurred at a young age leaves an imprint on our behavior in the future. Teenagers, due to their inexperience and naivety, can step on the same rake more than once, which develops a kind of reflex: “love = failure,” which can be quite difficult to get rid of in the future without the help of specialists.

In addition, young people, unlike girls, also experience social pressure. According to traditional ideas about a “real man,” a guy does not have the moral right to express his emotions, which leads to the formation of complexes and makes young men constrained and dry in relationships with the weaker sex. In turn, girls are taught from an early age that the first step is unworthy behavior, and they should expect action from the chosen one.

Because of such attitudes, we can experience a lot of problems in relationships. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle: the man does not show his feelings, because he is afraid of seeming weak, and the young lady does not admit his sympathy, because she is afraid of appearing fluffy.

Based on this, only one conclusion can be drawn: it is necessary to fight the traditional attitudes and complexes that have developed against this background.

Say the cherished words

Only you can decide when to confess your love, and no one has the right to insist on these words. If your other half confesses his love to you every day, but you don’t feel the same in return, it’s better to get by with a more neutral one: “You are for me” or “I’m glad that we are together.” After all, a lie, especially a lie about such a feeling as love, destroys not only relationships, but also personality.

But what to do when you are in love and ready to take the first step, but you are afraid, unsure of your partner’s feelings, or simply embarrassed to take the first step?

Of course, the easiest way is to write a message on a social network or SMS; this method will help you save face if a refusal follows, or even reduce the misunderstanding to a joke.

A romantic surprise, if well prepared, can not only convey your message to the recipient, but will also additionally help win over your loved one. For example, this could be a courier with a bouquet of flowers or a gift and a beautifully designed letter of recognition.

But, undoubtedly, the best way to convey the cherished three words to your beloved is to overcome your fears and say “I love you,” looking into each other’s eyes with a smile.

Don't be afraid to confess your love, and it will be mutual!

Video on the topic

Even the bravest and bravest girls can find it difficult to muster the courage to tell their lover: “I love you.” It's almost impossible to predict when the right moment will come to say it. Is not it too early? What if he says something stupid in response? This is the worst. Ivetta collected 11 ridiculous responses from guys to a declaration of love from a girl.


Having familiarized yourself with them, you can mentally simulate the situation and draw up an action plan in order to ultimately hear: “Me too,” and not the following phrases.

1. Very nice!

"Very nice". What? You say that you love him, and in response you hear a dose of narcissism. Calm, just calm. This is better than the following answers from our list.

2. I'm shocked!

Don't be surprised if your chosen one can't think of anything better than to panic. This means that you took him by surprise with your revelation. That is, she chose the wrong time, the wrong place, but most likely the wrong person.


3. So?

A rhetorical question, like: “Well, so?” - this is one of the most cruel and vile responses to a declaration of love that can be heard from a beloved man. This is very low, but it absolutely proves that the partner does not care at all that the girl has fallen into him unrequitedly.

4. Okay

An inexpressive answer that can be interpreted in your own way. “Okay” – what is this? “I’m so glad,” “I don’t care,” or “It’s better to say it so as not to offend”? If you receive such an answer, analyze the facial expression and intonation with which it was given. What if, in a few seconds, a counter confession follows, for the sake of which you started all this.


5. I know

Hmm, he knows! Well, then it was time to prepare better words. This response can be used in some cases, such as when saying goodbye or if the person speaking plans to follow up the response with “I love you too.”

Having heard this, rest assured, you have pleased his male pride, and now he is looking forward to what you will add to this cup. Here it’s up to you to decide: to justify your hopes or make a knight’s move and take the conversation in a different direction.


7. Hmm... I have to go...

This is what most men will say if for the first time you confessed your love not face to face, but over the phone, when he was in a circle of friends who had already pricked up their ears when they saw your name on the screen of his phone. Of course, he doesn't want his friends to find out what you just said and start pestering him with awkward jokes. But you don’t know what exactly caused such a reaction.

8. Uh-huh

After the word “Uh-huh,” he will probably also fussily begin to translate the topic in order to pretend that nothing happened, and the three words you said do not concern him or are taken out of the context of a completely different topic. Well, it’s time to say to yourself: “Uh-huh, I think I made a mistake in choosing a man.”


9. Are you kidding?

It’s unlikely, of course, that you joked that you love him, but having heard a rhetorical question, it’s probably better to leave it rhetorical, since the addressee did not understand the seriousness of what was said from the heart.

10. Not this!

The inappropriate phrase “Not that” may indicate that your communication or relationship was not taken seriously by this idiot to whom you said the most important words in your life. Now expect a long explanation of why you shouldn't or can't truly love him.


11. And I don’t see you

We sympathize with you from the bottom of our hearts, because this is the most unpleasant answer. There are no options left, because everything is clear. After such a direct answer, you again find yourself in an awkward situation, because you again need to say something or react silently. But it is definitely clear that we are not talking about reciprocal feelings and there is no need to think about it, as we girls like to do.

We sincerely hope that when you said: “I love you,” you never received any of the above answers. Share our article on your social networks, and then your loved one will definitely not dare to blurt out something like that.

A very ridiculous answer, which is appropriate in many questions except love. To give thanks for love, especially in tender moments of recognition, for the person who opened his soul to you, means to put it on a par with banal everyday things.

2 "I'm shocked"

Such an answer will quite possibly make your chosen one panic. It is not surprising, because the intensity of feelings that accompanies recognition can easily lead to an uncontrollable reaction.

3 “Well, so?”

A very cruel and unpleasant answer that not only hurts your partner, but also proves to him that you, by and large, don’t care about him.

4 “It’s too early to talk about it”

If your boyfriend decides to talk about his feelings right now, you should not devalue his impulse. He obviously believes that the time has come; there is no need to impose your feelings on him.

5 “Not this!”

This is certainly not the answer that someone who confesses their feelings to you expects to hear. If you would not like to hear such a confession, tell him about it honestly, but delicately, and do not force the person to doubt the “correctness” of his emotions.

6 “Are you kidding?”

It is unlikely that a person who admits to a serious feeling decided to do it for fun. You should not react in this way, it could seriously offend him.

7 "Uh-huh"

After your short “uh-huh,” he is unlikely to want to continue the dialogue: most likely, he will fussily rush to change the topic of conversation, terribly embarrassed that you did not attach importance to the three important words that he said a moment ago.

8 “Are you sure?”

In the delicate matter of sensory attachment, you should not operate in terms of confidence or uncertainty. This feeling comes from within and comes from the heart, why force a person to rationalize this wonderful feeling?

9 "I know"

Having revealed his soul, a person does not expect to receive a portion of narcissism in return instead of reciprocity. So if you were really aware of his feelings, you shouldn’t talk about it in the moment.

10 "Interesting..."

Approaching questions with curiosity is a wonderful trait, which, however, is not at all applicable to the sphere of human feelings. Don't try to understand the premises and reasons, just accept his emotions as a fact.

11 “How long have I been waiting for this from you!”

So why didn't you say it first? Even if you really didn’t want or were afraid to confess before he did, you shouldn’t react to his words about love as if they should have been said earlier.

12 “For what?”

They love not for something, but just like that. When you ask your partner why he has warm feelings for you, you are trying to “feed” your self-esteem. It’s unlikely that your chosen one is counting on this.

13 "…"

Well, and, perhaps, the most unpleasant reaction to recognition is significant silence. Most often it comes from your insecurity, but your partner can interpret it in millions of other ways. Just tell me how you really feel. And don’t force your chosen one to be tormented by guesswork.

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