Trinity: what you can and cannot do on this holiday, signs for Trinity. Folk signs for Trinity and Spiritual Day - what you can’t do on the holiday and how many days, depending on the weather, to get pregnant Trinity how to celebrate signs

Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate one of the most important holidays - Holy Trinity Day (Trinity, Pentecost), and after him - Whit Monday.

When is Trinity celebrated in 2018?

In 2018 Day of the Holy Trinity noted on Sunday, May 27. Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, hence the second name - Pentecost. In Orthodoxy, Trinity is one of the twelve (twelve most important besides Easter) holidays.

Trinity precedes Trinity Parents' Saturday- the day when it is customary for Orthodox Christians to go to the cemetery to remember their deceased loved ones, and in churches they commemorate all dead Christians. In 2018, Trinity Saturday falls on May 26.

History of the holiday Trinity

This Christian holiday, as the name suggests, glorifies the Holy Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The name Pentecost goes back to the Gospel parable about the descent of the holy spirit on the apostles on the fiftieth day from the Resurrection of Christ. The holiday has biblical roots - on the 50th day after the Jewish Passover (Passover) God through Moses (Moshe) gave the Ten Commandments to the Jews on Mount Sinai. Thus, the Christian Trinity embodies the connection between the Old and New Testaments.

Trinity: folk traditions and signs

In the Slavic tradition, Trinity is a holiday associated with the final farewell of spring and the beginning of summer, and therefore with greenery, herbs, trees, primarily with the main Russian tree - the birch. It is with young birch trees and birch branches that it is customary to decorate homes, churches and graves of loved ones on Trinity Sunday.

The days before and after the end of Trinity in Rus' were called “green” or “mermaid” week.

It was accepted on Trinity go to cemeteries and leave food and even clothing for the dead. This ritual was believed to ward off death.

It was considered a good omen for Trinity decorate your home with birch branches- they were placed in vases, placed behind icons, even scattered on the floor. It was believed that the birch tree “attracts” good luck and a good harvest.

It was also accepted on Trinity woo. People said:

It was believed that matchmaking on Trinity Sunday is the key to a long and happy life for a future family.

It was also customary to organize folk festivals on Trinity festivities with a treat, this was considered an excellent way to appease the land for the sake of the future harvest.

Rain was considered a good omen for Trinity: it promised a lot of mushrooms and berries, the absence of drought and frost, which means a rich harvest.

Fortune telling for Trinity

It was nice to make fortunes on Trinity, mostly girls did this - they made wishes for their future fate and marriage.

Fortune telling, girls on the eve of Trinity “curled” birch trees in the forest or grove - they wove braids from birch branches. The “perm” that survived until Trinity was considered a sign of imminent marriage.

The girls also told fortunes about wreaths - they wove them from field herbs and flowers and floated them on water. It is best if the wreath itself fell into the water from the bowed girl’s head. Wherever he sailed, the matchmakers will come from there. There was a wreath left by the shore - to sit in girls for a year, but if you drowned, expect trouble.

Trinity 2018: what not to do

On Trinity Sunday, the land was considered the birthday girl, so any work in the field, garden and house was prohibited, with the exception of cooking and caring for livestock.

Women were also prohibited from all female handicrafts, especially those involving the use of sharp metal devices: sewing, knitting, spinning, cutting fabric, etc. was prohibited.

Men were also prohibited from working with iron tools: they were not allowed to dig, harrow, mow, chop wood, etc.

It was also forbidden to disturb the earth by planting plants in it or, conversely, digging them up.

In addition, the prohibitions concerned water - at this time it was the “mermaid” week, and the villagers were afraid of the pranks of the water evil spirits walking the earth at that time.

Thus, it was forbidden to wash, rinse clothes in ponds, swim and even wash. There were especially strict prohibitions regarding bathing - it was believed that a merman awakened by mermaids could drag the disobedient person to the bottom.

Spirits Day 2018

Monday immediately after Trinity is called Whit Monday. In 2018, Spiritual Day falls on May 28. On Spiritual Day, the earth is also considered a birthday girl; like on Trinity, you cannot work on it. Bans on bathing, laundry and bathing also remain in effect.

On Spiritual Day, it was customary to “feed” the earth - to arrange something like modern picnics, laying tablecloths on the ground. At the same time, women, in order to “feed” the earth, placed part of the food directly on the ground. It was believed that this makes the land fertile.

In addition, on Spiritual Day people “listened to the earth.” To do this, it was necessary to put your ear to the ground somewhere in an open field in the pre-dawn hour. It was believed that those who know how to listen, the earth can tell its secrets and even reveal where it hides treasures.

The Holy Trinity is one of the few Orthodox holidays in which folk customs and church rules are closely intertwined. Few people know what needs to be done on Trinity in order to spend Parents' Saturday, Trinity Sunday and Spiritual Day absolutely correctly from the point of view of the Orthodox faith. In the meantime, following simple rules can provide you with a complete house of happiness in accordance with folk traditions.

The Holy Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter

Let's tell you a little about the history of this truly very significant holiday. According to the Gospel of Luke, on the 50th day after the resurrection of Christ, twelve of his disciples and his mother, the Virgin Mary, gathered in the same upper room to honor the memory of the son of God. And suddenly a strong noise was heard from the sky, and after it tongues of fire appeared, which stopped one by one over each of the apostles. This is how the Holy Spirit entered Christ’s disciples. Since then, Trinity has been considered the second most important holiday after Easter.

What, according to folk customs, should be done on Trinity

The traditions of celebrating the Holy Trinity are closely intertwined with pagan customs. This fact is not approved by the church, but the church was unable to prohibit people from celebrating this holiday the way it was customary even before the baptism of Rus'.

The Holy Trinity, according to popular traditions, begins a week before its onset. This week is called Green.

On the second or third day of Green Week, girls weave wreaths of periwinkle, wormwood and lovage for all family members and bring them home. If the wreath does not wither by Sunday, it means the person will live long.

If a girl really wants to marry a rich man, during Green Week she needs to weave a wreath of lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots and cornflowers and throw it on a tree near a pond. If the mermaid likes the wreath, the girl will be married to a rich man.

But the most important thing to do on Trinity is to weave a wreath and float it on the water. If she drowns - there will be trouble, if she floats far - there will be a wedding, but if she remains near the shore - the girl will still have to wait for her betrothed-mummer. It is very important to decorate the house with greenery before Trinity: the more simple, almost swamp greenery there is in the house on Trinity, the happier this house will be.

What to do on Holy Trinity according to church rules

Trinity (parents') Saturday is a very important day in Green Week. On this day, it is customary to go to the cemetery to visit the graves of loved ones. But keep in mind that drinking in the cemetery is strictly prohibited. According to church tradition, drinking alcohol at graves is blasphemy.

What to do on Trinity Sunday

On Trinity Parent Saturday, suicides can be commemorated in church. Cathedral funeral prayer is a great help for them. But keep in mind that on this day no funeral services are held in the church after Vespers. In addition to suicides, we need to remember peacefully departed relatives on Mother’s Saturday at Trinity, asking the Lord for eternal rest for them during a church service.

What to do on Trinity

On this day, you need to dedicate very simple bouquets of marsh grass, wildflowers, etc. in the church. After the service in the church, you need to bring them home and decorate the house with them.

On Trinity Sunday, the church is generously decorated with greenery - even the floors are covered with field herbs. After the service, these herbs are not thrown away, but are carefully collected and used as a medicinal remedy. In villages it is believed that it is very good to feed livestock with this grass so that they do not get sick for a whole year.

It is good to take a bunch of grass from the church on Trinity Sunday, dry it and protect it for a whole year as a talisman against the evil eye of a random guest. Pious old women dry and pound flowers brought from the temple in a mortar and believe that it is enough to fumigate the sick person with the fragrant smoke of this powder and sacred color in time for the sick person to get better.

What to do on Trinity Sunday

This holiday has its roots in paganism. But the church, having failed to eradicate it, legalized it in the 5th century. From time immemorial it is believed that on this day all evil spirits come out into the white light. And first of all - mermaids, that is, the souls of girls who drowned because of unhappy love. On this day, it is considered a duty of honor for every mermaid to seduce a random passerby. And if this random passer-by persisted in his unwillingness to love the mermaid, they tickled him to death.

In order to scare the mermaids away from their suitors, to prevent them from mocking their dear ones, on Spiritual Day the village girls themselves pretended to be river deceivers. They stripped naked and put on masks and horsehair wigs so that local young people could not recognize them. Then they hid in the bushes near water bodies, waiting for passers-by. The guys didn't keep themselves waiting. They came in a crowd, lured the “mermaids” and chased them through the fields all day long until late at night.

On this day, a service is served in the church that incinerates all evil spirits. Therefore, on this day people bring children susceptible to the evil eye to church.

After you have done everything we wrote about above, you will want to relax. A laudable desire and not forbidden. It is best to give preference to a family trip to a restaurant rather than dancing in nightclubs. Sit at the table, talk with your family, this will only benefit your relationship. If we have convinced you, then a little hint - where to go?

Premier Hotel Lybid

Pobeda Square, 1, Kyiv 01135, Ukraine

The summer area of ​​the Lybid Hotel is a shady island in the city center. In the summer heat, you will be offered several types of ice cream, fruit salads, cold beer and refreshing cocktails.


Outside the city, Vyshgorod district, village. Khotyanovka

In this heavenly place there is entertainment for every taste for everyone. Children's playground, swimming pool, baths, saunas, zoo, horseback riding, ATVs, catamarans - it's easier to say what's not here! The staff will be happy to show and tell you everything that will make your holiday unforgettable.


Kyiv City, Pobedy Avenue 82-84 (Nivki Park)

On Trinity Sunday you can take a walk in the park on Nivki and immediately stop by Allegro. You deserve to be treated like a king. And we know where you can get it - in this incredible establishment! Besides, the cuisine here is so delicious... You'll just lick your fingers!

Villa Vita

Outside the city, 8 km from the checkpoint of the Kyiv-Odessa highway

Especially for lovers of golf, sauna, billiards, delicious cuisine, attentive staff and fresh air - we recommend this establishment. And how beautiful it is here, no need to go abroad. For all of the above, it’s worth coming here at least once in your life!

Trypillian sun

Kiev region, Podgortsy village, highway 27 km Novoobukhovskaya highway 10 km from Kyiv

Why do we recommend coming here? Well, at least because this is where you can not just have a luxurious holiday with your whole family, but spend time usefully. See with your own eyes how our ancestors lived, learn everything about our culture and customs.


Georgiy Gongadze Avenue 21

Do you want to be in nature, but don’t have time? Relatives dream of relaxing in the fresh air, and children dream of running barefoot on the grass. So why not stop by this place? Your entire family will be absolutely happy - we guarantee! Here they know how to please everyone, regardless of age, gender and preferences.

President Hotel

Hospitalnaya street, 12

Going to a cozy hotel in the historical center of Kyiv for the weekend on Trinity Day is a thrill! There are several restaurants with many rooms. M You can enjoy not only exquisite and incredibly tasty cuisine, but also good music performed by a virtuoso pianist. During the warm season, there is a cozy summer terrace where you can relax on a hot day, quench your thirst with soft drinks and try light summer snacks, salads and desserts.

highway Kyiv-Odessa, 24th km of the highway Kyiv - Odessa

On Trinity Sunday in the restaurant you can try exclusive dishes of Ukrainian cuisine, prepared according to the old recipe of the Poplavsky family, exclusively from environmentally friendly, natural ingredients. The restaurant has its own agricultural production, from where fresh products are delivered especially for “Batkivska Khati”. Have a delicious holiday!

Hospitalnaya street, 4

Restaurant "Rus"- this is a whole complex consisting of several banquet halls with bars and lounges. This is a restaurant with ten years of tradition.

Terrace at the boutique hotel Vozdvizhensky

Vozdvizhenskaya street 60, a, b

Everything about this place is perfect: from the interior to the kitchen. But the main thing is that here you can get complete relaxation, no resorts are needed. The panoramic rooftop terrace of the hotel is inviting from the first minute. For the guest, here is all the best: the only vertical grill-rasticeriya Molteni in Kyiv, a fantastic view of the Andreevsky slopes and the traditional hospitality of Vozdvizhensky. Chef Anton Timchenko invites you to Atelier Chef for gourmet dinners on a special menu.

Wherever this day takes place, may it be warm, peaceful and eventful. With love, team

The Christian church calendar is full of Orthodox holidays, and they are all founded for a reason. Radonitsa, Spiritual Day, Easter of the Dead, the Holy Trinity... These celebrations have a deep religious background, and the traditions of their celebration are closely intertwined with a lot of pagan customs and rituals. But the main topic of our article today will not be magical rituals, but time-tested folk signs for the Trinity. Our ancestors used them to find out about the weather, reveal the secret of the future, scout for possible matchmaking, and even get pregnant. Therefore, modern Christians will be able to use them to their advantage.

What kind of church holiday is Trinity (Trinity Day)

"Green Christmastide" This is exactly how in Rus' they colloquially called the famous church holiday with a deep history - Trinity (Trinity Day). The triumph of the Lord's trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit) is traditionally celebrated on the 50th day after Easter and is celebrated for three days. In 2018, Trinity falls on May 27, and Spiritual Day falls on the following Monday - May 28. The sacred celebration has other names - God's Day, Green Sunday, Pentecost. There are also numerous customs and traditions that characterize the spring-summer church celebration. A trip to the temple, the blessing of flowers and herbs, a visit to the cemetery, a festive dinner, folk festivals and maiden fortune-telling are just a small part of them. You can understand more about the church holiday Trinity (Trinity Day) by learning about the biblical events preceding it.

Biblical background to the Orthodox church holiday - Holy Trinity

Exactly on the 50th day after his Resurrection, Jesus Christ sent down to the apostles the long-awaited Comforter - the Holy Spirit. On that distant morning, a strong noise sounded in the sky, and it filled the house where Christ’s disciples were sitting. The Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles in the form of tongues of flame and rested over each of them. Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples began to praise the Lord in completely different, previously unfamiliar languages. Thus, the Almighty granted the apostles the opportunity to preach Christian teachings throughout the earth.

Then the last face of the Lord was revealed to people - God the Holy Spirit. The people saw that the Almighty is one in His three hypostases, therefore the holiday of Pentecost is also called the Holy Trinity. It is believed that it was the descent of the Spirit to the apostles that was final in the salvation of man, for whose sake Jesus was born, died and rose to life again. The apostles went around the world with important sermons, and the Lord helped them by performing numerous miracles. At that moment, the long history of the formation of the Christian church began.

Customs, traditions and signs for Trinity: how many days are celebrated, what not to do

Almost every Orthodox Christian has heard about the religious overtones of the Trinity, but not everyone knows how many days the celebration is celebrated, what cannot be done, and what customs, signs and traditions must be followed. You should know! After all, one of the most important twelve holidays is associated with many important rites and rituals that attract happiness to the family, peace to the home, success to business and strong love to relationships.

  1. Attendance at a church service. Every year on the day of the Holy Trinity, the clergy hold a delightful service, during which they bless parishioners’ bouquets. As a result, the herbs become a strong amulet for the whole family for the whole year;
  2. Decorating your home with greenery. According to the assurances of our ancestors, for the holiday, housing should be decorated with branches of maple, birch or oak, and it is better not to use willow at all. From flowers and herbs, you can choose cornflowers, ferns, daisies or calamus leaves. After Trinity, greens cannot be thrown away; it is better to collect the branches and burn them in a fire;
  3. Preparing a festive dinner. Most often, housewives cooked meat and fish, cooked dumplings and jelly, baked pies, pies and pancakes. In families with unmarried girls, a piece of holiday baking was saved until the matchmakers arrived, so that the marriage would be long and happy;
  4. Remembering relatives who did not die a natural death. On Trinity Sunday they go to the cemetery and give out alms for those who have gone missing or been killed.
  5. Collecting medicinal plants. They say that on Pentecost, medicinal herbs have the greatest effect, so on this day they are collected for infusions, ointments and other folk medicines;
  6. Fortune telling. Towards the evening of Trinity, young girls went to the river, wove wreaths and floated them on the water to find out which side to wait for their betrothed. Also often on Pentecost they told fortunes, observed signs and appeased nature with various rituals.

If you have already become familiar with the customs, traditions and signs of Trinity, how many days are celebrated and what not to do, read in the next section.

What not to do on Orthodox Trinity (Pentecost)

All Orthodox church celebrations, to one degree or another, limit Christians in actions and deeds. The Holy Trinity is no exception. It's time to find out what you can't do on Pentecost?

  1. Envy, get angry, slander people close to you or strangers. These actions, as well as any negative thoughts, are considered a grave sin on Trinity Day;
  2. Work. On Pentecost you cannot sew, cook, or do housework. The only exception is feeding livestock among the village population. Usually housewives try to complete all their work before the holiday, so that they can dedicate the bright day of Trinity to the family and the Lord;
  3. Celebrate a wedding. A marriage contracted on Pentecost is considered doomed to fail. In this case, matchmaking for Trinity, on the contrary, is the key to success;
  4. Relax by the water and enter open water. Our ancestors believed that on Trinity Day, Mermaids and other water evil spirits come ashore to drag young people into their nets.

Folk signs for the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day

Folk rituals and signs about the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day originate hundreds of years before the adoption of Christianity by our ancestors. The traditions of appeasing nature and observing its characteristic changes are drawn from deep paganism. Since ancient times, smart people have associated all weather changes with the future, and beliefs in these connections have survived to this day. For modern Christians, folk signs for the weather on Trinity and Spiritual Day are a kind of hint about what the next season, the future harvest, and the health and well-being of family members will be like.

What the weather will tell you on Spiritual Day and Holy Trinity

  1. If dew falls on Trinity morning, autumn frosts will be early, and the first haymaking will be wet;
  2. A sultry Spiritual day - to a rich and generous harvest;
  3. Heavy rain on Trinity - to summer drought;
  4. If the holiday is damp and cool, September will be warm;
  5. Rainy Trinity leads the mushroom season;
  6. On Spiritual Day the new month means there will be rains until the next new moon;
  7. The Feast of the Holy Trinity passed without precipitation - farmers will have to fight for their harvest;
  8. On Spiritual Day there is never a cold snap, and the water in the river gets warmer.

Signs for the Orthodox Trinity to get pregnant

In the old days, the festive morning service for Trinity always continued with mass festivities in the village. Young people actively danced, sang songs, had fun and had fun in all possible ways. In the evening, the girls began to dance in circles, and meanwhile the guys looked closely at potential brides. The most loving men sent matchmakers to the house of selected girls (after all, they say whoever wooed on Trinity and gets married on Intercession will be happy in marriage all his life). And married women observed all possible signs of the Orthodox Trinity in order to get pregnant.

What traditions, customs and rituals to perform on Trinity Sunday for women who want to get pregnant?

The most popular signs for the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity, which contribute to the early onset of a long-awaited pregnancy, are associated with nature, the environment and even simple everyday things:

  1. If the thyme and Bogorodsk grass, which were used to decorate the house on Trinity, are dried and tied into a bouquet under the pillow, the likelihood of giving birth will soon increase significantly;
  2. Those who want to get pregnant need to bake pies on Trinity Day and distribute treats to the poor. They say that such a small good will certainly return with great happiness;
  3. Another way to acquire an heir is to read a prayer on the feast of the Holy Trinity. On this day, requests will be heeded by three hypostases of God at once.

"Oh my God!

How You gave people the Sun and the Moon,

Stars and light clouds are frequent,

So that I, God’s servant (name),

She carried and gave birth to a child.

How are you, month, born in the sky today,

That’s how my child would be born in my womb.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Perhaps some traditions, customs and signs on Trinity (Trinity Day, Spiritual Day, Pentecost, Parents' Day) are funny, ridiculous and even similar to absurdity. But we should not forget that behind them there is great folk wisdom, rooted in the depths of centuries. Observing nature and the environment on an Orthodox church holiday often made life easier for our grandparents. Especially those who want to protect their home from evil spirits, get a good harvest, start a strong family and get pregnant after many futile attempts.

Happy Trinity Day!

“Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us;
Lord, cleanse our sins;
Master, forgive our iniquities;
Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Trinity is one of the most important holidays for believers, and is also one of the most beloved and long-awaited holidays among the people. Every year the date of celebration
Trinity Sunday changes because it depends on what date Easter was. But Trinity is always celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, and therefore in 2018 this bright holiday fell on May 27.

Sometimes it is also called the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit. It was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the holy apostles, followers of Jesus Christ, which symbolizes the trinity of God.
From that day on, God gave the apostles the gift of speaking in different languages. And it is Trinity that is considered the birthday of the Church. The week after it is called “Green Christmastide”.

Family tree. Ritual for Parents' Saturday

The Saturday before the holiday is a memorial day. People in churches light candles for the repose of deceased relatives. They especially pray for those who died a premature death, considering them victims of treacherous mermaids.

The eve of the holiday is Parents' Saturday: the only day of the year when the church prays for the souls of people who died unbaptized.

On Parents' Saturday, plant a family tree: a seedling in your summer cottage or an indoor perennial plant, such as a ficus. At the bottom of the hole or pot, place a little thing associated with your family: an inexpensive piece of jewelry that belonged to your mother or grandmother, a fragment of a saucer from a family set, an old button.
If you don’t find anything like this, bring a handful of earth from the place where you or someone from the older generation of your relatives spent their childhood and youth.

Attention: Do not under any circumstances place soil from the grave under the tree - nothing can be brought into the house or garden from the cemetery!

For the first time, you need to water the family tree with enchanted water. Take a spring or tap water just after midnight, place both palms on the vessel with water and begin to name the names of all the ancestors you remember.
Every time you name a name, say: "Peace be unto you and eternal salvation."
Repeat the ritual of charming water every month on the full moon: the souls of your departed will receive relief, and you will receive support from your family.

Trinity is celebrated for three days. Housewives prepare very carefully for it: they clean the house, decorate the home with fresh branches of maple, birch, willow, linden, flowers and herbs, which symbolizes prosperity and a new life cycle.

Not only houses, but also churches are decorated with birch branches on Trinity Sunday. The green color of fresh birch branches symbolizes rebirth and renewal.
Priests dress in green robes for Trinity.

On the Feast of the Trinity, a special service is performed in churches with the reading of kneeling prayers: the priest reads prayers, kneeling in the Royal Doors, facing the believers, while the parishioners also kneel, for the first time since Easter.

The floors in churches are covered with freshly cut grass, a bunch of which after the service anyone can take home as a talisman.

You can also bring a birch twig with you to the temple to consecrate it, and then take it home. At home, consecrated birch branches are placed next to icons.
It is believed that they will protect the house and its inhabitants from troubles and adversity all year round.

Under no circumstances should you throw away birch branches brought from the temple. They are dried and placed next to the icon; in extreme cases, they can be burned seven days after Trinity.

Trinity is a bright holiday, so on this day one should not indulge in despondency. Also, on such a bright holiday, there is no need to quarrel with anyone, swear, use foul language, quarrel, get angry, or harbor a grudge.
Try to spend this holiday in harmony with yourself and with others, doing good deeds.

Green meal

On the feast day of the Holy Trinity, it is necessary to gather with the whole family for lunch. Housewives prepare treats for the festive table in advance.
There is no fasting on this holiday, so any food can be served on the table.

❧ Scrambled eggs
Housewives on this day prepare special scrambled eggs in the morning. It consists of two eggs, since both of its “eyes” should symbolize a friendly couple - husband and wife. While the dish is fried in a frying pan, the hostess reads a prayer to the Holy Trinity.
Salt scrambled eggs with Thursday salt. Season with green onions, garlic and parsley. Moreover, the greens are not chopped, but placed in twigs or long green feathers along with the growing head of the onion.
It is believed that this preserves the integrity of the family.

❧ Meat and fish dishes
There are no restrictions on food on Trinity Sunday (and during the week after the holiday, fasting is not observed on either Wednesday or Friday), which means you can prepare savory dishes. Namely: cutlets, chops, roasts.

❧ Pancakes and loaf
Pancakes are also a traditional Trinity dish. Our ancestors baked pancakes and commemorated the dead with them, and distributed them as alms to the poor and needy.

You should definitely bake or buy a loaf. This is a traditional “wedding” bread, always round - in the shape of the sun, the highest Slavic deity.
In the old days, specially invited people baked a loaf of bread - most often women, who were certainly married and had children, that is, happy in family life. It turned out that God blessed their families, and through them the blessing is passed on to the young family. While kneading the dough, the women sang special ritual songs, said prayers and incantations, calling on the Lord to descend from heaven and help bake the loaf. So it’s best that your loaf for the holiday of the Holy Trinity is baked by a happily married woman (or bought for you at a bakery). Instead of a loaf, you can serve a round yeast pie.

Girls of marriageable age and single ladies should take a few pieces of a loaf, wrap it in a clean rag, read the Lord’s Prayer over the bundle and with all their hearts ask the Lord (or a Higher Power) for a quick meeting with their betrothed.
Place the package behind the icon or in a place where no one will see or touch it.
Store until the wedding to crush and add crumbs to wedding baking - then the family will be strong.

❧ Pies
There must be a variety of baked goods.
It is best, of course, to prepare baked goods with eggs and herbs, but a sweet pie will also come in handy these days.
In ancient times, Trinity pies were perceived as something special, and a piece of pastry was certainly hidden behind the icon. When their daughters were getting ready to get married, their mothers gave these pieces of trinity baked goods as a kind of amulet for peace and happiness in the new family.

❧ Salads
The more salads there are on the table, the brighter the holiday will be. In this case, it is advisable to use more lettuce leaves, cucumbers, cabbage;
The main condition of the holiday is preparing dishes with the addition of a large amount of greens. Considering that it is customary to decorate the house with greenery on Trinity Sunday, housewives should generously add green herbs to their dishes.

Trinity Traditions

The Holy Trinity is a big holiday, so doing heavy physical work on this day is prohibited. It is worth putting aside everyday chores and household chores as much as possible, and devoting as much time as possible to prayers and communication with loved ones.
Such activities are not sinful, but it is believed that everyday fuss should not distract us from the main essence of the holiday.

But you can collect medicinal herbs.

First day - Green Sunday- is popularly considered a day of activity and deceit by mermaids and other mythical evil spirits. The greenery that decorates houses is protection and amulet against them. In the morning of this day, festive services are held in churches. Then people visit each other.
Mass celebrations and fairs begin.

Trinity has always been considered a girl's holiday. They weave wreaths, lowering them into the river for fortune telling. Then they went into the forest for a walk. For this day, they baked a loaf of bread and distributed it to unmarried girls in the forest. These pieces were dried and stored until the wedding, then kneading crackers into dough for the wedding loaf.
They believed that they would bring prosperity and love to their new family. Then a picnic was organized under the birch tree - a festive meal.
In the evening, the people were entertained by mummers.

The second day of the holiday is called Klechal Monday. After the service, the priests went to the fields to read prayers asking God for a blessing on the future harvest.

On the third, God's Day, the guys chose their brides. The girls “drove a poplar”, in the role of which was an unmarried girl - the first beauty in the village.
She was decorated with wreaths, ribbons, branches and taken around the courtyards. Meeting Topol was considered great luck. On this day, water in wells was blessed.

People say that it is on Trinity that mermaids come out of the rivers into the fields; at night they start their games and live in the forests until Peter’s Day (July 12).
Mermaids can tickle travelers to death, so swimming in rivers during Christmas time is considered dangerous.

Green Christmastide

Long before the adoption of Christianity, in early June, festivities related to the veneration of Mother Earth took place in Rus'. They were called “green” or “emerald” days, hence the popular name for Trinity Day - Green Christmastide.

According to legends, on Green Christmastide the earth should not be disturbed - planting or replanting plants, digging and loosening, removing weeds. Let the birthday girl rest, then she will be favorable to man.

Trinity spell for good luck

On Trinity Sunday they cast a spell for good luck and success in business:

“I will get up, pray, and go out, crossing myself,
I’ll climb a high mountain and look around on all four sides.
How on the eastern side a black horse grazes in a green meadow, wild and violent.
No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know the stirrups or reins.
I will tame that horse, and he will walk under me obediently, carry me wherever I want.
My will is strong, my word is true. Amen".

Love spell for Trinity

And in order to bewitch her beloved, on Trinity Day a woman collects grass, weaves a small wreath from it and, when she goes to bed, puts it under her pillow with a spell:

“How these herbs were twisted and intertwined into a wreath,
so let the servant of God (name) curl around me, the servant of God (name),
how the wreath will wither and dry,
so let him dry and grieve for me, God’s servant (name),
doesn’t binge on food, doesn’t wash it down with drink, doesn’t go on a spree;
whether he is at a feast or during a conversation, whether he is in the field or in the house - I would not leave his mind.

Be my words strong and sculpted, stronger than stone and damask steel,
a sharp knife and a greyhound spear.
And the key to my words is both a confirmation and a strong fortress,
and the strength is strong in the heights of heaven, and the castle is in the depths of the sea.
Let it be so!".

Birch magic for Trinity

The main symbol of the Trinity is the birch tree - all kinds of rituals are associated with it. The floors of the huts were covered with its leaves, and gates, thresholds, windows and icons were decorated with bunches of birch branches.
Often, branches of apple, rowan, maple, and willow were added to birch trees. But in no case did they take branches of coniferous trees (they symbolize death) and aspen (this is a vampire tree).
It was believed that the birch tree, which had absorbed the energy of the awakened earth, would protect against evil forces, give health, prosperity, save and increase the new harvest.

On the holiday of Trinity, you can perform a ritual to fulfill your cherished desire. You need to approach a young birch tree, hug it, then pull a branch towards you and ask the birch tree for help, say your wish out loud, weaving a braid from the thinnest branches of the tree.
When curling, they tried not to crush the leaves or break the twigs and branches: already curled birch trees were decorated with flowers, they hung towels, scarves, belts on them, and thought about their cherished things...

In a few days, it’s worth visiting “your” birch tree: if the braid is intact, the dream will certainly come true; if it’s unraveled, alas.

By the way, if, while walking in the forest or park, you see such braided branches - do not touch them! Maybe someone made a wish, or perhaps they left a misfortune on the birch tree.
Whoever undoes such a braid will ruin another’s luck or take on other people’s misfortunes.

In ancient times, when curling wreaths, girls worshiped. They exchanged some things - rings, scarves, and after that they called themselves godfather.
This ritual was of great importance and was quite in tune with the Orthodox idea of ​​the Trinity - consent.
The basis of kumleniya is a sworn promise of friendship and mutual assistance for a certain period.
The ritual was accompanied by incantations with the following words:

“Let's kiss each other, godfather.
Let’s make friends so that we won’t quarrel with you, but be friends forever.”

After the ritual, the participants in the ritual called each other “sisters,” “godfathers,” or “friends,” maintaining sisterly relations for as long as possible.

Folk proverbs about the Trinity

  • God loves trinity.
  • Without the Trinity, a house cannot be built.
  • The Trinity of fingers makes a cross.
  • During Trinity Week, rain means a lot of mushrooms.
  • On Trinity, every branch is a helper and a healer.

Interestingly, you can make a weather forecast for Trinity in advance.

Dew that falls on Trinity is considered very beneficial for health. Girls are advised to wash their face with it to preserve youth and beauty.

If it rains on this day, there will be a good harvest, a warm and mushroom summer.

Hot weather is considered a bad omen on Pentecost; then the summer promises to be dry.
based on materials from fakty.ictv.u,

It is believed that if you carefully adhere to the ancient customs of the Trinity, you can attract happiness and prosperity to your home.
Happy Trinity to you!

The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the twelve holidays: these are the twelve most important days after Easter in the Orthodox Christian calendar.

Since ancient times, the Holy Trinity has been celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, and for this reason the holiday is often called Pentecost. Since the date of Easter changes every year, Trinity Day is always celebrated on a different day. So, in 2018, Trinity is celebrated on Sunday, May 27.

Trinity always occupied a separate place among our ancestors among other Orthodox holidays, and they prepared with special attention. After all, the Trinity symbolized for them not just the great miracle of the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth, but also marked the boundary between spring and summer, thereby becoming a day of joy, beauty and rebirth. The rules and customs of celebrating the Trinity have been formed over almost seven centuries - since the Day of the Holy Trinity became an Orthodox holiday in the 13th century - and have reached our times in their original form.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Vdovin

Icon "Trinity"

What you can and cannot do on Trinity

However, where there are customs and norms, there must always be prohibitions - otherwise traditions will have no power over a person. Likewise, a long list of signs and superstitions was associated with the holiday of Trinity in Rus', which will be discussed further.

So, on Trinity, as well as on other twelve holidays, it was forbidden to do difficult work. People believed that on Trinity Day the earth celebrates its birthday, and on a birthday, as you know, work can wait. Therefore, our ancestors did not chop wood on Trinity Sunday, did not work in the garden and, in general, tried not to bother themselves.

Otherwise, those who violated these ancient rules risked a lot: the plowman's cattle could die, and the entire village could have its crops destroyed by hail and rain. Likewise, a wool shearer might have his sheep stolen by wolves and other predators, and so on.

And yet, times change, and often our work does not depend on our desire, but is simply necessary. For example, a person may work in production, and the order must be submitted on time. The prohibitions do not apply to such cases.

The essence of this tradition is not that work on the Day of the Holy Trinity is unacceptable in itself, but that on Trinity a person should think about the spiritual and not allow himself to be distracted by secondary things. And if desired, everyone can find a free minute to break away from worldly life, pray for themselves and ask God for forgiveness.

© Sputnik / Alexey Sazonov

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Trinity Sunday?

It is not customary to go to the cemetery on Holy Trinity: you can remember the dead before the holiday, on Trinity Parents' Saturday. The reason is that the feast of the Holy Trinity represents life, beauty and love, and there is no room for sadness. Be sure to visit the church on this day, because the Trinity service is considered the most spiritually powerful and the most beautiful.

Is it possible to swim on Trinity Sunday?

In Rus' there was a ban on swimming on Holy Trinity: people believed that anyone who went swimming in a river or lake could drown. What is important is that the ban on swimming applies for the entire Trinity week. You can take a bath, but only on the fourth day after Trinity.

Is it possible to get married on Trinity Sunday?

Definitely not possible. People are convinced that marriages concluded on the Holy Trinity will never be happy. But getting married on Trinity is not only possible, but even necessary - then family life will be full of love, mutual understanding, and there will be many children in the family.

© Sputnik / Ulyana Solovyova

While observing all these rules, do not forget about spiritual life. Quarrels, shouting and tears on Trinity are unacceptable and, in general, avoiding negative emotions is important the rest of the time. On Trinity you cannot gossip, envy or use obscene language. Try to keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted, and the Holy Trinity will definitely reward you.

Folk signs for Trinity

  • If you wash your face with dew on Trinity Sunday, you can prolong your health and preserve your beauty.
  • Herbs collected on Trinity Day have healing powers. They can be boiled and treated with them for the rest of the year.
  • A birch branch cut on Trinity Day should be placed on the windowsill as a talisman against evil spirits.
  • Unmarried girls need to be friendly with everyone in order to get married sooner
  • You cannot swim on this day, otherwise the mermaids may drown.
  • If the day turns out to be rainy, there will be a lot of harvest and mushrooms.
  • Sunny weather for Trinity - summer will be hot and dry.
  • Rainbow on Trinity - there will be happiness in the house.

Fortune telling for Trinity

It so happened that in Rus', parallel to Orthodoxy, there were ancient folk rituals. However, before you begin the rituals, remember that the Orthodox Church equates any fortune telling with witchcraft, which is considered a great sin.

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