What to give to children on birthdays. What gifts can be given to children at a child's birthday? Toy library for the hero of the day: toys for the soul, sports and development

Birthdays and holidays are all children's favorite events. After all, these days they are under the close attention of friends and parents, and also receive a lot of gifts.

When choosing a gift, do not forget about its relevance. In addition, it should be interesting and useful. Once you understand this, you will understand what to give your child for his birthday. We won’t provide you with a photo of the ideal gift for a child, but we will help you with the right choice.

One of the suitable gifts for a new baby would be a practical gift.

After the birth of a child, not all parents spend unnoticed on the child, but a practical gift will come in handy. Of course, you can give money, but it’s not as nice and doesn’t look as festive as a brand new and practical gift.

Money is unlikely to please a newborn, and neither will other gifts, but still you should not miss the moment of choice. The fact is that even the smallest mistake can harm the baby. Check the quality, safety rules if any, and of course the forms for danger.

Children under three years old

At the age of one year, children begin to be interested in the world around them and often crawl even beyond the boundaries of their comfort zone. It’s too early to give developmental gifts, but gifts for mood are very relevant.

Nowadays, even a one-year-old child will be happy with a stroller, steerable car, or other mobile platform.

Other important gifts:

  • lacing games
  • books with bright pictures
  • talking toys
  • things are preferably bright
  • playhouse or hut
  • pool
  • soft ball
  • swing

As you already guessed, gender differences do not play a special role, unless when choosing toys such as a car or a doll. It is unlikely that your friends will decide to pierce their child’s ears at a young age, so earrings are not particularly relevant as a gift for children.

A two-year-old child already requires increased attention. Girls already want to cook, and boys want to explore the world outside the home. Here you can’t do without sets for boys and girls.

Sets for children:

  • a birthday gift for a girl in the form of dishes, a stove, etc.
  • children's first aid kit
  • housewife set
  • turner set
  • locksmith kit
  • designer set, etc.

As for other types of sets, they can be divided into creative and drawing sets. These sets are popular with all children and always remain relevant, so over time you should replace the old set with a more modern one.

Classic sets of cars and dolls are no longer so relevant, but all children like movie or cartoon characters. You can add toys from Kinder surprises, toy soldiers, etc. to them.

For three-year-old children, toys are no longer so interesting, so you should pay attention to more complex and engaging attributes for children's attention.

It's time for three-year-old children to engage in motor skills and develop motor reflexes. Suitable for them:

  • scooters
  • tricycles
  • children's size cars
  • mini computers
  • intellectual games and so on.

Modeling and coloring are still preferable for a three-year-old child. At this age, children want to engage in creative activities, and their development is actively moving in this direction.

Even though the child is already three years old, he still loves the sets, but the game becomes more meaningful. Considering these nuances, you will surely find something suitable for him.

Children from three to six years old

Preschool children often ask themselves a variety of questions, which is why they are called why questions. This is the most convenient moment for its development through books, magazines and other literature.

Today such literature is developing in a variety of directions. This is how the child begins to develop learning skills even before school.

Personalized items will help you make his learning more enjoyable. Notebooks for preschoolers, pens, pencils, etc., all this will allow you to focus on his personality.

List for selection:

  • Felt pens, paints, pencils, albums, coloring books.
  • Lego constructor, plasticine set, plaster set, attributes for modeling and other handicrafts.
  • Simple board games.
  • Doll houses, garages for cars, trains with roads, astronauts with space paraphernalia, plush toys.

For schoolchildren everything is much simpler. Both shops and consultants can help you here. By this age, you will already understand what your child needs, and he himself will not mind spending money without his parents on his things.

Still, do not forget about the form if required, about things, about modern gadgets and so on. Keeping up with the times and listening to the advice of professionals will be the best decision when choosing a gift.

Don’t even exclude costumed guests, who will surely entertain your child, and perhaps leave behind photos of the ideal gift for the child. So you have found out what to give a child a boy for his birthday and how to give a child a birthday gift.

Photo examples of gifts for a child's birthday

D Birthday is a special holiday for any person, and even more so in childhood. Ask any child - he is guaranteed to tell you that his favorite holiday is his own birthday. What's the whole point? In gifts!
A birthday gift for a child is a separate parenting puzzle. It’s good if this is your child and you know his tastes well. What if it's one of his friends? Here we have to think about it. The site elgreloo.com offers you a set of rules that you should follow when choosing a gift and organizing a children's party.

Basic rules for choosing a gift for a child
In order not to make a mistake when choosing a gift for a child, you should consider two main factors:
It is often recommended to also differentiate between children by gender, but in the new century, clear boundaries are becoming a thing of the past, and many toys are becoming universal. Therefore, the best option is to find out what the child himself likes, and not follow his own ideas about what he should like.
For each age category, there are also certain rules that should be followed if you want to guess with a gift and please the child, and not just symbolically give away.

Age category 3-5 years
A birthday present for a child at this tender age is subject to one and only rule: it must be toys. The child will most likely not appreciate anything else, but various dolls, play sets and simple board games will go with a bang. For example, you can give your child a doll depicting his favorite cartoon character. Happiness will have no boundaries.
It is strictly forbidden to give clothes at this age. The child simply will not understand that this was a gift, and therefore will probably be disappointed in his expectations and upset. Parents will probably be happy, but it’s not their holiday!
You should also not give pets as gifts. Children of this age, although they often ask for a pet, are still too young to take care of anyone, and the animal will be perceived as another toy - with all the ensuing consequences.

Age category 6-9 years
At this age, children become much more picky. There will no longer be enough toys here - many people are starting to develop hobbies and interests that are not related to games. It’s still too early for expensive gadgets, but for many other interesting things it’s just right.
It is from this moment that you should begin to carefully take into account the child’s taste preferences and navigate according to them. The choice of gifts is very wide: as a gift for a child’s birthday, you can buy jewelry, complex board games - adventure or strategy, telescopes, sets for chemical and physical experiments, all kinds of spy kits, sports equipment, functional decorative items for the children's room, if possible. place and facilities - mini-sports complexes of various configurations, since children at this age often have excess energy.
Just during this period, an excellent option for a gift is an animal. It is at this age that the child learns to be responsible not only for himself, but also for those who are weaker, and to make decisions independently. The choice of animal depends on the availability of sufficient space in the intended place of detention, and also - this is important! - depending on the child’s tastes. A little cat lover may be happy about receiving a puppy, but not as much as he would be happy about a kitten.
Before choosing an animal as a gift for someone else’s child, talk to his parents to see if they are ready to have a pet in their home. An animal is not a thing that can be hidden in the far corner of the closet if it doesn’t please, and therefore all the points need to be discussed very carefully.

Age category 10-12 years
This age is the last frontier of childhood; the child is rapidly becoming a teenager, and accordingly, his preferences are changing. From this age, when choosing a gift for a child’s birthday, you should start consulting with the birthday boy himself. You shouldn’t be surprised if he asks you to give a gift in money - at this age the first shoots of a teenage craving for independence, including financial, begin to appear. Better do what you want - and think about how to give him the amount allocated for the gift not in an “envelope”.
At this time, a variety of gadgets will go with a bang, from cameras and MP3 players to phones and game consoles. Clothing will fit well, but it will be better if you choose it based on the child’s tastes, and not on your ideas about how he should dress - otherwise you will not please, but only disappoint, and it is quite likely that you will anger those who are especially irreconcilable. Either way, the day will be ruined. All sorts of accessories are also suitable, especially since you don’t need to worry about the size; many modern teenagers have favorite brands that produce accessories - you can buy something from your favorite brand, and the child will only be happy.
If your child is interested in any sport, you can give him the necessary equipment. Often this is an extreme sport - for example, skateboarding, which has long emerged as a separate subculture and an entire lifestyle, from leisure time to hairstyles. Before you give anything like this, think carefully about whether you respect your child's wishes enough to allow him to do something risky.
Impression gifts will also work well. Organize a trip for your child and a couple of his closest friends to a place he has long wanted to go to, a subscription to a water park or climbing wall, tickets to a concert of his favorite artist - anything will do. Again, focus on the child’s tastes.

In childhood, everything happens to everything differently. Remember what you were like as a child. It is unlikely that you will be able to find in your memory a detailed image of your appearance at any particular age. The main thing that immediately comes to mind is sensations. In childhood they are most acutely developed. Feelings of joy, fun, happiness, carefree and celebration.

For some reason, we remember children's birthdays much better than those we celebrated five years ago. That is why you should try your best to ensure that your children are the happiest on their name day. As you understand, not a single child’s holiday should pass without a gift. You can find out what parents and friends can give their child for his birthday in our article.

Everyone in the world knows that little children love attention. That’s why they look forward to each birthday so joyfully, because at such a young age they already understand that one day a year all the gifts and attention will belong only to them.

It is impossible to deprive children of a holiday in childhood. Firstly, because they provide a lot of positive memories, which are the most priceless treasure. Secondly, a little person must be taught from childhood that there should be holidays in life, despite all the problems. Thirdly, this is an opportunity to tell a child that he is special; growing up with the awareness of this simple truth, it will be easier for him to find himself in our complex world.


Depending on how old the little birthday boy is, you will have to decide on a gift option for him. As mentioned earlier, absolutely every little anniversary matters, so the option of giving a gift in the form of money to a one-year-old child will not be the most successful.

There are some small tips. If you are going to give a gift to your child, then try to focus solely on his interests. Of course, no one will argue that a brand new clothes dryer will be useful for putting your baby’s things in order, but as you understand, this is a gift for the mother, not the child.

That's why friends and family need to pay attention to this too. Understand that you are going to a child's birthday party, not an adult aunt and uncle's. Therefore, take into account the interests of only the little birthday boy.

Up to 3 years of age

Having given a gift to such a small child, do not be offended if suddenly you do not see a great reaction to your expensive gift. It’s just that sometimes children feel pressured by too much attention and are simply embarrassed. Do not doubt that in a calm, homely environment he will certainly appreciate it.

You can give clothes to a one year old baby. At this age, she quickly becomes small, and gets very dirty. A brand new suit or dress that will turn birthday people into fairy-tale heroes will be a good gift. The brighter the clothes you give, the better. Just be sure to do a photo shoot in a brand new suit so that it remains a memory.

Little girls can be given earrings. It is not necessary to immediately take your child to the salon and have his little ears pierced. This procedure can also be performed at older ages. It’s just that gold is a gift that will not lose its usefulness over a long period of time.

The baby is just beginning to take his first steps and master all the things that are familiar to us. Therefore, you can give him a set of dishes for small children. It is made of lightweight and non-toxic materials. Pay attention to the manufacturer, quality and color of the dishes. The brighter it is, the more the child will be interested in it.

Of course, you can give your child different toys for his birthday. For one-year-old children, these can be rattles, for older children - a construction set consisting of large elements, books, dolls and cars. Just remember that toys should be simple, without small parts that can be removed. Since there are many cases of children being injured by them.

The little hero will need a playpen. In it he will be able to play safely and learn to take his first steps. And for parents, such a gift will be a real salvation.

Preschool age

It's no secret that at the age of 3-5 years, every child experiences a period called “why”. This is quite normal because the baby begins to realize that there is another world besides mom and dad. You cannot ignore your child’s questions; this will only cause protests in him. It is up to you to help a young explorer of life find the answers.

To do this, you can give him books. They should be about animals, space, people. Thanks to bright illustrations, children are able to learn the alphabet and begin to read and count even before school. So educational books, with the help of which a child can develop his abilities, will be a great birthday gift.

Handicrafts have a good effect on the development of children. Therefore, you can give your child a drawing set or. A large number of colors, various markers and pencils, as well as plastic knives will help the little creator develop his imagination. By creating new shapes with it, you will help your child remember information faster.

Of course, at this age the baby should definitely be given toys. Only now we need to listen to his tastes. If a girl is less interested in dolls than plush bunnies, then you should opt for a soft toy.

Children at this age love to imagine and imagine different situations. Therefore, for a girl you can give a dollhouse with heroes, and for a boy a rocket with astronauts. Nowadays the choice of such toys is simply gorgeous, so you have plenty to choose from.

Also, the baby will be happy when he receives a swing as a gift. Naturally, it should not be located too high. It is enough for a child to just let it dangle in different directions.

You can also give your child a trip to an amusement park. After jumping on trampolines and inflatable slides, he will be simply happy.

5-10 years

At this time, the child begins to go to school, so when choosing a gift for him, you should not forget about this. It is important for children not to be worse than others, so you can give fashionable clothes for their birthday. For a girl you can choose beautiful jewelry: hairpins and hoops, bows, and for a boy - a scarf, tie, belt.

When going to a child's birthday party, every adult is faced with the problem of choosing a gift. These useful tips will help you choose pleasant surprises for the youngest birthday boys and girls aged 1, 2 and 3 years.

The birthday of a small child is a holiday not only for the baby himself, but also for his parents. In the first years of life, children do not yet realize the solemnity of the event, so it is quite possible to give those gifts that will help parents save the family budget on necessary purchases. Of course, under no circumstances should the hero of the occasion be left without due attention - a small toy will bring joy even to a one-year-old birthday boy.

What to give a 1 year old boy

To please a baby celebrating his first birthday, you can buy musical bath toys, a play mat or a toy phone. Now there are a lot of educational and educational toys for children of this age; with their help, kids learn to distinguish the voices of animals, develop fine motor skills and a sense of rhythm.

Among inexpensive gifts for boys, you should take a closer look at tumblers, trains, plastic cars, gurneys, and sandbox molds. Soft toys in the form of familiar animals or popular cartoon characters are also no strangers to future men.

What to give a 1 year old girl

Girls are partial to dolls almost from the day they are born, so the best gift for a little princess would be a small soft doll. You can also give a one-year-old baby a teddy bear, a fluffy kitten or a toy puppy with kind eyes for her first anniversary.

The little fashionista and her parents will love an elegant dress, a fashionable jumpsuit or a jacket for the season. When choosing beautiful things for a girl, it is advisable to play it safe with the size and buy clothes with a small margin.

What to give a 2 year old boy

At 2 years old, boys enjoy playing with cars, so any toy vehicle will be received with delight. This can be not only cars and buses, but also various special equipment in the form of fire engines, excavators and cranes.

A young musician will enjoy various musical instruments, for example: guitar, piano, violin, drum or saxophone. For a budding artist, you can buy a children's easel.

Every child dreams of his own house, where he can hide from adults, retiring with his favorite toys. You can buy a children's play tent as a gift for a 2-year-old boy; most likely, the hero of the occasion will be delighted with such a surprise and will be happy to spend his holiday there.

What to give a 2 year old girl

A little birthday girl celebrating her second birthday will find great joy in an interactive doll or soft toy. No less delight will be caused by a high chair, a doll crib or a stroller for walking with your favorite toy “daughters”.

If you want to give a useful gift, then you can buy the girl some clothes. And as a small addition, give crayons for drawing in the bathroom, washable with water, a large book, cubes with the alphabet, or a small handbag.

What to give a 3 year old girl

At three years old, girls play role-playing games with great interest: being a doctor, going to a store, going to a hairdresser. Toy kitchen sets and beauty accessories are especially popular among future housewives.

Every girl's dream is a dollhouse, furnished. You can give something from this area, for example, a set for a doll's bedroom, a sound kitchen, a washing machine or a set of toy dishes.

What to give a 3 year old boy

At three years old, boys already see themselves as defenders of the Motherland and enjoy playing with weapons. Any boy will be happy to receive a toy machine gun, pistol or rifle for his birthday. You can also buy a military play set consisting of a tank and soldiers.

So that the future man from childhood learns to hold tools for home repairs in his hands, it is recommended to give the young birthday boy a toy chainsaw, a repair shop, or a set of tools with a drill and numerous screwdrivers.

Another great gift idea for a 3 year old boy is a railroad. This toy has remained popular and beloved among boys for several decades.

Due to age characteristics, he lacks preferences, hobbies, special habits and hobbies, which is why he will have to try to please the birthday boy. Moreover, you want to buy useful, safe, colorful gifts.

It is much easier to prepare a gift for those who are already parents or are well acquainted with the hero of the occasion. If the guests still have maternal or paternal everyday life ahead, you should get acquainted with the main features of the development of babies 12 months old.

In most cases a one-year-old child can:

  • walk;
  • dance;
  • repeat certain actions and sounds after adults;
  • say a few simple words;
  • eat from a spoon;
  • chew solid food cut into small slices;
  • interact with objects.

A 12-month-old child does not eat sweets, which is why it is highly inappropriate to give him boxes of chocolates or chocolates, even from well-known brands.

One year is the age of research. Children actively explore the world around them, and ordinary objects, from the point of view of adults, arouse interest: a saucepan lid, a sponge for washing dishes, brushes for cleaning shoes.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to give this as a gift, it is just important to understand that at 1 year old a child is interested in object-based activities and interaction with surrounding objects.

At this time, children begin to become interested and pay much more attention to pyramids, cubes and balls. In addition, kids more often glance towards books, dolls and cars.

A child’s first birthday is a special day, so it is better to consult with the parents of the hero of the occasion. Perhaps the baby already has what you wanted to please him with. In this case, mom will tell you what they are missing.

The child probably needs a specific doll or a specific outfit for going out. If relatives are modest, ready-made holiday ideas will come in handy. So, what gifts can you buy for a one-year-old boy or girl?

Toy library for the hero of the day: toys for the soul, sports and development

The opinion that an abundance of toys is good for a child is wrong. Due to their peculiarities, one-year-old children can play with 2-3 play accessories at the same time.

Toys need to be regularly updated so that they meet age standards, the developmental characteristics of the child, help develop new skills and simply do not let the little mischievous person get bored.

Popular “gift” toys

A 1st birthday is an ideal reason to add new toys to the nursery, which are popular both among little princesses and among future men.

This gaming device is a wheeled rolling car: from pink models for “ladies” to brutal “SUVs”.

Thus, both girls and boys will like the gift. Moreover, you can play with such a toy even at 2 years old.

Such a toy can be set in motion either by the child himself, pushing off with his feet from the floor or asphalt, or by parents using a special handle installed at the back, or a rope that is tied to the front.

There are standard toys, as well as toys with musical accompaniment, with flashing lights, sparkling lights. First of all, you should pay attention to the ability to move on a pushcar; all other functions are secondary.

The budget version of the tolokar is an ordinary wheelchair that the baby can either push in front or pull behind him using a rope.

Rockers and jumpers

Such toys are usually made in the shape of an animal. The usual option is a horse on runners, but ducks, cats, lions, baby elephants and other animals are also available for sale. Often the set also includes wheels, which expands the child’s play repertoire - now he can ride a horse.

Jumpers are also found in various varieties: fawns, donkeys, zebras. A child can ride on them like a real rider, which contributes to the development of the vestibular system, coordination of actions, motor dexterity and strengthening of muscles.

You should not buy a textile or woolen rocking horse, since a baby even at 3 years old is capable of peeing on a toy, let alone a one-year-old toddler. In order not to force parents to constantly wash the rocking chair, it is better to purchase a “horse” made of wood or plastic.

A doll or baby doll is an ideal gift for a girl of both 3 years and 12 months. You should not take a toy that is too heavy, because it is important that the little housewife can nurse the baby, put it in a crib or take it with her to another room.

You should also focus on a “toy girl” with proportional body parts and similar to a person.

The stores have many options for all ages, including one-year-olds. A good option is a baby doll that can cry and eat.

A classic doll is a toy for growth, since as a girl grows up, she will learn to dress and undress her, comb her hair, and perform other play actions that are very important for the correct and timely socialization of the child.

Doll strollers

You can replace a regular gurney with a stroller, especially if the little birthday girl already has a doll or another guest will give it to her. At this age, girls do not yet play at being daughters and mothers (imitation will come a little later), but they love to walk with the help of additional support.

Focus on a stroller of average cost, the main thing is that it is made of metal. Cheap models are often made from fragile plastic, which can break if a child leans on the structure. In this case, even injuries are possible.

House or tent

If adults don’t know what to buy for a one-year-old toddler or what to give a child for 2 years, then you can consider the option of purchasing an inexpensive but very functional home tent.

Such devices come in different shapes and appearance: a standard “hut”, a house, a train, a car, a fungus. Models consisting of two blocks connected by a flexible tunnel are also available for sale.

Your child will definitely love his own secret corner where he can play with his favorite toys. Interestingly, many parents use tents to store numerous play equipment.

Accessories for walking and sports

One-year-olds move more than babies. Therefore, you can consider the option of play devices for the development of gross motor skills.

If you decide to give your child something sports related to swinging or moving for his birthday, then do not forget about safety. Such devices must be equipped with protective straps to prevent the baby from falling out during play.

A great alternative to a stroller for walking. This option is preferable if the baby does not sleep during the festivities, but explores the world around him with interest. Some children generally protest when sitting in a stroller, but feel great on a bicycle.

The child pedals, and when he gets tired, the bicycle comes under parental control thanks to the holder handle, which turns the front wheel.

You should take a three-wheeled vehicle with a reserve for the future, so that the child can ride it even at 3 years old.

In such models, the handle, footrests and sides can be removed. You should also give preference to bicycles with a deep hood that protects from rain and sun.


Every child should have a snow scooter in their “car park.” A high-quality product will delight your baby for several years; it is also suitable as a gift for a 2-year-old boy or girl. And if the mother does the ride first, then the child himself will be able to go down the slide.

By the way, today you can find models with wheels on runners, which allows you to transport sleds on asphalt surfaces, indoors. This is very convenient for mothers who are busy with children and shopping.

Such a device, filled with bright plastic balls, is a rather expensive and bulky gift. Therefore, it is better to purchase a pool for cottages rather than for an apartment.

Another option is to buy a small playpen-trampoline, fenced with a net. The baby will jump in it, and if you fill it with the same balls or small balls, the child will be able to use it as a dry pool.

Pediatricians also approve of such devices, since playing in a dry pool improves gross and fine motor skills and reduces increased muscle tone.


Almost all one-year-old children love to swing. Therefore, you can give the hero of the day a children’s swing; of course, you need to choose a special, “home” model that can be attached to a horizontal bar or consoles on the ceiling.

It is important to select the strongest and safest toy that is additionally equipped with straps. In this case, the swinging child will not fall out and be damaged.

Educational toys

In general, almost all gaming devices for one-year-old children can be called developmental, but there are toys on sale that are specifically designed to improve certain functions. Let's take a closer look at them.

Educational table

In children's stores you can find a variety of models of such developmental centers, but their structure is similar - several toys are collected on the surface of the table.

Most often, manufacturers equip such centers with sorters, pyramids, and construction kits. With their help, children learn to sort objects by shape, color and size. Such gaming devices will help develop attentiveness, perseverance, coordination of movements and logic.

If previously a girl or boy 3 months old was bought special surfaces with numerous toys for sensory development, then an older child will like a puzzle mat, which has immediately several advantages:

  • the baby improves attentiveness, fine motor skills, and thinking;
  • the device helps to learn numbers and letters;
  • it can be used as a soft surface for other outdoor games;
  • Such toys can decorate any children's room.
  • prevent the development of flat feet and other foot pathologies;
  • form a physiologically correct arch of the foot;
  • influence reflexogenic points located on the surface of the foot;
  • train leg muscles;
  • improve the overall condition of the motor system.

Floor mats are a very useful toy, although only parents can appreciate all its benefits.

Bath toys

For a child who loves to spend a lot of time in the bath, gifts in the form of. There are many varieties of them: submarines, pirate ships, fishing, water pistols and other gaming devices.

A very interesting option is a magic faucet that is attached to the wall of the bathtub and supplies water through a pump to special molds. Such an interactive toy will definitely attract children's attention and will allow even a child who previously did not like water procedures to be attracted to bathing.

A child of the first year can also receive a special educational easel for his birthday, which combines a wooden sketchbook and several exciting play equipment.

Thus, the device may consist from toys such as:

  • abacus;
  • watch;
  • wire maze;
  • alphabet;
  • slate.

Some devices consist of 7 (!) parts. They look like pyramids or cubes, on the edges of which educational toys are located. These games can be played with a small group.

Such a multifunctional easel (and in fact, a real gaming center) allows you to improve logic, spatial thinking and perception, and fine motor skills of your fingers.

Musical toys

This group includes both instruments for the little ones (such as a flute, pipe or drum), and multifunctional music centers, which are tables on whose playing surface various devices are located.

Playing with musical instruments is extremely useful for the all-round development of a child. They bring particular benefits to the speech sphere, since phonemic hearing and sound perception, and a sense of rhythm are improved.

In addition, manipulation with tools allows you to improve motor dexterity, fine motor skills, coordination, and thinking abilities.

The purchase must be agreed upon with the parents of the birthday boy. Not every mother and not every dad will agree to listen for days on end to a child banging on a drum or performing “roulades” using a very loud-sounding pipe.

Toy bowling

A rather unusual gift for a boy or girl, but very useful. By knocking down the pins, the baby actively moves, develops the eye and coordination of actions. Regular exercises make the baby more dexterous, dexterous and skillful.

The pins themselves are made of materials that differ in texture and color. This allows us to further improve sensory and tactile sensations. Additionally, the baby will be able to learn shades by arranging the pins in a certain color order.

For a 1-year-old child, you can also give your child “smart” books whose pages or pictures are voiced. By pressing the buttons, the child will be able to hear the voice of the narrator or the sounds made by domestic or wild animals and birds.

Looking at such interactive books is great for the evening, when the baby is taking a break from active entertainment and getting ready to fall asleep. The repertoire of “talking” publications is wide - you can buy books about animals, colors, fairy-tale characters, nature, etc.

Don't forget about traditional educational gaming devices. These include sorters, nesting dolls, pyramids, puzzles, and construction sets.

Such toys form logic, teach the child basic mathematical concepts, develop spatial thinking, imagination, and coordination of movements.

An important rule is to purchase toys with large parts so that the baby cannot swallow them while having fun. Children of both two and three years old love to put objects in their mouths for deeper study. So it doesn’t hurt to be careful when choosing gifts.

Practical gifts

These gifts are evaluated by parents, since the baby does not yet understand the practicality of the items. However, their usefulness is still high. Most often, such practical souvenirs are made by close relatives who often visit the birthday person at home and know how things are with the “dowry”.

Bed dress

A banal gift? Quite likely, but the pursuit of originality is not always the best option. Before purchasing, be sure to ask the mother of the hero of the day how many children's bedding sets there are in the house. If there is a shortage of them, you can buy.

To make the gift not just beautiful, but also memorable, you can order beautiful embroidery or appliqué on the duvet cover. You can even embroider the child’s name; it will look very advantageous and attractive.

They also purchase pillows and blankets for children. Previously, these accessories were not used because children under one year old should not sleep on bolsters. So why not give your child a gift in the form of a quality pillow or blanket?

Beautiful suits and dresses are another gift option for close relatives.

It is best to select such clothes for a specific season, for example, a smart jumpsuit is bought in winter, and a summer jumpsuit is, accordingly, closer to the hot season.

Is it worth buying shoes for a child as a gift? A very difficult question, since when choosing a couple, many nuances must be taken into account, which are often known exclusively to parents.

It is also worth solving this problem together with the birthday boy’s mother.

If you decide to purchase children's things, then you do not need to focus on age indicators. One child is very large, the second is much smaller than the “norm”, the third is within standard sizes. You need to find out today's measurements from your parents and take a larger size - for growth.

Dental hygiene kit

From about 12 months of age, experts advise teaching your child to clean his mouth. That's why you can give your little birthday boy a whole hygiene kit, consisting of several brushes with high-quality soft bristles and special pastes.

In addition, at this age, children are often worried about teething, so it is quite possible to include a teether in the set, which, of course, is also high-quality and safe.

Pool membership

If the baby is partial to swimming, and everyone in the household tends to lead a healthy lifestyle by regularly visiting the pool, loved ones who know about this can give a subscription to visit this institution.

A baby’s first birthday is the most important milestone in his destiny and the life of his mother and father; it is not surprising that many guests of this little anniversary strive to especially celebrate such a symbolic date.

In this case, you can make gifts that will allow you to preserve and enhance memories of infancy, or gifts that They hint that the child will grow up very soon:

  • certificate for a photo shoot. A great surprise that every member of the household will love (perhaps with the exception of the baby himself). After all, memories of beautiful outfits and the festival itself will be preserved;
  • handmade photographic album. You need to ask the birthday boy’s mother for his best photos and arrange an album in scrapbooking style. You can do this yourself or order it from a specialist;
  • vintage wine. Buy a bottle of an expensive drink, attach a piece of paper with a wish to try wine on your coming of age day. Very unusual, you can even suggest burying the bottle in the ground;
  • tree seedling. Another option for a “long-lasting” gift is to give a tree that can be planted on a summer cottage or cottage plot;
  • silver spoon. If this tableware was not given after the first tooth came out, then you can give it as a gift today;
  • height meter The child now stands on his own, so you can already make vertical marks. The door frame is not very suitable for this, so a gift in the form of a special device will be useful;
  • box for curls. This item is ideal for the first anniversary, since it is at this age that many parents cut their locks and keep them for the rest of their lives. The chest is perfect for such a purpose.

You should not give hygiene products and food for children on your 1st birthday. These items should be chosen exclusively by parents. It is also worth giving up toys for children of younger or older age groups.

Organization of the celebration

The question of what to give a child is certainly important. However, we should not forget about other aspects of the celebration. How to celebrate a child's first birthday? There is a lot to consider: menu, choice of venue, various competitions.

Basic Rules

To make the holiday go without problems, and the celebration to become joyful, safe and hassle-free, you can use some useful tips:

  1. Don't show all the gifts to your baby. Naturally, he will want to play with every toy, so he will definitely be capricious. It is better to organize a special place for donated items.
  2. The duration of the celebration should correspond to the age of the birthday person. The maximum marking may take 3.5 hours, otherwise the child will simply become overtired.
  3. It is better to distribute intense moments evenly throughout the celebration so that the child does not get tired. Competitions or congratulations should be alternated with rest and even sleep.
  4. The question of how to organize competitions and the birthday boy’s participation in them should be decided based on the characteristics of the baby. If he loves attention, let him be in the center of events, and vice versa.
  5. For the main character and his peers, you need to make room in the nursery and provide them with play equipment. Children need to walk, run, play - in general, move.
  6. Pre-hide all valuables, sharp and fragile objects. During the celebration, adults will not be able to monitor every child’s action, but safety must be ensured.
  7. If nursing mothers come, then part of the room needs to be covered with a screen. You can even give one room for feeding the children and changing diapers.
  8. The little hero of the day should be regularly taken to another room so that he can be with his mother and look at all the donated items without haste.

Mom will be worried about one single question: how to celebrate her first birthday. So she won't have time to take photographs. Therefore, it is better to redirect the “paparazzi” function to one of the guests.

Sometimes adults go to nature on their birthday, go to a cafe or go to relatives. Some parents even invite animators, organizing a grand celebration.

But the question of where and how to celebrate a child’s one-year anniversary still remains relevant. Psychologists are convinced that such a small birthday boy feels best at home.

A child’s first birthday is always a stressful situation for the child’s psyche, so it is important to give the baby a chance to rest or even take a nap. The easiest way to do this is at home.

If you decide that a home party is the best option, you need to think about how to decorate the apartment and the children’s room separately. For ceremonial decoration you can use the following ideas:

  • prepare bright banners: “Happy Birthday!”, “We wish you happiness!”, “Happy first year,” etc.;
  • use light bulb garlands, bows, sparkles, made by yourself or bought in a store, for decoration;
  • inflate balloons;
  • glue images of the hero of the day’s favorite cartoon characters onto the surface;
  • You can place a huge number “1” on the front door;
  • Decorate the apartment with a wall newspaper containing photographs of both the child himself and the parents at his age;
  • if possible, create a family tree on whatman paper with images of all known close relatives.

The question of how to celebrate a child’s 1-year-old birthday needs to be decided very thoughtfully, so the number of guests invited should also be taken into account. You shouldn’t invite a lot of people, it’s tiring for the birthday person. It is enough to invite only your closest relatives: grandparents, aunts and uncles, godparents.

Often other children of the same age as the hero of the day are invited to the celebration so that the child does not get bored. This option is not excluded, but it is important to understand that such children do not yet know how to play together, so someone will have to spend all the time with them.

Birthday script

First birthday contests are the most important element of a successful celebration. So that the people who come do not get bored, it is necessary to prepare a scenario, constantly organize those present - that is, fill this event with interesting fun and entertainment.

Main competitions at home

There are many competition options; below are examples of the simplest, but at the same time, interesting competitions. What games and competitions at home will delight and amuse guests?

  • letter for the birthday boy. The point of this competition is to write a congratulation for the hero of the day using random epithets. The parent has ready-made words for which the guests select adjectives. It turns out quite funny. The winner is the participant who chooses the funniest epithet;
  • water-suckers. Adult participants are given baby bottles with pacifiers. In 60 seconds, participants need to suck out the maximum volume of water. For fun and ambience, you can choose appropriate music;
  • “who does he look like?” You need to put pieces of paper with the names of the parts of the body in the envelope in advance. Participants must take out cards and write on the back side who the hero of the day is like, for example, with ears, hand, etc. Then the presenter counts the similarities and names the adult “analogue” of the birthday boy;
  • "tower". To build a tower, you need to stock up on plastic cans of puree. In a minute, without hands, two participants build a tower from the offered containers, inserting the jars into each other. The winner is the player who builds a taller structure.

You can also come up with competitions for children’s birthdays at home. The simplest one is to invite the kids to walk (or crawl) a certain distance. For example, children must approach their mothers when signaled by an adult. Naturally, for a 2-year-old, the competitions will be different, since a 2-year-old child is not interested in previous competitions.

Basic traditions

How to spend this day profitably? Of course, include several traditional rituals in the celebration scenario. The first is the symbolic cutting of curls. The godparents take turns cutting short strands from four sides of the head in the shape of a cross.

Another common ritual is for the hero of the day to choose an item that predetermines his future. The child is placed on a sheepskin (as an option - a natural sheepskin coat turned inside out) and is offered several items to choose from.

What the baby picks up, as many adults are convinced, will determine his future life. Eg:

  • bills - financial well-being;
  • keys - wealth;
  • pen - career as a scientist or teacher;
  • glomerulus – long eyelid;
  • brush - will grow up to be an artist;
  • comb - will be a hairdresser or stylist;
  • ring - happy family life.

These things should not be placed in a pile, but at a certain distance. There is a conviction that the child will intuitively choose the object that is closest to him in terms of “aura”. That is why this ritual is not just entertainment, but even an establishment of fate.

The question of what to prepare for the guests and the birthday person is no less important than the problem of how to celebrate this grandiose event. The festive table should please everyone, and at the same time it should be useful for the little guests.

The ideal option is to organize a buffet, and you should pay attention not to the variety of dishes, but to the “cool” design. Examples of exciting menus can be found on the Internet.

For the youngest participants in the celebration, you need to set a separate table with bright and funny dishes. For example, fruit slices designed in the form of animals and cartoon characters are suitable for “one-year-olds.”

Another dish that can be prepared for a birthday is cookies, which are decorated with fruit slices. From these same ingredients, skillful housewives make unique sweets, which are wrapped in beautiful wrappers.

The main food (porridge or soup) is also decorated ceremoniously. So, a dish with thick soup or porridge is decorated with the number “1” from fruit or vegetable slices (it all depends on the type of dish). You can decorate your plates beautifully with greenery.

The main symbol of the holiday menu is, of course, cake! It must be appropriate for the solemn moment, bright, with various decorations and a candle, which the hero of the day then blows out (with the help of his parents).

Should a child eat this cake? It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. If the sweetness is prepared at home, by your mother or a person you trust, and does not contain any harmful ingredients, then a small slice of a delicious cake will not harm your baby.

How to end your first birthday?

You need to end the holiday calmly, without active games or entertainment. Experienced mothers recommend writing memorable letters to the child at the end of the celebration. Each guest fills out a piece of paper presented to him, describing wishes that should come true in 17 years.

You can write recommendations, instructions, wishes for the future. The author then stamps the date, seals the envelope, and signs his “correspondence.” Mom and Dad put these messages in a small chest for safekeeping. The letters will be read by the child himself when he comes of age.

By the way, this box can be just a present. The donated item will also be useful for storing other valuables: medals from the maternity hospital, tags, candles from the cake, rattles and other items important to parents.

It is interesting to note that a child turns 1 year old - quite a difficult task for mom and dad. However, if you think through all the nuances, the celebration will become bright and unforgettable. Just remember to capture all important moments with a video camera.

Thus, the question of what to give a child for 1 year and how to celebrate the event itself is not the easiest, but very exciting. Many conditions must be taken into account, but the reward will be a good mood for the littlest birthday boy and his parents.

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