Pragmatism: what is it and is it worth developing this quality in yourself. What does a pragmatic person mean?

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Pragmatism is a positive character trait of a person, persistently pursuing only his own interests, based on personal benefit and gain. This is the ability to build a system of actions and views on life in selfish interests to achieve one’s goals.

Pragmatists are people of a clear logical character. He prefers to live according to the principle that this is useful and that this is harmful. The binary value system works or doesn’t work, it’s profitable or not profitable, it’s necessary or it’s useless. Calmly, prudently, without any emotions or saliva, a pragmatic person can cross the line of humanity.

When considering gender, Pragmatism is more characteristic of men. A woman has a more developed cunning mind, which is characterized by dynamism, spontaneity, and passion. Women do not understand the stability and stability of male logic when they are influenced by feelings, a lustful, chaotic, restless mind.

Logicity, weighing the situation, analysis and prudence are the eternal companions of Pragmatism. Pragmatists, as a rule, are alien to bias and tendentiousness in judgments. There is a direct benefit from the idea - good, no benefit - bad.

For Pragmatists, material results are the measure of success. Pragmatists prefer to live in the real world and try to find a solid platform for their views and principles.

Frankness with pragmatic people is dangerous! Show frankness or sincerity with them, you will be disappointed, spears will be pointed at you, they will begin to blackmail, manipulate, speculate on your words, turning them against you.

The character of Pragmatists becomes calculating, that is, they show the qualities of a person who is on his own mind. The pragmatist strives to make the best of what he has.

Pragmatists are businesslike and proactive. They prefer to actually act in order to achieve results. Demandingness towards oneself and others, commitment and responsibility for the assigned work are common components of the set of personality traits of a pragmatist.

In Pragmatism there is no pettiness, no bargaining, no redneckness. Pragmatism is the work of a calculating mind, aimed at achieving a practically useful result in all situations. A pragmatist is a sober calculation. Before purchasing something, a pragmatist will carefully examine it and study it from all sides.

Pragmatism will never change its serious intentions because of someone's emotions, whims, caprices or banal stubbornness.

A pragmatist simply does not understand how one can act if it does not bring any material or moral dividends or does not lead to the realization of set goals. Accustomed to living with his own mind, he loves specifics, facts proven by his life practice.

Pragmatism, in contrast to commercialism, is considered a positive personality trait. Commercialism as a personality quality is an inability to be unselfish and Love and a tendency to seek profit in any situation, to show excessive petty prudence, turning into huckstering.


Pragmatically I adv. quality-circumstances

Based on the principles of pragmatism as a direction in philosophy, according to which the objectivity of truth is denied, and only that which gives practically useful results is recognized as true.

II adv. quality-circumstances

Based on the principles of pragmatism as a direction in historiography, characterized by a presentation of events in their external connection and sequence, without revealing the objective laws of historical development.

III adv. quality-circumstances

Pursuing narrow practical goals, interests of one's own benefit or benefit.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000.


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Pragmatism- a term used in historical science with quite different meanings. The word "pragmatic" (Greek) πραγματιχός ) comes from πραγμα, which means deed, action, etc. This adjective was first applied to history by Polybius, who called it pragmatic history (Greek. πραγματιχή ίστορία ) is a depiction of the past that concerns state events, the latter being considered in connection with their causes, accompanying circumstances and their consequences, and the depiction of events itself aims to teach a certain lesson. Pragmatist- follower, supporter of pragmatism as a philosophical system. In everyday use: pragmatist is a person who builds his own system of actions, deeds and views on life in the aspect of obtaining practically useful results.


When they talk about pragmatic history, they usually mean or especially bring forward one of three things: either the purely political content of history (state affairs), or the method of historical presentation (establishing a causal relationship), or, finally, the purpose of historical depiction (education). This is why the term Pragmatism suffers from some uncertainty.

The central point of Pragmatism can be considered the depiction of human actions in history, even if not exclusively political and not for the sake of teaching, but one in which their causes and consequences are sought first of all, that is, the motives and goals of the characters. In this sense, pragmatic history differs from cultural history, which deals not with events consisting of human actions (res gestae), but with the states of society in material, mental, moral and social relations, and connects individual facts with each other not as causes and effects, but as various phases in the development of one form or another. From this point of view, historical facts can be divided into pragmatic (events and human actions, their components) and cultural (states of society and forms of life), and the historical connection can be either pragmatic (causal) or evolutionary.

According to this understanding, pragmatism in history should be called the study or depiction of the causal relationship that exists between individual actions of individual historical figures or between entire events in which the actors are not only individuals, but also entire groups, for example, political parties, social classes, entire states, etc. Such an understanding will not contradict the definition given by Polybius and most historians who used the term pragmatism.

In any case, pragmatism is interested in the person acting in history, her motives and intentions, her character and passions, in a word, her psychology, which should explain her actions: this is the psychological motivation of historical events. The causality that reigns in the world of phenomena manifests itself in different areas of this world in different ways, as a result of which there is a need for special studies of causality (for example, causality in criminal law). In the field of history, this issue has been developed very little (see N. Kareev, “The Essence of the Historical Process and the Role of Personality in History,” St. Petersburg, 1890).

The theory of pragmatic history would have to explore how some events are generated by others, caused by various changes in the volitional sphere of the characters under the influence of the action on them of certain events, which themselves, in the final analysis, are just some kind of actions. Pragmatic history differs from sequential history precisely by penetration into the inner world of people, with the aim of not only telling the event, but also presenting its direct effect on the thoughts and feelings of contemporaries, and also showing how it itself became necessary due to the existence of those or other people who committed it. other motives and intentions. Wed. E. Bernheim, "Lehrbuch der historischen Methode" (1894).

Pragmatism as a philosophical movement of the twentieth century

  • Pragmatism (from the Greek prágma, genitive prágmatos - deed, action), a subjective idealistic philosophical doctrine. The founder of P. is Charles Sanders Pierce.


Pragmatism emerged as a philosophical movement in the last decades of the 19th century. The foundations of the philosophical concept of pragmatism were laid by Charles Peirce.

Pragmatism has become popular since 1906, when Peirce's follower William James gave a course of public lectures that were published under this title.

The third most prominent representative of pragmatism was John Dewey, who developed his own version of pragmatism, called instrumentalism

Provisions of pragmatism

According to pragmatism, the objectivity of truth as such is denied, and the real truth is considered to be that which produces results that are practically useful.

Main directions


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See what “Pragmatist” is in other dictionaries:

    I m. An adherent of pragmatism [pragmatism I]. II m. Representative of pragmatism [pragmatism II]. III m. One who follows narrow practical interests, considerations of utility and benefit in everything. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    I m. An adherent of pragmatism [pragmatism I]. II m. Representative of pragmatism [pragmatism II]. III m. One who follows narrow practical interests, considerations of utility and benefit in everything. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatist, pragmatists, pragmatists, pragmatists (

Have you ever seen a person who knows how to clearly set goals for himself, deliberately overlooking unnecessary details, and immediately develop a plan, methods and ways to achieve what he wants? Have you noticed that usually such people really get what they want and are successful? Having met such a person, know that this is a pragmatic person who plans every minute of his time.

Pragmatism - an advantage or a disadvantage?

It is thanks to the ability to plan, calculate everything correctly and choose the necessary “tools” to achieve the goal that they achieve success.

When setting themselves the next task, such people immediately see the end result and persistently move towards it.

Of course, setting goals and their implementation should entail personal benefit for a person, therefore this character quality is often compared to entrepreneurship.

Both characteristics often cause negative attitudes and even condemnation from others. As a rule, such reviews can be heard from people who are accustomed to letting their lives and well-being take their course, who are not trying to improve it and achieve something significant on their own. Unlike them, a pragmatic and practical person feels and is essentially the master of his own destiny. Such a person independently forms a system of principles, goals, and life position, which allows him to confidently move towards the intended result.

Nevertheless, pragmatists can arouse a negative attitude towards themselves from the people around them for other reasons:

  • These people are often cynical. In their understanding, everything has its price, and therefore is bought and sold. This approach to life often makes them insensitive in the eyes of people;
  • They are observant, but often do not trust other people, questioning their actions and words. For the owner of this quality, there are no authorities, which, perhaps, helps them move even faster towards their goal.
  • People around them often see selfishness in their actions. Indeed, rational thinkers, they often behave in ways that create an impression that is essentially true.

Some attribute all these characteristics to the negative properties of pragmatists, while others see in them only a way to solve assigned problems, business acumen.

One of the basic rules that people with this characteristic adhere to is to bring their work to the end. This principle allows you to confidently move towards your goal, fosters self-control, organization, and discipline. They shamelessly refuse everything that they consider unimportant, unnecessary, or distracting from the main thing.

Can this quality be considered positive? Rather yes than no. It allows you to feel confident in life, to be collected and focused on new achievements. Thanks to him, a person quickly navigates his professional preferences, identifies and uses his other qualities that allow him to achieve his goals.

What is pragmatism?

Often a pragmatic person sets himself several tasks at once, but only if they can be implemented simultaneously or are derived from each other.

Another credo of such a person is that everything invested in the idea (time, effort, money) should be returned a hundredfold. If this task is accomplished, it gives confidence, strength for future victories, and increases the sense of self-esteem. At the same time, we are not always talking only about material profit - in order to satisfy his claims, it is enough for a pragmatist to receive moral benefit.

Otherwise, a person considers his investments wasted.

People with this characteristic are still able to show concern for others, but only if they know what they will receive in return. Does this seem cynical to you? Put aside prejudices - we all expect support and care from people, sometimes without realizing that we are giving them in the hope of receiving a similar response. Moreover, a pragmatic person can show much more participation than a sensual and sentimental person.

Despite some qualities that cause a negative attitude, these people are an excellent match for family life. They are reliable, comfortable and calm with them. Based on the fact that they make plans, and usually some of them are far-reaching, they, as a rule, remain faithful to their couple for many years if they feel supported by it.

There is no doubt that pragmatists are strong individuals with enviable willpower and perseverance. At the same time, they do not like to hear and ask questions the subject of which does not interest them.

As a rule, they do not look for tortuous paths, in every possible way reducing the time spent on achieving the goal. Pragmatists never hide behind other people's backs, solving their own difficulties only on their own.

Moreover, their moral qualities do not allow them not to react to the problems of loved ones, so they undertake to help without unnecessary persuasion. Having earned himself a certain authority in the eyes of others, such a person is happy to share his “laurels” with loved ones.

Needless to say that they cannot be called dreamers?

You can only expect calculation, rationality, coordinated and purposeful actions from them.

Pragmatists are sometimes called lucky people. In fact, the secret of their success lies in a high level of demands, first of all, on themselves, and a focus on achieving results through perseverance and work.

They know how to earn money, give them an account, but this does not mean at all that they are stingy. The family of a pragmatic person usually does not experience need and does not hear from the head of the social unit (which he, as a rule, is) reproaches about excessive waste.

Pragmatists strive for freedom and feel free. In their understanding, it lies in the ability and opportunity to realize oneself. These people realize that it is impossible to live without fulfilling some requirements and responsibilities, but this in no way limits their freedom, but only promotes self-control, organization, and activity. Through these qualities, pragmatists can improve the lives of themselves and those around them.

If you want to become a pragmatist, we will tell you how to achieve this!

Do you like this character trait, but think you have to be born with it?

In fact, this quality can be cultivated in yourself using a few tips:

  • Set a goal and think about it constantly. Develop ways and methods to achieve it, determine which “tools” are most suitable for this. Don’t be afraid to ignore all the nuances that are not important in your strategy;
  • Make plans even for the long term. Pragmatists are not dreamers, but not because they do not believe in the fulfillment of dreams, but because they are looking for very real ways to make them come true. Even if it seems to you that they are not feasible, think carefully about everything - perhaps you will transform your dreams into something more easily feasible;
  • Don't leave the job you started halfway. Having solved a seemingly difficult task once, you will gain more confidence in your strengths and abilities;
  • A pragmatic person thinks strategically. You need to learn to do the same. Remember and write down all those desires and aspirations that you were unable to fulfill, but they still matter to you. Of these, determine the most significant and develop an algorithm for its implementation. To do this, you need to determine what financial costs this will entail, whether you need outside help, from whom and what kind. In addition, indicate what may prevent you from achieving your goal, and indicate what skills, knowledge, and abilities may be useful to you to get closer to the result.

Thanks to this approach, you will divide a large, unrealizable dream in your understanding into smaller ones. This will help you set your goals correctly and find ways to solve them.

If you have met in your life pragmatists, then you know for sure that these are people of reason who are used to weighing and predicting everything. Any area of ​​their life should be beneficial; often they even select their environment depending on their personal needs. Pragmatism as a personality quality is a person’s ability to constantly follow practical interests, to look for benefit and benefit in everything.

They can build their whole life on actions and thoughts that are necessary only in order to achieve new goals. The results they obtain from their activities must be useful and applicable.

An example of pragmatism. In a city where it often rains and it’s muddy underfoot, beautiful fluffy snow suddenly began to fall. Many residents were amazed by the beauty of the city, which instantly transformed and became fabulously white. Two acquaintances were walking down the street and watching the changes in nature, and then one said: “Delightfully beautiful, it’s hard to believe that a snow-white winter has come to our city.”

“Well, this has its advantages: now you don’t have to wash your shoes,” answered the second one. In this example, it is clearly clear who a pragmatist is and how he views the world. Many people live dividing everything that surrounds them into “likes” and “dislikes”. The pragmatist has a different approach to life. He divides all the events that happen to him into “profitable” and “not profitable”, into “useful” and “harmful”. It is difficult to make him follow his emotions and succumb to a moment of weakness. If we talk about who is more inclined to pragmatism, then these are mostly men. They may treat certain issues more coldly; women are more susceptible to emotions and may show weakness.

What motivates a pragmatist? First of all, this is the result. They will not start doing anything unless they are clearly sure that the actions will bring results. A pragmatist will follow his own sanity, and is also often driven by prudence. When an idea appears from which one can get some benefit, a pragmatist will begin to act; for him, it does not matter at all who was the author of the innovation, the main thing is to squeeze out the maximum benefit for himself. The pragmatist does not like people who talk for a long time about success and how to make money, although they themselves do nothing.

Such a person can ask: “If you know so much, why are you like this?” And this will really be a reproach, sincere and categorical, because he does not understand all these thoughts about enrichment. He is used to either doing it or not doing it.

Pragmatists- people are not susceptible to emotions. Such a person rarely experiences disappointment, because he doesn’t really know how to be charmed. He does not know what euphoria and emotional explosion are, which are quite stable and calm if we talk about everyday life. Even holidays can become something necessary rather than a source of pleasure and pleasant emotions. A romantic tends to idealize, dissolve, drown in his dreams, a pragmatist, on the contrary, will think a hundred times before taking on some new type of detail or starting a relationship with a person. Often this applies not only to work, but also to relationships with the opposite sex, as well as friendships. Sometimes he may have all the people around him for different purposes and everyone should bring some benefit.

Such a world is ideal for a pragmatist, but he does not know what suffering and emotional disappointments are.

Characteristics of a pragmatic man. Such a man may be quite stingy, but not because he is sorry to spend extra money on flowers, but he simply considers it an irrational investment. Such a person often has good income and can occupy a prestigious position. But a woman with a romantic character will be quite bored with him. Sometimes she may even feel unhappy, because he will not pamper her and delight her with cute little things. He has everything planned out, he knows what he wants.

Most often he develops relationships with girls who are not inclined to idealize and dream. He should know that his companion is a reliable friend who will not let you down at a difficult moment because of a moment of weakness or a surge of emotion. A pragmatic man can be a very responsible worker and a reliable husband, because most often he is predictable, hardworking and stable. Such men rarely cheat; if problems arise in the relationship, they would rather prefer divorce. A pragmatic man differs from a mercantile man, because in the second case the situation can reach the point of pettiness, but a pragmatist always has high stakes and a desire to achieve a better result.

Characteristics of a pragmatic woman. There are fewer pragmatists among the fair sex, because by nature a woman is quite emotional and subject to mood swings. But if you meet such a woman, you can build a strong family with her. She will arrange a harmonious life, provide her family with comfort and coziness. Pragmatic women are often successful careerists, because such a person will not give up everything he does for the sake of falling in love and the euphoria associated with a new stranger. She clearly knows her responsibilities, is firmly confident in her abilities and takes on only what she can complete with good results. If a man wants to find himself a cheerful and easy-going person with the soul of a young girl, then this is not at all about a pragmatic woman.

She will not be capricious, show weakness and true femininity, this is rather a girl with a masculine strong character. Sentimentality is not for her, she simply cannot imagine how to build a relationship without it bringing any benefit. She is often calculating and can show callousness and stubbornness. Often such women find themselves wealthy men, because it is quite obvious what benefits he can bring to the family. For them, relationships are incomprehensible in which it is not clear what role the man plays, and whether it makes sense that he lives in a house with a woman, because it is easier and more profitable then to be alone.

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