California blonde highlighting. California highlighting: before and after photos

In recent years, naturalness has taken a leading position in fashion trends. It manifests itself in general appearance, but is especially pronounced in makeup and hair colors. When deciding to update your style and refresh your hair, you should turn to California highlighting, which allows you to look fashionable without giving up the naturalness of your look.

California highlighting: a barrel of honey with a small drop of tar

There are a lot of options. Highlighting has always stood out, primarily because with such coloring all the hair does not suffer, but only individual strands are affected. But it’s also difficult to call this a safe option. However, among all types of such coloring, Californian highlighting (example photos below) stands out both in appearance and effect on curls, which has become especially popular in the last three years.

What is this form of hair coloring?

It is based on a fairly gentle dyeing method that minimizes damage to the hair structure.

– this is highlighting, which is based on the effect of “hair burning in the sun.” The process of modifying individual strands occurs without the use of strong chemicals, and foil and thermal paper are not used in this case.

California highlighting is based on maximum naturalness. Due to this, there will be no sharp, noticeable shade transitions in the hairstyle. This form of coloring involves creating a gradient on the hair, smooth and natural. Selected individual strands are not only lightened, but also tinted to make the effect more expressive. Highlighting is also gentle because the hair roots are not touched and the dye does not come into contact with the scalp.

Usually, to create the most successful gradient and the effect of “sun-bleached hair,” up to 6 different shades of coloring agents are used. Moreover, both tones of a light palette and dark ones are taken. In addition to the usual paints, which in this version often do not include ammonia, tint balms and shampoos can also be used. However, the effect of them will not last long on the curls, requiring frequent and regular use at home.

There is another exceptional feature of California highlighting. The dyeing process takes place outdoors. This allows you to control changes in the color of the curls, and also does not injure them too much.


The undeniable advantages of this form of hair color correction include the following points:
  • natural result and gentle effect when the dye does not penetrate deep into the hair structure and the roots are not affected;
  • highlighting suitable for any hair type and shade, only the technology and selection of paint tones are slightly different;
  • the result obtained is visual; in combination with the right haircut, such coloring can transform every girl, this is especially noticeable on thin and sparse curls;
  • Can you do California highlighting? at any length; however, the longer the hair, the longer the process; it is permissible to use coloring only on bangs or on one part of the head, without affecting all the curls;
  • this form of painting is beautiful product for concealing emerging gray hair, capable of refreshing the entire image;
  • highlighting suitable for literally any color type, you just need to correctly select the tones of hair dyes;
  • does not require frequent visits to the beauty salon for renewal or adjustment, especially in comparison with conventional highlighting, which affects the hair color at the roots, and therefore forces them to be tinted regularly.
Having once appeared in the “States” and becoming part of the American type of hair coloring, Californian highlighting has spread throughout the world. He is preferred by many famous personalities, for example, Keira Knightley.


Despite the many advantages, there are also negative points. However, in most cases they can be corrected with proper hair care after coloring.
  1. Any hair suffers when trying to change its shade.
  2. Incorrect dyeing technique can lead to unexpected results. For example, curls can be burned and gray pigment may be released.
  3. California highlighting is contraindicated for those girls who have recently had their hair chemically treated or less than a couple of months have passed since the last coloring. It is not recommended to perform this procedure in cases where henna has been repeatedly applied to the hair and there is no natural color. Otherwise, the result may be unpredictable, up to a green tint on individual strands.
  4. The process of this coloring is very long and labor-intensive. Often takes more than 3 hours. It can also require a lot of financial costs when painting both at home and in a beauty salon.
However, against the backdrop of a large number of advantages and when you see a great result on your hair, most of the disadvantages lose their power. Without wanting to seek the services of a professional hairdresser-colorist, you can try doing California highlighting at home.

It is worth considering that if the hair is thick and long enough, then there will be a need for outside help in working with it in order to eliminate inconvenience and minimize unsuccessful results.

How to do California highlighting yourself, at home?

When deciding on a not too drastic, but visually noticeable change in your hairstyle, but without resorting to the services of a salon, you need to know what materials and things you will need for home coloring.

For any hair type and structure you need:

  1. a set for this type of highlighting or a careful selection of individual coloring agents that will not differ greatly in shades; choose better professional hair cosmetics;
  2. a comb with frequent and fine teeth or a comb for creating partings; gloves and paint brush;
  3. hairpins (not metal, so as not to cause an unnecessary chemical reaction), elastic bands or a silicone cap with holes;
  4. if you choose the cap option for working with hair, then you also need a special hook suitable for pulling strands;
  5. a fabric that can be used to cover your shoulders so that you don’t have to try to wash off drops of paint that accidentally get on your clothes;
  6. hair conditioner (usually comes complete with coloring agents), a restorative mask and other caring cosmetics, since even after gentle highlighting it is necessary to “revive” the hair.
California highlighting, based on naturalness, does not involve the use of shades of paint that are radically different from the hair color. After all, it is necessary to achieve the “burnout” effect. Moreover, this color correction combines both light and dark shades.

For example, if your hair is red, then copper, coffee-cognac and light brown tones will be needed. An example of highlighting on red hair is shown in the photo:

When all the materials are on hand, you can proceed to the process itself.

The hair coloring instructions step by step will look like this:

  1. Highlighting is carried out only on clean hair, so you need to wash your hair before dyeing. The use of conditioner or balm in this case is excluded.
  2. You cannot use a hairdryer; the curls must dry naturally so that there is no excessive fluffiness from artificial drying. At this time, solutions for coloring are prepared, based on the instructions supplied with the paint.
  3. A silicone cap is placed on the head, after which the strands are pulled out one by one using a hook, starting from the back of the head. If there are only elastic bands among the available means, then the hair is first divided into thin partings (no wider than 2-3 cm), and then small strands (up to 1.5-2 cm) are selected in a random or checkerboard order, but also starting from the back of the head.
  4. In California highlighting, the technique is based on applying paint not to the entire length of the hair. Using neat, chaotic, but vertically directed movements, the selected strand is covered with the dyeing agent, while you need to step back 3-5 cm from the roots. It should be applied not with your hands, but with a brush.
  5. If desired, the dyed strands are secured with elastic bands or hairpins. However, it is also permissible for dyed curls to come into contact with other hair, this will add a highlight effect, and the overall result will look like a softer gradient.
  6. When all selected strands are dyed, the paint exposure time is recorded. Most often it ranges from 10 to 40 minutes; you need to focus not only on the desired result of tinting or lightening, but also on the instructions in the instructions for the coloring agent. There is no need to use any covering for the head (polyethylene, towels, paper or foil).
  7. The final touch is to wash off the dye from the hair using conditioner and special shampoo. If desired, you can immediately apply a restorative mask if there is a suspicion that your hair has suffered more than you would like.
  8. For the first time, you should dry your hair with California highlights naturally, without using a hair dryer.
If necessary, for example, additional lightening of the ends of individual strands, the dyeing procedure can be repeated. But not earlier than in one and a half to two hours. Repeated color correction is done entirely after a couple of months.

For a clear and correct presentation of the California highlighting technique, you can watch the presented video:

Features of California highlighting for different hair

Traditionally, this highlighting is used for long curls. With its help, the hair becomes more airy. However, this coloring is not contraindicated for short hair, it is simply less popular.

California highlights will perfectly complement boyish haircuts, long bobs and various cascade options. And it’s easier to do a similar color correction on short curls yourself.

Here are some photo examples:

We can use this type of coloring for any initial hair tone. Californian highlighting looks spectacular on dark, light brown and light curls. But there are some differences within the dyeing technique.

Highlighting for dark hair

In this case, this coloring has a separate name - Venetian highlighting. The following tones are usually selected: coffee, chocolate, dark blond, cognac, dark wheat.

It may be necessary to pre-bleach individual strands to achieve a more expressive effect, but without lightening the roots. To remove yellowness, tinting is used in a wheat or light brown color.

- a popular technique that creates the effect of strands naturally bleached by the sun. The procedure was developed for blond hair, but today it is successfully performed on curls of any color, length and texture. Highlighting can be done not only in the salon, but also at home; it is important to strictly follow the instructions and take your time.

Technique for doing it at home

California highlighting is ideal for beginners. There is no need to lighten the strands from the roots, the growing hair looks completely natural, and small errors can be easily hidden with a repeat procedure.

To work independently at home, you need to purchase high-quality tools and preparations. A novice master will need:

Advice. For California highlighting of blonde hair, you don’t have to bleach the strands, limiting yourself to tinting the roots.

Dark hair must first be lightened by 4-5 tones and then tint. Brown or light brown strands can be treated with a single-phase product that combines dye and lightener. The drug acts gently and is ideal for creating smooth color transitions.

The selected paint is diluted with an activator cream or oxidizing emulsion in equal proportions. If the strands are very weak, porous, damaged by curling, you can take 2 parts of oxidizing agent to 1 part of dye. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not turn out to be too liquid, otherwise it will flow and the curls will be colored unevenly.

The color depends on the shade of your natural hair. For Californian equipment, natural colors are used. Walnut, copper, amber, beige or light chestnut shades are suitable. Girls with light brown hair can experiment with a silver-ash color scheme, although such shades are used less frequently.

If you are going to highlight and, then it is convenient to do this through a cap.

Advice. For California highlighting, foil is not used. Curls can be transferred with special hairdressing paper. If the colored curls are in contact with the main body of hair, the effect will be softer and more blurred.

Long hair can be highlighted using a different technology.

  1. The selected strands are combed, then paint is applied to them, starting from the middle.
  2. After 15-20 minutes, the hair is thoroughly combed.
  3. In the process, the paint is distributed more evenly, the border with dark roots becomes blurred and natural. The paint is washed off with running water.
  4. Then the hair is treated with a nourishing balm.
  5. If you wash off the dye without detangling the comb, your hair may form a shapeless lump.

Another option suitable for long hair is highlighting with elastic bands.

  1. The hair is divided into 4 parts, then strands of the required width are separated one by one and tied into ponytails with elastic bands.
  2. The paint is distributed over the strands on both sides.
  3. After 15-20 minutes, the drug is washed off with running water, then the tails are untied and the hair is rinsed again.

For California highlighting, both thin and fairly wide strands are suitable. To highlight facial features, it is recommended to lighten the curls at the temples.

  • California highlighting is an ideal option for those who are just experimenting with home coloring. The procedure is low-traumatic, the unevenness of paint application is not noticeable, as with contrasting classic highlighting.
  • To achieve symmetry, it is recommended to apply the first coat of paint, starting from the temples and ending with the crown. Having distributed the preparation from the middle to the ends, you need to apply another layer closer to the roots. This technique will create a smooth transition, the color will change shade, and the strands themselves will not be damaged.
  • For home dyeing, you can use ready-made kits; they include everything you need and can lighten strands by 3-4 levels. If more contrast highlighting is required, professional preparations are suitable. They have a wider range of colors; paints can be mixed, correctors or boosters can be added to obtain the ideal shade.

Advice. girls who have experience in coloring themselves can use several colors, distributing them over different strands.

Each preparation is diluted in a separate container; several brushes or brushes are needed for application to the hair.

Photos before and after

What to do if California highlighting doesn’t work?

  1. Despite the distinctly casual look, California highlighting is not always successful. Most often the problem is associated with uneven paint application. As a result, the indentations from the roots may have different widths, which looks sloppy.
  2. Toning with a transparent corrector mixed with paint of a lighter tone than the one used for highlighting will help correct the error. The drug is applied to all hair, this will slightly blur the color, the transitions will be smooth and natural.
  3. If the highlighted strands turn out to be too light, tinting with a more saturated tone will help: dark beige, chestnut, walnut, cognac. The use of ammonia-free preparations with natural oils does not harm the strands, providing a bright shine.
  4. Sometimes bleached curls acquire an unpleasant straw-yellow color. Treatment with a tinting corrector in purple or blue tones will help correct it to a more noble blond. Slight yellowness can be treated with a tinted shampoo; the procedure will have to be repeated at least once a week.
  5. Curling will help smooth out the appearance of hair that is not too evenly colored. You should not use electrical appliances; it is better to try classic curlers or curlers. Soft curls will hide not too neat strands, and the hairstyle will look fresh and stylish.

    Important. If you don’t like highlighting, you don’t need to try to paint it over with a permanent product. On pre-bleached curls the shade will be different.

    It is better to go to a salon with a good reputation, An experienced technician will offer several options for solving the problem.

  6. If dyeing was done on damaged hair, split ends and other minor defects become more noticeable. This is a reason to freshen up your haircut. Shorter strands look neater; it is almost impossible to restore split ends.
  7. Restoring masks, oil emulsions, moisturizing creams and balms will help restore lost shine to your hair. Drugs are chosen depending on hair type. The drier they are, the more saturated the texture of the product should be.

– an interesting technique that provides the most natural result. The process provides ample opportunity for creativity; paints can be mixed and diluted to achieve the ideal tone.

Video on the topic from a professional colorist

Do you want to look all year round as if you just returned from a luxury resort, where the warm sun gilded your skin and hair? Yes? Then there are two options: either run for plane tickets, or read our article and learn how to perform California highlighting. We will tell you how to turn into a luxurious Californian beauty in a couple of hours.

What is California highlighting?

We all watched the TV series “Beach”, in which beautiful lifeguards in red swimsuits captivate not only with their shapes, but also with their hair color. To achieve the same natural look of slightly sun-bleached strands, Californian highlighting was invented. The essence of the technique is to stretch the tone as smoothly as possible from the darkest at the roots to the lightest at the ends. The whole secret is to smooth out sharp transitions, otherwise the coloring will look rough and vulgar.

California highlighting: pros and cons

Who is California highlighting suitable for and why is it good?

But, like any technique, California highlighting has its drawbacks.

California highlighting: technique, video

Due to the subtlety and labor-intensive nature of the process, the dyeing technique has its own characteristics. They are worth remembering if you decide to repeat the procedure at home.

  • To create coloring using the California highlighting technique, you will need at least 4-5 shades of paint, they will need to be mixed, so first study the basics of color and color combinations
  • To apply the composition more accurately and accurately, you can add a special thickener to the paint. Beginners should definitely try this trick.
  • Lightening and California highlighting are two different things. Using peroxide alone, you will never achieve a beautiful color. After lightening, the strands must be tinted.
  • Coloring using the California highlighting technique can be done with both permanent dyes and more natural and gentle balms. At home, you should give preference to them: if you don’t like the result, unstable dyes are faster and easier to wash off
  • The desired effect is not easy to achieve in one go, especially if you have dark and thick hair. Be patient and repeat the procedure.

How to do California highlighting at home

The color extraction procedure is quite complex and painstaking, so it is best to trust an experienced stylist. But if you have blond or brown hair, you can try California highlighting at home. The main thing is to follow the proposed step-by-step instructions, and also choose high-quality, most natural dyes. We also recommend watching video tutorials.

First of all, let's prepare the necessary materials. Choose 4-5 similar shades. Pay attention to whether they fit together well. For California highlighting, special pastes with the addition of beeswax are produced. There are also ready-made sets that make color selection easier.

To protect your clothes you will need a special peignoir or cape, and to protect the skin on your forehead - a rich cream. To separate the strands, it is most convenient to take a narrow comb with a long tail. We will apply the dye with a special brush.

A steady trend in recent years in the field of hair coloring is to give it the most natural color possible. Due to the fact that the natural color of hair has many shades, it is impossible to achieve such an effect simply. Highlights on the hair, traces of natural fading in the sun can only be created using complex dyeing techniques. Well, women know that achieving a natural look is much more difficult than a luxurious one.

What is California highlighting

This technique has recently become widely used by hairdressers, but quickly became popular. Its feature, which is very attractive to women, is the combination of excellent visual effect and almost absolute safety for the structure of the strands. This is due to the fact that they are created on the basis of beeswax. During the procedure, the hair does not heat up, as with classic highlighting, since creating highlights on the hair using the Californian method of dyeing does not involve tightly wrapping the hair in foil. The result of using this technique is a soft transition of several shades on the hair.

Benefits of California highlighting

California highlighting, a photo of which can be seen below, perfectly helps to disguise the appearance of gray hair.

Another ability of this type of coloring is a visual increase in hair volume.

Since this method only involves emphasizing the beauty of the natural hair color, it will be an excellent choice for the fair sex who want changes in their appearance, but do not plan to radically change their image.

There is a type of coloring close to the Californian one - shatush. Sometimes they are confused, but there is a difference, and it is quite significant. Californian uses bright and deep colors.

Some masters claim that only those with blond hair can afford Californian highlights. The photo below makes sure that ladies with any hair color can try this technique on themselves.

The most difficult color to highlight is red hair. This is due to the fact that not every paint is able to cope with the original color and change its shade. Therefore, to ensure that the result does not disappoint, you should not perform highlighting yourself; it is recommended to entrust such a luxurious hair color to the work of a professional. It can transform hair, not ruin it.

What to pay attention to when painting yourself

Of course, it is better to have your hair dyed by a professional. But for various reasons, some ladies carry out this procedure on their own at home. In this case, it is highly undesirable to use too much. The maximum permissible is three tones compared to the existing one. It is important to remember that bleaching due to a chemical reaction greatly harms the hair, destroying its structure. If the damage is very severe, then you won’t even be able to apply paint to the curls. And in the worst case, they will simply be burned.

Therefore, if coloring involves creating highlights on the hair, another method of highlighting or regular lightening, it is important to pay attention to the presence of a gray tint in the prepared mixture that is applied to the hair. It is he who indicates that the hair has been burned.

Preparation for the procedure

Before highlighting, you need to wash your hair without using balm or conditioner. Then you need to wait until the hair dries itself; a hair dryer significantly dries it out and makes it porous, so it’s better to do without it. In order for the process to be as safe as possible and the result not to disappoint, it is best to purchase the necessary coloring products at a professional cosmetics store. Products must be from good and well-known manufacturers.

Instructions for California highlighting on dark hair

After the hair has been washed and completely dried, you can begin to apply the dye. According to the rules, it is applied to the strands from top to bottom. There are no clear regulations on the distance between the strands and their width. It depends on personal preference how strongly the highlights on dark hair should be expressed. After the mixture is applied to the desired area, the strand should be wrapped in foil. No need to close tightly. Foil is not required for a chemical reaction; its main function is to protect the other part of the hair from the dye mixture. The owner of short hair does not need foil at all; it is enough to use hairpins to separate the colored areas from the remaining free ones.

How long the dye should remain on the hair depends on several factors: the original shade of the hair, how much the strands need to be lightened. The darker your hair and the more you need to lighten it, the more time it takes to get the expected result. The minimum time is 15 minutes. However, you should not leave the dye on your hair for more than 40 minutes.

After coloring

When the time is up, you need to remove the foil and wash off the paint. It is recommended to use special shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. You should not blow dry your hair.

If you don’t like the result, you can repeat the procedure after two weeks. This time is enough for the hair to recover a little. You need to remember that you can wait a little with color, but you won’t be able to restore health to damaged hair so easily. In addition, light highlights on dark hair often look better than more contrasting ones.

Venetian highlighting

Despite the fact that the technology is trendy and modern, it has been known for a very, very long time. In ancient times, Italian women already knew how to lighten their hair. Therefore, they could easily create highlights on the hair, shimmering with shades of gold in the sun. Then the now fashionable Venetian highlighting was born. Its principle is to use rather warm shades of a light palette, which are naturally woven into natural dark hair. In this case, the ends are the lightest; as you approach the top of the hair, the shade becomes darker.

This technology is different from other similar ones. The effect that is created is not just sun-bleached strands, it is a more interesting coloring. Highlights on the hair are created by transitioning from chocolate to a delicate sunny shade. It’s not for nothing that the technology was invented by Italians. These ladies are distinguished not only by dark hair, but also by dark skin. And each coloring option is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of each client, and not based only on fashion and personal wishes. The image should look harmonious. And if a woman with dark skin wants to add more light shades to her hair color, regular highlights will not look the best. It is better to refresh your hairstyle by using closer dark shades.

Who is suitable for Venetian highlighting?

And it is simply created for ladies with oriental appearance, who sometimes get tired of the natural beauty of dark hair and want to try on the image of a blonde. Hair highlights will look especially expressive on long and curly strands. And also this option for making changes to the image should be considered by beauties with dark eyes.

By the way, this technology, which allows you to add golden and honey shades to dark hair, will go well with gold jewelry. So lovers of this metal, who think that this color of their products does not quite suit them, can try Venetian highlighting. It will allow you to create a truly ideal combination with the color of the noble metal.

But this dyeing technique is not suitable for ash blondes and those with chalky hair tones.

Venetian highlighting technology

Highlights on light brown and darker hair are not created in the easiest way. You will need to apply four (or more) tones of coloring agents. The palette usually includes chocolate shades as the darkest, and champagne as the lightest. The transition should be gradual, then you can achieve a beautiful and natural effect. Therefore, the procedure is carried out in several stages.

In addition, Venetian highlighting is considered the most gentle on hair, provided that high-quality products are used and the artist has the necessary knowledge.

Venetian highlighting at home

To create the effect, you don’t have to resort to the help of a professional; you can transform your hair yourself. All hair needs to be divided into fairly large strands; the thickness should be determined independently. The paint is not applied to the roots; you need to step back a few centimeters from them. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the paint should be applied as tightly as possible. Then, with the help of coloring, the tone of the strands is given a natural tone.

In order not to be disappointed with the result, it is worth knowing that the technology is not used if the hair has been dyed with henna. It is also worth abandoning California highlighting after perm.


You need to know that after you have successfully created highlights on your hair using Venetian highlighting, you need to properly care for the strands. The undoubted advantage of this technique is that it practically does not harm the hair. But proper care of your hair will only make it more beautiful and emphasize the depth of color, add shine and health.

After coloring, it is recommended to put aside all products used to create styling for a week: curling irons, curling irons, hair dryers. Hair should be washed with sulfate-free shampoo. And short hair will please you with its appearance if you wash it once a week with laundry soap.

To ensure that the created effect does not lose its pristine beauty, it is recommended to regularly pamper your hair with nourishing masks and chamomile decoctions.

Shimmers, accents, thin strands, highlights on light brown hair (and not only) - all this is used to make a woman look as modern as possible. Various highlighting techniques are aimed at ensuring that the hair is an unconditional advantage and a reason for pride for every lady. After all, without this you cannot look your best and feel like a queen. And the versatility of the shades used allows you to add volume to the hair, freshness to the image and youth to the face.

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