How interesting it is to take revenge on the guy who dumped you: fresh options. How to take revenge on your ex-boyfriend How to take revenge on the guy who cheated on you

Revenge is not the right step in the life of any girl, because often such an act is no better than the betrayal that the guy did. However, we understand perfectly well that one cannot escape the essence of a person and sometimes he is capable of revenge due to a broken heart or blatant deception.

Taking revenge on your ex-boyfriend is not always as simple as it might seem at first glance, because this requires, firstly, a good imagination, and secondly, a sufficient amount of courage. There are no universal methods of revenge, since all guys perceive this or that attempt by a girl to take revenge quite differently.

Attention! Be careful in your actions, do not go beyond the law. Therefore, it is better to immediately exclude damage to property, threats, physical violence and similar acts from your thoughts if you do not want to turn out to be a criminal.

How to take revenge on your ex-boyfriend?
Create your own blog on the Internet and write in it your story about betrayal and lies, mentioning all his known data (last name, first name, where he lived, where he studied, etc.). Today the Internet is developing fast enough that everyone has access to it. And sooner or later, information about him will emerge, but he will not be able to do anything about it.

How to take revenge on a guy who used you?
It's simple - use him the same way he used you. To do this, persuade your most beautiful friend to extract a lot of money, information from him and generally force him to behave as stupidly as possible. For example, let a fake girl ask to take her to the most expensive clubs and restaurants in the city, let him buy her expensive gifts, etc. However, the girl must remain untouchable! After a certain period of time (when you got everything you wanted), show “all the cards” in front of him and look at the reaction, let him experience for himself what it’s like to be a toy in the wrong hands.

How to take revenge on a guy for cheating?
The most successful revenge, according to the authors of the site, will be to demonstrate all those advantages that he will now never be able to master. To do this, you need to arrange your chance meeting (for example, at a holiday that you will attend together). To do this, you need to find the most handsome man, so that he has not only beauty, but also a fairly strong physique. Next, your actions will be as follows: you come to the holiday, in your new boyfriend’s expensive car, in the most beautiful outfit and walk arm in arm with a muscular handsome man. Naturally, all this must be done in front of the traitor. The latter will naturally be tormented by wild jealousy, which will bring similar pain that you have experienced.

How to take revenge on a guy for an insult?
If you haven’t broken up with your boyfriend, but you hold a grudge against him for something, try to organize an interesting revenge for him. Let him come home as usual, but he will find you not alone, but with your lover in bed (in fact, there will be no one there, and the lover’s body can be folded out of pillows or toys) To do this, as soon as the guy starts opening the door , start moaning loudly in the bedroom. Naturally, he will quickly burst into the room and see you naked and riding on top of a man (choose a position so that neither your face nor your body is visible, but everything is clear). He will be in such a strong shock, and even after he realizes that this is a prank, he is unlikely to quickly move away from what he saw.

In this way you can thoroughly teach a lesson to the man who offended you.

How to take revenge on a guy for betrayal?
Here you need to make the guy feel just as betrayed, let him know that you also had a lot of boyfriends during your relationship, and the relationship with them was much warmer than with him. Come up with evidence and let someone else provide it.

How to take revenge on a guy for lying?
Wedge - they knock it out with a wedge! Therefore, deceive him in the same way. Go to a club and say that you went to see a friend, etc. Deceive about dates, terms and your places of stay. Let him feel how it is possible to have a relationship with a person whom you cannot trust and who constantly deceives you.

“Revenge is a dish best served cold!” The authorship of this catchphrase is disputed. Some attribute it to Edmond Dantes from The Count of Monte Cristo, others to Mario Puzo from The Godfather, and others consider it an old Corsican proverb.

Revenge on the traitor: action plan

The stronger the love feelings you feel for a man, the harder it is to come to terms with his betrayal. The pain from rejected love or deception can be so strong that a woman can be completely consumed by thoughts of revenge. Resentment from a man is perceived especially painfully by representatives of the fairer sex. During the knightly Middle Ages, the slightest insult to a woman’s honor was punished most severely. The offender could be challenged to a duel by the victim's relatives, and secular society and friends would turn away from him.

Unfortunately, the age of noble knights has sunk into oblivion. In the selfish 21st century, a lady herself must avenge her honor, and if the methods of female self-defense seem too aggressive to you, do not rush to blame her for cruelty. Deprived of fair support from society, she fights as her self-esteem tells her.

Leave beautifully

Whether all means are good in such a fight will help you understand the advice of psychologists. The highest aerobatics is to take revenge on a man in such a sophisticated way that he understands what a grave betrayal he has committed. Think about it, if every rejected woman defends her honor so adamantly, sooner or later the stereotype of male behavior will change. They will understand that a disrespectful attitude towards a lady will entail total public contempt and will not dare to break the taboo.

First of all, wait until the overwhelming feelings of indignation subside. It's better to cool down for two reasons. Firstly, rash actions in a state of passion are dangerous. Secondly, you must be firmly convinced that you want to end the relationship with this man forever. Tactics on how to take revenge on a former lover for betrayal, and the one with whom you want to renew relations, are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences.

Let's take a break

This is the first thing you need to do before developing a strategy for revenge on a man who offended you to the core. Remember the first phrase of our post and try to cool your feelings.

Think about the fact that in this unjust world you were not the first and not the last to be betrayed and abandoned. The essence of a man is polygamy. The more authoritarian a representative of the stronger sex is, the more inclined he is to start harems or simply have affairs on the side. The paradox is that the same desires are present in almost every owner of the Y chromosome.

So, do you want to burn all your bridges or give up hope of a comeback?

Let's say, deep down in your heart, you agree to continue your relationship with the person who betrayed you. Even if this comes true by magic, think about whether the game is worth the candle? Why tie a man who doesn’t love you in such sophisticated ways? Let's be honest. Betrayal is a 100% marker of dislike.

The only exception is excessive dramatization of the situation, when we are not talking about obvious betrayal, lies or violence. Before taking specific measures, obtain convincing evidence of betrayal. It will be too ridiculous if the last straw is the slander of ill-wishers vying for the hand and heart of your man.

To take revenge or not to take revenge, that is the question

If a man has realized the wrongdoing and is begging for mercy, it may be better to give him a chance for forgiveness. Revenge does not always bring the expected relief. It dries up the soul, leaving behind a scorched field of devastation. This serves as an obstacle to new sincere feelings and building harmonious relationships in the future.

It is worth taking revenge only in cases where a man acted unforgivably rudely and humiliatingly disgraced a woman’s dignity. Although from the point of view of Christian morality this is not encouraged.

It happens that the desire for revenge haunts you, preventing you from living peacefully further. But if such an idea arose by chance or was given to you by friends on a forum, then it is not so important to you. Before you embark on actual revenge for betrayal, sit down and think carefully about whether you can live without it. Weigh the pros and cons. Whatever weighs on your personal scale, do so.

The main rules of revenge

When developing a cunning plan to take revenge for betrayal, a woman needs to remember three main points:

  1. Don't lose your dignity.
  2. Do not cross the line of the law.
  3. Don't turn a man into your worst enemy.

From the last point it follows that if your offender is an insidious, vindictive person, carefully calculate the options for the development of events before deciding on outright war. Try to take revenge on the man for the offense as anonymously as possible, so that he does not guess about the true author of the revenge. Take your time. In this case, it will be very difficult to connect the unpleasant events occurring with your person.

Types of retribution

So, all the i's have been dotted, bridges have been burned, psychologists' advice has been listened to, but the thirst for revenge does not subside? Well, then choose one of the methods that suits you best. There are plenty of opportunities to take worthy revenge in the modern world, as they say, for every taste and budget.

Smells disgusting

If you want to take revenge on your ex by transparently hinting that his actions stink, stock up on fresh fish and raw eggs. Place an egg into a syringe with a thick needle and stuff it into the upholstery of the front door, upholstered furniture in the house or seats in your personal car. Pieces of fish can be placed in hidden places in your home: on chandeliers, curtain rods, behind a picture frame, etc. Show your imagination, and soon the life of your offender will be ruined by a lengthy search:

  • the source of the disgusting smell in the apartment;
  • method of removing stench;
  • those who want to buy a stinking car on the cheap.

In the name of the law

A man who betrays women is clearly not a role model in other areas of life. Perhaps you, more than anyone else, are aware of the minor violations that he manages to commit with impunity. For example, you know that he constantly parks in the wrong place. To take revenge in the name of the law, take a photo from a good angle so that the car’s license plates are clearly visible, and send it to the traffic police. What criminal thing have you done? The traffic rules are the same for everyone.

Feel like an avant-garde artist

If the car is parked according to all the rules, the object of your retribution will still not be able to get away with it. Have you always thought that he loves his car more than you? In this case, you have an excellent trump card on your hands, and revenge will be a success.

Particularly expressive ladies prefer to spray paint their car in a fashionable bright color (along with the windows). Of course, such a spray can will not paint over the entire car, but it will be quite enough for an avant-garde drawing. Creative individuals can draw faces or a clever farewell phrase on the bumper. As they say: “Have a nice journey!”

Feeding the birds

The next way to take revenge on a man for betrayal also involves a car. Abundantly scattered bird food on the roof and hood will make you scream “shoo” for a long time. And if the owner is not nearby, he will spend even longer cleaning bird droppings from his beloved car. Or incomprehensibly explain at the car wash who he had annoyed so much.

For those who know how to sew

This method is well suited for those ladies who were forced to endure the reproaches of their loved one for being too fat. Before you disappear from a man’s life, cut all his favorite clothes down a couple of sizes: jackets, blazers, trousers, shirts...

Of course, it will take a lot of time, but the effect is worth it. The range of emotions will be quite wide: from surprise at how you managed to gain so much weight, to regret at the expense of completely updating your wardrobe. If you are not comfortable with a sewing machine, then the atelier will help you.

Greetings from Madame Broshkina

If a man humiliates you in public, repay the betrayal by taking revenge on him with the same coin. Psychologists say that it is social shame that causes the greatest mental anguish. Make him look bad in front of his colleagues.

Just imagine: the working day is in full swing, the bosses are there, the office is full of clients. The official courier delivers the large portrait without packaging. In the picture there is a Rubensian type of a lady of Balzac's age in erotic lingerie. At the bottom there is a note in large print: “My baby is waiting for a new hot night. Gift - in the evening!

Sign for receipt

While your colleagues whisper in the corners that they didn’t suspect your offender of being a gigolo in the pay of an elderly erotomaniac, secure your tarnished reputation. Delivery of incriminating objects to work is an inexhaustible field of opportunities to take revenge for betrayal. It can be:

  • Toys from a sex shop.
  • A well-known remedy for impotence.
  • Men's wig and much more.

If you find a crazy courier, he will be able to turn the delivery of an incriminating package into a whole performance, and for a fee he will film it on video. By the way, many delivery services practice video reports. So you can enjoy the fruits of your sophisticated revenge more than once.

Unexpected call

Often a man, having committed betrayal, does not repent of anything, but on the contrary, chuckles contentedly. Suddenly the phone rings at work and an official voice through the secretary asks me to tell you that such and such a citizen, who is on a drug registry, must regularly visit a doctor and get tested. The smile will quickly disappear from the face of the mocker.

An interesting selection of methods that will make a man regret betrayal:

  • Cut holes in the shape of a full name monogram on his favorite jacket or formal suit.
  • Cut off and take with you all the buttons from his clothes as a souvenir.
  • Send an innocent email that is infected with a powerful computer virus.
  • Before leaving, cut all plastic cards with pruning shears.

  • Reset the phone book on his smartphone.
  • Bend the barrel of his hunting rifle and hang it on the wall with the inscription: “A farewell to arms.”
  • Throwing things off the balcony is a classic way to take revenge on an unfaithful man.
  • Mix all the products from the refrigerator in one bowl, write on top with mayonnaise or mustard: “Lunch for the week.”

All of the above methods of revenge, of course, can be regarded as comic. But every joke has a rational grain of truth.

Every woman at least once in her life has experienced a feeling of resentment and anger towards her man, especially if the relationship with him was destroyed. When the accumulated negativity reaches a critical level, only one desire remains - to take revenge on the offender and make him suffer as much as possible. There are several proven ways to ruin your ex-boyfriend’s mood without overstepping the bounds of the law and without later suffering from remorse due to an unseemly act.

Before trying to take revenge on your ex-lover, you need to weigh all the positive and negative consequences of such an act several times.

There are not many positive consequences of revenge:

  1. 1. Perhaps the avenged party will have a feeling of moral satisfaction if the planned retribution takes place.
  2. 2. The Avenger will prove to her ex-boyfriend that she is not as weak and defenseless as he probably thought.

But even just revenge has many more negative sides:

  1. 1. Relationships can be irrevocably damaged - instead of a former lover, there is a high probability of acquiring an open enemy.
  2. 2. On the part of the man, retaliatory actions may follow, which can cause much greater damage to the avenger.
  3. 3. Any revenge requires time and effort, including emotional ones.
  4. 4. An ex-man may think that the girl is still not indifferent to him. Some guys can be flattered by any display of attention, even if expressed in the form of aggression.
  5. 5. Many methods of revenge are classified by the laws of the Russian Federation as criminal actions - there is a danger of acquiring an unpleasant acquaintance with law enforcement agencies.

How to take revenge on your ex?

If, nevertheless, it was decided that revenge should take place, then you can use one of the methods described below:

  1. 1. Become successful and happy. This method is most recommended by psychologists, so it comes first on the list. Such revenge has a huge number of advantages for a woman. Firstly, by engaging in self-development and achieving success, a girl will take her mind off the problems in her personal life. Secondly, if you don’t revel in your grief, but get carried away with a new hobby, your chances of meeting a new lover will increase many times over. Finally, the most important thing is that when the ex-man sees that the girl he left does not suffer at all, but lives a happy and interesting life, he will experience genuine disappointment. But, most likely, by this time his feelings will no longer have any meaning for the girl - he will become a passed stage for her. Many women dream of such revenge - to fly out of an expensive car in front of their ex-boyfriend, having a dazzling appearance, so that he finally realizes that he missed the most beautiful girl in his life.
  2. 2. Make friends with his new passion. A girl may not want to be friends with her boyfriend’s ex-lover, but she will definitely agree to one meeting or conversation. During this conversation, you can talk in detail about all the shortcomings, bad habits and “skeletons in the closet” of her chosen one. If their relationship has just begun, then such a story will force the new mistress to take a closer look at the chosen one or even scare her away completely. A simpler option for revenge: send the new girl love letters or messages from her boyfriend to his ex-lover. Even if it turns out that this correspondence is many years old, it will significantly spoil their relationship.
  3. 3. Have a virtual romance with your ex-boyfriend. This method is most suitable for those who want to take revenge for betrayal. If a guy is prone to infidelity, he most likely will not resist the attention of a beauty whose profile will be developed in advance by the avenger. To carry out revenge using this method, you will have to work hard: select photos of a girl that will suit the taste of your ex-boyfriend, create a realistic page with a certain number of friends and subscribers, so that the guy does not immediately suspect something is wrong. After several months of a virtual affair, you can carry out several options for revenge: either leave him by correspondence, properly humiliating him; or send correspondence to his current girlfriend (if he is in a relationship); or call him on a real date, where he will discover that all this time he was communicating with his former lover.

Beautiful revenge

Some women try to be creative in implementing their plans. In this case, several ideas on how to take revenge in a beautiful and non-trivial way may seem interesting:

  1. 1. Use incriminating evidence against your spouse. Over the years of a relationship, any woman may have some incriminating photographs, documents or videos in her stash. If the ex-husband has managed to build a career and holds a serious position, then it will be an unpleasant surprise for him to discover that all his subordinates have a video recording where he appears in a stupid or unsightly manner. If the wife knows about some financial fraud of her ex-husband, then this information can be sent to his management anonymously by e-mail. But you need to remember that if a couple has children together, it is completely unprofitable for the ex-husband to lose his job - the amount of alimony will be sharply reduced if the spouse resigns from a management position and his salary drops several times.
  2. 2. Ruin your vacation. This method of revenge requires good preparation and large financial costs. The basic idea is this: make sure that your ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend suddenly receive a trip to an expensive exotic resort. When they arrive at the place of their intended vacation, numerous problems should arise (not without your help) - there will be no hotel rooms for them, the food is terrible, return tickets will suddenly turn out to be unpaid, and the ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend will have to solve the problem of returning home for a long time and painfully sitting at the airport. For such revenge to go according to plan, you need to have an agreement with the travel agent, paying him not only for the trips, but also for the fact that he is risking his reputation. After all, an angry ex will leave a negative review about such a vacation, blaming the travel agent who provided the trip for all the troubles.
  3. 3. Make him suffer from constant calls. You can place several advertisements on various topics on the Internet on his behalf. To keep your ex's phone calls day and night, advertisements should be placed in regions with different time zones. The content depends on the fantasy and the degree of resentment towards the ex. If you want to take revenge in a funny way, then you can place funny advertisements indicating his phone number, for example, “I’ll buy an elephant”, “I’m looking for sex, don’t offer a job.” But if you really want to cause trouble for a former lover who used and abandoned a girl, then his phone number can be posted, for example, on sites where people with non-traditional sexual orientation arrange to meet. Now there are even special groups on social networks where you can provide the phone number of the offender, and complete strangers will constantly call him to annoy him.

What not to do?

In an effort to take revenge on their ex, women are often ready to sacrifice basic moral principles and go beyond what is permitted. It also happens that revenge far exceeds the insults inflicted and is completely incommensurate with them.

There are a number of options for revenge that are categorically not recommended to do so as not to incur unnecessary troubles:

  1. 1. Commit minor household mischief. For example, fill his mailbox with advertisements (he will swear while pulling out a bunch of waste paper), use a syringe to pour an egg yolk under the outer trim of his door (he will be surprised at the terrible smell that came from out of nowhere), scratch his car while passing by (because of one scratch you will have to repaint the entire car, which is very expensive). But it must be taken into account that such actions are regarded by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as hooliganism. If it is discovered who is behind these dirty tricks, you will have to compensate for the damage, pay a serious fine and, possibly, even lose your freedom. Therefore, it is worth abandoning such revenge.
  2. 2. Play on his fatherly feelings. If a separated couple has common children to whom the ex-husband is attached, then women often begin to manipulate the children, carrying out revenge through them. This method is not ethical and is not recommended. Of course, if children begin to be afraid of their dad, having heard a lot of scary stories about him from their mother, this will hurt the ex-husband. It will upset him even more if he is not allowed to see the children and participate in their upbringing. But such revenge is too selfish, because children need both parents, and the child who was made into an instrument of revenge will have many psychological problems in the future.
  3. 3. Try to spoil your ex-husband or perform other magical rituals. Many women cannot forgive their husband for betrayal and leaving the family and are ready to do everything possible to take even more painful revenge on him. They often turn to witches, fortune tellers or black magicians to make their ex-husband and his new passion suffer severely. The Internet is replete with numerous tips on how to make a voodoo doll, cause damage, or otherwise take revenge on a man who betrayed you. For example, they offer to light candles in church for the repose of their husband and rival in order to hasten their imminent death. But following such advice, there is a danger of causing much greater harm to yourself and your children. People who are interested in esotericism claim that any negative will certainly return to the one who emits it, and sooner or later you will have to pay dearly for any evil.

Before implementing one of the described options for revenge, you need to think several times whether this person is worth spending time and effort on. Moreover, any separation may be based on a reason that is still beyond our understanding.

Revenge on ex-husband No. 2
If your ex-husband loves a car more than living people? This means that the time has come to take revenge on both of them, especially since this method has no limits in the number of options.
Think before you use it, you should not do this if you have even the slightest desire to restore your relationship. This method is one of the oldest; it was used to take revenge on dishonest employers.
Let me make a reservation right away: you must sacrifice your pride for the sake of a big “dirty trick” and get into his car under any pretext. You can tell a story about being afraid of the dark, go to the hospital, or pick him up from work in the evening, you must know your ex well and know how to play on his feelings. And out of good old friendship, it will be hard for him to refuse you. In the meantime, he is rushing towards you at full speed, prepare an egg cocktail:
- 1 raw egg;
- 1 syringe.
That's all the ingredients. Crack the egg into a cup, being careful not to get the shell in. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Fill the syringe with the mixture as much as will fit, try not to splash it, otherwise you will feel your anger on yourself, and that’s it, the cocktail is ready!
Next, sit in the back seat, the main thing is not to be in the line of sight of your ex-husband, so that he doesn’t notice anything, quietly take out a syringe and spray the contents around the inside of the car, if you want, you can make several injections into the seat. He does not sense trouble right away; it will come to him in a few weeks, when the egg goes rotten. They say that the smell cannot be removed by any detergent or cleaning agent. As a rule, they try to sell such cars (it’s worth emphasizing the word “Trying”)! Good luck, dears!
The egg can be replaced with a small mouse if you plant it in the trunk (where it is most difficult to find). But this method is quite complex, it is unlikely that a dead mouse can be bought at the market or in a supermarket, and it is not worth taking the life of an innocent creature for the sake of revenge (why stoop to its level?). Moreover, there is an excellent shrimp alternative available in any supermarket.
If your ex is very angry and refuses to give you a ride, it's no big deal. You can still “spoil” his favorite car in the literal sense of the word - pour salt into the gas tank. We will not delve into the technical issue; we can say with confidence that nothing bad will happen to the machine, it will just stop working. And most importantly, it will be quite problematic to find the cause of the problem. And you must understand the beauty of this method. You must control yourself and not stoop to the level of resorting to rudeness, like foam in the muffler (the muffler is easy to replace!), threatening or offensive inscriptions (the car is easy to repaint). Let's be women - let them suffer with their "loved ones" - let them suffer!

Hi all! Unfortunately, life is rarely like a fairy tale. Troubles also happen there. One of them is betrayal on the part of a man when you trust him, you like him, or you already love him. But, alas, the dream of a happy and long life does not always come true. It happens that instead you observe resentment, disappointment, lies, betrayal.

Having experienced something like this, a woman often wants to take revenge on her ex-man. After all, he offended us, abandoned us, and this makes us depressed, sometimes we lower our own self-esteem and develop complexes. That is why the girl wants to take revenge.

Where does the desire for revenge come from?

After a breakup, a girl is subject to a strong feeling of pity for herself. It is not easy for her to accept the fact that she was betrayed, especially if it was done by her beloved young man, with whom she has already seen old age together.

At first, the memory does not let go of the image of the young man, even when he is at a distance. We succumb to this by looking at photographs and videos of bygone times. It happens that at the peak of emotional instability a girl is subject to double feelings. On the one hand, she understands that she still loves him, on the other, she is already filled with hatred for him. At this moment, the desire to take revenge on the offender arises in the head.

Many believe that it is revenge that will help get rid of mental pain and be satisfied with supposed justice. There is hope that if you take revenge on the guy, then the mental torment will pass.

Revenge on your ex for betrayal

Girls are emotional and very vulnerable creatures. There are, of course, exceptions, I call them the “iron lady”, the kind of woman who doesn’t care about anything. I don't advise you to become like this. You should be confident in the presence of your man, who reliably protects you.

When faced with betrayal, the disappointment can be so strong that even the “iron lady” can flinch. Still, love can melt any heart.

At the moment when you are visited by thoughts of taking revenge, do not rush to administer your justice, initially get rid of the emotions that control you at the moment. Don't forget the popular saying:

"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

In most cases, when a girl takes revenge on emotions, she does a rash act, which she may later very much regret.

Ways of revenge

The following tips will help you take revenge on your ex-boyfriend beautifully.

Method 1: perfection itself

I think this method is the most common and best. He does not make you a low person who committed a harmful act against your ex, even if he betrayed you. You improve your life.

After breaking up, every girl wants to show the one who left her that he did it in vain. She is ready to change herself so much that he will regret missing out on such a talented, beautiful, successful girl.

Revenge does not have to involve causing physical pain. Mental pain is much worse perceived. Here you can make him regret. He will realize how wrong he was for leaving you.

Cheated with your girlfriend? Left you? Found a lover? You can hide in a corner and cry, or you can analyze the situation, learn a lesson and move on.

Life doesn’t end there; on the contrary, you have even more opportunities for your own happiness and self-realization. After all, you have so much free time. Use it to your advantage.

Accept this situation as a life stage, a step that will help you achieve new heights. It's hard, I agree. But you have already passed this, the stage is over. What's the point of continuing to agonize over the past? Prove to others, and first of all to yourself, that you are the best. Change, bring new colors into your life.

A man by nature is a narcissistic egoist. He is sure that after the breakup, the girl sobs into her pillow, flattering herself with hopes of his speedy return. Selfishness? Selfishness!

Aren't you afraid to follow his lead? Show your ex-husband that without him you are filled with new colors, that he was the reason for your dull life. When a guy sees how happy and radiant you are without him, he will understand that you are not suffering for him as he thought. You can annoy him, because it will hurt his pride very well.

Method 2: indifference

It is often observed that after a breakup, girls begin to bombard their exes with calls and messages, trying to flash before their eyes in common companies. This is a bad strategy. It’s better to show that he has become completely uninteresting to you. Do not contact him, ignore any communication. This works better.

When observing being ignored, men act in two ways:

  1. Second chance. Sometimes a woman's composure can again excite men's feelings. He can understand the fact that he has done terrible things to the girl he loves. And he will try to fix everything and bring her back to himself. You should not immediately react to such behavior. Think about this moment. If he has already betrayed you once, is it worth giving you a second chance??? What has changed since that moment, what if everything happens again?
  2. Guilt. If a man has a conscience, it will torment his soul, he will realize his rotten act. Your indifference will create an even stronger effect of guilt and shame. He is expecting screams and hysterics from a woman, he is waiting for everything, but not to be ignored. He hopes that at this moment he will be able to justify himself and ease his soul.

While ignoring you, the man will try to get you emotional. Do not fall for such provocations. Hold back with all your might. If you start to ignore, ignore completely and completely.

Method 3: social networks

It is the Internet that provides a vast battlefield for revenge. It is not necessary to write on all city public pages what a “goat” and bad person he is by posting his photo. Keep it simple, but with sophistication.

  1. Active life online. Very often, after a breakup, girls fill their pages on the Internet with sad publications about how hard everything is, how love is unfair, how they would love, how much they would appreciate, and so on. What does this actually show? Shows that the situation really hurts you, and you are suffering because of what happened. You are weak in spirit! What do you want to get by publishing these pictures? Do you think a man will see and decide to return to you out of pity? Nevermind. A man, after watching something like this, will, on the contrary, breathe a sigh of relief. Men are disgusted by such snot. Do you really want to take revenge? Take a friend with a camera and go ahead and take pictures everywhere. Take pictures of how happy you are now, how you enjoy life. You are stronger than what happened. Post photos of relaxing and having a good time with friends.
  2. Sincerity in words. Your ex-lover behaved like a pig, and you want to get under his skin? Write the story of your failed love on your page. What's the first thing you see? You will be given a lot of advice, you will see a bunch of comments with the words: “forget it, you are sexy, there will still be a good guy” and so on. It will be more difficult later. Many people like to criticize everyone and it is unlikely that they will bypass you. Not everyone likes inside out laundry from a shared house. Likewise, your gentleman’s friends can add salt by telling their versions of events. Here everything depends only on you, how to react to it.

My opinion on revenge is clear. Just forget this person and don't waste your precious time on him. Why do you need this revenge? Wouldn't it be better to spend time on yourself, on people who really want to spend it with you, who are happy about your company? Think a few times, why do you need this, and is the game worth the candle?

Write your opinion in the comments. Do you think it’s worth taking revenge, or should you forget and let him go his own way?

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