Should I text my guy first? Should you write to your ex-boyfriend first if you want to get your relationship back?

December 3, 2017, at 09:03

Often a woman in love is tormented by questions: “why doesn’t he call me?”, “Does he even like me?” and “should I text him first?”

Is it really worth it or not? Women are accustomed to men writing first, so if he is silent for a long time, it is alarming. But you shouldn't worry too much, since men are also shy and may be afraid of rejection or that they will look ridiculous.

There can be many reasons why a man doesn't text first after you've had your first date. For example, he may simply be overloaded with work or study, very tired, and not wanting to waste his time on long conversations before he completes his business.


Definitely worth it! If you are the first to know what is happening to him now, the world will not collapse at all, but your relationship with him will only improve. This will not only save them, but also demonstrate to the guy that you care.

If you don’t want to make a phone call and start a long conversation, you can write him an SMS message or a message on a social network. However, if there is no response to the message or call, you should not continue to take the initiative.

Sometimes a man deliberately does not write to a woman after meeting her in order to check on her. If a woman turns out to be too annoying or too passive, he will not continue the relationship.

Many men prefer communication in real life to correspondence, so the most that can be expected from such a man is an SMS containing a proposal for a new meeting.

If you don’t like this, you should resort to a feminine trick - write to him that you are worried and miss him, that an SMS from him will be one of the most significant events of the day.

You shouldn’t hold a grudge against your boyfriend when he answers in monosyllables and exclusively to the point. It’s easier for men to answer “everything is fine” than to write in detail why exactly and how good everything is, that’s how they are designed.

You should not be afraid to write first, since relationships are a two-way job.

Should a modern girl take the first step?

My personal opinion, based on the results of observations of my friends and clients: the first step should be with the man. This, at a minimum, will save you from wasting time winning over someone who is not very interested in you in the first place. When a man takes the first step towards you, this indicates his interest in you. If you conquer someone who is not very interested in you, then this is fraught with disappointment. After all, he can switch to the one that really interests him at any time. Or he is simply not free and you risk getting into a love triangle as a mistress...

But if we ignore the consequences, it is very important to be able to give a man a signal that you have singled him out from the crowd of other men, that he has attracted your attention!

Can a girl, for example, break a heel or drop a scarf to provoke an acquaintance?

Oh yeah! But this must be done in such a way that even Stanislavsky does not say his famous: “I don’t believe it!”

Is it the girl who makes the first step in this case?

No. She demonstrated that the man impressed her. Yes, so much so that the heel broke off...
Unless, of course, she ruins everything and the man who offered to call her a taxi offers to take her home himself.

Let's say the girl has already met a guy. Should she wait many days for him to write himself, or should she write “hi, how are you” herself?

I recommend waiting. Again, according to my concept that the first step should come from the man.
Well, she herself will involve a man in correspondence, and then what? Every time you take everything into your own hands?
Maybe he's just bored and texting. Having nothing else to do, he meets her and has sex with her. And then his boredom will pass, and he will quietly disappear. And what will she do with such an unpleasant surprise that has fallen on her head?

Isn't this a classic zero-sum game? If all the girls waited, they would win 1 point. But someone can write to the guy themselves and get all 2 points, in this case the other girl will get 0 points?

If a man is at the search stage, then, of course, it is worth communicating and corresponding with him. But again, then the girl already knows that he is at least interested in her, right?

And, by the way, I never tire of repeating: there are no universal recipes in nature. You also need to be able to listen to your own intuition. And the female one is supposed to be based on the fact that a woman subconsciously knows how to collect information. For example, a woman appreciated the way a man looked at her (interestedly sexual or friendly), how he spoke to her (with enthusiasm or hiding boredom), how he behaved (played for time, not wanting to let her leave a date, or talked about that “they are already waiting for him”, or “it’s time to go home to finish work projects”) and much, much more. If you do not brush aside such messages from your own brain, then it is quite possible to assume the true goals of a man. And based on this impression, take tiny steps towards her or see what the man will do next.

But girls love precisely those who do not show special attention to them. The less we love a woman...

Unfortunately it is so. And that is why there are so many unhappy girls in love whose relationships are far from ideal. Who suffer in such relationships. Who are being cheated on. And from which they leave. For the simple reason that these girls were not initially chosen by men for the role of “girls for relationships.”

If you initially choose a man who you like and who is interested in you, then the chances of successfully building a harmonious relationship are close to 100%.

Why do girls love those who do not pay attention to them? What is this connected with?

Probably with the same thing as men: to conquer. Women (if we talk about Russia) in the last 20-30 years, for various reasons, are increasingly becoming independent “breadwinners” and careerists. Unfortunately, the tendency to take precedence has seeped into the sphere of relationships.
It looks like some kind of excitement.

There is such a factor as female rivalry: I conquered it, which means I’m cool! It is due to the fact that we now live in a consumer society. And the main value in a consumer society is the possession of things. And here, many women consider a man as a thing. They brag about him: his wealth, his appearance, his career achievements.

There is another type - women who are accustomed to taking everything into their own hands, including in the sphere of building a family. These are ambitious women who are not afraid to break stereotypes, women without prejudices.

There is also a third type. It is not numerous. These are women with low self-esteem who cling tightly to a man, believing that this is their last chance.

This question is very deep, and we should not forget that this division into types is very arbitrary. Therefore, it is impossible to generalize here. Each woman has her own reasons for taking such a step. But, to summarize, it is important to say that over the years, women have gained more freedom in society (than 100 years ago, where a woman was already destined for a husband chosen by her parents). Now she chooses herself.

Is consumer society good or bad?

This is neither good nor bad. Civilization develops cyclically. Now we are in a very neutral position, when circumstances do not put us in extreme conditions. We don't think about survival, starvation or death from disease. We are not engulfed by such serious economic crises as at the beginning of the last century.

Based on my personal opinion, I believe that this has bad consequences for many: people often become amorphous, lazy, and aimlessly living their lives. Their goals can only include buying a cooler phone, more fashionable clothes and a bigger apartment. And there is no room left for self-development in life.

The world has turned into a money funnel, where money is earned only for even more senseless spending.

What is happiness if not in consumption?

I believe that happiness lies in living a full life. Have your own interests and hobbies. Make discoveries for yourself by learning something new and interesting. To feel emotions. Enjoy nature and the weather, no matter how many degrees there are on the thermometer and whatever the color of the foliage. Live next to a person who makes you happy every day, and whom you make happy every day.

What other tricks could there be to get acquainted (break a heel, drop a scarf)?

Ask for recommendations for a purchase in a store, ask for the address and how to get there (and ask to see you there, if you’re brave enough), sometimes even just smile!
The most important thing is to demonstrate that you are open to communication.
For example, if at a dance you refused three men, hoping for an invitation to a fourth, then he most likely will not invite you, seeing that a refusal awaits him, because you are turning everyone away.

How about asking a man to dance?

Why not? After all, asking you to dance does not mean starting to ask for his phone number or inviting him on a date.

Can a girl ask a man out on a date?

The girl can do anything. But we must remember one thing: if you do not give the man the initiative in time, then you risk getting a man who will now and forever transfer the solution to all issues in the relationship into your hands. And then you, and only you, will decide when and where to go on vacation, what furniture to buy, where his Taxpayer Identification Number is, how to remove a blockage or fix a leaking faucet.

You can take steps first. But there is no need to impose yourself and take on a leadership role (unless, of course, you are interested in a strong-willed man who will solve male issues in your couple). If you like the role of a family locomotive, then pick up the flag and go! And then don’t complain to your friends that he doesn’t carry you in his arms, doesn’t give you gifts, and doesn’t solve problems like a man: you took all this for yourself.

A strong-willed man - he probably has a lot of women. How to interest him and win him over?

You can interest a man by being kindred in spirit. A strong and strong-willed man can be an intellectual of the highest standard or an athlete obsessed with sports and his own results. The approaches to them seem to be different. You can find the key to an intellectual through intelligence. To an athlete - through sports. Simply by communicating with each of them on the topics that resonate with them.
And then begins what is common to everyone. To interest a man, you need to be interesting to him.
To be interesting to a man, you need to be able to talk to him about topics that interest him. That is, at least, at least superficially understand them. Be able to carry on a conversation. You must be able to give compliments. You must be able to listen. And listen with interest and involvement. You have to be cheerful and optimistic. Cheerful.
Any man needs feminine tenderness and support for his views and ideas.
And further. You must understand that in order to interest a high-class man who has a lot of fans, you need to have something that dozens of other candidates do not have. Of course, he may lose his head over your appearance. But appearance is unlikely to be the basis that will make him marry you. You need to think about how you personally can interest a man, besides lips, breasts and sex. Think, understand and develop these qualities in yourself even more (and if they are not there, then develop them).
Hint: you have to be a Personality.

What kind of qualities could these be?

Let’s start with the simplest thing: being well-read (and don’t read romance novels, dear girls). Knowledge of etiquette. Absence of bad habits (except for cigarettes and alcohol, including hysterics, scandals and whining).
This is the ability to empathize and understand the feelings of another person. Kindness. Tolerance. Care.
You can develop in this direction endlessly.

What to do and what not to do so that your first date does not become your last?

If you are going on a date, but are concerned about home or work problems, if you are tired, nervous and exhausted, then you will have to transform yourself for a couple of hours and leave all of the above at home. There are a lot of sad faces around. Start radiating light and radiance. To do this, you need to tune in to a positive wave. Listen to fun, uplifting music. Watch a comedy movie. Remember all the joyful things that have happened to you over the past 2-3 months. Imagine that you are the happiest woman in the world. Even if this is not the case now, be an actress, imagine yourself happy. If you do this constantly, you will really soon learn to be always happy - verified!

Do not be nervous. Don't talk too much, don't tell all the secrets about yourself. Be calm and dignified.
Do not criticize the establishment to which a man invited you, even if the service was disgusting and the food tasteless. Tell him (assuming, of course, you like him and don't want to blow him off) that you enjoyed your time with him.

Don't interrupt a man when he's talking. Do not insert the lines “And I have...”, “And I...” and do not drag the conversation onto yourself when he tells you something. For example, he says: “I vacationed in Vietnam this year.” You want to say: “Oh, I was there last year too, and I liked it... I was... I saw...”. It’s better to say: “Tell me what you remember most there?” and give him the opportunity to continue the conversation on this topic.

Don't burden him with your problems. Don't ask for help. Don't demand anything. This is the first date, and he has not yet chosen you to be his woman. For now, he doesn't owe you anything. Don't talk about your work, your friends and relatives, your children and pets yet. Even if he asks, it will be in the most general terms.

Be nice and kind. Be beautiful and well-groomed. Be sexy (but not vulgar).

Do not look for convenient dating places for him and do not offer a dating program. Let the man decide what will interest you.

If you haven't exchanged numbers yet, don't give him your business card with your number on it unless he asks. And don't call first after a date. Didn't pick up the phone or isn't calling? Well, that means you didn’t make an impression on him, and he doesn’t intend to continue communicating with you. It happens. You, too, can sometimes stop liking people after the first conversation? If he called back, but not immediately, but let’s say after a week, under no circumstances find out why he didn’t call for so long. And learn to hang up first, so that a man does not have to painfully come up with excuses to end a protracted conversation with you.

If you are looking, then it is important to learn how to go on dates without expecting anything from them. So that wedding rings, three children and a new refrigerator for the kitchen do not shine in your eyes. Otherwise, men track this with some feeling and are frightened by your pressure, preferring to disappear. Go simply with the goal of spending time over a cup of coffee with a pleasant interlocutor. This way you will attract a man into your life much faster.

It’s not for nothing that wise women constantly think about what to write to the guy they like. What should you say to a stranger to arouse his interest in you? How to hint to your loved one about your feelings?

There are many questions, but there are also many ways to say “I miss you”: short messages, cute poems, beautiful words. The main thing is to speak sincerely and from the bottom of your heart.

Some girls find it difficult to pronounce or write pleasant words to their loved one. The reasons for this behavior may be:

  • difficult memories of childhood;
  • strict parenting methods;
  • experience of unsuccessful relationships.

All this is fraught with the emergence of psychological complexes that already require qualified help from specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to fight your reluctance to say beautiful words to your loved one. You will not only relax, but also please your soulmate.

Another common misconception concerns the notorious emotional coldness of the stronger sex. It is believed that a real man must be serious, not be distracted by various “nonsense” and not express his feelings publicly.

However, often behind the apparent indifference lies an open guy who is extremely pleased when his chosen one says beautiful words to him.

Don't turn your messages into flattering praises. Your loved one will not like it if you start writing about his non-existent advantages.

Therefore, you can and should speak sincerely, telling a man about why you fell in love with him and continue to love him.

You can say sweet words to both your loved one and the guy with whom you just recently started a warm correspondence. Moreover, communication on the Internet is more open, because you can express your deepest feelings.

It is unlikely that you will call your boyfriend a tiger cub in front of everyone, but it is very easy to do this in a message. So, what words does he, the best man in the world, expect from you?

Option number 1. Compliment external data

Yes, we often repeat that we value guys not for beauty, but for strength and reliability, but every man will be pleased if his chosen one finds him attractive. You can praise his appearance as a whole, but it’s better to admire some particular “detail” - long eyelashes, dimples on his cheeks or beautiful fingers.

Use words and phrases from the following list:

  • “Dimples suit you”;
  • “You have strong hands”;
  • “You look like a pianist - the same long and beautiful fingers”;
  • “Your new hairstyle suits you”;
  • "You are very strong";
  • “You have such a muscular figure”;
  • “What sweet lips you have...”

Option number 2. A few words about talents

Every young person has some kind of gift or talent. And your young man is no exception.

Perhaps he sings beautifully, knows how to draw, drives a car great, or cooks scrambled eggs better than anyone else. Show your loved one that his abilities delight you. And even though he has heard about this a thousand times from strangers, you just need to say that you are proud of him.

So, what phrases about talents can you write in an SMS to a man:

  • “You amazed me with this song”;
  • “You managed to do the impossible! The roast was great";
  • "Your poems make me cry."

Option number 3. Words of gratitude

You should always say “thank you” to your loved one, and it doesn’t matter at all whether he gave you a huge bouquet of flowers or let you go to work.

There is a certain pattern: the more often a man is praised, the more he tries.

Having heard rave reviews about his signature dish, the guy will certainly want to repeat his culinary masterpiece. And all for the sake of a few pleasant words from the woman you love.

The same applies to the sexual side of relationships. The man also needs to be thanked for a great night.

What to write to a guy? We offer the following options:

  • “Darling, it was great! Thanks for a wonderful night. I hope you had as good a time as I did”;
  • “Thank you for the most beautiful bouquet of flowers. You are very, very sweet";
  • “I miss your morning coffee. Thank you for the hot and delicious start to the day.”

Option number 4. A few words about masculinity

You will never compare with your loved one in strength, so it is better to appear weak and defenseless than to demonstrate your independence. Emphasize his masculinity, courage and nobility. Men like messages that suggest they are exclusive and irreplaceable.

Send the following sweet SMS to your loved one:

  • “With you I’m not afraid of anything”;
  • “Next to you I feel absolutely calm”;
  • "You are a real man".

Option number 5. “Pleasures” for the night

Goodnight messages should take into account the extent of your relationship. If you've only met a guy a couple of times, it might not be the best decision to write to him: “Lonely night... I wish I could be near you right now...” Why? There is a high probability that the young man will take this as a signal for a certain relationship.

Of course, if you want to turn him on and hint about a hotter meeting, this phrase is ideal.

If you are in a more serious relationship, but are now far away, do not forget to write a nice message to your guy for the night and tell him how much you need him: “I miss you terribly and I dream of falling asleep on your shoulder.”

You can also send some unobtrusive, funny poems that will serve as a kind of lullaby.

Option number 6. Cool poems

Do you want the young man to smile? Try writing a joke to the guy you like in SMS.

Cool poems, an anecdote, a compliment with a hint - all this will help reduce the distance between you, provide a good mood to your loved one and show your ability to communicate in a positive way.

A few important rules

If you want your registration to last as long as possible and end with a meeting and a serious relationship, follow a few simple, but at the same time effective rules.

  1. Write correctly. This is an extremely important condition in communication via instant messengers, social networks and SMS. Perhaps the young man will not say directly that your literacy is lame, but he may decide that you are not suitable for him. However, you should not point out spelling errors to the guy; he will not appreciate such frankness.
  2. Don't bother your beloved man. Messages like “Where did you go?” or “Don’t you like me?” You can only destroy the relationship. Firstly, the young man may be really busy, and your SMS will only infuriate him. Secondly, such obsession does not do honor to a decent girl.
  3. Write first if you like the guy. Some girls categorically do not want to write to the first man who caught her in a photo on a social network. But how will he understand that you like him? Look at his page, find common interests and write first, and if he doesn’t answer you, well, at least you won’t suffer anymore.
  4. Don’t call a man you don’t know well by diminutive nicknames. Words like “bunny”, “baby”, “sunny” are suitable for communicating only with a loved one. Agree that it is somewhat unexpected to receive the following phrase in your first SMS: “Hi, baby, I really like you.” It’s better to say a few nice words about his hobbies.
  5. Be sincere. What to write to a guy to make sure he knows your feelings? In fact, it doesn’t matter whether it’s poetry, gratitude in your own words, beautiful phrases from the Internet. The main thing is sincerity and moderation. We immediately discard rude flattery; we should also not praise for non-existent talents. Neutral options: “I am very glad that you are in my life,” “Thanks to you, I understood what love is,” “I miss you madly.”

A man is a rather romantic creature, although he wants to seem tough and even indifferent to us. Believe me, your loved one wants to hear words of approval, gratitude and

I know the feeling when you just don't know what to write to a guy to make him feel good and so that your correspondence does not go into a “dead corner”, so that a carelessly dropped word or phrase does not become the last in your correspondence with him? Surely familiar. Even people who know each other well often face the fact that they simply don’t know what to talk about, but what if you barely know a person or just want to get to know him?
The generally accepted opinion is that the initiative should come from men: they should be the first to show interest, make acquaintances, offer friendship, “win” and win your heart. Indeed, it’s nice when a guy wins the favor of a girl, and she, the “mystery girl,” has some power over him - such is our female nature :) But it also happens that you have to take the initiative yourself, without waiting for the guy to take the first step - Because of his timidity or for some other reasons, he may not decide to write first. If you are interested in a person, don’t be afraid to write first, the main thing is to know what to write to a guy so that he will respond and show a keen interest in you.

  • Try not to be corny. Saying “Hey, how are you” feels more like spam than an attempt to meet a guy you're interested in. There are many ways to intrigue a guy, and it will be easier to do this by getting to know his interests. First take the trouble to study his page in detail: hobbies, hobbies, favorite music, books, films, sports - it is quite possible that many of your interests will coincide. Express your admiration for the song, video, unobtrusively praise the guy, highlight some of his abilities, ask for advice on issues in which he is strong. Add a little intrigue and flirtation - and rest assured, he will definitely answer!
  • Be mysterious. There is no need to write about studies, work, problems - they are not interesting to him. Do not reveal all your cards to him, remain a mystery - this will further warm up interest in your person.
  • A little flattery. Guys also “love with their ears”, let him understand that writing first is not at all in your rules and that you wrote only because there is something like that in him... But limit yourself to this, there is no need to sing the guy’s praises - otherwise will start to get arrogant :)
  • Give him the initiative. What you once wrote first should under no circumstances become a habit. This was an exception! If you managed to interest a guy the first time, he will definitely respond. Only then continue the correspondence. There is no need to write “Why don’t you answer?” or “Where did you go?” - have pride. If he doesn’t answer, it means he doesn’t want to, don’t be intrusive, otherwise you’ll scare him away. If he answered - good, then the initiative has quietly passed to him and now it depends on you whether you will continue to be the same interesting interlocutor.
  • Be yourself. If you are counting on a long-term relationship, do not start your acquaintance with deception. Everything secret eventually becomes clear, and the deception revealed later can cause a breakup. How much more pleasant it is to be sincere, to be yourself: Real, Mysterious, Unique.
  • Have a sense of humor. Let positivity emanate from you; if the guy has a good sense of humor, he will appreciate your jokes. But don’t try to joke about him at the beginning of your acquaintance, because you still don’t know how he reacts to such jokes. But emoticons that display emotions will always come in handy. With them, correspondence looks more “alive”.
  • Show interest in the person you are talking to. You don’t need to write only about yourself to your beloved, be interested in his life and hobbies, take part in them. But if you inadvertently brought up something purely personal and the guy decided to “hush it up” - don’t ask further, pretend that you didn’t notice his confusion and move the conversation in a different direction.
  • Down with commercialism. The topic of money is taboo, you are “not interested” in how much he earns, how many cars, apartments and country houses he has :) Don’t give any reason to think that the guy is interesting to you for selfish reasons.
  • Don't babysit. Guys don’t like it when people talk to them in a very sweet way, and besides, you barely know each other.
  • Be feminine. If you are counting on a relationship that goes beyond the friendly, do not be a “sidekick” for him, you are a girl, slightly mysterious and almost unapproachable.
  • Spelling. Of course, perhaps the object of your affection is himself capable of making four mistakes in the word “more”, but nevertheless, if you are not entirely sure of your spelling, use the spell checker of the messenger, social network or even Word so as not to look “ stupid blonde,” who didn’t even really learn how to write.

Remember that writing to a guy to interest him is only half the battle, it is important that his interest only increases every day, and for this you need to match the impression that you made on the guy when you met, be interesting, feminine and always unpredictable .

Often women in love are visited by questions: “why doesn’t he call”, “does he like me”, and of course – “should I write first”?

Is it really worth it? We are accustomed to the fact that a man should write first, so when he is silent for a long time, it begins to alarm us. Often you shouldn’t worry, because guys are also shy, afraid of being rejected, and think that they will look stupid. There are many reasons why a guy doesn’t write after the first meeting. He may be simply busy with school or work, gets very tired and does not want to waste time on long conversations before finishing his business.

So should you text your guy first?

Solid - yes! If you are the first to know how he is doing, the world will not collapse, but your relationship will be a big plus. This way you can not only save your relationship, but also show the guy that you care about him. If you don’t want to burden yourself and him with a phone call and subsequent long conversation, then write him an SMS or a message on the website. But if after a message or call there is no response, then it is no longer worth continuing to take the first steps. It happens that guys don’t specifically write to a girl after meeting her in order to check on her. If the girl is too annoying or, on the contrary, inconspicuous, then he is unlikely to choose to continue the relationship. Some men prefer real communication to correspondence, so the most you can expect from such an acquaintance is an SMS with a request for a new meeting. If you don’t like this, then you should use feminine charm and cunning - write to him that you are worried and miss him, and that his SMS will be one of the most significant events of the day.

You should not be offended by your boyfriend if he answers you in monosyllables and only to the point. This is how men are made, it is much easier for them to answer “Everything is OK” than to describe, Why And how much Everything is fine. Don’t be afraid to write first, because relationships are mutual work.

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