Sixth lunar day. Lunar birthday 6 lunar day for haircut

The spirit of the 6th Lunar Day is filled with pure, primordial energy; it gives every person a chance to realize the meaning of their own life and even look into the future. On this day, spiritual awakening, spontaneous insight are possible, and telepathic abilities are enhanced. People who have a deep gift will feel it if they listen to their inner world. Intuition today will tell you what is true and what is a lie, trust your inner instinct. Dreams will be prophetic and can show the upcoming future, but you need to be able to interpret them correctly.

It is better to spend the 6th Lunar Day calmly, without conflicts, try to avoid noisy companies and unnecessary fuss, this will give you deep self-confidence and will not allow you to waste energy in vain. Better dedicate this day to something sublime. Walking and contemplating nature will have a healing effect. People who practice meditation can easily achieve higher levels of concentration.

In general, this day is very favorable; it allows you to show all your abilities. Your luck increases, new plans and thoughts appear that can change your life for the better. Scientific and social activities will be successful on this day. However, you need to be restrained in your contacts, since excessive pressure or complete tactlessness can reduce the effectiveness of your actions.

Love and relationships

The 6th lunar day is the best time for concluding happy marriages for love; there are beliefs that marriages on this day are made in heaven, therefore they can be considered the happiest. A very good day for a date.


This lunar day is very suitable for breathing exercises, visiting beauty salons or a cosmetologist. Any anti-aging procedure will bring good results. On the 6th Lunar Day, the chest, shoulders, lungs, and bronchi are vulnerable. The day is also unfavorable for treatment and tooth extraction. IN


A great day for solving everyday problems and doing housework. Everything will work out with ease, and cleaning the house, in addition to dirt, will also cleanse the energy of the space.

Business and money

The sixth lunar day is very good for signing new contracts, starting a new business, and registering an enterprise. All financial matters will bring positive results. Overall, this is the best day for business in the entire lunar calendar. The only point is that you shouldn’t lend money today, since it is believed that along with the money you are passing on your financial luck.

Interpretation of dreams on the 6th lunar day

Higher powers can send a dream on the 6th lunar day. With its help, they will try to answer your question that was asked earlier. Moreover, regardless of whether a person remembers this question or not.

In order to know not only the answer, but also the question, it is worth turning to the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located. Its exact position and connection with one of the signs will help determine the specific area of ​​life, as well as the circumstances in question.

The 6th lunar day will increase the likelihood that the dream will become prophetic. True, it is unlikely to come true exactly. That is, not all events will be the same as in the dream.

We can say that the dream is filled with signs, as well as answers to previously asked questions. Before you begin to interpret it, it is worth clearly understanding that you cannot rush. This is about sleep, not about a precise guide that lists specific actions. Therefore, it is impossible to do without careful attention. The mind, of course, will be a good assistant when interpreting any dream. However, in no case should you forget about your personal feelings. And, in particular, about your own intuition. This is the only way to decipher dream images.

It is noteworthy that sleep on the 6th lunar day is not associated with the past or present, and with the future. And the information contained in them is sent from above. So it shouldn’t be accurately correlated with human customs.


Stones: hyacinth, citrine

The purpose of the 6th lunar day is to give every person the opportunity to understand the meaning of their own life and look into the future. Insights, spiritual awakening, spontaneous reading of thoughts, and telepathic phenomena are possible. Today there is a lot of different information coming in, but it is necessary to “filter” it. Passivity and calmness will help you figure out what is true and what is false. To hear the quiet whisper of intuition, you need to behave calmly, balanced, and avoid any disputes or conflicts.

The symbol of the sixth lunar day is a bird. In esoteric teachings - the prophetic bird Sirin. Today everyone can become a predictor of their own future. Fleeting visions and vivid images may arise that will remain etched in your memory for a long time. Those who have a well-developed imagination can watch the clouds and see the development of their future destiny and clues there. In addition, on this day you will suddenly be able to understand why this or that event happened, and you will see the positive in unpleasant events. Dreams on this day may indicate an unfinished action.

On the 6th lunar day, we humbly accept what fate gives us, and most often, on this day, we soar with joy, swim in a sea of ​​love, and nothing in the world can darken our happiness.

The sixth lunar day is very well suited for scientific research, research, and experiments. If you are involved in charitable projects, then today is the right time to raise charitable funds. On the 6th lunar day, even the most “greedy” ones are ready to fork out money to help those who are not very lucky in life or to benefit the world. Today, you can promote any projects aimed at the benefit of society, establish non-profit associations and partnerships.

The sixth lunar day is very suitable for a quiet, contemplative rest. This is the day of finding Love as Divine grace, which helps us to love everything and everyone around us, accepting the world as it is. Today, the energy of the Moon helps in the fulfillment of all our dreams and plans. Also this of your enemies, to cleanse the soul and gain the grace of God's Love.

The 6th lunar day is associated with aromas. Try to inhale the natural scents of flowers as much as possible. If this is not possible, then incense sticks can come to the rescue. It is very good to do any breathing exercises on this day (for example, Strelnikova’s breathing exercises give excellent results).

Now let’s look in more detail at the influence of the sixth lunar day on various areas of our lives.


On the 6th lunar day, the happiest marriages of mutual love take place. The following saying is very suitable for this day: “Happiness is when your happiness is happy next to you.” The highest love puts the happiness of the partner first, because we can only be happy when he is happy. Since intuition becomes very sharp on the 6th lunar day, the true meaning of your relationship may be revealed to you. Listen carefully to your inner voice, and you will be able to feel what your partner feels towards you. A very suitable day for dating.


The day is good for any procedures that promote rejuvenation, so a visit to a beauty salon or a visit to a cosmetologist would be a good idea. Symptoms of the disease on the sixth lunar day can be deceptive, making diagnosis difficult. With a correct diagnosis, recovery occurs quickly. On the sixth lunar day, the shoulders, cervical and thoracic spine, upper respiratory tract, lungs, and bronchi are vulnerable. Take care of your throat: there is a high probability of respiratory tract disease, acute respiratory infections and sore throat. In addition, this day is unfavorable for tooth extraction. The 6th lunar day is suitable for breathing exercises. If you don’t do any of these, then at least just take a walk in the fresh air.

When eating, give preference to fruits and vegetables, avoid heavy foods, especially meat.


The 6th lunar day is the day of housework. Household chores today will not be difficult at all; economic plans can also be made with confidence that they will all come true.

Business and money

Since ancient times, the sixth lunar day has been considered lucky in business. This is one of the best days of the month!

Luck accompanies your endeavors and enterprises. A very successful day for solving material financial issues, for work and business, because today you have the opportunity to show your skills and talents. You can achieve success in many areas.

Think about some important project, about how to achieve a goal, get what you want.

A special sign of this day: you cannot lend. You should not lend someone time or things. Otherwise, the one who received the things will take your peace and luck along with them.

According to the lunar calendar, the 6th lunar day is considered a successful and positive day. This is a passive period. It is on this day that everything that happens fits into one puzzle. All events take place smoothly and without haste. This time can be successful if you live it in harmony with your inner world, feel harmony and do things smoothly, thinking about the next step. The time will be successful if you follow some rules, the main one of which is maximum peace and tranquility and harmony in the soul.

Characteristics of the 6th lunar day

If we talk about the characteristics of the 6th lunar day, then it is directly related to the elements of water and air, which means that the day is light and very smooth. The symbol of this day is the crane. After all, the events that take place on this day are calm as a water current and light as air.

The peculiarities of this day can be considered a certain adaptation after the events and experiences that have occurred. At this time, it is common for a person to get used to changes and feel like a different person. Astrologers believe that this is the time when a person gets used to and accepts new obligations and changes. It results in some humility and acceptance of yourself and your inner self.

The description of this day, as a rule, says that one should not expect serious changes at this time, there will be no negative or positive events. The day will pass quite calmly. The moon on this day does not require energy expenditure, so you can manage it yourself. In each individual area, the moon will influence differently on this day; you should listen carefully to the signs. This includes both sleep and emotional state. It is very important to monitor your health on this day.

It is necessary to remember that the best action on this day will be to simply contemplate and observe, but in no case make hasty decisions or actions. The main thing here is to show some patience and wait for a better moment to solve various kinds of problems.

How do relationships work out?

On this day it is possible to get married if you dream of a quiet and monotonous life. Such a marriage will be accompanied by a romantic, homely atmosphere, in which mutual understanding always reigns and there are no noisy companies.

Many astrologers, speaking about this day, say that people who get married at this time will be wise, their family life will be calm and stable. And love feelings will last for many years.

Sex on this day should be gentle, calm, slow. If one of the partners is upset, then it is better to refuse sex on this day. This lunar period can be healing, but if you are in a bad mood, it can cause discomfort and anxiety. If we talk about techniques, then you need to have sex during this period using classical techniques and positions; you should not use active, extreme methods of satisfaction. Better more romance, kisses, sincere and warm words.

If at this time you are too tired, but there is a romantic relationship, you can do a mutual relaxing massage. On this day, sex has a beneficial effect on the human body, especially recommended for older people.

Conceiving a child

This time is quite suitable for conception. Those conceived on this day are usually strong idealists. These are active people who achieve their goals. Children who are conceived on the sixth lunar day do not like monotony and monotony. And if they have to do such work for a long time, a state of depression may appear.

The character of these people lies in their independence, freedom of choice. People who do not accept other people's opinions and set boundaries. Often such people become creative individuals, travelers who change their place of residence throughout their lives.

Work and money matters

This period is considered very favorable for business. You can plan, reveal your talents and abilities. The 6th lunar day is a good day for various types of researchers, and all employees will be friendly and hardworking.

During this period, it is good to resolve all financial issues, but you should not sell anything.

It is not recommended to get a new job on this day; it is better to wait for the right moment. The same applies to dismissal from work. This day is very calm and there is no need to make drastic changes and make such important decisions. Other, more favorable days are suitable for changing jobs.

On the sixth lunar day, creative people should carefully monitor all the signs and listen, because this day there will be a lot of inspiration, creative ideas, and all creative work will bring a lot of positive emotions. This day can be the day all questions are answered.

This time is very favorable for all professions, but you should not hold various events, reports and meetings. It’s best to make this day as simple as possible and as positive as possible for all employees.

The financial situation on this day also requires some security. You should not use the phrase “don’t care about money”, as this can lead to negative energy, and the money will go away. On the sixth lunar day, you should not give money in the evening. And also during this period, astrologers do not recommend borrowing.

State of health on this day

Astrologers strongly advise avoiding cold drinks, as this can affect the functioning of the respiratory tract and throat. The water and air elements are closely intertwined on this day; overstrain of the ligaments is very dangerous; prolonged speaking should be avoided. This is especially important for those who, due to their duty, are forced to talk a lot.

Today, a lot of attention should be paid to health, for the most part this concerns such an organ as the kidneys. It is better to stay warm, avoid drafts and hypothermia. Those who do gymnastics and various practices to improve breathing should reduce their loads and perhaps even stop exercising for a couple of days. Since active exercise on the sixth lunar day can cause many different diseases.

On this very positive day, it is good to carry out various procedures aimed at rejuvenation. You can visit a massage therapist on this day and perform various types of massage. For women, you can visit a cosmetologist and undergo various anti-aging procedures. This way of spending 6 lunar days will not only relax and rejuvenate the body, but will also serve as a certain way of meditation.


The 6th lunar day is not the most favorable time for cutting hair. This can cause a cold, which will lead to a significant deterioration in mood. Today is the 6th lunar day and cutting your hair can cause problems with your sense of smell. And although cutting your hair on this day is not recommended, you can do your hair. In addition to the above, it is worth taking into account favorable days in general; if a haircut is recommended during this period, then this will be the right decision. You can read more in detail in the lunar calendar or consult an astrologer. After all, the lunar period can have different effects on different zodiac signs.

Characteristics of people born on this day

Children born in the 6th lunar period will have a difficult fate. And although they have a strong-willed character, such people will feel the cruelty and injustice of this world all their lives. People born in the 6th lunar period will face constant changes and various kinds of injustice. They will be punished for bad thoughts, but by nature such people are very peaceful, they perceive this world as a special organism.

The life of people born on the 6th lunar day is usually very varied, it depends on many different factors and strength of character. Such people can find themselves in completely different professions, but their creative side is best developed. They are very intelligent, thinking and logic are always an order of magnitude higher.

Dreams on the 6th lunar day

A conversation with the subconscious is called a dream. Dreams during the 6th lunar period are usually joyful and always come true. But the main thing to remember is that you shouldn’t talk about what you dreamed about. A dream can predict the future and show the truth. If your child talks about his dream that day, it must be kept secret.

Many people are interested in what dreams on the 6th lunar day mean. Astrologers speak differently. Some believe that dreams that occurred these days can reveal the future, while others, on the contrary, show what should be feared. One way or another, it is worth drawing certain conclusions from each dream and following your heart. Many people use special dream books to interpret dreams; they can reveal the true purpose of the dream and then you will have the opportunity to do everything right.

Some astrologers recommend performing a special ritual before going to bed on this day. You need to lie down in bed, close your eyes and think about your deepest desire. You can ask the Moon to give you the answer. Usually, after such a request, a person dreams of a dream in which the answer to the question is hidden. It is very important to remember the dream and use the book to unravel the message. Typically, such dreams are considered true and most often come true.

Most dreams are our conversation with the subconscious, and not a panacea for solving problems.

Ritual of the 6th lunar day

There are several rituals that should be performed during the 6th lunar day. But there are also rituals that you should refrain from today:

  1. Eating. At this time, you should not starve yourself, follow a strict diet, or, on the contrary, go through the process of unloading the body. You need to eat in moderation, while using a minimum amount of animal food. It is worth paying more attention to vegetables and fruits.
  2. Cleaning is considered a useful ritual on this day. It’s good to put things in order not only at home, but also in your head. You can open all the windows, light incense and do meditation. All these processes should be carried out slowly, thoughtfully, and without haste. You don't need fuss at this time.

During such a period, you should let go of all unnecessary thoughts, isolate yourself from them and enjoy an ordinary day, even if you decide to spend it alone at home.

Also, a lunar day is well suited for performing various kinds of magical rituals. In ancient times, astrologers specially performed rituals on this day that were aimed at eternal life or to prolong life.

It is at this magical time, according to the best astrologers, that a special connection with the cosmic world opens. During the ritual, a person can not only receive a powerful charge of positive energy, but also receive information from the other world.

But such rituals should only be performed by true magicians or witches, because communication with the other world can also have negative consequences.

The 6th lunar day is a great time for relaxation, for time alone. It is very important to dedicate this day to your inner world and enjoy the beautiful. A day that can give you a lot of positive emotions.

The sixth lunar day is a time of silence, calm and contemplation. It’s as if the world is resting after hard work - it’s useful to dream, admire the results of your work, and spend a day without fuss and unnecessary haste.

  • Element of the 6th lunar day Metal– hard, cold, firm and unshakable. The element of metal gives us vigor, strength, courage and patience. Although today is considered a passive day, this does not mean that you need to fold your arms and wait for weather from the sea, or manna from heaven. Only strong individuals can achieve internal balance, and it is Metal that helps us cope with all the difficulties of this day.
  • Symbols of the 6th lunar day: Cloud(something elusive and mysterious), and Crane or Prophetic bird Ivik(freedom, divine will, happiness and heaven's message).
  • Lucky colors for 6 lunar days: blue(vital energy and strength), indigo(intuition, perfection, infinity), and cornflower blue(wisdom and peace). But today it is advisable not to overdo it with these colors, and when choosing clothes, listen to your inner voice.
  • The lucky number for this lunar day will be six. The number six is ​​influenced by Venus and symbolizes partnership, marriage and love. Six can influence both positive and negative qualities of a person - in some it will enhance kindness and compassion, and in some people it can push them to act rashly. But we will not climb into the mystical jungle - the number itself has no power, and if we go on a visit to the sixth apartment, we will not meet the devil there (he has more important things to do today).
  • With the role talisman on the sixth lunar day will cope with Hyacinth, or noble Zircon. This stone will protect us from melancholy and protect us from evil spirits. For knowledgeable magicians, this pebble is a powerful amulet, because it has amazing magical powers.
  • Successful direction of the 6th lunar day – West. We probably won’t calculate the path using the stars or draw a map using a compass and ruler. We will simply acquire useful talismans that will save us from problems, even if the path leads to the east. Someone can put a transparent or white pebble in their pocket, while for others a mirror will help, but it must be in a round frame. There is one condition - there must be one amulet, and there is no need to stock up on dozens of mirror or stone talismans.
  • Guardian angel of the sixth lunar day - Elar, night warrior, destroyer of any obstacles. The angel gives us freedom and endows us with incredible strength - with him we will win and achieve any goal.

Characteristics of the 6th lunar day

Today gives us not only peace and peace of mind - trials also await us, but much will depend on how we perceive the world. For kind and positive people, life will shine with new colors, but for those who are angry or dissatisfied with something, the stars advise them to reflect on their behavior. Why quarrel with others if all problems can be solved with the help of a compromise, and any quarrel can easily be turned into a joke, if, as they say, there is a desire.

We found out that the symbol of the sixth lunar day is the Crane bird. But the saying about the pie in the sky is not relevant today - it will be in our hands, like a titmouse, you just need to want it. On these lunar days, dreams come true one after another - before you even think about meeting an old friend, your friend hangs up the phone; you just start dreaming about a salary increase when your boss issues a bonus and showers you with compliments. But dreams are different from dreams - you should dream carefully, and not climb too high: in seventh heaven today there is no crowd, and fortune simply does not have time to fulfill all desires (good fate can get confused and send golden rain instead of manna from heaven, or vice versa).

The events of today can be called light and calm. But it is not advisable to relax, because the world is changeable and unpredictable. The river begins to worry from a small gust of wind, and the clouds floating in the sky can accidentally turn into a thundercloud (now a fluffy lump, like a magical baby elephant, is slowly moving in the sky, and in a minute a terrible wolf will appear in its place).

It’s also not worth being too active on the 6th lunar day, because the day is already full of miracles and magic - we just need to reach out and take what we need. It is useful to spend time alone with yourself, but the stars do not advise pushing away friends and loved ones - today, heart-to-heart conversations will turn out to be productive and useful. Today it is important not to get hung up on one thing - let go of your thoughts, and they will certainly lead you to where you should be. Many find their purpose on the sixth lunar day. There is no need to be afraid of insights - even ideas that are fantastic and crazy at first glance are worthy of being brought to life. It is advisable to approach the revelation of the secrets of the universe carefully - even if an angel appears to us and informs us about our great mission, it is better not to rush (demons also know how to reincarnate, and they also have wings).

On the 6th lunar day, it is useful to spend as much time as possible in nature - plants today are filled with incredible magical power, and will definitely share their energy with us. It’s not a bad idea to find a few hours to collect herbs, and here our intuition will be especially useful - we will feel our blade of grass immediately (St. John’s wort with yarrow will help someone, and someone will be happy if they pick chamomile or oregano). In winter, we won’t go for medicinal herbs, and we won’t find them under the snowdrifts. But there is a way out - the trees stand in their places, and even in urban areas you can get an oak twig or a dried maple leaf. As a last resort, let's look at the nearest pharmacy - there are always enough useful products there.

On the sixth lunar day, magicians and sorcerers are more alert than ever - the moon helps witches, good wizards, and mere mortals who suddenly discover clairvoyant talents. This is where you should be on your guard and not communicate with people who cause hostility - cross yourself, look for an aspen stake, and we won’t spit over your shoulder, but we’ll throw a clove of garlic in your pocket (just in case, because the moon protects those who are protected on the sixth lunar day ).

Haircut on the 6th lunar day

Scissors flash in the hands of hairdressers, and beauties and handsome men with fashionable haircuts emerge from salons - the sixth lunar day is ideal for such a procedure. The moon is still growing, and hair trimmed or cut this day will grow by leaps and bounds. Even in ancient times, beauties tried to get to the barber on the sixth lunar day - people just don’t talk like that, and if the rumor about the benefits of getting a haircut on this day has reached our days, then it is so.

There are many types of haircuts, and today we can experiment as much as we like. Even if all our lives we have had a bob cut and did not recognize the cascade, then on the sixth lunar day we can allow ourselves to go beyond the usual. Clear lines and asymmetry, torn bangs and shaved heads or sideburns - the masters try their best, because the moon endlessly throws up original ideas.

By cutting our hair on the sixth lunar day, we get rid of negativity and sadness, and some women may even hope for the arrival of storks (of course, the birds will not rush straight into the salon with a bundle, but the girls’ health will improve, and the chances of a happy conception will be much greater) . It is better for fashionistas to refrain from dyeing their hair - there is a rainbow in the sky, and our hair on the sixth lunar day does not tend to get acquainted with red, blue or green shades. If you really want something new, ladies can dye their hair with henna, basma, or rinse their hair with herbs that suit their character (brunettes can enjoy an infusion of nettle, and blondes can use a decoction of chamomile or mint).

When it comes to choosing a hairstyle, there are no restrictions. Owners of long hair can do anything on the sixth lunar day - a careless ponytail, an elegant light braid, and styling in the Greek style. Long-haired beauties can use ribbon-headbands decorated with rhinestones or crabs sprinkled with small diamonds to decorate their hair. Short haircuts on the 6th lunar day generally look perfect. The negative energy of the surrounding world does not linger and flies by, and hair, disheveled or smoothed, attracts the attention of only positive people. Interfering curls can be pinned up with a decorative flower, or the strands can be hidden using a bright and shiny hairpin.

Today it is advisable to keep the ears open - we will cover them with hair in the winter, in terrible frosts. But if you think that the hairstyle hides some terrible flaw (in most cases fictitious), then it’s a different matter. In general, on the sixth lunar day we receive information from space through all senses, and hearing is no exception.

On the 6th lunar day, you can make ponytails on your head, like a first-grader, but you don’t have to attach white bows - the moon, of course, appreciates creative young ladies, but if a lady is over seventy, and she portrays a flirty girl, this is, to say the least, strange.

Today it is useful to comb your hair frequently; it is advisable to remove hair from the comb immediately, but there is no need to rush to throw it away. First, let's do a little magic. So, let's take three hairs and weave them into a thin braid, which we will put in shiny paper (chocolate foil will also do). And here is the magic spell: “Three hairs in my hands have great power now. Moon, look down on me and help me achieve everything I want. Hair grows, and strength will come with it. Good sorceress Luna, give me wisdom, and drive away all my enemies. Let it be so". Let's burn the paper and scatter the ashes to the wind.

In the evening, you can simply rinse your hair with warm water with the addition of citric acid - your hair will definitely thank you and will grow even faster.

Also read: Lunar haircut calendar

Beauty on the 6th lunar day

Just as dirty hair cannot be called beautiful, dull eyes will not appear happy. On the sixth lunar day, our eyes should shine with joy and pleasure - of course, a good mood and a simple procedure will help with this. Rinse your eyes in soft boiled water at room temperature (put your face in the water and open your eyes for a few seconds). Let's not forget about compresses - a cotton swab dipped in sage decoction will relieve fatigue from our eyes, and the skin of the eyelids will noticeably freshen.

Our nose is perfect even without any exercise, but it doesn’t hurt to think about the elasticity of our lips. The sixth lunar day was created for this - today we will begin to take care of our lips, and we will do the simplest “lip exercises”. Let's stretch the sponges into a tube and blow on an invisible candle (twenty times is enough). Well, let’s sing all the vowels we know – our lips will stretch into a happy smile.

Our neck will not show our age on this day, because we will take care of it in the morning. Heat some vegetable oil, apply it to your neck, and wrap it in a soft cloth. After half an hour, the skin will become soft, firm and elastic.

What else is good about the 6th day of the moon for beauties? Today, naturalness in everything is welcomed - so we will avoid plastic surgeons, and we will leave all sorts of “injections of youth” for pop ladies. But gentle anti-aging procedures can be done, and even necessary - masks and scrubs just beg to be applied to the skin. People who take care of themselves can go to salons, or take care of their face and body at home.

A manicure done on the sixth lunar day will not ruin your mood, but the money will “go in vain.” After all, our nails will begin to grow at an incredible speed, and in a month we can submit an application for the competition: Miss, meter-long nails! We will leave bright colors for fashionistas, and we ourselves will limit ourselves to soft pink, scarlet, or colorless varnish.

It's the same story with pedicure. If your nails tear your socks and interfere with walking, then we will, of course, trim and file them. But if your toenails are in perfect condition, it's best to leave them alone. Only salt baths with added soap will bring benefits.

It is not advisable to pierce your ears on the sixth lunar day. But if we have already bought earrings of amazing beauty, and there are no holes in the lobes, then we can take a risk. The main thing is to entrust your ears to a specialist, he will come to an agreement with the moon and do everything to the highest standard. Jewelry in the ears today should be expensive, but at the same time, modest - excess is always harmful, and especially on the sixth lunar day.

So, our appearance is ideal, but still something is missing. Have we chosen the right shoes for ourselves?! On the sixth lunar day, we have nowhere to rush, so we can show off in stiletto heels and ten-centimeter platforms. Here there are no problems with the choice of color - we will immediately add any shoes that we like to our shoe collection. These could be poisonous green sandals, or purple sneakers, white pumps, or orange sneakers.

Even the most irresistible beauties need compliments. What should we do if on the sixth lunar day we did not receive a single recognition, and the fans fled in all directions?! Let's arrange a relaxation session in our apartment. Let's light scented candles and turn on some pleasant music. Let's stand in front of the mirror and admire our reflection. Let’s not forget to whisper: “Oh, what a beauty I am, oh, how beautiful and charming I am.”

Now let's treat ourselves to a tonic wrap. Honey with some water and a drop of grapefruit essential oil dream of meeting our skin. In just thirty minutes we will wash off all this beauty and get some water to take a relaxing bath.

The 6th lunar day has passed with a plus sign, and we can thank the moon for helping us stay beautiful and energetic.

Wedding on the 6th lunar day

The sober toastmaster is brief in his statements, the newlyweds kiss calmly, and the guests sleep peacefully at the festive table - the sixth lunar day is ideal for those who dream of a quiet wedding in the family circle. No drunken shouting, no fights and showdowns - the Moon on this day endows the newlyweds with wisdom and patience.

The 6th lunar day is good for those who want to live for many years in silence - the husband will lie down on the sofa, and the wife will happily stand at the stove and become a culinary genius. What to do if active guys unknowingly got married on this day? The most important thing is not to panic - the energy of the bride and groom will not go away, and the couple’s sense of adventure will not disappear. Relationships in such a family will be fun, but at the same time, reliable. Yes, and this happens - the moon knows how to cast a spell, and will definitely make the life of the newlyweds harmonious and beautiful. But you need to think about it - after all, not everyone is satisfied with a sleepy existence, and it is better to postpone the ceremony to another, more suitable day.

The 6th lunar day is good for wedding planning - both the parents of the newlyweds and the lovers themselves will resolve all issues related to preparing for the celebration and will not miss anything. On this day, it is useful to look for a future family nest - there will be a lot of offers, and the bride and groom will be able to choose the ideal option. Lovers can even move to a new home - the sixth lunar day will not harm, and the couple can start renovating (without fuss and haste).

Today you can go on a honeymoon, but for those who are used to active recreation, the day is not very suitable. But for married couples, the sixth lunar day is ideal - spouses with experience can change their surroundings and forget about everyday troubles somewhere on the seashore, lying on the beach and reading the local press. Today it is good to start a family for those who are no longer young and know about all the pros and cons of living together - such a couple cannot make mistakes.

The sixth lunar day is good for the sacrament of wedding. The ceremony will be calm, and all the guests will be imbued with the moment, including the reckless friends of the groom and the frivolous bridesmaids. People who are truly ripe for strong and serious relationships go to church, and the sixth lunar day will only confirm the correctness of their choice and will be remembered only for good moments. The love in this couple will be eternal, and the good angels will not leave the lovers. The moon shines in a special way on this day, and the young can be sure that no one will destroy their harmonious union, and everyday life and the solution of economic issues will only unite the family.

Birthday on the 6th lunar day

“Six people” can be anyone, but one thing is for sure - they are unusual, strange and mysterious personalities. The Moon endows Sixes with all sorts of talents, and most of these guys have hypnotic abilities.

When the “sixth lunar people” are born, relatives cannot stop looking at them - such cute and pretty babies are hard to come by. “Sixes” are neat from a young age - these babies lie calmly in their diapers and don’t even try to free themselves. But do not delude yourself - the “sixth lunar people” are waiting for the right moment.

And one day the parents will be very surprised when they see that their calm and taciturn baby crawled out of the crib himself and went to explore the apartment, simultaneously talking with his grandmother on the phone and telling her about the benefits and harms of blood pressure pills. These kids know everything about everyone, and absorb any information. Therefore, “sixes” should be kept away from the TV, and communication with the computer should be strictly dosed.

The life of the “sixth lunar people” can develop in different ways, and much depends on upbringing. If a child grew up in an intelligent family, he will become at least a president, and if the “sixth child” is unlucky and was raised by careless parents, he will get involved in the most risky adventures that you can imagine. But usually “sixes” find their way on their own, using all the chances and opportunities provided by fate. “Sixes” love to lead, but are often inconspicuous leaders - in the company of “sixth lunar people” they can be ignored for a long time, but one fine day everyone understands that they played by the rules of the “children-sixes”.

“Sixes” also choose their marriage partners themselves, but here they are in danger - these guys trust their intuition too much, and often pass by the right person. But the “sixth lunar creatures” know how to correct mistakes - they would rather start a family for the tenth time than suffer with an unloved chosen one.

In matters of career, the “sixth lunar people” have no equal - they calculate the situation a hundred steps ahead, and never deviate from their plans. They can play big, go bankrupt, and a week later their competitors will be shocked to see the rise and prosperity of the “sixes”. People born on the sixth lunar day may be content with little, but they are unlikely to sit without work and wait for the right people to notice their talents.

In the largest and most reputable offices there are resumes of precisely the “sixth lunar people”, and there is no doubt that the employer will certainly be interested in such employees.
“Sixes” love to travel, they are looking for adrenaline and new experiences - it’s hard to imagine the “sixth lunar man” lying on the beach and drinking a cocktail (it would be better if he threw himself into the water and took pictures with sharks).

“Sixth Moon People” are clairvoyants, but they rarely use their gift for selfish purposes. “Sixes,” of course, can open a witchcraft salon and live happily for their own pleasure, receiving money from impressionable clients. But there is one point about which the stars are simply obliged to warn the “sixth lunar people” - a witchcraft gift is a dangerous thing, and it must be used very carefully so as not to incur the wrath of fate.

“Sixes” rarely complain about their health, but sometimes they suffer from headaches. Most of the “sixth lunar guys” independently find the causes of the disease and successfully cope with the misfortune. It is important for them to walk in the fresh air more often and look for positive company - in this case, “sixes” will live to be a hundred years old, and will amaze others with good spirits and clarity of mind.

Dreams on the 6th lunar day

The moon, during its journey across the sky, often sends us strange and incomprehensible dreams, which are impossible to unravel. But on the sixth lunar day, most night visions may turn out to be prophetic. We should not forget that on the sixth lunar day our intuition works well, and any dreams need to be solved with the heart, and not the mind. Today the moon provides an opportunity to understand difficult situations and find the right way out.

In the pictures that we dreamed about today, it is advisable to pay attention to the predominant colors. If in a dream we are haunted by red, yellow or orange images, then in reality we will receive an answer to the question that interests us. Some may find in these colored visions a hint on what to do in a confusing situation that we have not been able to resolve for a very long time. Blue, cyan and white pictures indicate that we spend too much time solving material problems, and it would be nice to think about the inner world.

If the color green predominates in a dream, the next morning we can safely call business partners and make deals without fear of deception and bankruptcy. Violet visions symbolize good luck in the love sphere, but you need to try to remember this dream and write down all the details in the morning.

Black and white dreams seen on the sixth lunar day can be interpreted in different ways, but the main thing here is still the plot. Gray houses, a dull landscape and dark water tell us that we urgently need to change our life and fill it with new colors. For some, this dream foreshadows a change of job, and for others, a new love or hobby will overtake them. On the sixth lunar day, a dream in which we see animals will be successful. Even an angry bear or an enraged panther dreams of great luck. And if we stroke a lapdog or a cute cat in a dream, this means that in reality we will meet an unusual person who will change our worldview, and we will find a new meaning in life.

A dynamic dream, with a changing plot, does not foretell anything special - we probably went to bed late, and the day before it turned out to be busy and hectic. If on the sixth lunar night we dream of deceased relatives, we should pay close attention to everything they show or try to say. Perhaps the souls of loved ones are trying to warn us about some danger or, on the contrary, promising quick success and good news. The main thing is to listen to your feelings in a dream, they will not deceive us.

On the sixth lunar night, evil spirits are active, but if there is a dream catcher hanging over the bed, we have nothing to worry about. Just in case, we can protect ourselves from demons with the help of a simple ritual. We won’t draw magic circles or hang ourselves with magic grass, we’ll just light a candle and say a few words. The spell for a good sleep is simple but effective: “Moon angels, protect my sleep, drive away evil spirits.
Sweet dreams come true, nightmares evaporate. My word is strong, the power of the moon is great.”

If on the sixth lunar night the devil appeared to us in a dream, do not be afraid - good spirits are on the defensive, and the devil simply tried to break through the barrier, and now dreams of instilling in us depressive and negative thoughts. The sign of the cross is effective even in a dream, so there is no need to get lost. Well, an angel trying to get to us with the help of the subconscious and night vision symbolizes only one thing - we are on the right path, and there is very little time left to achieve the result.

If we manage to talk with the winged creature, it will be generally great - on the sixth lunar day the angel will say wise and useful things, and we will wake up renewed and invigorated. Here it is important to ask intelligent questions so that the angel does not get angry and twirl his finger at his temple. He will definitely fly to us again, because if the angels begin to visit someone, it means that the person is worthy of such visits.

Business sphere of the sixth lunar day

Rushing in business is, in principle, dangerous, and especially on the sixth lunar day (risk, as they say, differs from risk). That’s why all entrepreneurs today sit in their offices and are afraid of sneezing again. But we know the secret of success for the sixth lunar day, and we will not be afraid of competitors and scammers. It’s better to open the champagne and celebrate future success (to be sure, we’ll buy a bottle of a children’s soft drink, suddenly after the first sip important calls will start coming in, and influential visitors will rush to make an appointment - a sober mind will not harm anyone).

In the morning, we can perform a couple of magical rituals for successful transactions, and for full communication with partners, conspiracies will not be superfluous. Let’s find a secluded place, light a match, and while the flame is burning, whisper the words: “Money goes to money, and to good people. I’m not afraid of bankruptcy, I strive for success.” And for success in negotiations, let’s say just one short phrase: “The moon is in the sky, and I’m at the helm.”

That's it, the job is done, and we can sign contracts and agreements and expect immediate prosperity. But it is not advisable to go to a casino on the sixth lunar day, and playing on the stock exchange will not lead us to wealth. At lunchtime, oligarchs and simply wealthy gentlemen can sit down next to their suitcases with money and count bills and gold coins - the moon on the sixth day will certainly increase your savings. If the wind whistles merrily in your pocket, there will also be a way out. First, change your suit to a more respectable attire, and send your resume to suitable offices.

By the way, moving to a new job on the sixth lunar day can be successful. The main thing is not to lay out all your trump cards, and not to brag about your merits to the boss (a good leader knows that worthy personnel do not just look for a profitable position). First you need to take a closer look at the team, find out the working conditions, and only then sign the documents.

There is no point in repaying debts and paying off creditors on the sixth lunar day - the money will begin to float away, and you will only be left wondering about this. But today any deposits and acquisitions are welcome - we will be offered good interest rates, and all purchases will be of high quality and will delight us for a very long time.

As for studying, on the sixth lunar day information is absorbed by itself. Even inveterate lazy people can simply hold a suitable textbook in their hands, or open the necessary website - in a minute the poor students will become wiser and will be ready to take an exam in higher mathematics or write a course paper on management.

The moon today is favorable even to those who are not going to change their lives, and are ready to work as a loader for pennies until the end of their days - such guys will have so many interesting ideas in their heads that it will be difficult to stay put, and they will want to surprise the world with something like that.

On the sixth lunar day it is useful to find “your money talisman”. You can go to a souvenir shop - the thing you need will definitely look right at you and wink. Some will be helped by a cute clay hedgehog with a hole for coins, while others will be saved from lack of money by a huge and impressive “golden” toad, with a hole for large bills. It is important not to think too long here - the first impression will turn out to be the most correct.

The purchased item must be brought home, wiped with a damp cloth and placed in a “money” place (if in doubt, invite Feng Shui specialists, they will instantly clear the energy debris and bring financial luck into the apartment). It’s a good idea to put a mint leaf under a new piggy bank - yes, yes, that same money scent, and only incredulous people say that money doesn’t smell. They smell so good, and when there is a lot of money, the aroma simply knocks you off your feet - if on the sixth lunar day everything is done correctly, then soon we will not only smell the rustling pieces of paper, but will also be able to swim in them.

Health on the 6th lunar day

Many people will feel quite good on the sixth lunar day, but, of course, you need to take care of yourself. Today, the respiratory tract is at risk, so let's take care and not drink cold drinks, and before going outside, warm up with a scarf. But if it’s hot outside, there’s no need to wrap your neck.

On the sixth lunar day, procedures aimed at rejuvenating the body are welcomed. And if we decide to go on a diet, then the day is just right. However, you should remember - no drastic changes, because a shake-up on any day can lead to disastrous results, and even more so today.

Plus-size people don’t have to exhaust themselves by drinking magic water or wonderful coffee to lose weight - today you can sit on porridge and even treat yourself to something sweet. Of course, a chocolate candy is different from a kilogram cake - remember the measure, and the figure will thank us.

If smokers were unable to get rid of the addiction in five lunar days, on the sixth lunar day they can try. But again, without sudden movements - if you smoked fifty cigarettes a day and decided to urgently quit, this attempt is unlikely to be successful. You can simply reduce the number of “goodies” to a minimum - on the sixth lunar day, even heavy smokers will find something to do, and there will simply be no time to enjoy the smoke. Friends can help some guys who smoke - on the sixth lunar day, your comrades will happily take your cigarettes away and give you this delicacy for a fee.

But ideally, smokers need to take a poster with a picture of the body of a smoking person, hang it in a visible place, and admire this picture during the sixth lunar day. Perhaps the moon will inspire you with useful thoughts and give you willpower.

For those who decide to improve their figure on the sixth lunar day, the moon will turn on the green light - today you can lift a barbell, throw dumbbells, jump, and run. The main thing is not to overdo it and limit your time in the sun. If you really want to work out and set records, you can find a place in the shade.

The situation with visiting doctors on the sixth lunar day is as follows - if you can postpone a visit to a therapist or dentist, then it is better to stay at home. But today there are kilometer-long queues for massage therapists - massage on the sixth lunar day is the most ideal of all procedures.
Today you need to monitor the quality of food - even if not a single kilogram sticks to your figure, you should limit your intake of fatty foods. It is better to give pies and sandwiches with sausage to homeless dogs, and eat cottage cheese and other dairy products.

You should never be nervous, and even more so on the sixth lunar day. Try to control your emotions and do not give in to provocations. Even if a bunch of harmful and unpleasant people gather around, calling you names and shouting stupid jokes, you just need to smile and pretend that you don’t notice them. The brawlers will instantly switch to someone from their crowd - they, poor people, do not know that all the nerve cells spent today will evaporate and will never be restored.

If on the sixth day long walks under the hot sun are not recommended, then there are no contraindications for moonlight today. Evening trips and out-of-town trips will be the best end to the sixth lunar day. It is advisable to find a quiet place on the river bank and do meditation - the moonlight will replace the candle, and we can reflect on life even until the morning (unless, of course, mosquitoes settle down next to us and decide to enjoy the silence, gaze at the starry sky, and and have dinner at the same time).

Bottom line

So, it is advisable to spend the sixth lunar day in peace, and all problems must be resolved peacefully. But for the sixth lunar day to really bring benefits, it’s a good idea to take the advice of Tibetan sages and other smart people who have achieved internal harmony and know how to find happiness in life with the help of the moon and all kinds of rituals. Let’s not burden our consciousness with all sorts of everyday issues and solve everyday problems - today, peace of mind should come first.

If we managed to catch the magic crane in the sky, we will try to keep it. We will not put a wonderful bird in a cage, and we will not be able to hide the dream under lock and key. You just need to soak in the moment and feel the influence of the sixth lunar day. Clouds are also symbols of the sixth day - let's stop and admire the heavens, forgetting about business and endless worries. Not only children can look at the clouds and see the resemblance to fairy-tale animals - even the most serious and respectable adults can afford this on the sixth lunar day.

As we found out, on this day it is useful to communicate with plants, and if we find our weed, we will be a little witches and perform some useful manipulations. Although it is not necessary to be wizards, ordinary non-superstitious people can do this procedure.

Let’s throw a handful of herbs into a saucepan, fill it with cold water and say the magic words after the water boils: “As my decoction, a priceless gift, bubbles, so my life is filled with new meaning. Just as grass united with water, so I (the servant of God) will be with the Moon today.”
After which we will breathe over the decoction - we will not only cleanse our face, but also gain useful energy. By the way, you don’t have to throw away the contents of the saucepan, but make a healing bath for yourself.

If on the sixth lunar day we are visited by a strange or unusual idea, there is no need to brush it off and run to an appointment with a psychiatrist, psychologist or a psychic friend - perhaps the moon is sending us a hint, and it would be stupid not to take advantage of this chance.

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