DIY wall newspaper for grandma's birthday. Bright large format congratulations: DIY birthday posters

It doesn't matter where you are going to celebrate your birthday. It doesn’t even matter if it’s your holiday or one of your loved ones. The main thing is that it is held in a fun and warm atmosphere. You should definitely think about it in advance beautiful bright posters that will cheer up both you and your guests. You can buy them in a store or make them yourself.

What should an ideal poster look like?

Making a birthday party poster is not only a good method to decorate your party room. He also can be an excellent gift for a birthday boy or at least an addition to the main present.

You should start making it with a sketch. Make it on a regular small piece of paper so as not to spoil whatman paper and waste your time on redoing it.

Here are some simple tips on what the ideal greeting poster should be:

  • Remember that a birthday is a fun holiday that can briefly return a person of any age to a carefree childhood. The poster you prepared for this occasion, must be bright. Do not skimp on rainbow colors - only in this case both the birthday boy and the rest of the event participants will like it.
  • Do not think that the inability to draw is a reason to refuse to make a poster. You can make it using newspaper and magazine clippings, photographs and printed images.
  • Engage fantasy. This will help you express your individuality.
  • Don't forget that A greeting poster, in addition to its decorative function, should also serve as an informative one.. In it you can write the name of the birthday person, his date of birth, the names of the guests, wishes, and so on.

Main types

Congratulatory posters can be of several types:


Such hand-made posters should be used when you are absolutely sure in the sense of humor of the hero of the occasion and other participants of the event. Otherwise, you risk remaining misunderstood. The humor involved here should be soft, casual and light. Refrain from biting irony, flat and vulgar jokes, as well as unflattering statements about the birthday boy or any of the guests. Black humor is also inappropriate in this case..

Such posters can be used instead of traditional postcards. Write everything you would like to wish on a large piece of whatman paper and hand it to the birthday person. Don't forget to decorate your poster with beautiful drawings or photographs of the hero of the occasion.

You can leave a blank space on the poster and invite guests gathered on the occasion of someone’s birthday to write a few memorable lines to the birthday person.

Don't forget to bring colorful markers or felt-tip pens with you to the party.

Photo collages

If you are well acquainted with the celebrant and you have photographs together with him, arrange the poster can be in the form of a photo collage. Sign each photo attached to the poster with an interesting phrase. One part of the poster can be left for congratulations. If you don't have any ideas on how to make your own birthday poster, use the options below.

Poster for a boyfriend or girlfriend

To make it you will need paints, whatman paper and a photograph of you together. This option will be made in old Russian style. The predominant colors are yellow, beige and red. Draw a scroll in the center of the Whatman paper. It will contain a photo of you and your boyfriend. It can be decorated with an ornate frame. Borrow the required pattern for it from the Internet. In the lower left corner draw two buffoons. One of them can play the pipe, and the other can walk on stilts. Draw a sun in the upper left corner. Above the photo scroll, write “Happy Birthday!” in pen and ink. Place your congratulations and wishes on the right side. It can also be framed with an old Russian pattern.

Poster for a loved one

You can also congratulate your soulmate on his birthday in an original way using a beautiful and original poster. Make it, for example, shaped like two hearts. Take pink or red paper for this. If you only have white Whatman paper, paint it evenly with gouache. Draw small circles or hearts all over the poster using a pale outline. This will add expressiveness to the product.

On the top of one half of the heart write “Beloved/Beloved”, and on the second “Happy Birthday!” You should not write a standard wish on such a poster. Give preference to randomly written compliments. Here is an approximate list of them (an option for a birthday man): affectionate, gentle, breathtaking, the sexiest, the only, inimitable, the very best, only mine, Mr. radiant smile, an angel descended from heaven, charming, the best, beloved, dear and etc. Add a few lines of recognition to the compliments: “After our hearts united into one, my life without you makes no sense, because I am you! Happy birthday! I love you! Yours (name or affectionate nickname)» . Paste a photo of you together into the other half of the heart.

Cool poster for a student friend

If the birthday is celebrated in a student dormitory, then for a friend who is a student at a college or institute, you can draw an essential congratulatory poster. On a large sheet of whatman paper, stick the following items in a chaotic order with tape and write the inscriptions next to them:

  • Rollton noodles: image is nothing, hunger is everything!
  • Alka-Prim tablet - there is no such thing as a good morning.
  • A cigarette is a spare one if you suddenly quit smoking.
  • One more cigarette - on duty, if suddenly there is not enough spare.
  • Socks – a fresh pair of the SAME socks.
  • A condom - if you urgently need to go on a date.
  • Deodorant - if you urgently need to go on an important date.

On the top of the poster write “Happy Jam Day!” Don’t forget to sign on it with your whole group and write the notes “Friends will not leave you in trouble” and “Whoever was not a student will not understand.”

Poster with sweets

On a large sheet of whatman paper, use small candies to write the inscription “Happy Birthday!” These and other sweets can be glued using either regular or double-sided tape. On the remaining space of the poster, you must place the following sweets with the appropriate inscriptions:

Poster with handprints

You can make the following poster quickly and easily. To make it you will need:

  • large sheet of Whatman paper;
  • bath for rolling out paint;
  • gouache or finger paint;
  • multi-colored markers.

Place a photo of the birthday person in the center of the sheet. However, before starting work, it is better to simply leave some free space on the poster so as not to accidentally stain the photo.

Ask the hero of the occasion's friends to dip their hand in paint and apply it to the poster. This should be done in such a way that the prints seem to surround the photograph. Under each paint palm, its owner can write a cheerful and kind wish for the birthday person. In the midst of a birthday celebration, you can ask him to guess where whose fingerprint is.

Poster for a child

Children, like no one else, love everything bright and colorful. You can make your own poster in honor of your child’s birthday using a large number of his photographs. If the baby is turning three or five years old, choose pictures where he is one month old, six months old, one year old, and so on. If the baby is only a year old, photos by month will do. Do not forget to write inscriptions with wishes. You can decorate the poster with images of animals, funny people, drawn or cut out from magazines, as well as your child’s favorite cartoon characters. The main inscription can be made as follows: “Our (daughter's name) already a year old" or "Our (child's name) for six whole years."

In order to make such a poster, you will need pictures of the baby, mom and dad. Decorate the top of the sheet of paper with the inscription “To our baby today (number of years)» . Place his photo in the center of the poster. On one and the other side there should be photographs of mom and dad. At the bottom write “Dear guests, who do I look like?”

In addition, whatman paper can be decorated with images of animals and cartoon characters. You can also leave space on the poster for a small table. It will have two columns - “Mom” and “Dad”. Each guest who comes to the holiday will have to make an entry in the appropriate column. At the end of the event, you can make calculations and find out who the guests think your child is like. To make the next poster, you will only need a sheet of whatman paper, a few multi-colored markers and a little creativity. Watch the video:

To please the birthday boy, and now you will find out how to do DIY birthday poster, which will add to your arsenal of creative ideas. With your own hands you can receive not just a unique, but also the most memorable gift, which is more valuable than even the most expensive souvenir. When it is not possible to buy an expensive, as they say, necessary gift, you can immerse yourself in creativity and come up with an interesting congratulation yourself.

DIY poster for daughter's birthday There can be several types, which are divided according to their content and execution. The most popular, of course, are the drawn versions, which use paints, felt-tip pens and pencils. With the development of the technical base, printed congratulation posters, which were previously created using computer programs, became widespread. Such posters may contain photographs, congratulatory inscriptions, and any magical landscapes, depending on your level of proficiency in graphic editors. In particular, you can make a humorous collage on the computer, where the birthday boy’s head will be “substituted” with various fairy-tale, popular characters.

A poster with many photo cards on which the most fun moments will be captured can be made on ordinary Whatman paper by first printing or selecting the necessary photos from the family archive.

Posters with sweets, as well as with secrets, deserve special attention, where you can not only express all the warm words and tender wishes to the birthday person, but also hide miniature gifts.

DIY sweet birthday poster

Nowadays there are very popular ideas for creating gifts from various sweets, so you will definitely like the option - sweet DIY birthday poster. Such an interesting gift will not only amuse and touch the birthday boy, but will also allow you to unleash your creative potential. By completing one such craft, you will immediately have ideas on how else you can congratulate your friends on the holidays.

Wall newspapers and various posters were popular 10-20 years ago, and, of course, back in Soviet times, when they were drawn for every holiday: employees were congratulated at work, teachers at school, etc. Over time, when a huge amount of various souvenir products appeared on the shelves, there was no longer a need to come up with options for a homemade gift, so they were forgotten about for several years. And now craftswomen and other creative personalities have literally staged a competition to see who can come up with the most original way to congratulate their loved ones on their birthday. Over time, it has become unpopular to give unnecessary souvenirs, but homemade gifts always remain in demand and desired.

In fact, cool DIY birthday poster can be safely called a universal idea, because it can be used on Valentine’s Day, and on a wedding anniversary, and on February 23, you just need to slightly change the content, and, of course, change the congratulatory inscription.

Cool DIY birthday poster

Considering DIY birthday posters photo, you can probably easily choose the option you like and decide what candies and chocolates you will buy to implement your creative idea.

A wall newspaper can be “painted” with any number of sweets: these can be chocolate bars, chocolate bars and small candies, lollipops, lollipops, chewing gum and packages of marmalade. You can use any sweets that catch your eye in the store.

Everyone, without exception, loves chocolates and caramels, and even if the birthday person cannot afford extra calories, the gift will still please him, because it is made in such an unusual style. Along with the candies, the wall newspaper may contain poems, colorful congratulatory inscriptions, wishes for the birthday boy, photographs, as well as various decorative elements that will become an additional decoration.

Sweets can simply serve as decoration on a greeting newspaper, or they can literally end phrases with their names and brands. For example, you are my “Kindest”, where together with the words “kind” there will be a package of children’s juice with the corresponding name. There is also “Favorite” juice, so you can come up with a phrase that includes this word. While walking around the supermarket, carefully look at the names of sweets brands; ideas for possible interesting inscriptions will come to your mind.

The main rule when choosing candies is that they should not be too heavy so that the Whatman paper does not sag; it is advisable to place the heaviest specimens on the lower part. Sometimes whatman paper is fixed on a wooden or other durable structure so that it does not deform under the weight of “decorations”.

Carrying out DIY birthday poster for friend, candy elements must all be secured with a strip of double-sided tape. Firstly, such fastening will be invisible and will not in any way affect the neat appearance, secondly, it guarantees reliable fixation of the elements, thirdly, the packaging can be easily peeled off from the double-sided tape.

DIY poster for a friend's birthday

As we have already said, to make your own birthday poster, you need to choose suitable sweets, and the rest of the decoration is left to your discretion. Most likely, during the process you will need:

  • Whatman
  • Markers/Felt-tip pens
  • Colored pencils
  • Double-sided thin tape
  • Scissors
  • Colored paper
  • PVA glue

Congratulations can be decorated with bright stickers, multi-colored stickers, hearts, or you can simply paint them with colored pencils. Be sure to write all congratulatory inscriptions in large handwriting and bright markers. If you are not sure that you have beautiful calligraphic handwriting, you can ask your friends for help, or print out the main inscriptions on a color printer and then stick them on our wall newspaper.

When you do, you often use a printer to print out a congratulation poem on it, and the same technique can be used in this case.

Now let's look at some options on how to decorate beautifully DIY birthday poster for husband, and then adapt the sweets to our congratulations:

Near the Bounty chocolate bar you can write “You are a heavenly delight”
Near Twix - we will always be inseparable, like...
You are the most gentle, like "Dove"
May your life be as colorful as Skittles (or M&M, or other colorful jelly beans)
Looking forward to our "Kinder Surprise"
Near the Mars chocolate bar you can write: “With you to the ends of the world!”
"Mentos" - let there always be new ideas

You can come up with many more ideas with Chupa Chups, Love is chewing gum, small multi-colored caramels that can be glued in a chaotic manner to the empty spaces. You can also decorate with gold chocolate medals, for example, you can use them to make a beautiful gold frame for our congratulations.

DIY poster for daughter's birthday

For example, DIY mom's birthday poster you can decorate with a variety of congratulatory inscriptions and wishes so that mommy would be interested in reading those pleasant words and poems written specifically in honor of her holiday, but the one you will give to the child should, first of all, be bright, excite curiosity and imagination.

It is advisable that your DIY child's birthday poster decorated with large, bright elements, these could be pictures of your favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters, funny stickers and stickers.

The child will immediately be interested in the sweet elements that you decide to stick to whatman paper, so it is better not to make a sweet poster. Otherwise, without even considering the gift, the child will already try to separate the sweet “components” from it.

A great idea to do with a surprise, i.e. on the Whatman paper itself you can make small pockets in which small souvenirs will be hidden - toys, key rings, badges, stationery, pendants, rubber bands. For your daughter, you can hide gold or silver earrings in one of these pockets.

DIY birthday poster for dad

The whole family can do it DIY birthday poster for dad, both children and adults will be happy to take part in such work. What topic should you choose for congratulations? A collage of various photos and newspaper clippings will look unique and original; of course, you need to choose a masculine theme. Capture your dad in this collage driving a cool car or motorcycle, or you can put him on a tank or even at the controls of a jet plane.

You can cut out interesting pictures from magazines depicting hunting and fishing, and other men's hobbies, and then, using glue, scissors and old photos, place your dad on these pictures. He can also become a member of his favorite football or hockey team, and even lift the tournament winner’s cup over his head, or he can head the Olympic podium.

A collage is also a great idea to make. DIY poster for grandma's birthday, but you will have to work hard for this. Most likely, your grandmother has many relatives and friends with whom she has been friends for many years. You can do incredible work: contact her siblings, nephews, godchildren, friends, of course, involve your whole family in the work. And the essence of the collage will be as follows: each person will take a photograph where in his hand there will be either a congratulatory inscription, or a word, or a drawing. You need to collect a lot of such photos, and then make a collage out of them. Even your loved ones who live thousands of kilometers away from each other can take part in such a congratulation, and they can send photos over the Internet.

You can create a congratulatory inscription from individual photos, then you should decide in advance who will be photographed with which card. All that remains is to paste all the photographs onto whatman paper in the correct sequence, or you can make a collage in a graphics editor and print the gift in a printing house.

A very beautiful collage can be made in, for this you should take a lot of photographs with the whole class, and also find the best shots in the archives. The teacher will definitely be pleased to see his friendly and cheerful class.

Older people still remember how for anniversaries and other celebrations the walls were decorated with original hand-made posters (wall newspapers). Gradually they were replaced first by bright store products, and then by computer technology.

But now this sweet, good tradition is coming back into fashion, and it is becoming good form to give a gift in the form of a birthday poster.

What you need to create a masterpiece

To make a holiday wall newspaper with your own hands, you don’t need any special materials or any artistic skills. In order to get an original and unusual thing, you will need:

But before you start creating, you should decide on a theme.

Choosing a theme

In poster design, it is conventional to distinguish three themes:

  1. . This type of wall newspaper is distinguished by kind, unobtrusive humor. As a rule, the head of the hero of the occasion is drawn or pasted to funny pictures from a magazine, and everything is accompanied by funny captions. This can be presented to your brother, close friend or workmates. But you should be careful with colleagues: before giving a cool poster, you should make sure that the person will perceive such a gift with humor.
  2. Romantic, with reminders of wonderful moments experienced. They can be presented to a loved one or close relatives. For example, as a gift for your grandfather’s birthday, a poster can be decorated with footage of his successful fishing trips or other hobbies dear to his heart, and for a grandmother, especially if it’s an anniversary, you can make a photo poster with the main milestones of her life’s journey.
  3. Neutral. This poster can be made for any man or woman. The main thing when designing is to choose the right pictures. What if little is known about the birthday person? Then it’s worth making a standard wish poster, onto which images of generally accepted signs of wealth (car, money, travel) are pasted.

The topic is selected only taking into account the relationship with the hero of the occasion, and it is not necessary to strictly adhere to exactly one direction.

For example, as a birthday present for dad, the poster can be made playful and romantic. Accompany the memories dear to your father in the photo with humorous captions.

Postcard or packaging?

A self-made photo poster or poster with humorous wishes can act as a postcard accompanying the main gift, or it can have a pocket where the main gift is placed.

You can put such surprises in your pocket.


The poster will appeal to the child or can be accompanied by wishes for a sweet life.

Or you can take not sweets, but create a poster with food: put crackers, chips or other “packed rations” in many pockets and accompany each product with a special wish.

Money or small jewelry

For example, what is money associated with? With buying new things or interesting trips. So it’s worth gluing what the birthday boy dreams of.

It doesn’t matter that the amount of money is not enough to make your dream come true, you can beat this by placing 1/10 or any other fraction next to the picture with your dream.

Gift certificate and tickets

They are given in a similar way. For example, if you plan to present your mother as a birthday gift on a poster to a concert with her favorite performer, then as a design you should not only paste a photo of the celebrity, but also make a Photoshop of your favorite artist together with your mother. Interesting gift options:

Even if you can’t do Photoshop yourself, the studio will simulate any photo using computer programs. And such a poster will hang in the family for a long time, reminding the hero of the occasion of the wonderful visit to the concert.

But, as mentioned above, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the chosen topic. You can easily add a poster with candies with a pocket with a gift certificate or money.

Award rules

Unfortunately, the tradition of holiday poster decoration has recently resumed, and there is no uniform etiquette for presenting posters. They can be presented:

Things made with your own hands always give a charge of positive emotions. After all, the fact that man did not limit himself to a typical greeting card, but created


Prepare your work area. You will need a large desktop, white Whatman paper, colored paper, colored magazines, paints, pencils, markers, glitter gel, confetti, PVA glue, a brush for paints and glue, photographs of the hero of the occasion.

Place a sheet of whatman paper on the table, secure the edges of the sheet around the perimeter and the corners of the whatman paper with small weights. At the top of the future, sketch out a congratulatory inscription with a simple . To make words even, use special letters. Or simply draw two parallel lines on a ruler - lines. Color the letters in color or . When the paint is dry, outline the letters for expressiveness with glitter gel or felt-tip pens of the same color.

Take the color pictures you have chosen, photographs of the birthday boy, or cut out along the contour the photographs from magazines that you like and are sure to match the theme. To make it bright, use several large pictures (photos) and many small ones, or replace small pictures with drawn stars, flowers, droplets of various colors and sizes. Carefully coat the back side of the pictures and photographs with PVA glue and stick them in the pre-designated places on the Whatman paper. Try to create a beautiful thematic composition. When the pictures are dry, you can frame them. It is appropriate to write appropriate signatures, perhaps in the form of humorous poems or epigrams.

Make confetti from colored or wrapping paper or foil using a hole punch. Finally, scatter and then glue some confetti onto the remaining field of whatman paper that is not filled with text and pictures. Let your poster shine and shimmer - this will only add festiveness.

The room where a birthday is celebrated is decorated with balloons and bright posters. Of course, you can buy pictures, but drawing is more fun than work, so try making a poster yourself.

You will need

  • - sheet of whatman paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - compass;
  • - ruler;
  • - paints;
  • - glue;
  • - Christmas tree tinsel.


Prepare everything you need for work. In addition to paper and paints, prepare additional decorations that will not interfere with the holiday picture. This could be New Year's tinsel, shiny stars and confetti.

Place a sheet of whatman paper on the table and secure the corners. Make preliminary sketches on a regular notebook to determine the composition and components. Pictures intended for decorating walls for birthdays, and, may be different. But there are also universal images that will suit everyone, regardless of gender and age.

A beautiful cake, balloons, gift boxes and bright caps - all this can be done on a universal poster. First, write the inscription: “, (person’s name)!” Mark the location of the letters with a simple pencil. You can use a stencil, but it’s quite possible to do without it, just follow the size of the letters using a ruler.


  • whatman paper happy birthday

I bought a gift card for my friend’s birthday and thought for a long time about how to package it in an original way. I remembered a fairly popular method of congratulations now, when sweets are glued to whatman paper instead of some words. The idea is really good, and your friend will be doubly happy! But I didn’t have whatman paper, and the question arose of how to carry the gift on the subway. The idea immediately came to mind to make a postcard in this style with a surprise inside.

You will need

  • - candies and other sweets;
  • - cardboard of different colors;
  • - scissors;
  • - glue stick;
  • - glue “Moment”;
  • - ribbon;
  • - double sided tape;
  • - hole punch (optional);
  • - printed congratulations or markers/colored pens;
  • - stickers, beads, everything you can use to decorate a card;
  • - stationery knife.


Take a sheet of A4 cardboard and cut it in half. We will need 10 halves of a sheet of cardboard of different colors if the cardboard is single-sided, and 5 halves if the cardboard is solid and double-sided.

If the cardboard is single-sided, then take two halves and glue them together with the colored side facing out. This will also make the card firmer. It is better to glue with a glue stick or double-sided tape, but not with liquid PVA - it will make the paper wet and ripple. If you glue with a glue stick, make sure that there are no glue pellets, otherwise the glued cardboard will “bump”. If the halves are different sizes and their edges do not match, adjust with a utility knife.

Turn the glued cardboard vertically and punch holes at the top and bottom with a hole punch. It is important that they turn out exactly in the middle. These will be the holes for the ribbons. If your tape is too wide or


You can buy similar posters ready-made at any bookstore. But it will be much more pleasant for your child not only to see a poster made by you especially for him, but also to take an active part in its creation.

Download a poster template from the Internet in a pdf file or archive. Unpack it and follow the instructions. The most common poster template consists of 8 A4 sheets.

Print out 8 poster fragments. This can be either black and white or color printing. If you want to color the poster yourself or leave it to your child's imagination, it is better to use black and white.

Place the printed poster fragments together. Then glue the sheets together. If you want to achieve integrity, stick them on whatman paper. Start coloring using any means: paints, pencils, felt-tip pens or crayons.

You can order large format printing at any printing center. All you need to do is make the template itself. Most often, a program such as Photoshop is used to create. You can make a great poster using photos, drawings and text. In addition, Photoshop allows you to create your own unique graphic designs. And many options for fantasy brushes allow you to save your time on drawing details. The main condition is excellent quality of the template. Therefore, it can only be done from photographs with good quality and high resolution. Moreover, the worse the resolution, the worse the result will look.

To be sure of the quality of the resulting poster, use a program such as coreldraw to create the template. Unlike Photoshop, coreldraw works not using a pixel system, but a vector one. Thanks to this, the quality of images does not decrease during manipulations with them. In coreldraw you can work with templates of any size, including those for further printing on canvases in A1 or A0 format. Among other things, you can mark up a sheet in coreldraw. This is important when printing. Otherwise, part of the image may simply not fit. But in order to fully use all the functionality of the program, you need to learn how to work with it.

There is an option to make a themed poster. A sort of collage from your child’s life. To do this, take whatman paper, photographs of your child from up to the present time. Glue them on whatman paper, frame them with a beautiful frame and sign them. This way guests will know about your child’s achievements: the first smile, the first tooth, the first step. Add photos with your parents and grandparents. And admire the result!

You can come up with an endless number of ideas for such greeting posters. Make a humorous poster so that the main congratulation is in the center, and around it are photographs of the child with funny captions. Surely your family album contains funny photographs taken in your sleep, while swimming or on a walk.

You can create a poster that will be your family tree. To do this, you need to take whatman paper and draw a branchy tree with a thick trunk. Glue a photo of the baby in the center of the trunk and sign it with either the child's name or simply "I". Place photos of brothers and sisters on the sides. Place photos of your parents a little higher. Higher on each side along and. And so on as long as there are photographs of relatives. Be sure to sign everyone's name. If you have enough time, you can add not only direct relatives to the tree, but also cousins, aunts and uncles.

If you don't know how to draw or use graphic computer programs, you can create a collage from newspaper clippings. You can collect the congratulation text from bright newspaper headlines. Also include some children's magazines with various cartoon characters. Let them congratulate the child. If such a poster is being prepared for an adult, then you can find photographs in newspapers of what you want to wish the person. For example, you can cut out a house, a car, money, the sunny coast of some resort, a yacht, etc. The main thing is that the congratulations are sincere and made from the heart.

You can decorate a greeting poster with sweets. Moreover, each bar or candy will mean something different. For example, you can write a wish that the birthday person’s life will be like heavenly pleasure and attach a Bounty chocolate bar. You may wish to find your soulmate on such a poster and attach a package of two Twix sticks. You can stick candy with alcohol and wish that happiness will intoxicate you. You can find chocolate with the wonderful name “Inspiration” and wish a person to have it constantly present in life. If you glue a Kinder Surprise chocolate egg, then after adding a few nice words, you can wish for a speedy addition to the family. This way you can come up with a greeting on a poster that will be interesting to read and then delicious to eat. The main thing is the presence of imagination and inspiration.


A1 printable dimensions are 84.1cm x 59.4cm. If you then want to print a poster in A0 size, then you need to enter the height 84.1 cm and width 11.89 cm into the program.

Helpful advice

If you are proficient in Photoshop, you can edit the poster photos as you like. Change the size, color scheme, try using various decorations that are in the standard set of this program.

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