Who did you buy the jewelry for? How to choose the right jewelry and what to consider when purchasing

Gold has always been a symbol of luxury. It was considered a sign of prosperity and elitism. Therefore, it is impossible not to love gold. However, in recent years, women and girls are increasingly choosing to wear silver jewelry over gold jewelry. Representatives of the fair sex buy silver sets. Today, girls and women are trying to wear silver jewelry more and more - it is from this noble metal, and not from gold.

Preference is given to silver jewelry not because it is customary. Mothers and grandmothers strongly recommend that their daughters and granddaughters, after reaching adulthood, wear gold jewelry. They explain this by the fact that in their youth, only gold was considered a precious metal, helping to stand out from the surrounding crowd and feel like a truly fashionable and stylish person.

Fans of gold who prefer to wear all the gold jewelry they have at once can make a great impression on the people around them. However, this is not the correct position for a person. Today you should pay better attention to your own taste, and not to the quality of the material. This is the correct position in life, according to leading stylists. Therefore, when choosing jewelry, you need to be guided by your own preferences, and not by fashion trends. The best option in this regard is silver jewelry. Today, the modern market offers a wide selection of different silver jewelry.

Jewelry made from silver was popular several thousand years ago. Silver is not only a beautiful noble metal, it is also known for its miraculous properties. Today, silver compared to gold is an undeservedly cheap precious metal. Initially, silver was always more expensive than gold. Silver is often found in nature in the form of nuggets, free of foreign impurities. It is much easier to mine silver today than gold.

In many ancient states, silver was considered a sacred metal. Alchemists of the Middle Ages used silver in their numerous experiments. Silver, as an inert metal with weak reactivity, was actively used in ancient times for the manufacture of tableware and laboratory chemical utensils, in the production of silver jewelry and the minting of silver coins.

Why do people today increasingly buy silver jewelry, preferring gold jewelry to them? First of all, silver is a metal that has a rejuvenating effect on the human body. However, the rejuvenating effect of silver is achieved not only by the beneficial effect of this noble metal on the human body, but the very wearing of silver jewelry can make any woman several years younger.

Silver jewelry - compared to gold, looks more airy and light. On an associative and intuitive level, gold jewelry increases not only the status of the owner, but also his age. Therefore, it is better to buy cheap silver jewelry and look younger than to buy gold jewelry and look older than your age.

Silver jewelry looks very attractive, especially if it is decorated with precious stones. Silver jewelry - with embedded precious stones, is suitable for wearing by almost all people.

Silver is a jewelry material that has a relatively low cost. This noble metal is very easy to process and is easy for jewelers to work with. Master jewelers are very willing to experiment with silver, sometimes creating real works of art. Silver sets, made with extraordinary imagination, can be easily purchased in any jewelry store, which will perfectly complement - in general, any outfit and image of almost every person. Women who wear silver jewelry with precious stones will always have a seductive look for men.

The main advantage of a silver set is the price factor, which consists in the fact that instead of one gold or platinum item, you can purchase a whole set of silver jewelry at an affordable price. Nothing will decorate a modern woman more today than a set with a variety of silver jewelry, which could not be achieved with gold.

You can purchase silver jewelry as a set and in various variations. With incredible grace and elegance, you can purchase a whole set of silver jewelry with pearls. Such a precious stone, like a pearl, has always been a truly royal decoration. In China, several thousand years ago, pearls were presented as a gift, only to members of the imperial family, and in Ancient Egypt, the law allowed only royalty to wear jewelry with pearls. Today, silver jewelry - with embedded pearls - can be worn by almost everyone. Nowadays, jewelry with pearls is very popular.

A silver set consisting of rings, earrings and pendants - together, can decorate any woman. Incredible charm and shine are given by exclusive silver earrings, decorated with inserts made of natural zircons, which look very beautiful. Combining the severity of rubber and the shine of pearls, the pendant included in the set is able to amaze with its elegance. This set of silver jewelry can perfectly complement a business suit or evening outfit.

Silver jewelry that is skillfully made with gems built into it looks unusual. The unique author's design and the beauty of the stones will please any owner with their variety of styles and grace.

Bright and large silver jewelry will look great at an evening reception or friendly party, while elegant and small ones will be appropriate for a strict office dress code.

Today, silver jewelry is becoming popular, not only because it is unique, beautiful and affordable, but because this type of jewelry can be worn by any woman or girl of any size or age and will have no doubt that the silver The set will perfectly complement her look. When selecting silver jewelry, you should choose stones that match the color of your eyes; only in this case will you be guaranteed an abundance of admiring glances.

Buying jewelry is always a small celebration. Some people prepare for it for a long time, gradually forming the image of “their” jewelry and carefully choosing the manufacturer and seller. Well, someone just in the mood goes into a jewelry store and treats themselves (or another person) with unexpected joy. In both cases, it is important to remain satisfied and not be disappointed with the purchase. To do this, we have prepared several recommendations on how to buy jewelry correctly.

And I would like to immediately give the main advice. If you like the jewelry, if you feel that it is “yours,” be sure to buy it. Just think a little before doing this. Read our article about what to think about.

What to think about before buying jewelry

About jewelry “investments”

The cost of jewelry in general consists of the cost:

  • precious metal plus stone insert
  • work on its production and
  • markups for the brand if you buy a branded item

In expensive, complex and exclusive jewelry, it is the work and the brand that can make up the bulk of the price. What is the conclusion from this? You are buying jewelry rather than investing money in precious metals and stones. Unfortunately, you can quickly sell jewelry only at the price of scrap precious metals (the experience of The Village journalist in selling a ring). Stones without certificates will most likely be very cheap - unless, of course, they are unique natural gems or large diamonds of the highest quality. A more reasonable price can only be obtained in a consignment store (hoping that there is an amateur) and in pawn shops where there are qualified appraisers. Therefore, when purchasing jewelry, you should consider aesthetic appeal rather than investment considerations.

It will be impossible to “change your mind”

According to Consumer Protection Law, jewelry of proper quality cannot be returned (for more details, see ours). If the jewelry does not fit you in size or you simply “don’t like it”, then you may be legally refused to return it. True, there are two exceptions:

2) some jewelry chains and stores voluntarily set a period during which the jewelry can be returned. When purchasing, you should ask the seller about this.

Myths about natural stones

Many buyers specifically look for jewelry with a certain gemstone. Some people believe in the magical or healing properties of this stone, others select the insert “according to their horoscope”. And when we all see the word “garnet” or “turquoise” on a product tag, we immediately imagine a mineral mined from the depths of the earth, which has been processed, cut and inserted into a ring, which we are trying on right now. However, in practice, most stones undergo additional stages of processing, which are called “refinement”. Most often this is heating or irradiation, as a result of which the color of the stone can radically change or intensify (read more about). For example, experts estimate the volume of turquoise imitations on the market from 80 to 95% (for more details, see the article about).

A lot of stones sold at retail are not natural and are “synthesized” (grown while maintaining the structure of a natural stone) in production (read more about). The clear advantage of all these manipulations is a more attractive appearance of the products and an acceptable price. The downside is the fact that manufacturers and retail chains do not inform us about how the insert was obtained. There is no information on the tag about how the stone was “enhanced.” At best, it may be indicated that it is synthetic (by the way, the non-natural origin of the stone will soon be indicated on tags).

We see the following way out in this situation. If the natural origin of the stone in your jewelry is extremely important to you, then it is better to buy it separately and have the jewelry made in a workshop. You can also buy a finished product directly from the craftsman who made it (for example, at a jewelry exhibition). We would advise other buyers to pay attention to the aesthetic properties of the entire product, including the insert, and buy if you like it.

Not all “product characteristics” will be explained to you

Unfortunately, the level of knowledge of jewelry store sellers about metals, stones and jewelry technologies is often at a low level. Both staff turnover and the fact that management does not always emphasize the importance of consultation and full disclosure of product information are to blame. If the seller was friendly and helped you look at everything that interested you, that’s not bad. For the rest, you better rely on yourself, trying to understand jewelry terms at least at a basic level and carefully study the product tag. And you can learn more deeply about all the jewelry secrets from professional craftsmen (for example, by visiting), or on our portal in the sections, and.

The purchase decision has been made. How to save money?

Before purchasing, be sure to ask sellers about discounts. An active marketing policy is an integral part of the jewelry business, so stores almost constantly hold some kind of promotion. Usually, sellers themselves inform buyers about this without a reminder, but if they haven’t said anything, ask.

If you know exactly which jewelry store you will go to, check out their website and social media pages in advance. Often special discounts are offered to subscribers.

Almost all jewelry chains provide the client with bonus savings or discount cards after the first purchase. Some offer a discount on the first purchase, while others start with the second or with a purchase of a certain amount. Check the conditions with consultants (especially if you are going to purchase several jewelry) - it may be more profitable to first buy an inexpensive item, get a card, and only then buy a second one.

What should you pay attention to when purchasing jewelry?

Hallmarks on jewelry

On all jewelry Russian production must be present:

  • imprint of the state hallmark Russian Federation (“sample”), which indicates the content of precious metal in the alloy and confirms that the product meets the declared parameters. The hallmark impression must have a clear image of all elements of the hallmark and the outline of the frame
  • imprint "name person" manufacturer or individual entrepreneur. The name tag is applied when checking the product by the State Assay Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. It contains the state inspection code, the year of manufacture of the jewelry, and the manufacturer's code

In the photo - on the left is the name, on the right is the sample:

It is also allowed to apply an additional mark of the manufacturer to the product, containing no more than 4 characters.

If the jewelry was imported ( imported from abroad), then before going on sale it must still be tested according to Russian standards. That is, the product must have a sample on it.

Stone inserts on jewelry

Carefully read the name of the stone on the tag, and check with the seller what he knows about the origin and nature of the stone. From this information, draw conclusions about the properties of the insert and how suitable they are for you. For example, a synthetic stone (100% copying the structure of a natural crystal) will look completely like natural stone, but there will be no foreign inclusions or other imperfections. Beautiful? - Yes. Are you one of those who like imperfect stones? – Look for natural inserts at exhibitions.

Particular attention should be paid to cases where a valuable stone is suspiciously cheap. For example, next to the name of the stone there may be a postscript “cz” (garnet cz and the like). This note means that the only thing this insert has in common with garnet is its shade. Otherwise, this is ordinary painted cubic zirconia ( cz stands for zirconium cube) - more details in ). Any other postscripts next to the name of the stone should also alert you.

A few words about small diamonds

There are no diamonds smaller than 0.01 carats. To be precise, it happens, but these stones already belong to the category jewelry crumbs and are of no value. Such “diamonds” usually have a simplified cut of 17 facets, since it is not profitable to make a more complex one. The purity and color of this “diamond” does not matter - the famous does not work here. And since it doesn’t work, such a stone is extremely cheap.

For example, often in stores we can see shiny jewelry with stones, on the tag of which the inserts will be indicated something like this:

20 br. Kr.17 0.11 ct. 2/3

where 20 br. – number of diamonds in the product, Kr. 17 – round cut with 17 facets, 0.11 ct. – total weight of diamonds, 2/3 – color/clarity characteristics.

If we divide the total weight of diamonds by their number (0.11 divided by 20), we get the weight of each diamond rounded to 0.005 carats. This means that the smallest cut diamonds are inserted into the product, which cost no more than 2-4 dollars apiece.

Coatings on precious metal

Metals (especially silver alloys due to their natural tendency to interact with the external environment) coated with other, more stable metals are very often found on sale. Coatings are also made to impart the desired properties and shades to the product. Examples of such coatings are gilding, silvering, rhodium plating or oxidation (in the latter case, instead of metal there is an oxide film that darkens the product).

The first thing you need to find out about such a product is coating thickness. It can vary from 2 to 15 microns depending on the metal being applied. For example, for silvering, on average, 7-8 microns are more often used. Naturally, the thicker the coating, the better - otherwise this layer can come off quite quickly. For example, a rhodium-plated white gold wedding ring will turn yellowish instead of white after a year. It is also necessary to care for such products without using aggressive care products, so as not to erase the coating layer. The coating can be restored in a jewelry workshop, but this is a new expense. It is also necessary to take into account how exactly the coating layer depends on the “covering” metal. The most expensive metals (for example, gold plating) have a thinner layer, otherwise this will affect the price of the product too much. Example: a Spanish brand of costume jewelry, according to representatives, when silvering a product they use a layer thickness of 15 microns, and when gilding - 3 microns.

The second thing you should pay attention to is whether the coating is “passed off” as a more expensive decorative technique, for example, oxidation – as “blackening”.

Jewelry quality

All jewelry manufactured in Russia must meet industry standard requirements OST 117-3-002-95. The standard is quite extensive, but to briefly summarize its essence, all products must be made carefully, without visible defects (cracks, scratches, chips, seams on external surfaces) and sharp edges. The inserts must be securely fastened. For example, we quote requirements for enamel products:

“The enamel coatings of products must be smooth, shiny, without chips, cracks, omissions, gaps, stains and metal defects visible under the transparent enamel. In addition, enamel coatings should be free of scratches, bubbles (inclusions), pores, and sagging on edges and partitions. At the same time, no more than one bubble (inclusion) in the form of a dot and two minor scratches on the enamel coatings of products, slight waviness of the enamel, as well as the presence of a hair-like feature of the connections of the enamel with partitions and edges are allowed.”

We advise you to find this document on the Internet once and at least skim through it. And before buying jewelry, carefully examine it, and if you are confused about the quality of workmanship, contact the seller.

Jewelry techniques and products “in style”

Manufacturer and place of manufacture

On the market you can find many brands that sell jewelry under well-known Soviet or beautiful Russian names. It seems that products continue to be produced at the same domestic enterprises as before, but this is not always the case. If you prefer your jewelry to be made in Russia, carefully read the information about the manufacturer on the product tag. Russian-sounding manufacturers often order jewelry to be made in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other countries.

Authenticity of products

Jewelry manufacturers supply their products to various showrooms and retail chains for sale. Implemented on the websites of some jewelry factories barcode verification. It is enough to enter the numbers from the barcode on the jewelry tag, and you will be provided with complete information about the parameters of the jewelry.

Documents when purchasing jewelry

When purchasing jewelry in regular stores or online stores, you must provide the following documents:

  • cash receipt
  • sales receipt, which must contain: name of the product and details of the seller, sample, type and characteristics of the precious stone, article number, date of sale and price of the product and signature of the person who directly sold the product
  • the jewelry itself with a tag (label) attached to it. The tag is a kind of passport of the product, and its completion is regulated by regulations. The tag must be attached to the product with a thread and a seal.

Will they provide a certificate for an insert stone?

Sale unframed(i.e. not as part of a piece of jewelry) cut diamonds made from natural diamonds and cut emeralds is carried out only if there is a certificate for each stone or set (lot) of stones sold.

For any stones as part of jewelry a certificate is not required, a tag replaces it. Jewelry companies themselves can order certificates from gemologists if they wish, but this procedure is not cheap, and this is not done often.

A little about your rights

You have the right to weigh the piece of jewelry without a tag to verify that the information on the tag is correct. It is unlikely that you will often use this right, but anything can happen - suddenly you have reason to doubt the correctness of the information provided. Jewelry store employees should provide accurate scales.

Not all girls are aware of the important role jewelry plays for them.
Women's jewelry is not just a “silent” detached decor that lives on its own, its own separate life. Our earrings, rings, brooches are those magical “notes” that voice the music of our soul to those around us, and also daily show the world beautiful pictures of our inner Universe.

  1. Reveals our temperament and character
  2. Shows the level of protection against energy attacks (talismans, amulets)
  3. Symbolize and reflect our sensuality
  4. Shows sexual energy levels and tone
  5. How important is the attention of the opposite sex to us?
  6. How accessible and open we are
  7. Shows the presence or absence of taste
  8. Reflects success in personal life and career
  9. Belonging to a subculture
  10. Current psychological state

A discerning person only needs to take a careful look at your visual image in order to “read” the main features of your character. A bright multi-colored tattoo on your leg and huge, trendy ear cups? Before us is the owner of a violent temperament, with whom we always need to “keep an eye out.” Shocking outfit and accessories? It is obvious that the lady lacks the attention of others. Very expensive jewelry and in great abundance? Before you is a serious and ambitious person who “don’t put a finger in his mouth.”

Your jewelry and accessories can hint to others not only about your social status and temperament, but also about some topics of your thoughts and even about the scope of your professional activity. Just to hint - to outline an approximate range of interests, beliefs and principles, to reveal noticeable features of your sociological portrait.

Jewelry reveals a woman's temperament and character

Just 100 years ago, the laws of society shackled women within a fairly rigid framework of conventions. It was believed that jewelry could only be made of precious stones; wearing them during the day was considered indecent, etc. and so on. Women had very few tools for creating images in their arsenal, and even more so for representatives of the poorer class! Any little thing caused a whole storm of emotions among others: envy, condemnation, and aggression. Terrible times, aren't they? That's the case today! A modern woman can afford almost everything! Luxurious diamonds, trendy plastic, a variety of jewelry - thousands of colors, shapes and shades that allow us to add precise accents and touches to our daily look.

Today, a woman’s character is revealed much deeper and more understandable to others. A woman can send signals and even full-fledged social messages to the outside world: just remember the trend of recent years - necklaces with the inscriptions “Cool”, “Happy”. Or huge fashionable necklaces with shouting words - “Help”, “Hot”, “Love”, “Peace”.

In this sense, the image of European women is especially indicative and perfect - French and Italian women feel much more relaxed compared to representatives of eastern countries, which means they are happier. Their lives are richer and more fulfilling. Being yourself, expressing yourself daily and freely is a psychological need of every person, Carl Jung and other famous psychologists wrote about this in detail.

Shy girls also need to express themselves. They just prefer more hidden, deeper and more emotional symbols in jewelry. As a rule, these are individual works of authorship, ethnic, hand-made. Modest romantic natures often choose jewelry in the oriental style - lace Tibetan beads, Nepalese bracelets, charming Chinese pendants and many other oriental delights that evoke fantasies of distant countries, the noisy sounds of oriental bazaars, the gentle east wind from the aromas of jasmine and spices.

Ladies of a dramatic nature prefer very catchy and eye-catching jewelry - large stones, luxurious jewelry design, extravagant combination of accessories. A grandiose brooch in the shape of a lush scarlet rose on her chest, garlands of earrings hanging down to her shoulders, imitating peacock feathers - such a woman lives passionately, without sparing her heart, craves unquestioning adoration and generously gifts her admirer with all-consuming beauty. Some men would consider it great happiness to die in the arms of such a woman! Yes! There are such men in nature.

Representatives of a moderate and calm disposition prefer to wear jewelry in a classic style - refined, time-tested jewelry. Intellectual modest women focus on neat and discreet hand-made, made exclusively from exquisite natural stones - rock crystal, rose quartz, peridot, etc.

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The solid gold signet ring demonstrates the iron character of its owner. A thin gilded ring with a small pearl testifies to the girl’s gentle character and refined taste. A ring with a large cat's eye stone is worn by deep, creative people, often interested in art.

Protection from energy attacks (talismans, amulets)

Like our ancestors who lived thousands of years ago, we believe that talismanic jewelry protects us from “dark forces,” the evil eye of envious women and fatal coincidences.

We wear a scarab for good luck, and turquoise jewelry to attract love into our lives. Unconsciously, we ourselves form a protective biofield around our aura - with the power of our thoughts, the power of our faith.

The power of our talismans lies not only in the magical properties of the natural stones from which they are created, but also in our psychological attitudes. In many ways, symbols and signs gain their magical power from the enormous meaning that we attach to them.

Very often we dress not for the sake of a social message to others, but for personal comfort. To create the mental space in which we feel comfortable living. This personal space is our main defense against energy attacks from the outside. It is much more difficult to exert psychological influence on a person with a deep and rich inner world. The more complex and highly organized your inner world is, the more difficult it is for “external forces” to control or destroy it. That is why it is so important to listen to yourself, to your feelings when choosing certain jewelry, because with their help we form, preserve and protect our inner psychological space, our inner world. For example, we put on some things and jewelry only to remember previously experienced sensations. Yes Yes! “These amethyst earrings remind me of him, of that wonderful evening...” - we girls are such sensitive creatures. We definitely need our fabulous and beautiful world - a world of feelings, experiences and sensations in which we swim like goldfish or flutter like butterflies. Each girl has her own fairy tales, her own personal space, her own Universe, which reliably protects us from the aggressive world around us. By the way, this is why the loss of some jewelry is terribly upsetting for absolutely all women. It's like we're losing a part of ourselves. Indeed, during our life together with them, our favorite jewelry becomes receptacles of memory and priceless treasures, regardless of their price. This is why we often feel unprotected when we forget to put on a favorite pendant or a particularly memorable ring.

The symbolism of our sensuality

Decoration and practicality are incompatible things! Practical earrings are akin to medical gloves - very practical, but absolutely ugly. The more complex, sophisticated and interesting your jewelry, the more complex and sensitive your soul. It is obvious. It’s hard to imagine how “comfortable” Cinderella was in her glass slippers, but can you really imagine her in any other shoes? At the same time, it is not at all necessary to strive to create an image that is very far from your nature or does not correspond to it at all. Such a “masquerade” is unlikely to receive high praise from others. It is always very important to work with your true essence - to complement, reveal it, and emphasize its advantages. Even a jewelry design that is primitive at first glance can be made with great taste and reflect your simple and straightforward approach to things, which, by the way, many men value above intricate and not always understandable sophistication.

If your inner world is like a raging endless ocean, sometimes allow it to splash out in the form of fantastic lines and exciting shades. Jewelry acquires colossal magical power in the hands of passionate women with a subtle artistic taste.

Attention from the opposite sex

Women's jewelry has a special mission: to create an image, a woman's personal space and, of course, attract the attention of the opposite sex. Here we can easily assume that the more jewelry a woman wears, the stronger her desire to attract male attention.

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There is a considerable amount of truth in this. A very ancient and primitive feature of human perception is the ability to be instantly fascinated by everything shiny and filigree. And this property is inherent equally in both men and women. It is enough to add a couple of exquisite shiny accessories to the most ordinary dress, and it will turn into a fairy-tale outfit in the eyes of others, and its owner will appear as a fairy-tale princess in their imagination! This is surprising, but such a simple technique has worked and still works, bringing a new palette of feelings and sensations into our world.

For many of us, being in public without our favorite jewelry is like leaving the house in a robe and slippers. Those around us, of course, will not notice anything unusual in our appearance, but at the same time our sense of self will be zero. And, consequently, our energy will not be fully realized, we will not reach the pinnacle of self-expression and spiritual harmony. The gloss and chic that so seduces the opposite sex will disappear. Is it so important to look seductive?

A woman who is uninteresting to men is an unhappy woman. Who can argue with this statement? Perhaps no one. Another question is, which men do we need the attention of, and which men do we not want to accept attention from?

This is where it is very important to weigh every detail of your wardrobe, think through every accessory and every touch. You must look attractive to the “men of your dreams.” To do this, it is important to know what “cultural type” they belong to, what kind of women they like. All “cultural codes” must be observed. A successful top manager is unlikely to be charmed by a girl who is too eccentric and shocking, but he may not even notice the “gray mouse”. In your hands are the finest instruments - signals with the help of which you carry out a “message” to the outside world. Some signs seduce, decorate and attract attention, while others, on the contrary, repel.

Regardless of style, almost all jewelry can be used as a “weapon” of temptation. Touchingly fiddling with a cute pendant on a long chain, unobtrusively twirling an elegant ring on your finger, loudly clinking massive bracelets as you pass by, while swinging long iridescent earrings that fill the entire room with “beams of sunshine” - all these simple actions attract attention and, undoubtedly, seduce . In fact, this is a signal to the outside world: “Look at me. There's a lot to see here."

Seductiveness is not always a pronounced sexuality. The exclusivity and originality of your image can have an incredibly strong effect on men. A strict, almost ascetic necklace of amazing design combined with a business suit of a fantastically stylish cut and a fresh, neat hairstyle can drive anyone crazy. At the same time, there is no deliberate sexuality in the image.

Don't forget that your appearance is one of the most important markers of intelligence. If you are interested in smart men, beware of looking primitive and frivolous. On the contrary, with the help of masterfully selected jewelry and a “smart” image, you can interest a man who is fascinated by women with developed intelligence. What style of jewelry can convey intellectual abilities? Definitely a classic. Moreover, it is a very elegant, not flashy classic. There should be no wildness, vulgarity or other stylistic excesses in your image, only civilized restraint, even slightly conservative restraint. An intellectual image does not tolerate hypersexuality, pretentious “beauty,” or some very trendy, time-untested artistic motifs and materials. At the same time, you should look incredibly fresh! This is where the magic of color comes to the fore. A snow-white, perfectly ironed shirt can amazingly highlight sophisticated and very neat earrings with noble black agate or elegant Labradorite. Since ancient times, “intellectual” and noble shades include classic green (malachite, chrysoprase), dark burgundy (agate), black (onyx, black agate), dark shades of brown (rauchtopaz, fluorite, bull’s eye), white (mountain crystal, pearls). When creating a distinctly business style and a “smart look,” it is recommended to stay within this color palette – plus or minus a couple of calm pastel colors. There will not be a hint of passion or desire in your appearance, but at the same time you will be damn attractive and incredibly seductive for an intelligent and discriminating man. Intelligence seduces. But it seduces very delicately, unobtrusively.

How seductive do we want to look?

Various access levels

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What jewelry symbolizes that a woman is more or less open and accessible? Perhaps there is no exact answer here - the world of images and symbols is quite conventional. Each person can perceive certain touches and details of the wardrobe differently. But there are very specific signs that hint to the male half that the woman is waiting for attention to her person. Seductive pendants in a deep and open neckline, incredibly long shoulder-length earrings, chains and necklaces on an open back, very large hoop earrings, a huge peacock feather in a non-standard hairstyle - almost all signals of openness have stylistic and aesthetic excesses. These are almost always shocking accents that are absolutely conspicuous. As a rule, a high level of accessibility is emphasized by the great openness of erogenous zones, lavishly decorated with truly luxurious and often exotic jewelry. For example, a stunning cocktail ring on a long chain in the area of ​​a very deep neckline is a rather significant and promising signal to the opposite sex. Jewelry and accessories help visually “regulate” levels of access: an ascetic and discreet image demonstrates our closeness and reluctance to receive increased signs of attention at the moment. A flirtatious and intriguing appearance, on the contrary, hints at a playful mood and a desire to communicate. One way or another, it’s always worth thinking about what and when we wear, what we decorate ourselves with, and what kind of reaction from others we need at the moment.

Sexual energy level and tone

Jewelry that evokes certain associations will help you express the depth of your passionate nature. Simply put, decorations are hints, the purpose of which is to demonstrate your activity.

A tireless warrior can wear a huge Indian ivory bracelet. A passionate beauty who craves immediate attention “here and now” can decorate her look with an African cowrie shell necklace.

Bracelets on your feet always look distinctly sexy. The male population, it must be said, traditionally goes into a tailspin from the thin shiny bracelets on the graceful tanned female ankles. When putting such an accessory on your leg, don’t even expect to look innocent - this is a strong sign of sexual activity that will press a very specific pedal.

But let's not forget the seductiveness of female intelligence. This delicate presentation of sexuality is expressed not in obvious signals that evoke an instant instinct, but through a refined and perfect image. This is the aesthetics of a special, sublime sexuality, when a woman is perceived not as an attractive object of the opposite sex, but almost as an unearthly deity, causing awe and delight. Light and transparent stones of crystal purity and round shape help create such bright images. Amethyst vintage earrings, for example, demonstrate a difficult temperament and claims to the depth of a relationship. After all, amethyst is a “stone of a pure heart,” a mineral of deep worldview and subtle perception. A girl who prefers amethyst is extremely demanding of her chosen one, but at the same time she is quite open and sociable. Always a stunningly pure, angelically seductive look allows you to create jewelry with rock crystal crystals.

Presence or absence of taste

We express our own style through decoration! At the same time, others can appreciate our taste, our sense of style and beauty. An experienced and discerning eye will instantly assess how your jewelry fits into your wardrobe, whether its shape is in harmony with the shape of your face and skin tone. The divine geometry of the Universe is the ideal combination of all elements of the image, the accuracy of all proportions, the perfection of lines, and the competent use of the color palette.

The complete absence of any signs (decorations) can be regarded as a paucity of the inner world - such women are, of course, less noticeable and less interesting to the male half. Men prefer women who are bright, even overly romantic, but always emotionally rich, with their own individual and unique appearance. It is always more interesting to meet such women, flirt, communicate and go through life. Coquettes and stylish ladies, as a rule, have wit and charm, so men fly to such girls “on the wings of love,” overcoming all obstacles. A stylish woman is always an object of male attention and adoration. In some unknown way, men can determine the psychological mood of girls by their appearance. And we must give them this chance again and again - to “read” our mood with the help of symbols and signs, otherwise there is no other way!

Success in personal life and career

A woman who is successful in every sense can afford a lot. And the question is not even about the cost of jewelry. Modern technologies make it possible to produce imitations of natural stones and metals, sometimes even superior in beauty to their analogues. You don't have to look far for an example. A-list celebrities wear Swarovski crystals, vying with each other to admit that the shine of these jewelry fascinates them no less than the sparkle of natural diamonds.

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In this sense, a woman’s success is expressed not in the high cost of jewelry, but in its quality and quantity. Yes Yes! A rich arsenal of accessories and jewelry, courage in creating an image, obvious self-confidence, frequent changes of style - these are the main markers of a woman’s successful career and successful personal life. But external constraint, monotony or lack of decoration, an unexpressed style can only tell about the presence of problems and fatigue from life.

Your appearance can tell about your hobbies and belonging to a certain type of culture. Earrings, bracelets, pendants are some of the most eloquent storytellers about the content of your spiritual world. Representatives of bohemians always wear only emphatically luxurious jewelry - they literally “breathe” luxury! Bohemian ladies have a bright, eccentric character, most often have a direct connection to the world of art and artistic professions, therefore they approach the creation of their appearance with increased attention. There is always some theatricality and sublimity in their appearance. Sparkling brooches on a light cashmere coat, thin exquisite bracelets on top of high satin gloves, a reticule skillfully embroidered with stones - sheer charm! Bohemian ladies are always the center of attention - men don’t miss such women! Bohemian ladies love to wear evening jewelry during the day - shining rhinestones, huge chandelier earrings, chic rings with large stones. Artists, fashion designers, designers - all these are “free birds” who are allowed more in terms of image than everyone else. Well-groomed fingers strewn with rings, non-standard cut of clothes, many accessories, including shocking ones.

Super-business “yuppies” wear exclusively expensive and incredibly stylish “classics”. Golden majorist youth loves to look emphatically glamorous and always “festival” - a holiday every day!

A fairly large layer of modern jewelry can be attributed to the teenage subculture - a studded bracelet on a teenager symbolizes a “prickly” character, a bright, contradictory personality leading a fairly active party life.
Here, jewelry reflects belonging to a certain community or, as they also say, “community” - belonging to one’s social group, which is very important for adolescence. All teenage subcultures are characterized by excessive symbolic signals that help young and psychologically defenseless creatures distinguish “us” from “strangers.” The abundance of black in the image, the presence of metal chains, rings and prints with skulls, bracelets and collars with spikes - this artistic ensemble distinguishes “goths,” for example, from “emo” with their pink hearts and an abundance of plastic in jewelry. These subcultures have completely different jewelry designs, bringing opposing symbols to the world. If “goths” position themselves as representatives of the “dark force”, bringing dark, aggressive energy into our world, then “emos” are defenseless, hypersensitive depressive creatures who often find themselves victims of aggression. By choosing this or that subculture, you send certain signals to society, which will certainly be returned to the recipient in the form of new acquaintances and the corresponding attitude of others.

Perunits, amulet, as well as all kinds of bracelets and pendants with Slavic signs will certainly tell others about your faith and worldview.

Current psychological state

Your loved ones and acquaintances, unnoticed by you and themselves, daily “read” various codes and signs from your appearance that reflect your mood and psychological state at the moment. For example, if today you are wearing the usual studs and your favorite everyday ring, this means that life goes on as usual and nothing significant has happened in your life since yesterday. But as soon as you appear in new bright jewelry, increased attention to your person will be ensured. Compliments and questions will certainly pour in from all sides: “Why is she so beautiful? Is it your birthday today?” And so on.

So, if you miss compliments and admiring glances addressed to you or want to attract the attention of a specific person, do it with the help of new jewelry. This is a true and proven method.

In personal relationships, your jewelry can also play the role of symbols and signs that will help you communicate with your half in a more sublime - metaphysical language. The art of love is the ability to convey feelings without words. The subtlest semantic accents, transparent hints, “screaming” symbols - all this is an arsenal of wordless language, the language of feelings and emotions. The sphere of feelings is the most fragile sphere in a person’s life. A simple word spoken too harshly can hurt a person, kill a feeling and destroy a relationship. And jewelry can quite accurately demonstrate your mood. At the same time, you will not cross any important milestone or limit. If your patience is full, you can express whatever you want in the language of images and symbols. It is enough to cross the line in visual terms - wear a flashy outfit, deliberately aggressive jewelry, while maintaining space for maneuver and hope for a successful outcome in resolving all problems and misunderstandings.
In a prosperous and serene family life, the role of jewelry is no less important - men always expect from us... What do men expect from us?

Probably not just beauty, freshness and charm. Men are always waiting for new emotions and impressions. They always want to be surprised, to comprehend the incomprehensible, to tame the rebellious, to seduce the unapproachable. Your daily “bland” and monotonous appearance can lull the most violent romantic to sleep! It is a woman’s sacred duty to maintain a high degree of relationships, work on the quality of communication, and intrigue!

How to create amazement? Astonishment? Your new image, unusual, unexpected and intriguing, can cause a new surge of emotions in a man, genuine interest and many questions to which he will certainly look for answers. Like the first time!

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