Divorce of David and Victoria Beckham. David and Victoria Beckham are preparing for divorce

0 January 30, 2017, 16:04

During an interview on Radio 4, he spoke about the difficulties in his marriage and shared advice on how to overcome a crisis in a relationship. The 41-year-old athlete and style icon said that they will never break up because they love each other very much. Let us remind you that the couple is celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary this year, and today it turned out that David and Victoria renewed their vows.

We invested a lot into our first wedding. We have now decided to renew our marriage vows, but the ceremony was much more private,

- said the former athlete.

When asked by the presenter what the secret of the strength of their marriage is, Beckham replied:

It's about our parents who instilled the right family values ​​in us.

The seemingly flawless marriage was not always so strong - David admitted that he and Victoria went through serious difficulties.

Of course, over so many years you make mistakes. Everyone knows that marriage can be difficult at times and you have to work at it. But when we face problems, we just talk, because we know each other better than anyone,

— David shared the secret of a long-term relationship.

Let's add that the Beckhams' marriage is not immune to problems: in 2004, David cheated on his wife with his personal assistant Rebecca Luz. The assistant told the press about the unfaithful football player, hoping that this story would destroy his relationship, but Victoria managed to forgive her husband. Later, there were rumors about other infidelities of David, but after the hype in the press, the athlete settled down.

Do we stay together because we are a brand? Not at all. We are together because we love each other. We are together because we have four amazing children. Of course, we have difficulties, but we live through them as a whole, as a family,

- David said in an interview.

Let's remember that David and Victoria Beckham met in 1997 in the parking lot after a Manchester United match. Two years later, the couple got married and now have four children: 17-year-old Brooklyn, 14-year-old Romeo, 11-year-old Cruz and 5-year-old Harper. Today on Instagram Victoria

Designer Victoria Beckham responded to messages about her personal life online for the first time in a long time.

Photo: DR Victoria and David Beckham, photo from Instagram

Fashion designer Victoria Beckham and footballer David Beckham are one of the strongest famous families. But they also give reasons for gossip.

Some time ago, David decided to live separately from his family. Moreover, even in another country. Some sources explained this by saying that the athlete wants to focus on his business and resign from his post as director of his wife’s fashion empire, Victoria Beckham Ltd.

But today Victoria's representative denied rumors of a celebrity divorce.

Fake news is spreading on social media. The publications that decided to publish such garbage should be ashamed, the insider said.

Note that earlier the Beckhams decided to sell their outfits from the wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry and donate the money to charity.

"To support the incredible work of The We Love Manchester Emergency Fund and the families who were victims of the attack in Manchester last year, David and I have decided to partner with Omaze to give you the chance to own our royal wedding outfits," Beckham wrote in her statement. Instagram.

Let's remember that Victoria and David Beckham got married in 1999. They have four children: Brooklyn, 19, Romeo, 15, Cruz, 13, and Harper, 6.

0 4 July 2017, 15:45

Today is the 4th of July and we are celebrating our wedding anniversary. The couple have been married for 18 years, and still have each other in the morning. Despite the fact that Victoria and David are happy together, they periodically had difficulties that almost led to divorce - the site recalls how it happened.

1 Cheating with a personal assistant

In 2004, rumors surfaced that David had cheated on his wife with his personal assistant, Rebecca Luz. The football player’s assistant was not afraid to tell the press about her office romance with the football player. She did this brave act in the hope of destroying the Beckhams' relationship, and she was close to her goal: the couple almost divorced. Victoria had hysterics, she drowned her grief in alcohol, but still found the strength to forgive her husband.

2 Distance

Last February, foreign media reported that the Beckhams were no longer living together and were preparing for divorce. The reason for this was said to be David’s move to the USA, where the ex-football player bought a football club and began managing it. Victoria remained with the children in London, where her work was concentrated and where their children also studied. The couple could not reach a compromise for a long time and constantly quarreled. The main reason for the designer’s dissatisfaction was jealousy: allegedly she was afraid that without her supervision David would go all out and start cheating on her again. The discord in the family was so serious that Victoria even removed tattoos with her husband’s initials and the date of their marriage from her wrist.

But after some time everything got better. Later, the couple admitted that the test of distance made their marriage even stronger.

Of course, over so many years you make mistakes. Everyone knows that marriage can be difficult at times and you have to work at it. But when we face problems, we just talk, because we know each other better than anyone,

- David said.

3 Relationship with a girl of easy virtue

The legendary football player had several connections on the side. Another affair - with the girl Irma Nichi, who herself stated that David Beckham paid her ten thousand dollars for an intimate escort in Los Angeles and London in 2007. The affair quickly grew into a romance that lasted quite a long time. They even began to say that the football player would leave his wife and children, but this did not happen. Victoria soon found out everything, but sided with her husband, saying the following:

Nobody said marriage would be easy. Troubles brought our alliance with David even closer,

— the fashion designer responded to the attacks of journalists.

4 Problems with alcohol

In 2015, the press increasingly began to discuss that the star couple was closer than ever to divorce, but it was not David who was to blame, but Victoria: the star was accused of excessive alcohol consumption. The footballer himself spoke about this, saying that his wife abuses tequila.

Rumors that Victoria began to drink alcohol too often appeared after a party in honor of the opening of Victoria's London store. Then the paparazzi photographed her looking strange: there was a wet spot on Victoria’s jeans. And the celebrity stayed on her feet only thanks to her husband, who, with a stern expression on his face, led her to the car. Later Victoria tried to laugh it off:

Yes I remember. It was a great party! I actually suffered from a hangover the next morning. But she actually didn’t drink as much as it might seem when looking at the photo.

5 Different views on raising children

Victoria and David Beckham have four children - three boys Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz and one girl Harper. Spouses try to act together, but sometimes their views on raising children differ. So, the last serious conflict was related to their son Brooklyn, who at that time was only 16 years old. That year, the young man asked for a Porsche racing car for Christmas as a gift. David believed that his son’s wish should be fulfilled, but Victoria categorically refused. She was afraid that Brooklyn would drive at excessive speeds.

The couple argued for a long time, neither of them heard the other, but in the end Victoria won: Brooklyn was left without an expensive car.

Whatever problems you have Victoria and David Beckham did not arise, the couple is trying to resolve them peacefully, because love and family are the most important things in their lives:

We are together because we love each other. We are together because we have four amazing children. Of course, we have difficulties, but we live through them as a whole.

The editors of the site wish Victoria and David Beckham long and happy years of family life!

Photo Gettyimages/Instagram

The world of show business is not only about fabulous performances, bright celebrities and idols, it is also about gossip, squabbles and public scandals. However, there are also stars whose name deserves only positive reviews. This is exactly what Victoria and David Beckham are. Their family was considered the strongest, and the union the most beautiful. This couple has shown themselves to be exemplary for seventeen years. But it seems their happy time has also come to an end. Indeed, at the beginning of 2016, headlines about the breakup of the Beckham family began to flash more and more often in the media.

The reason for the Beckhams' possible divorce in 2016

Initially, many believed that such judgments were someone’s bad jokes. However, recently fans have become increasingly concerned about the relationship between Victoria and David. As you know, the famous English football player decided to move to the USA, buying his own team there. He was immediately against changing his place of residence, preferring to stay in London. It was after this disagreement in early 2016 that talk began that the Beckhams were getting a divorce. In addition, journalists began to speculate that, having once been caught cheating, David no longer inspired confidence in his wife. Victoria, in turn, is too busy promoting her own brand and pays little attention to her husband.

The media have repeatedly tried to find out directly from celebrities the truth about their relationships. However, until February 2016, neither David nor Victoria Beckham commented on the topic of divorce. In the last month of winter, the star family went to the resort. After resting, Beckham dispelled all doubts regarding his relationship with his wife by posting a photo on Instagram. In the photographs, the happy couple is constantly together, holding hands and indulging in passionate kisses. David also published a photo of Victoria in a bikini next to her little daughter, signing the photo with a very flattering and warm comment.

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It is unlikely that in a family with such a delicate climate, relationships are strained and heading towards divorce.

Sources close to the designer and former footballer's family said Victoria cried for two days after her husband David described their marriage as "a daily grind". Mrs Beckham was left distraught and "totally devastated" that the father of her four children was so insensitive, The Sun reported.

Victoria's friends claimed that after her husband's scandalous interview she was not herself, and after two days of hysteria, the star settled at an elite resort in Germany, which specializes in restoring emotional balance. However, this information was denied by the official representative of the spouses - the former member of the Spice Girls really rested body and soul, but before her husband’s unexpected performance, and not after.

In a recent interview on The Sunday Project, David Beckham made some sensational statements. Among other things, the athlete spoke about the biggest regret of his life.

During his conversation with journalist Lisa Wilkinson, it turned out that David felt worst during a meeting in 2003 with one of the political leaders - namely, the former president of South Africa.

Mandela, who died in 2013, was even asked to comment on the football captain's hairstyle at their meeting in Johannesburg, but the peacemaker resisted provocation and said he was "too old to express an opinion on the latest trends among young people."

The same interview became the subject of discord in the family, but Victoria was worried in vain - according to the father of the family, “the essence of any marriage is always hard work.”

The couple began dating in 1997, and Brooklyn, the oldest of their children, is already 19 years old. Since they married in Ireland in 1999, the Beckhams have fought off rumors of an impending divorce.

Former Posh Spice, in all her interviews over the years, continues to say that she and her husband rarely spend time in each other’s company, but this only makes their meetings brighter. In an interview with Vogue magazine two years ago, when asked which living or deceased person she would like to have dinner with, she answered: “With my husband.”

It's not just journalists who have to convince them that everything is fine - in September 2018, the 44-year-old designer said that during a family vacation in the south of France, she and David had to talk to their 7-year-old daughter Harper and three teenage sons to convince them that mom and dad are not going to get a divorce.

That interview was timed to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Victoria Beckham brand, but the star wanted to focus on false rumors about the difficult situation in her family. In September, family friends confirmed to The Sun that David and Victoria are always “crystal honest” with their children. “Rumors about the state of their marriage and ridiculous statements about David are painful, and, of course, very harmful to the children,” a source close to the couple commented.

The couple pointedly mock all the gossips who speculate several times a year on the imminent end of the relationship of one of the most beautiful couples in show business; in their house they take this much more seriously.

At the Women's Summit in June, Victoria Beckham, 44, took time to once again boast about her husband: “I have the support of an amazing husband. We are truly equal in everything we do at home with the kids. When I'm away, he drops off and picks up the kids from school and cooks."

The need for this statement arose after the contents of an email were made public, which stated that David had cheated on Victoria with schoolteacher Harper, and now the woman was pregnant. However, these false accusations quickly came to an end - immediately after the angry father of the unborn child showed up.

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