Pregnant women can go to the pool. Can pregnant women swim? Can pregnant women swim in the pool? Preparing for a trip to the pool is the key to health

Can pregnant women swim in the pool?

While waiting for the baby, the life style of the expectant mother changes radically. Those who were indifferent to physical activity pay attention to walks in the fresh air, and those who previously led a very active life and played sports replace fitness classes with something calmer, for example, brisk walking and stretching. Swimming in the pool during pregnancy is an excellent choice - doctors usually recommend this type of exercise to all women. Even if you previously visited the pool only during your school years, now is the time to resume classes. Don't know how to swim? It doesn’t matter, you can just do a set of exercises in the water.

  • Swimming pool during pregnancy
  • The benefits of swimming for expectant mothers
  • Early visit
  • Benefits in later stages
  • The effect of chlorinated water on the body of a baby and a pregnant woman
  • How to swim correctly
  • Exercises for women in the second trimester
  • Exercises for the 3rd trimester
  • How to choose a swimsuit
  • Contraindications
  • What to take with you

The question of the possibility of engaging in aqua aerobic sports for expectant mothers is most often resolved positively, however, there are a number of points that should be paid attention to.

The benefits and harms of a swimming pool can be relative, because, firstly, a woman may have individual contraindications (for example, she has an allergic reaction to bleach, which is used to disinfect water in most sports complexes). Secondly, you need to know the following nuances:

  • it makes sense to give up classes in the first 12 weeks;
  • It is not advisable to visit the pool after 36 weeks;
  • the presence of any disturbances in well-being should force one to temporarily cancel this physical activity.

Going to the pool is allowed only after obtaining consent from the gynecologist.

There is no exact data on the effect of chlorinated water on the fetus. However, it is known that this substance and its compounds can cause burns and can have a negative effect on cells. This remark mainly concerns chlorine vapors. If such steam enters the body in large quantities, it is fraught with poisoning, the symptoms of which are:

  • breathing problems;
  • cough;
  • headache;
  • suffocation.

Naturally, the development of such a condition is extremely rare, since water treatment does not require a huge amount of this substance. And yet, a pregnant woman becomes extremely sensitive, and therefore it is not always possible to predict the body’s reaction to chlorinated water.

To avoid unpleasant consequences with 100% certainty, you should choose modern sports complexes where water is disinfected in other ways:

  • laser;
  • ultraviolet.

How can pregnant women swim in the pool? The main thing is to avoid overload. Swim in the style that you are used to and that is comfortable for you. The question of what style to swim is relevant for those who during pregnancy decided to learn the basics of swimming. If you don’t know how to swim and don’t yet find the strength and desire to master this art, take a circle or a swimming board and simply move in the water using your legs.

Some trainers advise swimming mainly crawl during pregnancy, claiming that this is the safest form and does not overload the muscles and joints.

  • choose a pool with relatively warm water, more than +22 0;
  • enter the water gradually;
  • do not swim for more than 30 minutes in one visit;
  • do not stay in a wet swimsuit: immediately after you finish swimming, rinse off in the shower and change clothes.

Do not go into the water if you feel unwell. It’s better to wait a couple of days, and then resume classes.

The benefits of swimming during pregnancy in the pool

So, we know what we need to think about before surrendering to the power of the water element, what safety measures to follow. Now let's talk about why it's worth visiting the pool.

Knowing how a swimming pool is useful for pregnant women, you will be very happy to purchase a subscription.

Swimming in a pool is beneficial because:

  • blood circulation increases, thereby improving metabolism;
  • the functioning of venous valves improves (as a result, the risk of appearance decreases);
  • the heart and blood vessels are being trained;
  • the functioning of the respiratory system improves.

In addition, swimming perfectly relieves the spine. The increased weight shifts the center of gravity, the spine experiences enormous loads, and while in the water the weight is not felt. Joints and muscles are also unloaded - in general, the woman’s well-being becomes better.

How long can you swim? The best option is two to three times a week. During breaks, the body rests and rebuilds. Intensive daily exercise is unlikely to do him any good now.

There is one more nuance regarding the benefits of a swimming pool for expectant mothers. It is considered by doctors as an anti-stress. The mother plunges into the same water element in which her unborn child is now located - this helps her feel unity with the baby, tune in to the “same wavelength” with him.

Swimming pool in early pregnancy

Despite the enormous positive effect of swimming and water aerobics for pregnant women, you should visit the pool with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy. The pros and cons here are:

  • a woman tolerates toxicosis more easily;
  • the body is hardened, prepared for a double load - this all speaks in favor of the pool.

Points that should be alarming: in the first trimester, the mother’s body does not yet perceive the fetus as part of itself, which means there is an increased risk of miscarriage. Any active actions can provoke spontaneous abortion. Plus this fact: the plug that will block the cervix, preventing bacteria from entering the uterus and keeping the fetus inside, is just being formed. This means that the unborn child is still defenseless. Perhaps it makes sense to swim in your own pool at the dacha for now and postpone going to the public pool until a little later.

Swimming pool in late pregnancy

In the third trimester, pregnant women can go to the pool without fear, but only until the time when labor is felt to be approaching. This means that, for example, in the 7th month you can go to classes a couple of times a week, but after the 36th week you should replace the classes with simple walking and visiting the aquatic complex less frequently, limiting yourself to one lesson. This is due to the fact that the plug may already be slightly coming off, so it is easier for infections to penetrate to the baby.

But in a seawater pool you can swim unhindered. If the pool is warm and the water is heated, great. This negates the effects of stress caused by temperature differences.

Another small warning for those who are about to become a mother: cramps often occur in the later stages. They can also happen in water, especially if the water temperature is low. Then you need to immerse your head under the water, grab yourself with your hand by the big toe of the injured foot and pull it forcefully towards you. It is advisable to quickly get out of the water: there you also need to pull your leg harder, despite the pain. The cramp will pass quickly.

Pregnancy and a chlorine pool

Can pregnant women go to a swimming pool with chlorine in the first trimester? According to doctors' instructions, it is better to wait until the second trimester.

In the second trimester, the harm of bleach for the baby will be so insignificant that there is hardly any need to fear any consequences: he is reliably protected inside his “house”. In the later stages, visit a pool with sea water or water purified by modern methods: in this case, the benefits will be much greater.

How to swim correctly for pregnant women in the pool

The general rule is: don't swim at your limit. It is unlikely that there is an exact answer to the question of how to properly swim in the pool during pregnancy. Each woman chooses a style that is convenient for her and those exercises that allow her to improve her well-being.

It is correct to monitor your condition, the water temperature, and go to the pool only after receiving permission from a doctor. You can swim on your back or on your stomach: water makes the load easier. Is it possible to dive? If you know how to do it, then why not? But in this case, of course, it is better to choose pools with sea or mineral water, if there are such in your city.

Exercises in the pool for pregnant women (2nd trimester)

You can do pregnancy exercises in the pool if you don't plan to swim. Take precautions: be sure to wear a hat and rubber slippers when you go to the water.

Submerge yourself in water up to about your chest.

Start doing crunches: holding the side, carefully turn the body in different directions.

Then perform squats while standing at the side, facing it and taking a stable position. The emphasis is placed with your feet on the wall of the pool.

Another exercise: lying on your stomach, holding onto the side, pull your knees to your chest as far as you can.

Exercises for pregnant women in the pool (third trimester)

Exercises in the pool during pregnancy in the third trimester should prepare the woman for the upcoming birth.

The main emphasis is on those exercises that help control breathing, since this skill is very important during the birth process. In addition, you should try to strengthen your leg and abdominal muscles as much as possible. Those who can swim can simply dive in and swim underwater for as long as possible.

Those who don't know how can try the following:

  • cross your arms over your chest, hold your breath for a while and plunge into the water (sit down); as soon as you feel that it has become difficult, dive to the surface;
  • placing a special hoop under your shoulder blades, lower your legs to the bottom; raise your legs to your chest, while trying to keep your legs in this position for 2 to 4 breaths; slowly lower your legs back down;
  • We stand against the side and alternately raise and lower our legs.

By and large, any exercise will be beneficial, as long as it does not cause discomfort. Therefore, the main thing for a woman is to monitor her health and leave the pool at the slightest deterioration.

Maternity swimsuit for the pool

It is important to choose a swimsuit that is optimal for water aerobics and swimming in your particular position.

A maternity swimsuit for the pool must meet the following requirements:

  • be made of dense, at the same time “breathable” fabric, for example, microfiber;
  • slightly tighten the tummy so that it is easier for the expectant mother to “carry” it;
  • do not press or squeeze anything.

The color can be any, just remember that a large pattern will visually make you look bigger, and you’ve probably already gained a few kilograms.

You can purchase a high-waisted tankini swimsuit. Then you can wear it after childbirth, choosing other swimming trunks.

Contraindications to visiting the pool during pregnancy

Your doctor may not give you permission to swim in the pool if you have:

  • there is a danger of miscarriage;
  • brown vaginal discharge is observed;

In such situations, swimming in the pool can be dangerous. Swimming lessons will be harmful. The gynecologist will also be against sessions in cases where the expectant mother has a tendency to allergies or has not yet recovered from a cold.

What to take with you to visit the pool

Before going to water aerobics courses for expectant mothers, you will need to take a certificate from a doctor indicating the absence of skin and some other diseases.

For swimming and gymnastics classes you will need:

  • cap;
  • rubber slippers;
  • swimsuit;
  • change of clothes;
  • special circle (if you don’t know how to swim);
  • hair dryer to quickly dry your hair.

Fitness during pregnancy is possible in strictly limited forms, for example, in the form of yoga or swimming.

Consult with your doctor about how long you can exercise, which breathing exercises and stretching exercises are best - and purchase a subscription. Let swimming lessons give you (and your baby) vigor and health!

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Can pregnant women go to the pool?

Many expectant mothers understand that going to the pool is useful, but sometimes they are surprised to learn that they need to get permission from their attending physician. In reality, the question of whether you can or cannot swim during pregnancy is decided individually in each case.

  • Swimming is a great activity option for expectant mothers. This is training of muscles and many body systems, eliminating overload;
  • However, you should not go to the pool if there is a risk of miscarriage, placenta previa, or any vaginal discharge;
  • You can also swim in natural bodies of water, but only in those where the water is sufficiently clean and there is no ban on swimming. In any case, you should first consult your doctor.

The benefits of swimming for pregnant women

Exercising in the pool improves the expectant mother's immunity, increases endurance, provides moderate stress on the entire body and helps keep weight under control. Like any physical exercise, swimming also lifts your spirits and energizes you.

Exercises in the pool also develop and strengthen different muscle groups. Strong back muscles will make bearing a child easier and help cope with the load due to a growing belly, and trained muscles of the small pelvis, pelvic floor, abdomen, and perineum are the key to a successful birth.

An important advantage of swimming is its beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, which experience high stress during pregnancy. Exercises in the pool stimulate blood circulation, as a result of which blood and lymph are dispersed, improving the nutrition of internal organs. This ensures the prevention of blood stagnation in the legs and varicose veins, and helps reduce swelling.

Water helps relieve excess stress from the spine and all muscle groups, so a pregnant woman relaxes and gets rid of back and lower back pain. When swimming, the respiratory system is well trained - this is important for preparing for childbirth. With proper breathing and complete ventilation of the lungs, the blood is better saturated with oxygen, which means that it is supplied to the unborn child in sufficient quantities.

If mom swims regularly, it also helps the baby get into the right position in her belly. If there is a problem with breech presentation, doctors even recommend that patients go to the pool to help the baby roll over. Still, do not forget that despite all the benefits of such training, there are certain conditions in which they are prohibited.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...


You should absolutely not swim if there is a risk of miscarriage, so it is important to discuss the issue of visiting the pool with your doctor. Reasons for prohibition are also heavy discharge and placenta previa.

If there are no contraindications, the expectant mother can safely go to the pool, and it is better to start swimming as early as possible in order to prepare for childbirth from the first weeks of pregnancy. There is no need to be afraid of infections. Modern swimming pools use effective water purification systems and special chlorine-free products that are absolutely safe.

Can expectant mothers swim in rivers and lakes?

If it’s summer and you want to swim in an open body of water, swim to your health, but just don’t do it in prohibited places. Don't go into the water right away - first assess how clean it is.

Swimming in the sea is very beneficial for pregnant women. Salt water is rich in microelements that have a beneficial effect on the skin. Just if the bottom is rocky, don’t forget to wear special shoes.

At what stage of pregnancy can you go to the pool?

Expectant mothers can swim until birth. In this case, it is better to give preference to classes in special groups for pregnant women. The main thing when visiting the pool is to listen to your body. It is important to enjoy the process. Do not swim by force - this will not benefit either you or the baby.

What are the benefits of swimming for pregnant women? One of the most important points is that in water the body becomes lighter and the weight of the expectant mother, which gradually increases with the growth and development of the baby, is practically not felt. This happens because the density of water is greater than the density of air (especially salt water), so water pushes out less dense bodies and the human body is in a state of half-gravity. This causes the entry of unusual signals into the cerebral cortex from the musculoskeletal system, heart, lungs and other organs. Therefore, the responses of the brain also change: the depth of breathing increases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, biorhythms, sleep improves, metabolism is activated, etc. Therefore, swimming during pregnancy is considered the best “medicine” both against insomnia and against excessive nervous tension .

Such physical activity during pregnancy does not cause body tremors, which can be dangerous in an interesting position. You can, for example, even run or jump in the water without harm to the baby. There is no pronounced effect on the spine, joints, ligaments; muscles relax, especially the back muscles, which bear a significant load during pregnancy.

The resistance of water when performing movements acts as a massage, increasing blood flow in all organs and systems, activating metabolic processes, the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to both mother and baby, due to this effect the functioning of the venous valves of the legs improves (prevention of varicose veins, hemorrhoids) and, accordingly, the outflow of blood is normalized. All this prevents the appearance of edema, which is a frequent accompaniment of pregnancy.

During swimming during pregnancy, the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems improves and is trained, because in order to inhale and exhale, you need to overcome the resistance of the water, so the respiratory muscles are gradually strengthened. This effect also affects the muscles of the back and abdomen.

If you regularly engage in swimming during pregnancy, the central nervous system begins to more fully regulate the activity of the heart: the stroke volume of the heart increases, the tone of the arterial vessels normalizes, due to this, blood pressure, if it was lowered, increases, and if it was increased, it can normalize.

Swimming also has an excellent hardening effect on pregnant women: the body's resistance to the effects of unfavorable environmental conditions increases (mainly cold and sudden temperature fluctuations). Thus, water has a lower temperature than the human body, irritating cold receptors, therefore, with regular immersion in water, thermoregulation will improve, resistance to cold and changes in temperature conditions will increase, which will reduce susceptibility to colds, which will have a positive effect on the well-being and health of the mother and baby.

Swimming during pregnancy: attention to detail

When going swimming, a pregnant woman should pay attention to some points:

  • A pregnant woman should not swim too often (daily or several times a day) for more than 30 minutes, as this can lead to overwork of the expectant mother.
  • It is undesirable to stay in a wet swimsuit for a long time after swimming: a warm and humid environment, which is likely to contain pathogens, contributes to the exacerbation of candidiasis or cystitis.
  • Having decided to swim, you need to remember that you need to enter the water gradually, this process should take about 5-7 minutes, so as not to cause hypothermia and convulsions. It is also undesirable to immediately go into the water after a long stay in the sun; it is recommended to cool down in the shade so that there is no sudden temperature change.
  • It is not advisable for an expectant mother to swim in bodies of water with stagnant water: there is a high risk of infection of the urethra with the development or exacerbation of cystitis, thrush, and other diseases. In addition, it is undesirable to visit a pool with a large number of people and not very high-quality cleaning. This can also lead to the emergence or exacerbation of many urogenital diseases (thrush, cystitis, chlamydia, etc.) and allergies. In addition, if there are large crowds of people, a pregnant woman will feel uncomfortable swimming or may be accidentally pushed. Therefore, it is better to choose pools where classes are held specifically for pregnant women or visit general ones in the morning, when the water is cleaner and there are fewer visitors. You should pay attention to how water is disinfected. It is better if these are modern methods without the use of chlorine (ozonation, ionization) with regular water changes.
  • When relaxing and swimming during pregnancy in natural bodies of water, it is advisable to choose a familiar area (where there are no unknown and dangerous bottom topography, holes, whirlpools, stones, fast or cold currents).
  • When swimming during pregnancy in the pool, you need to pay attention to the presence of special handrails along the side so that it is comfortable to hold on while in the water (when doing water aerobics exercises or if the expectant mother is tired). To avoid slipping, it is advisable for the expectant mother to wear special rubberized swimming slippers in the pool that fit well on her feet and do not slip.
  • You should not swim in cold water. The water temperature must be at least 22 °C.
  • Before you go swimming, especially before attending classes in the pool, you should consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist who is monitoring your pregnancy.
  • In addition, pregnant women should not swim if they feel unwell.

Swimming during pregnancy: be careful, cramps!

Cramps during pregnancy are involuntary painful muscle contractions. Quite often they occur in pregnant women and during swimming. In most cases this affects the calf muscles. Sharp pain in a cramped muscle usually lasts several minutes, then the tension subsides, the pain subsides and becomes aching, but the discomfort can persist for up to several days. Such convulsions, even if they are mildly expressed, are quite dangerous, because by succumbing to panic, the expectant mother may lose control over her body and the consequences may not be the most favorable.

First aid for cramps in pregnant women

  • First of all, you need to calm down, since panic can further intensify muscle spasms.
  • Try to get out of the water as soon as possible, because it is much easier to relieve a cramp on land. Call someone for help if you can’t get out on your own.
  • If a muscle spasm occurs, for example, far from the shore (this applies to natural bodies of water), there is no need to frantically swim back. This way you can get tired quickly, but the cramp will not decrease. You must try to relax, breathe deeply and slowly (since frequent and nervous breathing can impair the baby’s oxygen supply or lead to excessive contraction of the muscles of the uterus, and will also worsen blood flow in the spasmodic muscle and make it difficult to relax).
  • There are two ways to get rid of cramps in the water: lie on your back, take a deep breath so that you can float on the water. Then, pulling your knee to your chest, holding your foot, you should sharply pull it towards you. It is advisable to hold the leg in this position for as long as possible - if possible until the cramp disappears, take a deep breath again and try to stretch the muscle as much as possible (however, this is more suitable for those expectant mothers whose tummy is not very large and the manipulation is easy to do). The second option is suitable for almost everyone: you need to take a deep breath, immerse your head in the water, taking the position of a float, grab the big toe of your flattened foot with your opposite hand, pull your toe towards you, at the same time it is advisable to try to straighten your leg at the knee.
  • On the shore, the contracted muscle also needs to be strongly stretched and then stretched. To do this, grab your toes, sharply pull them towards you (while pulling your heel away from you) and, despite the pain, try to keep your foot in this position. At the same time, you need to strongly massage the tense muscle. You can also apply ice after the spasm is relieved to reduce pain (for 10-15 minutes).
  • If the leg cramp is not severe or the expectant mother feels that she is about to cramp the muscle and she can freely reach the bottom, then you can simply stand on straight legs with your full foot.
  • After you have dealt with a cramp in the water, it is advisable to drink water: this will normalize the water-salt balance in the body and reduce pain in the leg after a cramp, as well as prevent subsequent ones (that is, the likelihood of repeated cramps after eliminating an existing cramp). To prevent sudden muscle cramps, it is advisable to take magnesium supplements in combination with vitamin B6: this will improve neuromuscular impulses in the muscles and, accordingly, normalize them. However, before taking it, you must definitely consult with the doctor who is observing the expectant mother.

Why do cramps occur in pregnant women?

Most often, convulsions in pregnant women develop for the following reasons:

  • overfatigue, prolonged physical stress during swimming, prolonged intense or sudden load on the leg muscles while swimming (especially for untrained and poorly trained muscles, for example, after a strong push with the legs from the side of the pool or the bottom);
  • dehydration of the body (for example, in early toxicosis, when excessive frequent vomiting leads to the loss of fluid from the body and along with it salts of potassium, calcium, sodium, an imbalance in their balance, resulting in impaired contraction and relaxation of muscles);
  • previous injuries to muscles and ligaments;
  • narrowing of blood vessels due to exposure to low temperatures when swimming in cold water or when entering water after prolonged exposure to the sun (with sudden cooling, a sharp spasm of blood vessels occurs). Blood flow in the leg muscles and their innervation are disrupted and cramps occur;
  • More often in cold water, muscles cramp in those expectant mothers who have chronic diseases of the spine, since there are already predisposing factors to the occurrence of cramps (due to dystrophic changes in the vertebrae, the presence of hernias, protrusions, and so the innervation and blood flow in the leg muscles can be disrupted, which they respond, and in cool water this can be aggravated);
  • lack of certain microelements in the body (in particular calcium), which are involved in the process of normal muscle contractions.

Who can't swim?

Pregnant women can swim at any stage of pregnancy, however, there are contraindications for such a gentle form of physical activity. Don't swim:

  1. in case of severe toxicosis, when frequent vomiting is a concern, since this condition can lead to an imbalance of potassium and sodium in the body and provoke convulsions in the water or lead to a decrease in blood pressure while in a pond and a deterioration in general well-being while swimming;
  2. if the expectant mother has previously had miscarriages or premature births, so as not to provoke changes in the tone of the uterus, which can be dangerous for the course of pregnancy;
  3. in case of exacerbation or presence of inflammatory diseases (for example, cystitis, thrush), musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular diseases (for example, hypertension with frequent increases in blood pressure more than 140/90 mm Hg, which can provoke pre- or eclampsia ), with exacerbation of osteochondrosis, arthritis, etc.;
  4. with various disorders of pregnancy: bleeding, polyhydramnios, increased tone of the uterus (which can manifest itself as cramping pain during or after swimming, especially in relatively cool water);
  5. If the expectant mother is bothered by frequent cramps in the leg muscles, she should also not go into the water for a long time or deep, especially if it is cool.

Natalia Garrett

Dear preschool teachers. Please answer the question about your specialty. as an educator and teacher. My child is an active boy, a child, senior group. I go to the group in the morning and work with the children before breakfast. Notebooks and the teacher of the State kindergarten torment all children with the malicious question “What is 5-2?” Why does my 5.5 year old child need “5-2”???? Walks with children: teachers sit on the playground with their asses tightly stuck to the seat and you can only hear: Vasya, move away, Petya, don’t throw sand, Kirill, don’t jump. Dear educators, what about outdoor games with children? I I've NEVER SEEN so that there are active games with children in kindergarten for all 3 years of attendance. Why don’t “educators” conduct active educational games with children? Is this the norm today? And a stream, and the sea is agitated once, etc. My teacher comes out and says that my child in the senior group is not following the math program... What kind of nonsense??? Who came up with it? Drawings are a separate topic... You look at the drawings and half the group of boys... have drawn practically nothing. I understand. that the modern kindergarten and school curriculum is designed for barely moving comfortable children?



Good day everyone! Lately, my daughter’s restlessness has begun to bother me. She will be 6 years old in August. And it seems to me that she has problems with concentration (or I just don’t understand something). As an example: we go to rhythmic gymnastics. Everyone listens to the coach, mine is in the clouds, distracted, chatting with other girls, playing... swearing many times, asking, maybe it’s not interesting, I’m not going to force it. He says that he likes it and wants to continue, but continues to play around and is 0 serious. At home, he also doesn’t sit still for long, it feels like there’s a propeller on his back, he’s in motion every second.
In general, we spoiled it a little, now we are cleaning it up. She doesn’t listen at all, we have to repeat several times what we want from her. He does it only when we impose another ban. He is hysterical, promises that it won’t happen again, but everything repeats itself. In the last week, she received a complete ban on cartoons, sweets, walks after kindergarten... How can I teach her to be more disciplined and responsible? Could this be some kind of hyperactivity?



It started when my daughter became stubborn. She refused to pee in the potty before bedtime and blew into the crib. The teachers complained. The problem was solved, the crib in the kindergarten is dry. My daughter told the teacher that I put her (my daughter) diaper on at night. Well, the conversation turned to the fact that this is not correct. Because The girl is big 3.4 and it’s time to wean her otherwise she’ll just pee in the bed. To wean is to wake you up at night. And then the nanny complained that her daughter, coming from a walk, peed on the sofa (this is an isolated case; this hasn’t happened at our house since 2 years). And they say, this is directly related to the fact that we put on a diaper at night. I tried to wake you up. My daughter is completely hysterical. The whole house roars. But the bed is dry. So I think, how is it correct? I don't mind waking you up if it helps the cause. But is there any benefit...


Irina Krasavina

Scientists say that humanity emerged from the water, like many of the creatures living on our planet. And our babies come out of the water, which protects them throughout pregnancy. So God himself ordered expectant mothers to splash around and get healthy in the pool while they bear a new life. If, of course, they know about all the rules and precautions.

Is it possible to go to the pool during pregnancy and why?

The answer to this question, often asked by pregnant women to doctors, can only be positive if, due to any illnesses, this particular sport and leisure activity is not contraindicated for the woman. Water exercises will relieve tension from the spine, loading all muscles equally. But there remains a small risk associated with your personal reaction to the chlorine contained in the water. Chlorine cannot be avoided - it is added for disinfection. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to ask your doctor: Can do you like walk in the pool during pregnancy, is there anything in your tests that prevents you from splashing in the pool while you are carrying your baby.

Swimming during pregnancy in the pool: pros and cons

Benefits of swimming in the pool:

  • The muscles of the body are strengthened;
  • The body becomes stronger and stronger, which provides clear advantages for childbirth;
  • Water activities improve blood circulation, preventing blood stagnation in the limbs and pelvis, varicose veins and hemorrhoids;
  • Swimming in the pool significantly eases the increased load on the spine during this period. Women with intense lower back pain will feel a noticeable difference;
  • Breathe easier;
  • You reduce the risk of the fetus being positioned incorrectly.

When to use a swimming pool with caution:

  • If you suffer from individual intolerance to chlorine. In any case, a pool in which the water is purified using ozonation or ultraviolet radiation should be preferred over others.
  • If your toxicosis is so severe that weakness and vomiting do not stop;
  • If you are at risk of miscarriage or have bleeding or the threat of bleeding;
  • If any physical activity causes pain or increased blood pressure.

If you didn’t find anything similar to your realities in the second list, feel free to go to the pool - swimming in the pool during pregnancy It won't hurt you. But be sure to stock up on rubber slippers: the bacteria and fungi that can await you on the shower floor are definitely not what a pregnant woman needs.

Is it possible to go to the pool during the first trimester of pregnancy?

It is possible and necessary. Moreover: the earlier you start exercising, the more time you will have to strengthen your body. Ideally, it is better to start at the pregnancy planning stage, but the ideal is not always achievable.

If you choose a pool where you have already practiced sessions for pregnant women, where sanitation meets the standards, and you do not overload and make sudden movements, then the prognosis will be positive and the impact will be healing. Weekly initial 3-4 short sessions, which can then be smoothly turned into classes of up to 45 minutes, will prepare the body for childbirth and help cope with increased stress on the muscles and spine.

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