You must be ready. You should be ready within the next few days


You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.
~ Mae West

Several judgments, and if you can attribute each of them to yourself, then you are on the right track. If you can't, then you have something to work on.

1. I follow my heart and listen to my intuition.
Don't dwell on your problems. Go towards your goals. Live the life you want to lead. Be the kind of person you will admire years from now. Make your decisions and act exactly as planned. Make mistakes, fall and move forward again. Even if you have to start over again the same thing a hundred times in a row, try. It’s better to regret what you did later than to regret missing your chance. You need to know for sure that you did everything possible to achieve your dream.

Each of us has a fire in our hearts to fulfill our dreams. We are responsible for our own happiness and for maintaining this fire. It must burn within us day after day. This is your life, and unfortunately it is short. Don't let others extinguish your flame. Try what you want to try. Go where you want to go. Follow your own intuition. Dream, visualize your dreams until they come true. Take every day, at least a small, but still a step towards fulfilling your dreams.

When we go towards our goals, we are not always lucky the first time. Quite often there is a fall and disappointment. Don't worry, the path to your dream doesn't have to be easy. Consider these problems as challenges, because they are the ones that will make you stronger, more courageous and more self-confident. And remember, at the end of the journey we cannot regret that we did not do the maximum to achieve our goal.

2. I'm proud of myself!
We are our own best friends and our own harshest critics. After all, despite the opinions of others, at the end of the day you will see the truth in the reflection of the mirror. Accept everything in yourself – ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! You are you, and no regrets or apologies are acceptable here. People who are proud of themselves and their lives tend to have a passion for leadership, for being an example to others. They feel comfortable in all life situations. Such people grow daily, or at least make daily attempts at personal growth.

Being proud does not mean boasting. It's just realizing that you're worth more. Being proud of yourself does not mean feeling perfect. You need to feel worthy, loved and accepted. All you need to do is be yourself and live your own life, you need to live a story that no one else can experience except you. You are the main character of this book. Be confident in yourself and perhaps someone else today will want to become just like you. This is an incentive, a sign that you are on the right path.

3. I become different
Act as if everything you do makes a difference in the lives around you. Is it true that we all live to serve? That by helping others we fulfill our purpose? The answer is simple: “Yes.” When you benefit someone, you change your story in a positive way. Do things that make you better today, do things that can make others happier or less unhappy. Even alone, you are a complete unit, someone who cannot fix everything, but can contribute to the improvement of something. Smile and enjoy the fact that you are changing. Even tiny steps towards personal change will allow you to be proud of yourself tomorrow.

4. I am happy and grateful to fate for everything
Happiness is within each of us, in the way we think, in the vision of problems and ways to solve them. How you view yourself and your life depends on your own choices and habits. How it will affect you depends only on your vision of the situation.

Feeling gratitude always brings a feeling of happiness. If you find it difficult to be grateful for anything, sit down, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Thank the universe for the opportunity to breathe. It is this opportunity that allows you to live and be close to your loved ones.

5. I am constantly improving
Judy Garland once said, “It’s better to always be a first-class version of yourself than a second-class version of someone else.” Feel this phrase and live according to its message. You can't live someone else's life. Your life and the decisions in it are yours alone. If you do not live according to your own inner beliefs, then you will live someone else’s life, or rather, you will simply exist. Remember, by trying to be someone, you kill your individuality. Become the ideal person that your inner world portrays to you. You need to grow every day. Take better care of your body and health, surround yourself with positivity. Become the ideal version of yourself.

6. I manage my own time
Time is the most valuable component of life. Make time for what is important to you today. Find time for travel, for passion, love, for new useful acquaintances, beautiful things and excellent food, enjoy every second of life.

Remember that every minute is priceless, and it is given to us completely free. You cannot conquer time or master it. You cannot sell it or store it. Once it passes, you can't get it back. We are all given a short period of life. So let your dreams be stronger than your fears, and your actions louder than your words. Plan your time and don't waste it.

7. I'm honest with myself
Be honest with yourself in all matters. Be honest about who you want to become and what needs to change in your life. Be honest about all aspects of your life. After all, you are the only person you can count on.

Study your soul to understand who you really are. Having dealt with this, you will understand what is best for you, where your true goals are, and you will find acceptable ways and solutions to all the tasks.

8. I behave with dignity towards those I care about.
In human life, the distance between loved ones is measured not in kilometers, not in time, but in love. Two close people can be close, despite the fact that there is a distance of kilometers between them. So do not ignore your loved ones, but worry about them, show them care and love, since indifference hurts more than words. Stay connected to those who matter to you. Not because it is necessary or so convenient, first of all, because it is pleasant both for them and for you.

When was the last time you told your loved ones that you love them? Just take a little time to express that you care, show that you can prioritize and choose them first, putting everything else on the back burner. Talk to them. Listen to their words, hear them and understand their desires. Remember, only actions show our true attitude towards people.

9. I know what selfless love means.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s love for a child, a significant other, or other family members, the main thing is not to expect anything in return. This is the meaning of selfless love. Living and feeling selfless love is wonderful, it is a journey with a mixed feeling of joy, delight and care. This path is illuminated by something strong and beautiful. Such love is dynamic, powerful and always helps in difficult times.

Love is always beautiful and unpredictable. It starts with ourselves, without self-love, we would not understand what it means to unselfishly love others. By loving ourselves, we generate energy and share it among the world around us. When you love unselfishly, it does not mean that you have found an ideal person, it means that you have learned to see ideal traits in imperfect people.

10. I have forgiven those who hurt me.
Each of us has suffered from the influence of other people at least once in our lives - we were treated unworthy, our trust was broken to smithereens, we were hurt, our hearts were broken. It is normal to feel pain, but sometimes pain lingers with us for too long. We have sprouted it in our hearts with self-pity and resentment towards others. They let her stay too long.

Dissatisfaction only steals the happy moments of life. They steal beautiful seconds of life. To forgive means to let go of the pain in time, not to allow it to remain in the heart forever.

11. I take full responsibility for my life.
Accept your choices and your mistakes. Find solutions and make attempts to improve your life. Either you take responsibility for your life, or someone else will take responsibility for you. Remember, responsibility can only be taken, it cannot be transferred. Don't allow yourself to become a slave to other people's desires and goals. You can do everything yourself, everything is in your hands.

You are the only one who can control your life. And it will be difficult. Many obstacles and a lot of problems await you. But you must overcome them. Choose your path and follow it.

12. I don't regret anything
This is just a summary of the last 11 truths...

Be true to yourself, follow your heart. Do what makes you feel happy. Be with those who make you smile. Laugh all the time. Love while you live. Say what you want to say. Reach out to those you can help. Appreciate everything you have. Laugh heartily. Celebrate all your victories, even the small ones. Learn from your mistakes. Forgive and let go of everything that is no longer yours. And always be happy!

Every day, communicating with different people, you are surprised that the most worthy of them are lonely.
They are distinguished by charisma, pleasant appearance, a lively analytical mind, good upbringing and manners, behind which a strong gaze is always hidden, in which a little sadness is barely visible.
They are looking for “their” people: for communication, for company and a pleasant holiday, for love, for relationships and family. They make mistakes more often, suffer more, are less likely to make contact, and experience failures more difficult.
But every time a relationship burns to the ground, they are reborn from the ashes, becoming even more perfect and stronger. And again and again they start all over again.
The stereotypes of modern society are alien to them; it is impossible to impose someone else’s opinion on them. Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, they are looking for a person who will be warm and calm next to them. And this “calm” is not based on the absence of quarrels, adrenaline or extremes of emotion. This “calmly” means that there is a person nearby who will not betray.
A person in whom you have unlimited faith, trust and 100% confidence.

Even the strongest people endlessly strive to gain confidence that they are loved.

Remember that you become like what surrounds you. Everything you read, see, hear, everything you spend time with, everything you pay attention to; all these things change you, you will become like them. You will start saying the same things, using the same mannerisms, moving like them, sounding like them, acting like them... So, what and who do you want to be surrounded by?
Look for people of galactic proportions.

Most people have no idea what constitutes a fully functional state due to the fact that their ideas about the world and themselves are copied from the dysfunctional behavior patterns of the previous generation. They are accustomed to these dysfunctional states of theirs; they accepted dysfunction as the natural state of affairs, as reality.

Considering themselves “normal,” they pass on their example to the next generation, to their loved ones, because people are programmed to copy other people, and, first of all, children adopt the models of adults. By accepting their deviations as the norm, most of humanity experiences life within extremely limited perceptions, like a series of unexpected stress fractures separated by long periods of tedious boredom.

Human ideas about the world, about oneself and about relationships are developed from early childhood. And “getting rid” of them would be tantamount to getting rid of personality. From the only neural network they use. This will be, in the literal sense, the death of the individual.

People instinctively protect themselves and defend their "self" - that is, if they are dysfunctional, they maintain and defend this dysfunctional state. Maintaining the "self" involves protecting it from anything that might threaten its existence; and the idea that another, unknown reality is possible is already a threat here (all dysfunctional people fear the unknown).

An intelligent person can interact with the unknown, comprehend it, and bring order to chaos without multiplying chaos.


Every woman can create around herself what she wants. And the easiest way to create coziness and comfort around you is to enjoy life and yourself. Radiating happiness and pleasure, she creates it for her loved ones and increases its quantity in the world.

A woman can use her magic in absolutely all areas of life. Cleaning, cooking, taking care of herself, she creates magical things. It depends only on her mood what result this magic will lead to. For example, food can be just an energy product, it can be a magic potion, or it can be poison. Everything in a woman’s hands is filled with its content.

A woman combines 4 elements and, accordingly, 4 female hypostases. The element of fire is a woman-lover, the element of water is a girl, the element of air is a queen and the element of earth is a mistress.

It is the connection with the earth that gives her feminine magic. The generally accepted idea of ​​the role of a housewife is often associated with a dishwasher, a cleaner, a cook - in general, with a difficult, monotonous life. However, there is much more to being a housewife. A sorceress is much closer to this concept. Such a housewife can cook porridge from an ax, embroider a talisman for her betrothed shirt, in which he will be invincible. Such a woman with one touch can heal any wound, and with one glance can strike on the spot. Such a woman can easily model her future with her desires. And create peace and harmony in your environment.

The most important thing is that this is given to absolutely all women, but not many realize this power. And only sometimes they use it intuitively. Many of us were taught to cook borscht, paying attention to a special set of products. But no one taught us how to cook magic borscht that will drive any man crazy. We were taught to use an iron. But no one taught how to iron a loved one’s shirt so that he would emerge victorious in negotiations and rise to the occasion.

This is not about manipulation and love spells, when some otherworldly forces are used to inflict violence on someone. We are talking about a completely different kind of magic here. About your personal feminine energy and a woman’s ability to fill and transform desires into matter, about the ability to fill everything around with happiness and love.


Start by realizing your feminine power. Feel where and in what part of the body its source is located. Allow this natural magic to manifest itself freely.

Now, when you do something: clean, cook, etc., do it consciously, fill it all with happiness, joy, fill it with peace, desire and love.

When you cook, approach the process as if you were preparing a secret potion. Give each product some property or quality. Twist the space the way you want. Add love as the main ingredient and season it with your feminine magic. I assure you, this will be the most delicious dish that exists on the planet.

When you clean, cleanse and dissolve all negativity and fill your space with magic and love.

And when you iron the shirts of your loved one, see his strength, feel the awe of his masculinity. Give her the power to win. You can do it.

Learn to convey your love through touch. Experience love (the easiest thing to experience for a child, if it doesn’t work out just like that), release it through your palms. Feel the warmth in them. Now touch your loved one, your child. Such touches work wonders. They are able to heal any wounds, dissolve pain and soothe.

A woman creates peace and tranquility, she is able to resolve any conflict. Release your feminine energy to all directions of the world. And say: “all beings are peaceful, all beings are calm.” You have created harmony and calm around you. You brought this into the world.

Everywhere they talk only about the female soul. Suddenly, I caught myself thinking: “Don’t men have souls”?

Yes, we often call them “soulless,” but maybe because their soul is dark to us? We meet, receive flowers, courtship, gifts. We sulk, quarrel, swear, but we know nothing about them. We see the shell, but what is hidden under it is not.

How they feel, how they perceive, we judge by their words, but we don’t know what they experience, how they experience it. Why do they make certain decisions?

We say: “Abnormal”, accepting an extravagant gift, not understanding how he, the man, feels. What makes him, what moves him there, in his soul. And do men have it?

I read books, watched films and came across the same thing everywhere. To the shell. It’s as if there is a ban on entering the male soul. From this, the desire to find out only grew.

A friend from the printing house just chuckled, but recently brought a book. Warm dark blue binding. Without any pretentious, flashy design. Unknown author. Geres Nirash. "It's only begining. Love". With a mysterious smile, she advised me not to skip pages.

After leaving, I put the kettle on...

She sat down in the chair, opened it and found herself in the dark labyrinth of the male soul. Everything is different, unusual. I wanted to put it off and go back, but, remembering my friend’s advice, I continued.

Each page was a step up from the darkness of ignorance and misunderstanding. Out of habit, I flipped through a few pages and immediately got lost. I had to go back. And suddenly, as if having checked and believed, a previously unknown world opened up before me. The world of the male soul...

Having closed it, I looked out the window for a long time. Something not yet fully understood, but already close and warm, was stirring in my chest.

And the kettle... I forgot to turn it on. After all, I am a woman

Geminis feel comfortable even in uncomfortable situations. They like to be honest and will not fail to ask you things that others would not bring to the surface. And of course, they know more about you than anyone else. They don't like negative emotions either, but if you try to hide the fact that you're in a bad mood, you shouldn't do that. They are quite good at understanding subtle things.

6. Geminis are indecisive

It is their inner brother who always has a different opinion, it is he who makes them doubt themselves and delay making any decision. This does not mean that they cannot decide on him, it means that there are two solutions, and each of them appeals to him in its own way.

7. Accept that you are third in a Gemini's heart

The first is himself. The second is their silent twin. Now you. And since there are always two opinions for each case, you will feel all the delights of the fact that he listens to the one in second place more often than you.

8. Geminis can be romantic, but they can also be extremely stingy with emotions.

And again these are two sides of the same personality. His coldness doesn't mean he doesn't love more. He may be monogamously happy, but he loves variety so much that he sometimes rushes from one extreme to another in behavior, emotions, and relationships. Just wait it out and forget about it. He will return the attention a hundredfold, will be passionate and attentive, but only when they both decide that this time has come.

9. Listen to him. Listen more than you talk

Of course, he should listen to you too, but Geminis are very impatient and simply cannot wait without telling you everything about what they learned and how their day went. Just listen to him, ask questions and look into his eyes - and for this enthusiasm, your partner and his inner twin will appreciate it.

To the 80th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. ===================================================== ============== A completely expected wave of anti-Sovietism and Russophobia rises on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the conclusion of the Non-Aggression Treaty between the USSR and Germany on August 23, 1939. The treaty did not oblige Germany and the USSR to an alliance against other countries, i.e. was not directed against anyone, but for some reason causes such an acute attack of hatred towards Russia. Although why specifically to Russia? After all, the USSR then included republics that have now become independent countries. Moreover, the beneficiaries of the agreement, called the “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact” by the West, were Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, even Vilnius was returned to Lithuania along with the surrounding area, but for some reason Russia alone is to blame. Posing as victims of Stalin's tyranny, these countries are in no hurry to part with what Stalin punished them with in the form of annexed lands and other acquisitions. Why is the actual ethnic Georgian Stalin associated only with Russia? Didn’t Joseph Dzhugashvili live and engage in his revolutionary activities in Georgia or Azerbaijan? Until 1917, he served only exile in Russia for anti-government agitation and propaganda. But this is a slight deviation from the topic. What did the agreement concluded back in August 1939 become? Many excellent historical studies have been written on this topic; I will not retell them. The essence of this triumph of Soviet diplomacy is this: the USSR managed to avoid the danger of war with the entire West. It was impossible for the Soviet people to defeat such a war. Moreover, the Western alliance would include not only European countries, but also the USA and Japan. But the USSR had a real war with the latter, called in our historiography “The Conflict on the Khalkhin Gol River.” And Japan quite reasonably counted on the help of its allies under the Anti-Comintern Pact: Germany and Italy. But instead of help, Hitler concludes a Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin and forces his ally to conclude a truce after a grandiose defeat, that is, to actually capitulate. The Japanese did not forgive the Germans for such betrayal and perfidy. In the most difficult days for the USSR, the summer and autumn of 1941, they did not open a second front in the Far East, waiting for the Germans to make a killing in implementing the idea of ​​blitzkrieg in the USSR. Well, the story of the complete failure of European diplomacy is a special article. Instead of pitting Hitler and Stalin against each other, and then victoriously ending the war by turning Soviet and German lands into their new colonies, France and England had to fight the German military machine and suffer a lot of grief. France, the European hegemon following the First World War, fell under the Nazis within a month of war, and England had to leave the continent and tremble in anticipation of the German landing on the islands. After such an enchanting mess, who can Stalin be for “enlightened Europe”? Only the fiend of hell! After all, if the Western trickery had succeeded, it would have been a triumph of enlightened diplomacy over the backward and barbaric Soviet Union. And if the country of the Soviets gains the upper hand, then it will be evil in the most extreme terms. So the Western offended people can continue to lament how they are fucked..., excuse me, the insidious Stalin deceived them as much as they want. Joseph Vissarionovich fooled the Western sons of bitches and won the main and most valuable resource of our world - time. In order to get almost two years of delay in the start of the war and move the border hundreds of kilometers from Moscow and Leningrad, it was worth concluding an agreement with the Nazis. This cost the USSR reputational costs in the short term, but in the long run it led our people to the 1945 victory, unprecedented in its history.

Lord Maitreya

I AM Maitreya, who has come to you again.

From this day forward, something amazing will happen in your lives. You will no longer be able to live according to the laws and in accordance with the stereotypes that were characteristic of you before. The laws of the physical world are changing and have already been changed. Therefore, those of you who think that nothing is changing on the planet and nothing is happening will have to be convinced of the opposite in the very near future. The planet is moving towards change and the planet is changing according to God's plans.

And the more some of you cling to the old and outdated, the more painful the process of change will be for them.

You must be prepared in your mind for constant change, for constant change. There's nothing that won't change soon. And, above all, your consciousness undergoes tremendous changes. And if you look at your life with an open mind, you will be surprised to discover how much has already changed and continues to change.

The changes taking place in the world are so significant that if previously these changes would have taken hundreds and even thousands of years, now the process of change has accelerated to several years. And this process occurs regardless of the will of those who wish to continue to exist within the old framework, whether it concerns a religious framework, moral relations in society or other areas of human activity.

Therefore, we come to announce to you once again the changes that are taking place and that have already taken place.

The cycle of dictations that we gave through our messenger began just over a year ago. And if those of you who carefully read and re-read these dictations look at your life and at the life around you, then you will notice changes. Moreover, you will notice that many of the provisions of our dictations, which seemed important and timely to you just a year ago, are now outdated.

Never before have changes in people's consciousness occurred at such a pace throughout the entire history of human development on planet Earth.

The resistance from those forces that defend the illusion is also understandable. They work through everyone who has imperfections and chooses within themselves to fall under the influence of these forces. Therefore, we encourage you to once again carefully examine your actions and your motives and your reactions to the actions of other people.

The fact is that the return of karma is also accelerated. And if earlier you could face the consequences of your wrong actions only in the next incarnation and grumbled why you were born in such unfair conditions, now you have the opportunity to face the consequences of your wrong choices within a year and in some cases - literally the next day. Therefore, you can trace how the Law of Cause and Effect works on yourself and on your loved ones, and on those people who surround you. You just need to look at what is happening to you from the right angle and with an open mind.

Everyone now has the opportunity to become familiar with the Law of Karma in practice. And it is no longer possible to blame God for the fact that some individuals do not behave properly, but “nothing happens” to them. Look carefully and you will see what happens to those who neglect the Divine Law and imagine themselves to be masters of this universe.

There is a Law of the universe, and there is a certain order in the universe. And I am glad to inform you that, in accordance with cosmic timing, order will be restored on planet Earth in the near future. More and more Divine Law will be manifested in people's lives. And it will become more and more difficult not to follow this Law.

This is similar to how you will rush against the flow of a stormy mountain river. No matter how hard you try, you will still be carried away by the current. Because it is useless for you to fight with God. You must submit to the Divine Law that operates in this universe.

We are closely monitoring that the increase in vibrations on the planet is not accompanied by too great cataclysms. And so far we have succeeded. But the process of change will be more successful if you remove in your mind all the obstacles that prevent you from changing and that prevent you from following the path of change.

Every time we come and remind you of the changes and changes that the planet is going through, there are always a certain number of skeptics who say that nothing in their lives changes and they do not notice anything. Well, we can only be glad that the changes are happening so smoothly and gently that many of you don’t even notice them or try to pretend not to notice them.

And now I would like to tell you one more important thing. And this thing concerns your progress along the Path of Initiations. Whether you want it or not, your personal advancement is possible only when you accept certain obligations to the Ascended Hosts and accept those Laws that exist in the universe.

There is a Law about which not too much is known on the planet, but this Law acts inexorably, just like the law of Karma. This Law is connected with the fact that your advancement along the spiritual Path, after you have passed a certain section of the Path, is connected with the fact that you must voluntarily subordinate yourself to the Higher Law that exists in this universe and stand on the steps of the Hierarchy.

As soon as you reach the level of the Hierarchy, all the Ascended Hosts provide you with their protection and assistance. At the same time, only one thing is required of you - submission to the Law, humility, obedience and discipline as a student.

Agree that when you enter a certain educational institution, you are forced to obey the rules that exist in this institution. Why do you think that you can master Divine Science without obeying certain rules and without following the Law?

Therefore, I leave you today and give you time to consider how strong your aspiration is to follow the Path of discipleship.

And how much could you sacrifice in your life in order to gain access to Divine Wisdom.

I AM Maitreya, and see you on the Path of Initiations.

Women's portal - Bonterry