Hair color for different color types. What hair colors suit the “summer” color type? Stylist tips, photos What hair color suits the cold summer color type

The summer color type is very common among girls of Slavic appearance. Cold shades of hair and eyes, grayish-pink skin, lack of contrasting notes - all this makes the image of a summer woman restrained and elegant. Properly selected clothes and accessories can make your look deeper and more attractive. Therefore, it is very important to follow the advice of stylists and makeup artists, giving preference to a cold and muted palette of shades.

Characteristics and signs

The distinctive features of a summer girl are coolish tones of skin, hair and eyes. There is no hint of the warm and honeyed notes that characterize colorful autumn or luscious spring. The curls are light brown or chestnut, but certainly with ashen notes. This type of skin is pale pink or dark, often with grayish freckles. The color of the iris can vary from heavenly to brown.

Sometimes girls have a mixed spring-summer color type, combining cold and warm tones. For example, yellowish skin and gray or blue eyes. In this case, it is better to combine the color palettes of two appearance colors.

How to determine

Not everyone knows how to correctly determine the type of appearance. To avoid mistakes, you need to take into account some nuances. First you need to wash off your makeup and move the mirror closer to the window. It is advisable to turn off artificial lighting as it can distort skin color. It is better to wear a white scarf or headband on dyed hair.

After this, take samples of fabrics of different colors and apply them to your face one by one. If faded pink, ash, muted blue, olive, mint look better, then you are a summer type. Alien shades for the summer color type - bright, rich, with warm notes. They add age, make the skin fade, make the facial contour heavier and emphasize even minimal signs of fatigue.

When dyeing your hair a different color, it is better for the summer color type to abandon red and black. They will highlight skin imperfections and focus attention on wrinkles. Bleached hair looks ideal, one tone lighter than its natural shade.


Within the same color scheme, several subtypes of appearance are distinguished. Among women, “summer” is divided into natural, contrasting, light, soft, bright and cold subtypes. The description of each of these color types determines the relevance of a certain palette in clothing and cosmetics.

Natural summer

Girls of the “natural summer” color type have transparent, pale skin with a pinkish or noble porcelain sheen. The hair is light brown-gray, without a copper or golden tint. The eyes are most often green, blue or gray. Maximum naturalness and naturalness are the main highlights of this subtype. In symbiosis with well-chosen clothes and makeup, representatives of natural summer look elegant and sophisticated.

Contrasting summer

Very often, women of the “contrasting summer” color type are confused with winter colors. The bright appearance is misleading - dark hair and expressive eyes, which are less suitable for summer ladies. However, you need to remember that the chestnut and brown hair of “contrasting summer” girls has a muted grayish tint without black or copper highlights, which are found in representatives of winter. The skin is most often light or ivory, and the eyes are quite bright - sky blue, green, brown.

Bright summer

Light summer is a color type that is represented by fair-haired girls with delicate pink skin and sky-blue eyes. Pastel shades, light flowing fabrics, minimal jewelry, and light makeup suit them. Naturalness and ease are the main trends in creating an image for this type.

Soft summer

Women of the soft summer color type have grayish or light brown hair, grayish-blue or green eyes, and pale skin. All shades of appearance are soft, shaded, smoothly, without defined boundaries, flowing into each other. Representatives of the soft summer subtype are distinguished by sophisticated, fragile and delicate features that look harmonious with a matte pastel palette.

Bright summer

Bright summer means ladies with dark brown locks and brown, blue or green eyes. The skin of such women has a white, milky or grayish tint. A distinctive feature of this subtype is the expressiveness and effectiveness of the image, which is suitable not only for pastel, but also for deeper shades.

Cold summer

Women of the cold summer color type are characterized by light ash and brown hair with a mousey undertone. The skin is light, with a pinkish, olive or porcelain tint. The eyes are gray and also have a hint of blue or green. Girls with similar features will look good in smoky blue and olive green. Cowberry, lilac, and graphite colors are suitable.

How to create a wardrobe for the summer color type

A well-chosen wardrobe can transform girls even with the most ordinary appearance. To look elegant and stylish, it is enough to buy current and suitable styles and complement them with stylish accessories.

Professional stylists recommend cool shades for the summer color type. It is best to choose clothes from blue-gray, smoky, wine, lingonberry, and mint fabrics. But you shouldn’t wear things in orange, black, golden, copper-brown colors.

Color palette in clothes

Among the most popular colors for the summer color type are smoky blue, gray, and blue-gray. Olive, taupe, lilac, gray-pink will add style. Dark red and lingonberry will stand out from the crowd. Girls of this color suit clothes in cream, light blue, soft pink and vanilla shades. From the bright palette, you should pay attention to emerald, cherry, raspberry, and lemon.

Women with the “summer” type of appearance look great in denim. Overalls, jackets, jackets, T-shirts, dresses, sundresses - you can choose denim in any interpretation. Among the dark shades, taupe, graphite, anthracite, and dark chocolate look good. But a black color palette in clothes will look too gloomy, so it should be kept to a minimum.

When asked which colors suit the summer color type, stylists answer in unison. These are the most natural and soft shades, without harsh and rough prints. A winning option would be a monochrome look, which will be complemented by bright accessories: shoes, gloves, a scarf or a handbag.

It is important to remember that choosing a shade based on color type concerns the portrait area. For bottoms (trousers, skirts), deviations from these recommendations are permissible.

Ideal fabrics

Mid-weight fabrics suit summer colors. When choosing a demi-season material, you should pay attention to wool, suit crepe, thin cashmere, velvet, denim, and thick cotton. For the summer season, it is better to opt for thin knitwear, matte silk, chiffon, and linen.

Winter clothes

Calm and restrained colors are suitable for a winter wardrobe: taupe, anthracite, cold beige, wine red, emerald, classic blue, olive green, lingonberry. Don't get carried away with strict designs and prints. It is better to abandon stripes and checks altogether.

An excellent option in winter would be plain sweaters and knee socks, which can be combined with a more contrasting bottom. It is also better to choose outerwear for the summer color type without unnecessary patterns and details. It is better to focus on bright shoes, bags, and accessories.

Demi-season clothing

In the autumn-spring season, a wide palette of cool shades is available to the summer color type. Azure, royal blue, sapphire, burgundy, wine, ruby, emerald, malachite, wormwood, gray-green, gray-brown, lilac, gray-lilac, purple-pink, vanilla, wheat. For an autumn wardrobe, it is better to choose darker and deeper colors, and for a spring wardrobe, light and powdery ones.

Summer clothes

Summer sundresses, dresses, blouses, T-shirts and tops are best chosen in light colors. Cream, soft pink, light blue, light gray, mint, soft lilac - these shades should become basic for summer women. Flowing matte fabrics, romantic styles, delicate unpretentious prints, lace details will perfectly fit into the image of summer girls.


A mandatory addition to an elegant look will be well-chosen accessories: bags, hats, scarves, glasses, gloves, jewelry. It is better to choose a handbag made of matte leather or suede. You shouldn't get carried away with glossy leather products. The same applies to shoes: shiny varnish, snakeskin and massive accessories should be avoided, giving preference to plain matte shoes or boots.

When buying glasses, you should avoid black chunky frames and leopard prints. The optimal choice would be an elegant model with a thin, neat silver frame and smoky glass in a purple, gray or nude shade.

Stylists advise buying jewelry from silver, white gold, and platinum. Yellow gold is not suitable for this color type at all. White and pink pearls, turquoise, emeralds, and aquamarine will look good among the stones.

Basic wardrobe for summer color type

Among the basic things for girls of this type should be dresses, blouses, knee socks, jackets, trousers and skirts in classic colors. Among them: milky, taupe, blue, gray, anthracite, graphite. Such clothes are suitable for both a business meeting and a romantic dinner in a restaurant. You can diversify basic items with jewelry or a colored handbag.

Capsule wardrobe

To compose correctly, it is enough to buy several things that will be combined with each other. For example, a milky blouse goes well with gray trousers or a blue skirt. To these same elements you can add a light pink golf course or a shirt in a smoky shade.

In everyday clothes, it is better to stick to ones that emphasize femininity and elegance. Bright and catchy shades should be reserved for evening wear. Blue, blueberry, watermelon, emerald are relevant for special occasions.

Pastel shades of clothing should be complemented with certain discreet makeup. For fair-skinned girls, a cool pinkish tone and ivory color are more suitable; for dark-skinned girls, powder or foundation with an olive tint is more suitable. Don’t get carried away with blush; highlight your cheekbones with a light shaded pink accent.

It is better to choose soft shadows, nude, grayish-olive, blue. Lipsticks and glosses - berry, lilac, pinkish shades. For a contrasting summer, cherry and dark red colors are acceptable on the lips.

When choosing perfume or eau de toilette, it is best to choose fresh and floral compositions. The aroma should be light, enveloping, without harsh or heavy notes.

Summer color type among celebrities

Among celebrities there are a lot of representatives of summer women. These are actresses Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Cameron Diaz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michelle Pfeiffer, Cate Blanchett, Emily Blunt.

Emily Blunt
Natalya Vodyanova
Reese Witherspoon

Prince William's wife, Duchess Kate Middleton, has a similar type. The summer color type of appearance is also characteristic of world catwalk stars Natalia Vodianova, Natasha Poly, Alexandra Pivovarova, Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer.

Famous men with summer flair include Brad Pitt, Owen Wilson, and Jude Law.

Ideal stylish looks

To create your own fashionable ideal look, you don’t have to buy a lot of clothes. It’s enough to create a current one that suits your type (hair color, eye color, skin tone).

Below is a selection of successful looks that look stylish, elegant and very fashionable. Inspired by examples from the best stylists and image makers, you can easily put together your own image, which will be distinguished by individuality and originality.

Experiment, love yourself and your appearance, appreciate the beauty that is given to you by nature!

Each woman is individual (we are talking about appearance). The color of skin, hair, eyes - everything is different for everyone. And yet, female appearance is usually divided into 4 color types: winter, spring, summer, autumn. And each type has its own specific colors in clothing, makeup, etc.

Let's talk about what hair colors suit the “summer” color type. This is a very pressing question for those who want changes in their appearance.

What is remarkable about the “summer” color type?

“Summer” beauties have always stood out for their “warmth,” but not for their brightness in appearance. You can look at a girl and understand that this is “summer” if you know the characteristics of this type. What are they?

  1. The skin is pale, although for summer it would be more logical to have bronze, “tanned” skin. But still this is not so. More specifically, the skin has a faint olive tone or has an ivory color. There may be freckles, but they are not red, but a “dusty” gray color.
  2. The eyes of such girls are gray, blue, green, gray-blue, gray-green.
  3. And of course, hair. What first catches your eye. “Summer” hair has a palette from wheat color to chestnut. But an interesting feature is that the color is not bright, saturated, but seems to be a little faded. But at the same time it does not lose its attractiveness. Although the owners of such hair in most cases are dissatisfied with such a natural gift, calling the color of their curls “mouse.”

Black and red hair are definitely not about “summer”. Only shades of light brown. Therefore, this color type is often confused with “spring”.

“Summer” girls are spectacular mainly because of their hair. But they were unlucky in that they couldn’t make any drastic changes to their curls; the result would be completely disappointing. It is undesirable to go “beyond” your color. But even with such a limited choice, you can get an excellent result and the desired changes.

Cold summer

  1. Light skin, with “notes” of light shades of pink, blue or even porcelain.
  2. Shades of the iris of the eyes are cold, unsaturated shades of gray and blue.
  3. Hair color is close to ash.

What hair color suits the “cold summer” color type?

The thought of dramatic changes in appearance, sooner or later, comes to the minds of many girls. The reason is not only the desire to transform, but also to get rid of the natural, inconspicuous, in the opinion of women, color.

And in this matter, the decisive thing is not to miscalculate which hair color is suitable for the “summer” color type. Because otherwise the transformation will overshadow the entire image.

Before you sit in the hairdresser's chair, you should think about your future image. It would be useful to take into account that, for example, black, red or chestnut color may absolutely not be in harmony with the skin tone and may not be combined with eye color.

And yet, what hair color suits the “cold summer” color type? It is better for such girls to opt for a cold range of colors that are close to their natural coloring.

If you still want to add completely different, not “related” tones to your curls, then in this case you should resort to fashion trends: highlighting, coloring, ombre, degradation, etc.

What other flavors does “summer” have?

The type is not limited to just “cold summer”. In addition to it, the classification contains several more subtypes or colors:

  • bright summer;
  • contrasting summer.

It is worth dwelling on this issue in more detail and considering which hair colors suit the “summer” color type, or more precisely, its colors. And it’s worth saying that all types of “summer” color type are somewhat different from each other.

What to choose for the “light” summer type?

The “light” color type is also called “warm summer”. Such girls have light-colored hair and blue or gray eyes.

A suitable hair color for the “light” summer color type is a light tone. Yes, yes, we are talking about blonde. This is exactly what will suit these girls, especially the platinum shade.

For those who are afraid to experiment with their hair, you can only slightly “revive” the natural shade. Give it shine and richness. Or move back 1 tone to the dark or light “side”. There won't be any drastic changes, but your appearance will change.

Silver-ash hair color looks great on summer girls. With this color option, you can not completely dye all the curls, but make highlights or ombre.

How to paint for a “bright summer”?

What hair colors suit the bright summer color type? All tones, from ash blonde to light brown.

“Bright Summer” are those same spectacular blondes that attract everyone's attention. And the peculiarity of such girls is that there are very few natural blondes, this is a rare color. Many achieve this result only by coloring.

The “bright” summer color type is endowed with ivory skin and hazel eyes.

There is no point in experimenting with hair color. Appearance is very “capricious” to all kinds of changes. Hair dyed dark will give your already pale skin an unhealthy look. This effect can be achieved if you dilute your natural strands with shades of pink or red.

A win-win option would be highlighting or coloring. Blondes will not lose anything from this, but, on the contrary, will only emphasize their attractiveness.

What is suitable for representatives of “contrast”?

What hair colors suit the contrasting summer color type? And what type is this?

Representatives of the “contrasting summer” are brunettes with dark ash, dark blond or brown hair and green eyes. The skin is pale, especially against the background of dark hair.

How should such girls apply makeup? If you have a desire to turn into a platinum blonde, then you should discard this thought, since the expectation will turn into disappointment. Already naturally pale skin, combined with a white shade of hair, will turn the girl into a “chalk wall” and a faceless blonde.

But what then should you choose? If the desire to change your hair color persists, then the best solution would be to choose a different shade of your natural hair color. Brown strands lightened a tone or two will look good. Walnut, all shades of chocolate color, dark ash - these are the options that will be a win-win for a “contrasting summer”.

In addition to the usual even toning, gradient coloring is suitable for this “summer” type. In this option, the roots can be left untouched or changed in tone, and the ends can be painted light brown. This option looks unusual and very impressive: dark chestnut color at the roots, and dark burgundy or muted red at the ends. It is better not to do highlighting in contrasting summer. It looks more impressive on blondes.

And finally

Surprisingly, many representatives of the “summer” color type are dissatisfied with their appearance, in particular, with the color of their hair. The desire to transform is common to all girls. But the main thing is not to make things worse. Therefore, before you see your new self in the mirror, you need to choose the right hair color. In this matter you need to rely on your color type.

So, “summer” beauties are completely unsuited to radical transformations, all because of pale skin.

Today you can easily find many photo options for what hair color will suit your “summer” color type. It's worth watching and applying for yourself. Then the result will not disappoint.

Nothing makes an image more harmonious than the right hair color. The eyes become more expressive, the look becomes deep and purposeful, the skin of the face seems fresher than usual, and all the small wrinkles and skin imperfections are compensated by luxurious highlights and the play of shades of hair. How to choose a hair color so that others admire the vitality and beauty of the curls, and their owner is in harmony with her external and internal “I”.

How to choose the right hair color? This is the most frequently asked question that is asked in beauty salons, in personal accounts of stylists or on websites that specialize in creating a bright and fashionable look. There are several criteria and basic principles, based on which you can achieve the desired result - to become irresistible.

Natural and artificial beauty

Our great-grandmothers also repeated simple truths: “The dress can be of the simplest cut from inexpensive material, but the hair and shoes must be in perfect order, clean and well-groomed.” Times change, but common truths do not lose their significance. As before, your curls are a natural frame for your face. Choosing a haircut is much faster and easier. And achieving an ideal, close to natural hair color is not easy, but it’s still worth a try. As a result, you can either become the owner of a chic “mane” that will become a real decoration, or achieve the impression of artificiality, which happens in cases where the chosen shade does not suit your color type.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Cold color type: eye, skin and hair color

Do you have gray, black or blue eyes? Or maybe you have green eyes with a delicate gray tint? If yes, then you can safely be classified as a person with a cold color type. Representatives of this color type are identified by the following external characteristics:

  • light, sometimes pinkish skin;
  • light brown or ash hair.

Such girls will look very harmonious if they dye their hair in light natural tones. It can be natural blond. If you have perfect skin, you can safely experiment with your hair by dyeing it black or red. Remember: these colors very sharply emphasize all the flaws in the skin, so only those with ideal facial skin can decide on them. Another nuance - all dark tones significantly add age. Don't forget about this when you find yourself in front of the hair dye counter.

You should not consider the option of a golden color and all red shades; most often, such a palette does not decorate, but acts with the opposite result.

People of warm color type

Brown, golden or dark green eyes are sure signs of people with a warm color type. Their skin ranges from soft golden to peach velvety in color, their hair is often dark brown, sometimes chestnut color. The following shades are suitable for girls with a warm color type:

  • gold color;
  • ginger;
  • cappuccino color.

It is better to exclude ash-colored dyes and all light brown dyes from the chosen options for hair coloring.

Agree, dividing people into two groups based on the color of their eyes, skin and natural hair color is a very vague criterion. What if nature mixed colors, and a girl with light brown hair (cold color type) has brown eyes (warm color type)? What to do in this case? What hair color will suit you?

"Seasons" system

Fashion and style are two concepts that rule beauty and set the tone for its owners. But in the pursuit of fashion, many forget that hair color cannot be made dependent on fashion trends and personal preferences. The only thing it depends on is the color type.
Stylists have long developed and tested a different, expanded classification system, which is not only more accurate and true, but also detailed, allowing you to delve deeply into the issue of choosing the ideal shade for your hair.

Historically, all representatives of the fair sex were conditionally classified into four groups, like a year into four seasons.

There are color types:

  • "Spring";
  • "Winter";
  • "Autumn";
  • "Summer".


Spring...The warm season means a warm color type of appearance. Girls belonging to the spring type are gentle girls.

Image. More often directly childish, innocent, extremely gentle and airy-light. In a word, he has a romantic nature.

Eyes. Exceptionally light shades: from sky blue through green to deep graphite.

Leather. The spring girl has a light skin type. This is both soft pink and ivory. Those with such sensitive skin often get sunburned.

Hair color. Blonde or a shade reminiscent of coffee with milk.

Stylists have clearly defined that the color that representatives of this group should adhere to is yellow. Yellow is a rich color; it is the basis for choosing among a rich range of colors and shades. Ideal paints:

  • honey;
  • golden;
  • nutty;
  • red with a golden tint;
  • amber.

If nature has blessed you with copper-red hair, dye it chocolate or brown. Both shades are self-sufficient and will make you even more attractive.

Dark paints should not be used. You may end up with a pale and unnatural face. People with a warm spring color type should say “no” to cool shades.

Not suitable:

  • ashen;
  • ginger.

Is it bad to imagine the collective image of the spring woman? Let's try to visualize and imagine, and maybe see, bright representatives of the spring color type - singer Britney Spears, figure skater Tatyana Navka or actress Elena Korikova.


This color type, according to statistics, is the most common among females in our latitudes. He gave the weaker sex cold tones and shades.

Eyes. With the eyes, everything is simple: they can be green or gray-green, transparent blue and even light brown.

Leather. As in the previous case, the skin is pale, it is so light and transparent that blood vessels can be seen.

Natural hair color: ash, light brown, natural white.

If, according to the proposed criteria, you classify yourself as a girl with the “Summer” color type, opt for paint colors such as:

  • pearls or silver;
  • all existing light or light brown tones and shades (it is desirable that these colors have an ashen tint);
  • brown-haired This color, like a fairy from a fairy tale, works wonders, transforming mousy hair color into a color with deep richness and freshness.

You are a summer girl, which means “cloudy” and dark colors are not for you. Set aside the chestnut or chocolate paints. This is not your option. Don't pay attention to red or red. Avoid them, they will only make you look older.

Do you have brown eyes? Under no circumstances should you strive to become blonde by bleaching your hair. Does your skin have a yellow sheen? Golden paint is contraindicated.

Women with the “Summer” color type are interesting women, as they say, “kissed by the sun.” These are bright and charismatic personalities with leadership qualities and a core within. A clear confirmation of this is the unforgettable Princess Diana, the legendary Marilyn Monroe, and the stunning Natalia Vodianova.


Like “Spring,” “Autumn” is also a warm color type, but is distinguished by bright and rich autumn colors.

Leather. Girls belonging to this category have skin of warm golden tones, sometimes with freckles. The absence of blush on the cheeks, even skin tone is the first criterion for this classification. If your skin is poorly susceptible to tanning, has a tendency to burn when in contact with the sun's rays, and with minimal contact you experience redness and inflammation, you are a girl with the “Autumn” color type.

Hair. The red color and all its shades are characteristic. Most often, the autumn color type assumes curly hair with rich and luxurious curls. The structure of the hair is elastic and shiny, in most cases thick and strong.

Eyes. Everything is clear with the eyes: they are bright and always in contrast with the hair color. Eye colors that fit this category:

  • deep greenery;
  • amber-brown;
  • cognac brown;
  • amber-olive.

A very important aspect for this color type is the absence of representatives of the fair sex with blue eyes, light brown or black hair.

For autumn girls, this hair color is ideal:

  • red and all its shades;
  • fiery copper;
  • chestnut;
  • brown: light to dark.

If your hair is darker toned and rich in shades of red, then it will look perfect if dyed in hawthorn or mahogany.


Eyes. Black or closer to black, such as dark brown.

Leather. There's a complete contrast here. She can be either porcelain-pale or dark-skinned.

Hair color. Also extraordinary: from one extreme to another. Either a dark brown-haired woman or a Scandinavian blonde.

Colors that suit the “Winter” color type– bright colors, for example:

  • pink;
  • black;
  • turquoise;
  • ripe raspberry color;
  • the color of a juicy ruby.

If you think your curls are ideal, you can safely dye them black with a blue tint, or you can take an unusual approach to solving the problem and dye just a few strands red or blue.

Eliminate hair colors like green, orange and lemon from your imagination. You should also be extremely careful with light shades.

Prominent representatives of this color type are actress Nastya Zavorotnyuk, TV presenter Tina Kandelaki and Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova.

How to choose the right hair color? By choosing a complete repainting, highlighting or coloring, you solve only part of the problem of changing your image; the second half of the problem remains unsolved, because you choose the method, not the color itself. The algorithm of sequential actions recommended by hair stylists will help you avoid making mistakes.

  • Determine the color type of appearance.

Have you already found out what your color type is? If yes, that's half the battle; if not, then go ahead. By recognizing your natural predisposition to one of the four types, you reduce the risk of making the wrong paint choice.

  • Don't neglect the color scale.

If the color type is determined, be sure to stick to your color scale. If your complexion and paint pigment are incompatible, the least you can get is an unkempt appearance for your face. This can be fixed, but you will have to dye your hair again. The process is labor-intensive and lengthy, the result is not impressive - the hair looks “lost”, unnatural.

  • Remember the contrast between your face and hair color.

Have you decided to lighten your hair or make it darker? Remember, you can’t be overzealous with the tone; you should definitely monitor the level of facial contrast. It may happen that the hair is light and the overall appearance of the face is dull. The main thing here is the personal factor.

  • Consider the Disadvantages of Dark Paint.

This is the first signal when choosing. Dark color adds age. The effect is unpredictable: young face - dark hair color. High contrast creates a rough feeling.

  • Always consider your eye and skin color when choosing hair dye.

Choosing a haircut

Dyeing your hair is half the battle; choosing the right haircut is equally important. The haircut is greatly influenced by facial features. Simply dyed hair cannot transform your appearance as much as a haircut. A haircut is also selected to suit a person’s individual characteristics, and we recommend taking into account the following postulates.

  1. Any haircut is suitable for an oval face shape.
  2. If your face is round, create an asymmetry in the silhouette; it will significantly elongate the shape of your face. Side-swept bangs or parting – whatever you like, but without a hint of mirror symmetry.
  3. Square face? We choose a haircut with asymmetry and raise the forehead line. You'll have to give up thick bangs.
  4. A triangular face shape requires a haircut without sharp cascades and bangs.

Every trip to a beauty salon is preceded by an hour of flipping through the pages of fashion magazines in search of the perfect hair color and haircut? Enough. It's time to decide to change. Rest assured, they will suit you.

Beauty industry experts say that women with the Summer color type are very lucky because they can experiment when choosing colors and makeup. But for your experiments to be successful, you still need to adhere to certain rules that correspond to your type of appearance. The thing is that the Summer color type is also divided into Light, Cold and Soft Summer, each of which has its own characteristics. Let's look at them in detail.

Light Summer is pale skin, blue, light green or gray eyes, cool blond or light brown hair. In the summer, the skin color becomes more tanned with a beautiful blush, which is what gives it a special zest. Light summer is a light, cold color, which means the obligatory presence of a white shade in the color palette.

Cold Summer is pale yellow skin, often with an olive tint, gray, blue or green eyes, hair of cool and dark shades. This appearance is characterized by cold colors and not bright contrast.

Soft Summer is light pink skin, green, blue or gray eyes, light brown, light brown or dark brown hair. The peculiarity of this color type is that strands of hair, when burned in the sun, acquire a golden hue.

If you still have doubts about which of the three summer color types you belong to, then watch this video. This issue is discussed in more detail. Only the Cold Summer in the video is called Typical Summer, and the Soft Summer is called Muted Summer.

Matching colors

Once you have determined which specific color type you are, it is important to understand which colors suit you best.

In order to be able to emphasize all the features of a given color, it is important to understand and accept the features of your appearance. The shades of Light Summer are discreet and not saturated, but this does not create the image of a “gray mouse”. It’s just that owners of this color type should adhere to minimalism when choosing colors. Sharp contrasting transitions look inappropriate in their image, even with those colors that suit them; it is better not to experiment by combining them.

Such moderation and delicacy in the image of the Light Summer color type is associated with the lightness of clouds, calmness and harmony.

Color type Cold summer

The name of the Cold Summer color type speaks for itself, unlike Light, which has delicate, romantic shades, and is dominated by a calm, restrained palette of colors.

Stylists explain that it is necessary to choose colors based on associations with mountain landscapes, the clear water that is present in them and the freshness of the forest after rainy weather. At first, this approach may seem complicated, but in fact everything is simple: in the palette of colors of the Cold Summer color type, the main element is blue pigment. Natural beauty can also be emphasized using the following shades:

  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • gray;
  • green;
  • light green;
  • beige, etc.

It is better to avoid white color, as it has the inherent property of softening the image; it is better to replace it with cooler, similar colors, for example, beige.

The image of such an appearance seems to be shrouded in a light haze, which gives it charm and charm. This appearance feature is clearly visible in the Soft Summer color type. The colors of this image are soft, that is, muted, moderate. Despite the fact that such desaturation is also inherent in the Light Summer color type, they are very different from each other. Soft Summer implies a transition between shades, but very smooth.

The fact that the color palette is muted does not make the image boring, because a combination of colors is allowed. They are associated with soft grass, delicate flowers, especially violets, and sophistication is clearly visible in the appearance of Soft Summer. The basic principle when choosing paints is the golden mean, that is, they should not be very light or dark.

The Soft Summer color type is suitable for many colors of cool shades. It is strictly not recommended to use:

  • black;
  • dark brown;
  • fiery red and other defiant colors.

Matching wardrobe

In our area, the Summer color type is the most common, however, not all women know how to create a suitable image for themselves. When choosing a wardrobe, a person’s character plays an important role. The Summer color type usually has a balanced and gentle behavior, so an integral part of the image is femininity, which can most easily be emphasized with a wardrobe.

Stylists advise choosing a romantic style, as well as Provence and country. Lace, frills, ruffles, which many women love so much, are ideal for the Summer color type, because they will emphasize femininity. Developing dresses will perfectly complement your evening look.

An absolute taboo for the Summer color type is strict business and tracksuits. No matter how feminine and romantic the makeup is, these clothes will destroy the image, making it look rude. If the situation requires you to come in a sports suit or a classic business suit, their appearance must be softened. It's easy for designers to add embroidery, romantic patterns and other embellishments that will change the look without changing the style.

Shades that are ideal for a Summer color type wardrobe are:

  1. White and black. The use of one of these colors or their combination with each other is not permitted. Both white and black must be combined with other colors.
  2. Blue. It should definitely be the main one in the wardrobe of the Cold Summer color type; in all others it looks just as appropriate. It is better to use clothes that are not pure blue, but, for example, blue-gray, indigo, denim shade and others.
  3. Red. If such clothes are present in the Bright Summer wardrobe, then the image can have only one detail, for example, a red skirt, and all other parts are delicate. Shades of red look good: ripe cherry, fuchsia, raspberry, watermelon and others.
  4. Green, yellow, brown and purple. For Summer color type it is necessary to give preference to cool shades of these colors.

The most unfortunate shades for the Summer color type are:

  • orange;
  • gold;
  • ginger;
  • scarlet and other sharp, warm colors.

Examples of the correct combination of things in the wardrobe.

Suitable hair color

The Summer color type is unique in that its owners’ natural hair color can range from cold blond to chestnut. The natural shade of all of them is a light gray haze. Hair color must be chosen based on the characteristics of the color type:

  1. Bright Summer. Light ash and wheat hair colors are suitable for its owners. A common undesirable effect when painting with these colors is yellowness, which instantly spoils the image. Therefore, it is better to have your hair dyed by professional hairdressers.
  2. Cold summer. Paints with cool shades are suitable for representatives of this color type: light brown, chestnut and other brown tones. The color can be any of them, but a prerequisite is a cool shade.
  3. Soft Summer. Owners of this color type will look defiant in both too light and too dark tones, so when choosing a hair color, you need to abandon experiments and settle on the “golden mean”. It can be light brown, light chestnut and other not bright shades.

Matching Makeup

The fact that representatives of the Summer color type often complain about the inexpressiveness of their natural image can easily be turned into an advantage with the help of well-chosen makeup.

When choosing makeup, you need to choose light, delicate colors:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • peach;
  • soft pink;
  • light gray and others.

In the Light Summer color type, the skin has a natural pale tint, so it would be appropriate to apply blush, but not bright ones. When choosing a foundation, you cannot use one that is darker than your natural complexion.

The natural hair color of the Cold Summer color type is usually dark, so pale shades are not suitable when choosing makeup. This type is hardly the only one on whom pink shadows look very appropriate, which can be combined with clothes of the same shade.

The basic rule when choosing colors for makeup, hair and clothes is the need to use cool shades, which almost all colors have.

Bright lipstick looks appropriate, but it should be combined with makeup and the overall look. The Soft Summer color type has lips with clear contours, so bright shades always look advantageous on them, which cannot be said about most other types. The color of the shadows can be gray, turquoise, cool brown or purple.

Despite the fact that each subtype has its own shades, we can highlight the basic rules for applying makeup:

  1. Blush. Depending on the characteristics of the natural complexion, they can be either cool pink or beige-gray. It is strictly not recommended to use orange, brick and red shades in blush.
  2. Shadows. When choosing shadows, it is best to opt for sky and sea colors: gray, blue, beige, light blue shades. Taboo colors are copper, red-violet and other poisonous shades.
  3. Mascara. The best option is classic black mascara; for those who like to experiment, purple is also suitable, but in no case green or bright blue.
  4. Pomade. Since lips of the Summer color type are usually of the correct shape, there are no special restrictions. You can use any pink, beige, eggplant shades, but not orange.
  5. Foundation creams. When choosing any concealer, it is necessary to take into account that they should be harmoniously combined with the skin tone and in no case be darker. Tanning creams are not suitable for this color type.

Owners of the Summer color type are lucky, because they can give free rein to their imagination, but within the acceptable rules. You can pick up universal makeup and wardrobe from stars belonging to this type, or you can choose it yourself through experimentation.

A well-chosen hair color should emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes, refresh the complexion, and muffle minor skin imperfections. The most reliable way to choose the right color is to determine your color type - autumn, winter, spring, summer. For each color type, you can recommend your own color palette.

Color type "Spring"

Spring is a warm color type. A spring-type woman gives off a feeling of tenderness; there are no sharp contrasts in her appearance.

Leather: transparent, thin, with a warm tint, the color is light, slightly golden. If there are freckles, they are also light golden. There is often a milky pink flush on the cheeks. Brown-haired women's skin tans well. The tan has a golden peach hue.

Hair often slightly curly, they are thin and fluffy. Color - light, with a warm tint, honey, amber, fawn, red, light brown with a golden tint. A rarer spring type is brown-haired with a golden shine to the hair.

Eye color: The eyes are usually light - blue, green, emerald, turquoise, sometimes hazel.

Peculiarities: The spring color type does not have dark brown eyes, a rich chocolate tan, closely spaced blood vessels, or black hair.

  • Color type "Spring": contrast options - soft, light, warm "Spring"

Suitable hair color for spring type: For light spring type, we can recommend delicate golden shades from sandalwood to honey.

The ideal hairstyle is feminine, but not too romantic: soft waves, a pageboy or a short haircut, and it should not look too sporty. Lightening individual strands is suitable. Gray hair can be hidden with light dye, or by permanently dyeing your hair a warm grayish shade.

For a darker, contrasting “spring” girl, we can recommend shades of light chestnut, caramel, and nut. The shade of mahogany will add a touch of energy and extravagance to your look.

Color type "Summer"

Summer- cold color type. The main characteristics of the summer type: ashen, cool bluish shades. Summer can be contrasting, non-contrasting, or average.

Leather: The summer type may have skin of different shades, but they always have a cool bluish subcutaneous highlight. If there are freckles, they are gray-brown in color. The tan takes on well; even the lightest skin in the sun acquires an even nutty tint (the so-called “steppe” tan). Blush - pink or red, due to the fact that the blood vessels are close, redness on the skin is often visible.

Hair color has a cold ashy tint, no yellowness. The color varies from light straw to dark brown with a brown tint. Hair sometimes fades in the sun and acquires a cognac tint, which can be confused with warm. The hair structure is straight or curly. They often get split ends.

Eye color– the whole palette of gray shades - gray-blue, watery blue, gray-green, gray-olive, and also nut-brown. The whites of the eyes are milky in color and do not contrast with the iris.

The level of contrast is determined by the difference between skin color and hair color. The lighter the skin and darker the hair, the higher the contrast. And vice versa.

  • Color type "Summer": contrast options - soft, light, cool "Summer"

Summer cannot have red, black, copper hair, or snow-white skin.

Suitable Hair Color: For light summer types, opt for wheat-colored shades that add refreshing blonde highlights.

For dark summer types, the shade “black tulip” is suitable. It gives the typical summer ash brown a piquant reddish tint.

  • Hair color for the “Summer” color type: a palette of suitable shades

Color type "Autumn"

Autumn is also a warm color type, but differs from spring in its brighter colors.

Leather has warm golden shades; if there are freckles, it is reddish in color. Unlike spring, the autumn type does not have a blush, the complexion has an even complexion. The skin does not tan well, is prone to burns, and when exposed to the sun, the skin becomes red and inflamed.

Hair red in color, or with a distinct red tint. The hair is often curly, with large curls, elastic, shiny, thick.

Eyes very bright and contrasting. Eye color: green, amber-brown, cognac-brown, amber-olive.

Peculiarities: In the autumn type there are no blue eyes, ash-blond hair, or black hair.

Which color suits you: red, fiery copper, chestnut, dark brown.

For light autumn types, a sandalwood shade is suitable.

For darker hair or a deeper red tone, shades like “autumn foliage” or “evening dawn” are suitable. The autumn range also includes cooler shades, such as “hawthorn” and “mahogany”.

  • Hair color for the "Autumn" color type: a palette of suitable shades
  • Color type "Autumn": subtypes - soft, light, deep, natural

Color type "Winter"

Winter - cold color type. This color type can be confused with summer or autumn. It can be contrasting or non-contrasting. The main differences are milky white skin with a bluish tint. The skin does not tan well and there may be a blush on the cheeks. The hair is usually dark. The eyes are bright, cool shades of blue, gray and brown or black.

Contrasting winter:

hair: black, most often straight and thick, sometimes curly

skin: very light, white, porcelain, pinkish with a blue tint,

eyes: ice blue, gray, dark brown

Low contrast winter:

hair: softer than the contrast hair, may have a cold chocolate-cognac shade

skin: olive-gray, dark, sometimes with a yellowish tint, tans well.

eyes: olive-gray, brown, brown-green

Which color suits you? Sharp tones with a cool bluish sheen are suitable for this type.

To add a pop of color to light winter hair, try ebony.

Shades of “black tulip” or “forest beech” will add a reddish tone to dark winter hair. You should not use red shades.

  • Hair color for the “Winter” color type: a palette of suitable shades
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