Educational activities and games for the little ones. Educational activities and games for little ones Entertaining tasks for children 2 years old online

Why does a child need to play?

Dear moms and dads, don’t forget that play is a need for a growing child’s body. The game develops cognitive mental processes: perception, memory, thinking, attention, imagination, speech; curiosity and mental abilities develop; primary intellectual skills. Children of this age actively explore the world according to the principle: “What I see, what I act with, that is what I learn.”

Children develop simple forms of visually effective thinking, the most primary generalizations, directly related to the identification of certain external and internal characteristics of objects. It is by playing with a child that you can develop all the necessary skills, abilities and knowledge.

Games for children 2-3 years old to develop tactile sensations.

The first game " Guess without looking" or "Magic bag"

Required equipment: a wide variety of objects differing in size, shape and material from which they are made.

  • Ask your child to close his eyes and guess what is in his hand. Let him comment on his feelings.
  • You don’t have to close your eyes, but hide the object in an opaque bag, ask the child to put his hand in there, feel the object and guess what it is.
  • Let the child guess the object by feeling it with both his right and left hands. This will allow you to develop tactile sensitivity in both hands equally.

Second game "What is the difference?"

While walking, collect a variety of items in a bucket: stones, branches, leaves
trees, cones. At home, empty the contents of the bucket and look at everything carefully, comparing the items with each other.

When looking at objects, explain to your child that the stone is heavy and the leaf is light.

Weigh objects in your hands and feel them. This way the child will be able to get acquainted with the concepts of “heavy”, “light”, “hot”, “cold”, “smooth”, “rough”, “prickly”.

Third game "Guess what it is?"

Required equipment: cans of cereal.

  • The child’s task is to lower his hands alternately into containers with different cereals. Be sure to name the cereal and compare the sensations.
  • After some time, when the child has a good understanding of the grains, ask him to identify them at random with his eyes closed.

Game four "Touch and tell"

Required equipment: thick paper, various cereals, pieces of fabric of different textures, glue.

  • It is necessary to cut out small squares from paper (with a side of about 10 cm). Glue cereal, pieces of fabric or textured colored paper onto the squares.
  • You don't have to cut out just the squares. Make circles and triangles as well. Store this teaching material in a separate box.
  • Let the child take the card, touch it and talk about his feelings.
  • Help him by using as many definitions as possible.

Also great rump drawing game, semolina is very suitable for such a game.

Experiments and experiments for children from 2 to 3 years old.

"Water Transformations"

The game introduces the properties of such a substance as water.

Required equipment: shaped molds and ice molds.

  • First, tell your child that water placed in the freezer freezes and turns into ice.
  • Then demonstrate it clearly.
  • Show your child the ice figures, draw his attention to the fact that the pieces of ice repeat the shape of the vessels that you filled with water.
  • Watch the ice melt.
  • By adding paint to water, you can get multi-colored ice and make beautiful patterns out of it.

"The Invisible Letter"

The game will introduce your child to the properties of a substance such as iodine.

Required equipment: paper, lemon, iodine.

  • Use lemon juice to write your child's name or draw a simple picture on the paper and let it dry.
  • Then dilute iodine in water and wet a sheet of paper with a brush - the design will appear.

"Poured and poured"

The game promotes the development of coordination of movement, expands the understanding of the properties of the substance - water.

Required equipment: container with water, one large and one small glass.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Show how you can scoop up water in one glass and pour it into another.
  • Give your child freedom of action.

"Wring out the washcloth"

The game promotes the development of fine motor skills.

Required equipment: two containers, a foam sponge.

  • Fill one container with water. Show your child how you can use a sponge to transfer water from one dish to another.
  • Offer to try to do the same yourself.


The game will introduce the concept of volume and promotes the development of coordination of movements.

Required equipment: a bowl of water, two or three jars, wooden sticks.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Place a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a ladle, a strainer, and a sponge nearby.
  • Invite your child to scoop water from the basin with different objects and pour it into different jars.
  • Compare which jar contains more water.
  • You can measure the depth of water in jars the way sailors once did: by lowering a wooden stick into the jar.

"Through the Sieve"

The game introduces the purpose of objects and the properties of the substance - water.

Required equipment: glass, sieve.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of your child. Let the baby pour water from a glass into a sieve.
  • Explain to him why the water flows away.

And for variety, you can put different objects in the water and use a sieve to catch them.

"Swim or sink"

The game promotes the development of observation, fine motor skills, and the development of object classification skills.

Required equipment: objects that sink in water (pebbles, spoons, screws, buttons), and objects that do not sink in water (ball, wooden planks, plastic toys), a container with water, two empty buckets.

  • Place a bowl of water in front of the child and lay out all the items. Let the baby throw objects into the water one by one and watch them.
  • Then take the items out of the water and put them in different buckets - in one, everything that did not drown, in the other - what was at the bottom.

DIY games for children.

Do-it-yourself games for children are very simple to make, they can always be made from available materials, and the ideas presented will help the development of your little one.

A selection of DIY games for children:

1. “Pictures with lacing”

For this game you can use pictures - sun, cloud, flower, car.

In order to make such a toy you will need: white and multi-colored plastic; awl or screws; scissors; fishing line; yellow lace.

Once you make the game, show your child how to weave the lacing correctly. Your baby will love these educational games.

2. “Windler games”

I think you all understand perfectly well that it is useful to constantly teach your baby new skills, new movements of hands and fingers. This has a beneficial effect on the child’s speech formation, and on development in general.

The next game is designed to teach the baby to better coordinate the movements of both hands.

During this game, the child learns to wrap a rope or ribbon around a stick or ball. Generally speaking, winding on a stick is much easier, so it’s better to start with it. A drumstick, pencil, or even a stick from the street will do. You need to tie a small piece of string, thick yarn or ribbon to it.

In order to increase the child's interest in playing, you can attach a small soft toy to the end of the tape. With each new turn, the toy will crawl closer and closer to the baby. It will be very exciting!

3. “The game of making soap foam”

For this game, prepare a whisk. Then, together with your child, pour water into a bowl and add a little shampoo. Show your baby how to get a rich foam by whisking vigorously. Usually kids are simply fascinated by this educational game; it’s almost like a magic trick - water turns into foam. My daughter loves this game. 🙂

And after playing with the whisk, we begin to blow soap bubbles through the straw. Usually, for the first time, it is difficult for babies to understand that they should not drink water through a straw, but rather blow it out, so if you have never tried to create a storm in a glass before, first experiment with ordinary water and make sure that the baby does not drink the water. And only then move on to playing with soapy water. In this case, the bubbles are even more spectacular than with a whisk.

4 . “We transfer the pieces of foam rubber using clothespins”

For this game, cut a foam sponge into small pieces in advance. Together with your baby, imagine that these are pies, cookies or potatoes - in general, something edible. Mashenka has lunch soon, so we need to put all the food on her plate. True, the food is hot, so to avoid getting burned, you need to use a clothespin. My daughter loves to cook and feed her toys, so this game really captivates us.

5. “Playing with tweezers”

This game is similar to the previous one, only here we will use tweezers instead of clothespins. First try practicing with sponge pieces. When this works out well, you can also transfer small beads with tweezers. This task is, of course, more difficult, but a two-year-old child can already do it.

I would like to note that games with clothespins and tweezers wonderfully develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, and hone tool skills.

6. “Playing with nuts”

For a variety of tactile sensations, as well as to enrich knowledge about the world around us, it is interesting to play with nuts. To do this, buy 4-5 types of nuts in shell (5 pieces of each type). We played with walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, and peanuts.

Nuts can be used in role-playing games by distributing nuts to toys while pronouncing and remembering their names.

You can also sort nuts by type, again repeating the names (Katya the doll loves walnuts, and Olya loves peanuts).

Finally, you can place the nuts in a small, opaque bag and feel the nuts out of the bag.

7. « Lay out the pasta"

I propose another game that can be made in 2 minutes using available materials. This game helps improve motor skills and, of course, accuracy.

So, the child’s task is to carefully lay out the pasta along the drawn paths. Buttons will also work. If you use materials of different colors, then for each track you can define its own color, thereby adding color sorting.

Tip: to make the activity more interesting, place small toys along the edges of the paths, and explain that your mission is to build a pasta bridge for the toys, otherwise they will never meet.

8. “Playing with a pipette”

Another simple toy that is always at hand and that can capture children's attention for a long time is a pipette. If your baby is not yet familiar with this device, then it is better to start with larger bulbs and dispensers, and at the same time simply pour water from one dish to another. Well, when the child already understands the sequence of actions (press - lower the pipette into the water - unclench his fingers, etc.), then you can already offer more complex problems. For example, pour water into the cells using a small pipette.

Lego pieces or mini bathing mats are ideal as cells. It is advisable to tint the water for this developmental activity with gouache, this will make it easier to see which cells are already filled and which are not yet.

For those who have already gotten the hang of it, we can offer an advanced option - alternating the color of the water when filling the rows of cells.

9. “Playing with kinetic sand”

Recently, kinetic sand has become quite popular and, in general, deservedly so: it is an excellent alternative to regular sand in the cold season, captivates children for a long time, and develops motor skills and imagination with a bang.

Despite the fact that kinetic sand looks similar to wet river sand, its properties are significantly different. It is less crumbly and has a sort of cohesive mass (at the same time, it is not as flexible as play dough or plasticine). In addition, kinetic sand has “fluidity”. So, a tower made from it, after standing for a few minutes, will slowly begin to creep away, while a tower made of ordinary sand can stand for at least the whole day until someone destroys it. However, all this does not mean that kinetic sand is worse or uninteresting to play with!

In the game we use ordinary sand molds, build castles for princesses and zoos for animals, but most of all, perhaps, we love to cook various pies and sausages with our hands, decorate them, cut them with a toy knife and treat them to everyone.

Educational cartoon for kids. Learning colors.

Of course, there are a lot of educational games for children that you can play with your child at home, I told you about those that my child loves.

And also, during the breaks between games, we came across one very educational cartoon “Little Kids”, take a look, maybe your little one will learn from it. 😉

It's time to finish my article. I would be very glad if you share your ideas for activities with our children in the comments. And remember, everything depends on yourself, on your desire, on your imagination. Good luck to you!! While playing, develop yourself!!

Sincerely, Tatyana Kashitsina.

Active knowledge of the surrounding world occurs at the age of 2, 3 years. The baby repeats and copies the actions, words, gestures of parents and loved ones during the game. Toys are an excellent material for the development of a two-year-old child. With the help of them, little whychka learns color, shape, figures, learns to systematize and compare, develops logic, thinking, memory, coherent speech, and finger motor skills.

Tasks for the development of logical thinking in children 2-3 years old

Orientation in space. Game "The toy hid." Let the baby look for the hidden bear, listening to the adults' instructions: behind the sofa, on the nightstand, under a drawer, on the window, on the bottom shelf, above the table and similar clues.

The task “separating fruits and vegetables.” Cards with pictures of products should be laid out for the monkey and the rabbit.

Simple counting without numbers. Counting steps, fingers, toys, chopsticks, dishes.

Identifying and sorting shapes. Let the little one choose 2 red circles, 1 yellow square, 3 blue triangles or stripes from the set, and separate the small ones from the large ones.

Making a sequence of beads, pictures, cubes.

Collecting simple pictures from cut cards.

Matching and memorization tasks

Looking at the pictures, the little fidget learns to give them comparative characteristics: short or tall, hard or soft, light - heavy object. Who lives in which house, distribute the animal and the cub.

Joint measurements: height, mass, volume, length.

Tasks for speech development of children 2-3 years old

Reading children's literature with your child, looking at illustrations, analyzing the content, memorizing short poems and sayings. Three-year-old toddlers can recite the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen” by heart.

The importance of breathing exercises. Soap bubbles, blowing out candles, dandelions, and playing the pipe strengthen the respiratory system and help saturate the body with oxygen.

Tasks for making and guessing riddles. For example, finding a round green object in the house, identifying a forest dweller by its silhouette.

Conversation on the plot pictures “Seasons”. Sample questions: “Which sunshine? What are the birds doing? What does the bunny like? How is Nastya dressed? What is painted around the house?

Game "Finish the sentence." There is a red (mug) on ​​the table.

Tasks for developing the horizons of children 2-3 years old

Thanks to water coloring, you become familiar with color components. The coloring books have a variety of themes: plants, animals, fruits, home, everyday life.

Role-playing games in the store, daughters - mothers, drivers, doctors, cooks, musicians. Communication on a toy phone.

Discussions about family, seasons, days of the week, holidays.

Staging fairy tales: puppet, tabletop, finger theater.

A task to study a geographical map, a globe, talk about planets, space, cities and countries.

Carrying out simple experiments: turning water into ice, solubility of salt and sugar in water. Observing the change in colors when mixing colors.

Observing trees while walking: leaves, needles, fruits, seeds.

Looking at family photographs, asking questions “Who is this?”, “What’s their name?”

Identifying a thing by its sound. A spoon in a glass is knocking, a bell is ringing, a piece of paper is rustling. Let the little know-it-all by sound, without seeing the object, identify and name things.

Getting to know the life of birds, animals, plants, insects, observing natural phenomena. The baby's curiosity should be encouraged and requests and questions should be responded to.

Tasks for finger training for children 2-3 years old

Sorting, pouring, sorting, fastening, unfastening buttons, fasteners, buttons, loops, grains.

Making crafts, playing with pasta, beans, peas, arranging beads.

Drawing with finger paints, gouache, pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, modeling from dough and plasticine.

Tasks “circle the odds and objects”.

Cutting paper with children's scissors along simple and complex lines, building structures from cubes, mosaics, Legos.

Drawing on semolina. Scatter semolina on a tray and you can depict the sun, a ball, rain, paths, flowers, waves.

Unscrewing and screwing caps on jars, packages, bottles, putting small items into large boxes.

Putting on and taking off clothing independently: hat, mittens, socks, zipping.

Activities that do not require special knowledge and preparation will help raise a child harmoniously and teach him discipline, order, and neatness.

Giving the child independence when completing tasks, treating him with respect without giving orders, slowness and patience will help parents achieve the desired result and interest their beloved little one.

Video tasks for children 2-3 years old

At 2–3 years old, a child goes through a unique life stage: he already knows a lot, masters new skills and knowledge at cosmic speed, and actively learns to speak. And by the age of 3, he will enter a crisis period - he will learn to recognize himself as an independent, adult, social person. And it is important for parents to help their child develop important areas of his activity. And the best way to do this is through play. What games are especially useful for children 2–3 years old?

What are their children's interests?

Any play activity should take into account the interests of the little person. What do children 2-3 years old like?

  • Any games that involve physical activity (running, jumping, climbing, skipping). Nature arranged this so that kids could develop and strengthen muscles and ligaments, train the vestibular apparatus, orient themselves and move confidently in space.
  • Study of the surrounding reality - nature, space, society, transport, family, etc.
  • Word creation. The child practices creating new words, exploring his speech capabilities and developing his imagination.
  • Creative activities (building towers, fortresses, assembling pictures from parts).
  • Creativity (singing, dancing, drawing, modeling, designing).
  • Story-based games (hospital, fireman, daughters and mothers) that help the child explore the big world in the fullness of human relationships.
  • Imitation of parents. Nowadays, children endlessly offer adults their “household services” (sweeping, washing, cooking). This includes a sense of self-importance, the skill of interacting with members of the child’s first society in his life – the family, and acquiring new everyday skills.

Don’t scold your child because he doesn’t want to do some of your tasks, even if it’s a game, or he can’t do it correctly. Encourage, support with words - say that everything will work out if you show a little perseverance, that all children don’t succeed at much the first time.

So, when choosing educational games for children 2–3 years old, it is important to build on these interests, trying to instill in the child the necessary skills.

Let's say a word about the necessary toys

Most educational games require certain props. These are household items, natural materials, as well as toys or sets of them. They must meet certain requirements:

  • promote the development of physical skills;
  • develop fine motor skills, speech, intelligence;
  • reflect the child’s personal world, where he can try on a profession or social role of interest;
  • develop the child’s creative potential;
  • develop perseverance, diligence;
  • provide an opportunity for relaxation.

It is clear that one toy will not perform all these functions. Therefore, at 2–3 years old, a child should have:

  • items for physical activity (balls, gurneys, skittles, bicycles);
  • sound and musical toys (drum, piano, pipe, guitar, various musical modules, “talking” books, posters, tables, talking toys and other similar toys);
  • games and toys for the development of intelligence, perseverance, creativity and fine motor skills (constructors, cubes, lotto, mosaics, puzzles, nesting dolls, sorters, lacing, plasticine, pencils, paints);
  • toys and sets for social and household games.

It is important to take into account that by this age children are already aware of their gender identity and develop corresponding stereotypical behavior, therefore educational sets of toys will differ depending on the gender of the child.

For girls:

  • toy kitchen and utensils;
  • dolls, furniture, clothes and strollers for them;
  • household appliances (iron, vacuum cleaner, oven, washing machine);
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • "hospital" set.

For boys:

  • a set of men's tools with a mini workshop;
  • cars;
  • pistols and machine guns;
  • fortresses, soldiers;
  • robots, transformers;
  • sets of vehicles (firefighter, policeman, military, ambulance);
  • radio controlled toys.

Helping the child develop

For the comprehensive development of children of this age, there are many play exercises and games.

Outdoor games

The following games provide a child with active physical development:

  • catching up;
  • blind man's buff;
  • playing with a ball (the child throws the ball against the wall, catches it, throws it to his parents);
  • jumping on two legs;
  • running on toes;
  • imitation of the movements of animals and birds (hare, bear, heron, sparrow, elephant, caterpillar, kite);
  • walking on a bench or log (“crossing”);
  • running around obstacles (in the house - chairs, pillows, outside - benches, poles, trees);
  • walking overcoming obstacles (pits, hills, steps, puddles);
  • walking along a marked path (curve, broken line);
  • jumping on a fitball;
  • walking on hands (“wheelbarrow”).

At home, you can offer your child a game of “sharpshooter”. Place two plastic buckets and throw “shells” twisted from soft paper into them: mother into her bucket, baby into his. Choose a throwing distance from which the baby can hit the target. At the end of the game, reward the young “sniper” with a toy or a sweet surprise. By developing accuracy, the child learns to coordinate hand movements.

Try to change your baby’s activity every 10–15 minutes: alternate motor development activities with table activities and reading. At this age, the child will not be able to concentrate on anything for longer.

Educational games

These are games aimed at children studying the world around them, objects and their properties, phenomena, as well as developing logic, attention, and memory.

You can offer a 2-3 year old child:

  • find the object named by mother in the picture, in the room or in the yard;
  • find a pair of several similar objects;
  • find objects of a given shape around (square, round, rectangular);
  • find identical patterns on clothes and dishes;
  • sort items by size or color (for example, laundry);
  • arrange objects in their places, using the concepts of “right-left”, “behind-in front”, “above-below”;
  • assemble a drawing cut into 3-4 parts;
  • stack nesting dolls on top of each other;
  • solve rhyming riddles;
  • find tall and low objects (cabinets, chairs, houses), narrow and wide (roads, rugs, corridors), short and long (pencils, scarves, rulers);
  • select the appropriate object for the drawn shadow;
  • find what detail is missing in the picture;
  • find an object using two specified characteristics (round and blue, square and red);
  • play “what’s missing” or “what’s appeared”;
  • play hide and seek;
  • play outside with shade, sunbeams, snow, branches, pine cones, sand;
  • sort objects or pictures according to general characteristics (clothing, birds, food, furniture).

At this age, children can be unobtrusively introduced to the basics of arithmetic and counting. Read more about this in the blog.

Do not put your baby in charge of the TV. No matter how educational and educational the program may seem to you, a long stay in front of a television screen is not at all beneficial for a child’s growing body.

Development of sensory sensations

To develop sensory skills at 2–3 years old, you can work with your child:

  • studying smells, tastes (find an object by smell, name the taste with your eyes closed, find an object with the same smell or taste as the one offered);
  • studying cold, warm, hot surfaces (for example, adjusting the temperature of the water in the tap);
  • description of tactile sensations from the touch of different objects (hard, soft, smooth, rough, fluffy, prickly);
  • searching for material that matches the proposed sample (a piece of cardboard, silk, cotton wool, wool).

Developing your baby's hearing

For the development of hearing – general and musical – it is useful for a child:

  • recognize and name various sounds or noises while walking and at home (wind, car, bird, animal, water, kettle, hairdryer, etc.);
  • find the source of sounds (the bird itself, a teapot, a heap of leaves, a cat);
  • play children's musical instruments;
  • listen to mom’s singing and sing along;
  • dance or tap to the beat of the music.

What develops speech?

As already mentioned, a child’s speech skills develop rapidly from the age of two. What games can help with this? Everything that develops attention, logic, thinking, memory, fine motor skills, hand coordination, breathing, mobility of the lips, cheeks and tongue (articulation) encourages the child to speak out. The more such games are played with a child, the more perfect his speech will be.

Thinking, coordination, imagination, fine motor skills are developed by:

  • drawing, coloring (ready-made albums are suitable for the little ones);
  • drawing with fingers and palms on flour, semolina, cereals;
  • modeling from dough or plasticine;
  • games with sand - simple and kinetic (we talked about it);
  • applique;
  • games with mosaics, puzzles, stickers;
  • classes with sorters, pyramids, cubes, inserts, construction sets;
  • lacing;
  • finger gymnastics (there is also information about this).

Articulation involves the following activities:

  • reciting simple sayings, tongue twisters, counting rhymes;
  • faces in front of the mirror showing teeth, tongue, puffing out cheeks;
  • imitation games (voices of birds, animals, household appliances or devices);
  • pronouncing phrases loudly, quietly, in a whisper.

Breathing develops when a child blows out a candle, blows on a dandelion, blows soap suds from his hands, blows soap bubbles, and stirs water in a glass through a straw.

You can offer your child a snowball game. Place a few cotton balls on the table for each player (it’s good if they are all at home). Let them blow these “snowballs” onto the floor. Of course, the little one wins!

First society

The child strives to share all household chores with his mother - this is a sign of age. Let him help, for example, lay out napkins, spoons, bread on the table, arrange plates, peel boiled vegetables, throw candy wrappers or pieces of paper into the trash bin, water a flower, sort laundry for washing by color - it doesn’t matter that mom will do it all over again later! Let the baby develop everyday skills in order to feel like a full-fledged, adult member of society.

Support his aspirations by playing “sorter.” Collect clean shoes in one pile and mix. Let the child take it apart in pairs, and then put it back in place (or put it in several different baskets in groups: slippers, boots, shoes).

You can find or invent a lot of games for children of this age. The main thing is that they correspond to the level of development and interests of the baby, do not tire with the duration of the process and do not cause boredom.

Two years is the beginning of the development of a child’s creative independence. Educational games for 2-year-old children are aimed at developing social, physical, intellectual and mental qualities and skills.

With matryoshka

By arranging the elements of the nesting doll according to height, the child learns to distinguish the shape and size of the object. The bright colors of the toy shape visual perception. By inserting a smaller nesting doll into a larger one, the child coordinates his actions, improving fine motor skills.

Color difference exercise

A child will easily learn to distinguish colors if, during any game, they say out loud the color of an object.

If the educational game is aimed at a specific theme of the color palette, then the child is asked the question: “What color is this?” In case of an error, the adult must name the correct option, but you should not scold the child, because he is just learning!

By the age of 3, children are able to remember basic colors. The following exercises are used to develop the skill:

Exercises with beads of different sizes, shapes and colors

A variety of beads and fishing line are used for the game. In the first lessons, it is enough to string beads of the same color together with your child. Then the tasks are complicated and work with diameter and shape. The speed of complication depends on the individual characteristics of the child and the imagination of the parents.

Instead of beads, you can use pasta of various shapes. After showing the child an example of stringing pasta, they are allowed to try making the product themselves. This game not only teaches the baby to distinguish shapes and sizes, but also develops fine motor skills.

Beads made by yourself can be used in further games with dolls or decorated as an element of a decorative panel.

Ball games

Playing with a ball will delight children of any gender. The benefits of such activities are enormous: physical activity is combined with the development of dexterity, attention and accuracy. A ball of small diameter is enough.

First, the child is shown how to throw and catch the ball, then they roll it on the floor or on the ground. At the next stage, they play by throwing an object to each other. A storm of emotions is caused by games in which a child can push a ball with his foot.

It is ideal to conduct such activities outdoors. A simple and useful game will bring a lot of fun and necessary skills.

Pronunciation of sounds

Children will enjoy games with the pronunciation of simple vowels. For example, when reading fairy tales, they voice the characters’ cries and repeat “a-a-a.”

A visit to the zoo will allow you to pronounce the sounds that a specific animal makes. The use of toys will allow you to achieve a similar result at home, for example, playing with a horse is accompanied by the sound “e-e-e”, and with an airplane with the sound “oo-o-o”.

The pronunciation of consonant sounds has one nuance - they are divided into soft and hard. In kindergarten, several exercises are adopted that take this feature into account. You can do them at home too.

For example, make several sketches for the child with objects starting with the sound “M” in soft and hard sounds: a car, a fly, milk and a mill, a ball, honey.

In which hand

For this game you will need a simple object that can be held in your closed palm, such as a small toy. The child is given the task to guess in which hand the toy is hidden.

Gradually, he will learn to guess the toy by the volume of his hand, where the larger hand is hidden. An educational game will help develop a child's observation and imagination.


This game is best played outside. Physical activity combined with fresh air will be much more beneficial.

For children from 1 to 2 years old, jumping on a flat surface is appropriate. In this case, it is worth taking an obstacle as a basis, for example, jumping over a small pebble. Then the task is complicated by jumping from a small height or jumping rope.

  • « Frog" The child is offered the role of a frog, which must catch a mosquito using clapping. Soap bubbles can act as mosquitoes.
    • « Two frogs". An adult and a child hold hands and jump up together, saying:

Look, two laughing frogs are jumping on the edge of the forest. Jump-yes-jump! Jump-yes-jump! Jump from heel to toe.

      • « Frog in the swamp"A round carpet is placed in the middle of the room - it will be a swamp. The carpet can be replaced with a rope folded in the shape of a circle. The child plays the role of a frog, jumping along the circle on two legs. An adult accompanies the game with a rhyme:

Here is a frog on the path Jumping with its legs outstretched: It saw a mosquito and screamed “Kwa-kwa-kwa”!


The game "Guess" is used in a wide variety of variations. The development of sound perception is presented in situations where the child is asked to guess what an object sounds like, for example, a hammer knocks “knock-knock”.

By guessing the heroes of fairy tales, the child gains fantasy skills. Children love to listen to songs or lullabies performed by their mother. You can hum already familiar melodies, let the child guess the song and even sing along.

For attention and memory

A 2-year-old child is characterized by curiosity and a craving for everything new. The development of memory and attention at this age is at the initial stage; it is important not to overdo it. For children under 5 years old, ten minutes of exercise daily is sufficient.

Logic games are good for developing attention:

      • « Find the item" Parents hide an object familiar to the child. The child’s searches are necessarily accompanied by hints from an adult.
      • « How are the pictures different?" The child is offered two pictures that differ in several objects. Together we need to find the differences between one picture and another.

The development of auditory memory is carried out using simple techniques:

  1. Parents hide a toy that makes some sounds. The child searches for it, relying only on his auditory abilities.
  2. A game that will be interesting for your baby is one in which different objects are placed in a box to create something like a rattle. The child tries to understand what is inside by the sound it makes.

Games that use techniques of rearranging and disappearing objects develop memory and thinking processes. At 2 years old, it is enough to provide a child with two items.

For example, playing with soft toys that are given specific names. First they play with both toys, the adult calls them by certain names. Then they remove one toy and ask the child where the second one is, while pronouncing the name of the missing character.

Fine motor skills

Special attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills in two-year-old children. Up to 7 years of age, this area is of paramount importance.

      • Repeat the movement. An adult will have to make several different movements, for example, sit down, raise his hands up, clap his hands. The child must repeat after him. The speed of movements can slow down and speed up. This game develops not only motor skills, but also attention.
      • Piggy Stompers. The adult pats the child lightly, with soft movements, with his palms or fingers. They start from the top of the head, along the back of the head, forehead, cheeks, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, stomach, back, lower back, pelvis, buttocks, thighs, calves, legs and end with the feet. At the same time saying:

Three funny pigs
We put on our stompers together
And let's go for a walk quickly,
Jumping and stomping are more fun.

At the same time, the parts of the body that the hand touches are also named. After the child is interested in the game, he can independently “walk” through his body in this way.

      • Gymnastics like animals. The child is offered to go for a walk in the forest with amazing animals who love to say hello in a special way:
  1. The little sparrow stands with his legs slightly apart (they wave their arms up and down, speeding up their movements).
  2. Then the little sparrow flew away (they wave their hands and rise on their toes).
  3. Little Sparrow loves to swim in a puddle (they shake imaginary water from their hands and feet).

Then they meet the owl. A wise owl is shown with its head turning in different directions. The child must repeat. The snake is performed while sitting in the “Turkish” position.

To greet the snake, the neck is pulled forward and pulled back. You can show how a snake crawls away from the “lying on its stomach” position. They crawl on their bellies, indicating to the child that the arms and legs are working at the same time.

Educational games for a two-year-old child will allow mental processes to develop harmoniously. In addition, the ability to independently assess the situation and make decisions, even with the help of adults at the first stage, will form a solid foundation for the moral principles of the individual.

Through play, a child learns many skills and abilities, so it is important to maintain interest in such activities.

Video: Lesson examples

Video: Games for child development

Here you can practice yoga with your child; listen to an interesting lecture or take part in creative master classes on creating interior items, accessories and toys; start painting from scratch or strengthen your skills; listen to a concert or watch a play with the whole family. Developmental classes for children are also held.

2. Trilingual Metland Kids Club
From 1.5 to 7 years

The club operates on the basis of the Metland English Language School. Here you can practice capoeira, combine work in an art studio with Spanish lessons, English lessons with music and Portuguese lessons with capoeira. The club also opened a group “English for Moms”. Club address

3. Mom's Sadik Seasons
From 0 to 6 years

An absolutely wonderful space for mothers with babies belongs to Seasons Project. Since 2014, the project has been located in a separate wooden house right on the playground of the Hermitage Garden. The Sadik hosts classes for mothers and babies, photo shoots, performances, concerts, and on weekends – children’s birthday parties and family parties in the spirit of Seasons magazine festivals. There is also a café and a hairdresser for children at Mama’s Sadik. Sadiq's address

4. CitYkids Family Center in the Bauman Garden
From 0 to 6 years

Creative workshops are open at CitYkids; you can come here for yoga or a children's play, a music lesson or a psychology seminar. During classes, the baby can be left under the supervision of a teacher in the company of peers. The center's schedule includes: yoga for newborns, music with mom, fairy tales, dancing, art therapy. And right next to the club there is an amazing playground “Inhabited Fence”. Address CityKids

5. Children's club "Shardam"
From 2.5 to 12 years

In the classes of Tatiana Krasnova's Creative Workshop, children from 2.5 years old are introduced to the basics of painting, graphics and design using handy tools, which will allow them to expand their own creative experience and understanding of fine art. Shardam address

6. Project “Concertini” (CONCERTiny)
From 1 month

The new project “Concertini” gives children their first acquaintance with the world of classical music. Mothers come here with babies. Professional musicians from famous Moscow orchestras and laureates of international competitions perform for the audience. The program is designed for the musical tastes of sophisticated adults and at the same time adapted for children's perception (from 0 years). During concerts, babies can lie on pillows, crawl, play and communicate with peers.

7. Project “Together with Mom”
From 1 month

This project is a “veteran” of the Moscow children’s movement; classical music concerts for mothers and babies have been organized here since 2009. Adults listen to music, and children dance and play tambourines and maracas with the musicians. Sitting quietly in your seats is not at all necessary. The project also conducts English classes, yoga, image master classes, joint summer holidays at the seaside or in the Moscow region, family discos, and a mother’s council. There are also courses for children together with their dads and a children's theater for the little ones.

8. Musical and educational project “SemiNotka”
From 2 to 12 years

The family project of the Turchin musicians is also well known to Moscow families. Nastya and Alexander come up with cycles of musical meetings and conduct them at different venues. These are not boring lectures, but a real creative interactive experience. Among the programs of “SevenNotes” are “His Majesty the Organ”, “Princess Violin and Her Family”, “Royal - both Forte and Piano” and others. A special series of classes “What does nature sing about?” for children from 2 to 6 years old, it is built around the four elements - water, fire, earth and wind. For children from 1 year old there is a cycle “Musical Years”.

9. Early development studio “Mozart effect”
From 1 year to 12 years

Another musical project for kids, where you can listen to classics. The project is already 12 years old. During classes in the studio, live classical music is performed by professional musicians and soloists of the best orchestras in Moscow. Children draw and sing, and also try their hand at playing children's instruments. Kids get acquainted with masterpieces of classical music by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Vivaldi, Prokofiev and many others, and try to play along with the musicians on their own. Children from 4 years old need to pass an audition to enter the studio. Studio address

10. Babyconcert project
From 0 years

Children from birth to school age enjoy the melodies of Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Gershwin and other outstanding composers performed by the best musicians of Russia. Concerts take place in the “Sea Inside” cafe in Sokolniki, on the basis of the CityKids project and in other pleasant places in Moscow. The kids are not forced to sit still - at meetings, children dance and sing, walk freely around the hall and look closely at the instruments.

11. Jewish Cultural Center on Nikitskaya (JCC)

From 2 years

The ECC has many interesting studios for children and adults. Children from 2.5 years old can attend classes in the “Read-Play” literary club. Children's theater in English shows in the Center a series of interactive performances in English for children from 2 years old. There is also a wonderful development center “Tapuz”. You can bring your child for the whole day, here they will feed him, take him for a walk, and the baby will have many interesting activities: in-depth study of Russian, English and Hebrew, acquaintance with fairy tales and literature; choreography and music, solfeggio and rhythmics, yoga and fitness, ballet and choreography. ECC address

12. Baby Contact Club
From 3 months to 3 years

The club conducts dance classes for mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. The main goal of the classes is to establish contact between mother and baby. Through special techniques, close contact, elements of dance, dance movement therapy, round dances and games, mothers learn to better hear and understand their child. During classes, the baby is in your arms, in a sling, or just next to your mother. Club address

13. Children's space "Dvigalki"
From 0 to 5 years

A hall in the center of Moscow, specially equipped for movement, creativity and harmonious development of children. Children under 3 years old study together with their mothers. Classes are based on the principles of orf pedagogy and dance-movement psychotherapy. The youngest participants, aged 0 to 12 months, study in the BabyContact dance and movement psychological group, which is described above. Hall address

14. BrightFamily Positive Lifestyle Center
From 0 to 5 years

The main direction of the center’s work is the parenting practices of Birthlight (Birthlight™, UK, Cambridge), developed by the founder of Birthlight, Francoise Friedman, in the 80s of the last century. The course is based on a combination of Eastern wisdom and advanced Western scientific developments. BrightFamily presents the following areas of yoga: yoga for pregnant women, aqua yoga, baby yoga from birth to 4 years, children's swimming programs (from 1.5 months). Center address

15. Workshop “Little children and great art”
From 2 years

The workshop is run by Moscow sculptor and mother Lisa Lavinskaya. In a playful and exciting way, children get acquainted with the history of art, visit museum exhibitions, draw, sculpt, and do ceramics. Typically, classes begin with a short lecture on the history of art; for the little ones it can be a ten-minute fairy tale or a short cartoon. Children get acquainted with the works of artists from different times, and then create their own. The Workshop also offers a course for adults. Workshop address

16. Children's center "Golden Cockerel"
From 1.5 to 17 years

The Golden Cockerel children's center has been operating in Moscow since 1987. At the center, children from 1.5 to 17 years old can study in a comprehensive program that combines the basics of music, choreography, visual and theatrical arts. Classes are taught by professional musicians, directors, artists and choreographers. The Golden Cockerel Center cooperates with Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies and State Slavic Academy. Center address

17. Early development center in English Gymboree Play&Music
From 0 to 6 years

Children are taught here using the Gymboree early development method, which was invented more than 35 years ago. It is assumed that every child has the inclinations given to him by nature. If you start to develop them correctly and on time, abilities will appear. Today the company implements its training programs in 33 countries and in more than 700 centers operating under a franchise system. All classes at the center are held in English: “Play and Learn” from 0 to 3 years; Music (6 months - 6 years), Visual arts (18 months - 6 years); Sports (3-6 years); Family activities (0-6 years); School skills (3-6 years). Center address

18. Early language development club Baby Bilingual Club
From 1 year

Classes are taught only by native speakers and early development specialists. The main principle of the club’s work is active communication using the TPR (Total Physical Response) method, which implies that during classes students use all organs of perception and constantly change types of activities. Children learn English through games, music, creativity and reading or listening to books in English. The youngest (1.5-2 years old) come to lessons with their mothers. Club address

19. Family eco-club “Drevo”
From 9 months to 7 years

The club operates an Early Development School, where children get acquainted with the world around them, play with designer handmade toys and communicate with peers. Among the interesting programs it is worth mentioning the School of Etiquette and the School of Rescuers. The sports block is represented by the Krepysh fitness studio, rhythmoplasty and dance studio, yoga classes and self-defense lessons. In addition, the club has a children's playroom and a library with an extensive collection of children's literature.

If you didn’t find your favorite place for kids in the review, write to our editor about it: editor@site.

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