Horrible incidents in children's camps. Walking into a nightmare

Last weekend, a group of schoolchildren and instructors on three boats set off from the Syamozero Park Hotel camp on a hike, but got caught in a storm. 14 people died. AiF managed to talk to a 13-year-old Alexander Brown, who was in one of the boats on that ill-fated day, and find out what helped the boy survive, what the situation was like in the camp and why the instructors were not to blame for anything.

Don't care about the weather

— This is the third time I have vacationed in this camp. I always liked everything about it: the way we were fed and the way we were entertained. And we even went on similar trips, and always without any trouble. Therefore, even then I was sure that everything would be fine. Moreover, the camp management seemed adequate to me, although after what happened my opinion changed a lot. I'm not talking about instructors now. Yes, these were students, but they were all 18 years old, and they got along well with us, they were even friends.

The day before the hike, all the children received a message from the Ministry of Emergency Situations on their phones about the storm. We immediately complained to the instructors that we didn’t want to go hiking in a storm, and they themselves were of the same opinion. It could have been easily postponed for a few days. The instructors, as far as I know, almost on their knees begged the camp director not to let us go on the hike. But she didn’t agree at all: “So, guys, either your squad is going on a hike, and I don’t care how, or the students who are practicing here will have to go through everything all over again. This practice will not count." An ultimatum was given.

“They told me to row, so I rowed.”

— There were 47 of us and 4 instructors. We were going on a four-day, three-night camping trip with a scheduled change of location every day. On the first day we had to swim to the fifth beach and spend the night there. We did it quite calmly. On the second day the weather was so good that we even stopped thinking about the possibility of a storm.

Before we went further, they began to select us: the one who was stronger and rowed well got on the raft, and everyone else got on the canoe. Mostly strong guys were taken on the raft, since it was necessary to pull not only people, but also almost all the provisions - food, sleeping bags, bags, clothes. Now the phrase rings in my head: “Only those who will live go rafting.” Otherwise I cannot explain all the horror that began later. For some reason, they initially did the wrong thing by putting the children on one canoe all alone, and on the second with a counselor and instructor. There were 12 people in the canoe. Everyone else was sitting on the raft, as well as the coordinator and the director.

I was worried about the girl Tanya Kolesova. We have known each other for a long time, and I was aware that she had hydrophobia. She was embarrassed to tell the counselors about this. And initially they wanted to put her on a canoe. There she would have been scared even by small waves. I had to approach the instructor myself and ask that they take her with me, even if she had to lie on the bags. Now I understand that with my decision I saved Tanya’s life, otherwise she would have sailed in that canoe where all the children died...

I was told to row, and I rowed, even when the waves were strong. I hardly thought about myself. I was very worried about Tanya. For her, in principle, swimming on such waves is a shock.

We had gone two-thirds of the way when a strong wind rose and waves suddenly appeared. I can't even remember how it happened. Both canoes were already well ahead of us at that time. We kept in touch with them and with the management, but only by phone and, of course, communication was interrupted during such a storm. We started to get carried away. We somehow tried to control the raft using oars, but it was all useless. We're off course. Now the main task was to find the islands and get to them. For two hours we just walked along the waves, some of the children started to feel sick.

“We were happy that we found the island.”

— We missed the first island that we met on the way. The waves did not even allow him to come close to him. Later we were carried by the waves to another island, which was very convenient for us. I had to immediately take up the oars. If we hadn't worked with them a little, we would have simply been smashed against the rocks. We were lucky, we bypassed them and somehow got hold of this island. There we set up camp, lit a fire, and warmed up. They ate very little just so as not to go crazy from hunger. Instead of pots and a kettle, they used old tin beer cans found there. I still had charge on my phone and kept in touch with my sister. He immediately called and said that he was alive and well. And at this time the canoes had already capsized. We didn't know this. We didn’t even think about them, no one told us that contact with the children who sailed separately had long been lost.

Naturally, we all had to spend the night on the island. In the morning the camp administration called us. It turns out that the Ministry of Emergency Situations came to us a long time ago. We were happy that we would be saved. I started calling my sister with this news, and on the phone I heard: “Sasha, are you alive?” My sister told me everything, said that the guys with the canoe died. I started to shake. I told the counselor, and my sister was on the phone Vadim. We were all worried. The three of us walked around with dead faces. And the children jumped around us, rejoicing that they were saving us. Nobody knew anything.

"Sasha, I'm alive!"

“After the Ministry of Emergency Situations brought us to the cadet corps, I began asking questions about what happened. It turned out that corpses were indeed found. This got me. I couldn’t realize that I was just playing with these guys yesterday, and today they are no longer there.

On Sunday evening, the ten children who survived were brought in. They could only say: “Sasha, I’m alive, Sasha, I’m alive!” I didn't think I'd ever see this.

Among them I felt the worst Julia Korol. Julia pulled out many children, both living and dead. The instructor tried to save the children, but he almost drowned, and she also saved the instructor. She is 13 years old. After her canoe capsized, she was the one who pulled out all the children. I want to tell the whole world about her. I want everyone to know her.

In the cadet corps, 4 psychologists sat with Yulia. She didn't listen to them. She talked to the children she couldn't save. Lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling, she repeated: “Zhenya, is that you here?”

Julia reproached herself for not saving everyone. She witnessed the death of almost everyone. She said she saw children falling to their deaths on the rocks. Julia took the boy alive from the water and brought him to the shore already dead. When she pulled the guys out of the water, they said “thank you” to her and died. She told me all this. We all tried to calm her down; at that time I still controlled myself and tried to be with her. And you know what's terrible? Few people know about her feat! She was erased from the TV, I’m not there. Why?

The worst thing was when already in the cadet corps my father called me Vlada Volkova and asked: “Can I have Vladik? What about Vladik?” Then I told everything... You should have heard how the mother began to cry, and his voice was so creepy, it’s impossible to convey.

When we were already being taken on a bus to the EMERCOM plane, Yulia suddenly smiled. This made me very happy. For the first time in two days, she changed her emotion.

“They are not to blame!”

— Already in Moscow, at the airport, the parents were so scared. And the children simply came to them without emotion. Imagine, just seeing a child without emotions, like robots.

After the tragedy, I cannot be in Moscow; my parents took me to their dacha. Everything reminds me of what happened. Either I will see the cap that the deceased Seryozha was wearing, or I will hear the music that was playing in my head at the time of the storm. All this makes me hysterical. They bought me a strong sedative containing valerian. I've already eaten the jar. Doesn't help much. I hardly slept last night, I close my eyes, and in my head there is only the horror that Yulia Korol told me about saving children. I don't know how she can survive this.

Now I'm terribly afraid to be on the water. If they put my mattress on the water, I won’t be able to lie on it.

It’s a shame that they blame instructors and counselors for everything, they lie that they only cared about themselves. During the flood, instructor Valera held the children on himself, while he himself was under water. He wanted the children to be able to breathe. Yes, he couldn’t keep some children afloat, but not everyone can do that! Lyuda, who capsized in the canoe, was also carrying children. And now they are blamed for everything. It's not fair!

Residents of Moscow bring flowers and toys to the building of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the City of Moscow, in memory of the children who died on Syamozero in Karelia. Photo: RIA Novosti / Evgenia Novozhenina

So summer has passed. We didn’t have time to look back, as they say. Parents sent their children to school, and students returned to classrooms. We decided to sum up the summer with a little material about children’s holidays in summer health camps and sanatoriums.

The brutal truth

Often, parents, when sending their child to a summer health camp, cannot even imagine what their offspring is doing there or what stress they are going through. At home, the native child is an angel: he behaves decently, studies diligently, and helps with the housework. But what happens to children when they are away from home - in conditions of freedom and entertainment? And sometimes real trash happens there.

In our review there are only a few stories about what is happening in children's sanatoriums and camps. Some of the counselors’ stories, to be honest, shocked me personally. It's no secret that the students themselves, working in the camps, are not distinguished by good behavior and integrity, but, you see, this is not as interesting as the epic stories about the antics of their charges. So, let's go...

If you don't make a smoking room, we'll run away!

Ulyanovsk students often go to the most popular children's camps and sanatoriums in the region and the Black Sea coast as counselors. Children of different ages and, importantly, of different incomes relax there. And I must say, kids know how to have fun.

- I worked as a counselor in a group of kids in a famous sanatorium for children in Anapa. The children are independent and very cheerful. True, sometimes we had to face difficulties. For example, one day a group of little ones gathered in the common room. One of the guys brought a basin for washing clothes, the other brought hot water from the tap. At this moment, the others were crumbling instant noodles into a bowl. So the company organized a great dinner for themselves(laughs - author’s note), says UlSPU graduate Konstantin.

Quite harmless fun, it would seem. However, the counselor is responsible for the health and life of the children with his head. Jokes with hot water could lead to disastrous consequences.

- I remembered an incident here. Then I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Seriously! In my third year of university, I was sent for teaching practice at one of the Ulyanovsk children’s camps. And I had to be very nervous. My younger group took pity on a stray dog ​​that was hanging around near the camp area, and the children hid it in the room. In the morning, as if nothing had happened, the children went to breakfast, then to activities, and the dog was locked up. The shaggy poor thing sat in the room for half a day. Apparently, after a few hours, the animal began to panic. Lord...What a mess the dog caused in the room! When I walked inside with the other counselors, we just went crazy. The dog got scared of us and tried to run away. In short, we caught her for a long time, rushing around all the buildings and the street. Later, the children, embarrassed, said that they fed the dog food stolen from the canteen., says Ulyanovsk resident Alexey.

In this case, compassionate children only cause tenderness. But there is so much noise and confusion. But even more serious problems could arise, since the animal is homeless. The children did not even think that the dog could be sick, for example, with rabies.

- In the summer my friend and I worked in one of the camps in Dimitrovgrad, - Katya begins her story. - A friend of mine had a boy named Vovochka in her troop. After the incident with this child, we couldn’t shake the feeling that all the jokes about Vovochka were copied from him. The story is this: there is a “candle” (an event that is held at the end of the day, before bed, where everyone tells their impressions of the day they experienced). Vovochka behaved badly at the candle. They made several comments to him, after which his mood sharply worsened. The boy freaked out, stood up and said, “I’ll leave you!” indeed, he gets up and leaves the hall. Marina (the counselor) lets him go absolutely calmly, because there is a teacher on duty in the building, and the child will not slip past her. “The Candle” ends, everyone leaves, but Vovochka is nowhere to be found. Marina went through all the detachments, checked the rooms several times, walked around the entire territory of the camp three times, but in vain. Everyone has already joined in the search for the missing person. We run, scream... there is no child. Marina, in despair, wanders into the room with the hope that Vovochka has returned after all. The rest of the children were sleeping peacefully at this time. The counselor entered the room like a mouse, so as not to wake anyone, and in the silence she heard a strange crunching sound... We then entered and were also wary. And then it comes to us! We raise our heads, open a huge closet, and there is Vovan. The scoundrel climbed onto the top shelf with lemonade and a pear, made a nest for himself out of blankets and pillows and was quietly sad, crushing the sadness with the pear. But we really already thought about calling the police with dog handlers. (laughs)

- I also went to a summer camp on the Black Sea as a counselor. I got a detachment with children aged 10-12. So these little freaks dared to set conditions for the camp leadership. They simply said: if you don’t make us a smoking room, we’ll run outside the camp, buy ourselves cigarettes and smoke there. This happened once. After the incident, in order not to make a fuss, we were ordered to organize a smoking room for the children and go buy them cigarettes. The camp management was afraid to inform parents about this, as mass proceedings would begin. And no one wants to lose money, says UlSPU student Kirill.

Flash mob "Poop"

Many camps host both children from ordinary working families and, let’s say, VIP children. The next story by the same Katya is about the latter.

- I once went to work in a camp in the village of Sukko, in the Krasnodar Territory. Children from all over Russia come there to relax. I had a detachment from Astrakhan. The parents of these 15-16-year-old boys worked at Gazprom Energo... Naturally, the guys have a lot of show-offs. They put us in the most elite building, which was on the outskirts, and next to it stood an ordinary building where “simpler” children rested. The older guys went to this camp almost every year. They knew absolutely everything there; it was, of course, difficult to surprise them with anything. One day, friends from other cities came to visit my guys and settled in the building next to ours. Together they decided to organize a flash mob called... “Poop.” Those who lived next door to us pooped in one basin and launched it from one end of the corridor to the other. The basin ricocheted and turned over towards the end of the journey. As a result, all the walls and floor are crap. But my guys came up with a “more brilliant” idea. They relieved themselves in bags, mixed with a fork and then smeared it all on the walls in the girls’ rooms, and in one room they dumped the entire contents of the bag right in the center. My partner got herself into this very mess. I had to throw away the damaged shoes. I was simply in indescribable shock from this situation. In general, I remember these children for a long time. They were uncontrollable: they drank, coughed at the ceiling, and made garlands of snot and saliva. And even before leaving home, the guys surprised me again. When all the kids got on the bus, mine ran to the nearest store to get some treats. Having collected a bunch of sweets and other things, the boys went to the checkout to pay. The saleswoman did not have a ruble to give them change. The woman offered the company some candy. They began to attack her and eventually spit deliciously in her face and ran away.

- During my student years, I also worked as a counselor in one of the sanatoriums in the Krasnodar region. The guys in my squad can’t be called anything but degenerates. They were 16 years old then. They themselves turned out to be local; their parents work at Kubanenergo. Well, you understand. The most harmless thing they did was night raids on buildings with masks from the movie “Scream” on their faces. Now I’m 24, I remember those nights with trembling, and they scared little children. But one day the guys simply went beyond all possible limits. Several guys caught an 8-year-old girl from the junior squad, put a bag over the little girl’s head and dragged her to the territory of another camp nearby. There they locked the girl in some dark basement and safely escaped. Later she managed to get out of there through a small window. This girl turned out to be the daughter of the head of the Krasnodar region... The guys returned home with a criminal record, says Svetlana, a resident of Ulyanovsk.

A difficult age. Spoiled children. Parents probably also tolerate their antics. However, it is difficult to find justification for such actions.

Children sometimes get very bored at camp. They quickly get bored with the same activities, they are not attracted to the events organized by the camp workers, and they become too lazy to take part in any entertainment. And they begin to come up with their own games. The following story is about one such game that was invented, attention...9-year-old children.

- Summer camp in the Ulyanovsk region. The year was 2009-2010, I don’t remember exactly. I worked there as a counselor for children aged 8-9. My squad included two twin boys. They were 9 years old. That summer, a very good friend of the twins, a boy named Slava, who was 8 at the time, came to the same camp that summer. We put the children in one room. And now more than half of the shift had passed, when one “beautiful” day, in a quiet hour, Slava’s mother called me. The woman asked urgently: why does my little son live with twins? I answered her: What happened? The boys get along with each other and don't fight. She told me: Yes, but in the evening, after lights out, they play a game... “Suck the pussy.” The point is simple - the twins take off their panties and tell Slava the code phrase: “Suck the pussy.” Silence. My breathing and pulse quickened. I collected my thoughts and asked: So, does it suck? Mother's answer: Yes. A curtain, - Lena shares her memories.

Problems and incidents of this kind occur at every step in summer children's camps. A counselor cannot always resolve conflict or much more complex situations. Often the counselors themselves do not see much precisely because they are not working, but having fun.

As for parents, there is nothing left to do except advise them to be more vigilant and, perhaps, a little tougher. After all, every child, going to camp, is faced with difficult situations in one way or another. And almost every child does not want to talk about problems to their closest people. You must be able to find a common language with your child. This will help prevent many problems.

One morning in one camp, children wake up and go for morning exercises. And then they see that on the sports ground, under a basketball basket, leaning his back against an iron post, a homeless man is sitting. It sits and smells. Well, of course, they began to curse at him and chase him away. But the homeless man did not move. He turned out to be a dead homeless person.
They called an ambulance, but they refused to take the stinking homeless man and told him to cope without them. The children then decided, and the adults supported them, that they should bury the homeless person themselves.
By evening they dug a grave. A "pioneer fire" was lit. Musicians gathered to perform a funeral march. The musicians were children who went to music school. Various instruments were collected for them: two guitars, one drum, one trumpet and one accordion were found.
None of the musicians knew how to perform a funeral march. Then they decided to play something in the rap style. One boy came up with rap verses about this homeless man. They say what a hard life this man had, that he couldn’t stand it and broke down, started drinking vodka, and then sold his apartment, and then died, and that’s good, because he finally got rest and peace. In the second verse it was about the childhood of a homeless person, about the fact that he, too, was once small and rested in camps, studied at school, but this did not help him, and now he finally received rest and peace.
The musicians started playing a funeral rap. One boy, the author of poetry, sang a rap, and one girl helped him, beautifully saying in the chorus: “Rest and peace, rest and peace, rest and peace, na-na na-na na.” All the spectators really liked it. It turned out both beautiful and sad. When the song ended, they asked to perform it again. And no one refused. Spectators took out their phones and began filming videos.
When the song ended, they finally remembered about the homeless man. But he was not in the box that represented the coffin. The box itself lay on its side. Either the homeless man himself woke up and ran away, or someone kidnapped him for fun while everyone was listening to the funeral rap. The homeless man was never found, the funeral did not take place.
One girl began to cry. She was asked: “What’s the matter?” She said that she remembered that there is such a sign: if the funeral did not take place, then it is very bad, someone will die soon. And then all the children in the camp were seized with fear...
A few days later, the children wake up in the morning and go for morning exercises. And then they see that a boy is hanging on a basketball basket, the one who composed the poems for the funeral rap. The boy’s face is blue, his hands are tied behind his back, and there is a sign hanging on his chest: “I will show you rest and peace!!!”

Wed, 23/04/2014 - 15:54

Children whose childhood was in the USSR era and the early 90s loved to scare each other with these ridiculous and absolutely absurd horror stories. While in the pioneer camps, sitting around the fire late at night, everyone took turns telling stories that were supposedly true stories that made the children's hair stand on end! And re-reading them now it becomes simply funny! We invite you to return to your childhood and remember the most popular ridiculous horror stories of pioneer camps.

Abandoned house

There was an abandoned house near the village. Every night the light was on in this house. The village boys and girls decided to check why the light was on there. One night they got together: three boys and three girls. And then we went to this house. They saw a large empty room, and only a picture with a plan of their village hung on the wall. Suddenly the guys noticed that the door had disappeared and a voice was heard:

You will never leave this house again.

The guys were scared, but entered the next door. This room was smaller than the first. And suddenly water poured out of the walls, gradually flooding the room. But everyone knew how to swim, but someone from the water began to reach out and grab the children. Two children (a boy and a girl) drowned. The other guys got into the next room. In this room, the floor split, and two more (a boy and a girl) disappeared. There are two people left. They escaped and ended up in the third room. Knives came out of the walls, floor, and ceiling of this room. The girl injured her leg and could not go further. And the boy went on alone. He wanted to stay, but the girl told him to save himself and then try to save the others. The boy managed to get out of this house. The next morning he gathered people, but there were no rooms in this house, and there were no children. The house was burned down.


One day 4 girls were sitting in front of an abandoned house. Suddenly they saw a large scarecrow that was moving, but there was no wind. It ran towards them, the girls got scared and ran away.

The next day they walked past the scarecrow, it was not there. The girls got ready to go back. They turned and saw a huge scarecrow in front of them, it hit them with a scythe and they were dead.

Black Cat Spirit

Once upon a time there lived a girl with her parents. The girl's name was Alice. And for her birthday, her parents bought her a black cat.

The next day Alice went to a party. Came back late. She was very tired and went to bed without undressing. A cat was sleeping next to the bed. Alice did not notice the cat and crushed its head. In the morning, Alice saw the body of a cat.

The next night, the spirit of the cat killed Alice's parents, and then Alice herself.

Hands from a painting

Daughter and dad decided to give mom a painting for her birthday. They came to the store and asked:

Do you have any paintings?

No, we're finished.

We went to another store - it wasn’t there either. We went to the third and asked:

Are there any pictures?

No, we just finished.

They got upset and got ready to leave. But the cashier tells them:

Wait! I have another one in the back room. I left it for myself. Let's go and have a look, maybe you'll like it and take it for yourself.

They liked the picture. They took it and carried it, hanging it on the wall. At night, the mother, who was sleeping in the room where the painting hung, felt someone’s touch. She, frightened, screamed and turned on the light in the room. Seeing the hands sticking out of the painting, the mother called her husband, and together they cut off the hands from the painting. The next day they went to grandma and told her everything. She tells them:

Give the painting to the person who sold it to you and cross that person.

My father went to that store and saw that the cashier’s hands were bandaged. Her father threw a picture at her and crossed her. The cashier screamed and ran into the back room. That was the end of it.

Black piano

Once upon a time there lived a family: mother, father and girl. The girl really wanted to learn to play the piano, and her parents decided to buy it for her. They also had an old grandmother who told them not to buy a black piano under any circumstances. Mom and Dad went to the store, but they only sold black pianos, so they bought a black one.

The next day, when all the adults had gone to work, the girl decided to play the piano. As soon as she pressed the first key, a skeleton crawled out of the piano and demanded a bank of blood from her. The girl gave him blood, the skeleton drank it and climbed back into the piano. This went on for three days. On the fourth day the girl fell ill. The doctors could not help, because every day, when everyone went to work, the skeleton came out of the piano and drank the girl’s blood.

Then the grandmother advised me to break the black piano. Dad took an ax and began to chop and chopped up the skeleton along with the piano. After this, the girl immediately recovered.

Bloody numbers

One school had an old courtyard. One day a 4th “A” class came there for a walk. The teacher did not allow him to go far from him without explaining the reason. But two girls and two boys were able to escape deeper into the yard. Since the yard was huge, the teacher did not notice anything.

The guys slipped into the darkest corner of the yard and saw a black door. The bloody numbers 485 and 656 were written on the door. The children tried to open the door and it gave way. They entered the terrible room and saw a terrible sight. There were bones and skulls everywhere in the room. Suddenly the door slammed. And the numbers 487 and 658 appeared on the door, from which blood flowed.

Drummer statue

About 20 years ago, when the Friendship camp was just built, two sculptures were placed at the central gate - a stone drummer and a bugler.

One day, lightning struck the bugler at night and destroyed it. The drummer began to miss her bugler friend. Since then, she has been walking around the Friendship camp looking for a similar boy, and if she finds one similar, she will turn him into stone and place him next to her, and will guard the entrance with him.

And if the wrong boy comes along, she will catch him and rip out his heart.

Disco at the cemetery

A disco was built on the site of the old cemetery. Dancing continued there all night long and music was heard. One young man met a girl there. They met every day, but she never allowed herself to be seen off.

But one day he began to sneak behind her to find out where she lived. He saw a girl getting into a black car, all the windows in it were curtained with black cloth. The young man followed the car on his motorcycle.

The car was driving at high speed towards the forest - to where there were still old graves. At this time, a black sheet flew out of the car and threw itself at the young man; it covered his face, and he could not tear it off. He couldn't see the road, fell into a ditch and crashed.

A few days later they began to search for him and found several broken and smashed motorcycles in the forest, but no bodies were found. Then the disco in the cemetery was closed, and the place became cursed.

Old basement

In one house there was an old basement that no one was allowed to enter. One day a boy went there and saw that there, in the corner, a scary, overgrown woman was sitting in a cage.

Then they found out that during the war the Germans caught her and fed her only human meat. She got used to it and every night she found a new victim.

red spot

One family received a new apartment. And there was a red spot on the wall. They didn't have time to cover it up. And then in the morning the girl sees that her mother has died. And the spot became even brighter.

The next day at night the girl sleeps and feels that she is very scared. And suddenly she sees a hand sticking out of the red spot and reaching towards her. The girl got scared, wrote a note and died.

Camp "Zarya"

Camp “Zarya” was very good, but strange things were happening there: children were disappearing there. The boy Vasya, since he was very curious, decided to ask the director what was happening, he came to his house and saw: he was sitting and gnawing bones, Vasya was scared and wanted to run away, but the director caught him and cut off Vasya’s tongue, and the next morning, all the missing children returned, but they behaved strangely: they did not play with anyone and were silent.

One day Vasya managed to escape from the camp, he went to the police and wrote on a piece of paper about everything that happened in the camp. The police arrived at the camp, interrogated the director, but found out nothing and left. And then Vasya also disappeared: he went for a walk in the forest near the camp and saw an old destroyed building, went there and saw his missing comrades, but they were transparent and moaned all the time. Noticing Vasya, they pounced on him and killed him, and then the director came and devoured his legs, because ghosts have no use for them, they fly anyway...

Coffin on wheels

Once upon a time there lived a girl with her mother. One day she was left alone. And suddenly they broadcast on the radio:

Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels has left the cemetery and is looking for your street. Hide.

The girl was scared and didn’t know what to do. He rushes around the apartment, wants to call his mother on the phone. And they say on the phone:

Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels has found your street, it is looking for your house.

The girl is terribly scared, locks all the locks, but does not run away from the house. Trembling. The radio broadcasts again:

Girl, girl, the Coffin on Wheels has found your home. On his way to the apartment!

Then the police came and found nothing. One policeman shot at the red spot and it disappeared. And then the policeman came home and saw that a red spot had appeared on the wall above his bed. He sleeps at night and feels that someone wants to strangle him. He started shooting.

The neighbors came running. They see the policeman lying strangled and there is no stain.

Black coffin

One boy had an older sister who was a Komsomol member. And then one day he wakes up at night and sees: his sister gets up from the bed, stretches her arms forward and goes out the window with her eyes closed. The boy thinks: where is she going? and went out after him, and my sister walked through the trash heap, without turning, and then she entered the black forest. The boy is behind her. Then he looks - and in this black forest there is a black house. And in this black house there is a door, and behind it is a black room in which there is a black coffin with a white pillow. My sister lay down in it, lay there for about eight minutes, then got up and, as if nothing had happened, went out and returned home to sleep. And the boy also wanted to try how it lay in the coffin, so he stayed. He lay down in the coffin, but couldn’t get up. He lay like that for a day, and then - night came, and his older sister, a Komsomol member, came into the room: her eyes were closed, her arms were outstretched, and her registration card was in her teeth. The boy asks from the coffin: “Sister! Little sister! Take me away from here!” - but she didn’t hear anything, closed the coffin, nailed the lid with silver nails, then took it underground and buried it with a large shovel directly into the ground. Here. After all these things, my sister, of course, didn’t remember anything and married a black man, and the boy probably died.

Children drink vodka, fight with counselors and have sex. After the story of a student who underwent teaching practice while working as a counselor in one of the departmental children's recreation camps, it becomes scary to let your children go on this so-called vacation.

Little kids are little troubles

"- This year I resolutely refused to work with 14-16 year old “pioneers”, because such shifts are like a descent into hell. Moreover, every year the kids become more and more impudent and uncontrollable. Ten-year-olds are also not sugar, but at least they are still they are timid in front of the authority of their elders. The leaders of senior detachments are not just given milk for mischief - medals must be awarded when the entire detachment remains alive at the end of the shift. Including for the fact that they endured and did not kill someone themselves, because there is no there is not enough pedagogical patience.

Everyone drinks

It’s true – in modern-style “pioneer camps” both counselors and children drink. Everything is done in secret. Moreover, drunkenness and alcoholism have generally been the leaders’ “favorite” disease since Soviet times. Our senior teacher, who has been working in the camp every summer for thirty years (in civilian life he is a school teacher), said that in terms of entertainment for the teaching staff, nothing has changed: a couple of hours after lights out, when the bashi-bazouks calm down, everyone gathered around the fire and Of course, they weren’t drinking tea. But the children didn’t drink before. Nowadays, a vomited bed or toilet is a common occurrence. They don’t know how to drink, they just want to show how grown up they are. And it is impossible to stop this process. We go through bedside tables, bags, cabinets - they still manage to take them out and hide them. The camp is close to Minsk, and the comrades left at home are not even bringing beer - vodka. Why, they got the hang of making mash on the spot. Moreover, girls drink no less willingly than boys. When these drunken lolitas are lying around and moaning in a hangover, it is especially fascinating to hear from their parents accusations that their daughters were such positive excellent students and were not noticed in anything like that, which means that it is the counselors who are to blame for the fact that the girls have deteriorated so much.
Dear parents, you are very, very naive people if you think that you know everything or at least half about your children. They are cunning, secretive and very resourceful. Therefore, your child at home is not the same person as at school, in the yard or at camp.


“Cigarettes are a real scourge of modern holiday camps. Starting from the age of 12-13, almost everyone smokes. With girls it’s better in this regard, of course, but not much: the desire to please boys who smoke plays a bad joke on them and, in order to join the company, they too they begin to “tar.”

We take away cigarettes, fine them for afternoon snacks, force them to clean the camp area, don’t let them into discos—they still smoke. I remember that once a few years ago an inspection came to us from the Ministry of Education; they had some kind of competition against smoking in the camps.

So we almost on our knees begged the “pioneers” not to smoke for at least one day, they forced us to lick the entire territory of the camp so that not a single cigarette butt could be found. And my friend had an anecdotal incident before this event: in his unit, a boy drew well, he was assigned to paint posters about the dangers of smoking, for which he was allowed to stay awake during quiet hours. The counselor arrives and sees an oil painting: the artist is sitting at a table on the street, finishing the poster “Cigarettes are death!”, without taking the cigarette out of his teeth.

Love and sex

Previously, romance in a pioneer camp meant flowers, romantic notes and a timid kiss during the farewell bonfire. Nowadays, kids don’t waste any time on these unnecessary courtships. At the evening disco you now need to make sure that couples do not wander off into the bushes.

After lights out - so that they don’t go to each other’s rooms, because the presence of several neighbors does not stop modern accelerators. But patrolling doesn’t really help either - the buildings are one-story, you can’t stand under the windows all night (although this has happened), and “sweet couples” were more than once caught in the process of sexual intercourse. The girls are promiscuous and pester the counselors. But for us this is a taboo, we only establish relationships with our own, the counselors, because the “pioneer girls” are minors and they only cause problems.

And the boys are no better: a few years ago they stopped putting female counselors in senior squads after one 16-year-old idiot attempted to rape his teacher during quiet time. There was a scandal in one of the neighboring camps: a fifteen-year-old “pioneer” left pregnant after two shifts in a row. And now at squad meetings we not only exhort people to abstain, but also remind them to use condoms.

Children's fun

What kind of nightly application of paste are we talking about? Modern counselors can only dream of such innocent pranks. Although there was once a case when the girls did smear the boys with paste. And now toothpastes are not the same as in the past, they are nuclear, super-whitening, stuffed with all sorts of chemicals. In general, one boy had a three-letter swear word written on his forehead in paste. And his skin gave a strong allergic reaction, so then he even slept in a baseball cap until the end of his shift, because the inscription did not disappear. Sewing with threads to a mattress or a falling ceiling are also uninteresting entertainments for today’s “pioneers.” But to squeeze and undress a girl in the toilet - that’s welcome, as much as you like.
There is no way to fight swearing at all. Senior detachments, as in the old joke, do not swear at them, they speak it. “These “pioneers” are violet in everything they are trying to introduce them to. They are lazy, they are not interested in anything except playing on phones, computers or pocket game consoles, lying in bed or on a blanket in the fresh air. Boys can sometimes play football.

But any attempt to attract someone to something often meets with decisive resistance. The children refer to the fact that they came here to relax, and not to collect cones or invent skits.
Every event is hard labor. Watching TV brings the most sincere joy - if this item is excluded from the program, the children will simply rebel.

No, there are, of course, active children who are interested in games, wall newspapers, and competitions between squads. We encourage these, we allow them to stay awake during quiet time, for example, we get them a double afternoon snack or compote during lunch.

Fights and squabbles

This is another danger for senior squad leaders. Children fight in such a way that they can be seriously injured. And girls are ahead of boys in this matter.

Last summer, two beauties did not share a guy. They decided to investigate on the roof of the building. And one pushed the other down. Fortunately, there are pine needles there, the building is one-story. But the arm was broken.

Another problem is when guys go wall to wall. They find the reasons, it’s not difficult - the older squad said to the younger ones: “Hey, you puppies!” They were offended and challenged the offenders to a fight. It was not possible to prevent the fight, and not only did they walk around with black eyes and wounds, but also for a week everyone was deprived of afternoon snacks, discos and went to bed an hour earlier.

What’s funny is that there was a boy in one of these detachments who didn’t get into the fight, either his parents came to see him or something else. But out of a sense of solidarity, all week he punished himself in the same way as his comrades were punished.
On the counselor’s forum I read a story about how a ten-year-old boy ran after girls with a knife across their body, for which he was immediately expelled from the camp, because it was unknown what inclinations could later manifest themselves in this “child.”


If previously they mostly stole sweets brought by their parents from bedside tables, now children have a lot of quite expensive equipment - phones, players, computers. Thefts become more active towards the end of the shift: in the camp itself you won’t be able to use stolen goods, and there’s nowhere to hide them - the counselors have the right to check all personal belongings.

So this is only for parents and inspection authorities: children's camps are a heavenly place where the worst thing that can happen is a cold dinner. But in fact, there is sometimes such chaos going on there that one would like to limit the “camp” age to 12 years...

Tatiana Prudinnik

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