Until what age can a man maintain potency when impotence occurs? Reproductive age in men Fertile age in men

If you want to have a child in the near future, then not only your own, but also the question of male fertility, should worry you now. After all, the biological clock is ticking for both of you, and as you age, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to get pregnant...

The biggest misconception of many women is that they think that nothing changes with a man’s age. By the way, this misconception is common to most men. But, unfortunately, this is not true. Male fertility, like female fertility, declines with age.

According to a UK study, among 2,000 women aged 25-40 who attended a fertility centre, those whose husbands were over 40-45 took five times longer to become pregnant than those whose partners were aged from 25 to 40 years. This means that the man’s age is a decisive factor, and it does not even always depend on the woman’s age.

How does fertility differ between men and women?

These two concepts are completely different. A woman's egg count is established before she is born, declines sharply as she ages (even before she gives birth), and by the time she reaches menopause, most of her eggs have died. In addition, as a woman gets older, not only does the number of eggs decrease, but the likelihood of developing abnormal eggs also increases.

Now for a man, he produces sperm throughout his life. With age, it gradually decreases, but his sperm does not lose its concentration. Therefore, we can say that there is no special age limit for a man to become a father, which is why nowadays it is not uncommon to see older men with small children. But for women, age plays a huge role in your ability to get pregnant!

The older a woman is, the less her body produces the female hormone estrogen, which not only leads to a decrease in fertility, but also increases the risk that her child will have genetic abnormalities.

The older a man gets, the less he has of the male hormone testosterone. As with decreased estrogen, low testosterone levels reduce a man's fertility and increase the likelihood of fathering a child with genetic problems.

So, the fact that a man’s ability to produce sperm does not depend on age does not mean that its quality does not depend on age! The older a man is, the worse the ejaculate volume is, the worse the sperm motility is, and this clearly does not contribute to conception! In men between 30 and 50 years of age, on average, ejaculate volume decreases by 30%, sperm velocity (motility) decreases by 37%, and sperm becomes 5 times more likely to be deformed. Most often, it is the shape of the sperm that is deformed, which is responsible for the transfer of genetic information. And the more deformed sperm, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a child with genetic abnormalities!

Relationship between genetic abnormalities and a man's age

Some genetic abnormalities in children, such as dwarfism, have long been associated with the age of their fathers, but such problems are relatively rare. In recent years, clinical studies have shown a link between paternal age and more common genetic disorders such as schizophrenia and Down syndrome. In general, the risk is highest when both parents are over 35 years of age.

The paternal age risk factor is generally not a problem for women under 35 years of age. This is because the ovaries of young women have a built-in mechanism that either repairs damaged sperm DNA or rejects the defective embryo, causing the woman to miscarry. But such a “safety net” begins to collapse after a woman reaches her 35th birthday.

Can older men be sperm donors?

Because the sperm of older men often has genetic abnormalities, some European countries have banned men from being sperm donors after they reach a certain age. But in our country, as long as a man’s sperm meets all the requirements regarding the volume, quality, quantity and motility of sperm, he has the right to be.

However, there are very few men whose sperm after 40 years of age satisfies all these criteria. And in order to become a donor, you need to go through a lot of research and regulations. For example, if you have had a piercing or a tattoo, you will automatically be disqualified because... There is a risk that you have been exposed to hepatitis B or C viruses.

Ultimately, only about 5% of men who apply to become a sperm donor successfully go through all the procedures, and according to statistics, these men are between the ages of 20 and 35 years.

Does weight affect male fertility?

Yes, weight has a big impact. And the most important thing you can do to increase your fertility is to lose excess weight! Obesity has always been one of the main causes of male infertility.

In addition, a man's testosterone level depends on his weight. Fat cells (especially belly fat) destroy testosterone because visceral fat (at the waist) is converted to estrogen. In this case, estrogen displaces testosterone, so the larger a man's belly, the lower his testosterone levels.

In addition to this, men who are overweight often lead a sedentary lifestyle and have a variety of health problems. For example, if a man has a waist circumference of more than 101 cm, then he is at high risk for developing heart disease. You may not know it, but heart disease slows down the flow of blood throughout the body, which is not only bad for the heart, but also very bad for the penis.

Strive to achieve a normal, healthy weight, but don't overdo it! Men who are too thin suffer from low testosterone levels, because if the body does not receive enough nutrients, this threatens to disrupt the production of sex hormones.

What can a man do to improve his fertility?

Unlike women, a decrease in fertility in men is usually a reversible process. Losing weight and treating infections in the body can sometimes work wonders. Therefore, if you are having problems trying to get pregnant, do not put off visiting a specialist for too long. Timely examination and adequate treatment may well solve your problems.

When it comes to infertility in a couple, 40% of the problem is in the man, 40% in the woman, and another 20% is either a problem in both partners, or the cause of infertility remains unclear. But male infertility is always easier to diagnose and correct than female infertility, so it is always worth starting the examination with a man.

One of the main causes of male infertility is an infection in some part of the reproductive tract, such as the prostate. Some hidden infections may go undetected for many years, but they will silently damage or destroy sperm during this time. Other common causes of male infertility are the presence of clogged vas deferens and dilated veins in the scrotum (varicocele). All of these problems are treatable.

In conclusion, I would like to note that although it decreases with age, these changes are less dramatic than in a woman. After age 45, about 99% of women are infertile, while men remain fertile into their 60s and even later. This is explained primarily by the fact that almost 100% of women at this age have very low estrogen, and men at this age experience a decrease in testosterone in only 15% of cases.

However, not everyone knows that even after achieving full physical development, certain phases are constantly changing in the male body, which affect both the reproductive system and sexual life.

Puberty in men

Starting from the age of 10-15, a boy undergoes physical changes, which ultimately culminate in puberty. All these processes of physical change are under the control of the male hormone testosterone, and during this period there are three phases:

  • physical contact in the form of kissing, holding hands, intimate caresses;
  • sexual contact.

Psychological factor

The third and final stage (sexual intercourse) largely depends on the environment and society in which the child is located. Research shows that most teenagers have sex under the pressure of social stereotypes. As a result, the first sexual experience develops into promiscuity, which gives rise to the standard “goal – sex” scheme in such men. Emotional contact and compatibility with a partner do not matter. As men grow older, they need moral support on their way to establishing themselves in life and overcoming life's difficulties - he decides to give up promiscuity and start a family. Many men may not reach this stage at all, preferring constant freedom of choice, both in life and in sex.

Upon reaching approximately 30 years of age, when the production of testosterone in a man’s body decreases, he begins to understand that his sexual needs are fading away. Here we should add stress and difficulties at work, plus additional emotional stress if the man has already started a family and children.

As you grow older, the standard “goal-sex” scheme ceases to be relevant, and a man begins to be interested in the emotional side of life. Many men claim that it was after reaching adulthood that they began to experience truly real pleasure from making love with their wife. Moreover, the partners already know each other well, who has what needs and preferences.

Male menopause

Middle age is a serious test for a man, especially if by this period he has already established himself in his career and as the head of a family, husband and father. He seems to feel that his role in the lives of his loved ones is no longer as important as before. In addition to this, looking at young guys, a man realizes that he is no longer sexually attractive as before. The situation is especially aggravated by young competition at work and in business. At the same time, a man’s spouse or partner, if they are relatively the same age, may suffer from menopausal symptoms, which affect both the sexual and psycho-emotional side of life - the woman is irritable, quick-tempered, and gets tired quickly. All of the above factors, as well as age-related health problems, begin to impose thoughts of old age and approaching death. Such a stressful state causes impotence, which only aggravates the situation.

Such a condition often pushes a man to rash actions - lack of demand in the family, the desire to feel young and sexually attractive again force a man to seek satisfaction on the side and, as a rule, with a woman much younger than himself.

Sexual life in adulthood

How good a mature man's sex life will be depends on the level of testosterone produced, hormonal changes, quality of health and muscle tone, as well as the general emotional state. Hormonal levels mainly affect sexual life - age-related changes suppress libido and cause aging of the urogenital tract.

Despite this, research shows that only 11% of men reported a decrease in sexual desire and satisfaction due to age (assuming no health problems), while the rest claim that their sexual activity only increased or remained at the same level.

Bottom line

The most difficult age in sexual terms can be considered the age from 30 to 40, since it is during this period that a man experiences maximum stress at work and at home (career growth, small children, lack of money, etc.). The most favorable period is considered to be youth and maturity (after 50). Therefore, if a man wants to enjoy his mature period - when his career has taken place, the children have grown up, and free time has appeared - then he must take care in his youth to ensure that there are no health problems. Healthy maturity and a permanent partner are the best companions for a quality sexual life. Age doesn't matter!

Reproductive function is suppressed over time not only in women, but also in men. The age factor can influence the likelihood of conception and the health of the child in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to take it into account during the time.

  • Male reproductive system

    Unlike a woman, male body ready for procreation at any time. continuously. The organs of the male reproductive system are divided into two parts - internal and external. The testicles and prostate gland are responsible for the formation of hormones. The main one is testosterone, which carries out reproductive function. In the process of secretion production they participate seminal vesicles.

    The ability to conceive depends on the quality of the sperm. When assessing seminal fluid, the following indicators are considered:

    • Ejaculate volume.
    • Viscosity.
    • Quantity .

    With time bad ecology, a huge amount of stress and an unhealthy lifestyle can affect. The risk of developing inflammatory and infectious diseases increases. Average reproductive age of a man is between 18 and 50 years old. But there are often cases when conception occurs earlier or later than the established boundaries.

    Optimal age to conceive a healthy baby

    Age is considered the peak of male power from 25 to 35 years. During this period, the genital organs are fully formed and the hormonal levels are leveled. As is known, puberty in the stronger sex occurs at a much later age than in women.

    A man’s readiness to conceive is also determined by psychology. Practice shows that the stronger sex comes to start a family at a later age, unlike women.

    For many, achievement is a priority career heights and self-realization. But sooner or later, the thought of the need to procreate comes to the mind of every man.

    Of course, the age of the future father affects pregnancy to a lesser extent than that of a woman. This is due to the fact that are constantly updated Unlike . With age, the level of the hormone testosterone decreases, which affects.

    According to statistics, the majority frozen pregnancies occur due to a man’s bad condition. In this case, . has a high value. Inferior. As a result of this, an embryo is formed that has certain pathologies. Due to their presence, pregnancy stalls or the child is born with various abnormalities.

    In other cases, the fetus can develop fully. The deviation can appear after birth. Therefore, it is very important that you participate healthy.

    REFERENCE! French scientists, based on research, claim that after 35 years, a man’s reproductive abilities become worse, which can provoke a miscarriage in his partner.

    Increasing the chances of successful conception

    Deterioration may be reduced by a variety of factors. For example, during periods of rising air temperatures, there are fewer pregnancies than during the cooler seasons. The fact is that heat has a detrimental effect. The same can be said about wearing tight underwear.

    To increase your chances of successful conception, you must adhere to the following rules:

    • Limit visits to baths and saunas.
    • Get rid of bad habits.
    • When choosing underwear, preference should be given to natural materials and loose models.
    • Avoid hypothermia.
    • Sexual intercourse should be practiced every two days.
    • Adjust your daily diet.
    • Taking vitamins.
    • Moderate physical activity.

    If a man has genital diseases, he needs to get rid of them before starting. They are able to reduce male fertility or affect the child.

    As a diagnosis, tests are prescribed. A swab is taken from the genital organ and blood from a vein. If sexually transmitted diseases are detected, treatment is necessary for both partners.

    Change will help identify the inflammatory process, which often occurs at the age of 45 years against the background of developing prostatitis. But under the influence of certain factors, a younger man can also get sick.

    Scientists claim that the ability to conceive in adulthood can be increased with the help of regular sexual intercourse. This is necessary for the constant process of renewal of seminal fluid. Its stagnation can lead to serious illnesses. Surprisingly, the oldest man to impregnate a woman is 94 years old.

    An active lifestyle is equally important. Sedentary work and excess weight can cause poor circulation. Therefore, experts advise not to put fatherhood on the back burner. The earlier conception occurs, the higher the likelihood of birth healthy baby.

Puberty in men

Physical changes in boys begin to occur from 10-15 years of age, which ultimately culminate in puberty. All these physical changes are subject to the male sex hormone testosterone, and during this period there are three phases: interest in the opposite sex, bodily contact in the form of kissing, holding hands, intimate caresses and, finally, sexual contact.

The third stage mainly depends on the environment and society in which the child was. As a result of numerous studies, it has been proven that adolescents in most cases have sexual intercourse under the pressure of social stereotypes. That is why the first sexual experience often develops into promiscuity, giving rise to a standard pattern of “the goal is sex” in men. During this period, emotional contact and compatibility with a partner are absolutely unimportant. But over time, men begin to need moral support on the path to development in life and overcoming life’s difficulties. Then the representatives of the stronger sex decide to give up promiscuity and start a family. However, many never reach this stage, preferring constant freedom of choice in life and sex.

The production of testosterone in a man's body begins to decline at about age 30, which is when a man begins to realize that his sexual needs are fading away. It should be noted that this period is accompanied by frequent stress and difficulties at work, as well as additional emotional stress if you already have a family and children. The standard “goal is sex” scheme is no longer so relevant; a man is more interested in the emotional side of life. According to many representatives of the stronger sex, it is in adulthood that they begin to experience truly real pleasure from making love with their wife. After all, partners have already learned each other’s needs and preferences well.

Middle age is considered the most difficult for a man, especially if he has already established his career and managed to start a family. He begins to feel that his role in the lives of his loved ones is no longer as important as before. In addition, he realizes that he is no longer sexually attractive as before. The situation is further aggravated by young competition at work and in business. During this period, a man’s partner may suffer from menopausal symptoms if they are relatively the same age, which further affects the sexual and psycho-emotional side of life - the woman is quick-tempered, irritable, and gets tired quickly. All of the above factors, which are also accompanied by health problems, begin to impose thoughts about old age and approaching death. This stressful state can cause impotence, which only makes the situation worse. A man in such a state often takes rash actions. Due to lack of demand in the family, he again wants to feel young and sexually attractive, so he begins to look for satisfaction on the side and, as a rule, with a woman much younger than himself.

The quality of sexual life in a mature man will primarily depend on the level of testosterone produced, hormonal changes, quality of health and muscle tone, as well as on the general emotional state. Sex life is most affected by hormonal levels, since age-related changes greatly suppress libido and cause aging of the urogenital tract. But, despite this, statistics claim that only 11% of men experienced a decrease in sexual desire and satisfaction due to age (if there were no health problems); in other cases, sexual activity only increased or remained at the same level.

Best childbearing age for a man

Reproductive scientists who deal with the procedure of in vitro fertilization have found that after 40 years, the probability of becoming a father is only 60%, and by 45 years this percentage drops to 35%. The reason for these dismal statistics is that genetic damage occurs in the sperm produced, which leads to infertility. The number of motile sperm in men decreases with age, and the amount of damaged DNA increases. Children of late fathers have a fairly high probability of developing epilepsy or schizophrenia.

From this we can conclude that the best age for conception in men is the period of life from 20 to 35 years. However, you need to remember that the quality of sperm (regardless of age) influences the conception of a healthy child. Smoking, alcohol abuse, infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases have a very negative impact on sperm motility. In addition, the sexual activity of men decreases after 35 years, and, accordingly, the ability of a woman to become pregnant decreases.

Remember that taking good care of your health throughout your life will help a man prolong his reproductive age as much as possible.

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Reproductive age is considered the time when a woman can give birth to a child and a man is able to impregnate her. Physiologically, this is possible from the first menstruation until the onset of menopause. This is usually considered to be from 15 to 49 years of age. But in reality, this age is much younger, because you also need to take into account psychological readiness, the characteristics of the body’s development, and even gender. Women and men display age-related characteristics of the reproductive system differently. Therefore, the ability to conceive a child is usually considered individually.

It is most often believed that the best reproductive age for both men and women is from 20 to 35 years. At this time, the person is fully formed and psychologically ready for parenthood. But theoretically, a woman can give birth at 14-15 years old, as well as at 50. And a man can become a father at both 15 and 60 years old. But in reality, the time when a person is able to conceive a child is limited to 10 years for women, and about 20 for men. Experts distinguish several periods of childbearing age.

Early reproductive age in women

It is believed that a woman can conceive a child from the moment she starts menstruating. Yes, indeed, the egg is already ready for fertilization, but the unformed body of a young girl is most often not able to bear a healthy baby. In most cases of early pregnancy, complications occur, more severe toxicosis and the risk of miscarriage. The children of these mothers develop worse and gain weight more slowly. In addition, at this age a woman is not yet psychologically ready for motherhood. Therefore, the time from the first menstruation to 20 years is called early reproductive age.

Best time to have a baby

Most doctors, when talking about what reproductive age means, mean the time from 20 to 35 years. During this period, most women are able to bear a healthy child, since they are young, full of strength and have normal hormonal levels. Their body is fully formed and ready for motherhood. The psychological maturity of expectant mothers and their ability to take responsibility for their child is also of great importance.

Late reproductive age

After 35 years, most women experience a decline in sexual function, decreased hormone production, and deteriorated health. Of course, this does not happen to everyone, but for most, doctors do not recommend giving birth. Late reproductive age is a time when a woman is still physiologically capable of conceiving a child, but there is a high risk of developing complications and genetic abnormalities in the development of the baby, for example. With age, this possibility increases, which is associated with hormonal imbalances and a general deterioration in health. By the age of 45-50, women reach menopause and conception becomes impossible.

Reproductive age of a man

Due to the characteristics of the male body, the favorable time for conception is slightly longer than for women. A man can become a father as early as 15 years old, and sperm production, although it slows down after 35 years, can continue until the age of 60. But most experts limit the optimal reproductive age of men to the same limits as for women: from 20 to 35 years. Only at this time the actively released hormone testosterone ensures the normal number and motility of sperm.

Modern women are increasingly interested in the question of how to extend their reproductive age. But since reproductive function is associated with hormonal levels, it often does not depend on a person’s desire. To prevent this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and try not to take certain medications without a doctor’s prescription.

All families who want to have a child need to know what reproductive age means. This will help them avoid problems with conception and pregnancy, as well as give birth to a healthy child.

In the medical world, they never tire of discussing the age at which a man can have children. The conclusion of a new study is that it is better for a young woman to have children with an older man than with a young man. A mature man has a better chance of producing healthy children than a young man whose hormones are raging, writes the British newspaper Independent.

A large-scale study of how the age of parents affects the likelihood of a child developing health problems at birth has found that those babies whose fathers are under twenty years of age are most at risk.

Children of young fathers are 22% more likely to die in the first four weeks of life, and they are 41% more likely to die in the first year of life than those whose fathers are in their twenties. They are also 17% more likely to be born premature and underweight. If a man is over forty, the risk of congenital diseases in a child does not increase. Moreover, the age of the mothers who took part in the study ranged from 20 to 29 years (to exclude the influence of the mother’s age on the results).

Theoretically, you can become a father at any age, since sperm are produced throughout a man's life. However, mature men should not delude themselves about their reproductive capabilities. If the sperm count of a 20-year-old healthy man is taken as 100%, the portal writes MOTHER, then at 40 years old his indicators will be only 70% in terms of motility, 50% in terms of the content of normal sperm, 50% in terms of viability. These reasons alone account for three quarters of cases of infertility in men over 50 years of age. By the way, fertility could remain at a constant level until the age of 55-60, but the rate of decline in fertility in men is greatly influenced by lifestyle - smoking, alcohol abuse, drug addiction.

Unfortunately, as men age, their chance of conceiving a healthy child decreases. In 2002, scientists from Washington State University examined the sperm of 60 men aged 22 to 60 years. It turned out that in men aged 35 years and older, most of the germ cells have a deformed DNA molecular chain. It is believed that babies born to fathers 50 years of age and older have a fourfold increased risk of Down syndrome.

The authors of the latest study note that in cases where young fathers give birth to sick children, social factors largely play a role. Teenage fathers tend to be poorer than men over forty and have less education. Therefore, they are less likely to provide their pregnant wives with medical care that would allow them to avoid problems in the child. Children of older fathers begin life in more favorable starting conditions.

Alan Pacey, lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, says: “It’s easy to say that the problem is in the young father’s sperm, as if they are somehow abnormal. But this is contradicted by data from many studies showing that the number of defects in the DNA of germ cells in men increases with age.”

Hollywood actor Michael Douglas was 56 years old when his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, then 31, gave birth to their first child in 2000. Now the couple has two children, but Katherine wants a third. The Russian film director celebrated his 70th birthday last year. He has 7 children. The youngest children born to him by actress Yulia Vysotskaya (she is half a life younger than him) are 7 and 2 years old. Andrei Konchalovsky, in a sense, supports the family tradition. The wife of his 94-year-old father, Sergei Mikhalkov, is almost fifty years younger than her husband.

The 70-year-old actor has five children from four different women. The youngest were born in 1990 and 1992.

German top model Heidi Klum was 30 when her first child, Leni, was born in 2004. The child's father was 54 years old. Klum has already divorced him.
By the way, last year there was a 68-year-old man in Minsk.

Even when an elderly father gives birth to a healthy child, the question arises: how many years does he have to raise his son or daughter? Most often the answer will be - a little. It makes you think about responsibility.

Still, older fathers have one advantage. Psychologists say that men around the age of 60 become quite sentimental and indeed the birth of a child is a great blessing and a reason for pride. Experts even notice that those who become fathers in old age begin to take more care of their health, because they really want to live longer.

I came across an interesting and unusual study. Previously, something like this only came across about women, but here it’s very interesting about men.

Previously, it was believed that the role of a man was limited solely to fertilization and determining the sex of the unborn child. It turns out that that's not all! A lot depends on the age of the father.

According to statistics, in 2004 the average age of fathers was 35 years old, and in 2007 it had already approached 40 years. Scientists have calculated that almost every tenth newborn has a father over 50 years old.

A man in his prime.

Surprisingly, recent research shows that it may be better for young women to conceive a child with a respectable man: they are more likely to produce healthy children than a young man whose hormones are raging. Those children whose fathers are under 20 years of age are most at risk. They have a higher mortality rate in the first four weeks of life and are more likely to be born premature and underweight.

In addition, teenage fathers are in most cases poorer than men over 40, they have less education, and they are less likely to provide their pregnant wives with the necessary care and medical care. Older men have more opportunities to support their pregnant wives.

Complications for a woman during pregnancy.

One of these complications, which depends on the age of the husband, may be increased blood pressure during pregnancy. High blood pressure, preeclampsia, affects approximately 7 percent of pregnant women, and this poses a threat to both mother and child. Surprisingly, the risk of preeclampsia in a woman increases if the father of the child is a young man between 15 and 24 years old.


But sometimes the advanced age of the father can cause serious complications. Thus, scientists from Wales have proven the connection between the age of the father and schizophrenia in their children: the older the father, the more likely the child will develop the disease when he grows up. Doctors believe that it’s all about the mutation of the fathers’ DNA: mutating cells accumulate over the years and can lead to the transmission of schizophrenia to offspring.

Down syndrome.

In recent years, scientists have been inclined to conclude that the advanced age of the father (over 50 years old) can cause such a terrible congenital disease as Down syndrome. After all, the older the parents, the longer the father’s sperm were exposed to dangerous environmental factors. If the impact was very severe, then genes and chromosomes could change or even be destroyed. Scientists have found that 30% of all cases of Down syndrome are caused by defective chromosomes of the father.

Today we will talk about the influence of female age on the ability to bear and give birth to a child normally, on a general topic - at what age can a man conceive a child and how his age can affect the health of the unborn baby. As we already know, a woman’s age can significantly worsen her fertility, while for men this matter is somewhat simpler. Now let's look at the details. The information is intended both for general information and for those couples who are planning to have a child at a later age.

Old dads are becoming more common

As of 1993, fathers under the age of 35 accounted for 74% of all live births in marriage, versus 25% of successful births for men aged 35 to 54. Ten years later, these percentages were already 60% and 40%, respectively. When discussing the reproductive potential of older men, there are a few celebrities who became fathers at an advanced age: Rod Stewart, Pablo Picasso, Charlie Chaplin, Warren Beatty, Tony Randall and Anthony Quinn. Is it possible to get pregnant from a 60-year-old man? Rod Stewart gave birth to a child at the age of 66.

While the public views these cases with a mixture of admiration and skepticism, childbearing statistics show that there are quite a few children born to fathers over the age of 50 in the general population, and this applies to both Eastern and Western cultures. However, it is well known that women over 50 almost never give birth, so all elderly fathers often, out of necessity, have to start relationships with younger girls.

When considering the answer to this question, it would be prudent to talk about whether age affects the quality of a man's sperm. The ejaculate is usually examined under a microscope, where a typical analysis evaluates the following basic characteristics:

  • The total volume of the sample obtained during one act of ejaculation.
  • The number of sperm is their concentration.
  • The percentage of moving sperm is motility.
  • Percentage of sperm with normal appearance - spermatocyte morphology.

The study was designed to determine whether any of these parameters of male semen deteriorate over time. These are quite complex studies, since male semen is delicate in its structure and demanding of environmental conditions.

Nevertheless, reliable results were obtained. Most of them indicate that ejaculate volume decreases with age, and sperm motility also decreases. However, there is no definitive conclusion on whether individual sperm concentration and morphology changes. The researchers found little difference in comparisons of these semen traits between 30-year-old and 60-year-old men.

Age-related changes in sperm parameters may have several causes. In addition to age itself, spermogenesis is directly or indirectly affected by infections, vascular diseases, and the accumulation of toxic substances. In a study of nearly 4,000 infertile men, researchers found infections in some reproductive glands in 6.1% of patients under 25 years of age and 13.6% of patients over 40 years of age. More importantly, the total sperm count is significantly lower in men with the infection compared to those without it.

Fertility in older men

Until what age can a man conceive a child? Official medicine claims that, in fact, a man’s sperm has all the qualities necessary for fertilization until the age of 94. The most famous case is 96 years old. If the ability to conceive in men decreases with age, it is mainly due to erectile dysfunction. One large Italian study found that the incidence of erectile dysfunction increased from 4.6% for those under 25 years of age to 37.6% for 74-year-old men. By the way, a history of tobacco smoking significantly doubled the risk of developing impotence for age categories in the experimental group.

The oldest father in the world was officially recognized as a 96-year-old Indian named Ramjit Rajav.

In addition, several studies have been conducted that have attempted to control for these and other variables in male fertility. For example, a study of fertility rates among married couples in Ireland showed that the likelihood of conception decreases markedly for men starting at the age of 42-43 years. Another study found that men over 45 were 4.6 times more likely to take more than 1 year to conceive successfully, compared with men under 25, who typically managed within one to two months.

With the use of modern methods of artificial insemination, age-related negative changes in male sperm can be circumvented. In fact, the more invasive the method, the more advanced the age of men is. For example, in several studies, when semen was inserted directly into a woman's uterus on the day of ovulation, fertility rates were markedly improved. And with the methods in which sperm are introduced into the egg, no difficulties have been found at all. Of course, this may be due to a workaround that allows us to radically solve the two main problems of age-related changes in sperm - low concentration and reduced motility of spermatocytes.

More recently, a group of researchers analyzed data from the German IVF registry from 1998 to 2002. They found significantly reduced pregnancy rates in couples where the man was over 50 years old and the woman between 31 and 40 years old. Compared to couples in which men were under 50 years of age, the effect of successful conception was slightly higher.

For women under 30, the father's age does not increase the likelihood of miscarriage, but expectant mothers between 30 and 34 are at increased risk if the man is over 40. And women over 35 are especially at risk if their partners are over 40. In this group, the risk of miscarriage is 6 times higher.

The causes of miscarriages associated with aging men are unknown. However, it is well known that the risk of fetuses developing chromosomal abnormalities increases as women age and that these genetic problems are responsible for increasing the risk of miscarriage. However, no studies have found an increase in the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in fetuses with increasing male age.

Hereditary risks

As you know, a woman is born with a known number of eggs. The essence of the phenomenon is that there are separate, so-called “mother” cells in the ovaries, which divide, making a copy of themselves - forming “embryos” of eggs. Over time, this process will stop, after which the producing eggs will remain in the “off position” for the rest of their lives and only their “fruits” will ovulate. It is this process that is believed to be responsible for the increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities in eggs and embryos as female age increases, since it is actually “old” eggs that were formed many years ago that come to the surface of the ovary.

By the way, male testes continuously produce sperm throughout their lives. Unlike the female body, the cells that produce sperm continually divide throughout a man's life. Each time a new sperm is born, the DNA must be precisely copied so that each “daughter” cell, the spermatocyte, is identical to the “parent” cell. It is logical to assume that the more times the “parent” is divided, the greater the chance of an error when copying DNA. This means it is possible that older men may be at greater risk of producing sperm with small errors (mutations) in their DNA and that these errors may cause certain diseases in their children.

In August 2012, one study found that at age 20, dads pass on an average of 25 new mutations to their offspring, and that figure increased to 65 at age 40. But are these mutations capable of causing truly serious diseases in future offspring?

In the last few years, there have been a lot of research papers devoted to the topic of whether a man’s age affects the conception of a healthy child. Research has primarily focused on diseases caused by genetic mutations in DNA and their association with paternal age. The work was carried out on the basis of a number of genetic abnormalities:

  • Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism. Occurs in 1 in 15,000–40,000 live births.
  • Craniosynostotic diseases characterized by premature fusion of the skull bones (1:70,000):
    • Crowson syndrome
    • Pfeiffer syndrome
    • Apert syndrome.
  • Other skeletal diseases are thanatophoric dysplasia.

The following genetic diseases that were taken into account show a much weaker effect of male age:

  • Osteogenesis imperfecta, or weak bone disease.
  • Neurofibromatosis is a complex systemic disease affecting all organs.
  • Retinablastoma is cancer of the back of the eye.

The results turned out to be quite contradictory. One study showed a threefold increase in risk for fathers over 45 years of age at conception. The results of another showed a much lower risk, and the third found no relationship at all. Therefore, today the question of the influence of a man’s age on conceiving a healthy child remains open.

Risk of developing other diseases

It is possible for a 60-year-old man to become pregnant, but in addition to complex genetic diseases caused by DNA abnormalities, the unborn child may also suffer from other diseases in the future. The issue of fetal defects has also long been of interest to researchers, and over time, more or less clear statistical results have been generated:

  • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is an increased risk for fathers aged 35 years and older.
  • Congenital heart defects. Probability 5%.
  • Ventricular septal defect. The risk if the father is over 40 years old is 69% higher versus age 40 years.

  • Atrial septal defect – increased risk if father is over 35 years of age.
  • Alzheimer's disease. 4 studies found an increased risk associated with advanced paternal age, but 4 others concluded that there was no association.
  • Schizophrenia. Almost all studies have concluded that there is an increased risk with increasing paternal age. According to one study, about 25% of cases of schizophrenia can be attributed to older paternal age.
  • Childhood brain cancer is more likely to occur in fathers over 35 years of age.

In addition, advanced paternal age is also associated with an increased risk of breast and prostate cancer in their unborn children.

Autism risk

The cause of autism and related disorders is not known, but studies of twins and their families suggest a strong genetic contribution. Environmental influences may also be important. Over the past few decades, the reported prevalence of childhood autism has increased significantly, along with a positive correlation of older parental age.

Several large, well-conducted studies of the effects of parental age have produced conflicting results. One Australian study found that increasing age in women, but not men, was associated with autism in their children. But Danish researchers have determined that the likelihood of developing autism is more related to the age of men than women.

In April 2007, the results of a large American study were published. It showed that age in both men and women was indeed associated with an increased risk of autism and related disorders, even after adjusting for other factors. The older the parent, the more the risk increases.

In August 2012, a study of families with an autistic child yielded more definitive results. Paternal age may influence 15-30% of autism cases due to new mutations

As a conclusion

In conclusion, I would like to draw a few conclusions:

  • Until what age can a man conceive a child? Up to 94 years of age, if he does not have erectile dysfunction, and there are no other diseases that directly or indirectly affect the ability of spermatogenesis.
  • Is it possible to get pregnant from a 60-year-old man? It’s possible, yes.
  • Does a man's age affect the conception of a child? Increasing the age of men can lead to a decrease in fertility if the woman is also older.
  • The likelihood of miscarriage appears to increase, but the mechanism is not explained by the most common cause, quantitative abnormalities of male and female chromosomes. Therefore, it is generally accepted that miscarriage occurs more often “through the fault” of the woman.
  • The overall effect of male age is much smaller than that of female age. Although many studies show a certain dependence of male age on the well-being of conception and the birth of a healthy child, the absolute risk of disease remains small.

In any case, if you want to give birth to a child, you need to try, especially since today there are many methods for determining the health status of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Health to you, dear women! Leave your comments, subscribe to


Man's age

The age of the father has less influence on the health of the child than the age of the mother. Although the synthesis of sex hormones in men decreases by the age of 45-60, however, this does not indicate a complete decline in their reproductive ability. The natural biorhythm of decreased synthesis of testosterone (the main sex hormone) is approximately 1% in each subsequent year. This means that even at age 80, a man can have a decrease in testosterone production of approximately 25-50% of normal. This is a good, if not excellent, indicator in terms of conceiving a child.

True, the chances of becoming a father at this age are less, sperm are no longer so mobile and viable, but the claim that such fathers have children with pathologies is, according to doctors, a myth, nothing more. That is, such a possibility is not excluded, but it has little to do with a man’s age.

However, modern means of prenatal diagnostics and the latest medical advances in the field of pregnancy management can significantly raise the age bar for women who bear and give birth to healthy children.

Tip 2: How does the age of parents affect the health of newborn children?

There is no consensus among doctors regarding the health of newborn children, depending on the age of the parents. However, there is an opinion that parents who are too young or too old can negatively affect the health of the newborn baby.


When planning a pregnancy after 30 years of age, undergo a full medical examination. If you suffer from serious illnesses, then it is better to refuse to have a baby.

Although a completely healthy mother and father can give birth to healthy offspring both at 30-40 years old and at an older age. If parents lead a healthy lifestyle, do not indulge in bad habits, and do not have chronic diseases, then completely healthy children can be born without any deviations in physical and mental development.

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