Crochet mittens - knitting patterns and detailed instructions on how to knit for beginners. Crochet mittens: patterns, descriptions, tips for beginners Crochet mittens patterns

In winter, it is simply impossible to do without such a simple piece of clothing as mittens. However, they can be made not only comfortable and warm, but also beautiful. Children's mittens “Kittens” will appeal to any child aged two to four years. The product is very easy to knit, washes well, and does not require special care products. Master class on how to knit crochet baby mittens, prepared .

What you will need:

  • Hook No. 1,2,
  • Angorka yarn in white and pink colors,
  • 4 green beads for eyes,
  • 2 dark beads or buttons for noses,
  • needle,
  • black threads.

Performing mittens

4 air loops are cast on from white yarn.

They need to be closed in a ring and tied with 11 double crochets.

Now you can start knitting the fabric with an elastic band. First, two air loops are made for lifting, and then a relief column (front) is added here.

The row ends in the same way: that is, a simple double crochet is first knitted into each loop, and then a relief column is added underneath it. The knitting closes into a ring again.

The third row will consist of 48 columns. It begins with two lifting loops and is knitted in the same way as the second one: double crochet + knit stitch in one base loop.

The fourth row is made with an elastic band: 2 air loops for lifting, alternating front and back embossed columns. There will be 48 of them in total.

Performing 2 air. loops for lifting, you need to knit a fabric of 13 rows up to the thumb (or a little more, focusing on the baby’s hand).

The hole for the finger is knitted as follows: 2 loops for lifting, single crochet, chain of 11 ch, single crochet in the 12th loop of the base.

Then the product is made using the same elastic band. For the second mitten, the hole is made in exactly the same way, but symmetrical (that is, first you will have to knit almost the entire row with an elastic band, and at the end leave a hole of 11 loops).

The fabric is knitted with white yarn to the base of the brush.

Now you can change the color and add a pink elastic band.

The last row is tied with half-columns. This is the result:

Having completed the rest of the canvas, you can move on to doing the finger. To do this, two chain loops are knitted from the inside, then 2 incomplete double crochets, and all three loops are joined together. The row is knitted with an elastic band according to the pattern of the main fabric. From the second edge of the hole, the same 3 loops are made, connected together. All this is to ensure that there are no holes in the product.

The finger is knitted in the round for about 8 rows (it’s worth trying on a child’s hand), then it is pulled together with double crochets knitted together. The tip of the thread is left so that you can insert it into the needle and sew up the hole on your finger.

The second one is done in exactly the same way:

Children's mittens are decorated with crochet as follows: a triangle is knitted from pink yarn (5 loops at the base). You will need four of them in total. Each one is carefully sewn onto the finished mitten. Eye beads are placed just below. Before attaching the nose, you should make four loops with dark thread for the mustache. A button (or a bead larger than the eyes) is sewn on top. This is how the “Kittens” mittens turned out.

These bright, colorful and unusual mittens will not leave any child indifferent, they will warm their hands and decorate their outfit. For a boy, you can take not pink, but green or blue yarn, and you will get beautiful crocheted children's mittens.

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And today’s master class is for those who prefer crochet needles to knitting needles. Crochet mittens for children are crocheted quite quickly. The result will please you: tight knitting with single crochets makes the finished product very warm. However, mittens can be made even warmer if you knit them a little looser than necessary for a child’s hand, and add a lining made of knitwear or even fleece.

I crocheted baby mittens in addition to. Both are made of acrylic, but you, of course, can choose the yarn at your discretion - for example, wool, if the child is older, and the mittens do not have to be washed often. Due to frequent washing, I prefer mostly soft acrylic - it holds up well to frequent washing, is pleasant to the touch and is still quite warm.

To crochet children's mittens you need:

acrylic yarn of two colors (white and blue) YarnArt Elite (100 g/300 m);

a hook of a suitable size.

Crochet baby mittens: job description

We start knitting children's mittens with an elastic band around the wrist. I offer a calculation for mittens for a 4-5 year old child. Of course, you can very easily adapt this calculation for mittens of any size, even for adults.

I made the elastic cuff on the mittens blue, 10 stitches wide. Of course, you can make it narrower or wider - at your discretion.

So, we knit 10 ch with blue yarn. plus 2 ch. on the rise.

We knit 10 double crochet stitches plus 2 ch. on the rise. We unfold the knitting.

We knit 10 double crochet stitches, and for each stitch we grab the front half-loop. We reach the end of the row - 2 vp. on the rise. Turn the knitting.

This is what the knitting looks like from the other side now.

10 double crochet stitches, grabbing the back half loop for each stitch.

We continue to knit the elastic band, alternating rows of grabs for the front and back half-loop.

In this way we knit 14 rows or as many as necessary.

Fold in half, right side inward, and “sew” the edges with a single crochet. The result is a cuff.

We tie the edge of the cuff in a crayfish step, cut the thread, fasten it, and tuck the tip.

Take a white thread and tie the second edge of the cuff with single crochets. I got 32 of them.

We begin to knit the fifth row. Having reached the place where the thumb should be, make 1 ch. to rise, unfold the knitting and knit in the opposite direction, to the place where the thumb should be. I have 4 loops for my thumb.

We reach that place, knit 4 chain stitches, make a tack on the other side of the hole for the finger, fasten the thread and cut it.

We continue crocheting a baby mitten with blue thread. Determine the beginning of knitting in the middle of the palm, where the cuff seam is. We knit 6 rows with single crochets.

Then we knit 6 more rows with white thread. At this point, the white thread can be cut, because then the mitten will end, and it will end with a blue stripe.

We knit the first row of the blue stripe without decreasing.

Starting from the second and each subsequent row of the final blue stripe, we knit it like this: reaching the place where the knitted fabric folds, we decrease one stitch; We knit the “end” loop with a single crochet. Then, having already moved to the second side of the canvas, we again reduce one loop. We do this on each fold until the mitten closes with a beautiful corner.

Pay attention to the method of decreasing loops (without a hole):

We fasten the thread, cut it, and tuck the tail inside out.

Let's return to knitting the thumb.

We tie the hole with single crochets - I got 12 of them.

We knit 7 rows with single crochets.

Starting from the 8th, we decrease every second loop. So we do 2 rows. Then close the hole, cutting off all the loops. We cut the thread and tuck the tail inside out. We knit the second mitten in the same way (do not forget to mirror the location of the thumb).

Crocheted baby mittens are warm and beautiful, ready for a walk with your baby.

Eva Cascio specifically for the site

It’s already autumn, which means it’s time to check the readiness of warm hats, scarves, socks and mittens. To crochet mittens, you just need to know how to crochet a single crochet. Such mittens will not stretch or deform, and the knitting will be tight. We will look at a very simple method of crocheting mittens and the main thing is that you can control their size according to your hand as you knit.

Knitting technique

You don’t need to draw up a pattern in advance; you can try on it as you go, and it’s even better to have a previously knitted item that fits your hand well.


Step 1. Knitting an elastic band:

cast on a chain of loops along the height of the elastic band (a),
in each loop we knit a single crochet (b),
in the next row we thread the hook into the back wall of the loop, pull out the thread (c),
we knit it with a loop on the hook using a single crochet (d).
Then we knit all the rows in the same way. The length of the resulting canvas should be equal to the circumference of the wrist.

Step 2. Decorating the elastic:

fold the elastic band in half along its length, knit the outer loops (a) with a single crochet stitch,
pull the thread from the back wall of the loop of the near half of the fabric (b) and from the front wall of the back half (c),
from the loops on the hook we knit a single crochet (d),
we knit the whole row like this,
turn the resulting pipe inside out so that the connecting seam is not visible.

Step 3. Knitting a circular mitten fabric:

Along the edge of the elastic, we collect loops in an amount depending on the width of the brush. This is one and a half times, if the brush is not wide, like, for example, the mittens in the photo,
We begin to knit the fabric behind the back wall of the loops until we reach the position of the thumb,
we collect air loops to create a hole for the thumb of the mitten. For example, there are 7 of them, but it all depends on the shape of the brush,
skip 6 loops, insert the hook into the seventh loop and make a single crochet,

We continue to knit the mitten fabric in a circle. We make single crochets over the knitted chain loops.

Step 4. Closing the loops of the mitten:

We begin decreasing the loops approximately when the fabric covers the little finger (the peculiarities of the shape of the hand should also be taken into account),
pull the thread out of the working loop, do not knit it, pull the thread out of another loop (a),
knit all the loops on the hook with a single crochet (b),
knit 3 single crochets in each of the subsequent loops (c),
we knit the entire row according to this pattern,
in the next row we do this procedure after 2 loops, in the third row after one,
in subsequent rows we decrease in each loop until one remains (c),
We bring the tip of the thread to the wrong side and fasten it through the protruding loops.

Step 5. Knitting the finger of the mitten:

secure the thread with a knot,

Along the edge of the hole we cast on loops using double the number of air loops (in the example this is 14),

We knit the same way as we knitted the mittens,
To close the loops, we decrease with each loop, i.e. pull the thread onto the hook, then another thread, and knit all 3 loops together.

The mitten is ready.

You can also knit it with multi-colored threads, decorate it with rhinestones, beads, a knitted flower, etc. taste.

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Step 1

Set of loops.

For the upper part of the mitten, make 8 half-columns into a thread ring, and instead of the 1st half-column, tie 2 lifting air loops. Finish this and each subsequent circular row with 1 connecting column in the uppermost lifting air loop.

In the next circular row, increase the number of loops to 16. To do this, knit 2 half-columns
on one loop of the base.

Divide these loops as follows: the 1st loop is the right middle loop, the next 7 loops are the top side of the mitten, the next loop is the left middle loop, the remaining 7 loops are the inside of the mitten.

Starting from the 2nd round, knit in rounds in a forward and backward direction so that the beginning of the round does not move. To do this, turn the work after each circular row.

Then, to expand the upper part, in every 2nd circular row, make a loop before and after both middle loops, respectively, 2 half-columns = 4 increases per 1 circular row.

The number of loops to achieve the girth of the hand, as well as the length, are given in the table (see below) or in the instructions.

Step 2

Inner side.

After reaching the specified number of loops, knit further without increases until the jumper of the thumb.

For the thumb jumper, make 2 half-stitches in the loops before and after the left middle loop = 2 added jumper loops. Then leave the loops untied.

Step 3

Thumb and thumb wedge.

Start knitting as follows: make 8 half-stitches into a thread ring,
In this case, instead of the 1st half-column, tie 2 lifting air loops. Finish this and each subsequent circular row with 1 connecting column in the uppermost lifting air loop. In the next round, increase the number of stitches to the number of stitches corresponding to the girth of your finger. To do this, evenly distribute, tie 2 half-columns on one loop of the base. The number of loops, as well as the length of the finger, are given in the table or instructions.

Starting from the 2nd round, knit in circular rows in the forward and backward directions so that the beginning of the round does not move. To do this, turn the work after each circular row.

Upon reaching the appropriate length of the thumb, make 2 half-stitches for the thumb jumper in the first and last loop = 2 added jumper loops.

After this, knit on all the loops, while in the 1st round, knit together both the first loops of the inside of the mitten, the last 2 loops of the outside of the mitten, as well as the first and last 2 loops of the thumb. Thus, the added loops for the thumb bridge will be reduced again.

Next, for the thumb wedge, in each round, knit together the last stitch of the outer side of the mitten with the 1st loop of the thumb and knit the last loop of the thumb together with the 1st loop of the inside of the mitten. Repeat these decreases in the same places until the thumb loops are decreased. Now the same number of loops is in operation as before the thumb jumper began.

After this, knit the mitten length indicated in the table.

Step 4


Most often it is knitted with embossed double crochets so that it tightens slightly. If the number of loops is not suitable for the pattern, then in this case in the 1st circular row you can easily reduce 2-3 loops. At the desired length of the cuff, leave all the loops untied.

Use the end of the thumb thread to stitch the jumper and sew it closed.

Photo: “Little Diana” magazine. Special issue" No. 9/2015

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