Let's make a cover. Making a cover Pattern for a stocking cover for a gun

In order for the gun to last longer and always remain in excellent condition, you need to use a case. It will reliably protect the weapon from environmental influences and mechanical damage. There are a variety of covers available for sale to suit every taste and budget. However, if you wish, you can sew a gun case yourself. How difficult it will be and how much time it will take depends only on you and your skills.

Necessary materials

To sew a cover, you will need:

  • main material - any durable fabric will do, it is advisable to use waterproof materials;
  • filler - polyurethane foam or polyethylene foam are well suited for its manufacture;
  • fabric for lining - the best choice would be a thin, but dense and non-stretchable fabric;
  • zipper about 1.5 m long;
  • sling - needed for making a handle and belt;
  • accessories for fastening the belt;
  • nylon or synthetic threads.

All the materials needed to make a case for a hunting rifle can be purchased at a specialized sewing supply store. You can find both fabric and accessories in them. If there are no such retail outlets nearby, you will have to look for suitable materials in closets, mezzanines, attics and basements.

The optimal thickness of the cover filler is about 10 mm. Polyurethane foam and polyethylene foam, which are excellent for its manufacture, are available in sheets of different thicknesses. Therefore, you can lay them in one or several layers, so that in the end you get closer to the desired thickness of about 10 mm. If you can’t get a simple sheet of polyurethane foam or polyethylene foam, the filler can be made from a polyurethane foam travel mat.


To sew a gun case, you will also need tailor's pins and a sewing machine. Pins with colored heads are best visible on fabric, so it is advisable to use them. To make a cover, it is better to use an industrial sewing machine or a high-quality model for household use, since you will have to sew several layers of thick, dense materials. Suitable needles are 100/16 or 110/18.

How to sew a cover?

To make a gun case, you need:

  • place the gun on a flat surface, placing paper under it, and trace the outline with a pencil;
  • cut out a pattern from paper in the shape of the future case, while on all sides of the outline of the gun there should be allowances of at least 3 cm in size;
  • cut a piece of main material using scissors according to the pattern;
  • make a blank for the lining;
  • cut out the filler, the dimensions of which should be 2-3 cm smaller than the pattern;
  • sew on the handle and strap, the handle should be located in the middle of the case at the balance point;
  • attach a zipper;
  • to sew on the lining, you first need to attach it with the front side to the front side of the main fabric - if up to this point everything was done correctly, nothing should stick out, you should get a kind of bag, inside of which there is a belt with a handle and a zipper;
  • turn out the resulting homemade cover in the place where the edges of the lining overlap each other;
  • check the quality of the seams;
  • insert the filler inside the cover;
  • sew up the place where the edges of the lining meet each other by hand;
  • fasten the main fabric, lining and filling with long stitches, making sure that there are no threads sticking out on the surface.

The finished thickness of such a case is about 5 cm. If desired, you can also place pockets on it, which must be sewn in front of the handle, belt and zipper.

Whether it is necessary to sew a gun case with your own hands and spend time on it - everyone decides for himself. The advantage of this option is that you can make the case ideal for yourself by giving it any size, shape, thickness, choosing materials, placing the required number of pockets. Doing this job well is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. This is quite painstaking work that requires accuracy. But if you approach the matter diligently and without unnecessary haste, you can make an excellent case that will be in no way inferior to industrially produced models.

serco 12-06-2007 14:20

I want to make a gun case myself, taking into account all my wishes...
I can’t find the pattern (I hope that’s what it’s called :o)), can you tell me where I can get it?
Thank you in advance

13mm 12-06-2007 14:51

You put the gun on the fabric, trace it with chalk, and there you have it, a pattern!

serco 12-06-2007 14:59

No, it won’t work, you can sew a bag for a gun that way. And in order for everything to be beautiful and ergonomic, you need to take into account the thickness of the foam rubber, where to hold the gun with the handles, and where to attach the zipper...

Mord 12-06-2007 15:02

make it rectangular. less associations with weapons, less hassle.

ScorpioN2007 12-06-2007 15:06

It's not worth the effort. Do it or don’t do it, it will still be worse and more hemorrhoidal than the serial one. IMHO buy it in the store and don't worry.

PS It makes sense to take a steam bath if you are a professional seamstress. Or someone you know.

Mord 12-06-2007 15:11

or if you want to make it yourself exactly what your soul asks for

YoNas_Kaki 12-06-2007 15:13

quote: PS It makes sense to take a steam bath if you are a professional seamstress. Or someone you know.

I almost agree. You don't have to be a pro, but you need to know how to sew. This is justified when you have the skill, material, equipment and either a very non-standard rifle or a very interesting idea. Well, time, of course...

GSR 12-06-2007 16:28

You can get creative and make a violin case. But so that on the outside there is an outline of a rifle with optics.

Mirage 12-06-2007 18:56

serco 12-06-2007 19:20

I bought a two-section fishing rod cover on the market. Length 130 cm. Full length zippers. Place for optics, both in a screwed version and in a pocket. The price is only 30 UAH (approx. 6 conditional raccoons). There is a strap for carrying on the shoulder + handles for hand carrying. The cover itself is camouflage and waterproof. I'll hang up the photo when I'm home. Rifle and “ammunition” + 2 fishing rods and I don’t worry about seamstresses.

Where did you buy it for 30 UAH? In Kyiv at the “fish market” near the Dnepr metro station? I’ll wait for the photos, I hope that I won’t worry about it myself, but will go and buy it

Mirage 12-06-2007 22:34

I posted the photo. Odessa, Severny market, opposite the fish rows, fishing pavilion. A little too big for a rifle in length, but there are two fishing rods in the second section (in the photo I forgot to open it and pull out at least a piece. Take my word for it, there are two of them, 4 and 6 meters). The material itself is not bad at all. I would hardly have sewn it like this myself, but I WANTED it! And in Kyiv you will also find the same ones; they obviously do not sew them in Odessa, but in China.

Alex_1979 13-06-2007 08:49

quote: I bought a two-section fishing rod case on the market. Length 130 cm. Full length zippers. Place for optics, both in a screwed version and in a pocket. The price is only 30 UAH (approx. 6 conditional raccoons). There is a strap for carrying on the shoulder + handles for hand carrying. The cover itself is camouflage and waterproof. I'll hang up the photo when I'm home. Rifle and “ammunition” + 2 fishing rods and I don’t worry about seamstresses.

+1. I have the same one, only blue, and the inscription “Daiva” on it, like a fishing rod. Convenient and practical. I bought it for 150 rubles.

...the instruments of torture must be primitive and understandable, only then is it frightening.

serco 13-06-2007 12:46

Thanks for the photos, I’ll look for something like this in Kyiv, it’s really the best option.

Anastasia 13-06-2007 16:57

If you were a Muscovite, serco would offer you its tailoring services.
In fact, any similar thing, be it a backpack, a case or a holster, needs some improvement. Having used a handmade or purchased item, I discover that it should be improved in such and such a way. But this can only be understood in practice.

Boot 14-06-2007 12:40

There are some in the markets. We also have 30 UAH.
I can’t choose between it (price + dissimilarity with the weapon one) and the weapon one for 90 UAH. (it is of good quality and has soft foam inside, but from the outside it is 100% identifiable as weapon grade).

Mechanicus 14-06-2007 14:45

Glock991 14-06-2007 17:34

quote: Originally posted by Mirage:

I bought a two-section fishing rod cover on the market. Length 130 cm. Full length zippers. Place for optics, both in a screwed version and in a pocket. The price is only 30 UAH (approx. 6 conditional raccoons). There is a strap for carrying on the shoulder + handles for hand carrying. The cover itself is camouflage and waterproof. I'll hang up the photo when I'm home. Rifle and “ammunition” + 2 fishing rods and I don’t worry about seamstresses.

+1, I also have exactly the same one, I bought it on a bird for 150 rubles

Mirage 14-06-2007 17:47

quote: Originally posted by Mechanicus:

Under the weight of the weighted Hatsan, such a mess lived for 2 months, the fabric spread along all the seams, all the straps came off!

I didn't use my case very often. Maybe there is a problem with this fabric. But in appearance it is quite dense and waterproof. Wait and see. I have a TORUN Magnum K-101 at its original weight + 2 fishing rods. I mainly use both fishing rods and a rifle. By the way, the belts can be strengthened. On the market in other shops there were stronger cases with the same length. These cost 57-58 UAH. Distinctive features: the straps and handles are stronger, even the shoulder pad on the main belt and the bottom are made of brown dermantine. I didn't like them because they have orange edges. My case is as you see with black ones. And of course it’s up to you to decide. You can also sew foam rubber inside the compartment under the rifle.

ZDL 15-06-2007 22:16

Anastasia 16-06-2007 12:45

quote: Originally posted by ZDL:

I also think about the case, but I'm leaning towards something hard. I'll probably make something like a box, with thick foam inside, with a cutout for a screw.

Foam rubber - smile!
I’m telling you a “secret” - the so-called “secret” is sold on the construction market. insulation - polyurethane foam. White or blue, 100-200 rubles per meter with a width of 1.5 m and a wide variety of thicknesses (the price depends on this). On one side there is foil glued. I don’t know what it is used for in construction... *blushes*. But I use it to sew cases for cameras and other things, and insert it into the straps and backs of backpacks. It is dense, lightweight, holds its shape well, softens the impact and, if desired, can even be sewn onto the seam. typewriter. In the future, I will sew a cover for Gamo for Gaucher-kun and for myself (when I get a new screw), I will lay it with this particular material.

There was also an idea to use black leather (about 500 rubles per 1 dm2), pre-waxed or soaked in castor oil. Durable, holds its shape well. But there will be a lot of love with this material - the machine won’t take it, so you have to wax it by hand, and besides, the infection is severe. True, it can be decorated endlessly: cut it out, burn drawings on it...

Demetriu$ 17-06-2007 12:10

cut, burn drawings on it...

install rivets of different shapes, etc.

Biker2005 20-06-2007 23:38

500 re per square decimeter is a bit expensive, but how much does it cost for a cover? the length of the rifle is 11 * the width with an allowance of 3 * the thickness of all this together is 1.5 - the area of ​​the entire case is 108 dm^2. what a mess... 54,000 just for the material

Anastasia 01-07-2007 15:21

I made a mistake, of course. 100 dm2.

Arch 03-07-2007 05:23

quote: Originally posted by Anastasia:

Foam rubber - smile!
I’m telling you a “secret” - the so-called “secret” is sold on the construction market. insulation - polyurethane foam. White or blue, 100-200 rubles per meter with a width of 1.5 m and a wide variety of thicknesses (the price depends on this). On one side there is foil glued. What it is used for in construction - I don’t know... *blushes*

Polyurethane foam - smile!
You can start blushing
Foam rubber is polyurethane foam. T.N. “insulation” with foil is polyethylene foam, in construction it is used as a sublayer under laminate and insulation for baths, there are other applications.
You can stop blushing

ZDL 03-07-2007 23:47

I came to the gun store with a pneumatic gun and bought it for 275 rubles. If you sew it yourself it will cost more.

Anastasia 04-07-2007 12:25

I can't blush.
I have encountered polyurethane foam only once in my life - in the form of tourist rugs (aka foam). I believed that what is sold at construction markets and can be used as a tourist rug is called the same (and the sellers did not convince me of this).
In any case, this is better. Because it's denser.

300 rubles - well, in general, it’s humane. Although it depends on what for. Photos in the studio, as they say. Because my soft case costs 40 rubles for material, 80 kopecks for thread, and the same number of kopecks for electricity - well, my work is priceless!

AntonZZZ 13-07-2007 11:44

And I bought myself a case for my guitar... however, it was not sealed, it was thin, there were no others for the BAM-30...

Now I’m thinking about how to disguise it as a normal guitar...

To protect weapons from mechanical damage and aggressive environments, it is worth using covers. They weigh little and allow you to carry the gun in your hand or over your shoulder.

Anyone who wants to save a little on buying a factory cover can try sewing it themselves. This is quite easy to do, especially if you have experience using a sewing machine. This process will take much longer manually, but you can try it too.

Preparatory stage: collecting materials

Lucky are those who have specialized sewing stores or clothing factories in the city. In these places you can find any necessary fabric and accessories. If there are no such points of sale, you will have to make do with improvised means, which, however, many have in excess quantities in attics and basements.

List of required materials:

  • Main fabric. It should be strong and protect the weapon well.
  • Lining. It is worth taking a closer look at dense, thin and non-stretchable fabrics.
  • Filler. Polyethylene foam or polyurethane foam works well. They come in different thicknesses - 5-8-10 and more millimeters. Therefore, one or more layers can be used to achieve a filler thickness of about 10 mm. As a last resort, you can use a polyurethane foam travel mat.
  • Sling. Used for making case handles. You can take a handle from an old sports bag, for example.

  • Zipper No. 8 or No. 10, about 1.5 m long (two 70-80 cm each) and a pair of sliders for it.
  • Accessories - three-slot and half-ring for attaching a belt.
  • Tailor's pins with round colored heads are easier to keep in sight. But you can, of course, take whatever comes to hand.
  • Sewing machine. You can try to sew by hand, but it takes a lot of effort and time to do it well. It is better to use some kind of industrial version or reliable models, because you will have to sew several layers of fairly thick and durable materials.

The needle will fit 100/16 or 110/18. The thickness of the threads is not less than 40, the material is synthetic or nylon. What is important here is tensile strength, which can be tested right in the store.


  1. Find or clear a place where you can work comfortably.
  2. Place the gun on a large piece of paper or wallpaper, and then make a pattern using a pencil. Remember that you need to leave a margin of about 3 cm on all sides.

  1. Using scissors, save the piece of main fabric that you will need.
  2. Cut the required amount of lining depending on the size of the future cover.
  3. Cut out the filling, remembering that its dimensions should be 2-3 cm smaller than the main pattern.
  4. Sew on the pockets, handle and strap. It is attached using loops with half rings, onto which carabiners are then attached. Or just sewn on. The handle is placed in the middle of the balance point.
  5. Remember that a hand-sewn cover will not be flat. Its thickness will be about 5 cm and plus 2 cm seam allowances.
  6. Sew the zipper. The runners are mounted so that they diverge in different directions from the center. If you had two lightning bolts, in opposite directions.

  1. Sew to the cover everything that you have already prepared up to this point.
  2. The lining should be attached last. First, place it right side to the right side of the top layer of fabric. If everything is done correctly, nothing will stick out anywhere. A “bag” is formed, inside of which there are zippers, straps, and pockets.
  3. After stitching, you can remove the pins. The cover is turned inside out in the place of the “technological pocket” - where the edges of the lining overlap each other. Check that all seams are secure and there are no flaws.
  4. Insert the filler into the case. Before this, you can strengthen it with pieces of plastic bottles, for example. Straighten all layers of material so that there are no crumpled parts.
  5. Sew the tech pocket by hand.
  6. Carefully secure all three layers of the cover together using long stitches: filling, lining and main fabric. Make sure that the threads do not stick out on the surface. Although, by and large, this is a matter of each person’s accuracy.

A self-made case fulfills its main task: it will reliably protect the weapon from mechanical damage and adverse environmental conditions. But whether it’s worth spending time on this, let everyone decide for themselves.

In addition, watch a video about sewing a gun case yourself.

Gun cases are an expensive thing these days, but you can’t do without them. You can, of course, try to make something yourself, but such an attribute is unlikely to be useful. For frequent and long trips, the store-bought version is best; it will be light, durable on the outside, soft on the inside, and, well, beautiful.

So I got along like this for more than ten years, carrying my Bekas-Auto in a semi-rigid one. But all this time, no, no, and I was thinking about purchasing some simple case. The purchased one is very reliable in terms of transportation to the hunting site, but in the hunting grounds it only gets in the way. A stocking for a gun would be best suited here. It’s very convenient - you pull it on, reach the spot, take it off and put it in your backpack pocket. There is a minimum of space and weight, and the gun is carried according to the rules, and in case of emergency it can protect it from precipitation and dust.

It’s just that there weren’t any in local stores. No demand? Well I do not know. I didn’t consider the option of ordering online; the cost with shipping was close to the price of a full-fledged, good-quality case. Before the spring hunt, we finally decided to tackle this issue - I decided to do it myself, which I will tell you about below.

We cut and sew

After sewing the “goose man” hunting suit, I had a decent piece of canvas fabric left, so it was decided to put it into practice.

The dimensions of the future product are as follows: length - 131cm, width at the base (butt) - 23cm and 10cm at the top, i.e. it turns out to be a trapezoid, just in the shape of a gun. These are ready-made sizes, so don’t forget to add 3cm of fabric to the seams.

We cut out a suitable segment according to the dimensions we need, observing the cutting rules. The length of the product should correspond to the longitudinal thread, not the transverse one.

To have fewer seams, fold the fabric and draw the required lengths from the fold with chalk or soap, not forgetting to add seam allowances. Cut out the resulting piece.

Instead of tarpaulin, you can take a softer fabric, say, denim. Here we make smaller seam allowances - 1-2cm

The tarpaulin itself is a rough material, abrasions may occur on the elements, for this reason it was decided to additionally cover the inside with a more delicate fabric, in my case chintz.

We connect the front sides of the tarpaulin and chintz fabric, stitch it on a machine, retreating 0.5 cm from the edge, almost in a circle. You only need to leave about 6-7cm at the bottom for easy turning. We stitched, turned the fabric right side out and stitched the remaining centimeters.

Here comes the first mistake! I forgot about the belt! Don't carry a gun in your hand all the time. At first I wanted, since this happened, to sew it on the outside, but after thinking about it, I realized that this was a bad option. You will have to prop up the product and insert the strap correctly.

We also cut it and stitch it from the front side, following the narrow foot of the machine, then iron it and sew it to the cover, making small spacers.

Belt dimensions: length - 102cm (97cm working and 5cm for internal seams in the lining), width 7cm (+ 2cm for the seam).

I took the clean length of the strap from a gun belt.

To avoid ripping anything apart like I did, don’t forget to baste it at the stage of sewing the lining.

Once our lining is sewn on, things are moving forward. Next, according to plan, we sew on the zipper. Ours is 35 cm long, but it can be longer, at your discretion. It is better to first baste it with your hands, starting from the fold of the product, unbuttoned, to one side and the other.

You can insert a zipper along the entire case, but I decided that in the wide part (where the butt) with a slight slope along it would be most convenient and durable. Grasping it with your hands, try to fasten it, thereby checking whether it is crooked and whether it will be comfortable to fasten.

If everything suits you, you can use a sewing machine. Lightning done!

And the last stage - we sew the cover from the wrong side, that is, from the lining side, almost all the way from zipper to zipper. Accordingly, we hide the belts inside. The seam turns out to be quite thick, so I recommend using a special foot for thick seams on a sewing machine. Ready!

We turn the stocking inside out, tie knots on the cut threads and hide them.

Everything turned out pretty well. Is not it? And minimum costs!

Thus, making allowances for the dimensions of your existing gun, you can try to sew something similar yourself. Moreover, it is not necessary to master the art of sewing on a machine; it is quite possible to do it by hand. The material is cheap, it won’t take much time, so give it a try.

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