We sew a bandana for the boy MK. Bandana pattern How to sew a bandana with an elastic band for a child

Bandana is a fashionable headdress. The peak of its popularity was in the mid-90s, but even now this wardrobe item is actively worn. You can purchase such an accessory in a store, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. Before sewing a bandana, you should familiarize yourself with the variety of models and materials. It is very easy to create a product with your own hands, and it will be a great pleasure to wear.

Before you make a stylish bandana, you need to choose the material. Linen or cotton fabric is ideal for work. In addition, you can use durable, slightly stretchy calico, chintz, cambric. Since the main purpose of this headgear is sun protection, the above materials perform this task perfectly.

However, this does not mean that other fabrics are unacceptable. Synthetic options are suitable for a product that is not planned to be used daily. But ideally it is better to give preference to natural fabrics. Chiffon and other thin materials should be taken into account last.

The classic version of the product is a square of fabric. The size of the bandana depends on who it is intended for:

  • for a child – 50 x 50 cm;
  • women's – 60 x 60 cm;
  • men's - 70 x 70 cm.

The above parameters are approximate sizes. If you create a product yourself, then in any case you need to make an individual pattern. There are the most popular types of bandanas:

  1. The classic one looks like a square scarf.
  2. The bandana with an elastic band is comfortable to wear and does not fall off the head.
  3. The version with ties is universal for all ages and genders.
  4. Bandana-buff is a transforming model, made in the form of a tube made of elastic material. It can be worn as a classic piece, as a hat, hood or mask to protect your nose and mouth from dust while riding a bike or motorcycle quickly.
  5. A bandana with a visor is an interesting and multifunctional model. It is intended for summer, spring, autumn (depending on the fabric from which it is made). Most often, it has ties at the back to adjust the size.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the color. It is ideal if the color scheme of the headdress matches the tone of the clothing. For men, muted shades of blue, gray, brown, green, and burgundy are suitable. Women most often prefer light-colored products with unusual prints. A scarf made from light denim looks stylish.

Bandana buff
With elastic band
With ties
With visor

Measurements and pattern

You can easily and quickly make a bandana yourself. You just need to prepare a piece of fabric of the required size with the desired pattern. The standard sizes of headscarves for adults are 61 x 61 cm.

To obtain more accurate parameters, you will need to take head measurements. For example, you need to sew a bandana with your own hands for a child with a head circumference of 55 cm. To adapt the pattern, you only need to use a geometric formula familiar from school and calculate the diagonal of the square. The minimum length of the scarf will be 55: 1.414 (square root of 2) = 38.1 cm.

Thus, to sew a bandana with your own hands, you need to draw a pattern according to the required dimensions. You will need to add allowances of a few centimeters to the result obtained. After this, the selected fabric must be laid out on the table, using chalk and a ruler, set aside the length and width in accordance with the obtained measurement results. The result should be a square with allowances.

Required Tools

To make a bandana you don't need a lot of material or special tools. In addition to the fabric, you need scissors for cutting. Also, in this process, pins for securing the pattern to the fabric, chalk or soap will not be superfluous. A measuring tape is useful for taking measurements.

The actual pattern of the bandana will require a ruler, paper, pencil, and eraser. Consumables – threads in the color of the fabric. Depending on the design of the model, additional elements may be required, for example, an elastic band. For sewing you will need an overlocker. If you don’t have it, then you can get by with a regular sewing machine with different modes.

If a needlewoman wants to decorate a product, she may need transfer appliqués, regular or thermal. Bandanas for women are decorated with stripes, drawings, stones, fabric flowers, chains, and lace.

The nuances of tailoring taking into account the model

There are different types of bandanas; you need to choose a model based on personal preferences. The manufacturing process is simple, even a novice craftswoman can handle it. All you need to do is take your measurements correctly and follow the master class step by step.

Classic square

The classic bandana is especially easy to make. It's essentially one large square piece of fabric. To create it you will need the following materials and tools:

  • textile;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • sewing machine.

For a product with a side of 54 cm, first of all we draw a square of 56 x 56 cm on the spread fabric. Then we bend each side one by one by 0.5 cm, then iron it. We repeat the action again. Next, we sew each folded side with a basting stitch. All that remains is to sew the product on a typewriter. If you have an overlocker, then hemming the product is not necessary. The classic square head bandana is ready.

Transformer (made of knitted fabric)

The buff bandana is a transformable cylindrical model; it is worn not only as a fashionable headdress, but also as a hood or scarf. To make it you will need:

  • knitted material of suitable size;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads

To begin, you need to cut a rectangular piece of fabric. If the product is intended for a child, then the dimensions of the material should be 24 x 40 cm, if for an adult, then 100 x 52 cm plus an allowance of 1.5 cm. Next, you need to hem the edges of the bandana. Then fold the cut in half along the long side, wrong side out, and sew. All that remains is to turn the product inside out.

The transforming model is put on the face with the hole of the cylinder. The remaining part covers the head and neck. This is a very fashionable and stylish option that young boys and girls love. A handmade bandana buff will become not only a wonderful accessory, but also the pride of the owner.

With elastic band

The product with elastic is perfect as an accessory to summer dresses and sundresses. It is advisable to select natural, light-colored materials. For production you will need:

  • 2 pieces of fabric (38 x 18 cm; 28 x 10 cm);
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • elastic band 10-14 cm long;
  • pins.

After preparing the materials and tools, you can begin to work. A smaller piece of fabric must be folded in length by 0.5 cm and hemmed with a hidden seam. Then you should sew the edges of the workpiece from the wrong side, turn it onto the face, insert an elastic band that needs to be stretched along the length of the fabric and sew with a zigzag seam at a distance of 1-2 cm from the edge.

Fold the second fabric rectangle across the width like a fan and secure with pins. All that remains is to insert the edges of a large piece into the holes of the workpiece with an elastic band and stitch it together. A stylish summer headdress is ready.


The children's bandana is sewn from thin natural fabrics. The product for boys can be decorated with appliqués, for girls - with embroidery. To make a headdress you will need:

  • textile;
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • needle.

First you have to make a pattern. To do this, you need to draw a semicircle with a diameter of 22 cm, a height of 6 cm, and two rectangular strips measuring 10 x 33 and 8 x 85 cm. The pattern must be transferred to fabric and cut out, leaving allowances of 1-2 cm.

A section of 10 x 33 cm is the middle of the bandana; the two resulting semicircles should be sewn to it and the edges should be processed. Next, you need to measure the circumference of the baby’s head on the product, and the half-circumference on the remaining part. Then you need to stitch the workpiece to the marks. All you have to do is turn the product inside out, sew on the ties, and the bandana is ready.

An original and easy-to-make hat will perfectly protect a child’s head from the sun. A bandana for a boy can be made from fabric with cars, ships, or favorite cartoon characters. Materials with flowers, dolls and other cute prints are suitable for girls.


The hot summer sun is loved by many, but sometimes it can cause harm: hair burns under its rays, and an uncovered head can get sunstroke. Therefore, hats are no less relevant in summer than in winter. The most versatile is a bandana, which is easy to sew yourself.

To create a bandana with your own hands, you need to determine what kind of bandana it will be. Even this headdress has several versions. The simplest is a medium-sized square scarf, tied on the head and having a knot below the back of the head.

For such a bandana, patterns with complex patterns are not required - just choose an attractive piece of fabric, make a square with the required dimensions, trim the edges, and the headdress is ready. The classic parameters for a square bandana are 63*63 and 70*70 cm.

As for the choice of material, there are no clear recommendations. Today, bandanas are not only a sign of belonging to certain subcultures (bikers), but also an accessory that is on the list of fashion trends. Therefore, they can be made from almost any material, including fur. For the summer it is worth choosing natural silk: it does not overheat the head and does not slip off the hair. Cotton is also good in this regard. And for cooler weather, you can turn to knitwear, jersey, or even leather and wool. Knitted bandanas, which look interesting during the off-season, are also in demand.

In addition to the classic square pattern, a bandana can be created from separate pieces of fabric: for example, a rectangle with a ribbon, a cap with ends for tying at the back, or a wide headband with a ribbon. Those. The main feature of a bandana is not its shape, but the ability to tie it, since the name of the headdress comes from the Spanish verb meaning “to tie.” Moreover, the original version of the bandana was tied at the back 2 fingers above the eyebrow line, with the free edge of the product tucked under the knot. And today he has moved to the lower hairline at the neck, which is in many ways more convenient. A bandana tied in pin-up style is a 100% fashionable accessory that has no protective functions. However, this does not make it lose its charm, and every woman should have one in her wardrobe.

DIY knitted bandana

Crochet bandana is an interesting headdress for women for the cold season. It can be made from any dense yarn, preferably containing wool. Approximately 100 g of it is consumed, but it depends on the expected size. Professionals recommend using hook No. 3 for work.

To find out the dimensions by which orientation will be carried out, the head circumference is measured. The radius of the circle shown in the diagram will be 0.25 of this value. You should start knitting with 6-8 loops, for each new row you remove 2 loops from 1. When the circle in diameter is 10-12 cm, rows with and without increases begin to alternate. After 12 cm in length from the center of the bandana cap, it is necessary to follow the turning knitting pattern, spreading the halves of the headdress, between which a slit will appear. On each side, a chain 20 cm long and 4-5 cm wide is created - they will become the ends for further tying. The edge is tied with a “crawfish step”.

A crocheted summer bandana may look more airy, the threads chosen for it are no longer so thick. And here you can resort to a different scheme, making a headdress of 2 semicircles, a long transverse ribbon and a middle strip. Here you will also need the head circumference value, but now you will need to calculate the radii of the semicircles and the size of the middle stripe. The latter is determined by eye, based on personal wishes. The optimal size for her will be 12-14 cm. Then the radius of the semicircles will be equal to the size of the head circumference, from which the width of the middle stripe is subtracted, and the resulting value is divided by 4.

Knitting semicircles is also done with 6-8 loops, the pattern is chosen arbitrarily: you can go with the simplest pattern, adding a loop to each row. Or you can knit from 1 loop 2 or 3 at once, in the next step, on the contrary, connecting 2 loops into 1 to get an openwork knitting. However, it is important to remember that the shape of the pattern is a semicircle, so the expansion must be present one way or another.

It is recommended to make the middle strip in the form of a long rectangle with the same pattern as the semicircles. The elements are connected using simple single crochets. After that, tying begins along the bottom, often using an elastic band or other tight knitting method, creating long chains (15-20 cm) that are located at the back.

Bandana for a boy: pattern and step-by-step instructions

For a small child, a bandana for the summer is a more comfortable headdress than a Panama hat. It can be made either by crochet, according to the previously discussed pattern, or from textiles. Whether it is oriented towards a boy or a girl does not matter: the pattern of the bandana remains the same. It is important to choose a thin fabric, width and length no less than 50 by 40 cm, soft linen elastic 3-4 cm wide and 17-20 cm long. You will also need sewing tools: needles, chalk, threads, scissors and pins .

This bandana will have 3 components. It is formed from a wide rectangle, which is the main part, and a narrow ribbon, represented by a pre-prepared elastic band, which becomes the element that secures the bandana on the child’s head. It is enough just to cover the elastic with fabric, that same 3rd detail, so that its appearance fits into the overall color of the product. The edges of the elastic must be secured with a simple fine stitch. There is a little more work on the main part.

When cutting out a rectangle, it is important not to forget about the seam allowance on the outer sides: 1-1.5 cm is enough for this if the fabric is not loose. After this, the edges are processed with an overlocker or on a regular machine by folding them and zigzag stitching. It is definitely worth ironing the part at this stage so that distortions do not occur later.

Now you need to move on to the moment of assembly: turning both the large rectangle and the ribbon with an elastic band, the short side towards you, you should put them on top of each other. This is done so that the strip with an elastic band runs along the long side of the main part, and their corners are aligned. Here it is advisable to fix the parts together with pins, after which the edge of the main part is folded. The wrong side of it faces up, the strip with an elastic band is between the layers. The opposite long edge needs to be placed with the front side on top of the wrong side of the edge that is connected to the elastic band.

The last point with this side is that an “accordion” begins to be assembled from each edge from the free part of the main part. It is important to do it evenly so that on each side of the elastic you get the same number of folds-layers. After which they are carefully stitched by hand - the needle of the machine will not take such a thick layer. The whole procedure is repeated for the other end of the elastic band. Finally, just turn the bandana right side out.

Pattern of a bandana with a visor

A bandana with a visor protects not only the head, but also the eyes from the sun’s rays, which is important for all ages. Its pattern is not much more complicated than the previous options, so even a novice seamstress can cope with this task. There will again be 3 parts: the visor, the transverse line, which is the ties, and the main panel. Each is single-layer, excluding the visor: for density it should be sewn from 2 layers of fabric.

The selected material is folded in half, and each part is applied in the place indicated by the dotted line on the pattern to the fold line. The outline is done with chalk or, if the fabric is light, then with a pencil. Be sure to cut with a small (1-2 cm) seam allowance at the junction of the parts. The edges of the parts should be processed using an overlocker or a zigzag stitch. The middle zone and the transverse part are basted and sewn on a machine with fine stitching.

After this, the halves of the visor are folded with their right sides on top of each other and connected, but the seam is not cyclic: it is necessary to leave space to turn the part out. It makes the most sense to do this on the side that will be attached in the next step to the transverse line of the bandana, sewing to it. This completes the sewing according to this pattern. If necessary, you can make a more dense headdress by initially cutting out a double for each part and sewing them together, as was done with the visor.

A light headscarf has always been one of the most popular ways to protect the head from the scorching sun. Nowadays, a bandana is worn even in the cold season, choosing a headdress made of warm material. There are a huge number of options for bandana models in the store, however, making a bandana on your head quickly and easily with your own hands is not difficult even for an inexperienced needlewoman. You just need to turn to the materials in this article for help, having first selected the fabric for the headdress and the person for whom it will be intended.

Bandanas are most often worn by women and children, but men can also benefit from sun protection. It is best for a young man to use cotton fabric and protective colors.

Making a head bandana with your own hands in MK

The easiest and most common option for making a bandana. This scarf will provide excellent protection from the sun, and will also become an indispensable addition to a pirate costume (if the color matches).

You will need:

1) Fabric (preferably cotton);

2) Pencil or pen;

3) Scissors;

4) Needle and thread;

Stages of work:

1) Take a fabric whose size is 60×60 cm. Draw a square on it using a felt-tip pen or pen. You can use a ruler to get more precise lines. If the corner of the fabric is square, you should simply fold it over and trace the outline.

2) Cut the material. It is enough to cut the cotton fabric and then tear it exactly along the line.

3) Fold in the raw edges and carefully stitch. You can use an overlocker.

4) We decorate the resulting product at our discretion.

This bandana can be worn in different ways, for example, folded into a triangle to protect your head from the sun, or tied over your mouth. You can also fold it lengthwise and wear it as a headband, making an interesting beach scarf.

A guide to sewing a women's bandana with ties with your own hands. The fabric is selected depending on the time of year in which you plan to wear this accessory. For the summer season it is better to take cotton or linen material, for cold days - fleece, suede or even leather.

You will need:

1) Selected material (minimum size 40×90 cm);

2) Paper;

3) Chalk, pen or felt-tip pen;

4) Scissors;

5) Needle and thread.

Manufacturing stages:

1) First, we make a paper pattern according to the pattern shown in the picture. Then we transfer it to the selected fabric, marking points A and B for stitching. Cut out the details.

2) Combine points A and B, doing this on the visible and mirror sides of the pattern. We sew the seam, moving from point B to A, and then to the mirror image of point B.

3) We process the edges, giving the product a finished look. It is best to overcast them using an overlocker, but you can use a zigzag stitch or a regular stitch.

For such a summer hat, it is best to use light fabric. You can take already multi-colored material, for example, with images of cars. This bandana is perfect for a boy. Or you can decorate the finished product with embroidery or applique - such a hat will be an original accessory for a girl.

You will need:

1) A piece of fabric (at least 40×50 cm in size);

2) Linen elastic (length about 20 cm);

3) Needles, threads, pins;

5) Scissors.


Step-by-step instruction:

1) First, we create an elastic band that will secure the headdress on the child’s head. To do this, we cover it with the same fabric from which the main part of the bandana will be cut. We fix the edges with a regular stitch.

2) We begin to manufacture the main part. To do this, cut out a large rectangle, not forgetting the seam allowance of 1 cm. We process the edges and iron the part.

3) We assemble the parts of the bandana into one whole. Place the elastic band and the rectangle on top of each other. The strip with an elastic band should go along the long side of the main part, their corners should be aligned. We fix it all with pins.

4) Then we bend the edge of the main part so that the strip with the elastic is between the layers. We place the opposite long edge with the front side on the wrong side of the edge, which is connected to the elastic band. We assemble an “accordion” from the free part of the part; an equal number of folds should be obtained on each side of the elastic band. We stitch the layers manually.

5) Turn the elasticated bandana right side out and wear it with pleasure!

Video materials on the topic of the article

This article discussed only a few models of bandanas and the materials from which they can be made. The selection of videos provides step-by-step tutorials on how to knit or crochet a headdress, as well as many ideas for creating your own original accessory.

After spring comes hot summer, and you need to take care of hats that protect your head from the sun's rays. It is convenient to relax at the sea or by the river in a bandana - you can sunbathe and swim in it without fear of sunstroke. Sewing a bandana is easy.

Materials and tools for the master class "Bandana with an elastic band"

natural cotton fabric, elastic; thread, scissors, two safety pins.


1. Cut out a large rectangle measuring 27 x 45 cm from fabric.

2. Now cut out a small rectangle measuring 8 x 20 cm.

3. Take two identical pieces of elastic, each 13 cm long.

4. On a large rectangle, fold and stitch the long sides.

5. Smooth it out with an iron.

On the short sides of the large rectangle we will place several counter folds and stitch them together using a sewing machine.

6. This is what a large rectangle with folds looks like.

7. Take a small rectangle, fold it in half with the wrong side out and sew it.

8. Turn the small rectangle inside out and make a stitch in the middle - we will have two compartments into which we can insert an elastic band.

9. Insert an elastic band into each compartment. First, we’ll stitch one edge so that the elastic is fixed, and then we’ll tighten the elastic a little and stitch them on the other edge.

10. Sew a small rectangle with a large rectangle as shown in the photo.

11. Turn the bandana inside out and straighten it.

Summer bandana is ready. This bandana is designed for a head volume of 54-56 cm. That is, it is suitable for girls aged 10 years and older. The size can be adjusted by cutting out smaller or larger rectangles.

It is better to choose light-colored fabric for a bandana so that it reflects the sun's rays.

Bandana is a lightweight headdress suitable for almost all ages of men, women and children. A simple bandana pattern can be made even by sewing beginners. Many varieties allow you to choose a model to suit your taste.

You can use the product as a fashionable head protection from the scorching rays of the sun, a universal neck scarf, or an original accessory worn on the wrist.

The retail chain sells quite a few types of bandanas; you can buy different hats for the whole family. But in order to emphasize personal individuality and style, it is advisable to make comfortable “clothes” for your head with your own hands.

Types of headwear:

  • The classic look is a square piece of fabric in which each side is equal to the circumference of the head. In this case, the size for a child corresponds to 50 cm, for a woman – 60 cm, the average volume of a man’s head is 70 cm. Since the product does not require exact dimensions, the standard option is chosen;
  • Bandanas with elastic bands are worn mainly by women and children. The pattern consists of two parts: a base covering the head and a strip of fabric, the ends of which are tied in a knot;
  • A headdress with ties is suitable for a person of any age and gender;
  • A universal transforming model that can be used as a hood and headdress from the sun and wind;
  • Bandana is a buff, which is made in the shape of a tube from an elastic, durable and lightweight material.

Classic model

The basis for most models is a regular square made of bright durable fabric, where the side of the rectangle is equal to the circumference of the head. In this case, the fabric is folded into a triangle, the length of the fold - the hypotenuse of which is enough to tie a supporting knot.

How to dress a classic model:

  • Fold the product into a scarf. Place the fold of fabric on the frontal part of the head. Tie the ends at the back of the head. Hide the bottom corner by wrapping it around the knot;
  • Place the main part at the back of the head and tie a knot in the front. Women's version: place the ends of the scarf above the ear;
  • Form a fabric strip from the scarf and tie it around your head to secure your hairstyle;
  • Place the base on the front of the neck, and wrap the ends of the scarf around the neck, tying it in front with a beautiful knot;
  • Tie a scarf - a bandana, like a pioneer tie, decorating the knot with a shiny brooch;
  • Wrap the scarf around your wrist several times, securing the bandage with a beautifully designed knot.
  • We have posted many different options for tying a headscarf on this page.

How to sew a classic bandana yourself:

  • cut a square of suitable size from fabric;
  • Tuck the edges in and hem with a hidden seam on the wrong side. Alternatively, you can zigzag stitch the edges of the product;
  • roll up into a scarf.

Bandana with elastic band

The headdress is suitable for summer sundresses and denim outfits. The material is selected from natural components of bright colors.

To work you need to prepare:

  • product pattern (2 rectangles measuring 38x18 cm, 28x10 cm);
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • elastic band 10-14 cm long;
  • 2 pins.

How to sew a women's bandana with an elastic band:

  • Take a smaller rectangle. Fold in the edges of the long sides by 0.5 cm, hem from the inside with a hidden seam;
  • Fold the side (18 cm) into a fan and secure with pins;
  • The smaller rectangle must be sewn lengthwise from the wrong side. Turn the product onto your face. Insert the elastic band inside. Stretch it to the length of the strip, then sew it with a zigzag, stepping back 1-2 cm from the edge;
  • Insert the fanned edges of most of the pattern into the holes of the strips on both sides. Sew the pieces together by machine or by hand.

The stylish headdress is ready.

Bandana from an old T-shirt

The simplest option on how to make a pirate bandana from a T-shirt, without reshaping the product:

  • prepare a T-shirt with long or short sleeves, the neck of which is presented without a collar, buttons, or zippers;
  • cut off the tag on the wrong side of the back;
  • wear a T-shirt with the neckline on your face;
  • tie the sleeves at the back just below the back of the head, securing with a pin so that the knot does not unravel;
  • Gently tuck the puffy folds above the ears inward.

The product can be worn with the entire face exposed, or with the bottom edge of the T-shirt neck raised towards the eyes, similar to a balaclava.

Knitted bandana

The “buff” model is a cylindrical product that is worn as a stylish headdress on the head and neck. This will require less than a square meter of material. For children, the size of the finished headdress is used (24x40 cm). For adults, it is recommended to cut a rectangle of 100x52 cm. It is necessary to add allowance for the seams (1.5 cm).

We sew a bandana from elastic, durable knitwear.

The procedure for making a buff bandana from knitwear:

  • The rectangular pattern must be folded in half along the longer side;
  • Sew the cylinder from the wrong side;
  • Hem the top and bottom edges by 0.5-1 cm, making a blind seam.
  • Turn the product inside out.

Put on a knitted headdress, placing the opening of the cylinder on the circumference of the face. The rest covers the head and neck with folds.

There are a lot of techniques on how to sew a bandana. The type of product is the envy of the skill and imagination of the master.

Video on the topic

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