Scenario for celebrating Mother's Day at school. Mother's Day in Sunday School Mother's Day in Sunday School script

Screensaver video “Moms with Children” Music sounds in the background

Host: Good evening! Today we have gathered to celebrate a holiday dedicated to the most precious thing in the world, the closest and dearest - our mothers.
Student: Mother's Day is an international holiday. In different countries it falls on different dates.
In Russia, in 1998, the President adopted a Decree establishing Mother's Day, which was decided to be celebrated on the last Sunday of November.
Q: For every person, mother is the most important person in life. “Mom is a calling, it is strength of spirit, wisdom, restraint.
U: Mom is like the President - she is the commander in chief, responsible for food, security, education and development, cleanliness and order.
in the house and for many other issues that are invisible at first glance. It’s not easy for all mothers and they need family support.
Q: This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers,
who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection. Those whom we love because they gave us life, because we see the blue sky and green grass.
We hear the lark's song and know the taste of ice cream, for the kind words, warm hands and kind songs that they sang at our cradle.
Song (ZG) “The sun will wake up” Student. Beautiful mothers - there are many of you in the world, You look into your eyes openly and directly...
No matter how far the road takes us, beautiful mothers accompany us all. We rarely bring bouquets to mom. But everyone upsets her so often.
And a kind mother forgives all this, A beautiful mother forgives all this. Under the load of worries, without bending stubbornly, She fulfills her duty patiently...
Every mother is beautiful in her own way, Beautiful with her mother’s love.

Dialogue. Presenter, girl and boy performing
- I’m thinking, wondering, why do they give birth to children? So, do you guys mind? Let's weigh the pros and cons!
- Why do you need all this?
- For a specific answer!
Preparation for adult life.
- You came up with this cleverly!
- Yes, I feel bad for my mother,

There are no problems in life.
- Yes. We have a lot of problems. Not an easy position - mother. It would be easier for her
Without children like us.
- Ugh! What nonsense! She will be bored then! And in old age, who will bring compote in a glass? Now imagine Mom without any children at all!
- The house is quiet, clean. Beauty!
- And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty! Without children he is not alive!
- But I’ll say it straight, Mom is having a nice rest. She won’t have to check all her lessons again,
Solve problems for the children, Write an essay, For various pranks, Either scold or punish, Kitchen, dinner, laundry, Putting toys back together.
Without sparing nerve cells, drive the children into bed!
- And hear it while falling asleep. You are so beautiful, I tell you honestly, Mom, I love you so much!..
- Yes. hmm-hmm... sounds nice. And such a prospect? - I just raised children. He got married quickly. Do you want to relax now? Here are your grandchildren! Get it!
- So what? Play again. Respond to grandma, They sat down, stood up, ran, All the toys were collected again, Training at the stove,
A load of domestic fuss.
- Why do they need to live like this?
- Complete aerobics! Hurry up to get everything done.

There's no time to grow old.
- No! I still doubt it, so many nerves and worries!
I am increasingly convinced: Children are troublesome people. We need to raise them for a long time, and educate them, teach them, not get enough sleep at night, worry about them day and night, if they get sick - treat them,
If you’re guilty, you’ll get a beating, And help with your studies, And feed, and dress up...
- What is the difficulty? I don't understand! I dress up dolls!
- Well, I compared! In - gives!
- Children are troublesome people! But for mom
More important than everyone else, I’ll say it straight out. For mothers, children continue. Both honor and respect! And great love.
- And care again and again.
- So my friend, calm down! Worries are fun! While you raise the kids
You won't get bored for a moment.
- Y-ah-ah, I got an answer - The meaning of life can be seen in this.
- The meaning of life is to have a house full of children! Every mother has a child! Well, it’s better to have two at once!
- So that mommy doesn’t get a headache from boredom!

Teacher: Motherhood itself is a whole world. A mother's happiness is the happiness of her children. Please come up on stage: (list of mothers with many children). You deserve a well-deserved applause
Song "Mommy" ZV

Q: We are carried away somewhere by the rapid age, In the bustle, we sometimes forget that mother is not a foundation, she is a person,

The person who holds the house together.

U: Meet, students of grade 3B are singing for you
Song about mom Q: Dear moms, your children congratulate you.

U: Mom fussed for a long time: All the work, work, work. Mom was so tired during the day, she lay down on the sofa. I won’t touch her, I’ll just stand next to her.
Let her sleep a little - I’ll sing her a song. I will become closer to my mother - I love her very much! It’s just a pity that Mom doesn’t hear my song.
There is no more wonderful song. Maybe I should sing it louder so that my mother can hear this song in her dreams?
Song 3A class “Frog Jazz”

Children speak from the audience, turning to their mothers with expressions in turn:
3A-Our dear mothers! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers.
3B- Beloved mothers, let your children be obedient and your husbands attentive!
3B-Mommies, let your home be decorated with comfort, prosperity, and love. 3G- And so that no one ever, anywhere, loses their mother.
Q: Don’t offend mothers, Don’t be offended by mothers. Before parting at the door, say goodbye to them tenderly.

And go around the bend
Don't rush, don't rush,
And to her, standing at the gate,
Wave as long as possible.

Mothers sigh in silence, in the silence of nights, in the anxious silence. For them, we are forever kids, and it’s impossible to argue with that.

So be a little kinder, Don’t be annoyed by their care, Don’t offend your mothers. Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation, And we are on a boundless journey Without mother's kind hands - Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them quickly
And don’t be shy about lofty words,
Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.

Dear mothers, we are waiting for you at our hospitable school again and again, and we really hope that today we were able to give you some wonderful moments
on your holiday!
U: This concludes our concert, we wish you all the best! See you again! "We wish you happiness..."

On November 24, 2013, a holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day was held at the children’s Sunday school of the Church of St. Maximus the Confessor. This holiday was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1998 and is celebrated on the last Sunday of November; on this day it is customary to congratulate all mothers. The Sunday School children prepared a concert for their beloved mothers called "Mother's Heart". The honorary guests of the holiday were parents, mothers, and grandmothers of Sunday school students. Traditionally, this wonderful holiday takes place under the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, who is our most beloved and dear Mother.

Before the concert, the rector of the Church of St. Maximus the Confessor, Priest Andrei Limonov, addressed the guests and participants of the celebration with an opening speech. He cordially congratulated everyone on the holiday and gave a fatherly order to the children to always fulfill the fifth commandment of the Lord - to be kind and loving children for their parents.

“Mother's Day is filled with deep meaning and Christian content. The Lord himself commanded us to honor our parents and showed us an example of how we should fulfill this commandment. Dying on the cross, Jesus Christ took care of his mother, the Mother of God, and entrusted her to the care of his closest disciple, John the Theologian. We should all follow the example of our Savior, take care of and honor our mothers,” said Father Andrei.

At the concert, the children read poetry, acted out skits, showed funny numbers, and sang karaoke with their parents. The hall where the concert took place was very beautifully decorated with colored balloons by entrepreneur Shulga Lyudmila Valerievna, the head of the family cafe "BARBUS". In addition to decorating the hall, Lyudmila Valerievna made 30 balloons on a stick and 19 flowers from balloons as gifts for the children.

On Mother's Day, you can't do without the kindest and kindest words addressed to those who gave us life and made us see the beauty of God's world! A great many poets have sung in their poems the tender hands of a mother, loving eyes, and a big and kind mother’s heart. That’s why the children told them with sincere joy and love, because this is for their beloved mother, dear grandmother.

Mother's heart, it alone warmed us

On the days when things weren't easy for us.

The mother's heart only knew

Where are we - close or far?

Mother's heart, it alone was waiting for us

Even if no one was waiting.

The concert was attended by: Matvey Demin, Zlata Klimova, Alina Mozyreva, Ian Rudkovsky, Svetlana Navilnikova, Grigory Limonov, Yulia Sukhodolova, Gleb Limonov, Anna Gittikh, Alexander Sorokoumov, Anastasia Limonova, Timofey Zavorokhin, Anna Esaulkova, Anastasia Panfilova, Maria Limonova, Ilyukhina Julia, Skrizhevskaya Daria.

The thematic highlight of the concert was the expression of gratitude to mothers of many children who raised three or more children. We are proud that these are the mothers of our Sunday School students:

  • Limonova Natalya Nikolaevna - mother of 7 children,
  • Esaulkova Marina Nikolaevna - mother of 4 children,
  • Churilova Olga Nikolaevna - mother of 4 children,
  • Klimova Elena Alexandrovna - mother of 3 children,
  • Sandalova Elena Andreevna - mother of 3 children,
  • Ovchinnikova Olga Alexandrovna - mother of 4 children,
  • Mozyreva Svetlana Alexandrovna - mother of 3 children,
  • Dorofeeva Olga Sergeevna - mother of 3 children
  • Rumyantseva Marina Mikhailovna - mother of 3 children

Father Andrey presented flowers to mothers with many children and all Sunday School teachers. And now the holiday has come to an end. But we all hope that after parting, for a long time everyone will be warmed by the joy, love and tenderness that the children gave today to their mothers and to all of us.

The clergy and Parish Council of the Church of St. Maximus the Confessor, Sunday School teachers congratulate all mothers on this wonderful holiday! Happiness, health, patience and God's help to you in this difficult work!

Photography: Anastasia Kachaeva, videography: Elena Yarmukhametova.

Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day"

On stage are presenters, the choir of the song “I kiss your hands” and readers (of which readers 1,2,3) and older children (4,5,6)

Presenter 1

There are many kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and more important:
The simple word “mother” is made of two syllables.
And there are no words more precious than it.


Good afternoon, dear mothers, good afternoon, dear grandmothers, hello, dear women! Let me congratulate you on a tender family holiday, Mother's Day, filled with the bright colors of autumn, the aromas of greenery and fruits.
Presenter 1

We would really like today’s meeting to bring you joy, taking you away from everyday worries at least for a short time, so that you feel how much your children love you, how dear your attention is to them. Happy holiday!


Today we congratulate
Our grandmothers and mothers!
And with love we dedicate
Our concert is for you today.

Presenter 1

A wife, a mother is a cheerful, gentle sun in the family horizon, a source of affection, compassion and comfort. All of you, dear mothers, daily play the role of a big mistress of a small state.


You are a teacher, a psychologist, an economist, a diplomat, a doctor and a baker, an actress and a playwright, a director of family scenes, a leader and a subordinate at the same time. But forget about everything for a while. We have a holiday today.

Presenter 1

Mother's Day has entered Russian homes and it's wonderful!

P Mother's Day holiday was established in 1998. and is celebrated on the last Sunday in November.



Becoming a good tradition

One day in November

Confess your love to your mother,

Say “thank you” to her.


She loves us endlessly

And there is no stronger love.

And we all know perfectly well

That we owe our lives to her


Dear, beloved mother,

I'm ready to repeat it again.

I am growing, and with me

My love is growing too.

Older children 4

Anyone who lives in this world,
To love who can think and breathe,
On our common blue planet
There is no more dear word than the word “mother”.
Older children 5

Over the years, becoming more mature, my feelings are stricter.
Suddenly you begin to understand in your heart.
There is no person closer or dearer.
Than the woman whose name is Mother.
Older children 6

Hurry to her through years and separations.
To comfort her and hug her.
Kiss your hands with reverence.
That woman whose name is Mother!

SONG “I kiss your hands”

Junior Sunday Choir on stage

Game with kids “Mommy”

Who came to me this morning?

Mommy. (in chorus)

Who said: “It’s time to get up?”

Mommy. (in chorus)

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Mommy. (in chorus)

Should I pour some tea into my cup?

Mommy. (in chorus)

Who braided my hair?

Mommy. (in chorus)

Swept the whole house by yourself?

Mommy. (in chorus)

Who picked flowers in the garden?

Mommy. (in chorus)

Who kissed me?

Mommy. (in chorus)

Who as a child loves laughter?

Mommy. (in chorus)

Who is the best in the world?

Mommy. (in chorus)

The first song of the Sunday junior choir

Child 7 – small-very small

Mommy, beloved, dear,

Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower,

I don’t know what I should wish for you

On this wonderful day,

I wish you joy and happiness,

Peace and good luck for your lifetime,

So that the heart doesn't break into pieces,

My dear, my dear man!

Second song of the junior Sunday choir

The choir sits down, the leaders are on stage.

Presenter 1

Our mothers can do everything, they all have time! They go to work every day, run the household, and try to spend every free minute with their children! What a pity that this does not always work out!


I take three popsicles,
I chew icicles and pieces of ice,
I go without a hat and hands
I put it in cold water.

Health is iron straight:
I just can't get sick
So that a kind, gentle mother
She could sit with me.

Little scene

mother – child9

Dad - Child10

Packing your backpack
Dad thinks like this:
- I'll be lucky with the cool stuff today,
So, I'll be with the catch,
So, I will be with luck.
Mom thinks differently:
- He'll be lucky with his catch,
I'm at the sink again...
I'll be there all evening
Shoulder-deep in scales!

Child 11

The car won't start
And dad suddenly got wound up,
Scolded her, as usual,
He walked and ruffled his hair.
Then he slammed the hood,
Then he said: “Such compote!”
I've been telling you for a long time that
What do you need a new car?
Listen to your husband and man:
I want a normal car!
"Toyota", "Ford", "Renault", "Hyundai" -
Well, darling, choose! -
And drank mineral water.
And mom chose:
- Washing machine!

Sketch: “What kind of children are these days, right?”

Child 12 - boy

I'm thinking, wondering,
Why are children born?
So, do you guys mind?
Let's weigh the pros and cons!

Child 13 - girl


Why do you need all this?

- For a specific answer!
Preparation for adult life...

Girl - You came up with this cleverly!

- Yes, I feel bad for my mother,
There are no problems in life.

Boy2 -
Yes, we have a lot of problems...
A difficult position is mother.
How would it be easier for her?
Without children like us,

- Ugh! What nonsense!
She will be bored then!
Yes, and in old age compote
Who will bring it in a glass?
Just imagine now
A mother without children at all!

Boy - At home - quiet... cleanliness... Beauty!

- And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!
Without children he is not alive!

“But, let me tell you straight, my mother is having a nice rest.”
She won’t have to check all her lessons again,
Solve problems for children, write essays.
For various tricks, sometimes scold, sometimes punish,
Kitchen, dinner, laundry, collecting toys again.
Without sparing your nerve cells, get the kids in bed!

- And hear, falling asleep...
You are so beautiful
Honestly, honestly, I say
Mom, I love you so much!

- Yes... sounds nice...
What about this prospect?
Just raised children...
Got married quickly...
Do you want to relax now?
Here are your grandchildren! Get it!

- So what? Play again.
Answer grandma
They sat down, stood up, ran,
All the toys have been collected again,
Workout at the stove
A load of domestic fuss.

Boy - Why do they need to live like this?

- Complete aerobics!
Hurry up to get everything done.
There's no time to grow old.

- No! I still doubt it, there are so many nerves and worries!
I am becoming more and more convinced: Children are troublesome people.
It takes a long time to raise them, and educate them, teach them,
Don't get enough sleep at night, worry day and night,
If you're sick, get treated, if you're guilty, you'll get a beating,
And help with studies, and feed and dress up...

Girl - What is the difficulty? I don't understand! I dress up dolls!

Boy - Well, I compared! Wow - it gives!

- Children are troublesome people!
But for mom
more important than anyone else, I’ll say it straight out.
Mom is a continuation in children.
And honor and respect!
And great love

Boy - And care again and again...

- So, my friend, calm down! Worries are fun!
While you are raising children, you will not get bored for a moment.

Boy - Yes - ah - ah, I got the answer - the meaning of life can be seen in this.

Girl -
The meaning of life is seen in
so that the house is full of kids!
Every mother has a child!
All - Well, it’s better to have two at once!

Girl - So that mommy doesn't have a headache from boredom!

Congratulations to mothers of many children


We sincerely congratulate mothers who have raised more than one child and are proud that their children study in our Sunday school. We welcome them. This

Musical number

On stage, the choir of the song “Dressed in a Blue Robe”

Presenter 1

How often do we offend our mothers? And how often do we have to ask them for forgiveness. But there are magic words with which even a very sad and offended mother can cheer up and restore good spirits.


Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word Thank you .
The old tree stump will turn green when it hears
Good afternoon .
If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom
Thank you .
When they scold for pranks, we say,
forgive me please.
In both France and Denmark they say goodbye
Goodbye .

Congratulations from teachers

Presenter 1

We are glad that the children have another mother within the walls of our Sunday school. We sincerely congratulate our beloved teachers!


They are the ones who warm us with their attention, warmth and care. They give us a piece of their heart every time.

Song "Dressed in a blue robe"
The choir sits down, a child (14) and MONTAGE 2 (girls 15,16, 17) come out.

Congratulations from grandmothers

Child 14 – small

Mom has a job
Dad has a job
They have for me -
Saturday remains
and grandma is always at home!
She never scolds me!


Child 15

Now, if I'm a grandmother,
I swear I'll never forget
What about a granddaughter, or maybe a grandson?
Give every day for lunch:
I'll pour it into my right hand,
I'll pour it into my left hand,
And I’ll just pour it on the dish,
A mountain of colorful candies!

Child 16

Now, if I'm a grandmother,
I swear I'll never forget
What about a granddaughter, or maybe a grandson?
You shouldn't scold for bad marks.
Just to relieve boredom,
I'll send it to a cheerful friend,
And I'll let you watch TV,
I'll let you go for a longer walk.

Child 17
But grandma obviously forgot
That I loved candy as a child.
And, apparently, only A's
She wore it from school.
And her friend didn’t come to her,
And I didn’t whisper in her ear,
What a loser grandpa Kolya
I waited for her at the window.

Mothers come out for the song “Bogomolitsa”

Presenter 1

Wax flows over a thin candle,
A tear runs down my cheek...
And, prayerfully quietly,
Mom talks to God...

And not at all according to canon
Mother's talk

Through tears, through moans,
What have you kept so far...

Filled to the brim
Mom's heart... In silence,
Sorting out the rosary of words,
Mom asks for me...

Mom's song "My Midnight Prayer"


Every second 3 people are born in the world. It is mother who gives them life. Mother and child are two inextricable threads in both trouble and joy.

Presenter 1

Just as the sun sends out its rays, warming all living things, so a mother’s love warms the whole life of a child. Mother is a window to the big world. Mother is our support and protection.


Girls and boys
Let's go together
Let's say thank you to grandma
Let's say thank you to mom.

Presenter 1

For songs, for fairy tales,

For your troubles and affection, - Thank you!

For delicious cheesecakes,

For new toys. Thank you!

Presenter 1

For books and counting rhymes,

Here's to skis and jump ropes, Thank you!

For sweet jam,

For your long patience. Thank you!

Presenter 1

Our solemn part is coming to an end.

In conclusion, once again we congratulate you on the holiday! Happiness, health, patience to you and God's help in this difficult work!


May the sun shine brighter for you, and may there always be a strong man’s shoulder nearby.

Wishing you feminine happiness!

Presenter 1

So that moms don't get bored
Let's treat them to tea.
Drink tea and take some cake,
Come visit more often.

Mother's Day at the preschool educational institution. Scenario

Scenario for the holiday “My Dear Mother” for children 4-6 years old, with elements of Christian Orthodox culture

Description: This scenario will be useful for preschool teachers and music directors working with programs on the fundamentals of Orthodox culture. And also to parents who cultivate spiritual and moral qualities in their children.
Target: Fostering love and respect for mother and her work. Moral education of Christian Orthodox Culture.
1. Give the concept of the holiday.
2. Cultivate respect for a woman as a person who gives life, a keeper of the hearth.
3. Talk about the Mother of God.
4. Maintain friendly communication in games, dancing, and productive joint activities.
5. Teach children to expressively perform songs, recite poems, and dance.
Progress of the event:

Hello, our dear guests, it is no coincidence that we have gathered in this cozy room. After all, on the last Sunday of November a holiday is celebrated - “Mother's Day”. This holiday pays tribute to mother's work, her sacrifice for the benefit of her children. Today we congratulate our kindest, most gentle, sensitive and of course our most beautiful mothers. (Children of the older group read poetry.)

Child 1. When I say "mom"
A smile on your lips
And they turn up their nose stubbornly,
And there is happiness in the eyes.

Child 2 When I say “mom” -
My soul sings
And hearts diagram
She calls me to her.

Child 3.
I'm running to my mother -
And I'm looking forward to it
When she hugs you
And I will say “I love you.”

Child 4.
My dear mother,
I love you immensely
And I wish you happiness,
And health, of course.

(Children of the middle group line up with poems and songs).

Who warms with love,
Everything in the world succeeds,
Even play a little?
Who will always console you,
And he washes and combs his hair,
A “smack” kiss on the cheek.
Children: My dear mother!
Child 1. Who opened this world to me,
Sparing no effort?
And always protected?
Children: The best mom in the world.
Child 2. Who is the cutest in the world?
And it will warm you with its warmth,
Loves more than himself
Children: This is my mom.
Child 3. Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything
Even if I'm stubborn
Children: I know my mother loves me.
Child 4. Never gets discouraged
He knows exactly what I need,
If suddenly there is drama
Who will support?
Children: My mom!
(children of the middle group sing the song “Mom is Near” Music by Gennady Levkodimov
Words by A. Kondratyev, after which they continue to read poetry.)

1.We made a whole city
- Towers, stairs, palaces.
We'll give it to mom.
Mom will say: “Well done!” .

2.Mom caresses us,
The sun warms.
The sun, like mom,
Only one thing happens. .

3.Mom! I love you so much,
That I don’t really know!
I'm a big ship
I'll give it the name "Mom".

4.Ruddy apple
I won't eat alone
Half an apple
I'll give it to my beloved mom.

5.My mommy
The best in the world.
Makes me happy
Sweet candies.

6. I’ll fall asleep next to my mother,
I will cling to her with my eyelashes.
You eyelashes, don't blink,
Don't wake up mommy.

Presenter: And now our mothers will read the poems.
About my son(author unknown, read by the first mother.)
Why today
Is everyone in the apartment dancing?
My dear son
Ate a bowl of porridge!
Why like tigers
Are the pipes roaring?
My dear son
In the bathroom brushing his teeth!
What happened in the room?
Who's playing hide and seek?
My dear son
Made the crib!
Was that the reason
Is there commotion in the bedroom?
My dear son
I put on my pajamas myself!
Who, like a hedgehog,
Is there snoring in the room?
This is my son
Sleeps very soundly!

About my daughter(the author is unknown, read by the second mother.)
My daughter is sleeping, she's tired
Today was a long day
She played all day
She didn’t give everyone peace.
Just let him jump better
What illness does the evil one suffer from?
I'll cover it from above
Snow-white sheet
Let him sleep... And tomorrow again
Kindergarten and children
Bunny daughter, be healthy
Sleep, my Sweetheart...

Presenter: Guys, do your mothers read you bedtime stories? So we'll check it out. Guys, guess the riddles.
1. She is the most important mystery of all,
Even though she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents. (mouse)

2. We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house.
Who were these
Small children? (seven kids)

3. While eating rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess. (Emelya from the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike”)

4. This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone until they are full,
That she is herself
Full of delicious food. (tablecloth - self-assembled)

5.Sweet apple flavor
I lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And it’s light all around, like during the day. (Firebird)

6. The duck knows, the bird knows,
Where does Koshchei death lurk?
What is this item?
Give me a quick answer my friend. (Needle)

7. Like Baba Yaga
There's no leg at all
But there is a wonderful one
Which? (mortar)

8. Both the little hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)

9. I went to visit my grandmother,
I brought the pies to her.
The Gray Wolf was watching her,
Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

10. Cinderella's legs
Fell by accident.
She was not simple,
And crystal. (Slipper)
Child reader: Everyone needs to love mom,
Mom needs to be treasured
And come to the rescue
To make life easier for mom!
Presenter: Moms always try for you, but how do you help your mothers? (Children answer). This hour one of you will show how he helps his mother at home, and the rest must guess what kind of help it is, what good deed you helped your mother with. (the teacher tells the child in the ear what to depict: washing, washing dishes, milking a cow, sweeping, wringing out laundry, peeling potatoes,)

Presenter: Under each chair there is a sun and a cloud, I ask you to pick them up.
game. Right-wrong.
Options are offered: if a good deed raises the sun, if not, a cloud rises.
- Petya put away his clothes.
- Masha left a dirty plate on the table.
- Katya washed the glass after afternoon tea.
- Kostya took his father’s book without asking.
- Lesha took out the trash...
- Sasha made the bed after sleep.
- Petya scattered clothes on the chairs.
- Lena swept the floors.
- Dasha got dirty and doesn’t want to wash herself.
- Kolya brushed his teeth at night.
- Fedya offered his mother his help. - Kolya didn’t notice that his mother was tired and demanded attention and was capricious.

Presenter: Happy holiday to our dear mother. We will give you this “rainbow” dance! (Dance “Rainbow” - today I will draw a rainbow and give it to my mother as a souvenir.)

Presenter: Congratulating our mothers, we wish them a lot of goodness and light, so that their children would make them happy, not upset them, and never run away or get lost. I ask you to take part in the game - “Find your child.” Now we will blindfold the mothers, and they must find their child by touch. (to the song Mamantenka from three options)

Presenter: And now, on the contrary, children must guess their mother by touch.

Presenter: Well done boys. Look what I have in my hands? (Icon of the Virgin Mary)

Presenter: Guys, this is the Virgin and Child. Her name is Mary, and she is called the Mother of God because she gave birth to the Son of God. Blessed Mary is called the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary. The baby held by the Most Holy Mary is the Son of God.
Presenter: There are many Temples throughout Russia.

Every church has icons with the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary. People turn to her and ask for help. And the Queen of Heaven always helps. It protects you from trouble, as if sheltering you.

In the red corner there are images,
Quiet, eyes watching carefully.
Mother of God's gentle face
His gaze seemed to penetrate into my soul.
I hear the words “Come to me
Everyone who is in need, everyone who is in trouble,
I will reveal MY HOLY COVER over everyone.

Presenter: Vika has prepared a poem for us about the Mother of God, please listen.

Above the crib, a little to the side
Mother of God icon,
Her kind gaze radiates,
If mom goes away,
But I'm not afraid alone
Mother of God is with me!

Presenter: Look into the eyes of the Virgin Mary. What's her look like?
Children: The Mother of God has a loving, gentle, caring look. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the hands of the Mother of God.
Presenter: What can you say about Mary’s hands?
Children: The hands of the Mother of God are gentle, affectionate and beautiful. The Most Holy Mary tenderly and reverently holds her Child.
Presenter: Guys, what do you think, does the Mother of God love her Son of God?
Children: Yes. She loves Him very much.
Presenter: And who does the Most Holy Mary remind you of?
Children: Mom. Mommy.
Presenter: How do you think they are similar?
Children: My mother also loves me very, very much. She also has gentle, affectionate and warm hands. And my mother always looks at me kindly, tenderly and lovingly. And my mother takes care of me.
Presenter: Do you love your mother?
Children: Yes
Presenter: Let's sing a song for our most tender and beloved mothers. (Children of the younger group sing the song “About Mommy” Lyrics by A. I. Piletskaya
Music by D. A. Trubachev and V. N. Trubacheva).

Presenter: The song is adorable, the song is wonderful, and now we’ll play and show how we help mom.

1. The person who wishes, together with his mother, sweeps the ball up to the screen and back with a broom.

2. And now mothers compete in the ability to quickly and safely convey the product on spoons.

Presenter: In our age, everything is changing rapidly, everyone is running, trying to achieve all sorts of heights, and there is less and less time left for family. We wish our mothers that they always have precious time for their precious children. As a gift for you, Polina will read the poem “Mom’s Outfits” (G. Demykina)
Mom’s dresses are literally countless,
There is blue and there is green,
There is a blue one with large flowers.
Each serve according to its mother.
She wears this to work.
In this he goes to the cinema or to visit,
This will be worn for a festive evening.
In this he goes out to meet his friends.
Tossed carelessly on the headboard
Mom's old, tattered robe.
Yesil will put on a colored robe,
That means he'll be with me all evening.

Presenter: Where the song flows, life is easier there. Sing a funny song, a humorous one.
Children together: Our dear mothers,
We'll sing ditties for you.
Congratulations to you warmly
And hello huge helmet.

1. Vova polished the floor to a shine,
Prepared a vinaigrette.
Mom is looking, what should I do?
There is no work.

2. Who said that I’m a loudmouth?
Who said I'm screaming?
This is me from my dear mother
I'm leaving for my group.

3. I love mommy very much
I'll give her some beads.
If my mommy
It will become very sad.

4. In the morning to our mother, our Tanya
She gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give it,
She ate them right away!
5. So that mom doesn’t feel sad
I won't sleep at night!
I'll jump on the bed
And sing ditties.

6 To mom on Sunday
Don't oversleep on work
I'll set her alarm clock
And I'll slip it under the bed.

Children together: We stop singing ditties
And we always promise you
Listen to you always, in everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

Boys and girls, as well as their parents, would you like to hear a funny story? The story of one of our mothers. Listen please.

How cool it is to be a mother of two boys.
And this is clear to anyone without words.
I will learn all car brands with them,
And when they get older - all kinds of tires.
They will grow up and enlighten me,
How the starter, cardan and jack work.
Without them, I might not have known anything.
Why do you need a jigsaw? Should I kiss?
Why do we need a vice? To squeeze someone?
Bearings - what? Something with spikes?
So many things that could have passed by...
But here it is happiness - TWO guys, TWO sons...

Presenter: Yes, raising boys is not an easy task, and raising such gentlemen is even more so. I announce a dance with mothers. (Moms with their children dance a waltz to the song “You are the best in the world.”)
Presenter: We continue to congratulate our beloved mothers. For you, our dear mothers, the song “A grasshopper sat in the grass” sounds

Peace be with you, our dears! Does everyone know what holiday our performance is dedicated to? The entire Orthodox world celebrates the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Intercession is one of the most revered autumn church holidays among the people.

(reads a poem by Svetlana Vysotskaya to the children).

Protection of the Virgin Mary

The autumn day is waning,

The birdsong ceases.

And today was on time

The first little white snow.

On this day St. Andrew is blessed

I saw an indescribable light:

Our Lady of Blachernae

He prays to God for the faithful.

All with an invisible cover

Blessedly dawns

And on the harsh earthly path

Saves from misfortunes.

1 — On autumn gray clouds

The Mother of God entered the temple.

She knelt down,

She prayed before the image of the Son.

2 - I saw the Mother of God in the temple

In the night Saint Andrew,

Like an honorable omophorion

She covered all people.

And now all those who pray,

Those who go to the temple of Christ,

Saves the Mother of God

Holy protection from enemies.

3- In the temple the Mother of God

She showed her first Veil,

In the temple and now She

Shows us His love.

4 - For Your merciful protection,

For help and love

We love you, Mother of God,

Let us glorify everything forever.

5 — There are images in the red corner.

Quiet, eyes watching carefully.

Mother of God's gentle face

His gaze penetrated straight into the soul.

I hear the words: “Come to Me

Everyone who is in need, everyone who is in trouble.

I will spread My holy cover over everyone.”

6 - And over everyone who is ready to believe,

She spread out her holy cover.

He comes from the light of heaven,

Weightless and transparent in appearance,

He will protect you from sorrows and troubles.

The Most Holy Theotokos - the Mother of God - is a great and merciful Intercessor for all Christians, like a mother for her children. We pray to the Mother of God, knowing that she is closest to God. For the sake of Her Motherly love and prayers for us, God forgives many of our sins.

In addition, today we have another holiday - Mother's Day. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

Children of the “Orthodox Culture” circle

1 - Mothers have a sacred position in the world -

Pray for gifted children.

Both day and night in the invisible ether

The prayers of our mothers are heard.

2 - One will fall silent, the other will echo her.

Night will replace day, and night will come again.

But mothers' prayers never cease

For your dear son or daughter.

3 - The Lord listens to the prayers of mothers,

He loves them more than we love them.

Mother never tires of praying

About children who have not yet been saved.

4 - There is a time for everything, but while we are alive,

We must pray and cry out to God.

There is an unearthly power hidden in prayer,

When their mother whispers them with tears.

5 - How quiet. The birds have fallen silent in the yard,

Everyone had already gone to bed a long time ago.

I bowed down to pray in front of the window

My dear loving mother.


Thank you!.. And may your beloved children say warm words to every mother more often! Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in their eyes when you are together!

Song about mom

1 - The word “mother” is expensive.

Mom needs to be treasured.

With her affection and care

It's easier for us to live in the world!

2 - Do you remember when you were still a baby,

And she is in the silence of the night,

Like an angel at your bedside

Protected your peace.

Presenter: Indeed, for any person the word mother is dear! We love our mothers very much and we express this love in addressing her, in the way we call her. Guys, what affectionate name can you call your mother?

Children's answers. (Mommy, mummy, mummy, mother, mummy, mummy, mother...)

Presenter- Guys, have you noticed that we don’t use the words mother, mother, mother now to mothers? This is what mom was called in ancient times. Let's take a look into our past: a clean Belarusian hut, smartly dressed children... How they dance!

Dance "Shaking"

The scene is “Belarusian hut”. The mother, dressed in a Belarusian costume, puts things in order: she lays out the tablecloth, puts the samovar on the table, and arranges the cups and saucers. The “Pokrov” icon hangs above the table.

Dialogue between mother and daughter:

- Mother, why are you decorating the room?

— The Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God is coming soon.

The mother takes the icon, wipes it, kisses it, and makes the sign of the cross:

- Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

- Mother, tell me about the Intercession of the Virgin Mary!

- Well, okay, I'll tell you again.

He takes off the icon and sits down on a bench with his daughter. Musical background.

There was a war going on. Constantinople was besieged by enemies, approaching the very city walls. Day and night priests served in the churches of Constantinople, praying to the Lord for the salvation of the city and people.

On one of those days at the All-Night Vigil, when the church was full of worshipers, the holy fool Andrei and his disciple Epiphanius stood among them. Suddenly Saint Andrew, raising his gaze to heaven, saw the Most Holy Lady walking through the air, illuminated by heavenly light and surrounded by angels and saints. Kneeling down, the Blessed Virgin began to pray for Christians and remained in prayer for a long time. Having finished praying, She took off the cover from Her head and spread it over the people praying in the temple, protecting them from visible and invisible enemies. And this cover in the hands of the Lady shone “brighter than the rays of the sun.” Saint Andrew asked his disciple Epiphanius, who was standing nearby: “Do you see, brother, the Queen and Lady praying for the whole world?” Epiphanius replied: “I see, holy father, and I am horrified.”

The Most Holy Theotokos asked the Lord Jesus Christ to accept the prayers of all people calling on His Holy Name and resorting to His intercession.

In memory of this event, people have been celebrating the Day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos for many, many years.

The daughter takes the doll and tells her:

Daughter - Listen to me, child, I will tell you too. The Mother of God gave birth to God. She is his mother. The Lord himself obeyed her and gave us, the people, the commandment: “Honor your father and your mother...” So you, daughter, honor me! (Puts the doll to sleep)

Sing a lullaby

Daughter- Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word

Don't have a place in heaven?

At least on the very edge.

In Paradise the angels sing

They're calling the baby over.

Mother: Come to us, little one,

We will open a bright Paradise

Let's let the baby go ahead

Let the child go.

Together— Theotokos and mother

Put the little one to bed!

Mom addresses the children:

It means to obey.

To help.

Take care.

- Take care.

To care for when parents get sick or old.

Daughter - Mama, let's pray to the Mother of God!

Children sing a song: "Prayer with Mom"(words by T. Shorokhova, music by Filatova)

1.Mom is free from worries again

By the evening he will be tired,

He will light a thin candle,

He will kneel down.


I'll stand next to her

Pray to God -

And my prayer

It will warm up quietly.

2. Our Lady is upon us

He will look kindly -

And on the heart at the same hour

It will become so calm.


1 – Prayers words are golden

We sing at the ancient shrines:

– Intercessor, Virgin Mary,

Spread Your Veil over us!

2 - Under the pure, invisible Veil

We will seek the Divine City.

You will meet us, Mother of Christ,

At heaven's shining gates.

3 — Slush, even if it’s off-road,

Don't be sad, look down,

After all, the Mother of God is above us

It spreads its cover.

4 - From everything evil in the world

Forest and field and houses -

Covers everything with Veil

Mother of God Herself.

5 - Above the bed, a little to the side,

Mother of God icon.

Her kind gaze radiates;

If mom goes away,

It’s not scary for me alone -

The Mother of God is with me.

I'll wake up early in the morning,

I will pray to the icon.

6 - The leaves flew off the branches.

The moon found a place to sleep in the clouds,

And on the very day of the Intercession

Pure, pure snow fell.

7 - He reliably covered

Field, forest and native shelter,

Reminding everyone that above the ground

The Mother of God holds the Veil!

Presenter - Yes, the Most Pure Mother of God always extends Her prayer cover over us; She always begs Her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to deliver us all from troubles and misfortunes and to grant us eternal salvation. And God gives us the opportunity to live calmly, happily, to sing, dance, and have fun.

Dance with tambourines

Presenter: Each of us felt the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. She helps us like a mother and protects us from various troubles. We unanimously thank the Mother of God on this bright holiday. And what autumn holiday would be complete without fun games? And, since we celebrate the Feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the fall, it’s time to remember about the harvest. Now we will be harvesting the harvest!

“Collect potatoes with a spoon”

The game involves 2 people. 6 - 8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Children are given a basket and a wooden spoon. At a signal, they begin to collect potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in the basket. The child who collects the most potatoes wins.

“Collect cucumbers and tomatoes”

The game involves 2 children. On command, children, accompanied by music, look for “vegetables” under the “leaves” (green handkerchiefs). The one with the fullest basket wins.

Presenter – Only the turnip remained in the ground.

Can't pull it out - it's stuck tightly.

Guys, hurry up

Come to my aid.

Round dance "Turnip"

Presenter – Thank God, our harvest has grown rich. With God's help, under the protection of the Mother of God, we grew this harvest. And in the evening, tired of earthly worries, people approached the icon, lit candles and thanked our Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and all the Saints for their help.

Slush, even if it’s off-road -

Don't be sad, look down,

After all, the Mother of God is above us

Extends the omophorion.

From everything evil in the world

Forest, and field, and houses -

Covers everything with a blanket

Mother of God Herself.

Our holiday dedicated to the great holiday of the Intercession and Mother's Day has ended! We wish you all God's Help and the Protection of the Most Pure Mother over your families!

View the photo presentation of the holiday.

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