How to confess your love to a guy. Declaration of love to a guy

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling that any girl experiences sooner or later. Meeting your “ideal” man (especially when it comes to first love) always leaves an indelible mark on your memory. But in order to be together, you need to somehow express your feelings, which not everyone can do and not always. But what to do if for some reason the guy is in no hurry to throw millions of roses at his feet, and the woman herself has already firmly decided that she will only be with him? In our enlightened age, it has long been possible to take the first step on your own, without waiting for it from your knight, and at the same time not to lose your dignity.

Is it possible for a girl? Pros and cons

Why "against":

  1. The most disgusting outcome of this event is the refusal to accept tender feelings. It’s always scary to be the first to confess, because the other half may discover that he likes the other one or try to turn everything into a joke and “remain friends.”
  2. If this is a serious person with a strict upbringing, then after such a bold act he may decide that the girl is easily accessible and/or prefers to dominate in the relationship - no man deliberately wants to be henpecked.
  3. Complexes can also play a cruel joke. A young man who is too insecure in himself may begin to mumble “I don’t know” in response to such a frank confession, and an overly self-confident one will decide that he is too macho, since even the girls themselves tell him this. This could be the beginning of manipulating a partner, but why is this necessary in a normal relationship?
  4. Failure will disappoint and can become the cause of a girl’s complexes. Regret and “self-criticism” develop into despair if you are not distracted in time by something neutral or by another person.

There is an opinion that a girl should not make the first move


  1. Courage is a reason to be proud. And not only the confessed one, but also her boyfriend! There is so much admiration in his voice when he tells his friends (and sometimes later his children) about how his dream itself came to him (called, wrote - it doesn’t matter).
  2. Secret unrequited love is treated exclusively by such confessions. Even if the guy has not shown mutual feelings, his opinion on this matter greatly helps to pull yourself together.
  3. What if the love is mutual, but he hides it? You definitely need to dare! Modest guys often cannot even afford to dream that a girl will decide to tell them about her feelings first, and forcing themselves to make a confession is comparable to torture. In this case, you need to be simpler.
  4. A new level of relationship can go so far that it ends in marriage. Yes, now there are walks together, going to the cinema, small gifts, but is this love? You can find out this only by declaring your love to a guy - suddenly this is the beginning of a truly magical life.

Why is he silent?

Yes, according to generally accepted rules of behavior, a man must do a lot first: give a lady his hand, invite her to dance, confess his love. But, due to the emancipation of women, not all young people are able to say “I love you” without fear, even if they seem cool in appearance. Let's just say, even if they seem cool to themselves.
What to do in this case?
Be sure to openly declare your love first. This will not only give you strength in your own eyes, but will also liberate the guy.

Others prefer to keep such confessions secret for fear of “scaring off” the girl with their pressure or, conversely, giving her an instrument of power over themselves. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex are honest, preferring the joys of meeting and intimacy to the joys of spending expensive time together and receiving valuable gifts.
What to do in this case?
Rather than being so tender and fragile that you are afraid to touch, it is better to show a little of your own initiative. Firstly, this will help the young man to be convinced of the girl’s exceptional sincerity, and secondly, such tactics will help show that a woman can sometimes be strong too. However, born “defenders” may not like this.

Also, guys are no less afraid than girls of being rejected or hearing that the object of adoration loves his best friend more. No one is immune from this. In addition, men, for the most part, are morally more “thick-skinned” creatures and cannot always understand what exactly they feel for their companion.
What to do in this case?
Most often this happens when the object of adoration previously declared his love and was rejected. Now he has psychological trauma and the fear that any girl will do the same to him as the previous one. It makes sense to confess here in order to break this stereotype.

Silence can speak volumes

There are also “silent people” who prefer to demonstrate their attitude through actions, forgetting that women “love with their ears.” Try to hint to such a knight that he is sometimes more romantic. There’s no need to confess too much here.

Serious preparation

But, having decided, it is better to stop for a while and check whether the girl herself is ready to confess her love to the guy. Doing it first is no easier than for those men who do it themselves.

First, you should try to look at yourself from the outside - is this really love? Maybe boredom or a thirst for adventure, fatigue from loneliness? Before making loud statements, you need to be sure of the sincerity of your own feelings. A close friend, mother or sister can help you understand the situation. But you shouldn’t discuss such secrets with the best friend of your future boyfriend - most likely, it will cease to be a secret, but the question of why a stranger, and not the guy himself, was the first to know about it, will remain.

Also, if friendly communication has been established, you can carefully ask his opinion about relationships, about girls, maybe even about marriage. But all this should be done unobtrusively, solely interested in the opinion of a friend. This stage of preparation will be extremely useful in the future if it turns out that the feelings are mutual - it is better to know tastes and preferences well, and not try to guess on the fly.

Is the intention to express your feelings still there? Okay, then we can start rehearsing. No matter how funny it may sound, it is better to actually rehearse the “scene” several times in front of the mirror in order to choose the words and choose the most winning tactics. During a real confession, a confidently spoken phrase will not allow the guy to laugh it off, pretending that these are momentary emotions.

All that remains is to get yourself in order, prepare an irresistible smile and... make the most original declaration of love in your life. On one's own.

Original confessions

1) You can whisper words of love in your ear. It’s not so easy to do beautifully, but when done successfully it looks very romantic and pleasant for both. And guys, even though they show their masculinity, are just as susceptible to tenderness as girls. In addition, what is said in a whisper is perceived as a hidden secret, something that needs to be protected from others.

2) Romantic and fun. If the guy is a romantic, that's great. Walking under the stars, having dinner together (it is quite atypical when a girl takes a man to a restaurant, it is much better to show off her own culinary masterpieces), candles - all this will create the very atmosphere when you can say the introductory phrase “I have long wanted to tell you...”. Just don’t make it a toast - it doesn’t always look impressive, especially when the girl is very worried and is in a hurry to “wash down” her words.

Beautiful words will help you express your feelings

3) If two romantically inclined natures meet, but you are not in the mood to stand at the stove for half a day, then it is quite possible to dedicate a poem to your loved one and personally recite it. But there are difficulties here - firstly, you shouldn’t make a poem out of a confession - reading for too long will only cause fatigue and bewilderment, and secondly, it’s better to abandon the scribbled sheet altogether - a quatrain spoken from memory will be much more effective. Perhaps, when recognizing by correspondence, a lengthy madrigal will look more appropriate.

4) Endorphins are the best allies. There are also tricks that help create such an impressive spiritual uplift that the answer to any question will be positive, not to mention the reaction to a declaration of love from a girl. How to arrange this? Not so easy, but possible. An ideal day - delicious food, great work, your favorite team won and the ideal woman declared her love. What could be more beautiful?

5) The Internet and mobile communications come to the aid of modest women. Although talking about serious things is not personally considered bad form, it is better than sitting and waiting for the prince to deign to figure it out for himself. Here, too, you should not neglect preparation - several drafts will help to weed out unnecessary words and ambiguities, leaving only the most important things. And then you can make an appointment. In the most extreme case, you can arrange a mysterious accident - a letter from a stranger or an SMS from an unknown number. Mystery and adventure are the best way to ignite the feelings of the stronger sex at any age.

6) You can choose any reason for recognition. Birthday, New Year or anniversary of acquaintance are no worse than other days to give such a gift as yourself. True, you should not limit yourself exclusively to this gift... By the way, about gifts - a CD with lyrics, your own song or video will help make the recognition unforgettable. Even if the feelings are not mutual, let it remain as a keepsake for someone you care about.

7) One of the most gentle ways to tell what you feel is to bring it out from your loved one in the most sensitive places. We are talking about your back and arms - under the pretext of a funny game “guess what I’m drawing on you,” you can talk about your love and it will be wonderful.

A negative answer only means that you can build a relationship with someone else.

You can turn to friends and relatives for help if it seems that you can’t get out of depression on your own - a new hobby, hobby and change of environment will definitely help you cope with even the most negative thoughts. In addition, there is a positive side to this - in addition to life experience, a failed guy, seeing a radiant smile instead of a tear-stained face, may begin to be tormented by the same thoughts as a recently rejected girl. In addition to petty vengeful joy, this can be done both as a way of paying for oneself (but then the question arises, was there love if it so quickly became hatred), and as a way to attract a loved one to you again, to show that he is really needed and important .

In any case, no matter how scary it is and no matter how painful it is, if suddenly the feelings are not mutual, this is something that every person should experience - just like trying to be the first to confess your love. Without exception, it's a guy or a girl.

As you know, girls are romantic and sensitive creatures, and therefore they begin to experience attraction to the opposite sex much earlier than the guys themselves. And at any age, it all starts with simple sympathy, and ultimately develops into something more, important and significant. And then the feelings require a response on his part and some kind of certainty, but if the young man does not show signs of reciprocity, the girl has to act on her own. And here a new problem appears: guy, if you are afraid to hear the real answer, and how to decide on this? Let's figure this out together, dear ladies.

Question one: is all this necessary?

Declaration of love is not an easy matter, it requires determination and courage, balance and responsibility. Of course, before taking this step, the girl experiences enormous stress, fear, excitement, and is overcome by many emotions, and not the most pleasant ones at that. However, since the guy forces you to take decisive action, think about whether you should be the first to declare your love, is all this worth such efforts on your part? Firstly, young ladies often mistake light infatuation for deep feelings, they say loud words that they cannot live, breathe, etc. without this young man. They often ask for a pen pal. There is nothing stupider than admitting to not knowing him personally for a long time.

First, try to test yourself: look at other guys, be alone for a couple of days and evaluate everything soberly. Imagine that your loved one will reciprocate your feelings, what then? Do you want a relationship with him, how long will it last? And if you really decide that your feelings are deep and not far-fetched, let's move on to the next stage: is this young man worth it?

Question two: is he the one?

You suffer for weeks, wondering how to confess your love to a guy if you are afraid to take the first step. The heart is ready to jump out of feelings, but in the end it may turn out that he is not at all your cup of tea. Most often, a girl decides to do this precisely because the guy seems to be showing signs of reciprocity, but either they are somewhat unclear, or the lady notices that he himself wants to confess his love, but is shy. However, even here, ladies, there is one small problem: we know how to invent those very “signs” for ourselves, especially if we diligently look for them in every glance of our loved one. It’s quite simple to check this: disappear for a couple of days, or even a week, or play the “snow queen”. Let his feelings surface and don't do anything on your own.

Drawing conclusions

If he doesn’t even notice your absence or doesn’t start an active search, without regretting anything, turn around and move on with your life without him. You don’t even have to think about how to confess your love to a guy if you’re afraid, because it’s clear that he’s clearly not worth it, and for him you are just one of many. But if you notice that he is worried and worried, if he starts asking you what happened, what he did wrong, then act decisively, because your feelings are really mutual. Don't forget that your recognition is a treasure that should only be given to someone who can appreciate it.

Question three: how to do this?

If the previous questions have passed the test, it's time to turn to the most important stage: how to confess your love to a guy correctly. Everything here, firstly, depends on the situation, because it makes a big difference whether you are already dating this young man, or whether everything can only begin after recognition. In the first option, everything is much simpler, since you are already in a relationship, and you only need to choose the right moment. So, first, think through the situation. You need to choose a place for a date that will have a suitable romantic atmosphere, and no one will disturb you. A park in the evening or a quiet, cozy cafe may be suitable for this. You can invite him over for dinner. You need to create a situation so that you can talk calmly, and he is relaxed and ready for dialogue. Then you must prepare, namely, come up with an attractive, but not provocative image, gentle and romantic. You need him to think only about you and your feelings, and a short skirt or open neckline will clearly create a different impression of you.

Question four: what to say?

If you are afraid of rejection? Think through your text carefully. The confession should not be too drawn out and should provide specific information about your intentions. However, it’s also not worth saying three precious words directly, it can dumbfound and frighten him. A short introductory speech, ending with a logical conclusion and, in fact, recognition, is ideal. For example, it may sound like this: “You know, we have known each other for quite a long time, and during this time I managed to understand how dear you are to me. Next to you I feel very comfortable, without you I feel lonely. You are so dear and I love you. How do you feel about me? Of course, you must choose a speech specifically for your situation, but you need to be guided by one rule: everything said must be true.

Question five: friendship or relationship?

A particularly delicate situation is if you start to have feelings for a guy with whom you have been thinking for a long time. Should you be the first to confess your love in this situation? In this context, the most difficult question will be the choice between maintaining this relationship or moving to a completely different level. Ask yourself if you are willing to risk everything and put what you have now on the line for something that may not come. After all, such a confession in any case will undermine your friendship and his attitude towards you, and if your feelings turn out to be true, then you will not be able to return everything as it was. How to confess your love if you are afraid? Think about whether you are sure that your attitude towards him is romantic. It is also possible that after spending a lot of time with him, you became attached to him, and thus it seemed to you that this was something other than friendship. And finally, think - can you be together if your feelings turn out to be mutual? After all, in a relationship, a guy always behaves differently than in a friendship, just like a girl. Therefore, make every decision carefully. Be happy.

Long gone are the days of knights, sword fights for the right to own the heart of a beauty. Legends about dragons kidnapping a princess and the princes who rescued them are also found only on the pages of books and in cinema. And who knows, maybe it was true...

In any case, regardless of whether these stories were real or fabulous, some traditions of bygone times are firmly rooted in modern life. For example, one of the rules of etiquette - to let a lady go first before entering a building and open the door for her, dates back to prehistoric times, when men allowed women to enter the cave first. Only, in this case, the gesture was not associated with etiquette, but with the possible presence of a lion in the cave. Whether it's a joke or true, everyone will judge in their own way. Still, it’s very nice if a guy gives up his seat on a bus to a girl, woman or child.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the stronger sex has not died out as a species, and in modern times there are still “special specimens” with a steel core, unshakable determination and willpower. However, even in this case, tender relationships are not always in their power. The fortitude they show in battles becomes fragile from girlish glances and voices. And girls are not always fragile and defenseless.

Amazons of the twenty-first century know how not only to stand up for themselves, but also to occupy dominant positions at work, in the family, and in society. And, if necessary, they know how to be the first to confess their love to a guy:

  • Emancipation did its job. The emergence of zealous feminists has made some men softer and more indecisive. Today everyone is responsible for their actions Women are more likely to take charge.
  • They make decisions, and they also deal with its consequences. With this development of events it is very difficult to “build” a romantic relationship, and even more so wait for the first step from a man or a declaration of love.

Declarations of love have always occupied a special place in a person’s life. Poems, poems, and paintings were dedicated to them.

Today, traditions are not forgotten either. There are many parks dedicated to the theme of love. The well-known “Park of Love and Inspiration” in the city of Uman, the “Park of Love and Friendship” in Severodvinsk, and even the scandalous park in Korea “Land of Love”. This list can be supplemented for a long time. Such parks are a wonderful place for declarations of love and ordinary walks. Thematic flower beds, squares, sculptures, statues, buildings - everything evokes sentimentality and disposes a person to tender emotions, giving self-confidence to indecisive people.

If the situation develops in such a way that the girl understands the need to “take everything into her own hands,” otherwise the guy will never decide to take the first step, then the guy should confess his love in some way romantic place.

It all depends on the guy and the girl. From their attitude to romance, to each other and to love as a feeling, without which there is no future for relationships.

Pragmatics and calculation in family life are not always a suitable option for developing relationships. After all, love is generous and strong, like faith, it can forgive a lot, “forget” and support in any situation. In comparison, the cold calculation of marriages “for profit” cannot compete with it.

How to confess your love to a guy without him refusing?

Any decision, and especially one that is associated with feelings, must be balanced. It is, of course, worth noting that sometimes the spontaneous development of events solves the situation much better, but this coincidence of circumstances and the natural push of both sides helps spontaneity. In another case, everything collapses from an explosion of emotions. You can’t let everything take its course...

If a guy and a girl have been dating for a long time, and there are no signs of rapprochement on the part of the guy, it’s worth testing the waters.

First of all, you need to understand yourself. Determine exactly what is needed from a particular person, what the heart expects from him. If one conclusion suggests itself - love, then you need to confess your love to him.

  • If such reconnaissance gives a positive result: the guy has a positive attitude towards marriage and relationships, you can move forward. If in his words one can hear a categorical “no”, such as “family is archaic”, “why tie yourself down”, “I don’t need shackles”, then this eloquently indicates that the young man is not yet ready for a serious relationship.

Then you shouldn’t start a conversation with confessions, you can get rejected. This will hurt both the guy and the girl. She will be disappointed in the guy, in her feelings, she will receive a mental wound, and he will become even more convinced that freedom is the best thing in a man’s life.

  • If suddenly this happens, and the confession comes out of your mouth on its own, don’t get lost, you need to keep your head held high and not hide your eyes. There should be no fear on the girl’s face. The gray mouse that lives inside the young lady must stay at home and give way to the beautiful panther, who is gracefully moving towards her goal. Who knows, maybe this is what the target was waiting for. The guy must understand that these are not just stupid confessions, an outburst of emotions, but a balanced decision.

A real man is a must will appreciate this step women. He will understand how difficult it is to confess his love to a guy first, and even if he did not expect to encounter such a storm of feelings, he will be grateful for his tenderness towards him.

  • If the guy is a complete idiot, whose real appearance the girl could not immediately discern, and refused to confess, then no need to shed tears for him, that's for sure. In any case, the mirror tells the girl how much beauty this young man has lost, and her heart is weighed down by resentment.

There is no need to walk darker than a cloud, you should do something interesting. Surely, after some time, you will meet someone who will appreciate the breadth of your soul, and maybe he will confess his love. And wimps with the words “I don’t know...”, “I didn’t think”, “I’m not ready” are just ballast for personal development. Don't waste precious minutes of your life on them.

How to confess your love to a guy in contact?

Social networks have completely absorbed our consciousness. We can't even imagine life without this web. It is quite natural that virtual acquaintances appear who can become real good friends, and even more. Sympathy may arise, which can easily be confused with love.

Life in the light of a sunny day is always different from the screen. Image created by correspondence does not always correspond to the real appearance of a person.

Before you let a person into your heart, worth seeing him in real life situations, understand what he is like in deeds, and not in words. Need to beware of pickup artists who lure inexperienced girls into their networks. They tell them lies about love like in a fairy tale, and then defraud them of their money. The reason could be anything: a fairy tale about a relative’s illness, a tearful story about a road accident and the need for money for urgent car repairs, in short, literally any story.

A girl in love differs from an ordinary girl by being blinded by love, which does not allow her to think soberly.

Therefore, she is ready to give any money to help her virtual boyfriend, who in fact may turn out to be a pimply teenager or a Casanova of the last century.

Still, there are good guys online. Therefore, if a girl is lucky and has met someone like this, then a social network is the most reliable and shady way to confess her love to a guy. This method will relieve redness of the cheeks, awkwardness and heaviness of the gaze. First, you can try to sprinkle the guy with hearts on the wall. If he doesn’t understand such transparent hints, you can post a song with more direct words on his wall. Didn't that help either?

Then a girl can take risks. You can easily create a collage of photos together using apps. Photo montage is also suitable here. He saves you if there are no photos together. In this case, you can find out the guy’s disposition towards you and prepare him for confession.

It's finished! The confession was sent in a personal message. Waiting for an answer is too painful. Therefore, you need to distract yourself. Turn off the computer and do something, or better yet, go to a friend’s house so that you are not tempted to turn it on again. If a guy has a girl’s phone number, then, without waiting for her to appear online, he will call or write. And if he prepared a cold refusal in response to the confession, then in the next visit in contact we can say that it was a joke, a test of the guy himself.

How to confess your love to a guy if he doesn't love you?

We choose, we are chosen,

how often this does not coincide,

I follow you as a shadow,

I'm getting used to the discrepancy.

The words of a famous song often become a story from our life. Unfortunately, love pheromones do not always have their effect. There is no point in wondering who is to blame for this. Maybe people are not suitable for each other, maybe their love is “imaginary”, or maybe Cupid just missed and his arrow hit the wrong person.

A very common situation is when a girl loves a guy who has no feelings for her. This situation may become a trap for both. Especially if the guy wants to maintain friendly relations. And if, more importantly, there is already a girl that he really likes. If he told you about her before, then after your confession, the guy may feel deceived. After all, he opened his soul to you and told you about his secret, and you, hiding behind friendship, did not justify his trust. It is not necessary, of course, that after this your paths with him will diverge. But there is some risk that you will stop communicating.

Having decided to break the friendship with a declaration of love, the girl must clearly understand that it is possible that in the future they will not have any relationships, neither friendly nor personal.

Confessing your love to a guy if he doesn’t love you is not easy. Here it is known that the answer will be refusal or, even worse, pity. Pity is even more painful than refusal. After all, you immediately begin to feel somehow flawed and poor. You think that you are the worst of all his acquaintances, otherwise he would definitely reciprocate your feelings. But this is not true, you are just so different people that he feels it. And you, blinded by your love, do not notice the obvious differences in characters and hobbies.

Sometimes a girl feels an urgent need to declare her love. She is driven either by a weak hope of the possibility of reciprocity or by an obsession, as a result of the implementation of which she will experience relief. Well, if this is the case, then it’s worth using the old way of confession - writing love letters like “I’m writing to you, what more...” Being in the image of Tatyana Larina is not every girl’s dream, however, having tried on these “suffering clothes”, an understanding of the hopelessness of the situation may come.

It is possible that the object of adoration will “wake up” from heartfelt recognition, weigh all the pros and cons, and accept the recognition into good graces. There are times when men do not think about relationships until they are prompted to do so. It will be good if this becomes the road to a future together. But it happens that such a turn of events only pushes the girl away, because her psychotype needed this unattainable man, and not a timid page who agreed to a timid proposal.

Love is a complex feeling; it requires not only dedication, but also courage. You can keep your feelings to yourself for a long time, but there comes a time that requires revelation.

Here the question arises, how to confess your love to a young man.

How to confess your love to a guy

Declaring love is not an easy matter, it requires determination and courage, balance and responsibility. Of course, before taking this step, the girl experiences enormous stress, fear, excitement, and is overcome by many emotions, and not the most pleasant ones at that.

However, since the guy forces you to take decisive action, think about whether you should be the first to declare your love, is all this worth such efforts on your part?

Young ladies often mistake light infatuation for deep feelings, they say loud words that they cannot live, breathe, etc. without this young man. They often ask how to confess their love to a pen pal. There is nothing stupider than confessing your feelings to a person without knowing him personally for a long time.

If there is confidence in its location, then the matter is choosing an acceptable method. This needs to be done romantically and beautifully, then it will be deposited not only in the memory, but also in the heart.

The most common way is to create a romantic dinner. Choose the place where to hold it yourself. It all depends on the possibilities and conditions. But the evening itself should not begin with a confession. Everything should be left for dessert; along with dessert it would be nice to say the cherished words.

If your imagination is very well developed and your creativity is bursting forth, then you can not only choose words, but also compose a short poem, poem, or set words to music. Undoubtedly, this will make a lasting impression on the guy. There is no need to assume that men are callous and thick-skinned; they are even greater romantics than women.

You can send a declaration of love to a guy using a radio DJ. The main thing is to make sure that the message is heard by the recipient. Modern technical means and skills allow you to create original clips.

To decide on the method of declaration of love, you need to share his hobbies. Recognition can be organized by standing on roller skates, skating, jumping from a height, etc. All this requires preparation, but nothing simply happens in life. Don't be afraid to take the first step; such a move will help change your relationship in a completely different direction.

In the case when a confession needs to be made to a guy who has no idea about your feelings, the main thing is not to scare him with your pressure. It’s enough just to find the right moment, at a disco or party. If you receive a refusal or silence in response, do not be alarmed. It has its advantages, you no longer need to “die” of love in the unknown. In addition, it often happens that, having learned about feelings, a guy begins to think a lot about you and gradually gets carried away.

How to confess your love to a guy if you are afraid of rejection? Think through your text carefully. The confession should not be too drawn out and should provide specific information about your intentions. However, it’s also not worth saying three precious words directly, it can dumbfound and frighten him. A short introductory speech, ending with a logical conclusion and, in fact, recognition, is ideal.

For example, it may sound like this: “You know, we have known each other for quite a long time, and during this time I managed to understand how dear you are to me. Next to you I feel very comfortable, without you I feel lonely. You are so dear and I love you. How do you feel about me? Of course, you must choose a speech specifically for your situation, but you need to be guided by one rule: everything said must be true.

Interesting videos that will help you make a decision and find the right words

Beautiful confession:

Touching declaration of love:

What words can you say to your loved one:

Without you, I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness, I live by you, I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. I want to sit with my legs tucked under me and watch you go about your business, I want to watch movies with you, walk, I feel good next to you, because I love you madly! 92

All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! You are my favorite person in the world! 142

You sparked a great feeling in my heart, I love you and want to always be by your side. Only with you am I happy, only next to you do I feel completely free, happy and most loved! 225

I constantly think about you and love you very much, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection, spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whisper words of love in your ear and just purr with pleasure! 186

I forget about everything, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are very dear to me, I love you madly and simply adore you! 193

Without you, I’m just a little person in this world - one of many, but with you I’m in seventh heaven. When you are near, I feel that I need you. When you are far away, I really miss you. I think about you all the time and love you very much. 75

I can’t imagine myself without you, without your smile, your eyes, your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I adore you! I need you more than life! I love you! 90

I want to enjoy you and your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and always look forward to meeting you. 78

What is my life? This is happiness - when we are together, this is your smile, the anticipation of meeting you, the joy of meeting... I fell in love with you. You are the person for whom I have always had a place in my heart. 54

You know, I've been wanting to tell you for a long time... I wanted to tell you... This has been tormenting me for a long time... For a very long time... Ever since we started dating... A lot has happened lately... for these days... I thank you for every pleasant minute you gave... In general, I’ll probably stop procrastinating... It’s time to dot all the i’s... I want to say that I love you madly, just madly! 151

I love you for your incredibly beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your body, which warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses, which just make your head spin! I love you madly! You are like a gentle sun that makes me happy every day! 79

I don’t need gifts, I only need you, your attention... Sometimes, waking up in the morning, I understand that I live for you... I want to always be with you. I love you more than life. 34

I always want to do something good for you, I want to please you with something. I confess my feelings to you, I love you, my one and only, desired and unique. Let our love make us the happiest people. 57

I remember our meeting, when all the circumstances came together for us to find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably everything should have been exactly this way and no other way. And I’m just happy that everything happened this way. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very minute we met. 81

When you are near, I feel that you need me just as much as you need me. For me, my whole life is you, you are my joy and all my dreams! 58

Women's portal - Bonterry