Supplement for pensioners with two children. The procedure for registering additional payments to pensions for children

Pension benefits are paid not only upon reaching a certain age, but also in other cases established by current legislation. Certain citizens are eligible to take advantage of the offer. Payment also occurs if there are children.

What it is

In accordance with current legislation, all citizens of retirement age who have dependent minors have the right to apply for state-type security. The bonus is considered fixed and is set as a percentage by which the pension is increased.

Additionally, it can be established in the form of pension points.

In the Russian Federation, it is determined that citizens who have reached retirement age have the right to receive an old-age pension. Additionally, they have the right to count on funds to support a dependent.

The Labor Code describes the concept of dependency as:

  1. full content of another person;
  2. provision of funds for maintenance, and the allowance will be considered the main source of income;
  3. family ties between the dependent and the supporter.

Payment from the state can be provided only to those people who fully support children. For example, if the latter cannot, for some reason, earn their own living.

Such dependents may include:

  1. minors;
  2. disabled people;
  3. adult citizens who are studying.

Payment is made on the basis of legislative acts and relevant programs developed in a particular federal district and local government. The federal payment is calculated by calculating for each family member, if he falls under this category.

The federal budget also allocates funds in the form of financial assistance to children who are deprived of parents and are also supported by a pensioner.

The government of each specific region is developing its own proposal to support people with pensions. People who are classified as single mothers or breadwinners of a large family can also count on receiving assistance from the government. Benefits are calculated based on individual criteria.

Supplement for children born before 1990

The size of this increase depends on several features. The calculation is made based on the number of students. The federal and local allowance is formed when there are four children or more.

Payment for babies born before 1990 is calculated at the following rate:

  1. for the first child – 1.8 points;
  2. for the second – 3.6 points;
  3. third and subsequent – ​​5.4 points.

For maternity leave of one and a half years the following is accrued:

  1. for the first child – 2.7 points;
  2. for the second – 5.4 points;
  3. third and subsequent – ​​8.1 points.
Pension benefits increase in accordance with the number of children. The current Federal Law states that if a citizen has given birth to more than 4 children, then she has the right to receive a maximum of 24 pension points.

The bonus for such people directly depends on the mother’s salary. If she was employed at the time she cared for children, she has the right to request points for work activity or caring for minors.

The increase also depends on the total length of service.

Who is entitled to

This increase is given to all mothers who provide for 4 or more children. To receive a bonus for children born before this period, you should visit the branch of the Russian Pension Fund at the place of registration and submit an application in the established form.

List of documents for registration

To receive additional payment, an adult must provide the following package of documentation:

  1. birth certificate of all pupils;
  2. documentation stating that the child is less than 1.5 years old;
  3. a copy of the insurance certificate;
  4. copy of passport data.

Payment of this type is accrued only after submitting a complete package of documents and personal appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. A person has the right to perform an operation at any time. Remote submission of an application is allowed through the official portal of State Services and Russian Post.

Federal supplement to women's pensions for children

It is not uncommon in Russia for a pensioner to raise a minor child. It is almost impossible to support a dependent on a pension. After all, a child needs full-fledged care and education.

Quite a lot of money is spent on the maintenance of a disabled child or an adult. The government has provided for this fact and allows all people who are dependent on incapacitated persons due to certain circumstances to receive benefits.

For a minor

All citizens who have retired due to old age have the right to receive a supplement to the insurance portion if they have dependents.

The increase is accrued until the following circumstances:

  1. the dependent's attainment of majority;
  2. reaching 23 years of age while studying full-time;
  3. for all dependents, if the pensioner has disabled status.

For a disabled child

If a person who receives a state supplement based on age provides for a disabled child from the first, second or third group, then the supplement is calculated regardless of the child’s age.

The guardian is required to fix the pension payment before and after the disabled person reaches the age of majority. The status is confirmed by documentary evidence, which establishes the incapacity of the minor.

For a student under 23 years old

To receive an additional payment for the education of a student child, you must provide a certificate from the place of study confirming that your studies have taken place. Information of this type is transmitted through the dean's office of the educational institution.

The student purchases it independently upon written request.

Video: What is required by law

How much extra is paid?

The surcharge directly depends on several factors and can vary up or down.

For two children

If a person has dependent minors, the additional payment will be:

  1. for the -1st child – 32% increase – 3416 rubles;
  2. with 2 – 64% – 4271;
  3. at 3-ex or more – 100% –

When guarding a student:

  1. one – 1602;
  2. two – 3204;
  3. three -

If the guardianrelative whose age is over 80 years:

  1. one – 5971;
  2. two – 6833;
  3. three -

If the guardiana relative whose age is over 80 years old and has a disability:

  1. one - from 4 to 11 thousand;
  2. two – from 6.5–12.8 thousand;
  3. three – 7.2–14.5 thousand.

Indexation of social payments

The current legislation stipulates the possibility of indexation based on indicators for the previous period of inflation. The indicator must be calculated for each year. In 2020, the action was carried out at a rate of 3.2%.

From the beginning of April 2020, social benefits will be further increased. If the surcharge is less than the subsistence level specified for a specific region, the Russian Pension Fund makes an additional surcharge.

The following are entitled to receive indexation:

  1. citizens with disabilities;
  2. people who receive benefits for the loss of a breadwinner;
  3. military veterans;
  4. all people who have benefits.

Regional supplement

In the capital, this payment is tied to the subsistence level. At the moment, the amount is set at 17.5 thousand rubles

It is also worth noting that other allowances are also increasing:

  1. for those whose level is below the subsistence level – 10 thousand;
  2. large family with children up to 4 – 1200;
  3. large family with children from 4 - 1500;
  4. for a disabled child under age 23 – 12 thousand;
  5. disabled parents supporting a minor child – 12 thousand.

Features of accrual

  1. workers of the Far North;
  2. women with many children;
  3. who receives payment from the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  4. military citizens.

Military pensioners

Additional assistance is determined based on the following factors:

  1. for 1 child – 32% of the benefit received;
  2. on two – 64%;
  3. for three or more children – 100%.

For pensioners under the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The right to receive an additional payment in the amount of 32–100% depending on the presence of heirs.

To purchase, several conditions must be met:

  1. the applicant is not employed;
  2. a dependent becomes a minor or a full-time student.

Mothers of many children

Mothers with many children are paid an additional allowance based on the number of children. A woman retires if she has raised more than 4 children.

How to apply

To apply, you need to personally visit the Russian Pension Fund or the MFC. The application period is not limited to a specific period.

Required documents

An additional payment to the pension for children is issued if the following package of documents is available:

  1. statement;
  2. a certificate from the tax office that the person is not an individual entrepreneur;
  3. a copy of the document stipulating employment;
  4. birth certificate;
  5. a copy of the document regulating the composition of the family;
  6. certificate from the educational organization;
  7. information about the lack of accrual of money to the child;
  8. details of the account to which the additional payment will be made.

You can receive an additional payment after providing a complete package of documents and contacting the Pension Fund.

Previously, the amount of social benefits due to a person who retired directly depended on the working hours and points earned. From 2019, the amount may increase, since now money will be added to the accruals for children who were born before 1990; if the family has dependents who have not reached the age of majority. There may be additional allowances accrued for disability and special living conditions. This innovation confuses many: how much is the additional payment, how to independently calculate the amount, who is entitled to it? To get answers to questions, you need to study the legislative framework.

What will be the increase in pension for children?

It is sometimes difficult to accurately determine the “addition of money” for children - it depends on many factors. Initially, they will find out the number of pension points, which are subsequently converted into a certain amount of money.

The point system became the basis for calculating social benefits for older people. By converting social units into a certain amount, you can protect yourself from many problems with accrual and recalculation.

The transfer of money depends on many nuances, which are related not only to how many children were born, but also to the time spent on maternity leave. Both the region of residence and the woman’s type of activity are taken into account. In the Far North the coefficients are much higher.

For example, for 2 children a pensioner can receive a larger increase in social benefits than for 3 children. Additionally, there are fixed surcharges for dependents who are under 18 years of age (under guardianship). They may be subject to a premium if special conditions are present.

Accrual of points: table for 2019

Every year, a special table is updated with additional data that can be used for independent calculations. The number of points is converted into a monetary equivalent, so you need to know how many units are assigned in 2019 for a certain category, how much one unit of social status costs. A table for calculating the premium will help with this:

Number of children born before 1990 Maternity leave for a period of 1 year, without interruption A maternity leave that lasted no more than 1.5 years
Quantity Monetary equivalent Points Monetary equivalent
1 1,8 156 2,7 235
2 3,6 313 5,4 470
3 5,4 470 8,1 704
4 5,4 470 8,1 704
More than 4 16,2 1410 24,3 2114

Each unit from the table is determined by a specific monetary equivalent, which was established in 2018 and remained relevant for 2019: 1 point = 81 rubles. 49 kopecks The additional payment can be received for a maximum of 6 years of maternity leave or for 5 children. Additional calculation conditions may be determined in accordance with other criteria.

Fixed surcharge for minor children

Pensioners can receive a fixed bonus for minor children under guardianship. Payments continue until the age of 18, and if the dependent continues to study at any institution, the payments will continue until the age of 23.

In 2019 it is 5334 rubles. A supplement to fixed payments may also be accrued. The amount is determined in accordance with the following criteria:

  • The number of children who are currently under the care of the pensioner.
  • The age of the person who is the guardian and his income without allowances.
  • The disability of the guardian or ward and complex health condition are taken into account.
  • The region where the family lives also influences. If accommodation is complicated by climatic conditions, the premium will be higher.

The specific amount is a certain percentage of the fixed supplement. This ratio is determined by additional problems in the family, the health status of the dependent or guardian.

How is the surcharge calculated?

First you need to determine how many units from the calculation table a woman can receive. It is worth taking into account minor nuances that relate to the current state of affairs and the financial condition of the family at the time of the birth of the babies. Their number depends on the following factors:

  • Time spent on maternity leave. Some women did not fully use the time allotted for caring for their newborn.
  • Number of children born before 1990. There is a border that defines the framework for all residents of villages and cities.
  • Income level for that period. When receiving wages or official income, a woman currently cannot apply to the Pension Fund for recalculation.
  • Work experience. The number of years and premature retirement all affect the scores.

To take into account all the nuances and obtain the most accurate information, you need to contact the Pension Fund of the region. Employees will help you count the units you have collected, taking into account all the points. It is enough to prepare the necessary package of documents.

Amount of children

Information regarding recalculations is open, so you can approximately find out the basic amount. The counting rules are quite simple and are determined mainly by the number of children. It is important to consider several data that will help you find the information you need on your own:

  • For 1st born, the amount can be 146-220 rubles. The exact amount is determined by the time frame of maternity leave.
  • The pension supplement for 2 children is calculated in accordance with the specified table, which was approved in 2019. Depending on the duration of maternity leave (1-1.5 years), an additional payment of 239-440 rubles is determined.
  • The pension supplement for 3 children is calculated in this way (1-1.5 years) and amounts to 440-660 rubles.
  • For the 4th born in the family - 440-660 rubles. The maximum is at 660 rubles, and, if possible, will also apply to the 5th dependent.
  • If there are 4 children in a family, but the woman went to work earlier, then the unused time may carry over to the 5th.

An additional factor influencing the accruals will be the mother’s length of service and salary at that time. Before contacting the Pension Fund, you need to accurately calculate how much time was spent on parental leave.

Total work experience

There are professions that require retirement based on length of service. Others require work until a certain age. Experience significantly influences the recalculation taking into account children. There are 2 scenarios:

  • If you have a lot of experience, but the salary was small, then recalculation will give a significant increase. It is worth paying attention to how much experience this is. Mixed may make changes.
  • If the salary was large, but the retirement was early, then the increase will not be or will be a minimal amount. Many people recommend not even applying for a recalculation.

There were cases when recalculation gave an increase of only 10 rubles. At the same time, the salary was high and the experience was significant. But while she was on maternity leave, the woman continued to work officially.

Income for that period of time

The increase in pension is influenced by the salary that the pensioner received in Soviet times at the time of maternity leave. It is done on an individual basis:

  • the number of points is determined by the period of time when the woman was on maternity leave and had no income;
  • time spent on maternity leave can be added to the length of service and converted into points;
  • even a large salary will not affect the supplement if the woman retired due to her years of service.

There are no other options when calculating the additive. Certificates of income at that time must be included in the package of documents for the Pension Fund. A different situation arises if the pensioner is a guardian, then wages will not affect the amount of financial assistance.

For many pensioners, under normal recalculation conditions, the amount due on maternity leave can be a real help. In most cases, you can calculate the surcharge yourself using publicly available data. It is important to seek help from the Pension Fund if the family has dependents who are under 18 years old or who are studying. Knowing a few simple rules, you can make the calculations yourself. If the numbers are not satisfactory, then there is no need to make changes.

Pension benefits are paid not only upon reaching a certain age, but also in other cases established by current legislation. Certain citizens are eligible to take advantage of the offer. Payment also occurs if there are children.

What it is

In accordance with current legislation, all citizens of retirement age who have dependent minors have the right to apply for state-type security. The bonus is considered fixed and is set as a percentage by which the pension is increased.

Additionally, it can be established in the form of pension points.

The Labor Code describes the concept of dependency as:

  1. full content of another person;
  2. provision of funds for maintenance, and the allowance will be considered the main source of income;
  3. family ties between the dependent and the supporter.

Payment from the state can be provided only to those people who fully support children. For example, if the latter cannot, for some reason, earn their own living.

Such dependents may include:

  1. minors;
  2. disabled people;
  3. adult citizens who are studying.

Payment is made on the basis of legislative acts and relevant programs developed in a particular federal district and local government. The federal payment is calculated by calculating for each family member, if he falls under this category.

The federal budget also allocates funds in the form of financial assistance to children who are deprived of parents and are also supported by a pensioner.

The government of each specific region is developing its own proposal to support people with pensions. People who are classified as single mothers or breadwinners of a large family can also count on receiving assistance from the government. Benefits are calculated based on individual criteria.

Supplement for children born before 1990

The size of this increase depends on several features. The calculation is made based on the number of students. The federal and local allowance is formed when there are four children or more.

Payment for babies born before 1990 is calculated at the following rate:

  1. for the first child – 1.8 points;
  2. for the second – 3.6 points;
  3. third and subsequent – ​​5.4 points.

For maternity leave of one and a half years the following is accrued:

  1. for the first child – 2.7 points;
  2. for the second – 5.4 points;
  3. third and subsequent – ​​8.1 points.

Pension benefits increase in accordance with the number of children. The current Federal Law states that if a citizen has given birth to more than 4 children, then she has the right to receive a maximum of 24 pension points.

The bonus for such people directly depends on the mother’s salary. If she was employed at the time she cared for children, she has the right to request points for work activity or caring for minors.

The increase also depends on the total length of service.

Who is entitled to

This increase is given to all mothers who provide for 4 or more children. To receive a bonus for children born before this period, you should visit the branch of the Russian Pension Fund at the place of registration and submit an application in the established form.

List of documents for registration

To receive additional payment, an adult must provide the following package of documentation:

  1. birth certificate of all pupils;
  2. documentation stating that the child is less than 1.5 years old;
  3. a copy of the insurance certificate;
  4. copy of passport data.

Payment of this type is accrued only after submitting a complete package of documents and personal appeal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. A person has the right to perform an operation at any time. Remote submission of an application is allowed through the official portal of State Services and Russian Post.

Federal supplement to women's pensions for children

It is not uncommon in Russia for a pensioner to raise a minor child. It is almost impossible to support a dependent on a pension. After all, a child needs full-fledged care and education.

For a minor

All citizens who have retired due to old age have the right to receive a supplement to the insurance portion if they have dependents.

The increase is accrued until the following circumstances:

  1. the dependent's attainment of majority;
  2. reaching 23 years of age while studying full-time;
  3. for all dependents, if the pensioner has disabled status.

For a disabled child

If a person who receives a state supplement based on age provides for a disabled child from the first, second or third group, then the supplement is calculated regardless of the child’s age.

The guardian is required to fix the pension payment before and after the disabled person reaches the age of majority. The status is confirmed by documentary evidence, which establishes the incapacity of the minor.

State duty for divorce in 2019. More details here.

For a student under 23 years old

To receive an additional payment for the education of a student child, you must provide a certificate from the place of study confirming that your studies have taken place. Information of this type is transmitted through the dean's office of the educational institution.

The student purchases it independently upon written request.

Video: What is required by law

How much extra is paid?

The surcharge directly depends on several factors and can vary up or down.

For two children

If a person has dependent minors, the additional payment will be:

  1. for the -1st child – 32% increase – 3416 rubles;
  2. with 2 – 64% – 4271;
  3. at 3-ex or more – 100% –

When guarding a student:

If the guardian relative whose age is over 80 years:

If the guardian a relative whose age is over 80 years old and has a disability:

  1. one - from 4 to 11 thousand;
  2. two – from 6.5–12.8 thousand;
  3. three – 7.2–14.5 thousand.

Indexation of social payments

The current legislation provides for the possibility of indexation based on inflation indicators for the previous period. The indicator must be calculated for each year. In 2019, the action was carried out at a rate of 3.2%.

From the beginning of April 2019, social benefits will be further increased. If the surcharge is less than the subsistence level specified for a specific region, the Russian Pension Fund makes an additional surcharge.

The following are entitled to receive indexation:

  1. citizens with disabilities;
  2. people who receive benefits for the loss of a breadwinner;
  3. military veterans;
  4. all people who have benefits.

Regional supplement

In the capital, this payment is tied to the subsistence level. At the moment, the amount is set at 17.5 thousand rubles

Those whose pension was assigned in 2015 and later do not need to worry about recalculation: when assigning a pension, they have already chosen the most profitable option in accordance with the law.

Recalculation has been in effect for a long time

So what actually happened? And why did we call it erroneous the statement that “first of all, working pensioners should count on an increase in pension; persons over 80 years of age; disabled people; pensioners with dependents; former and current employees of the Far North regions"? Yes, because recalculations within the framework of pension legislation for these categories of pensioners were in effect until 2015, and did not disappear after the introduction of Law 400.

Thus, for working pensioners receiving an insurance pension, it is recalculated annually. This is the so-called August recalculation of insurance premiums that the employer paid for them last year. And when they leave work, their pension will be indexed by the percentage of missed annual February indexations.

For persons who have reached the age of 80, the fixed payment to the insurance pension is doubled. Compare, at the moment its total amount is 4805.67 rubles, and for 80-year-olds it is 9610.22 rubles.

For disabled people of the first group, the fixed payment is doubled, without waiting for the age of 80, but as soon as the disability insurance pension is assigned. In addition, they receive an additional payment in exchange for benefits in kind - in the form of a Monthly cash payment. And a Set of social services, which, at their choice, can be received either in money or in services.

If a pensioner has disabled dependents (for example, children or grandchildren who are in their care), an increased fixed payment to the old-age insurance pension is also established. In this case, no more than three disabled dependents are taken into account. Now it is from 6406.81 to 9610.21 rubles, depending on the number of dependents. If a person receiving a disability insurance pension or who has reached the age of 80 has dependents, in these cases the fixed payment is even higher. Plus the insurance part, of course.

Along with this, there are other types of activities when a citizen was not subject to compulsory pension insurance, but which are included in the insurance period. These are called “non-insurance” periods. Among them are the periods of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but not more than 6 years in total, and others. If the periods of work and “non-insurance” periods coincide in time, one of them is taken into account at the choice of the person applying for the pension.

Some pensioners find it beneficial to take into account not work, but, for example, child care in their insurance period. In this case, each full year of care for one child is estimated at 1.8 pension coefficients (points), for the second child - 3.6, for the third and fourth - 5.4.

The amount of the insurance pension is recalculated at the request of the pension recipient from the 1st day of the month following the month of application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of receipt of the pension. The application must be accompanied by birth certificates of children (originals or notarized copies) and documents confirming the child’s survival to the age of 1.5 years. Such documents include: the presence in the child’s birth certificate of a stamp indicating that he received a passport; in the absence of a stamp: a school certificate, a certificate from housing authorities about the place of residence of the children, etc. If these documents are available in the pension file, then their re-submission is not required.

The application can be sent by mail. In this case, it must be accompanied by notarized copies of birth certificates of children and other documents that were not in the pension file. An application for pension recalculation can be submitted electronically through the unified portal of public services of the Pension Fund of Russia. It must be remembered that birth certificates of children and other necessary documents (if they are not in the pension file) must be presented in person or through a representative within 5 days. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the received application not being considered.

Who can benefit from counting “non-insurance” periods using points? Among them:

Not working (not in an employment relationship) on the date of birth of the child and until he reaches the age of 1.5 years. For example, a woman gave birth to a child during her studies;

Having two or more children who were born with a short interval;

Those with extensive work experience, but low earnings, etc.

Who might not benefit from reviewing their length of service and pension amount? Among them:

Recipients of early old-age pensions who have not reached retirement age (55 or 60 years). In these situations, replacing periods of work with “non-insurance” periods may lead to a reduction in the length of special service and loss of the right to early retirement;

Recipients of federal social supplement;

Situations when replacing periods of work with “non-insurance” ones will require the submission of new salary certificates, etc.

The feasibility of revising the amount of the insurance pension will be visible only after its preliminary calculation. For this reason, the PFR authorities, when accepting applications, explain that the recalculation will be carried out if it leads to an increase in the amount of the pension. There are many cases when a revision of the pension amount leads to its reduction. In these cases, the applicant is sent a decision to refuse recalculation.

What can be the increase in pension after replacing periods of work with “non-contributory” periods?

The amount of the additional payment depends on the length of the pensioner’s work experience, his average monthly earnings, the moment of birth of children (during work, study, or a non-working parent, etc.).

Example. The woman has been receiving an old-age insurance pension since 2012. As of January 1, 2002, her total work experience is 26 years. Earnings ratio 1.2. During her work, she gave birth to two children in 1979 and 1988. When replacing periods of work with two periods of caring for each child until they reach the age of 1.5 years, 3 years will be excluded from the work experience, which will lead to a decrease in the length of service coefficient and the amount of valorization. The points accrued instead for “non-insurance” periods (8.1 points in total) did not lead to an increase in the pension received. The woman's pension was denied recalculation.

Those who retired in 2015 and later do not need to apply for additional recalculation.

Situation with refusal to recalculate

Inna Vitalievna left work at 50 years old. Having learned about the bonus, she came to the Pension Fund of Russia, but was denied additional payment. The point is that the recalculation led to a decrease in the size of the pension, not an increase. Pension Fund employees were unable to change the conditions for the worse. Since Inna Vitalievna has early retirement (preferential), a reduction in her work experience is unacceptable for her.

What will be the increase in pension for children?

The amount of the surcharge is calculated individually in each case. The final size of the bonus is influenced by several factors: the number of children, the age of the pensioner, length of service, place of work and salary.

The situation regarding the allowance for two children

Maria Petrovna and Lidiya Ivanovna were born on the same day, worked for 30 years, raised 2 children each and retired in 2013. But Maria Petrovna worked as a history teacher with a white salary in a village in the Far North, and Lidia Ivanovna worked as a saleswoman in Krasnodar, with an official salary of 6,000 rubles.

Read also: What benefits are provided for the medal for labor valor in Russia?

The amount will be the same at the rates from the table if the woman did not receive a white salary during the period of giving birth to a child and caring for him, and provided that these 1.5 years were not taken into account in any way when calculating the pension. If during this period the woman worked officially, then the additional payment will be less due to the reduction in work experience.

The situation regarding the recalculation of points for the birth of children

Lidia Ivanovna applied for recalculation and received 2.7 points for her youngest son and 5.4 for her eldest. Total 8.1 points. In 2019, the cost of one point is 87 rubles. The supplement will be 704 rubles monthly.

The year of birth of children does not affect the amount of the supplement. Despite the widespread misconceptions that they pay extra only for those children who were born before the collapse of the USSR. The fact is that the additional payment is higher for those pensioners who worked most of their lives in the Soviet Union. These are precisely those pensioners whose children were born before 1990-1991.

Fixed surcharge for minor children

The state pays a fixed pension supplement to guardians of minor children. The degree of relationship does not matter: natural children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren. The supplement is paid until the age of 18. If the child is educated at a university, school, or college, the supplement will be extended until the age of 23. There are no age restrictions for disabled children.

The size of the premium is affected by:

  • number and age of dependents;
  • age of the pensioner;
  • disability;
  • region of residence.

The bonus is calculated as a percentage of the fixed payment to the pension. As of January 1, 2019, the fixed part is 5,334 rubles.

Category Number of dependents Surcharge In rubles
Guardianship of children under 18 years of age (up to 23 years of age, in case of full-time study at a university) by pensioners up to 80 years of age 1 1778
2 3556
3 or more 5334
Child care for pensioners 80 years and older 1 Calculated based on the amount of the fixed payment, as 4/3, 5/3 or 2 fixed payments, respectively, for 1, 2 or 3 dependents. 7112
2 8890
3 or more 10668
Child care for a disabled pensioner over 80 years old 1 Calculated by degree of disability from 4445 to 12446
2 from 6223 to 14224
3 or more from 8001 to 16002

When calculating this premium, the regional coefficient is taken into account.

Situation: benefits for pensioners for minor children

Margarita Pavlovna from Chelyabinsk receives a pension of 15,400 rubles. It so happened that she takes care of her seven-year-old granddaughter. She contacted the Pension Fund and received a 32% increase. The regional coefficient is 15%. The final amount of the allowance for Margarita Pavlovna is 5,667 rubles.

What documents are needed to apply for child benefit?

  1. Passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. Statement.
  4. Birth certificates for each child (with a note about the issue of the passport).
  5. If the child’s certificate does not contain a note on the issue of a passport, then a document is needed confirming that he is over one and a half years old (school certificate, copy of the passport).

Before going to the Pension Fund branch, it is better to call again, describe your situation and clarify what documents are required. Typically, employees have the latest information about changes.

How to get

To receive an additional payment, you must contact the branch of the Russian Pension Fund at your place of residence and consult with a Pension Fund employee. Additional payments are not always calculated after a simple recalculation. In most cases, you will have to abandon the existing conditions for calculating a pension and apply for new ones.

After refusal and registration of new ones, it will not be possible to return to the old conditions.

Pension Fund specialists will calculate the pension amount taking into account individual length of service, benefits, place of work, salary, and number of adult children. If the new conditions turn out to be more favorable than the existing ones, then you need to submit an application for recalculation.

At the Pension Fund branch

The application is submitted in person and documents from the list are attached. Before submitting, the employee calculates his future pension.

It is better to make an appointment in advance by calling 8 800 302 2 302, on the Pension Fund website, so as not to stand in line. You need to contact the department at your place of registration or registration.

At the Multifunctional Center

Not all MFC cities accept documents for pension recalculation. Before going to the center, we recommend checking the list of services provided in your city. To do this, you need to select your city in the list and go to the website of the city center, go to the “On-line registration” page, select “Public services”, then “Government institutions - Branches of the Pension Fund of Russia”, then the nearest MFC and the date of visit.

On the electronic portal

On the Unified Portal of Public Services, documents are submitted electronically. To submit an application remotely, you need to register in the service and have a confirmed identity. It is better to make an appointment through the portal at the Pension Fund of Russia, and submit the application and documents in person.

You need to print and fill out the application, have the rest of the documents on the list certified by a notary and send everything together by registered mail to the address of the Pension Fund branch.

Deadlines for submitting documents

The state and the Pension Fund do not set time restrictions. You can apply when it is appropriate: today, next month or next year. It's better to serve a little later, when the rush subsides and the lines are shorter.

Review time

Video (click to play).

Supplement to pension for children

More and more people are going to government agencies to request a recalculation. They are interested in additional payments to pensions for children born before 1990. This is a multiple payment, a permanent bonus. It makes sense to apply for it to improve your financial situation.

There are temporary periods when the company pays insurance premiums to the Pension Fund for subordinates. They are called insurance. Uninsurable time periods arise. Pension contributions are formed, but they are not transferred from companies to government agencies. The following non-insurance time periods are distinguished:
  • Care for pensioners and people with disabilities;
  • Serving in the army;
  • Pensions are being recalculated for children whose parents looked after them for up to one and a half years.

How is it carried out, what is required when recalculating for those born before 90.

The size of the increase depends on the nuances. The supplement to mothers' pensions for children born before 1990 is calculated based on:

  • Number of pupils.

Supplements are formed for 4 children, no more. When recalculating women for children born before 1990, for the first baby for 1 year they are entitled to 1.8 points, for the next - 3.6 points, for the third - 5.4 points. After a year and a half of maternity leave:

For the firstborn, 2.7 points are accrued; On the second – 5.4 points; On the third, subsequent one – 8.1 points. The more children there are, the more points they are entitled to.

The pension increase due to children will be directly proportional to their number. The Federal Law is written so that if a woman gives birth to 4 children while caring for them, she can receive 24 pension points. For those who have raised so many children, sometimes recalculation is not profitable.

It is better to seek advice on payment from specialists. They will take into account how many children were born and how much a pensioner is entitled to. They will tell you whether it is worth counting what you have.

  • Income for a specified period of time.

The pension supplement for children born before 1990 depends on the mother’s salary. If a woman worked while caring for babies, she can receive points for this, or points for caring. They are accrued if a woman did not officially work, but cared for children up to one and a half years old.

  • Cumulative work experience.

The increase in pension for children born before 1990 also depends on this parameter.

Calculation example

Let's look at how payments are calculated to pensioners for children born before 1991. Let's say citizen Petrova gave birth to a baby in 1988. In 2015, she applied for an increase in her pension. She is entitled to 2.7 points for a year and a half of care. The cost of a point is 78.58 rubles. It should be multiplied by 2.7 b. The increase is equal to 212.16 rubles.

An example of recalculating pensions for those born before 1990. Citizen Vasilyeva gave birth to 5 children before 1990. She spent 6 years caring for her. For 3 children care was provided up to one and a half years, for 2 - for 1.6 months, for the second - 365 days.

Additional payments to pensions for those born before 1990, in this case, are calculated as follows: (2.7 + 5.4 + 8.1 + 5.4) multiplied by 78.58 rubles. = 1697 rub.

List of documents

To receive a pension supplement for those born before 1991, you should come to the Pension Fund. The application must be written in person. There is an application form approved by law on the Internet; it should be printed, filled out, signed, and then sent to the Pension Fund.

To receive a pension supplement for adult children, you need to bring a package of documents:

  • Photocopies of birth certificates;
  • Papers stating that the pupil is one and a half years old;
  • Photocopies of SNILS;
  • Photocopy of passport.

A pension supplement for persons who gave birth to children before 1990 is accrued after submitting an application and documents. A citizen has the right to do this at any time by coming to the Pension Fund on his own, through government services, or the Russian Post.

If the application is submitted digitally, and the citizen’s file does not contain the documents necessary for recalculation, he will have to present them additionally. If the applicant does not provide them within the specified period, the application will be cancelled. Then there is no need to wait for recalculation.

Which category of citizens will be denied

The pension supplement for those born before 1991 is not provided to young pensioners who retired in 2016-2017. As for whether people who retired in 2015 can receive additional payment, the question is ambiguous - the document is raw, it is better to consult a specialist.

The pension supplement for children born before 1991 will be most noticeable for women with many children. If a woman’s pension is minimal, at the expense of social benefits. With additional payments, she will be able to cover the increase for pupils. Subsidies for pensioners for those born before 1990 may be unprofitable.

Citizens who have a fixed pension will not receive an increase for a newborn child. We are talking about those who lived in the Chernobyl disaster zone. An application for recalculation for children into the pension fund will not be able to be written by people who retired early or who worked at a preferential job. Women who have one child will not be able to calculate their income. There is no additional payment for children born if you receive a survivor's pension.

The pension fund specialist knows exactly who is entitled to recalculation for children. He will tell you whether it is profitable to do it or whether it is worth refusing. There is no time limit for seeking a solution to the problem.

Which category of citizens benefits from the offer?

The bonus for those born before 1991 is beneficial to people whose work experience is defined as “Soviet”. It is calculated according to non-insurance periods. Recalculation for children is beneficial if there are several of them, if the work experience is short, and the salary is low. Sometimes the addition for children born in the USSR gives more points than the previous accounting of periods of care.

Payments are divided into regional and federal. Federal payments:

  • Increase for military personnel and retired athletes;
  • Additional payments to the insurance part of the pension;
  • Supplements to social pension.

Sometimes citizens are entitled to one-time or monthly increases. As for additional payment for children, women can apply for it:

  • Working but over a certain age limit;
  • Citizens with dependents;
  • Residents of the Far North;
  • Have worked in the Far North for more than 25 years;
  • People whose age has exceeded 80 years;
  • Disabled people.

Regional surcharges are calculated depending on the region. Certain categories of citizens, for example, municipal employees, can receive them. The amount of the premium is determined by the authorities. They influence how much honorary mothers and other categories of citizens will receive. For example, in some regions they receive bonuses of 10 thousand rubles annually.

Who will be paid extra?

Who needs the supplement? The year of birth of babies does not play a decisive role. They can be born both before 90 and after it.

Pension supplements for children after 90-91. will be imperceptible. People whose work experience is predominantly Soviet will receive a large increase in payments. It is profitable for them to recalculate.

Payments to pensioners are due if they gave birth to babies after 90. However, not everyone who is entitled to additional payments seeks to receive them. Sometimes after applying it becomes clear that recalculation is unprofitable.

Who exactly should write a statement?

  • For those who have 2 or more children, and care was provided up to one and a half years;
  • Anyone who has children needs a raise; wages are below the Russian average;
  • Recalculation for 2 pupils should be done if twins or triplets were born;
  • Those whose pension payments are almost equal to the subsistence level;
  • Mothers who took care of them and were not in an employment relationship before going on maternity leave must apply for recalculation for pupils;
  • Those who have accrued minimum payments are entitled to an additional payment.

The law regarding those born before 1990 says that sometimes the increase may not be issued. These are cases such as:

  • Possessing a long work experience;
  • High salary;
  • 1 pupil.

The additional payment depends on the number of students, length of service, and earnings. Those who have 2 or more students, but wish to retire early, are not recommended to apply for an allowance. Otherwise, you won't be able to retire early.

Recalculation for children is also possible if a person is raising them. If the woman is under 80 years old, then:

  • For 1 pupil she will receive 3416 rubles;
  • The increase for 2 pupils will be 4270 rubles;
  • For 3 – 5124 rub.

Pensioners over the age of 80 can collect documents for recalculation. In this case:

  • For a pupil, the additional payment will be 5970 rubles;
  • For two – 6832 rubles;
  • For three – 7680 rub.

Disabled pensioners can collect the necessary documents. By filling out the application form for recalculation, they will be able to receive:

  • For a pupil – from 4-11.2 thousand rubles;
  • Benefits for those giving birth to 2 and raising them will amount to 6.4-12.8 thousand rubles;
  • They will add 7.2-14.4 thousand rubles for 3 people.

The order on additional payments for babies born before 1990, according to the government decree, says that residents of the North are paid not as much as pensioners in other regions, but more. They will be able to receive 6-16 thousand rubles.

How does the bonus increase at the expense of children if they are already 18, but not 23, but they are still studying? Pensioners who have such pupils receive 1.5 thousand rubles. However, it is worth consulting with a pension fund employee. He will tell you exactly what the benefit should be for pensioners for adult children.

Example with additional payment for those born before 1980

Let's say there is an additional payment for children. Let the woman retire in 2010. She has two students and wants to get a raise. One baby was born in 1990, the second in 1980. The work experience is 30 years.

What is the pension supplement? 3 years of non-insurance period are deducted from 30 years of service. Women who are already 60 years old will receive 3.6 points for caring for two children under one and a half years old. The increase for pupils will be 424 rubles.

According to statistics, those who signed up for the supplement receive an increase in the amount in 25% of cases. As a result, payments increase by several hundred or thousand rubles.

If you find, fill out a sample form for recalculating the amount of your pension, write an application, and the amount comes out with a minus sign, a refusal from the Pension Fund will be issued.

What documents are required for two pupils for recalculation? A standard application will be required, as well as:

  • Identification;
  • SNILS;
  • Birth Saints;
  • To receive a pension supplement, documents are required confirming that they are already one and a half years old (passport, certificate).

The Russian Pension Fund simply accepts a birth certificate if it contains a stamp indicating that the student has already received a passport.

It is interesting that women who have raised 1, 2 or more people are given care leave for 3 years. Only 1/2 of the period is included in the insurance period. This is fair; for up to one and a half years, care benefits are paid every 30 days.

Example with bonuses for 3 pupils

What is the supplement for 3 children? Let’s say that retirement took place in 2012. There are three babies born before 1980 and after. Work experience is 30 years.

With the December 2016 amendments, an additional calculation of the insurance part of the pension appeared. Having learned about the innovations, Russian pensioners began to fuss and turned to the Pension Fund for additional payment. There are a lot of hypotheses and amounts that are supposedly due to citizens who are no longer working. It is enough to type in the Internet search engine “Pension Fund of the Russian Federation official website additional payment for children” and hundreds of pages with various information will immediately appear. As a result, people apply for the Pension Fund and think that they have been deceived. How is the situation really?

All about additional payment for children from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

In any legal matter, I would like to advise citizens to turn to the primary source, that is, to regulatory documents. It is important to pay attention to the status and date of update of the order, law or other regulation.

Law No. 400 was issued in 2013. It contains the basic rules for calculating pensions, their types, conditions and amounts. The document is the main canon for the units of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The law contains formulas for calculating the insurance portion of the old-age pension. Any citizen of the Russian Federation, having understood the coefficients, will be able to check the accrued amount for old age independently. In the Pension Fund, the calculation is made automatically, taking into account the most favorable conditions for the pensioner. The amount of the old-age pension is calculated by multiplying the pension coefficient (point) by its value on the day the insurance pension is assigned.

Recent changes in the law

The cost of the coefficient for persons who retired before 2015 is 64.1 rubles. For pensioners in 2015, the score is calculated using the following formula. This is where the old version does not harmonize with the current Law. If previously length of service was not taken into account when calculating pensions, then from 2015 it also began to be included in the formulas. It turns out that women who worked while caring for a child did not make contributions to the Pension Fund.

Since January 2017, changes have been introduced for mothers who were on maternity leave after the birth of a child until he reached 1.5 years of age.

Certain coefficients have been assigned for the year in the following amounts:

  • 1.8 - one child;
  • 3.6 - two children;
  • 5.4 - three, four or more.

That is, the pension for periods of child care is calculated taking into account the above points. In this case, the coefficients are summed up if a woman had to care for several children (for example, twins) over a year and a half. Points are not awarded if the mother has been caring for the children for more than 6 years.

Good to know! If a mother officially worked at the same time while caring for a child, her labor and maternity points will not be summed up. You need to choose one thing.

Where can I get information from the Pension Fund about additional payments for children?

Any branch of the Pension Fund of Russia can provide reliable and complete information. The official website of the organization also contains all the information in detail. You can contact by .

If you want to understand the nuances of calculation on your own, it is recommended to read Law No. 400, in force since January 1, 2017.

Who benefits from additional pension payments?

Due to the fact that the changes took place relatively recently, not every citizen can receive additional payment for a child.

There are several nuances:

  • the pension was accrued until 2015;
  • the children’s birth certificates were not provided during the calculation;
  • number of children from two or more;
  • Men can also apply for recalculation if they have been on maternity leave;
  • points are awarded for a period of caring for a child of no more than 6 years;
  • the period of work and the period of maternity leave coincide;
  • long work experience;
  • wages exceeded the subsistence minimum.

Thus, recalculating pensions is not profitable for citizens who have one child, wages during maternity leave were minimal, or the mother was studying at the same time. All high coefficients are taken into account in pensions accrued after 2015. In this situation, recalculation will not be necessary.

List of documents for additional payment for children to the Pension Fund

Required list of documents in the Pension Fund

To recalculate, you will need to provide the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  1. application and passport;
  2. certificates for children.

If children have reached the age of 14, their passports must be provided to the Pension Fund. The document confirms the child's age. You will not need a passport if the certificate bears a mark indicating its issuance. Children do not need to be present when submitting the application.

How to apply for a pension supplement for pensioners with children

Additional payment can be received at any time, the terms of accrual are not limited. There are two options for submitting an application:

  • in person at the Pension Fund;
  • through the official website of the Pension Fund.

To avoid standing in line, citizens should make an appointment in advance and get an appointment in the electronic queue. The ticket will indicate the date, time and office where you should go. In some departments, almost everyone is accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Despite this fact, the visitor is recommended to print out his ticket in advance and take it to the office indicated on it. If they refuse to accept a citizen, you should complain to the Pension Fund of Russia, indicating the name of the employee who refused admission.

The most convenient way is to submit an application through the Pension Fund portal. To do this, a citizen must be registered on the State Services portal. The login and password for entering this site allows you to access the sites of other government services without additional registration. By entering your login information, the system provides access to . If identification is successful, a page with categories of services appears in front of the user.

  1. Find the “Pensions” section.
  2. In the “Submit an application” block, find the link “About pension recalculation”.
  3. Then fill in the empty fields: Pension Fund authority, application method, personal data.
  4. In the content of the application, indicate “Old-age insurance pension”, the basis “Increase in the amount of coefficients ... until the date of assignment of the insurance pension.”
  5. Provide information about your current job.
  6. In the “Warning and informing” block, check the boxes opposite the method of notification about acceptance of the application and informing. Here you should also make a note about a change in place of residence or other circumstances relating to the pension.
  7. Create an application.
  8. Send document.

Note! The form for filling out does not have a box for attaching scanned copies of documents (passport and birth certificates). As a result, the finished statement contains empty lines. I would like to believe that such a flaw in the program is the reason for the refusal. If such a situation arises, a complaint should be filed.

Grounds for refusal

Many citizens will be surprised by the fact that the Pension Fund does not work to reduce pensions, but, on the contrary, to increase it. The statement that “the government is deceiving me” is false and unfair to government workers. So the primary reason for refusing recalculation is a reduction in pension.

Why can they refuse?

The following may also be a reason for a negative answer:

  1. Early retirement, which is available to citizens who have not reached retirement age. Recalculation taking into account length of service may lead to a reduction in pension.
  2. Social supplement. After recalculation, a citizen may end up with a pension at the subsistence level. Thus, he is deprived of the social supplement and receives payment for children. In this case, the final pension may not increase, but decrease.
  3. Lack of supporting documents about labor relations with the employer during maternity leave.
  4. If the person is the parent of one child. Accruals for 1.5 years will be about 200 rubles.
  5. If the citizen retired after 2015.

In any case, the Pension Fund does not have the right to refuse to accept an application. The recalculation procedure is completed for the next month.

Despite numerous complaints about the Pension Fund, bureaucracy and queues, the state is trying to provide decent income to pensioners. Now experience, salary and accrual conditions are taken into account. Experts and lawyers are divided on the issue of recalculation. Some say that additional payments need to be made, others argue that such revisions of pension calculations are a waste of time for citizens and employees of the Pension Fund.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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