How long to walk with your baby in the first month. When and how long can you walk with your newborn after the hospital? What to wear for your baby in the fall

You can walk with your newborn from the second week of his life. You need to start with a quarter of an hour in the fresh air, adding five to ten minutes daily, gradually increasing the duration of walks to two to three hours - depending on the weather, capabilities and desires of the mother. In the cold season, walks are usually shorter than in the warm season. Since the child’s ability to thermoregulate gradually develops, it is necessary to dress the child correctly to prevent both hypothermia and overheating.

When should you start walking your newborn?

You can take your baby out for his first walk as early as the second week of his life, if the weather and the mother’s well-being permit. Of course, this applies to the warm season. If the baby was born in winter, pediatricians recommend waiting a few days. When the frost is below 10-12 degrees, it is better to postpone the first walks with the newborn for a while, starting, for example, with a short nap on a glazed balcony.

Why do you need daily walks?

The baby (and the mother too) needs fresh air - after walks, appetite increases, blood circulation improves, it becomes calmer and deeper, and besides, temperature changes contribute to hardening. Sunlight is necessary for the production of vitamin D, which prevents the child from developing rickets.

How many times a day should you go for a walk with your baby?

This primarily depends on the weather. In summer, the baby can be outside almost the whole day. In winter, the total duration of walks with a month-old baby should be at least an hour and a half - and it is best to make several trips outside for 30-40 minutes a day.

How to properly dress a newborn for a walk?

If the mother is alone at home with the child, then first she dresses herself, then dresses the baby, otherwise the child will sweat before going outside and may catch a cold there. It is very important to remember that overheating can be even more dangerous for a baby than hypothermia, so you should not wrap your child up too much. On the street, from time to time you can carefully check with your hand whether the baby is sweating under his clothes.
When dressing your child for a walk, you can rely on the “plus one” rule - that is, a newborn needs one more layer of clothing than an adult. However, it is extremely important to ensure that the child’s head, arms and legs do not freeze.
There is no point in wrapping your baby tightly for a walk - he should be able to move, and besides, a tightly swaddled baby can freeze faster. The child's face remains open during a walk.
To determine whether the baby is comfortable, you need to pay attention to the color of his face: if the child is flushed, he is most likely hot, if he is paler than usual, he is cold.

Can sleeping on the balcony be considered an alternative to walking?

Sleeping a child in a stroller on the balcony gives the mother a wonderful opportunity to rest a little, or do household chores, or avoid going outside if she is feeling unwell.
If the house is located in a quiet green area and the balcony does not overlook a busy, polluted street, then it is quite possible to leave the child in the stroller. The main condition should be the complete safety of the baby: first of all, parents must be absolutely sure that no foreign objects will get into the stroller from the roof, from the street or from the upper floors. In order not to miss the moment when the child wakes up, you can use a baby monitor.
For safety reasons, you can leave a child sleeping on the balcony unattended until he learns to sit in a stroller himself or get on all fours, because then he will be able to get out of the stroller and fall to the floor.

Why is it not recommended to take too long walks with a newborn?

First of all, the duration of the walk depends on weather conditions and the child’s level of adaptation to them: from five to ten minutes at first to one and a half to two hours after a month.

It is difficult to walk with a newborn for too long - after all, the baby needs to be put to the breast often, and short walks are more consistent with his needs, especially if it is not possible to feed the baby “on demand” on the street. Although this problem is solved by the presence of a mother in the arsenal, there remains a seasonal limitation - it is very difficult to fully feed a child outside the home in the cold season.

Another important point is the cleanliness of the diaper. Of course, when going for a walk, you need to put on a fresh diaper. However, the baby does not know how to control his natural functions, and being outside for a long time in a soiled diaper can cause him severe discomfort.

Don't increase the duration of your walks too quickly. The child’s psychological adaptation to new conditions and a new space should occur gradually: first, in the first week and a half, the child gets used to his crib and room, then he begins to “master” the stroller and sling.


When can you walk with your newborn after the hospital? How long to walk with your child in winter, spring, autumn and summer. Where you should not walk and what is an alternative to walking.

The first meeting with the baby and the move from the maternity hospital home are behind us. The baby is sleeping peacefully in his crib. Very soon a doctor will come to examine the baby, and you can go for your first walk. Is it possible?

When to go for a walk after maternity hospital

There is no definite answer to this question, because everything will depend on the climatic conditions of the region, the weather outside, the time of year, and the mother’s well-being. In addition to objective reasons, some parents try to adhere to ancient principles and not take their child outside in the first 40-66 days from birth.

Experts do not set strict limits on this issue. In good weather conditions (not too hot, not too cold, no snow, rain, strong wind) for the first walk with a newborn baby You can go out 3-5 days after discharge .

Fresh air hardens the baby’s body and helps it adapt to new conditions. Walking can calm even the most anxious baby and improve his appetite.

Of course, the numbers above are approximate. Each mother can decide for herself when to bring her child into the world. It is worth taking into account not only the benefits for the child, but also the physical condition of the mother. After childbirth, every woman needs proper rest; not everyone has the strength to lift a heavy stroller. In such a situation, it is better to postpone walks until your health is restored or an assistant appears.

When and where not to walk

Weather conditions most often become an obstacle to walking with a newborn baby. Every mother, before leaving the house, wonders about the temperature and wind. You can rely on a few simple rules in this matter:

  1. in winter, the child may become hypothermic, since the thermoregulation system is still imperfect, so it is better not to walk with the newborn at temperatures below -15;
  2. In summer, the situation is the opposite: the baby can get heatstroke. Walking at +30 and above is not recommended.

Park areas and squares are better suited for walks with children. You should not walk along busy highways; your child should not breathe in exhaust fumes.

Alternative to walking

Walking is very beneficial for a newborn baby, but it happens that weather conditions or the mother’s well-being interfere with a normal walk. Then you can use a “backup option” - a balcony or loggia. The baby will receive his portion of fresh air, and at this time the mother will be able to do household chores or relax. Before taking the baby in a stroller to the balcony, the mother must make sure that the baby is safe:

  • there should be no foreign objects on the balcony or on the roof of the house that could get into the baby’s stroller;
  • the balcony should not overlook the polluted road.

The ideal place for a child to sleep would be the balcony of a country house located in a green area. In city apartments, the balcony should open onto the courtyard so that the baby does not breathe in exhaust fumes.

How long to walk

There are also no clear guidelines on this issue. You need to look at the well-being of mother and child. When the baby first gets acquainted with the street, young parents can do without a stroller. The baby can be carried in your arms for 10-15 minutes. Each time the duration of the walk must be increased by 5-10 minutes. The optimal time for a child to walk in good weather is 2 hours. After the child reaches one month of age, you need to walk 2 times a day for 2 hours.

For convenience, it is better to present the data in the form of a table.

Walks through the seasons

The change of seasons and weather conditions “dictates” its own rules for walking. There are several recommendations to consider.

Summer walks

There is an opinion that during the hot season, a child can be outside for an unlimited amount of time. This is not entirely true. A newborn baby's systems are still imperfect; the baby can get heatstroke from prolonged exposure to the sun. To avoid the unpleasant consequences of walking, you need to follow simple rules:

  • choose natural clothes for the child that will allow the skin to breathe;
  • The linen in a newborn’s crib should also be natural;
  • You should not be in the scorching sun. At temperatures of +30 degrees and above, walks should be postponed to early (before 11 o’clock in the afternoon) or evening (when the heat subsides);
  • The baby's head must be protected with a panama hat or a light cap.

If the weather is favorable in the summer, you can walk with your child several times a day. You can take a bottle of water and a pacifier with you for a walk to calm your baby if he wakes up.

How to walk in spring and autumn

Changeable weather is not uncommon at these times of year. Bright sunshine can give way to rain overnight. To avoid catching a cold during such walks, you need to follow several rules:

  • try to avoid walking in rainy weather. Modern strollers have raincoats (capes that protect the baby and the stroller from getting wet), but this accessory should be used only as a last resort, since a greenhouse effect is created inside the stroller and the baby does not have enough fresh air;
  • do not rush to undress the child, even if the sun is out. The weather is very changeable, there is a high risk of catching a cold. For walks in the off-season, it is best to use demi-season clothing that does not overheat the skin, allowing it to breathe and protecting the child from hypothermia.

In dry, warm weather, the baby's first walk can last 15 minutes. gradually the time should be increased to 1.5 hours.

Winter walks

Walking in winter raises many questions for parents. It's cold outside, which means you need to think about how to dress your child so that he doesn't overheat or freeze. Some parents even refuse winter walks altogether, believing that the cold air will only do harm. Of course, this opinion is wrong. Walking in winter is possible and necessary.

Here are a few winter walk rules that will help moms and dads:

  • the first walk should take place no earlier than 14 days from the moment of birth;
  • at a comfortable air temperature (up to -5), you can walk for 15 minutes; if the temperature drops to -15, the walking time is reduced by 5 minutes. If the indicators are lower, you should not walk with the newborn;
  • in case of strong winds, walking with a newborn can be replaced by sleeping on the balcony;
  • the maximum duration of a walk in winter is 1.5 hours;

Take care of warm and comfortable clothes for your baby. Many parents note the advantages of transformable overalls; they retain heat well and are easy to remove, so you can undress your baby at home without disturbing his sleep.

Walking with children over one year old

Children 1 year of age and older should go for walks at any time of the year. There are few unfavorable weather conditions under which the walk may not take place: salt rain, thunderstorm, heat (more than 30 degrees), frost (more than -20 degrees).

Time guidelines of 1.5-2 hours are quite arbitrary. The “borders” of the walk are set by the child himself (most often the walk ends when the baby wants to eat or sleep).

You should be especially careful about winter walks, because many parents do not take their children outside in winter for fear of catching a cold. A child may catch a cold if:

  1. dressed inappropriately for the weather;
  2. his body is not hardened.

You should not put a lot of clothes on your child. Children are very active, so they can quickly sweat and catch a cold. Experienced parents recommend checking the child’s body temperature by looking at the skin on the arms (just above the hands), bridge of the nose, and neck (if they are warm, the child is comfortable, if they are cold, the baby is cold).

Every child needs walks; they strengthen the body and help the baby calm down, but not just any time outside can be beneficial. So, walking in severe frost or heat is more likely to harm the baby’s body. Walking near highways will also not be beneficial; you should avoid places with large crowds of people (especially during epidemics). Walk wisely, then walking will be beneficial.

If the baby is healthy, you can go outside with him from the very first days of his life. Some precautions should be taken when doing this.

Monitor the weather forecast: your baby should not be outside when temperatures are too hot or too cold. It is best to walk in mild weather, without rain or strong wind.

Vary the length of your walks. At the very beginning, go out for about half an hour (you will have time to walk around the block or take a short walk), then gradually increase the duration of the walk. Already in the first weeks, walk up to an hour a day.

It is best to go for a walk with your baby between two feedings, if only because it will be calmer for you, and after you change his diaper. If you do need to go out for a few hours, take a scarf or small blanket with you so you can breastfeed your baby in peace. If you are feeding your baby formula, be sure to take everything you need to prepare it.

If you are visiting friends or relatives, make sure in advance that none of them are sick. Don't visit a house where someone is sick: better reschedule the visit.

Places to Avoid

  • Supermarkets and other large stores: it is better not to visit them with a newborn. There is too much noise and fuss, the air conditioners work too hard. In addition, we do not recommend placing a bassinet with a baby on a trolley in a supermarket: this often leads to accidents.
  • Hospitals: Do not visit patients with your child, even if these are patients in the maternity ward.
  • Beaches: they are not recommended for children under one year old. Be careful, your child may be at risk from excessive sun exposure or heatstroke.
  • In the mountains, you can climb with your baby to a height of no more than 2000 meters, but in summer you should protect your baby from the sun, and in winter you need to dress him warmly.

Things for walking with your baby

  • A light jacket (or a light blanket) and a full set of clothes for changing.
  • If it's hot outside: sunscreen, bucket hat, sunglasses and a small bottle of water.
  • A blanket to comfortably breastfeed your baby, or a bottle of formula, as well as a bib.
  • Baby's favorite toy (if necessary).
  • One or two diapers, sanitary napkins and a plastic bag.
  • One dose of saline.
  • Homeopathic arnica granules or arnica cream.
  • If you are breastfeeding, be sure to bring some food for yourself: fresh or dried fruit, an energy bar, a bottle of water.

Is it possible to allow other people to take the baby in their arms and kiss him?

Allow this to happen as rarely as possible, especially in the first weeks of life, when the child’s immune system is still practically not formed! Do not allow strangers on the street or in a store to stroke your baby's cheek or hold his hand without your permission. Such friendly gestures are only allowed to close relatives. Always warn your child in advance that you want to say hello or chat with him. If he cries, don't insist.

Carrying a baby in a sling

From the very first hours of life, your child urgently needs physical contact with you and constant rocking. A sling scarf is the best way to keep your baby close to you at all times. A baby sling is a large rectangle of fabric, usually twill, it can be straight, criss-crossed or mixed. The size of the sling should be chosen depending on the type of sling you want and your body type. Good slings (usually made in Germany) allow you to comfortably carry your baby from birth until at least three years of age in various positions - on the stomach, on the hip, on the back. Among other things, this method of carrying a child is cheaper than a stroller.

There are also so-called physiological fabric seats for children (usually they are produced in accordance with all environmental and other standards). Like slings, they take into account the physiology of the baby and the adult who is carrying him. In this seat, unlike traditional seats for babies, the baby does not sit on his genitals with his legs dangling: he is seated in a “frog” position, with his legs spread wide apart. This position is comfortable because the baby's body is still very flexible. In addition, with this position the weight is distributed more evenly, which greatly facilitates the task of the porter, relieving tension from his shoulders and back. Baby seats are a little more expensive than classic slings. To choose a sling scarf or a physiological seat for a baby, as well as master the technique of tying a sling, we recommend that you attend at least one class teaching baby carrying techniques: it is best to do this already in the third trimester of pregnancy.

At what temperature can a child be taken outside?

Walking can be started only from two to three weeks of age at an air temperature of at least +22 °C. If the air temperature is lower (up to +10 °C), then walks should begin only from 4-5 weeks, and below +5 °C - from 2-3 months. The duration of the first walk should not exceed an average of 15-20 minutes (30-40 minutes in summer and 5-10 minutes in winter). Subsequently, the child’s time in the fresh air gradually increases to 1.5-2 hours. During walks in the summer, the sun’s ultraviolet rays strengthen the child’s immune and nervous systems. However, it is necessary to protect the newborn from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays on the body, since the skin of a small child contains an insufficient amount of the protective pigment melanin, which can cause sunburn and serious damage to the surface epithelium. It is necessary to remember to protect the child’s head, protect him from heat or sunstroke by wearing a panama hat or cap. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child’s skin. At the slightest redness or slight peeling, it is advisable to stop walking in the sun for 1-2 days. If necessary, you can use special children's hypoallergenic sunscreens with a high level of ultraviolet filter.

In winter, at an air temperature of at least -10 ° C, from 3-4 weeks of age, you can put the baby to sleep outside for 20-30 minutes. When dressing a child for a walk in winter, you need to remember one physiological feature of newborns. The fact is that the subcutaneous fatty tissue of young children is much better developed than that of adults. In addition, it contains a large amount of refractory fatty acids - this is brown adipose tissue. Therefore, at the same temperature, an adult and a child feel differently. When dressing a child for a winter walk, you must use the rule of three things: first, put on underwear along with a diaper, then a warm jacket, panties or overalls, and then warm socks, a hat and an envelope (or blanket). The fact that the child is cold is indicated by paleness of the face and tip of the nose and the child’s too calm behavior. Also in winter it is necessary to use creams that protect the child’s skin from hypothermia, wind and frost.

Before walking outside, the child should be given the opportunity to get used to his home and study it well. Parents love to walk with their newborn in the winter, and even carry him in a stroller, because in the cold air he sleeps for a long time and soundly. However, sound sleep is not good for a child; on the contrary, it indicates that either the child has experienced stress (including cold stress), or the body is under heavy stress and has fallen into deep sleep in order to restore or maintain its strength. At any time of the year, it is better to walk with your child, carrying him in a sling - this way he will always be warm, comfortable and feel safe.

It is advisable for the person who takes care of him most of the time to walk with the child. A young child will feel anxious when walking with his grandmother, who comes once every six months and whom he hardly knows. Usually, parents allow relatives to walk with their children because they do not want to offend them. In this case, they should choose what is more important to them: satisfied relatives or the child’s trust. You should also not put your child in the arms of strangers during a walk, because, firstly, it may be unpleasant for him, even if he is very small, and secondly, how can parents then teach their child the rules of safe behavior (“you can’t go anywhere with strangers or letting other people's uncles or aunts touch you") if they act differently?

A child who is in the mother's arms or in a sling should be dressed as one would dress oneself. If he already runs a lot himself, then according to the “minus one” layer of clothing. Usually I see that mothers dress their children warmer than themselves, despite the fact that they are sitting on a bench, and the child is constantly moving (walking, running).

Unfortunately, some parents still believe that the best care for a child is to dress him warmer, feed him more, and let him fall less (which means walking and running, otherwise how would he fall?). Need I say that overheating and any “greenhouse conditions” in general are a disservice to the child?

Because of such “care”, children get sick more often, and then their parents “heroically” fight the problems that they themselves created, and also tell others: “Children get sick soooo often!” If a child does not sleep, you should not hide him from the wind or from dampness outside - the child’s body easily adapts to these natural factors if not interfered with.

If your child is over six months old, it is advisable to take something to drink and eat with you on a walk. You can always interest a child with food, distract him, calm him down, and simply feed him if he is hungry. I also took a change of clothes with me and therefore did not worry that the child would get dirty and passers-by would look askance at us on the way home. In the first two years, my son constantly found a way to get dirty while walking in the park, and instead of always making sure his clothes were clean and restricting his movements, I simply quickly changed his clothes when we were getting ready to go home.

After one and a half to two years, the child can be carried in a stroller from time to time. Children like to ride, but you shouldn’t take a stroller with you all the time - a child should be able to run, jump and learn to follow his mother while walking. If you use a stroller all the time, he will move too little on his own.

A strengthened child, as prescribed by a doctor, should be taken out into the fresh air if the weather is not too windy. You can dress your baby as if for the street and leave him near an open window. Depending on the weather and well-being, the child should be outside for 3-5 hours every day. When walking outside, remember that the raised top of the stroller is designed to protect the baby from the rain. In good weather, the stroller should be open, providing the newborn with a flow of fresh air. It is completely unacceptable to cover the stroller with a plastic awning. Due to the lack of fresh air circulation, the flow of oxygen into the lungs is disrupted and the amount of carbon dioxide in the confined space around the child increases (forcibly). This defeats the purpose of the whole walk.

Rickets develops in the body of weakened children deprived of vitamin D. This vitamin allows calcium to be absorbed from food without loss. Even if there is enough calcium in food, without vitamin D the body is unable to absorb and store it. The lack of sufficient calcium in a child's body (with rickets) leads to the fact that children's bones lose their normal hardness and bend. Rickets children are prone to infectious diseases. They usually have weak muscles, crooked legs and disproportionately protruded stomachs. This is because such children have weak digestion. Therefore, they are often lethargic, apathetic, and have poor appetite. This can be avoided if the baby receives vitamin D in an oil solution or is prescribed quartz treatment. A much more accessible and simple source of this vitamin is the sun.

Under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is synthesized in the child’s skin, strengthening his immunity, bones and teeth. It would be a mistake to think that exposing a child to the sun until it turns black is enough to reliably protect him from all diseases. Self-activity and excessiveness are a bad help in raising children. After consulting with your doctor, arrange sunbathing for your child. Open your apartment to the sun! Open your curtains to let in the sun's rays because, among other things, sunlight kills most germs. The most suitable time for indoor tanning is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Sunbathing should be done very carefully, as the child may become overheated (or heatstroke). You should start with 2 minutes. The child's body should be gradually opened to sunlight. First - the legs, then - the tummy. And only on the 3rd day - chest and shoulders. The front or back surfaces of the body should be exposed to sunlight alternately, preferably 30 minutes before and after lunch. If your baby's skin is sensitive and red, skip the next day and don't let your baby sunbathe. This is especially true for blond children with fair skin. They don't tan the way dark-haired children do. This happens because their skin (compared to brunettes) does not have enough glands that produce the dark pigment melanin, which contributes to tanning.

Do not try to expose your baby to the sun - he may well get heatstroke. Tan with it gradually and for a short time. The most convenient period for walking with fair-haired children is before 11 a.m. and after 4 p.m. If the regime is followed, such a child will be no less healthy and vigorous than other children, although the sun will not leave noticeable signs on him.

Protect your child's head and eyes from the sun. A rush of blood to the brain caused by excessive temperature can cause sunstroke in the baby. A hat or panama hat made of some light-colored material will be enough. If your child sleeps while sunbathing, place a folded napkin or clean handkerchief over his eyes. If he is not sleeping, try to place his head in the shade.

Winter walks in the fresh air bring many benefits to children: they strengthen the immune system, strengthen them, improve appetite and sleep, and promote knowledge of the world around them. During the cold season, you need to dress properly to prevent your baby from getting hypothermic. Qualified specialists of the Daughters-Sons online store will help you choose clothes for winter walks.

How long can you walk with your child in winter?

It is necessary to go outside with your baby from the first weeks of his life. If the weather is calm and the temperature is above zero, you need to walk every day. The main thing is to constantly monitor the baby’s condition and behavior to avoid hypothermia.

The time must be calculated taking into account the age of the baby and the weather. The first 2-3 trips with a newborn should last no more than 20 minutes. Then the duration of stay on the street is gradually increased to 1-1.5 hours. You can walk with your baby provided that the temperature does not drop below -5 °C. On calm days you can go out for a short time even at -10 °C.

How long a child should walk in winter depends on:

  • his age;
  • weather conditions;
  • the health and well-being of the baby;
  • quantity and quality of clothes worn;
  • motor activity;
  • number of walks per day.

In cold weather it is better to shorten your walks. You can split your exercise into two times – half an hour before lunch and another 30-40 minutes after. To make the little person comfortable, he should be dressed in windproof and waterproof overalls with a hood, warm socks and a hat. It is recommended to wear an insulated vest or jacket under the second layer of clothing. Winter boots or boots are perfect for footwear.

You should not buy clothes made from synthetic fabrics, as you can sweat and freeze in them; choose sets made from natural materials.


In a child under 3 years of age, the body is not yet adapted to thermoregulation and the feeling of cold, so he needs constant monitoring of body temperature. Usually mothers touch the nose, if it is cold, then it’s time to go home. In case of strong gusts of wind and -10 °C, it is better not to go outside.


How long should you walk with your child in winter? The time depends on the baby’s age, his well-being and the weather. From the first year of life, it is necessary to spend up to 2 hours in the fresh air, after 3 years - approximately 3-4 hours a day. The time must be increased gradually. It is better to go outside twice a day. If you choose the right clothes, then even frosts down to -15-20 ° C will not be scary for you, although at this temperature the time you spend outside is reduced to 20-30 minutes.

Winter walks with a child. What could be more pleasant for a new mother? During a walk, a woman can relax and unwind, while the baby usually sleeps peacefully in the stroller. However, parents often have a question: how long to walk with a newborn in winter? This is exactly what this article will answer. You will learn about the features of this process. You will also be able to find out how long after you can walk with your newborn in the winter after being discharged from the maternity hospital.

The benefits of walking for young children

In winter, many couples don’t even ask this question. They are sure that such walks are dangerous for the baby. That is why they prefer to stay at home until the baby reaches 3 months of age. By that time spring has already arrived. However, this tactic is wrong.

Experts say that children need walks at any time of the year. After all, kids breathe fresh air outside. In the frosty winter, it is especially useful, as it is devoid of any viruses and bacteria. Don't worry about your child getting sick. Just the opposite. With these walks you can boost your baby’s immunity. However, you always need to remember how and how much to walk with your newborn in winter. If this question worries you, be sure to ask your pediatrician. The doctor will dispel your doubts and give the necessary recommendations.

First walk

How long can you walk with a newborn in winter? If the baby was born in the cold season, then your first walk will take place upon discharge from the maternity hospital. Usually the baby does not stay outside for long. It will only take a couple of minutes before mommy gets to the car and goes into the house. This is quite enough for a week old baby.

This walk does not take air temperature into account. After all, no matter the weather, you need to somehow leave the hospital. That is why it is worth taking care of warm clothes for the baby. It should suit your climate. If winters are harsh and the temperature outside the window drops to -30 degrees, then you should not choose thin envelopes with ruffles. Prepare a thick blanket, a blanket and several flannelette diapers. Don't forget about socks and a hat for your baby.

When and for how long to leave the house?

How long after can you walk with a newborn baby in winter? Afterwards, doctors advise immediately starting walks, while gradually increasing their duration. The first trip outside can last from 5 to 10 minutes. After this, it is advisable to go indoors and not walk around again that day. Monitor your child's condition carefully. If everything went well, then the next day the time spent outside can be increased.

The next walk may be 10 minutes longer. In other words, you are allowed to walk for 15 to 20 minutes. This time it is advisable to take a stroller with you, because every mother so wants to push her baby in it as quickly as possible.

Premature babies and features of walking with them

How long should you walk with your newborn in winter if he was born with low weight? In this situation, things are somewhat different. Experts give other recommendations. It makes a big difference whether your baby was born premature or just underweight. Children weighing less than 3 kilograms are not recommended to go outside at temperatures below 5 degrees. If the baby is premature, then you should start walking only when the temperature is above zero. At the same time, the first time you just go out onto the balcony.

How do doctors explain such restrictions? The fact is that young children have poor thermoregulation. The less weight and fat layer a baby has, the easier it is for him to freeze. If you do not want hypothermia, then it is better to stay at home for several weeks until the baby becomes stronger.

Child's clothes for walking in the cold season

How long to walk with a newborn in winter? Much depends on how you dress your child. At temperatures from 0 to minus 5 degrees, it is recommended that the walk last no more than 60 minutes (taking into account the fact that this is not the first time you leave the house). In this case, it is worth dressing the child in warm flannel or flannelette fabrics. There must be a second layer of clothing on top - a warmer one. A windproof overall or blanket completes the set.

When the temperature outside is below 10 degrees, make sure that your baby does not stay outside for more than 30 minutes. His clothes should have 4 layers. First comes a light cotton fabric, then a warmer diaper (flannel or flannel). Next, a jumpsuit or envelope is put on, and a blanket completes the whole thing.

When it’s colder than minus 15 degrees outside, you shouldn’t go out with your baby at all. Stay at home and ventilate the room more often. If you have a glassed-in balcony, you can take the baby out there. Remember the relationship between clothing and air temperature.

Walking after vaccinations

How long can you walk with your newborn in winter if your child has been vaccinated? The first vaccination of babies is usually carried out at the age of one month. After vaccination, the baby's immunity is greatly reduced. This is why doctors sometimes do not recommend mothers to take their children outside.

If your child has been vaccinated, then on this day your walk should be limited to the road from the clinic home. It is not recommended to go out anymore. After vaccination, carefully monitor your baby's condition. If you feel unwell or have a fever, you should stay at home for another three days. Call a doctor if necessary. As soon as the effects of the vaccination are over, you can safely go outside. There is no need for a gradual increase in time. If you have already walked with your baby for up to one hour, then continue to do so. Consider temperature conditions.

After illness

How long should you walk with your newborn in the winter if the baby has suffered from ARVI? During periods of illness, you should completely avoid walking. When it comes to a common runny nose without additional symptoms, then you can go out. However, the air temperature should not be minus.

If a child has a fever, cough and other symptoms, then you should stay home until complete recovery. After eliminating all signs of illness, do without walking for a few more days. After this, the newborn can be taken outside with a gradual increase in time, as described above.

What do doctors say?

How long should you walk with your newborn in winter, according to neonatologists and experienced pediatricians? Doctors say that walks are very beneficial for the baby and contribute to its proper development. After going outside, the baby's appetite increases, his mood improves, and his sleep normalizes. During exposure to the sun, vitamin D is actively produced, which helps to fully absorb calcium. This substance also prevents the occurrence of rickets.

Doctors advise starting walks with your newborn baby immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital (provided that there are no restrictions and the baby feels well). If the temperature outside is above zero, then in just a few days you can increase your stay with your baby in the fresh air to two hours. Divide this time into several parts or take one big walk.

Experts recommend keeping an eye on more than just your baby while walking. A nursing mother also needs special attention. In winter, it is worth hiding your chest very well. Otherwise, you may catch a cold. If mastitis has developed, then it is better for mom and baby to stay at home. After the woman has fully recovered, she can continue walking as usual.

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