Everything girls want. Tips for guys

It is known that women love to hear various compliments and praise from men. In order to get a girl, you can not just shower her with pleasant words, but also act more cunningly: when left alone with her or even in the company of friends, whisper various endearments in her ear, lightly touching the shell of the ear with your lips. A trusting relationship should be established between you, in which you can talk to each other about your deepest desires without feeling embarrassed. Only all the words you say must be truthful and sincere; girls always feel lies.

Girls are turned on by the desperate actions guys do for them. Arrange crazy dates for her, filled with extreme sports. The feeling of fear also causes acute excitement.

Learn to use gestures and body language to hint to a girl that she desires physical intimacy. Look passionately into her eyes with an undressing gaze, and use light touches on her neck, wrists, shoulders and the backs of her hands. Your touch should be persistent, but at the same time gentle, causing goosebumps. The girl should feel that she is desired by you.

Before you move on to sexual intercourse, do not forget about foreplay. What is important to women is not the process of having sex, but its beginning. Use long foreplay to completely liberate your other half. Carefully examine her body by touching your hands and lips, you should see and understand what exactly has an exciting effect on her, and what is better to refuse.

What masculine qualities turn girls on?

To excite a girl, let her know that you are a very strong but attentive man. The fairer sex is crazy about guys who lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. It is absolutely not necessary to have a very prominent figure, but slightly toned muscles should be present, and it is better to emphasize them with clothing. If you have beautiful and strong arms, wear tight tank tops that show off your assets. Ladies like to look at bare shoulders and men's arms.

In addition, girls are turned on by men's frankness. If you want to do something with your girlfriend, don't hide it. If you are alone, you can openly admit that an interesting idea has come into your head regarding something intimate.

Many guys have been in a situation where, while courting a girl, they were simply rejected. Not understanding the reason (after all, everything was going so well), they wonder what the girl wants from the guy? The truth is, it's not just guys who don't understand girls, very often the girls themselves don't know what they want.

Let's talk about female characters

Women's nature is very difficult to understand. Female representatives cannot always explain their behavior and their whims. And if a girl wants to meet a guy, then it is not yet known what their relationship will be like and how long it will last. The reasons may be different, but very often they depend on the character of the girl herself.

Girls can be narcissistic. They stand firmly on their own two feet, adore themselves, feel that they are superior to others in appearance, and believe that they are smarter than others. Their plans are to live for themselves with the prospect of finding a rich groom and getting everything at once. Girls of this type prefer older guys, since they already have some capital, which means they can buy a girl something, take her to a restaurant or a disco. It’s easier to talk to such guys; they, so to speak, already know everything about life. Girls learn sex life from older guys. If a girl wants sex with a guy, then he is always there for her. It’s hard to date such girls, they are subject to their whims and can change their boyfriends.

Girls with high self-esteem

There are also girls who know their worth. They have an ordinary character, it is easy to communicate with them, but it is very difficult to get her to like them. Such girls believe that there are plenty of guys like them. Cute and attractive girls with such a character often show disdain for guys. These girls try to study well, find a good job, find a loved one and get married successfully. And these wishes often come true; with girls of this nature, guys always feel comfortable in family life.

And then there are girls who underestimate their self-esteem. They often do not have a very attractive appearance, they may be overweight or wear glasses. They are not the first to come into contact with a young man. Tearfulness, vulnerability, sometimes they simply hate themselves - such characteristics are inherent in these girls. Such girls always want to fall deeply in love, dizzying romance and poems dedicated specifically to them. They become excellent housewives, and can satisfy a man only in terms of a delicious dinner.

Informal character type

There are girls of another type of character - this is the informal type. In all situations, they are simply unpredictable, very strange, but many guys like this behavior. The clothes and behavior of such girls can be provocative, but they like themselves that way. Casual girls also like older guys. What do these girls want? First of all, a friend like yourself, have a blast in life, try everything. In communication they are normal, but in life...

But by the way, all the girls are beautiful and each of them wants something.

They differ greatly from each other in psychological characteristics. But these differences are not strong enough to really consider us representatives of different planets. We are basically alike - in our needs to be needed, loved and protected. What do girls want?

How many languages ​​do you know?

American psychologist Gary Chapman found that in relationships, both men and women have five “languages” for expressing their feelings. And depending on what “language” your beloved speaks, you need to behave in one way or another. All girls want love, but this can be expressed differently for different types of girls.

Physical love

Girls of this type value primarily the physical side of relationships. But don't count on quick sex: they can see perfectly well who is serious about them and who is not so serious. Pick-up artists almost never get girls of this type. After all, in order to get sex from her, you need a long and tender relationship with touches and kisses. prone to physical demonstrations of love? They need tenderness, affection and trust.

Words have a price

Girls who tend to value words are also not easy prey. After all, they don’t just need poems downloaded from the Internet. This is with a guy who understands her well as a person and knows how to correctly, appropriately and on time tell her words of approval and praise. Such women are the smartest among representatives of all five types, because the logical prevails in them. What do girls who value words want? Sincere recognition and deep understanding.

Gift yourself?

There is also a type of girl who appreciates gifts. This does not mean that they are naturally more mercantile than others, it’s just the way they are designed. They won't be impressed by a concert ticket or serenades outside their windows. To prove your love, you will have to give them useful and beautiful things, for example, visit some exclusive gift store. To distinguish such girls from selfish money suckers, watch your chosen one. The gift lover loves not only to receive, but also to give gifts, unlike the deceiver and semi-swindler.

Time can not be returned

There are girls who value a good time most of all. Those who strive for love victories can count on these people. But there are also differences here: one needs to be given three hours before sex, the other needs to be “walked” and entertained for three months. What do girls who value quality time want? Vivid impressions and memories. Give them this and you can have amazing sex and interesting relationships. These girls are the most creative.

Is it hard to help?

The last category under consideration is very important to be helped. Not because they are helpless or insecure. Your efforts will simply prove to her that she is important to you. Explain to her the difficult tasks at the university, bring her bags, make coffee in bed - and you will have a huge influence on such a girl.

Girls of all types want love, but love comes in different forms. By the way, the same five types are found in men.

All experienced seducers have long discovered the difference between interest and attraction. When a girl says that she likes kind and interesting guys, she is not lying. She really likes them. But only as people with whom it is pleasant to communicate. And even if they manage to “drag” a beauty into bed, it is not because they are kind and interesting. They simply did so (consciously or accidentally) that the girl began to feel sexually attracted to them.

But you have a serious advantage over these “lucky ones”: you can consciously apply all the tips and seduce a girl many times faster than anyone else. Well, or at least increase the chances of a successful completion of the seduction.

So, what kind of guys do girls want?

First of all…


Those who never adapt to the desires of other people and the rules that the girl tries to impose on them.

But our weaker sex always tries to impose its own rules of the game. They just do it very subtly - so that you don’t even suspect anything.

In general, disobedience is a sign of strength. Only with great inner strength can you resist manipulation. It is thanks to this quality that many bad boys like girls.

Moreover, at the very beginning, all the guys have the same chances of seducing the beauty. It’s just that after some time, an outwardly white and fluffy angel will try to test your toughness. She may tell you directly or hint that you are behaving incorrectly. And the moment you start proving the opposite or trying to appease her, your attractiveness will fall through the roof.


She started acting up and you tried to cheer her up? Well, even if you managed to cheer her up, her attraction to you will still drop to almost zero.

The thing is that in her understanding, a man who depends on female attention and does not have the strength to punish her at the moment of her whims is too weak.

Women have long understood that a weak man is unreliable and should not be trusted with his body. So they figured out how to test a guy for this weakness. The girl simply creates situations in which he does not want to show self-respect just to keep her close to him. But in reality it turns out that in this way he only loses her respect even more (finally).

She will watch your communication with other people no less carefully. As soon as you allow someone to wipe their feet on you (even as a joke), your new friend will like this someone more than you. Don't ask why - that's nature.


There are guys who reveal a little part of themselves and then hide it from everyone. For example, if a bad guy begins to skillfully and lovingly communicate with a child (no matter whose), he will show a different part of his personality. And the girl there will be a strong desire to solve it, like a riddle. She will realize that he is not so bad and will try to find good personality traits in him (which automatically means that she will date him :)).

You should have such a secret too.

Never reveal yourself completely. Otherwise, having gotten to know you 100%, she will lose attraction to you.


Risk is a noble cause. And not only because you can win something, but also because the opposite sex immediately begins to like you.

True, there is one danger: at first she begins to like you, but then she will want to tame you in order to keep you safe and sound. On the one hand, the desire is not bad. With another, as soon as she manages to “domesticate” you, she will immediately lose sexual attraction to you.


No, we are not talking about your courage in a street fight (although this is also one of the important factors).

True courage manifests itself in everything. Including the ability to openly express your emotions and behave in accordance with your inner desires. It doesn’t take much intelligence to understand a simple thing: when you don’t satisfy your desires, tension is born in your behavior and speech (in common parlance - “mental foul-smelling heap”). This tension is well felt by girls, which allows them to understand how naturally you behave.


Doesn't sound like a pick-up artist, does it?

Contrary to the general opinion of pick-up artists in All Rus', being a romantic is not so bad.

But there is one important nuance: girls accept courtship and romance only from those men whom they consider the best of the best. Those. from those who have all the above qualities.

Most guys don’t understand a simple thing: romance without sexual attraction (on the girl’s part) only kills any remaining interest in them.

Therefore, remember the rule: first you arouse her interest and only then arrange a “romance”.


If you are content with what you already have and do not strive for anything more, then congratulations - you have achieved Buddha-level enlightenment.

True, your new friend will not care how enlightened you are - she needs you to be an ambitious man who can provide a normal existence for her and your common child.

So try to talk about your big goals. Well, of course, prove your aspirations with action.

Do you have no worthy goals and, at the same time, want to date the best women? Well, then the only way for you is to attend our seduction trainings. :)

What kind of guys do girls want? The kind that represent something. The above tips will only help create the image of a worthy man. But remember that can't stand on tiptoes for long. You must become the best on the inside - for real, and not just on the outside, blindly copying other people's behavior.

What do girls want? Money is the first answer that comes to mind for most of us, and which, alas, is wrong. We will lift the veil on the mystery and tell you how to win a girl’s heart without having millions in the bank and pumped up biceps.

What do girls want from guys?

If you classify all girls as consumers who want to find a “rich daddy” and sell their youth and beauty at a higher price, then you are deeply mistaken. The desires of most of them go beyond the established stereotype. See for yourself!

1. A girl wants to see next to her not a muscular macho man or a wallet full of money, but a real man - a confident guy who will protect and support.

Yes, she wants him to be attractive, because the approval and envy of her friends is important to her self-esteem. But the mistake guys make is that they incorrectly interpret the concept of attractiveness, putting an equal sign between it and the size of their biceps and triceps.

Do you want us to tell you a secret? Looking at such examples of masculinity in glossy publications, girls do not pay attention to the bulging forms of an undeniably beautiful body, but evaluate the guy’s gaze, looking for an expression of self-confidence in him.

Girls intuitively understand: a physically strong person in life can turn out to be a weakling, giving in to difficulties. But a woman cannot afford to have such a man at her side, because nature, which endowed her with the instinct of motherhood, at the genetic level instilled in her the need to find a strong and reliable male who can protect her and her offspring.

Let's flesh out girls' ideas about male attractiveness:

  • the guy has a “male core”: confidence, fortitude, readiness to stand up for the weak at any moment;
  • neatness is a quality that cannot be underestimated when talking about the attractiveness of guys from the point of view of girls. Bad breath, the sweaty “amber” of a long-unwashed body, a black border under the nails and greasy hair are 100% likely to repel the fair sex from you;
  • communication skills. No one requires you to be the life of the party, but keeping up the conversation, telling a couple of relevant jokes and not looking like a complete ignoramus in the issues under discussion is the minimum that both a resident of a large metropolis and an inhabitant of a small village want to see in their boyfriend.

2. The second thing girls want from guys is to be pursued. This not only flatters the girl and increases her self-esteem, but also convinces her that the persistent suitor needs her. In addition, persistence in achieving a goal is perceived as a sign of strength of character and makes a guy more attractive.

Remember the times when knights held tournaments to gain the favor of a beautiful lady. Do you think ladies have sunk into oblivion? You are wrong. Modern girls want to be fought for, but the ways of winning a girl’s heart are now different. But we will talk about them a little later.

3. Any girl wants romance, affection and attention, and therefore rejoices at compliments, unexpected gifts and any actions of a guy that confirm his romantic feelings.

A teddy bear and a box of chocolates, presented in honor of the month since they met, can touch her heart. A girl will be delighted with your gentlemanly upbringing if you help her get on public transport, meet her after evening courses and take her home, give her your hand, helping her down the steps.

But the range of interests of modern Juliet is not limited only to guys. By understanding what a girl wants from life, you can understand the motivation behind her actions and, ultimately, find the way to her heart.

What do girls want from life?

Girlhood is a transitional stage from the existence of a little girl who knows no worries to the life of an adult woman whose interests are not limited only to family and career. Therefore, in her desires you will find dreams that evoke childhood, and activities typical of adult ladies:

  • communication with friends. Chatting on the phone for hours, going to cafes and concerts with friends, organizing bachelorette parties - all this you will have to deal with when courting a girl. It is impossible to fight this, it is better to accept and come to terms with it;

  • entertainment and thrills. The instinct of self-preservation, which protects adult women from extreme adventures, is not typical for girls. They enjoy parachute jumping, freediving, mountain climbing and kayaking down mountain rivers. Offering such extreme sports is a great bait for young adventure seekers;
  • shopping. Girls get double pleasure from visiting stores. Firstly, they enjoy the process of choosing, trying on and purchasing. Secondly, as a result, another dress or jeans appears in their wardrobe, which can attract the attention of guys.

A guy who stoically endures girls running around boutiques, and at the same time comments on the models being tried on and demonstrates his concern for what is happening, causes admiration among girls.

  • beautiful figure. On a subconscious level, every girl has a desire to please members of the opposite sex. Hence the desire to look good: to dress beautifully and have a slim figure. Everything is used: diets, sports, cosmetics to combat cellulite.

Remarks regarding body imperfections are perceived very painfully by girls, so either accept her for who she is, or act more subtly: offer to go to a sports club together or switch to a healthy diet;

  • pets. In childhood - dolls, in girlhood - a kitten or puppy. This is how the instinct of motherhood manifests itself in a unique way. It is impossible to suppress it; all that remains is to either share your passion for pets, or consider choosing another candidate who is not so sensitive to kittens, puppies and guinea pigs.

How to please a girl

Now let’s summarize what was said above, since we have already actually listed all the tips for winning a girl’s heart:

  • be confident in yourself - this is your main attraction in the eyes of the opposite sex;
  • Don't forget about hygiene and be careful. You can dress sparsely, but your clothes should be neat;
  • more romance: the inscription “Happy birthday, my love!” on the asphalt under the windows, a independently filmed and edited video with a declaration of love, an unexpected flash mob with the participation of friends - all this works flawlessly;

  • surround her with care and attention, remember all significant events and celebrate these dates;
  • Indulge your beloved's weaknesses, and she will definitely appreciate you. But don’t forget: girls also want to please guys, so beware of running into a hunter of men’s hearts.
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