Autobooster: what it is and how to use it correctly. How to choose a booster and use it

In 2015, another new and incomprehensible product called “booster” appeared in the beauty dictionary. It was positioned as a super replacement for facial serum, but many did not understand the idea and are still ignoring it, returning to their usual skincare products. But let's get to know the booster better and stop being afraid of it like fire.

What is a booster

The name of the booster comes from the English word boost, which means “strengthening” and “accelerating” something. In relation to a beauty product, the effect of other cosmetic products that we use is enhanced. For example, if you use a booster before applying the cream, the ingredients will penetrate much deeper, faster, and more actively saturate the cells and tissues with nutrients. This beauty product is quite light, non-greasy (despite the consistency being similar to oil), absorbs well and does not form a film. By the way, the booster can be used not to enhance the effect of other cosmetics, but as an independent product.

Unlike the same serum that we are all so accustomed to, the booster retains moisture, completely eliminating dehydration, dryness and flaking of the skin. In addition to the fact that the booster can be applied before the cream, it can be added to various masks, tonics, lotions, milk and even serums. In general, the product is truly universal, taking home care to a new level. It should be noted that the boosters are completely free of dyes, flavors and preservatives, so they do not interfere with the concentration of active substances in other facial care products.

It is interesting that some creams and masks cannot work at full strength, but this does not depend on them at all, but on the structure and characteristics of the skin. For some, the natural protection of the skin is so strong that it does not allow the components of cosmetic products to penetrate to a sufficient depth and work at full strength. The booster has the ability to bypass any barriers, penetrating the skin and mucous membranes, enveloping the molecules of active substances and delivering the necessary ingredients to the deep layers.

Boosters vary in impact. Some are aimed at rejuvenation, others at nutrition, others at hydration, others at protection, and others fight rosacea, acne and pigmentation. There are even boosters with the effect of filling wrinkles - booster revitalization. Their effect can be compared to full contour rejuvenation, since they contain a high concentration of hyaluronic acid with peptides and growth factors. As a result, wrinkles are filled in, the face visually becomes younger and more toned, but you should not count on a full-fledged rejuvenation effect - after all, this is auxiliary care. When choosing a booster, you must clearly understand why you need it and what skin problems you will solve with its help.

You should also remember about the standard dosage, because the rule “the more, the better” does not always work according to this scheme. The optimal booster dose is 1 drop per single dose. If you go too far with the dosage, the skin will still take only as much as it needs, leaving the rest on the surface. As a result, you will have to blot the greasy film with napkins, and this is an irrational waste of an expensive product.

be careful

Some beauty brands have resorted to a trick and, under the guise of a booster, produce a mixture of essential and vegetable oils. Yes, these products also have conductive properties and take care of the skin, but not enough. Moreover, the cost of these false boosters is greatly inflated: 3,000 rubles versus 60 rubles – the price of ordinary essential oils sold in every pharmacy. So before purchasing, read the label carefully so as not to overpay 50 times more for regular chamomile oil mixed with lavender.

5 best boosters for facial skin

Cover FX Custom Infusion Drops F+Neroli

An ideal remedy for those who want to get rid of scars and post-acne. The booster contains concentrated components - neroli oil, which deeply nourishes the skin, giving it a fresh and radiant appearance, and vitamin F, which is aimed at tissue regeneration and smoothing out unevenness.

Cover FX Custom Infusion Drops F + Neroli ($48)

Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Clinical Concentrate Hydration Booster

This booster is aimed at deeply moisturizing the skin, getting rid of dryness and flaking. He literally revives it, as happens with a withered flower that has not been watered for a long time, but in the end they took it up and began to correct their mistake. The product contains glycerin, hyaluronic acid, chamomile and watermelon extracts. The life-giving power of the components will bring order to even the most dull, dehydrated and exhausted skin.

Facial booster Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Clinical Concentrate Hydration Booster ($68)

Philosophy Turbo Booster C Powder

Organic Vitamin C Booster has antioxidant properties. It can be mixed with any skincare product and applied to hyperpigmented areas to even out skin tone and gradually fade blemishes. Each time the skin will become clearer, and over time the pigmentation will disappear completely. Just don’t “scold” a remedy if it doesn’t help you after a month: sometimes it takes many years to cope with a problem.

Philosophy Turbo Booster C Powder ($39)

Clarins: Detox, Repair and Energy

Clarins skincare products are famous for their amazing effect on the skin. The brand’s cosmetologists could not resist the new product and were almost among the first to create a facial booster, which, when added to the cream, gave the skin a tan. Over time, Clarins has released three booster concentrates, each with its own properties. For example, Booster Detox is aimed at cleansing the skin of toxins and toxins, enriching cells with oxygen. Booster Energy energizes the skin from the inside, giving it natural radiance, tone and fresh color. Booster Repair is designed to restore damaged skin, fill scars, scars and post-acne.

Booster Detox face booster (RUB 1,495 discount)

La Prairie Anti-Aging Rapid Response Booster

The targeted booster contains active anti-aging components responsible for total hydration, production of elastin and collagen: plankton extract, hyaluronic acid, a mixture of jojoba, mimosa and sunflower waxes, extracts of skullcap, licorice, mulberry, wormwood and jujube, horsetail and ginseng root , stabilized vitamin C, glycoproteins. Together, these substances have an unsurpassed rejuvenating effect, acting at the cellular level, from the very first day of use. Wrinkles will be smoothed out right before your eyes. A truly visible improvement in skin structure occurs after a two-week course of use of the product.

Facial booster La Prairie Anti-Aging Rapid Response Booster (RUB 20,915)

A booster seat is a small restraint seat that does not have a backrest or headrest. The point is to raise the child so that it is possible to properly fasten him with a seat belt.

Without a booster seat, the belt will be at face or neck level, and with a booster seat it will be at chest and collarbone level, as it should be. During travel, the seat reduces the load on the child's spine.

Booster car seat

Theoretically, a booster is a simplified car seat for children (group II/III). The booster car seat is installed only in the back seat of the car and is used for children from 5 to 12 years old weighing 15 - 45 kg. Despite the simplicity of the seat, it has some advantages:

1. Compact and lightweight compared to a car seat. Convenient and mobile, it is easy to move and store in the car.

2. Installation does not require significant effort and time.

3. Convenient for children. Even in warm, bulky clothes, the child is comfortable and not hot.

4. The shape of the pillow and armrests support the correct positioning of the child in the booster.

5. Many colors and cute design allow you to choose the right seat for any car.

6. Makes travel in a car safer. Even in the event of an accident with the seat, the belt will work correctly and protect the little passenger from blows and jolts.

The child booster is attached to the seat belt along with the child. Remember that the belt should not touch the child's neck!

If the booster is correctly positioned in the car, the standard belt will go over the child's shoulder, and the lower horizontal part of the belt should be located on the hip part, and not on the stomach.

Remember! The standard seat belt must pass through the child. It cannot pass only along the “booster horns”.

Booster material

There are several main types of booster pillows:

1. Booster for children made of foam. The cheapest and least quality. Does not withstand known crash tests.

2. Booster on a plastic base. If the plastic is high quality, then this type of booster is quite safe.

3. Multi-layer boosters. The most secure. The base is metal, then there is energy-absorbing material, polyurethane, and a soft top layer. When purchasing a booster, it is important to pay attention to the height of the armrests.

High ones will reduce the load on the child’s legs in case of an accident. The capacity of the booster depends on the width between the armrests. The greater the width, the more comfortable the child’s stay.

Boosters often come with straps with loops for fastening (to pull the seat belt away from your face). But their presence is not so important; tests have shown that the tapes often break and do not perform their functions. The best car seat upholstery is removable. Convenient for cleaning and washing.

Installation in a car

Regardless of the large selection of car boosters, there are only two mounting methods: belts or the Isofix system.

The first method is very universal and simple, because seat belts are found in every car. It is important to remember that a booster seat for children can only be secured in a car with a three-point belt.

The main problem is the impossibility of reliable fixation. At the time of an accident, the location of the booster may change, and the belt will not be able to hold the child or damage his organs. The second way is to install a booster with an Isofiх or Latch mount. The difference between the systems is only in the country of production.

Correct installation of the booster

A booster seat for children, attached with the Isofix system, is rigidly fixed in the car interior because it is attached to the car body. Accordingly, in the event of an accident, the booster will not be able to move.

Another advantage is the ease of installation of the system. The chance of attaching the booster incorrectly is almost zero.

Interesting fact! Boosters with fastenings similar to those of the Isofiх or Latch systems are available for sale. But they are not officially supplied to the Russian market. They are less secure and more difficult to install, but are better than conventional strapping.

Booster or full car seat. What to choose

A car seat is a fairly expensive purchase, but necessary for the safety of a child in a car. The booster in this case is a more economical purchase. The boosters are compact, lightweight and easy to install.

Ideal for small cars. Also very suitable for larger children as they are wider than standard car seats.

The only thing in which a booster is inferior to a car seat is safety. A seat ensures the safety of a child in a car much less than a chair, because car seats still have a back, side protection and headrests.

The booster does not have all this, plus it raises the child above the seat, increasing the possibility of a head impact.

If you decide to purchase a booster, pay special attention to the material of manufacture. Prefer metal or plastic frames with multi-layer materials.

It is advisable to buy special fasteners. Also choose boosters with greater arm spacing and seat width. Remember about accessories for the convenience of the child and parents.

Buying a booster seat will improve your child's safety and comfort. Just try to implement it as successfully as possible.

An article about car booster seats - their types, selection criteria, how to use and attach them. At the end of the article there is a video about boosters.

The content of the article:

The safety of children while driving is a priority for both parents and legislators. By law, for children under 12 years of age, a booster seat or a special seat must be installed in the car.

Everyone knows about children's car seats, but the booster raises many questions. How are they different from armchairs? What age group of children are allowed to ride on them? How can it be secured?

All these questions will be answered here. In fact, today a large number of booster models have been developed, and you can choose the option that suits you by studying the positive and negative characteristics of each of them.

The booster allows you to secure the child in a higher position on the car seat. It has no back. Older children are allowed to be transported without specially designed seats. They just need to be wearing seat belts.

If the baby's height is less than 145 cm, the belts will put pressure on areas of the body that are not intended for this, causing a feeling of discomfort. This is where a booster comes to the rescue. It is compact and will not reduce the width of the seat. He only lifts the child so that the use of seat belts is correct.

There are many models of booster seats, among them there are even those that can be used to transport children under 3 years old, with a weight of 15 kg and a height of 100 cm. The maximum weight of a child is 45 kg.

  1. But in what cases does the use of boosters become advisable:
  2. The seat has become uncomfortable for the baby, since he has already outgrown it, but is still too small for seat belts to be used to secure it in the car seat without additional devices.
  3. The child does not want to sit on the chair, explaining that he is already big. But the law requires compliance with the standards for transporting children, and the booster becomes an excellent alternative to classic seats.
  4. The booster is also recommended to be used if the seat belts are incorrectly positioned. On trips over short distances this is still acceptable, but for long trips you will have to buy a booster.
Helpful advice: There is no need to buy cheap booster models, as they will not last long and will have to be replaced frequently. As a result, you will only have to pay more. Among other things, cheap models have a reduced degree of safety and are not as convenient as more expensive options.

There are many configurations of these devices, and manufacturers continue to offer new options. They differ in cost, features of use and materials that were used in their manufacture. To choose the most suitable option for yourself, you need to be able to navigate the basic parameters of the products.
  1. Foam devices. Foam-based models are very comfortable, but in terms of safety they leave much to be desired. The entire structure may simply fall apart if an accident occurs. If this occurs, the child will fall down and slip under the harness, which could result in serious injury. Of course, such options are much cheaper, but is it worth saving on the safety of children? In addition to convenience for children and price, the only positive aspects of such devices include their light weight.
  2. Plastic products. This option is also very convenient to use, but, in addition, its level of safety is an order of magnitude higher than that of its foam counterparts. But plastic can also be different, and experts recommend choosing options made from more durable material. When choosing plastic boosters, you need to take into account the presence of stiffeners on the inside of the structure. And higher quality plastic can be determined even visually.
  3. Multilayer. In this version, all indicators are at their best - the devices are very convenient, and their safety characteristics are at the highest level. Devices with a metal frame and several layers of special materials are considered ideal. The greatest comfort in using the product is ensured by its soft surface.
  4. Special models. Some manufacturers offer devices that have loop devices designed to pull the harness away from the baby's face. It is extremely inconvenient to use them - such boosters constantly slip off and can even burst, so there is no need to talk about the proper level of safety here. It is highly not recommended to buy such devices, because they are not only inconvenient to use, but also unsafe.

You should not take the choice of a booster carelessly. Remember that not only the comfort of your child, but also his safety while driving depends on the right choice. The model offered by sellers may have a modern look, but at the same time not meet the main requirements for devices of this kind. In order not to return to the store again and again, you need to weigh everything carefully.

When choosing a device, you need to consider the material from which it is made. The new seat should be comfortable for the baby and, of course, special attention should be paid to the degree of safety that the design of the product can provide.

Here are some points you should definitely consider when choosing a booster seat for transporting a child:
  • Be sure to inspect the product from all sides. It must be made with high quality, even without minor flaws. The model should not be too heavy and easy to use.
  • The baby should be comfortable in the seat. Otherwise, purchasing the product makes no sense, because you don’t want your child to feel uncomfortable in the car? It is necessary to take into account the ease of use of the product in winter - the child is wearing a bulky jacket, and in a cramped device he will be uncomfortable in it.
  • It is necessary to choose products produced by trusted manufacturers, whose products have all the necessary certificates for carrying out this activity.
  • Buy devices that are clearly distributed according to the child’s weight and height. Universal boosters are not the best option.
  • The seat upholstery also needs to be taken into account. The material from which it is made must be breathable, easy to clean and dry quickly. It is better if you choose an option with removable pads - they are much easier to clean and dry.
  • You can find combination booster options on sale. They can be used in several modes, one of which provides the possibility of transformation into a kind of crib, where the child can rest on a long journey. In this case, even while resting, the baby will be fastened.
  • Strong safety harnesses must have parts that soften the child’s contact with the device. In the absence of this property, the child may be injured not only in an accident, but also during sudden braking.
  • Buy only the booster that will exactly fit your child in size. There is no need to buy a product “for growth” or that is already small. Otherwise, the baby will feel discomfort.
  • From the variety of models, it is better to choose those that are attached to the seat using special devices, and not just placed on it. But when choosing such a device, you should take into account the presence of special loops on the car seat for attaching the device.

The simplest models do not require any fastenings - they just need to be placed on the seat. With this option, the seat belt (its lower part) is placed under the armrest. This, in fact, is the whole point of fastening.

But this may not be enough if the car brakes suddenly. There are cases when, during sudden braking or turning, the booster simply slipped out from under the child. Additional fastening loops can be very useful here, as they increase the degree of security several times.

When purchasing a booster, special attention should be paid to the height of the armrests, since they are an important point when installing a child seat.

The child should lean freely, without tension, on the armrest. In this case, during a turn he will receive proper support. However, higher armrests have certain advantages - they secure the seat belts higher than normal, which can be a safety benefit in the event of an accident.

Attention! The height of the child’s placement and the tilt of the booster should only be set individually. It is very important that the belt does not touch your face or put pressure on your neck. The chair should be installed as rigidly as possible. Do not allow it to slip or bounce while moving.

When using such a device, the small passenger will be maximally protected while driving. Fastening with Isofix differs from conventional fastening only in the need to use a special fastening system. Installation will take very little time, and the process itself should not cause difficulties.

If you take into account all the recommendations given in this article, you can choose the best booster option for your child.

Video about boosters:

A car booster seat is a device without a backrest, designed to give the child a higher position, in which the body can be comfortably secured using seat belts. The child booster is installed directly on the seat. It doesn't take up as much space as a chair and can last for several years until the child can use the harness directly. Fixing the device is not difficult, but there are several nuances, the observance of which will ensure maximum safety and ease of movement for the baby. It is important to remember the main thing - the booster can only be installed in the back seat. Violation of this rule creates a risk to the life and health of the child.

How to choose the right booster location?

There are several places in the car, the potential safety of which allows them to be used specifically for placing a child. When approving them, statistical data on accidents and the degree of complexity of possible injuries were taken into account.

  • Directly behind the driver's seat. This area is less damaged, especially in a frontal collision. The driver, guided by the instinct of self-preservation, in most cases turns the steering wheel so as to deflect the impact from his side.
  • The second place for safety is the central part of the rear seat.. This factor is explained by the fact that no matter which way the driver turns the steering wheel in an emergency, the impact that falls on the rear of the car will have minimal impact on the child. This approach allows us to exclude the effect of psychological factors.

Transporting a child in a car with a booster seat secured in the front passenger seat is strictly prohibited. Even if you turn off the airbags, the risk of injury to your baby in the event of an accident is very high, regardless of the force of the impact. Even a simple ride on a flat surface will cause inconvenience to the child. This is explained by the structural features of the front seat and the inability to create an anatomically correct body position for the baby.

There are only two options for mounting the device. The first is through seat belts, which must be present in all modern cars. In this case, any booster is suitable, the main thing is that the model has armrests.

Such options are simply installed on the seat, with the child himself acting as a retainer. It is worth considering that the booster is attached only with three-point belts; transverse ones will not be enough. The lower tape of the belt is carried under the armrests of the device, and the body is secured to the back with a diagonal tape. There are models with additional safety tapes; they significantly increase the safety of the device.

No matter how high-quality such a car booster is, a rigid fixation will not work. Even during normal driving, there is a risk of the seat moving under the child. This can lead to the belts shifting and squeezing the neck or internal organs. In the event of sudden braking, such a product does not guarantee complete safety.

When installing the booster, you must consider the following points.

  1. Armrest height. It is necessary to achieve such an arrangement in which the child does not have to reach for the armrest. Only if the body is relaxed will it be sufficiently stabilized when cornering and braking.
  2. Belt tension. The fixation should be tight, but not uncomfortable. Avoid squeezing the neck and squeezing internal organs.
  3. No slipping. The belt is attached only after it has been possible to achieve a good fit of the device to the surface of the seat.

The installation process itself takes only a few seconds. First, the booster is installed, the child sits on it, and the straps are tightened and secured. After starting to move, you need to pay attention to whether the installation is not slipping and whether the small passenger is securely secured.

Advantages of fastening using the Isofix system

Before purchasing a functional device, it is recommended to check whether the machine has an Isofix system. If it is present, the choice should be made in favor of a booster with similar mounts. Such models are a little more expensive, but provide the most reliable fixation of the child.

In this case, the booster is attached directly to the car body, providing the most rigid and stable grip. Additional restraint can be provided by seat belts. The child will be protected both on the road and in the event of an accident. Such models can be installed and removed in a matter of seconds. The manipulation is very simple and does not require special skills.

Correctly securing the device will ensure the maximum possible safety for the child in the car. You should not skimp on the material or type of fixation of the product; it is not recommended to purchase used items (if they have been in emergency situations, their functionality is zero).

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