What to give a boy for his birthday? It's the boy's eighth birthday. A selection of the best gifts! Give it to a boy for his 8th birthday

I, as well as many parents, once faced the question - what to give a first-grader for his birthday? How to choose a gift that is guaranteed to make your child happy?

After I asked my friends, searched for information on the Internet and made an optimal list on the topic “what to give a 7-8 year old boy”, I learned from this the main rule - when choosing a gift you should be guided not so much by pricing policy, but by desires and interests child.

In addition, an approximate list has been compiled that you should focus on when choosing.

Let's start with educational toys and gadgets

I give them first place, because both the child and the mother, who wants to quickly see the genius in the baby, will like them:

  • themed puzzles,
  • electronic tutorials and interactive textbooks,
  • smart pens,
  • children's tablets and laptops.

Board games

They are perfect for children who like to spend time in a big company.

Choose good games that are age-appropriate - lotto, dominoes, twister, checkers, chess. A fun time is guaranteed with Cat and Mouse, Ali Baba and his Naughty Camel, Hey That's My Fish, Hockey and Football.

Do not give board games to a large number of people if the child prefers to play alone.

Designers - sleight of hand and no boredom

Don't limit your choice to just the famous " Lego", the merits of which no one denies!

Manufacturer Ausini proposes to assemble robots, planes, rockets from small plastic parts. The boys will definitely love this.

Italian company Quercetti offers a variety of construction sets with “running balls”. From them you can assemble air and roller coasters with an elevator, suspended structures along which balls “slide.”

From the same company - a dynamic labyrinth construction set Over & Again from a Belgian manufacturer Marbutopia or many construction sets from the “perpetual motion machine” series from Executivity.

Take a closer look at wooden and metal construction sets from which you can assemble houses, castles and garages for cars.

Radio-controlled toys

A child of 7-8 years old does not yet fully understand the value of a toy, so if you decide to give radio-controlled models as a gift, buy ones that are not too expensive: small cars, motorcycles, trains...

Choose ground vehicles - cars, tanks or, as an option, boats. At this age, it is still difficult for a boy to cope with the control of something that flies through the air. Although you can try simple gyroscopic helicopters.

A spare set of batteries for the model will also come in handy.

We give books and not only fairy tales

Entertaining grammar, cheerful English, interesting arithmetic - manufacturers offer to teach your child in a playful way.

In books, the content is not so important (the meaning, of course, must be present), but bright and colorful illustrations.

Parents also have the opportunity to order personalized book about the child himself, on the pages of which he will meet his favorite fairy-tale and cartoon characters.

The service appeared recently and such books cause great delight among children. In my opinion, this is the perfect gift!

And other toys

For example, collectible models of transport or figurines of cartoon characters.

First, a consultation is required with the recipient himself - what is considered a cool gift in their company, what he is interested in, what he collects.

In a conversation with a child, it is easier to understand what gift he will like.

There is an opinion that it is undesirable to give soft toys; as a rule, there are enough of them in every home, and parents call them the unflattering word “dust collectors.”

Don’t buy ordinary animals - look for something original, maybe even original.

Gifts for outdoor and recreation

There are nuances here too.

First, as already mentioned, be guided by the interests of the child.

If a 7-8 year old boy loves books and coloring books, then your desire to see him as an athlete can only be your desire. But it’s his holiday!

Second, consider the time of year in which you give the gift.

Skis in summer and a bicycle in winter are as inappropriate as “I’ll give it to you now, but consider it for your birthday.”

  • in winter We give away a snowboard, skis, skates, cool sleds, and hockey accessories.
  • In summer- bicycle, skateboard, roller skates, scooter, balls for volleyball, football, basketball, badminton, tennis.

Personal gifts

Many people ask whether it is appropriate to give clothes as gifts?

Appropriate. Only if it somehow reflects the interests of the child, is it personalized. T-shirts or sweatshirts with your favorite cartoon or computer game characters will not only be useful, but also pleasant for the birthday person.

If the boy is interested in sports, then the paraphernalia of his favorite club will also come in handy.

You can order a mug with a portrait of a child, stickers from his photo with a personal album (he will stick it on himself).

And even a book in which he will become the main character. And all the other favorite characters will act as his true friends in the story.

We remember Malysh and Carlson...

Some are against choosing as a gift animals- They don’t give you friends. But when else can a kitten, hamster or turtle bring more joy than on a birthday?

But if we are talking about someone else’s child, then all questions must be clarified with the parents of the birthday boy.

Double gifts for twins

There is no clear answer how to give a gift to twins for a birthday or for brothers and sisters on other holidays.

Many of them may have completely opposite interests.

On the other hand, it is undesirable to arouse children's jealousy with a gift. One will always think that the other has a more interesting and bigger present. But he was deprived.

Therefore, most often twins are given the same gifts, although taking into account the interests of each. That is, if we give T-shirts, then one with helicopters, and the other with cars. Coloring pages - cars and planes. Toys - green for one, purple for the other.

And don't forget about the games two people play. Table football and hockey are always “in fashion”.

Entertainment in addition

You can complement the gift by going with your child to some entertaining place:

  • children's performance in the theater, cartoon in the cinema, circus performance,
  • a family cafe where, in addition to delicious food, there are fun rides and slot machines,
  • zoo, water park,
  • planetarium,
  • aquarium,
  • dolphinarium

Perhaps the child himself has long asked to be taken to a certain place. Combine business with pleasure. Read more about where to hold a children's birthday.

The main gift can be given in a place that the boy will subsequently associate with joy.

In this case, it would be appropriate to give tickets for another visit. Let the holiday continue!

Please note that such a gift will bring pleasure not only to the child, but also to the accompanying parents.

Of course, all children are different, and everyone has different attitudes towards gifts.

But this list, compiled according to the opinion of the majority of parents and grandmothers, will help you choose a gift for a first-grader.

It just always seems like there is something to add. Is it true? Share your birthday gift recipe.

Looking for what to give an 8 year old boy? Our 55 ideas will be useful for you. In the article you will find: gadgets and devices, gifts for outdoor games, original, impressions, for hobbies, delicious, as well as gifts made by yourself.


Gift gadgets and devices

Boys like everything related to technology and electronics. And modern technologies do not stand still; new products are constantly appearing. The first ten of our list is precisely on this topic.

  1. This is probably the right choice of gift - both for the child and for parents who dream of an hour of silence. Well, what’s wrong with a child becoming interested in a computer game – it’s so modern! Price from 3000 rubles.
  2. A very necessary gift! With such a watch, the child will never get lost, even if he forgets his phone at home and does not inform his parents about his plans. The GPS navigator will quickly find it. Cost from 900 rubles.
  3. It even folds like a book - it consists of two halves. It contains 60 game-type exercises, thanks to which it will be easier for a boy to master modern gadgets, and in a fun way. Price from 1400 rubles.
  4. It’s time to accustom a child to beauty and teach him to look at the world from different angles. The digital camera takes high-quality pictures, which can be transferred to a computer using a USB cable. Cost from 1300 rubles.
  5. You can insert a smartphone into them and turn on a game or your favorite cartoons. And then everything will be like in a fairy tale, the child will find himself on the other side of reality - he will be able to safely jump into the abyss or see fairy-tale characters nearby. Price from 400 rubles.
  6. If your parents don’t let you go outside to play football with your friends, or it’s winter and a blizzard outside, then you can kick this ball around at home. Moreover, he will not fly high and break his mother’s favorite vase - his flight is low and smooth. Price from 500 rubles.
  7. One of the coolest ones is the plastic robot “Plasmodium”, and it’s inexpensive, only 750 rubles. It rotates, moves quickly, changes position, lights up and makes sounds.
  8. In essence, this is a construction set from which you can assemble 6 functional figures: a propeller, a car, a dog, a boat, an airplane and a mill. Everything works thanks to solar energy. Cost 500 rubles.
  9. This is a microrobot in the form of an insect. It moves thanks to internal vibration. He gets out of any maze on his own, can roll over from his back and runs on a battery. Price from 200 rubles.
  10. Yes, yes, exactly the same as the famous character had, the same color and with the same coat of arms. But they are also magical - there are special threads on the fingertips for working with touch screens. Price 400 rubles.

Gifts for outdoor games

Even sports can be done in a playful way so that it is a joy and not a burden. Moreover, boys like active games. The next ten ideas will be dedicated to just such gifts.

  1. The set includes pegs, parts for assembling the goal, net, ball, pump and assembly diagram. The goal size is 120*63*57 cm, just right for children to play football. A great option for entertaining outdoors or in the yard. Cost from 600 rubles.
  2. There are basketball hoops with a backboard that are mounted on the wall. And there are those that are installed on the floor or on a platform in the yard. The set should include a ball and a pump. The cost of the gift is around 1000 rubles.
  3. A set for one player costs about 300 rubles, the set includes 3 balls and 1 jack (marker ball). Although for such a gift it is better to pay 500 rubles and take it for two at once. And how to play Anti Petanque - the instructions will tell you about this.
  4. A wonderful gift for a boy who was born in the warm season of the year, because he will immediately want to try out a kite. Choose a brightly colored kite with lush plumage. Cost from 250 rubles.
  5. With such a gift you can set up your own bowling club at home or in the yard. The set includes 10 multi-colored skittles and two balls. All items are made of environmentally friendly and lightweight plastic. The price is around 400 rubles.
  6. If a lot of children come to celebrate the birthday boy, then the fun begins immediately! Every little guest will want to challenge themselves by trying to place their arms and legs on the colorful circles. The cost is around 250 rubles.
  7. This game develops the eye and spatial thinking. There are many options for sets - with different tracks and holes, but the set must include clubs and balls. The price is about 1000 rubles.
  8. Competitions, relay races, fun starts - all these games cannot do without jumping in bags. They perfectly develop coordination and dexterity, and it’s also so fun and funny! Cost from 300 rubles.
  9. Well, it's so much fun to jump on a trampoline in the fresh air! At 8 years old, the child is already quite heavy, so you should make sure in advance that the design and materials are reliable. It is very important that there are mesh walls. Price from 6000 rubles.
  10. What size should I choose for 8 years old? The average diameter should be about 2 meters, and the depth from half a meter to 76 cm. Then the pool is compact when folded, and the child has plenty of space to splash around somewhere in the summer cottage. Cost from 1500 rubles.

Original gifts

Try to surprise the birthday boy! These ten ideas contain unusual gifts - you won’t get bored with them, and you won’t find them in every children’s room. The hero of the occasion will be happy, and the guests will envy!

  1. If parents forbid their child to have a pet, then they will probably have nothing against such pets. Ants are unpretentious, they only need food, and they do not require special care. Price from 500 rubles.
  2. It can be assembled according to your taste and vision. There are many grooves and recesses on the outer walls - this is where you can insert various parts, changing the appearance of the mug at least every day. Cost from 600 rubles.
  3. For a gift, choose “Mystery UFO” - it’s a real miracle! The saucer has no batteries, no remote control, and it flies completely silently. How does this happen? And let the birthday boy reveal this secret himself. Price 250 rubles.
  4. Very cool, simply mesmerizing gift! In essence, this is a logic puzzle that you can construct yourself, and then metal balls will roll along the assembled slide. The cost is about 1300 rubles.
  5. A great gift for a kinesthetic learner. You can use your fingers to calm down and concentrate. The cube has buttons, switches and wheels for this purpose. In general, an entertaining little thing at a price of about 200 rubles.
  6. Many metal rods in one frame. When you touch them, they move out, forming an image, for example, of a palm, face or some object. The cost of a small sculptor is about 500 rubles.
  7. Such a board measuring 200x45 can be attached to a smooth surface like a sticker. The drawings on it turn out clear, and after that everything can be easily erased. The set includes 5 colored crayons. The price is around 450 rubles.
  8. Well, who among the boys in childhood did not shoot at banks from a homemade slingshot? But we suggest buying a stylish Roland item for your child. Just let him promise you that not a single living creature will be harmed. Price 450 rubles.
  9. It usually comes in the form of an animal or bird. Her head is placed on the finger and her body is stretched with the other hand. Once you loosen your fingers, the toy is already in flight! Very cool and fun! Cost from 250 rubles.
  10. There are simple piggy banks - clay, ceramic, but very funny in shape. There are also interactive ones - with a cat’s paw-raking paw, in the shape of a hungry dog ​​or a chewing bag. Choose any one as a gift! The average price is about 500 rubles.


Well, what would a birthday be without adventures, entertainment and spectacle?! Every child expects some unexpected surprises from adults. And this is what you can offer him.

  1. What is a card? This is a small racing car that even children can drive. The child will be protected by belts and a helmet, and the speed does not exceed the permissible speed for this age, but it’s cool! The price is around 2000 rubles.
  2. What a pleasure it is to splash around in the water all day, slide through spiral pipes and slide down winding slides! You can also celebrate your birthday there in the cafe! The price for 1 ticket is from 1000 rubles, but it is better to go with the whole family.
  3. The birthday boy will be free to choose his own team of friends and become a leader in it. There are many quests based on famous fairy tales and films, so it will be very interesting for a group of children! Price from 1500 rubles.
  4. “I want to go to the park to ride the carousel!” If the boy has been making these demands for a long time, and the park is open, then it’s time to take him to the most interesting attractions. This will be a wonderful birthday for him. Ticket prices start from 100 rubles.
  5. Children love this huge expanse! Do whatever you want - you can climb the ropes and “swim” in the pool with balls, you can play slot machines or join the company of an animator. Price from 250 rubles.
  6. A gift for a boy who prefers spectacles rather than extreme entertainment. Theater is the best substitute for all computer games combined, plus an exciting atmosphere in the auditorium. Ticket price from 200 rubles.
  7. Watching cartoons in front of the TV is not so interesting, but participating in them, and even in some kind of action with turns - that’s cool! The chairs are rocking, the water is splashing, the wind is in your face - the effects are simply breathtaking. Ticket price from 100 rubles.
  8. And there is such entertainment for children - to feel the state of flight, as during a parachute jump. Well, what a wonderful gift, what if the boy is a future paratrooper, and here is such basic military training! Price for 2 minutes from 1000 rubles.
  9. The most incorrect saying is that you can’t jump over your head! But in Jolly Jumpers you can jump higher than 2 meters and run at the speed of a hurricane. True, under the supervision of an instructor. The cost is about 1500 rubles.
  10. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland! Or put out the fire! Or act in a movie! There are also excursions for children where you can get an inside look at all the subtleties and nuances of any job. The price is about 2000 rubles.

Gifts for hobbies

Such gifts are more suitable for diligent children with a creative streak. Although hyperactive boys will also like them.

Delicious gifts

Don't forget the treats! Sweets can be put in one set with other gifts or presented as the main gift. Here are the TOP five most interesting and tasty treats.

DIY gifts

And finally, 5 more gift ideas with detailed master classes. This can be a gift from adults, if it is difficult to make, or from children, if it is very simple to make.

  1. Mini-cake made from “Kinder” chocolate and “Love is” chewing gum. A very cute gift for which you will need Kinder tiles to create the volume of the cake and chewing gum for the top decoration. You also need cardboard, corrugated paper and tape.
  2. Fleece hat and scarf. You don't need to knit anything, just cut out and sew. A hat and scarf made of fleece fabric are suitable for the autumn and spring seasons. The material is very soft, pleasant to the touch, does not fade or shrink when washed.
  3. Box with surprises. The video tutorial itself is a little New Year's, but nevertheless it is clear how you can make a box that swings open on its own when the lid is removed. And inside it there are a lot of sweets on the walls and the main gift in the middle.
  4. Cool costume card. A solid card for a cool birthday boy. On its cover is a men's suit, consisting of a jacket with lapels and a pocket with a handkerchief, a shirt with a stand-up collar and a tie. And the tie is a button.
  5. Paper organizer. From the master class you will learn how to make two crafts - from pink and blue paper. And it’s clear that you need to choose the “blue” option - for a boy, after all. The organizer folds and unfolds, and you can store some small items in it.

So you have studied the list of our gift options for an eight-year-old boy. Choose the one that suits his interests and character. Then you will definitely hit the bull's eye.

Birthdays are a favorite holiday for children of any age, so they usually start preparing for it long before it approaches. And the main reason for this attitude is, of course, the gifts that are given to the “hero of the occasion” in large quantities on this day. Moreover, they are especially desirable for children aged six to ten, who still believe in miracles and the fulfillment of desires. So, while the future birthday boy is looking forward to celebrating his next birthday, adults have to rack their brains over what to give an 8-year-old boy and how to best congratulate him.

At this age, the number of presents really matters. It’s so great to open beautiful, elegant boxes, freeing them from wrapping paper and taking out something special and interesting from them! And the price of the gift in this case is not at all important. The main thing is pleasant emotions and a joyful mood.

Fashionable gadgets and “cool things”

Despite the fact that buying too expensive and pompous gifts in this case is not very justified (most likely, the child simply will not appreciate their scale and significance), expensive gifts should not be discounted either. If the child is neat enough and is distinguished by seriousness and accuracy, for his 8th birthday you can give him quite “respectable” things, such as:

  • A pet. Well, this unusual and extraordinary gift, in general, can amaze anyone, especially a boy who loves animals and dreams of a pet. True, it has a lot of “buts”: of course, you can buy an animal, but the problem immediately arises of where and how to keep it. So, this gift option is suitable for people living in their own home or for those who love and keep animals at home. In principle, if you want to please your child by giving him a living friend, then it is better to limit yourself to a puppy or kitten, having first weighed the pros and cons of keeping it at home.
  • Laptops, tablets, computers. Also a very useful thing, necessary for any school-age child. By the way, if this gift has already been given to the boy for another reason, you can give him some original addition to this gadget: an unusually shaped computer mouse, a gaming joystick or a good multimedia keyboard.
  • Bicycles. Any boy aged 8 will be truly delighted with such a wonderful gift! Especially if it is a stylish and fashionable teenage racing bike that you can show off to your friends. We assure you that when he receives it, he will be overjoyed.
  • Cell phones. Naturally, you shouldn’t get too carried away and buy the latest model smartphone for an eight-year-old boy, which has a high price and many “sophisticated functions.” Firstly, he simply may not be able to handle it, and, secondly, he may drop it or lose it, so after such an expensive purchase you risk running into additional costs associated with repairs or purchasing a new device. So, let it be a fairly modest but reliable model that works without failures, so that, if necessary, the child can contact you at any time.

Games, toys, entertainment

8 years is a wonderful age at which children still continue to play, fantasize and devote a large amount of time to their hobbies with great pleasure. Therefore, they can and should be given toys. Such as:

Sports equipment and accessories

Most eight-year-old boys are real mischievous people who cannot sit still for a minute. They need to constantly move, run and jump. And it is right. After all, activity and mobility are the key to good growth and development of a child. So it’s worth treating this “children’s peculiarity” with understanding. And on his birthday, give the boy some useful and original accessory that will help him make sports activities even more fruitful and interesting. For example:

  • Skateboard or snowboard board. A good gift for an active, active boy who spends a lot of time outside. At least now he will do it with more benefit and interest. An important point: when buying such “dangerous” sports equipment, do not forget about the means of protecting your child that will protect him from injury and injury.
  • Roller, hockey or figure skates. When buying this sports equipment, check with your child in advance whether he is ready to master this or that sport, so that the item you purchased is not thrown into the closet “until better times.”
  • A punching bag with a set of gloves. This gift will really appeal to a sports guy who dreams of improving his reaction and becoming truly strong and strong. Who knows, maybe with its help you will develop a new Muhammad Ali or Mike Tyson?
  • Nice soccer ball. The future football star will be very happy with such a gift. And, since this sport is traditionally one of the most popular among boys, in his yard with a good ball any boy will become a real “center of the universe.”

Of course, you can make a gift for a boy with your own hands, for example, as in this video - no birthday boy will definitely refuse such a cute car!

On the occasion of a boy’s 8th birthday, you can give him many interesting, beautiful and useful things that will bring him satisfaction. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the things you buy be expensive: the main thing is that they should arouse interest and joy in the child. When presenting your gift, make sure that it has beautiful and original packaging. And then the “hero of the occasion” will remember his wonderful holiday only from the best side and will be very pleased with it!

Valeria Zhilyaeva

Children, like no one else, are waiting for a fabulous fulfillment of wishes on New Year's Eve. All adults can do is write a letter to Santa Claus with their son or daughter and make their little dream come true. What should you do if you need to choose a gift for someone other than your child? Read what New Year gifts for an 8-year-old child are relevant in 2019.

A universal New Year's gift for an eight-year-old child

At eight years old, the child already goes to school. However, this does not mean that the time has come for boundless responsibility and seriousness, and it is time to forget about childhood with its fun. Despite the appearance of certain responsibilities, the student still wants to play, have fun and believes in the New Year's miracle.

So, what can you give 8-year-old children for the New Year? The desires of boys and girls at this age are already fully formed.

Here are some universal gift options that are suitable regardless of the baby’s gender:

  1. Electronic device. Here it is better to consult with your parents - many are against computers and smartphones at this age.
  2. Fascinating book. Find out what the child is interested in and give a colorful book on the desired topic.
  3. Board game. This gift is a great alternative to a computer. Board games allow you to have fun with the whole family or a group of kids.
  4. Sport equipment. Skates, skis, rollerblades and other devices will help physical development and diversify a student’s leisure time.

Both girls and boys will like this New Year's gift for an 8-year-old child. But there are also individual options. We'll talk about them further.

Before buying a New Year's gift, consult with the child's parents

What to give an 8 year old girl for New Year?

When considering New Year's gifts for an 8-year-old girl from Santa Claus, you should not lose sight of the toys. Still, this age is still childhood, and the game has not yet faded into the background.

An 8-year-old girl will like these toy gifts:

  • dolls – baby doll, Barbie, popular series toy, collectible porcelain beauty;
  • doll houses or furniture;
  • soft toys for the collection - relevant if a girl collects certain representatives of the fauna;
  • radio-controlled toys - the choice of high-tech designs is not limited to the fleet; it is quite possible to choose something for a girl.

At this age, the child consciously approaches educational play. You can give the girl a board game, puzzles or jigsaw puzzles. Popular now 3 D-puzzles, which are assembled into an intricate figure. In the future, it can decorate the room as a souvenir.

The girl will be delighted with her own furniture. Gaming tables and chairs, kitchenettes and counters are available. A good option is an original children's lamp.

If you like practical gifts, you will be interested to know what useful gifts you can give to an eight-year-old girl. Such gifts can be divided into categories:

  1. Sports and active recreation. This could be a bicycle, skates, roller skates, badminton rackets, darts, or a jump rope.
  2. Creativity and handicrafts. An assiduous girl will be delighted with the kits for painting, appliqué or making jewelry, as well as various blanks for crafts.
  3. For beauty and personal care. A little lady will love hair accessories and jewelry, body or hair care sets, as well as small “feminine things” - a handbag, a scarf, an umbrella, etc.
  4. Book. The best option is an encyclopedia, coloring book, panorama book or personalized diary.

If you show your imagination, a New Year's gift for a girl will be inexpensive. It is quite possible to keep within 1000-1500 rubles.

A win-win option is tickets to the theater, zoo or circus. But here you need to ask your parents if they have time for the event.

What to give an 8 year old boy for New Year?

So, we’ve sorted out the girl, now it’s time to pick up New Year’s gifts for an 8-year-old boy. A new schoolchild is still interested in toys, but not as primitive as just 2-3 years earlier.

Give the boy:

  • radio-controlled robot, helicopter, tank or boat;
  • constructor;
  • magician's set;
  • puzzles;
  • Board games.

The gift can be individualized. For example, a boy will be interested in putting together a puzzle with his own image.

If a boy is inquisitive, he will like a gift that will help him study the world around him:

  • travel books or encyclopedias;
  • kits for conducting experiments;
  • telescope;
  • globe-cache.

Gifts for an 8 year old boy can be helpful. The following things will help to instill in your child a love for a healthy and active lifestyle:

  • dumbbells;
  • rollers with protective pads;
  • soccer or basketball ball;
  • punching bag;
  • Swedish wall.

However, before giving a boy sports equipment, ask the parents about the child’s health status. Perhaps you should limit yourself to chess or checkers.

Boys may not be passionate about sports at all, but about some creative activity. For example, wood carving, drawing, modeling ships or airplanes, blanks made of wood, plastic or plaster. Knowing about the child’s hobbies, You can give him a hobby kit.

The child will also enjoy entertaining activities. After all, the winter holidays are vacation time, which means it’s quite possible to spend time with the whole family at the circus, dolphinarium, theater or other institution.

Consider the boy's interests when choosing a gift. Dumbbells or a drawing set are not suitable for everyone.

What should you not give?

There is a list of anti-gifts for the New Year. Both children and their parents will not be happy about the things listed below. A child will not be able to hide his disappointment from a gift when he doesn’t like it. If you don’t want to see your baby upset, use the recommendations on what not to give.

  • Not a very good option - soft toy. An exception would be if the child collects a specific collection (for example, bears or elephants).
  • Pet not the best choice either. Firstly, the maintenance of the pet will fall on the shoulders of the parents. And, secondly, among your household members there may be allergy sufferers who will definitely not say “thank you” to you.
  • An eight-year-old child already has his own taste preferences and ideas about how to dress. For this reason You should not give clothes or shoes.
  • Taboo – school supplies and household items. It is unlikely that a child will be happy with such gifts. Think about what can be fun and joyful for a boy or girl in the gift of curtains or textbooks? Of course, these are necessary things, but will the child want to tell his friends about such gifts?

Approach your gift choice as wisely and responsibly as possible. You, as an adult, can put yourself in the child’s shoes and understand what a boy or girl would be interested in.


Choose a gift based on the interests and hobbies of the boy or girl. If you hardly know the child, it is advisable to consult with the parents before buying a New Year's souvenir.

You should not give gifts that may upset the baby or his household. Remember what you loved and enjoyed when you were eight years old. Start from your feelings and approach your choice with special care.

December 20, 2017, 19:10

Gifts are given to children on holidays or simply for no reason. They will always be happy to get something new and interesting. But sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right gift, especially if you don’t know the child well, his tastes and interests. If you are in doubt about what to give to an 8-year-old boy, use our advice.

What not to give to an eight year old boy

There is a list of things that should not be given to children at all. First of all, these are all gifts that are not according to age - too childish or, on the contrary, adults. The season should also be taken into account. Do not give rollerblades in winter or skis in summer. The child should have the opportunity to try out his gift immediately after receiving it. Only then will it bring sincere joy.

Gifts intended for school and study usually do not bring much pleasure. An exception could be something very unusual and capable of impressing classmates, for example, a pencil case in the shape of a car or a monster.

You should not give a boy a live pet without consulting his parents. Perhaps the child dreams of a kitten or puppy, but there are no suitable conditions at home to keep it. Also, the boy cannot yet take care of the animal himself, buy food for it, or provide treatment from a veterinarian. Parents do this, so you need to agree with them in advance about such a gift.

TOP 10 gifts for an 8 year old boy

  1. Flight in a wind tunnel or other extreme adventure
  2. Going to a water park/zoo
  3. Toy weapons
  4. Constructors
  5. Transformers
  6. Gadgets
  7. Experiment kits
  8. Toy transport
  9. Sport equipment
  10. Fashionable outfits and accessories

The most popular toys for boys

It's no secret that there is a fashion for toys. If you want to please an 8-year-old tomboy, it is advisable to choose an item that is currently at the peak of popularity. The best options:

  • Weapons like your favorite movie character. Most often, boys choose a lightsaber from Star Wars or a web blaster like Spider-Man. The nunchucks of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles do not lose popularity either.
  • Lego. There are many different types, so it will be easy to choose something that perfectly suits your child’s tastes.
  • Bakugan. Although their popularity may seem to have fallen a little, many boys collect these interesting toys and will be happy to add to their collection.
  • Lizuny. Adults cannot understand why children love toys that feel disgusting to the touch, but their popularity has not waned for many years. If you need to choose something inexpensive, when there is no reason for a serious present, slime will help you out. It’s good if you can find an unusual specimen, for example, a monster glowing in the dark.
  • Transformers. Robots that can transform into different types of transport have not given up their positions for many years. But keep in mind that the older the child, the more complex the toy should be. It is also advisable to find out in advance which of the robots the boy likes best.
  • Portable speaker or miniature radio. Many boys at this age already have more or less formed musical tastes and will be glad to have the opportunity to disperse the silence anywhere.
  • Railway. This is one of the favorite toys of boys of all ages. If you give a fairly complex set with a lot of details, dad will probably join in the game with great pleasure.

Boys of any age love toys in the form of transport. An 8-year-old tomboy will definitely love a radio-controlled car. You can also purchase a boat if there is a suitable place to launch such a toy near his home. But an eight-year-old boy is unlikely to be able to handle a helicopter. Therefore, it is better to wait a little with such a toy.

Gifts for little smart people

At the age of eight, almost all boys imagine themselves to be great naturalists and discoverers, so they will like the following toys:

  • Experiment kits. They are very different - in chemistry, physics and biology. Choose something that the boy will surely like, for example, growing crystals, and please the young scientist.
  • Telescope. The first observations of the sky and stars will help the boy imagine himself as an astronomer or even an astronaut traveling to other worlds.
  • Magician's set. Magic is another hobby popular among boys. A set that allows you to perform magic tricks will help a boy imagine himself as a real illusionist or even an aspiring wizard, like Harry Potter.
  • Globe or world map. A globe, especially in the form of a lamp or levitating, looks very impressive, but a child of this age will be more interested in a large atlas with stories about countries and animals living in different parts of the world.
  • Microscope. It will help the boy get to know the world of plants and insects better and learn a lot of new and interesting things. Along with the microscope, it is advisable to give a set of microslides.
  • Electronic designer will allow the young engineer to independently build a primitive radio, doorbell or alarm system.

Such gifts will not only entertain the child, but will also help stimulate interest in science and technology. Perhaps it is thanks to such a toy that the baby will find his calling.

Sports gifts for boys

Moderate exercise helps you develop properly, grow strong and healthy. And for training, the boy will need special equipment and accessories, for example:

  • Sports section. The choice depends on the size of the apartment where the child lives. If there is not enough space, you can purchase a compact rope ladder, rings and rope separately.
  • Roller or figure (hockey) skates. Be sure to check with your child if he wants to skate, but most boys definitely won’t refuse.
  • Punching bag with gloves. It will be useful for an active and athletic boy who dreams of repeating the exploits of Muhammad Ali.
  • Nice soccer ball. It will be useful for any little boy. After all, most kids sooner or later become interested in football and play at least in a neighborhood team.
  • Trampoline. This is a great gift for a restless person. A boy living in a private house can be given a large outdoor trampoline, but for apartment conditions there are compact home models.
  • Bicycle, scooter or skateboard. No boy will refuse such a gift, but don’t forget to buy a helmet and protection for your knees and elbows.
  • Sled or skis– a great gift for the winter holidays.

When choosing a sports gift, take into account the boy’s health and interests. Perhaps he prefers chess over football and will not be very happy with equipment that requires physical activity.

"Cool" gifts for boys

Possessing an unusual thing that attracts the attention of peers and causes envy is one of the ways to become an informal leader in a children's company. If a boy dreams of something unusual and interesting, even not at all necessary or useful, you can pamper him by giving him such a thing. The most desirable gifts for an 8-year-old boy:

  • A real “adult” slingshot;
  • Snow Blaster;
  • War flask;
  • Flashlight with many functions;
  • Binoculars.

Modern gadgets can also be considered “cool” gifts. A new smartphone or tablet will not bring much benefit to the child, but it will definitely make him happy. When choosing such a gift, be sure to remind your child about the safety rules - do not show the gadget to strangers and do not take it out on the street so as not to provoke robbers.

What to give a little fashionista

It is believed that clothes are not the best gift for a child, especially a boy. But there is an exception - you can give really fashionable, unusual and “cool” things that the child has long dreamed of. Little fashionistas will definitely like:

  • Stylish sneakers with flashing heels;
  • T-shirt or long sleeve with a fashionable print or 3D pattern;
  • Tracksuit with the number of your favorite football player;
  • Stylish backpack;
  • An umbrella with an interesting pattern.

If the boy is a real little dandy, you can give him a beautiful man’s jewelry, for example, a chain with a pendant or a leather bracelet.

Adventure is the best gift for a boy

You can give not only material things, but also new experiences. Fresh emotions and real adventures are what all 8-year-old boys dream about. The best options for gifts and impressions:

  • Going to the water park. This is great entertainment for a group of kids or for one boy with his parents.
  • Flight in a wind tunnel. What boy doesn't dream of flying, and this is a great opportunity to make his dreams come true.
  • Going karting. If a boy loves speed and a lot of emotions, this is great entertainment for him.

Remember that a gift should please the child, and not necessarily be beneficial. Make a boy's dream come true and he will remember your gift for many years.

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