Why some girls don’t reciprocate and what to do in this case. Relationship psychology: what to do if a girl doesn’t reciprocate? I'm courting a girl but I don't see reciprocity

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Wooing a girl's love is a romantic and noble activity. But sometimes it may seem to a guy that there is no hope for reciprocity at all. The most striking example is falling into the “friend zone”, when a girl considers a young man just a friend. Then it becomes even more difficult to achieve her: after all, it’s scary to lose at least that small thread that connects you with your beloved. But this does not mean at all that you don’t need to fight for your love.

You just need to do this skillfully and soberly assessing the situation - whether reciprocity should be expected.

The point is if...

  1. 1. The girl is not ready for a relationship. Unfortunately, this also happens. Then getting a girl will be very difficult. Perhaps she just recently went through a difficult breakup with her ex. Or her priority now is not her personal life, but her studies and career advancement. A girl may have many reasons not to want a relationship at the moment. in this case there will be a wait.
  2. 2. The girl has too high demands. If she reads too much glossy magazines and watches modern TV, it is quite possible that her ideal is a young and romantic oligarch with a residence permit in Monaco. Here you will have to prove to her that even a simple guy is worthy of attention.
  3. 3. The girl is in love with someone else. This is one of the most hopeless cases in the fight for the heart of your beloved girl. Especially if she is in a relationship with another guy. But this is not a reason to give up. Although in this case, in the fight for the girl you like, you can pay with a broken nose.

  1. 4. The girl's friends or family don't like the guy. This could be the case too. For example, a mother or best friend assures a girl that this guy is not a match for her. To woo your beloved in this case, you will have to please those around you. Or, at least, find out what doesn’t suit those who are pitting her against the guy. And try to fix it.
  2. 5. She doesn't know what a guy likes. It may happen that the girl does not even know that someone is “hunting” for her heart. In this case, everything is simple - the guy needs to feel sympathy and wants to develop communication into something more.

The point is if...

  1. 1. The guy is too persistent. Excessive pressure can frighten a girl. Especially if she doesn't want a relationship. Then too active expression of sympathy can be regarded as persecution. It is unlikely that such courtship will be successful.
  2. 2. The guy's appearance doesn't match the girl's taste. Unfortunately, modern girls also look at the “pretty picture”, like many guys. Perhaps the unapproachable lady is just one of those. Then it’s worth: going to the gym, getting a fashionable hairstyle, updating your wardrobe. Don't forget about regular hygiene: showering, shaving, using deodorant. No matter how strange it may sound, even today not all guys smell fresh, despite all the available personal care products.
  3. 3. The guy is boring and uninteresting. This problem is especially common among guys who rarely communicate with girls or are fixated on themselves. It’s worth thinking about whether she’s interested, whether she’s having fun, whether it’s easy? This is very important for a girl. After all, most often they reciprocate those who make them smile.

  1. 4. The guy doesn't strive for anything. Very often, when a girl says that she doesn’t want a relationship right now, it means that she doesn’t want one with this particular guy. Perhaps the reason for this is his passive life position. Not a single decent girl sees next to her a guy whose interests end with a bottle of beer and computer games.
  2. 5. The guy is too modest and shy. Very often, girls offer to remain friends with guys who seem too inconspicuous to them. Therefore, to attract her attention. After all, even a quiet person can become the life of the party if he has a goal.

If a girl once refused a guy, this is not a reason to stop pursuing her. As you know, beautiful ladies love to have a knight nearby who is ready to fight for her heart. In addition, for a man, the woman for whom he had to fight is always more valuable.

Winning the heart of a girl who does not reciprocate is a difficult task. However, do not despair. There are several proven methods that will help change the situation.

Why are the feelings not mutual?

  1. The girl's heart is already taken. The feelings you were counting on are intended for someone else, and for a girl to fall in love with you, she must first stop loving her “current” boyfriend.
  2. Friendzone. The girl likes to spend time with you, she is happy to meet you, she values ​​you as a person - but only as a friend. This means that you are in the “friend zone”.
  3. You are showing too much interest to the object of sympathy. The girl turns on the stereotype “he is ready to do anything for me. Rag!". She loses all interest in you.
  4. She's not attracted to your appearance. The girl rejects all advances with the explanation “you’re not my type.” Your chosen one prefers a different type of man and therefore does not consider you as a partner.
  5. The girl has no idea about your feelings. The girl perceives the signs of sympathy that you show as respect and a manifestation of friendly feelings.

How to achieve reciprocity from your beloved?

Respect yourself. It is possible that the girl sees that you are ready for anything with one click from her. Your value in her eyes decreases. It is useless to hope that sooner or later she will appreciate it and reciprocate.

The only way out of this situation is to show her that you don't need her too much and can easily find a replacement. Get to know other girls more. Spend time in their company more often. As soon as she notices that you are popular with other women, her attitude towards you will immediately change.

An article to help: useful tips on how to approach girls. We will tell you about the most useful free lessons for communicating with girls.

There are thousands of beautiful women around you. It is possible that you will find someone more beautiful, smarter and more interesting than her. Why concentrate on one that doesn't value you?

Match her tastes. If you want to achieve the reciprocity of a girl whose ideal you are not, you will have to change a lot in yourself:

  • communication style;
  • manner of dressing;
  • circle of acquaintances;
  • interests.

A powerful impetus for rapprochement will be a joint shopping trip. Ask your girlfriend to help you choose clothes.

Style. You will also have to expand your knowledge in the field of men's style. Learn the basics of combining things, it is not difficult and will be useful to you in the future.

Free advice from the best stylists can be found on the Internet. A lot of useful information can be found on our website.

If you want to be constantly attracted to girls, work on yourself. Develop in yourself. Here are some useful tips on how.

Success with women largely depends on your ability to communicate. You can read more about this in.

If a girl agrees to a date, then you will have a great chance to impress her. To do this you need to choose the right one.

Clearly state your position in relation to her. No half measures - if you see a girl as your potential partner, then she should know about it.

You can be friends for many more years, suffering from unexpressed feelings, or you can take the bull by the horns, open up, and find long-awaited reciprocity.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Straight Talk. The shortest and most direct way to reveal your true feelings. This is a risky step: the woman may be shocked. Focus on your lover's mood. Intuition will tell you when the right moment comes.
  2. Flirting. If previously your relationship with her was friendly, now try to court her. Compliments, romantic SMS, hidden hints, surprises, gazes, gifts - at first they can confuse a girl, but it is impossible to resist such manifestations of attention.

    What to do if a girl accepts gifts, but does not show reciprocity? Perhaps you are giving the wrong gifts. In you can read about how to give a romantic gift that will not leave any woman indifferent.

  3. Help from the audience. You can ask mutual friends to help. Often it is friends who help a girl open her eyes to the true state of things.

    You can only ask reliable people for help. There is no need to confess your love through someone else’s lips - the “mediator” only needs to hint that you are not indifferent to her. This will move your relationship forward.

Well, what if after all the efforts there is no result? There is no point in being upset - perhaps this is simply not your person. Think about whether you want to constantly suffer from her coldness, to wait for reciprocity without any guarantees.

You shouldn’t deny yourself romantic emotions by constantly knocking on a closed door. There are a lot of girls - maybe it’s better to find another? Perhaps among your friends, colleagues or just acquaintances there is someone who has hidden feelings for you? Discover new horizons.

Hello, dear men! Meeting a pretty girl and getting her attention is not as difficult as then achieving reciprocity. She can flirt, flirt, but at the same time not let you get too close and keep her distance all the time. Today I want to talk about what to do if a girl doesn’t reciprocate. First, we will talk about the reasons for this behavior, and then we will decide what to do about it, depending on the situation.


Why doesn't the girl you like pay attention to you and don't want to start a serious relationship? There may be several reasons. Let's look at each in more detail so you can understand what's going on in your case.

Excessive effort. It happens that a guy tries too hard to please. He writes to her constantly, calls her, invites her on dates, showers her with gifts. Yes, women definitely love attention. But there is a fine line here. You overdo it a little and that’s it, you no longer evoke anything but sympathy.

After all, it begins to seem that you are not a man, but just an errand boy. A woman does not want to feel that a man will come running to her at the first call. She wants to see someone strong and independent, purposeful and self-confident. And such a guy will not run after a girl.

A banal and simple reason - you are not suitable for her. We all look for a certain type of person. My friend chooses men solely by appearance. She would never approach a blond man with glasses in her life, no matter how wonderful he was. Perhaps you just don’t suit her according to some criterion that she came up with for herself. It's not scary. A person cannot please everyone without exception.

If it so happens that you fall in love with a young lady whom you have known for a long time, then she, most likely, simply does not see you as a gentleman. It happens that you communicate with a person for a long time, and then suddenly you realize that you are experiencing more serious feelings.

For example, falling in love with a neighbor, colleague, childhood friend, best friend's sister, and so on. She will still see you as the guy who can give you salt or who hit her with pillows with his brother as a child.

Another possibility is that she already has feelings for someone else. When a girl is in love, all other men cease to exist for her. That's why she doesn't want to start any relationship with you. And here there is no chance of success at all. While she is passionate, you are just a person for her.

The strangeness of girls sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. Many young ladies seriously believe in the horoscope, compatibility, lunar calendar, and so on. And if she reads that you are incompatible, then no matter how good and healthy you feel, she will not agree because she will be afraid.

Her conviction will scream louder than anything else. One of my clients still can’t find a man for this very reason.

Apart from her horoscope, her indifference may be due to high expectations. She is searching . But you are not as tall, and your eyes are not so blue, and your jokes are not so funny, and so on ad infinitum.

Perhaps the young lady liked you, but her family said a categorical “no.” It also happens that family influence greatly affects a girl’s decisions. If mom or dad didn’t like you, then the young lady will not be able to go against them and will refuse you, although internally she will continue to feel sympathy for you.

A woman may simply not be ready for a serious relationship at the moment. Recently she had a painful breakup, she was betrayed and deceived. Therefore, she is ready to just communicate and have fun, but she is not ready to go anywhere further.

And it also happens that a girl does not express her sympathy for you simply because she has no idea about your feelings. When you try to give her hints, like her on social networks, write non-binding messages, then she may not even think about anything more than friendly communication. Here you need to be more decisive and straightforward.

What are the options

For example, if she is not yet ready for a serious relationship, wait. Continue to communicate with her, show that you are not like her ex, who cheated on her and turned out to be a traitor. Or her family is against it, but the young lady herself has serious feelings for you.

Romeo and Juliet were from warring clans, if you remember. But love helped them overcome this obstacle. Here you will have to win the trust and respect of her family. Yes, it will be difficult, but this is a task that is quite feasible for you.

The second option is to let go. There is a saying: if you love, then let go. It often happens that we meet a person, we like him so much, we want to start a family with him, but the stars don’t align. Yes, this happens too. You need to come to terms with it, accept it and move on.

If a girl openly admitted to you that she doesn’t see your future together, leave.

Keep looking and you will definitely find a girl who will not only reciprocate your feelings, but will also want to share the joys and sorrows for the rest of her life. Of course, finding your person is difficult. But you shouldn’t cling to every option. Know how to let go.

The third is to understand yourself a little. It happens that she simply does not take you seriously. For example, colleagues say that you are a reveler, and so on. And she can't believe that you could want a serious relationship. Here you will have to prove her wrong.

If a young lady has stopped communicating with you for some specific reason, then you need to find out and understand how to change and get reciprocity from her. It's not always easy for a guy. So don’t be afraid to talk and ask. Sometimes a heartfelt conversation greatly helps in overcoming misunderstandings.

Have you found out the reason why your lady doesn't want a relationship with you? What are you going to do now?

Be brave and confident.
Good luck!

Love, sympathy, attraction - the feelings are quite strange. They bring adrenaline and brightness of sensations, richness into our lives.

Experiences and fullness of emotions. True, they can be both positive and negative. And cause great joy or endless sadness.

First reaction

It’s a familiar picture, isn’t it: he escorts her home or meets her at the entrance with flowers; invites you to a movie or a concert; invites you to sit in a cafe, wander through a quiet autumn park? He tries as best he can, but... And then the question arises: “What to do if the girl does not reciprocate?”

The very first thing a person experiences at such moments is resentment. Guys are no less vulnerable and mentally vulnerable than representatives of the fairer sex. And they worry just as deeply and strongly. Anyone who thinks that this is a manifestation of mental weakness is deeply mistaken. Being upset and sad about failure is a natural human reaction. But a young man definitely shouldn’t fall into panic and depression. What should I do? What to do if a girl doesn't reciprocate? We will talk about this in more detail now.

To the very essence

So, the first thing to do when the first wave of experiences subsides is to soberly assess the situation. Try to determine the cause of indifference, find out whether it was a consequence of any actions and deeds of the guy himself or was it initial? What to do if a girl does not reciprocate because of the boy’s mistakes and miscalculations? Naturally, try to correct the situation, make amends. Maybe the girl needs to be given time so that she can cool down, rethink, reconsider her attitude towards the fan. And then everything will gradually improve on its own. In this case, the guy should ease the pressure, step aside a little, and then gradually begin courtship again. Another question is “what to do if the girl does not reciprocate at all, initially.” In this case, the situation may indeed turn out to be hopeless.

Psychological attitude: don’t get hung up on the problem!

Remember the proverb: “They knock out a wedge with a wedge”? So try to follow it. After all, there are a lot of cute cuties around. And probably many representatives of the opposite sex like the rejected admirer. Therefore, instead of racking your brains over the question “how to get reciprocity from a girl,” it is better to direct your energy in a different direction. True, there is no need to rush too much. Let unfortunate Romeo move away from his sad thoughts and brush his feathers. And carefully, unobtrusively, prudently (remembering the water and milk that is blown on) begins to establish new relationships. But just don’t do it to spite someone. Or to make a past passion jealous. There will be no sense from such a “wedge”. Everything should start from a new leaf.

"Learn to control yourself..."

What you should never do if the girl does not reciprocate:

Avoid public scenes of jealousy. While hysterics are somehow forgivable for girls, they are completely out of the question for guys. Subtlety of mental organization and female nervousness are far from the same thing!

2. Deliberate contempt, indifference and ignorance are also undesirable. They reveal the guy’s vulnerability and emphasize that the past holds him in its hands. Alas, here the guys themselves, and even more so the “ex” and her entourage, can laugh at him to their heart’s content. And who needs it? Just try to cross paths with a capricious young lady less often, and if a meeting does occur, behave with dignity, restraint, but naturally. And in general - read the classics, it says everything!

“The less we love a woman...”

Yes, still the same great Pushkin! He was an excellent ladies' man; he read a woman's heart like an open book. What does the classic advise? Has the girl stopped reciprocating? Pay attention to this phrase - the key word here is “stopped.” This is a signal that should not be ignored. Try to talk to the lady of your heart, find out why she is dissatisfied. And, if possible, discuss controversial points, so

so that they no longer become stumbling points. Another positive point of the conversation is that if the old relationship is not resumed, when a new one is formed, the guy will not step on the rake again. A “retired boyfriend” can also play on a girl’s pride and jealousy. But only if he has a good understanding of the character of his beloved finicky, values ​​her very much and wants to regain her favor. To do this, you should calculate the steps like an experienced chess player and play the games.

We're just friends"?

Another option is when a conflict arises on personal grounds - when a young lady sees in her gentleman a purely knight, a friend, almost a being of the same sex. She often consults with such a young man, talks about problems, and shares her experiences. Maybe even cry on his chest or kiss him on the cheek, saying goodbye. But hugs, kisses and other caresses, alas, are not included in her plans. What to do? Make it clear: yes, you are ready to become her confessor and adviser. However, we do not intend to limit ourselves purely to this role and only agree to more.

Do you like a girl, but there is no reciprocity from her? Of course, in this situation, there are two possible scenarios for the development of events - either you try to forget about this person and switch to someone else, or you make an effort to conquer her. Weigh everything well and make your choice.

Why girls may not reciprocate, despite all your efforts to win her over

You are not her ideal man In this case, the girl may be quite friendly towards you, but this will not mean at all that she is ready for a serious relationship with you. And it’s not that you’re doing something wrong or that you’re generally an uninteresting man - you’re just not her ideal. If the person you like is principled and tries not to betray her dreams, then it is likely that she is ready to spend several years searching for her ideal life partner, not paying attention to other admirers. What way out can be found in this situation? Perhaps you know what kind of man your chosen one is dreaming about - try to get closer to this image. You can also make every effort to make a girl fall in love with you and make her forget about previous dreams. If you are determined to wait a long time, you have the opportunity to wait until the girl is desperate to find her ideal and begins to pay attention to other men. Or just try to get her out of your head and try to build a relationship with someone else. She only sees you as a friend Initially, your relationship was only in a friendly format, and it is difficult for a girl to imagine that it could be otherwise. Try to hint to her about your sympathy or tell her directly that you wanted to take your communication to a new level. Let her get used to this idea, don't put pressure on her. By the way, it is worth noting that your chances of winning your chosen one are quite high - many happy couples began their relationship with friendship. During the period of such communication, you have already managed to study each other’s friends in many ways, and some character traits and so on will not come as a surprise to you, as is often the case with couples who began their romance almost immediately after meeting. For what reason may a girl still not reciprocate? One of these reasons is that you are really good friends, and she is afraid that if things don’t work out for you in love, she will lose a wonderful comrade in you. You are too intrusive and available for her Surprisingly, girls are not always attracted to men who directly talk about their feelings even before the start of a relationship, and make it clear in every possible way that they are not going anywhere and will wait “for their time.” In such a situation, all intrigue is lost, and the girl’s interest may begin to fade. Of course, she wants to receive signs of attention from a man, this is natural for the development of a relationship, but when a fan becomes too intrusive, this can push the girl away. Your task is to let her know that you like her and would like more, but do not invade her personal space, at least until your feelings become mutual. If a girl feels in love with another young man, then this can be serious an obstacle on the way to its conquest. However, everything may not be so bad if your opponent treats her poorly or does not have mutual feelings. Here you can play “in contrast” - show your chosen one that you are truly interested in her, pay her attention. If a girl is not prone to masochism, she will gradually begin to switch from the object of her affections to you. Give her the opportunity to compare you, but do not be intrusive, you should not look like a “backup option” or someone who can be used to make her jealous. Pay maximum attention to the girl, but show that if the relationship does not develop, she may lose you - step aside for a while.

If her feelings with the other guy are mutual, then you have much less chances here, and you are unlikely to be able to change anything in the near future. It is better to try to find another person with whom you can also experience all the joys of mutual love. After previous relationships, she is angry at all men The girl’s last attitude turned out to be very painful for her - and it doesn’t matter whether a month or a year has passed since then. Be that as it may, she still cannot fully come to her senses and trust other men. The situations could be different - perhaps she came across a tyrant, a traitor, a gigolo or some other unpleasant person. Now she looks for similar traits in other young people, and convinces herself that “they are all the same.” Only time can cure this “disease”. Perhaps, gradually she herself will begin to “thaw” and forget about all the horrors of her last relationship, realizing that she was simply unlucky, and this, unfortunately, happens. However, you can speed up this process and show the girl that you have nothing in common with her ex-boyfriend, and everything will be different with you. In the second case, get ready for the fact that you will have to make some efforts, and the first time will be very difficult for you. She is not confident in herself and in your sincere intentions Simply put, she is afraid of disappointing you because she generally doubts her attractiveness to the opposite sex. She may feel that if a man gets to know her better, he will immediately realize that she has many shortcomings (even if this is not the case at all), and in the end she will be left with a broken heart. It may also be that she is simply unsure that your intentions towards her are really serious. Perhaps she believes that you are showing her signs of attention “out of nothing to do” or that you behave this way with many girls. "He's getting his own price" Such situations are not uncommon. The girl feels that if she “gives up” too quickly, then in the end you will not truly appreciate her. She wants to make sure that you are determined or just to show you that she is a special girl and not so easy to win. At the same time, she may be sincerely interested in you or even in love, but certain “attitudes” do not allow her to show her true attitude right away. Her demands are too high She has a number of requirements for a potential chosen one. This can apply to different areas of life. Perhaps she is only interested in guys who have their own car - for some reason, this is an important aspect for her. It may also be that he will agree to a relationship with a man whose income level is not lower than a certain level. However, requirements may not only have a material component. Some people do not accept relationships with young men who allow themselves to be friends or even be friends with other girls. Others are not ready to start an affair with those guys who do not have the opportunity to meet every day. Some may turn down the attention of a suitor after learning that he likes to spend time with friends and is not a homebody. There may be quite a lot of similar points, and some of them may be quite unexpected. She doesn't know what she wants at the moment. She's not sure she even wants a relationship with any guy at this time. Perhaps she just recently got out of a difficult relationship or has been alone for too long, and cannot decide to change. Your task is to indicate your intentions and give her time to think.

The girl does not reciprocate - what to do in such a situation

Find out the reasons why she doesn't like you Try to understand why this happens. It is possible that these circumstances lie on the surface and are not a secret to you. If this is not the case, then you can talk directly to the girl and find out directly from her what turned her off. Analyze all your mistakes in courting her It is possible that she never shows you your mistakes. In this case, you will have to independently analyze your behavior and identify possible mistakes. Maybe you were not attentive enough to her or, on the contrary, “stifled” her with your communication? Maybe you turned out to be a stingy gentleman? We are not talking about expensive gifts, but about basic gentlemanliness - they didn’t pay for her coffee, tram fare or some other small thing. Many girls notice such nuances, and they find them unpleasant. Perhaps, at the same time, you were flirting with another person, and this did not escape the girl’s gaze. in general, there may actually be quite a few options. You can consult with some friend and ask her from a female point of view to help you assess your behavior. Move on to new tactics to win a girl's heart If the previous strategy for winning the chosen one did not bear fruit, then it is possible that the time has come to change it. In the past, have you tried not to impose yourself too much on a girl? Perhaps it was so “not too much” that she didn’t even realize that she was interested in you. In general, no matter how you behaved before, if it did not bring the desired results, start behaving differently.

How to get the girl you like or love

If she basically doesn’t want or isn’t ready for a relationship In this case, it all depends on the degree of your interest. If you are in love with her, then you will have to wait for some time and during this period try to prove to your beloved that she is really dear to you and you want to make her happy. It is also important to realize why she is not ready to enter into a new relationship - the speed of its resolution may depend on understanding this problem. Having realized what really bothers your chosen one and what exactly prevents her from trying to let something new into her life, it will be easier for you to act further. When you understand the nature of a girl’s fear, then you should let her know that in the case of you, she doesn’t have to worry about it (if that’s really the case). If she constantly ignores your messages and calls Here it is also important to understand the reason for this behavior. If you have already had or just started a relationship, it is quite possible that you offended your chosen one in some way, and now she simply does not want to communicate with you. Perhaps there have been no hints of a romance yet, and you really can’t get to know the girl? This situation suggests several options: she has formed the wrong opinion about you; she formed the correct opinion about you, and she did not like it; she is interested in another guy, and is not in the mood to exchange money for someone else; she has serious problems in her life, and now she has no fans at all; She doesn't have much interest in you. The solution to the problem, of course, depends on its root cause. Doesn't accept gifts or respond to compliments This behavior is typical of many girls, and it can be explained by certain circumstances. Perhaps she considers it inappropriate to accept gifts from a young man with whom she is not in a relationship, and compliments embarrass her, so she prefers to ignore them, not knowing how to behave correctly. Perhaps she simply doesn’t like you, and she doesn’t want to give you extra hopes by somehow reacting to your attentions. It is possible that she is offended by you for something, and thus demonstrates her resentment. However, in the case of gifts, perhaps she does not want to owe you anything - some girls have such a “fad”. How to get a girl in this situation? Try to win her not with material wealth, but with some other methods. Become a friend to her - tell her that even if she is not interested in you as a guy, you still would not want to lose touch with her, considering her a good person. These words may touch her, and she will agree to a friendly relationship. Now you will need time to better understand this girl and determine what can help you in conquering her.

Is it possible to win a girl if she loves another guy?

In this situation, it all depends on what feelings your competitor has for this girl, and in general, at what stage their relationship is. Ex-boyfriend If we are talking about an ex-boyfriend, then your chances are quite high. Perhaps, with mutual feelings, this couple would still be together, but since the girl still feels love for her ex, then he probably has a different attitude towards her, otherwise they would be together. However, even if they make peace, there is a high probability that immediately after this the separation will be final, as, unfortunately, often happens in such cases. Your task is to let the girl get out of the ended relationship and attract her attention. Right now she is most likely very vulnerable and in need of care. If you pay attention to it, it will increase your chances of success. Her acquaintance, who does not have mutual feelings The girl did not have any relationship with this young man, but she is in love with him without reciprocity. This situation is somewhat more complicated, but also quite solvable. Since this couple was not in a relationship, the girl probably does not have a complete idea about her chosen one, attributing to him some positive traits and freely painting his image, as often happens with girls in love. If the right opportunity arises, you can point out to her the shortcomings of this “knight” that she may simply not notice. Another good option is to let her know that you are much more interesting than that other guy. If there is no reciprocity in their relationship, then sooner or later her interest will still begin to fade, and then she will probably be able to appreciate you. Mutual love This is the most hopeless situation. If they are in love with each other and want to be together, then you are unlikely to be able to break this idyll. Moreover, with your persistence you have a chance to only strengthen their union. The only thing that can really be done in this situation is to collect some bad dirt on your opponent, if there is one, and give the girl the opportunity to choose. However, not every person has serious “skeletons in the closet”, and if we are talking about the past, then perhaps the girl already knows about it, and you will make yourself look stupid. You will have a chance to win this girl if one day she breaks up with her chosen one, but you can wait quite a long time for this, but never get it.

What to do if a girl refuses

The most important thing in this situation is to behave “like a man.” It’s better to silently withdraw from a girl’s life, instead of insulting her, further intruding on her, demanding attention, causing scenes, and the like. The more worthy you behave when parting, the greater your chances of returning this girl in the future. However, even if you do not make such an attempt, a positive impression of you will remain in her memory. You can also try to maintain neutral-friendly relations, and time will put everything in its place.

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