Swaddling the hands of a newborn. How to swaddle a baby correctly: step-by-step instructions in pictures

A person who sees a newborn baby usually has an instinctive desire to wrap it in something soft. Most mothers do this. They learn how to swaddle a baby, and the diaper becomes trueassistant in the first year of life. And sometimes it is more important for mothers to provide the baby with the opportunity to move without restrictions from the very first seconds of life, leaving the baby without diapers. What is better - swaddling a newborn or freedom? How to swaddle correctly and is it worth doing it at all? How to solve the baby changing issue? Let's try to figure it out.

The secrets of an ordinary diaper or why and how to swaddle a newborn?

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, a newborn really needs to be warmed up, helped to understand the boundaries of the body, so that he felt relaxed and protected , as in the womb. Most babies need gentle adaptation to the new conditions of their existence. You need to get used to such a stunning change in external circumstances gradually. And wonderful helpers in this, first of all, are mother’s skillful hands, the warmth of her body. The mother can take the newborn and warm him by holding him to her stomach or chest. Provide healing skin-to-skin contact . Then you won't need a diaper.
But to modern young mothers Lack of confidence in handling newborns . Often the first newborn a woman sees is her own baby. In the first minutes and days, theoretical training helps little. All subtleties are learned in practice. This is where “grandmother’s” diapers come in handy. A swaddled baby is easier to hold and easier to carry. And babies very often calm down and sleep soundly in diapers. There is an opinion that babies under 40 days old do not need clothes at all, only diapers. And this makes a certain sense. After all, it is much more difficult for a mother without experience to put a bodysuit and rompers on a crying baby than just wrap him in a diaper .

Pros of swaddling:

  • babies feel calmer in a diaper
  • swaddled babies sleep longer and sounder
  • saving on newborn clothes
  • diapers will later come in handy in life with a child

INIt’s important not to go too far : do not swaddle tightly and do not keep your baby in diapers all the time. Tight swaddling, especially with straightening the legs and arms, is definitely harmful (see the tab with WHO recommendations). The diaper should create a soft, comfortable shell, inside which The baby can move his arms and legs freely . The baby should be able to pull out a hand, or two at once, or even get out of the diapers when he grows up a little. In this sense, stretchy knitted diapers are convenient. And it’s easier for an inexperienced mother to swaddle in them. In general, it would be ideal if someone showed the new mother all the intricacies of swaddling and taught how to swaddle correctly. Watch the fragment video tutorial “Caring for a newborn” at the bottom of the page, which shows the so-called wide swaddle with loose legs.

Difficulties of swaddling:

  • There is a risk of overheating if you wrap your baby too warmly.

So what should you do - swaddle or not??

Universal rule for parents "Focus on your own child" helps in this matter too. There are days when the child falls asleep just fine as is, and sometimes the baby cannot fall asleep until he feels “like in his tummy.” Be flexible and look at the child. If you notice that the baby is getting out of the diapers, it means that he does not need them now. Some babies grow out of swaddling with arms quite quickly, but the wide open swaddling your feet calms them down and helps you sleep better for some time. There is a method of swaddling “under the arms”, just for such cases. Or you can replace swaddling with a cute sleeping bag, for example.
There are children who are clearly protesting against diapers from the day of birth. In this case, there is no need to insist. You just need to do it more often, giving it an intrauterine position. Take a closer look at your baby, listen to his wishes.


No swaddling


  • many babies feel calmer in a diaper
  • sleep longer and sounder
  • a swaddled baby is easier to hold in the arms of a young mother and father
  • You can save money on newborn clothes
  • Diapers will come in handy later in life with a child
  • baby moves more
  • hardening
  • you can save on diapers
  • no need to learn to swaddle


  • you need to practice to swaddle quickly and deftly
  • there is a possibility of overheating the child
  • the baby can jump up during sleep and wake himself up with the movement of his arms and legs
  • baby may be more anxious in the first months

At the same time, the WHO emphasizes that Not all babies need swaddling. Most in need of swaddling:

  • restless and easily excitable children who often startle and wake up during sleep;
  • premature babies (in this case, free swaddling helps to stabilize physiological functions and develop the neuromuscular system);
  • children with brain damage.

Tight swaddling, when the baby’s legs and arms are straightened and pressed tightly to the body, and then fixed with a diaper, according to WHO, leads to dysplasia, impaired blood circulation, and delayed development of neuromuscular coordination. In addition, the risk of overheating increases significantly.

What you need for swaddling

    Thin calico or knitted diapers, about 20pcs. Size 110x110 cm

This is a basic diaper. It is thin, breathable, and it is difficult to overheat a baby in it. In hot weather, the baby can be swaddled naked in a thin diaper, and when it is cooler - in a vest. We recommend this one newborn diaper size, because it is convenient for changing and will last longer. You will most likely be given smaller diapers at the maternity hospital.

    Flannel diapers (flannelette)20 pcs. Size 100x100 cm

These diapers will come in handy for the first weeks. The baby is wrapped in a flannel diaper over a thin cotton or knitted one. The result is a tight, good package that is comfortable for a newborn and comfortable for a young mother to carry. Moreover, this additional insulation, which some children need to fall asleep easier. Gradually, as the baby grows, the need to swaddle in flannel diapers disappears. But they will last for a long time comfortable bedding and sheets for all occasions: a stroller, a crib, a doctor’s appointment, and so on.

    "Lazy" diapers, diapers with fasteners, envelopesetc.

These modern inventions and devices are designed to make life easier for mothers who doesn't know how to swaddle child. They may be useful and convenient, but they are definitely not essential items. Grandma's good old diapers work just as well, but are incomparably cheaper. A changing bag can be convenient for walks and trips in a car seat, just make sure it has slots for seat belts.

    Changing place

A baby changing table with many shelves or even a whole chest of drawers for changing is, of course, very convenient, especially for handling a newborn in the first couple of weeks. But if space in the apartment is limited, you can easily do without these pieces of furniture. You don’t even need to buy a changing board or a changing mattress with sides. It is also convenient to swaddle a child on an adult wide bed or a crib with a removed wall. Breathable natural waterproof beds will help protect beds from getting wet. Somewhere nearby, at arm's length, it would be nice to place shelves for all sorts of needs: diaper cream, cotton pads, a supply of diapers and diapers. Watch the video at the bottom of the page to see how this can be done. This arrangement of a changing area has many advantages:

  • more free space in the room,
  • no need to buy furniture that will only be needed for a short period of time
  • it is safer than a tall baby changing chest or changing table.

Attention! Never leave your baby alone on the baby changing table, even for a second. When you reach for the diaper, use your other hand hold the baby. If you cannot reach something, take the baby in your arms. Even if the baby does not roll over or crawl, there is still a danger that he falls off the changing table.

Swaddling technology - how it's done step by step

There are many ways to swaddle a baby. We offer you the simplest, most convenient, safe and time-tested. You were probably swaddled the same way when you were a newborn baby

  1. Place the baby across the sheet along the long side, in the middle.
  2. Take the top left corner of the diaper and place it under your baby's right armpit.
  3. Take the upper right corner and place it behind the baby's back on the left side.
  4. Take both lower corners of the diaper in both hands, slightly pull them towards you and straighten them.
  5. Throw the bottom edge of the diaper over the baby's arms, wrap it loosely around the baby and secure it to the back, tucking a corner under the edge of the diaper.

You need to swaddle freely, but secure the diaper more securely. We should get a cocoon, inside which the baby moves his arms and legs, without the structure falling apart. Practice and you will succeed!

Boil and iron diapers? well, I do not

Good news: you don't have to boil and iron mountains of diapers every day. Of course, wash and iron all the baby’s dowry in in preparation for childbirth not forbidden. This meditative and useful activity contributes to the formation and puts mom in the right mood. But after the birth of your baby, you can forget about ironing with a clear conscience if you have an automatic washing machine with a 90* wash program and a convenient clothes dryer. On a truly convenient drying rack, you can hang diapers evenly even with one hand, while holding the baby with the other hand or in a sling.
Most likely, you will not need to wash diapers at high temperatures often. For normal everyday washing, a program of 75*C is sufficient. An extra rinse won't hurt either. Boiling (or washing at 90) and ironing diapers on both sides can be useful in case of serious dermatitis or intestinal and other infections.

Changing FAQ

How to properly swaddle a baby?

There are quite a few ways of swaddling, you can watch master classes on YouTube, try several and choose the most convenient one. The main thing is not to swaddle tightly, not to immobilize the baby, to swaddle so that the baby has the ability to move inside and get out of the diaper when he needs to.

What to wear under a diaper?

Depends on the situation and temperature. If the baby is a newborn and the house is warm, then you can swaddle it over a thin vest or nothing at all. If you need a diaper to put you to sleep a grown up baby, swaddle over pajamas. If the baby sleeps while walking in a stroller, swaddle him with a blanket over warm clothes. And so on.

Is the baby hot under the diaper?

The baby may be hot regardless of swaddling. To mom need to be controlled this moment, feel the baby’s neck, see if he is sweaty, if his face is red. Overheating in newborns is considered by pediatricians to be a greater danger than cold, so do not overdo it when wrapping your child.

How to swaddle in hot weather?

In hot weather, you can swaddle a thin diaper directly on your naked body. A thin diaper will even help protect your baby from overheating and harmful effects. sun rays. Just check often to see if your baby is hot. This rule applies regardless of whether you swaddle your baby or not.

Until what age should a baby be swaddled?

You will see for yourself until how many months swaddle your baby. Some babies say goodbye to the diaper earlier, some later. There's nothing wrong if baby up to one year old will fall asleep slightly swaddled. Even older children can be playfully wrapped in a blanket or sheet to calm them down before bed.

How to wean yourself from swaddling?

Normally, there is no need to wean your baby off swaddling. The child will outgrow this need, like many of their other infant needs: rocking, sucking, etc. You certainly won’t have to swaddle your son before the army. If you want to stop swaddling as early as possible, we recommend that by 3 months you switch to swaddling under your arms, put you to sleep in a sling without a diaper, and alternate between being put to sleep with a diaper and without a diaper.

How to combine swaddling with planting?

Swaddling goes great with. It is definitely more convenient to disembark from diapers than from onesies, bodysuits and rompers. When dropping your baby off, you just need to free his butt from the diaper and hold him over a basin or sink, and then wrap him back. In order not to get too wet in case of an accident, you need to put a gauze diaper between the baby's legs and use natural

How many diapers do you need?

Usually 20 thin and 20 flannel diapers are enough. You can divide this quantity by size and buy 10 diapers of each type, smaller in size 90x100 and larger in size 110x110. In the first days it will become clear whether you need to buy more diapers and How many. Newborn diaper Boys need more than older boys than girls (they pee more often).

Should I swaddle my baby at night?

If you practice co-sleeping, especially if your baby sleeps in your arm (side-lying breastfeeding position), then swaddling at night is not necessary. But if the mother needs to put the baby to sleep at night, and still do something around the house, then the diaper will help the baby sleep soundly and longer.

Why swaddle during the day?

It depends on age. The newborn is swaddled so that he adapted better to a new life, was less nervous and developed better. An older baby can be swaddled to soothe him and put him to sleep.

Features of swaddling for dysplasia?

For dysplasia, wide swaddling is used, when several diapers are placed between the baby’s legs. This is done to ensure that the baby’s legs are separated as much as possible. Your doctor will tell you how to do this correctly. Healthy children This type of swaddling is not necessary, even as a preventive measure. But we can recommend it to all babies without exception: the baby’s legs in a sling are spread wide apart, which promotes the healthy development of the hip joints.

So, let's summarize. Swaddling is ancient way of caring for a child, it certainly contains deep wisdom that will also be useful to modern parents. Not all babies need swaddling, but for many of them it will bring peace and sound sleep. Now you know how to properly swaddle a newborn, and why to do it. Try it! If you notice beneficial influence, practice loose swaddling as long as your baby needs it. The answer to the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a child can only be given by you. Listen to your child, turn on maternal intuition and let the baby grow up healthy and happy!

Some three decades ago, the question of the advisability of swaddling a newborn was not even raised before young parents.

They simply had no other alternative. As a dowry for the baby, they bought a set of diapers and a blanket, and the diapers were made from gauze or from an old sheet.

The modern view of the need to swaddle a baby has changed dramatically. Newborns are dressed in smart suits when they are discharged from the hospital.

Are modern parents right? Do babies need to be swaddled? Let's figure it out.

Proper swaddling of a baby has a number of positive aspects:

  1. It facilitates the baby’s adaptation to new living conditions outside the mother’s womb, in which he was warm and comfortable. The diaper, tightly covering the body of the newborn, seems to return him to the cramped conditions of the mother's womb. That is why a baby wrapped in it calms down and falls asleep faster.
  2. A warmed soft diaper, replacing the warmth of the mother's body, helps the baby's body adapt to new temperature conditions.
  3. Once born, the little man experiences severe stress. He often shudders in his sleep, flaps his arms and, touching his face, wakes up. This is exactly what happens to newborns whose arms and legs are left free. If you swaddle the baby, this will not happen and his sleep will be more restful.
Full swaddling

Pediatricians are inclined to believe that swaddling is beneficial for newborns during the first four weeks of their life. With the help of diapers, adaptation to the “new” world will be more harmonious and gentle for babies.

Having become somewhat accustomed to the environment, the baby will lose the habit of reflexively throwing up his limbs, and their movements will become more smooth and coordinated. There is no longer any special need for swaddling a one and a half month old baby. There is a point in night swaddling only for those babies who continue to throw up their arms during sleep.

It is impossible to give any categorical recommendations here. In each case, it all depends on the behavior of the baby himself. If it is difficult for him to fall asleep without swaddling or his sleep is interrupted by frequent awakenings, it means that the time has not yet come to give up diapers.

A wrapped baby feels protected (photo)

  • Babies should only be swaddled while sleeping. During the waking period, it is better to leave them in clothes that do not restrict movement. The best option would be rompers and a vest.
  • Parents of babies should initially avoid using too tight a method, since in addition to difficulty breathing, it can contribute to hip dislocation.
  • Diapers must be immaculately clean and ironed. Using an iron with a steamer or sprinkling the surface of the diaper with water while ironing it ensures that the fabric is especially soft and comfortable for the baby. If a baby has urinated on a diaper, it is strictly forbidden to dry it on a radiator - this can lead to the development of diaper rash and irritation of the baby’s delicate skin, even to the development of dermatitis.
  • Only a washed baby should be wrapped.
  • If the temperature in the children's room is not higher than twenty degrees, the best option is to swaddle the baby in two diapers: calico and flannel. In a very hot room, gauze is suitable for changing a newborn. This fabric will create optimal conditions for moisture exchange of children's skin.
  • You can swaddle a newborn on any horizontal surface, but it is most convenient to do this on a changing table: this will prevent unwanted stress on the lower back while caring for the baby. It will also be convenient to carry out the procedure directly in the crib if it has the ability to set it to a second (higher) level.
  • Before wrapping, put a diaper or diaper on the baby. When using a diaper, you need to make sure that it helps spread the legs. If the diaper is made of thin gauze, a small diaper folded into a rectangle is placed between the baby’s legs.
  • In addition to the diaper, the baby is put on a fresh thin vest that wraps around the back and a warm one that wraps around the chest.
    The room should be warm and draft-free.

Under no circumstances should you leave your baby unattended on the changing table. When leaving the room, even for a few minutes, you should put him in a crib.

The baby needs to learn to control his arms and legs

Swaddling using a swaddle and/or blanket

Swaddling babies can be tight or loose. For many centuries, it was believed that tightly swaddling newborns formed their correct posture and ensured straight legs in the future.

In Rus', for tightly swaddling babies, they used a swaddling cloth - a special strip of dense homespun material (at least twenty centimeters wide). The baby, wrapped in a diaper, was wrapped with this ribbon from head to toe over the diaper. As a result of such swaddling, the baby, deprived of the ability to move his limbs, lay in the crib like a soldier at attention.

Nowadays, too tight swaddling is recognized not only as inappropriate, but also as a harmful procedure that hinders the natural physical development of the child and can cause serious injury to him.

The tradition of wrapping children in swaddling clothes dates back to Ancient Rus'.

What are the harms of traditional tight swaddling?:

  • A baby whose limbs were forcibly straightened and fixed in this position is forced to spend hours in a completely unnatural position (in a normal position, slightly spread legs should have maximum freedom of movement).
  • The movements of a baby accustomed to tight swaddling remain uncoordinated for a long time. He is significantly behind in physical development from those of his peers who had the opportunity to move their limbs freely.
  • Artificial restriction of mobility leads to the fact that six-month-old and even eight-month-old infants practically cannot roll over or crawl normally.
  • Tight diapers disrupt normal blood circulation in all parts of the small body. The lungs especially suffer from this, since a compressed chest prevents full breathing.
  • Disruption of normal blood circulation has equally dire consequences for the formation of the immune system. Tightly swaddled babies subsequently get sick much more often than their peers who are not limited in their movements.
  • Tight swaddling of straightened legs often leads to dysplasia (congenital subluxation or dislocation) of the hip joint.

There is officially confirmed data that after young mothers in Japan abandoned the traditional tight swaddling of their children's legs as part of a national project, the number of cases of hip dysplasia decreased from 3 to 0.3%.

Watch a video from Dr. Komarovsky about swaddling a baby:


Tight swaddling is sometimes called full swaddling, because with it the baby is wrapped in a swaddle from shoulders to feet. This method is relevant for children from birth to two to three months. There are two main types of it.

Classic version:

  1. Lay out two diapers at once on the table, carefully smoothing them out (the flannel one should be at the bottom).
  2. After placing the baby on the diaper, put a diaper on him.
  3. At the time of swaddling, the baby’s arms, extended along the body, are held with one hand.
  4. The right edge of the diaper, passing over the baby's left shoulder, is tucked under his back.
  5. The child's right shoulder is wrapped in a similar manner.
  6. Since the baby's arms, bound by the fabric, lose the ability to actively move, at this moment the hands of the person performing the swaddling are freed. Further manipulations are performed with both hands.
  7. The lower edge (tail) of the diaper is placed on the baby's chest and, wrapping his body, is tucked into the resulting fabric fold.

The classic method of tight swaddling

Swaddling "with a headscarf":

With this wrapping option, the baby's head receives additional protection in the form of an improvised scarf.

  1. A thin diaper is spread on the changing table so that it is slightly higher than the flannel one (in this option, the insulated diaper is placed on top of the thin one).
  2. The newborn is placed on the table so that his head is wrapped with the upper edge of a thin diaper.
  3. The right edge of the diaper is wrapped around the baby's body and placed under the back.
  4. The same is done with the left edge of the diaper.
  5. The “tail” is fixed as in the embodiment described above.

Stages of swaddling using a headscarf


This method of swaddling, which does not restrict the baby’s movements, is more gentle, since the pose with arms crossed and legs pulled up to the tummy is as close as possible to its intrauterine position in the mother’s womb.

The free method gives the baby the opportunity to freely move his legs, suck a fist or finger, and touch his face with his palms.

There are two options for free swaddling newborns: in the first option, only the baby’s hands are free. With the second option, movements are not limited to either arms or legs. The use of an envelope for newborns, which does not restrict the baby’s movements, in this sense can be considered a good alternative to traditional swaddling.

The first option is done like this:

  • Having spread a cotton diaper over a warm diaper, they place the baby on it, already dressed in two vests and a diaper.
  • The upper part of the diaper should be located at the level of the infant's armpits.
  • Having tucked the side edges under the baby's back, the lower part of the diaper is lifted and tucked in.
  • The result should be something like a bag, inside which the baby can dangle his legs freely.
  • A warm diaper is folded in the same way.

Stages of free swaddling (photo)


This type of swaddling is used for babies with deviations in the development of the hip joint, musculoskeletal system and suspected dysplasia. The essence of this method is that the newborn’s legs are spread wide and fixed in this position.

To fix the lower extremities, use a folded diaper or (in special cases) a Freik pillow. In some sources it is called a “feather blanket,” a splint, or a bandage. Thanks to this method, the baby’s legs take on their natural physiological state: half-bent, with a spread of sixty degrees.

To help modern mothers for wide swaddling of babies, special panties and covers are produced, equipped with Velcro in the shoulder area. If these devices are not available, you can use the traditional swaddling method using three diapers.

Folding one of them into a triangle, place the baby on it. The other, folded several times, is placed between the child’s legs. The side edges of the first diaper are wrapped around the children's hips, fixing an improvised pad. The lower edge of the triangle, passing between the baby’s legs, is fixed with the same sides.

The upper corners of the third diaper are wrapped diagonally around the baby's tummy. The lower “tail” is folded up and tucked under an improvised belt. If swaddling is done correctly, the baby's legs should be slightly fixed and tightened.

Wide swaddling can be partial - up to chest level and full - up to chin level.

Wide way

Swaddling with head (corner)

This method of wrapping a mother’s baby is called an “envelope.” In this case, the diapers are laid out in the shape of a diamond, and the baby is laid on top of them so that his head is in the lower part of the upper corner.

The side edges of the diapers are wrapped in exactly the same way as in all the methods described above. The bottom edge is either placed on the baby’s chest and fixed in the traditional way, or it is wrapped behind the back and, going around the baby’s body from the sides, tucked into the fold formed in the front.

A corner that covers the baby's face allows you to protect him from bright sunlight or exposure to cold during street walks.

In the warm season, the newborn's head should be protected by a light cap, and in winter - by an insulated cap.

When walking on a hot day, it is advisable to limit yourself to only one diaper (if the heat is sweltering, the diaper should be gauze). With the onset of cold weather, the baby is wrapped in a warm blanket over the diapers.

A baby who's wrapped up won't need a cap.

You should not refuse to swaddle a newborn baby in the first weeks of his life. Providing comfort and a sense of security, it facilitates the baby's adaptation to the harsh conditions of life outside the mother's tummy. Proper swaddling should be gentle and provide the baby with the opportunity to move freely.

When a baby is born, many inexperienced parents are worried about many questions, first of all - how to care for and how to swaddle the baby? After all, this is undoubtedly important for the health and well-being of the baby.

Methods of swaddling a newborn in a diaper

The methods of swaddling a baby are quite varied and convenient. There are quite a lot of types of swaddling, thanks to generations of grandmothers who knew firsthand how to swaddle a baby. The knowledge has been collected over the years and has now been refined and made public.

Types of swaddling:

  • Medicinal.
  • Free, no handles.
  • Tight - like a soldier.
  • Wide therapeutic, as well as swaddling only the legs.
  • In a blanket with his head.
  • Headless swaddling.
  • Swaddling of arms only.

The list does not end here; you can practice several types at the same time. Now any mother can easily find a suitable swaddling option and learn how to wrap her baby without much difficulty.

Swaddling a newborn algorithm of actions

The algorithm for swaddling a newborn baby is very simple, but, like any other field of activity, it has nuances from a theoretical point of view:

  • The diaper only needs to be washed and ironed. There can be 2 diapers at the same time during the swaddling process, and for each type of swaddling the product is folded differently;
  • You should definitely wear a diaper or diaper at the mother’s discretion;
  • You can wear rompers, bodysuits or vests. The main condition for their use: manufacturing from high-quality cotton;
  • Before wrapping in a diaper or blanket, it is important to wash the genitals well under running or just warm water. Baby wipes are allowed;
  • After washing, it is necessary to treat the folds with powder, ointments, and oils.

The mother's procedure before swaddling:

  • unfold, remove the old diaper;
  • Wash the child well - all the folds and organs of the reproductive system. Wash off old hygiene products;
  • wipe dry or blot with a towel;
  • treat folds and genitals with creams, ointments against diaper rash, powder (1 care product to choose from);
  • put on a diaper or diaper;
  • spread out a washed and ironed diaper.

special instructions

  • Washing and thoroughly drying the genitals is a mandatory procedure before swaddling. If the umbilical cord wound has not healed, the front part of the diaper should be folded back so that it does not put pressure.
  • Swaddle only in ironed and washed diapers. Repeated swaddling in dirty or unwashed clothing results in skin irritation.
  • Pay attention to the room temperature. After this, decide to wrap the baby in a warm or thin diaper. It is better to use cotton material for diapers.
  • Swaddle tightly in extremely rare cases. Pay attention in time to folds of fabric under the back and on the sides and get rid of them immediately.

The baby should be swaddled so that the legs and arms are in a natural position. Don't force them to bend. A friendly voice and a smile from a loved one will help calm the baby during the swaddling procedure.

How to swaddle a newborn in the maternity hospital?

In the last days of pregnancy, expectant mothers are concerned about the following question:

Are babies now swaddled in the maternity hospital?

In the maternity hospital they not only swaddle, but also teach such a simple task. For some, this is difficult; others have no idea how to swaddle a baby. After childbirth, the mother's body becomes very tired and it is more difficult for an inexperienced mother to think about swaddling.

In the maternity hospital, tight and loose swaddling is practiced.

Tight swaddling

At first, a thick diaper is spread on the table, and then a thin diaper on top. A baby in a diaper should be placed in the center. The head should be above the diaper. Do not straighten your arms, but swaddle them in the most natural position.

It is very comfortable for the baby to be under his mother’s heart for all 9 months. It is surrounded by uterine tissue, which envelops the little belly like a cocoon.

When a child is born, he finds himself in a completely different environment. But he also wants to feel warm and protected. For this purpose, swaddling has been invented since ancient times. Many mothers wonder how to swaddle a newborn.

In America, Indian tribes used rabbit skins and dry grass as ingredients for diapers. The used grass was then thrown away and the skins were dried. So the baby was comfortable and dry. In the second century BC, Europe was already beginning to swaddle babies in cloth as reusable diapers.

Our article will highlight all the nuances of swaddling and answer the question up to what age this simple procedure should be done.

Swaddling is a set of measures aimed at creating a comfortable stay for the baby, retaining waste products and preventing diaper rash.

With the help of diapers, favorable conditions are also created for the baby to sleep peacefully.

  1. Facilitates the baby's adaptation to the outside world and brings it closer to the conditions of intrauterine life.
  2. Reduces excessive excitability, since the child may involuntarily wave his arms and legs. This can frighten him and interfere with restful sleep.
  3. Keeps you warm. In children of the first months, thermoregulation processes are not fully developed, and swaddling helps them maintain their normal temperature.
  4. Prevents diaper rash. The fabric is breathable, unlike diapers. And mom will replace wet diapers immediately rather than a diaper, which will prevent prolonged contact of delicate skin with a wet surface.
  5. Development of touch. The soft touch of the diaper will allow the baby to develop this feeling.
  6. During the first baths, you can swaddle your baby in a thin diaper. For him, this will be a kind of protection from the outside world, and so the newborn will not be afraid of the bath and water.

Pediatrician Komarovsky E.O.: “Swaddling a child is not harmful. Buying diapers is much cheaper than baby onesies and rompers. But it’s easier for dads to wear undershirts and rompers. Not the kind of dad who is fluent in the art of swaddling.”

Types of diapers

It is important to study the fabric requirements.

  1. Good quality. The diaper should not tear when stretched.
  2. Absorbent effect. The most important property. The diaper should absorb moisture well and at the same time maintain a “breathable” effect.
  3. Correct edge processing. In general, children's clothes are hemmed using an overlocker. This is necessary to avoid tight seams that can rub the baby’s delicate skin.
  4. Be soft to the touch, without foreign odors. Should not fade when washed.
  5. Only natural materials– chintz, flannel, kulirka, linen, footer, knitwear. Avoid synthetics.
  6. Diaper sizes. Very comfortable in the form of a square with a side of 1.2 m. This is enough for you to easily swaddle your baby.
  7. Do not choose fabric with bright colors so as not to irritate the child. The composition of dyes can be harmful to the skin.
  8. Diapers need to be washed regularly baby powder and iron on both sides.

Types of diapers and their purpose

Calico. Must be made of cotton material. They are usually always closest to the newborn's body. Also used as crib sheets.

Flannel. They are swaddled over calico. They are thicker than chintz and retain heat well. They can be used as a bedspread. In summer you can not use it.

Knitted. Appeared recently. They stretch quite well, are soft and gentle to the touch. They are also swaddled under flannel.

Cocoon diapers with Velcro. Modern diapers, which can also be made of knitted fabric. They do not create unnecessary folds. It will not be difficult for a mother to wrap her baby in such a diaper

Disposable diapers. Not intended for swaddling. Necessary for laying on a changing pad or on a bed so that the baby does not stain the surface. Convenient when going to the clinic. Must not contain synthetic materials.

How many diapers should I take?

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Mom Elena, 28 years old: “I bought 10 flannel and 10 cotton and knitted diapers for my daughter. It was enough, even a little too much. We could have swaddled a couple more babies. A very comfortable diaper - a cocoon, I had only one copy of it. My daughter loved to fall asleep in it.”

Required minimum baby dowry for swaddling

  • flannel - 5 pieces;
  • calico - 5 pieces;
  • Velcro diapers - 1-2 pieces;
  • disposable diapers.

Classic swaddling with handles. Option #1

We spread a cotton diaper on the changing table so that there are no wrinkles. We place the baby in the center of the diaper so that the head lies above the edge of the fabric.

We place our left hand on the baby's chest, and wrap one end of the diaper under the baby's back. We do the same with the right handle, and also wrap the second edge of the diaper under the back.

We straighten the lower corners, cover the baby's chest with the lower edge and place the right corner under the newborn's back, and the left corner over the baby's right shoulder. We tuck a small corner into the fold on the baby’s chest.

The diaper should not crumple or create unnecessary folds. This will interfere with the baby's sleep.

Swaddling with handles. Option No. 2

We spread the diaper. We bend the edge a little at the top. We hide the baby’s right hand in the resulting pocket. Now we place this hand together with the diaper on the stomach and cover the baby’s right side with the diaper.

Then we do the same with the left edge of the diaper. We straighten the bottom edge and bend it under the knees.

Swaddling with handles. Option No. 3

We spread the diaper into a diamond shape. Fold the top corner. We lay the baby down so that his head is above the diaper. We hold the baby's right hand and place the corner of the diaper behind the baby's left side through the armpit.

And the other lower corner is over the child’s left shoulder. We wrap the left corner of the diaper around the baby's body. The free bottom can simply be folded under the legs.

When the temperature is high, you cannot swaddle your baby.

Used in the treatment of hip dysplasia and for the prevention of congenital dislocations. This swaddling creates a “frog pose” to unload the joints.

Everything is as usual. We spread the diaper on the changing table. Fold it diagonally to make a triangle.

We place the larger edge of this triangle under the baby’s lower back. It is better to put on a gauze diaper before diapering.

We place the bottom corner of the diaper on the tummy, and place the side corners on top on the baby’s belt. You can wear a vest on top.

Swaddling with head

Favorite type of swaddling immediately after birth in the hospital. We spread the diaper and place the newborn so that the head is below the edge of the diaper. We wrap the baby. First, we bring one edge behind the back, while fixing the handle, then the second. The bottom edge can be placed on the breast and secured.

In this position, the baby sleeps very comfortably; it is difficult for him to even move his head, so unnecessary movements will not wake him up.

Tight swaddling

Back in Soviet times, it was believed that this type of swaddling helped straighten the legs. But, as it turned out, this was an erroneous version.

Tight swaddling prevents the baby from breathing and developing normally, so it has been abandoned lately.

Go for a walk

In cool weather, you still need either a blanket or a warm envelope over the diapers. First, you swaddle your baby in any convenient way. Then spread out the blanket in a diamond pattern and wrap the baby up. The upper corner of the blanket can cover your face from strong winds or frost.

Until what age do we wrap babies?

In general, a child should be swaddled until he is three months old. This is the period when the baby is already starting to roll over onto his tummy, and extra diapers will interfere with his ability to explore the world.

You can swaddle your head only for the first week of your baby’s life.

Pay attention to how your baby sleeps. If he doesn't wake up from shaking his arms or legs, you can swaddle him freely.

Some parents even put on baby vests and rompers almost at birth.

A modern take on how to swaddle a newborn baby

  1. If the baby is calm, then swaddle for up to a month.
  2. Observe your baby's behavior.
  3. The maximum age for swaddling is 4 months.
  4. It is not recommended to swaddle for a long time; it will delay motor development.

The process of swaddling is very important in the life of children. This way it allows the baby to feel his mother’s hands, warmth, and care. And if both parents are doing this, then this will free up a few minutes for mom to relax. Everyone chooses what is convenient for them. And, as it turned out, swaddling is not harmful, but even useful.

Be healthy!

Debates about the benefits of swaddling newborn babies have continued for decades. If you are a supporter of using diapers and are expecting your first child, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the ways in which you can swaddle your baby.

Why do you need to swaddle your baby?

Even if the mother plans to put rompers on her baby from the first days, she still needs to master the basics of swaddling. For example, giving a child medicine or cleaning his nose is much more convenient when the baby’s hands are wrapped in a diaper and do not interfere with the mother’s necessary manipulations.

In the womb in the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby is as if in a cozy cocoon. Every child experiences stress when they are born. Swaddling helps the baby get used to its new environment.

In addition, the following facts speak in favor of swaddling:

  • A baby wrapped in swaddles sleeps sounder and longer.
  • A swaddled baby experiences physical and psychological comfort.
  • The possibility of fright from involuntary sudden movements of the handles is excluded.
  • The diaper retains heat better, therefore reducing the risk of colds.

Main types of swaddling of newborns

Today, not all young mothers are familiar with the rules of swaddling newborns, although this skill will definitely be useful to them when they are babies.

Our grandmothers and mothers also used 3 methods of swaddling babies - tight, loose and special wide swaddling for babies who have joint problems.

Whatever method of swaddling you use, it must be done on a flat surface. Today's mothers just need to purchase a special changing table, a wide range of which is available in any baby store.

Today there has been a whole wave of protest against tight swaddling. More and more specialists in the field of pediatrics are talking about the dangers of this method. But if you think about it, this method of swaddling has been used almost since the birth of the first person. If everything were so bad, then humanity would have died out long ago, but everyone who was tightly swaddled in childhood feels great. Therefore, we will still describe this method of wrapping a baby in diapers.

A diaper is spread on the changing table so that its wide side is perpendicular to the baby’s position. The upper edge of the diaper is folded slightly and the baby is laid so that the head is located above the folded edge.

The baby's arms are stretched along the body, they take the diaper by the upper left edge and move it to the right side, straightening the excess diaper under the baby's back. Then, in the same way, take the diaper by the upper right corner and wrap it behind the back to the left. The bottom of the diaper is tucked along the length of the legs under the back. The edges of the canvas are folded over to the front side and secured, wrapping around each other.

Since diapers tend to shrink after the first wash, and babies grow up quickly, to make it more convenient to swaddle a child, the diaper is spread on the table with one angle up, that is, like a diamond.

The video shows tight and loose swaddling of a newborn baby

Free swaddling of babies can be done in two ways:

  • Wrap the baby together with the arms, leaving them in a position comfortable for the child.
  • Swaddle only the lower part of the body, leaving the arms free.
In the first case The swaddling process is carried out in the same way as tight swaddling, only the diaper is not pulled tightly to the baby’s body, but a small space is left inside the cocoon so that the baby can move his arms and legs.

With the second method The baby is wrapped only to the waist. Moreover, if you are worried about the slenderness of the baby’s legs, you can wrap the diaper tighter. But since it has already been proven that the method of swaddling does not affect the straightness of the legs, it is better to leave the baby space for movement by wrapping the diaper around the waist not too tightly.

For healthy babies who do not have problems with the development of joints, this method of swaddling is not used. Wide swaddling is used for medicinal purposes.

In this case, a soft spacer made of a diaper or tightly folded fabric 20 cm wide is placed between the baby’s legs, and only then swaddling is carried out.

The video explains in detail the methods of treating hip dysplasia and wide swaddling.

Until what age can a baby be swaddled?

Even pediatricians do not give a definite answer to what age a child should be swaddled. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the baby himself.

All experts agree on only one thing - after 3 months, swaddling must be abandoned.

Until this time, each mother decides individually how long the baby should be in diapers, whether to use them only while sleeping or when the baby is awake. Many young parents refuse diapers altogether immediately after leaving the hospital.

In any case, while the baby is not sleeping, it is better to use loose swaddling with open arms. The faster the baby gets used to calmly reacting to involuntary hand movements, the better. Gradually, during sleep, you need to leave the child’s hands free, so that by 2-3 months you will completely abandon diapers.

Swaddling babies depending on the season

For a long time, warm flannel and light cotton fabrics have been used for swaddling children.

During the cold season babies are first wrapped in a cotton diaper, and then also in a warm diaper. In summer, in warm weather, they mainly use only light fabric.

In any case, you need to pay attention to the child’s behavior.

If the room is cool and the baby is freezing, in order to prevent hypothermia, he is swaddled in 2 warm diapers, and, if necessary, covered with a blanket. In this case, the baby should wear a warm cap on his head.

You need to monitor your baby no less carefully in hot weather. . To avoid overheating, do not use tight swaddling. Try to hold your baby with his arms free as much as possible. While the baby is awake, you don’t have to use diapers at all to avoid sweat rashes.

Every baby handles cold or hot weather differently. Carefully monitor the baby's condition to prevent hypothermia or overheating of the little man.

Which has its roots in the distant past. All mothers knew how to swaddle a newborn, and have been doing this procedure with their children since the time of Hippocrates, and maybe even long before that.

But some modern mothers have a different opinion. Increasingly, you can see that from the first days of life, children are dressed in vests and pants, almost completely abandoning diapers. Arguing their choice, women rely on some modern research that suggests that swaddling a newborn is more harmful than beneficial. But is this really so?

Baby in a diaper: pros and cons

The baby stays in the mother’s belly for quite a long time – 9 months. He constantly feels her warmth. But he has practically no free space for movement: the arms, legs and head are in a bent state. Of course, sometimes the baby changes its position, and at that moment the mother feels tremors and can observe how tubercles appear on her stomach.

After birth, a little person finds himself in a huge and unusual world, where he can make any movements completely unhindered. And this new opportunity scares him. In order to create familiar conditions for him, women have been wrapping the child in a large piece of cloth for many centuries.

Swaddling newborns, in addition to simulating the mother's womb, has many advantages:

  • Children wrapped in a diaper sleep much more peacefully, since they do not wake up from their own sudden movements;
  • In contact with the surface of the diaper, the child receives tactile sensations and feels very comfortable;
  • The warmth received from the mother lasts longer;
  • There is an opinion that swaddling a baby helps all his bones and skeleton to form correctly. You can often hear from grandmothers that if you don’t swaddle your baby, he will have uneven legs. But this has not been proven medically;
  • Buying several diapers is much more profitable than buying rompers, since small children outgrow any clothing quite quickly.

But, despite all the beneficial properties, in our time there are many ardent opponents of this procedure.

They justify their position as follows:

  • The baby, wrapped in a diaper, cannot move. Because of this, he will not be able to take a more comfortable position;
  • Swaddling causes muscle hypertonicity;
  • The child overheats very often;
  • Sensory development is impaired.

One can argue endlessly about whether this procedure brings benefit or harm. Each parent will choose their own way of caring for their baby. But those who nevertheless decide to make a choice in favor of established traditions should, before swaddling a child, study all the nuances of this procedure.

How to swaddle a baby: techniques and secrets

Mothers who have given birth to their first baby inevitably face the problem of swaddling. Especially if these are young girls who do not have younger brothers and sisters on whom they could, if not practice this skill, then at least observe how to properly swaddle a newborn.

There are proven methods of swaddling babies that all women expecting a baby need to know.

  1. Tight swaddling.

The use of this swaddling technique involves almost complete restriction of the newborn's movements.

The baby is wrapped in a diaper almost completely. The top part covers the neck, and the bottom part secures the legs and is secured at chest level. The arms are extended parallel to the body, the legs are straightened.

Tight swaddling of a baby in pictures

Another, freer option

Attention! This swaddling technique was popular about 30 years ago. Now it is used extremely rarely, since most pediatricians are of the opinion that the child must be left free to move.

How to properly swaddle a baby video

  1. Free swaddling.

The most preferred method of swaddling infants. It differs from the previous one primarily in that the baby is not wrapped in the fabric too tightly and can move his limbs. If the room is cool, you can use two diapers: thin and insulated.

The swaddling scheme is simple:

  • On the changing table (or other flat horizontal surface) you need to spread a thick diaper, slightly bending the top edge, and then a thin one;
  • A light diaper should reach the child's armpits, that is, the arms remain outside. We fold the edges diagonally, pass them under the back, making sure that no folds appear, and secure them at the top;
  • In the same way, we wrap it in a thicker diaper, but wrapping the arms. There is no need to tighten the edges tightly.

Important! When the baby is awake, it is better not to swaddle your hands. This way you will give him the opportunity to move them freely, which means to develop.

For convenience, you can use ready-made envelopes purchased in the store. They have a special bag for fixing the legs, while the arms remain practically free.

Swaddling a newborn. How to swaddle a baby step by step

  1. Swaddling with the head.

In many maternity hospitals, children are swaddled in this way before being brought in for feeding. And many mothers want to learn how to wrap their newborn babies the way they swaddle them in the maternity hospital, since this method helps to secure the baby’s neck and you can pick up the baby in your arms without fear of damaging it.

However, it should be kept in mind that this is also a fairly tight swaddling and should not be abused.

How to swaddle a baby correctly

  1. Wide swaddling for dysplasia.

Before swaddling your newborn using this method, you should consult your pediatrician because it is only intended for children who have congenital orthopedic problems. It helps correct the situation if diseases such as dysplasia or hip subluxation are diagnosed.

With this swaddling, the baby's legs are spread and bent. This position is most natural for babies.

Wide swaddling in pictures

Important! You can wrap babies in this way up to 6 months of age, and only if this method was suggested by a pediatrician.

Wide swaddling

  1. Swaddling with an envelope.

It is most often used when going outside, since the child’s head is covered, which helps retain heat even in winter. In cold weather, you can use a warm blanket for swaddling; in hot weather, a cotton diaper will suffice.

Attention! You should not use this type of swaddling when preparing your baby for a night's rest, as there is a high probability of overheating, and if he regurgitates, the baby will not be able to turn his head.

How to wrap a baby in a blanket

Every mother decides for herself how to swaddle a newborn baby. This depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, as well as on the weather conditions outside the window and the temperature in the room.

How long to swaddle a newborn

The age up to which diapers should be used for changing has not been established; it all depends on the behavior and well-being of the child. There are babies who, by the age of 1.5 months, get used to the environment and themselves begin to protest against swaddling. Other children, even at 8 months, do not fall asleep until they feel like they are in a cozy cocoon.

If the mother considers that the baby has grown enough, then the diapers should be replaced with onesies. This is especially true for active children who do not like it when their movements are limited and this prevents them from exploring the world.

Some moms skip swaddling clothes because they don't want to learn the science of swaddling, while others just love dressing up their newly born baby in cute costumes. Of course, each parent decides independently how his baby will be dressed. But when choosing clothing or a swaddling method, the baby's comfort should be put first. After all, if he is comfortable, then childhood will become the happiest and most memorable time for both the little person and his mom and dad.

I am already nine months pregnant and in just a couple of weeks I will finally be able to hold my baby in my arms. Therefore, I am actively preparing for my new role as a mom. Yesterday I asked a friend to teach me how to swaddle a newborn. But in response she heard that no one does this anymore, and she did not swaddle her child.

Now I have a question: should I swaddle a newborn or not? After all, my mother wrapped me in diapers. Perhaps there was some benefit from this? Or was it just considered fashionable back then and that’s all? Or have modern doctors found that swaddling harms the baby?

Please clarify this question. And, if possible, tell us how to properly swaddle a newborn.

Why swaddle a baby?

Indeed, we all know about the procedure of swaddling a baby from our mothers and grandmothers. But is it necessary to swaddle a newborn baby?

  • In general, this is a centuries-old tradition that existed even under Hippocrates, and maybe even earlier. And since after so much time it has not disappeared from the practice of mothers, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - the baby needs to be swaddled;

Our ancestors believed that this is a very important procedure that is necessary for a child during the period of his adaptation to the outside world after birth. And if we reflect on this topic, then we can quite agree with this statement.

  • While in the mother's belly, the baby is always surrounded by the walls of the uterus. You can come across phrases that the baby is floating inside the stomach. This is not entirely true, the child never floats in the uterus, it grows with the baby and within 9 months the tight membrane around the body becomes a familiar, comfortable and safest space;

Its head, arms and legs are constantly bent and rest against the walls of the uterus. And with any movement of the baby, protrusions appear on the surface of the abdomen (mothers simply adore this process).

Pros and cons

However, disputes on the topic « Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn? are ongoing. Supporters and opponents of swaddling present their arguments.

When talking about the benefits of swaddling, pay attention to the following points:

  1. A baby wrapped in a diaper does not “throw up” his arms or legs, but these movements at first very frighten him;
  2. While in a diaper, the newborn comes into contact with its surface and receives tactile sensations, thanks to which he is comfortable;
  3. After swaddling, many babies sleep more peacefully;
  4. The diaper helps keep mommy warm;

Remember! The diaper itself does not warm the baby. In the first months, the baby’s thermoregulation processes are weak, and he needs a constant new portion of his mother’s warmth.

  1. In addition, the use of diapers will allow you to save a little on the family budget, since one diaper can be used for several months, and babies outgrow them very quickly;
  2. You can often hear the opinion that swaddling a newborn promotes the proper formation of the skeleton and bones (they say that without swaddling, a child’s legs may remain crooked forever). However, at the moment this statement has no medical confirmation.

Those who consider swaddling a newborn a harmful procedure claim the following:

  • in a diaper, the baby’s movements are constrained, and this will contribute to impaired muscle tone (about muscle tone, read the current article Hypertonicity in a newborn >>>);
  • a swaddled baby may overheat;
  • Swaddling can lead to delayed sensory development.

There is another crazy statement from psychologists who, apparently, have never seen small children: They say that swaddling a baby at an early age can cause problems during the formation of his personal “I-concept”.

Types of swaddling

Now let's talk about swaddling methods. There are several of them, the main difference is the degree to which the child is “wrapped up”.


  1. Tight swaddling of a newborn involves the most complete restriction of the child's movements. This is exactly how it was customary to wrap babies in maternity hospitals about thirty years ago. When they were brought to their mothers for feeding, only the face could be seen;
  2. With this method, the baby is completely wrapped in a diaper: the upper edge of the diaper is located at neck level, and the lower edge covers the legs and is wrapped upward. In this case, the arms are straightened along the body, the legs are aligned and moved together;
  3. It will be difficult for your baby to even move in this state. In addition, the straight position of his arms and legs is not yet natural for him, and he will feel very uncomfortable.

Important! You cannot swaddle a child this way, unless, of course, you want to raise an adequate and happy person, and not a prisoner in a cell.


Free swaddling of a newborn is similar to the previous one. The main difference is that there is no need to straighten the arms and legs, and the diaper should not be wrapped very tightly.

  • This is a very convenient way of swaddling. After all, moving his legs and arms, the child will constantly rest against the diaper, which will prevent the appearance of fear of large spaces. It is also good that the diaper does not tightly cover the newborn’s body, and nothing hinders his movement;

The video course Happy Motherhood will help you master the technique of such swaddling in more detail and learn everything about gentle care for a newborn >>>

  • Now they also produce special envelopes for newborns. But they resemble a bag and do not create the necessary sense of security for the baby. It is better to prefer loose swaddling in a diaper.

With your head

If it's your first baby, you may worry that you'll hurt your baby's neck or be anxious when picking him up.

In maternity hospitals they can now teach how to swaddle a newborn’s head.

  1. This is a fairly tight way to wrap a baby. It is necessary to ensure that the newborn does not overheat while in a diaper. Otherwise, a sweat rash may appear on his neck and behind his ears (article on the topic: Diaper rash in a newborn >>>).
  2. Also, you should not swaddle a newborn in this way in order to put him to sleep. At an early age, the child often spits up, and the diaper will not give him the opportunity to turn his head to the side. If you are in doubt about what position you should put your baby to sleep in, read the article Can a newborn sleep on his stomach?>>>


  • With this method of swaddling, a roll from another diaper is placed between the legs so that they are wide apart;

This is a rather unique way of swaddling. To better understand the procedure for performing it, I would recommend searching the Internet and watching a video on how to properly swaddle a newborn with dysplasia.

Swaddling the legs

Another way to swaddle a newborn baby involves wrapping only the legs in a swaddle.

  1. The upper edge of the diaper is placed at the level of the armpits;
  2. The bottom edge is folded as usual, but not pulled too tightly;
  3. Thus, the legs end up in a kind of “bag”. They can be in a half-bent position, and your baby will move them freely. Nothing interferes with the handles either.

How to properly perform swaddling

It’s very good that you became interested in the issue of swaddling in advance. After all, this is a rather complex technique that requires a little practice to master. I hope that after the tips presented and watching the video on how to swaddle a newborn, you will learn this very quickly.

  • So, first you need to prepare a diaper, vests or blouses and a gauze diaper. All children's clothing should be made only from natural fabrics, washed and ironed on both sides. Details about what clothes the baby will need in the first days are described in the article List of things for newborns for the first time >>>;
  • Before changing the diaper, the newborn must be washed, dried all the folds on the body and treated with powder or baby oil;
  • It is most convenient to swaddle your baby on a special table. Read a detailed article about changing tables >>>;
  • First of all, you should put on your baby's blouses and diaper. Find out which diapers are best to buy for a baby in the article Which diapers are best for a newborn?>>>;
  • Then lay him on a pre-spread diaper.

Subsequent steps depend on the type of swaddling. Let's take a step-by-step look at the general procedure for swaddling a newborn.

  1. Place your baby in the center of the swaddle so that the top edge of the swaddle is parallel to his shoulders. The head should be above this edge;
  2. Press your baby's left arm close to your body. Take the left corner of the diaper, wrap it diagonally and hide it under the back;
  3. Do the same with the other handle and the other corner;
  4. Now you need to wrap the bottom of the diaper. Raise it up to elbow level. Wrap both edges around the baby’s body and secure by turning one of them inward;
  5. At the end of the procedure, check that there are no thick folds in the diaper that will bother the baby.

To better understand the entire process described, look at how to swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step.

Once you understand this algorithm, you can reproduce all other types of swaddling.

In conclusion, I want to give some additional tips.

  • It is not recommended to use a safety pin to secure the edge of the diaper. If it suddenly unfastens, it may prick the baby;
  • You need to choose a diaper according to the weather. If it is hot, then it is enough to wrap the newborn in a thin cotton swaddle. If the room is cool, then the baby is also wrapped in a warm one (flannelette or flannel) on top of a thin diaper.

Attention! During swaddling, the baby should not be left unattended. He may accidentally move onto the edge of the changing table and fall.

Until what age should you swaddle

Now let’s figure out at what age should a newborn be swaddled? Everything greatly depends on the child’s general anxiety. I stopped swaddling my eldest daughter at 1 month, but from the middle, swaddling for sleep continued until 8 months (read about the norms of a child’s sleep at this age in the article How much should a child sleep at 8 months?>>>).

Observe how the child falls asleep (the article The child sleeps only outside >>> may be relevant to you), whether the “throwing up” of his arms continues, and whether such movements are frightened. When the baby adapts to his new condition, the need for swaddling disappears.

If your baby doesn't like being swaddled

In some cases, wrapping a newborn in swaddles can cause anxiety. The child may be capricious and cry, trying to free himself from the diaper. We need to establish the reason why this happens:

  1. Perhaps you violated or slightly distorted the instructions on how to properly swaddle a newborn, and now a fold has formed on some edge of the diaper and it brings discomfort to the baby;
  2. Or you made some hygienic mistakes, which is why diaper rash appeared on the child’s body, which bothers him;
  3. Or maybe the newborn is just hot and sweaty.

Very anxious children and children who have lost contact with their mother protest against swaddling. They don’t want to be in her arms, refuse to breastfeed, and protest against swaddling.

Know! This is not a swaddling problem, but a relationship problem, and you need to start correcting it by building soft care.

In most cases, a small child, once in a diaper, relaxes, calms down and sleeps more soundly.

After 2 months (read the article about what a baby should be able to do at 2 months?>>>) the child’s resistance may be a signal that the baby has grown up, is accustomed to the environment and does not like that the diaper interferes with movement and explore the world around you. In this case, give him more freedom by replacing diapers with onesies.

If you have a baby, then the very first action, after all the procedures, is swaddling a newborn baby . No matter how fashionable the slogans are now that the baby should be free to move, swaddling has not gone away. It remains important for providing the baby with a sense of security. The fact is that mom’s tummy is comfortable and warm, just like in a diaper, if swaddling is done correctly. Today we will try to figure out whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby and how to swaddle him correctly so that he is comfortable and warm? You, in turn, leave information in the comments whether you swaddled your child or not!

A swaddled baby is calmer because the swaddle also provides him "embrace" and a certain limitation of actions, which gives a feeling of security in the most important - the first days and months of his life. At birth, the baby is frightened by the events happening to him, he becomes scared without a tight hug from his tummy. The mother’s task is to reduce the effects of postpartum stress in the baby and learn different types of swaddling.

Before you properly swaddle your newborn baby, you need to do everything: wash, wipe, and folds.

Basic requirements for comfort and safety:

1. To properly swaddle a newborn, the diaper must be washed with baby powder and ironed on both sides with a hot iron.
2. Fabric – only soft (cotton in summer, flannel in winter). To soften it, it is useful to iron the diaper with steam.
3. The changing table is the most convenient place for changing. But a sofa, bed or table will also work.
4. All hygiene products, accessories and bottles should be at hand to reduce the procedure time.
5. Leaving the baby alone is unacceptable, even if the table has sides. It can slide down, and you yourself won’t understand how it happened.
6. You can wear a vest under the diaper without seams or ties.
7. Before swaddling your newborn, make sure the room is warm.

Types of swaddling for a newborn baby

1. Tight swaddling. The best way to properly swaddle a newborn is in a tight manner. This will ensure complete immobility of the arms and legs, which after birth are in good shape and involuntarily make movements that interfere with stable sleep. To swaddle a newborn like this, you need to lay out the diaper and lay the baby down. The top edge of the fabric should be in the middle of the baby's neck. Extend your right arm, straighten it and press it lightly towards your body. Cover the tummy and the pressed arm with the left edge of the diaper, straighten it under the back. Press the left handle lightly and straighten it again. Fold the right edge in the same way. Straighten the bottom. It will be wider. Cover the baby with this bottom from above and tie the ends behind the back. It is better not to use pins so as not to accidentally prick the baby. Just tie the ends tightly.

Step-by-step instructions for swaddling a newborn in pictures
2. Swaddle with your head covered. This method is best suited for walking. It is very easy to properly swaddle a newborn this way. You perform a tight swaddling (see above), only you leave the top edge of the fabric not on the neck, but above the head. If you swaddle a newborn in this way, you will get a kind of head cover that will protect against drafts.

3. With your head and blanket. Place the blanket so that the top corner is at the top of a diamond shape. Now we will swaddle a newborn baby as follows: wrap the right corner under the back, completely covering the baby’s arms. Lift and straighten the bottom. Repeat similarly with the left corner. Tie with a ribbon and straighten the blanket over your face. This is how you can swaddle a newborn before going for a walk in the winter. The baby will be warm and comfortable.

4. We give freedom. It is not recommended to swaddle a newborn baby in this way at night, otherwise the hands will wake him up. Loose swaddling is suitable for babies older than a month, but if you decide to swaddle a newborn this way, then do it during the day. Spread the diaper and place the baby on it, dressed in a vest and a diaper. Fold the right edge not from above (as with the tight method) but under the armpit, leaving the handle free. Repeat with the left edge. Lift the bottom and carefully roll it under your back, tying it off.

The doctor shows how to properly swaddle a newborn (video):

5. Wide swaddling. It is characterized by the presence of a pad between the legs. If you swaddle a newborn baby in this way, this will provide the baby with a natural position of the pelvic joints if there are problems with them. How to swaddle a newborn wide? Take 3 diapers or 2 pieces + pad. Place the baby on one (see tight swaddling), place a pillow or folded second diaper between the legs, tying the edges with a triangle in the form of panties. Cover the top with a third diaper and tie them.

6. In the maternity hospital. Usually, after birth, it is advised to swaddle a newborn baby tightly, which gives him additional psychological protection. The medical staff will show you how to properly swaddle a newborn. Take as many ironed diapers as possible to the maternity hospital. Do not use contaminated fabric without washing and ironing.
Baby swaddling diagram in pictures
7. In the summer. To swaddle your newborn baby in hot weather, use organic cotton swaddles to prevent sweating. To sleep in hot weather, it is recommended to swaddle your newborn in a thin diaper and cover with a light blanket on top. How to properly swaddle a newborn baby in the heat so as not to catch a cold and ensure comfort? Use a knitted diaper, and also put on a light hat after swaddling. However, if you feel that your hair is sweating, leave your baby without it.

Step-by-step instructions: how to swaddle your baby before bed
8. Swaddling before bed. It is not necessary to properly swaddle a baby for sleep if the arms do not interfere with his sleep. If you decide to swaddle your newborn, then do it tightly or use a sleeping envelope.

Video on how to properly swaddle a newborn:

Swaddling: pros and cons

BEHIND! The baby does not see the difference between his mother’s tummy and a diaper, which means he feels surrounded by love and protection. If you have learned how to swaddle your baby correctly, without gaps, he will not catch a cold (babies still have poor thermoregulation). Sleep will become more restful, the baby will not be disturbed by body movements.

AGAINST! If the swaddling is too tight, the limbs, which are very fragile in newborns, can become deformed, breathing becomes difficult, and sweating increases. Opt for loose swaddling, which is the golden mean.

Misconceptions about swaddling

1. About the shape of the legs. If you swaddle a baby correctly, it will not always be possible to give crooked legs the best shape. In this case, movement is shown.

2. About a cold. A diaper is not a protection against colds and, on the contrary, can provoke them. It is important not to overheat the baby.

3. About safety. Many are afraid that the baby will hurt himself. However, everything is not so scary. It is enough to trim the nails during the process, remove surrounding objects and protect them from falling.

4. About duration. The longer you swaddle, the better. This is wrong. You cannot swaddle for more than two months; the baby must move and develop.

Video on the topic of swaddling or not swaddling a newborn baby:

Whether to swaddle a newborn or not is up to you. Doctors like Dr. Komarovsky advise sticking to the golden mean - using diapers for up to a month and then switching to loose swaddling, suits or "little men".

Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn baby - Dr. Komarovsky (video):

Swaddling. How and when.

There are so many opinions and myths about swaddling, and it is not surprising that young parents are completely confused about whether to use this ancient (the first data about it dates back to about 4000 BC) way of caring for a child. And common sense will help us figure it out. In this article, I consider swaddling, first of all, as a time-tested way to improve babies' sleep from birth to 5-6 months.

To swaddle or not?

  • Tight swaddling of a baby from birth to 6 months. almost around the clock - a relic of the past. At the very least, this interferes with the proper physical development of the child in general and the development of his chest in particular.
  • Swaddling a baby who sleeps well at night with his parents or sleeps in his crib at intervals of 3-4 hours (or more) - For what? Many babies sleep well in regular newborn clothes from birth. In this case, it makes no sense to introduce swaddling for sleep.
  • Light swaddling, when the baby can tuck his legs, for night sleep (sometimes during daytime dreams) of an anxious, excitable baby - definitely worth a try. Especially if the child does not sleep for more than 20-40 minutes, wakes himself up with his hands, sleeps only in his mother’s arms, “walks” at night, suffers from colic (or what mothers consider so similar to colic).

When to swaddle?

Sometimes they are swaddled to sleep from birth, including in order to make the transition from the “usually cramped” mother’s tummy to our huge world smoother. People often come to this method of improving sleep “experimentally” - after sleepless nights.
Swaddling as a means of improving sleep works well for the first time 3 - 4 months(“4th trimester of pregnancy”), because the baby is provided with similar conditions - the tightness, comfort and safety that he had in the womb for a long time. You can calm your baby quickly enough if you combine swaddling with other methods of calming the baby. This is clearly demonstrated by an American pediatrician Harvey Karp.

Indeed, most children (especially restless ones) are the first 4-5 months They sleep better swaddled. Usually, starting from 1.5 months, they are able to sleep in periods of 3-4 hours.
Swaddling also helps during the transition to the next stage of sleep, for example, when you can notice the Moro reflex or the so-called “waking up reflex” (startle reflex). The baby shudders, throws out his arms and legs, twitches and wakes up from this.

It has now been established that shuddering when falling asleep and during the superficial stages of sleep are a natural phenomenon associated with changes in nervous excitability in transitional functional states (from wakefulness to sleep and between stages of sleep), they are called “hypnic myoclonus”. In young children, this phenomenon can manifest itself clearly due to the fact that the inhibitory mechanisms of the nervous system are not sufficiently formed; in the future, the severity of twitches will decrease.

How to swaddle?

There are different swaddling techniques: “with arms” - the baby’s entire body is wrapped in a swaddle, “free swaddling”, when the baby’s arms remain “free”, “only arms”, when the baby can freely jerk his legs, with the arms “up” (Australian swaddling, when the baby can suck his fist while swaddled), etc. Restless children of the first 4-5 months. It is better to swaddle “with arms” to give them the opportunity to get quality sleep, which is so necessary at this stage of development.

You can swaddle your baby using an ordinary diaper. There is a note on our website with photographs of this process.

However, recently special diapers have become very popular, helping to wrap the baby quickly, comfortably, and most importantly, correctly (without seams, without squeezing or straightening the baby’s legs).
Baby-sleep.ru will prepare a review of all the most famous brands. In this article, I suggest watching a video about how one of the most popular and trusted brands among mothers, the Miracle blanket, “works.”

See how you can calm your baby with swaddling in 1 minute. Miracle diaper in action:

What if your baby doesn't like swaddling?

Many babies seem to resist swaddling at first, as if the approach doesn't suit them. Maybe it is so. However, often the reason for “resistance” is that the baby is already tired, has “been too busy”, and the diaper serves as an additional irritant.
Some babies calm down when they find a comfortable position, but if the child wants to sleep or eat, it is necessary to satisfy his vital need. In such a situation, there is no way to find out how the baby reacts to swaddling.

Next time:
Swaddle the baby, attach it to your breast, and soothe it in the usual way.
Try not to miss signs of fatigue and swaddle your baby BEFORE tears appear (a table of approximate waking times by age may be helpful). Learn to swaddle when your baby is in a good mood. Introduce swaddling into your bedtime ritual, and then your baby will accept it well.

To adapt, you can show your baby that nothing special is happening, everything is fine, it’s just bedtime. While swaddling, you can calm the baby with your voice (sing, talk, tell what is happening).
Once swaddled, you can stroke it rhythmically (in time with the rhythm of your heart) or lightly pat it and at the same time pronounce the soothing sound “shhhh” (or another sound familiar to the baby to calm down).

  • The diaper should not “squeeze” the baby.
  • Beware of overheating. Don't cover your baby with an extra blanket "just in case." Maintain the optimal temperature in the room (not higher than +22).
  • Do not put foreign objects in the bed. Make sure that nothing covers the child's head.
  • Place your baby to sleep on his back. It is not recommended to swaddle babies who sleep on their stomachs.
  • Child's feet Not should be tightly swaddled.

I will dwell a little more on the last point.
In 1965, tight swaddling was widely used in Japan, in which the baby's legs were brought together and pressed tightly against each other. At the same time, doctors noted the high frequency of the diagnosis of “hip dysplasia” and began to recommend that mothers “avoid prolonged straightening of the legs in children during the newborn period.” Soon after, experts noted a significant decrease in the number of cases of dysplasia (study of the American Academy of Pediatrics, edited by Van Slewen, 2007).

Russian orthopedists actively support this opinion. And they refute the myth that “without tight swaddling, the child will have crooked legs.” Doctors recommend “wide swaddling” as a preventive measure for congenital hip dislocation.
Children like to be wrapped tightly, but straightening their legs does not correspond to their reflexive desire to bend and spread their legs wide. This baby is swaddled loosely, his legs are not forcibly straightened by the swaddling.

How long can you swaddle?

Swaddling at bedtime to improve sleep quality works well on average up to 5.5 - 6 months For some children, swaddling helps them sleep well even up to 8-9 months.
There is nothing wrong with swaddling your baby until the baby learns to unwaddle himself.

How to get rid of swaddling?

The most common method is "gradual withdrawal" method.
First, you “let the legs float freely.” Then 1 hand, and after a few days, remove the diaper.
Some people prefer to start “with handles” - free one, and after a few days - the second. And when the baby has learned to sleep and not bother himself with his hands, remove the diaper.

Real Expectations will help you get in the right frame of mind. Get ready for week (two)"perestroika". A child who has been kept awake for months will need time to learn to control his or her body at night.
Try to organize your sleep so that you don’t have to get up and run somewhere at night. Use the usual methods of calming: “patting - hissing”, GV, voice, touch and others.
For parents, such changes are not easy: swaddled children wake up 1-2 times a night, and without a diaper, the child will wake up (or give a signal) 4-8 times on the first night. Over time, the baby gets used to new sensations.

What helps: have a certain bedtime, skills for falling asleep independently, a ritual before bed, familiar ways of calming down, a favorite “protector toy.”

If your baby has not yet outgrown the hand-throwing reflex, you will have a particularly difficult time. Perhaps in this case you should continue swaddling for a few more weeks, and then try to “unswaddle” again. Children develop so rapidly in their first year of life, and what didn't work recently may work in just a few weeks.

Parents of restless children often remember the swaddling months as a time of “long sleep.” Consider this method of improving sleep; perhaps it will be suitable for your family.

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