Watermelon diet for weight loss menu. The opinion of nutritionists about the benefits and harms of watermelon for weight loss

Each of us always wants to stay in great shape, be slim and fit. But, unfortunately, some begin to gain weight with age due to individual characteristics, which gain weight after childbirth, and some simply quit regular exercise and gained significant weight. Everyone has different reasons for the appearance of extra pounds, but everyone wants to eliminate them with the help of special diets and physical activity. Today it is widely used watermelon diet for weight loss.

If you do everything right, you will lose those extra pounds very quickly. This technique is seasonal. After all, you can’t buy watermelon at any time of the day. This mono-diet implies a special calculation, based on which you should consume 1 kilogram of watermelon pulp per 10 kilograms of your total body weight. So, you will lose excess weight very quickly. You will certainly enjoy the process of losing weight using this method. After all, almost everyone loves watermelon. And the very principle of losing weight with the help of this diet is to remove excess substances from the body, namely grains and toxins. Watermelon contributes to this.

During a diet, watermelon helps not only eliminate excess weight, but also remove excess fluid from the body. Watermelon contains water, glucose, minerals, pectin and alkaline substances, fiber, proteins and vitamins A, C, B. All this has a positive effect on the body. You can quickly lose weight by eating watermelon if you follow certain rules during your diet. Firstly, you are not allowed to eat at night. Secondly, you should not eat fried foods, baked goods and sweets. Otherwise, the diet will go down the drain.

The watermelon diet is usually practiced in late August - early September. At other times, you risk purchasing a “bad” watermelon, which will only harm your health. The duration of the watermelon diet depends directly on the number of kilograms that you want to lose in the process of losing weight.

The benefits of the watermelon diet are as follows:

  • You don't have to stand at the stove every day and cook your own breakfast, lunch and dinner. You just need to cut a couple of slices of watermelon for breakfast and that’s it;
  • This method has a minimal list of contraindications, although it still needs to be carefully studied;
  • Eating watermelons every day is a real pleasure, and if it also helps you lose weight, then you will get double pleasure at the end;
  • This technique is highly tolerable, the berry is rich in fructose and glucose, which will support the brain and prevent headaches from developing, and they are one of the main obstacles to weight loss;
  • Only healing fasting will help you lose weight as quickly as possible, but it is not acceptable before the holidays, since it requires a special menu at the exit, incompatible with a buffet;
  • The striped berry removes excess fluid from the body;
  • Such a diet does not require large financial investments;
  • Cleanses the body of alcohol radicals and various intestinal infections;
  • Watermelon significantly stimulates the urinary system;
  • Saturates the body with various microelements;
  • Reduces the risk of cancer cells.

Do not forget that a watermelon diet for weight loss puts a serious strain on the urinary system, leads to an increase in appetite and does not saturate the body with essential fatty acids. And for diabetics, it is important to control the dynamics of changes in blood glucose levels, since watermelons are rich in this element.

Note! In order to prevent dehydration while losing weight, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, and you can also drink herbal tea without sugar.

In the process of losing weight, you will not only lose excess weight, but also cleanse your intestines of various external substances. If we talk about other diets, they can be fraught with constipation, but watermelon removes almost all the excess that our body accumulates. Both tasty and healthy.

Composition and value of watermelons

Many people ask questions about whether it is possible to lose weight by eating watermelon. The answer is clear - you can. But at the same time, if you were previously accustomed to eating watermelons with bread, then you will have to give up the latter. Bread is not a dietary product. The watermelon diet will help you eliminate extra pounds very easily. Watermelons themselves have high nutritional value.

They include the following components:

  • Water 90%. This is exactly what you need for fasting days, besides, water is an excellent diuretic;
  • Proteins that a person should eat daily;
  • Sugar, namely fructose, sucrose and glucose;
  • Vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body;
  • Minerals – potassium, calcium, sodium and iron;
  • Pectin and alkaline substances that reduce cholesterol levels;
  • , normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Antioxidants that protect the body from age-related disorders.

So, a watermelon diet will saturate you with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. No wonder watermelon is considered an excellent remedy for obesity, treats gastritis, anemia, hypertension, Botkin's disease, gout, arthritis, atherosclerosis, gallbladder diseases, kidney stones, psoriasis, nosebleeds and so on.

It is important! During the watermelon diet, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, as they contribute to excess weight gain.

Losing weight with the watermelon diet is quite easy. Reviews and results of the watermelon diet indicate that you can lose up to 20 kilograms in a month without harming your health. This diet is quite tasty; you will not feel disadvantaged during this period, since you will receive all the necessary microelements in your food.

Menu for the watermelon diet

When following a watermelon diet, the main thing is to correctly create a menu. As a rule, a fruit diet is designed for a week, but if you need to lose a small amount of kilograms, you can stick to it for about 3-5 days. If, on the contrary, you need to lose significant weight, then it can last up to a month.

We offer you a detailed description of the menu for the week:

Day of the week Meal number Description
Monday 1 2-3 slices of watermelon
2 Snack 1 tsp. honey
3 Bran crackers
4 Slice of striped berry
5 Casserole with apples
Tuesday 1 4 slices watermelon
2 Snack apple
3 striped berry
4 Honey
5 Pumpkin porridge with stewed vegetables
Wednesday 1 Boiled turkey breast
2 Bran toast
3 Steam omelette, nut, garlic and beet salad
4 Striped berry 2 slices
5 Cottage cheese casserole
Thursday 1 Non-starchy vegetable salad
2 Slice of striped berry
3 Lentil puree
4 Apple
5 Watermelon
Friday 1 Red berry, apple and peach salad
2 Apple and cucumber salad
3 Watermelon sorbet
4 A few slices of striped berries and a pear
5 Plum and pear
Saturday 1 Watermelon and kiwi salad
2 3 apples
3 striped berry
4 2 plums and 1 pear
5 4 plums and berries
Sunday 1 Bran toast
2 A few slices of watermelon
3 Cottage cheese casserole
4 Pear and plum
5 2 slices striped berries

Sometimes you can alternate the watermelon diet, for example, the first and second days. This way, you will achieve excellent results. Since the set of products is significantly different, you will not have time to get used to them. Although it is quite difficult to stay on a watermelon diet.

On a note! During the period of the watermelon diet, you can lose up to 7 kilograms of excess weight.

Thus, the watermelon diet will help you lose your excess weight. The process of losing weight will occur without any harm to your body. On the contrary, you will get rid of toxins, waste, excess moisture and other substances that negatively affect your health. Plus, you'll probably enjoy eating the striped berries. And you don’t have to cook anything regularly.

There are probably few people who don’t like juicy sweet berries – watermelon. It consists of more than 90 percent juice, the benefits of which are shown for urolithiasis, since the juice contains practically no acids or salts, but a large amount of alkali. Watermelon also contains a fairly large amount of magnesium; it is enough to eat a piece of watermelon to get the daily requirement of phosphorus, iron, potassium, and calcium.

It contains easily digestible sugars, microelements, vitamins B, C, PP. This berry will help with diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, and high cholesterol. If you have been taking antibiotics for a long period of time, the juicy pulp will help remove drug residues from the body.

But the most important thing we want to talk about is that watermelon is an excellent assistant for weight loss, since per hundred grams of pulp there are only 30-40 kcal, but at the same time there is a feeling of satiety, and the presence of folic acid improves fat metabolism, helps in circulatory and immune function systems.

Success in losing weight is achieved thanks to the diuretic effect of this berry, while waste products, toxins and other harmful substances accumulated by the body are actively removed. The diuretic properties of watermelon are milder compared to other medications. A very important element in watermelon pulp is the carotenoid lycopene, which has antitumor properties, helps slow down aging, thins and cleanses the blood.

Checking watermelon for nitrates and contraindications

Of course, you can only afford a watermelon diet at the end of summer, when the watermelons are ripening, without the use of additional growth accelerators and chemicals. Nowadays, you can buy watermelon in the store at any time of the year, but we do not recommend it. In general, it is best to take fruits grown in your own garden; they may not be as sweet or rich in color, but you will be completely confident in their quality.

You can check the amount of nitrates in a watermelon in the following way: put a piece of pulp into a glass of water, if it contains nitrates, then the pulp will soften in the glass and become mushy; without nitrates, the piece will practically retain its shape. By eating watermelons during their ripening period, you will receive both benefit and pleasure, because the juice of this fruit will perfectly quench your thirst and cleanse your body not only through urination, but also by sweating, while cleansing your skin and pores, while replenishing the body with microelements .

The watermelon diet is easy to tolerate. At this time, you will only have to eat this berry, but you can eat it in large quantities and at any time, you can do it at night (you just need to take into account the fact that you will have to get up to go to the toilet often) and you will not feel hungry. At the same time, you don’t need to painfully count the calories you consume; it’s enough to know that one kilogram of pulp goes to ten kilograms of your body weight.

It is advisable to divide the consumption of watermelon into 5-6 doses, every three hours. This technique is ideal for benefiting the body. Using a watermelon diet, you will achieve results quite quickly. If it is still difficult for you to limit your diet to only watermelon, you can add a small amount of rye and bran bread to your diet. But in this case, the diet will have to be extended.

Contraindications to the watermelon diet apply to people suffering from diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, kidney stones) and diabetes.

Watermelon diet - menu and results

When using the watermelon diet, you can lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week, and lose up to 7-8 kg in 14 days.

A diet designed for 14 days allows you to include a small amount of different foods in your diet, but you should make sure that they are not very high in calories.

For breakfast, you can add one boiled chicken egg, or 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, or a small amount of porridge with water. For lunch, eat a piece of lean beef or veal, or a piece of chicken or fish, all this should be boiled or steamed, vegetables. Dinner should consist only of watermelon pulp.

Watermelon diets can be combined with other foods. We offer several diet options with different menus:

Watermelon-melon diet

First option:

  • breakfast - toast, low-fat cottage cheese 60-80 grams, 200 grams of melon
  • lunch – up to 150 grams of boiled fish, lettuce and melon, 150 grams of cheese
  • afternoon snack – 400-500 grams of watermelon pulp
  • dinner - a portion of boiled rice (150-200 grams), carrots + apples 100 grams, a piece of melon

Second option:

  • breakfast – one boiled egg, 150-200 grams of watermelon pulp
  • lunch – stewed vegetable stew 100-150 grams, 350-400 grams of melon
  • afternoon snack – low-fat cottage cheese 150-200 grams
  • dinner – 100-150 grams of boiled chicken or turkey, toast and 400-500 grams of watermelon pulp

Third option:

Fourth option:

  • breakfast – rye bread toast + cheese, 200-300 grams of watermelon or oatmeal porridge with melon
  • lunch - boiled chicken breast with buckwheat porridge and a salad of fresh vegetables, or vegetable soup without potatoes and 100-150 grams of boiled (or steamed) lean meat, or steamed turkey cutlets 100 grams, 150 grams of rice and green beans
  • afternoon snack 300-400 grams of watermelon
  • dinner – 100-120 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 200-300 grams of melon

If you are using the watermelon-melon diet, do not drink immediately after eating. You can drink one glass of green tea or water after an hour. The menu needs to be rotated.

Watermelon-kefir, protein and bread diets

★ The watermelon-kefir diet includes two products: kefir with 0 or 1 percent fat content and watermelon. It is necessary to take turns eating a glass of kefir or 300-400 grams of watermelon pulp every three hours. It is better to start the day with watermelon pulp and end with kefir.

★ The watermelon-protein diet involves consuming watermelon between main meals - 400-500 grams for 10-14 days. The main food products these days should be: boiled chicken fillet or turkey fillet, steamed low-fat fish, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese and low-fat kefir, seafood, vegetables.

★ A diet based on watermelon and black bread implies consuming 0.5 loaves of black (preferably stale) bread and watermelon pulp per day, as mentioned above at the rate of one kilogram of pulp per 10 kilograms of body weight. If you wish and if you can, then reduce your bread consumption to 100 grams or replace it with two tbsp. spoons of oat bran and you can add a salad of thinly sliced ​​white cabbage, carrots and beets, a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil.

And if you exit the diet correctly after the diet, then the lost kilograms will not come back to you, at least not as quickly as you lost them. To do this, follow these rules for two weeks after the watermelon diet: your diet should include foods high in proteins and carbohydrates.

The main products after a two-week diet should be:

  • boiled or steamed lean fish
  • boiled lean meat (chicken, turkey)
  • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, natural yoghurts)
  • vegetables
  • fruits

And 2-3 hours before bedtime, continue to eat one kilogram of watermelon per 30 kilograms of body weight.

Fasting days on watermelons can be done 2-3 times a week; eat two kilograms of watermelon pulp.

The most optimal weight when buying a watermelon is 7-8 kg. Less may not be sweet, but more weight may simply be “pumped up” with chemicals. Before eating, be sure to wash the whole watermelon, as there may be a large accumulation of nitrates and bacteria on its peel, thus protecting yourself from nitrate poisoning. Do not buy cut or slashed watermelon.

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In the summer, many people have the opportunity to enjoy a very tasty and healthy product - watermelon. Thanks to the watery structure of the fruit, saturation occurs quickly, and the sweet taste helps even avid sweet tooths quench their thirst for sweets.

Considering all these properties, watermelon has become the best basis for many weight loss diets. People who follow a watermelon diet almost never feel hungry and at the same time lose weight.

Nutrition rules

The berry is recognized as an ideal product, and the diet on it is tasty and healthy:

  • you can lose weight and improve the functioning of the endocrine system,
  • cure kidney and liver pathologies,
  • restore the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
  • cleanse the bile ducts and blood,
  • Well, little things like psoriasis or rashes are treated at once.

The positive effect on organ systems is expressed in diuretic, cholekinetic and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps reduce elevated body temperature and has a laxative effect for intestinal problems. When pumpkin fruits are digested, gases are released, which push food through the intestines (good for constipation).

With each serving of watermelon you get a lot of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The content of folic acid is very useful in case of anemia during pregnancy, and the amount of vitamin C reaches very large numbers. In one meal you can replenish the daily requirement of ascorbic acid in the body.

The mechanism of action of the watermelon cleansing diet is based on the drinking diet. Excess fluid is removed from the body, so weight may fluctuate throughout the day precisely because of the water content in the body. The calorie content of the product is low and is about 30 kcal per 100 g, which is a plus for losing weight. This allows you to eat watermelon in large quantities. It also perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins and waste. Fiber gives quick satiety and a “useful load” to the stomach, preventing you from getting hungry for the next snack. Metabolism accelerates, and the process of losing weight starts.

Menu for the week

Morning Dinner Evening
Monday soft-boiled chicken egg with tomato; 2 cups watermelon juice watermelon; vegetable salad dressed with olive oil; slice of low-fat hard cheese watermelon
Tuesday buckwheat porridge in water without oil and sugar; piece of watermelon vegetable soup with the addition of lean meat; watermelon watermelon; cottage cheese with dill
Wednesday omelette with mushrooms; vegetable salad seasoned with soy sauce; watermelon vegetable stew with minimal fat content and the addition of chicken fillet; watermelon watermelon juice
Thursday steamed lean fish without salt with herbs; one tomato; watermelon boiled meat; grilled vegetables; watermelon watermelon
Friday 2 boiled quail eggs; slice of cheese and cucumber; watermelon steamed chicken cutlets; watermelon watermelon; grilled vegetables
Saturday mackerel baked in the oven without salt; tomato; watermelon juice chicken broth with added wheat; watermelon watermelon or juice
Resurrection curd mass with berries without sugar; watermelon vegetables with grilled chicken; watermelon juice watermelon

Watermelon pulp can be eaten at the rate of 1 kg per 10 kg of human weight. Drinking water is allowed, coffee and tea are prohibited. Alcohol is prohibited. Light meals are also allowed in the form of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Watermelon or its juice is always included in the diet; they can also be consumed at night. Replace snacks with this product. Before going to bed, if you feel hungry, you can drink watermelon juice. Referring to reviews, you can lose up to 5 kg in a week on a watermelon diet. And after three weeks you can see minus 10 kg on the scales.

Diet options

Eating melons and melons alone for several days is very difficult. This technique is more suitable for carrying out fasting days, which can be carried out no more than three. To diversify your diet and reduce the load on the body, there are several more options for the watermelon mono-diet.

Watermelon-melon. The idea is to eat melon or watermelon throughout the day, but don't mix them together at one time. You can’t drink anything other than water; you can combine a watermelon snack with Greek yogurt. Duration 3 days.

Watermelon-kefir. This diet allows you to lose up to 3 kg of weight in three days, but you should not prolong it. There is an alternation: first we drank kefir, then we ate watermelon.

Watermelon-cucumber. Diets are followed for no more than 4 days. You can consume the products in the form of juices, smoothies, and also in fresh form. It is allowed to add rye bread or crispbread to the diet.

With black bread. This diet can be extended up to 5 days. Add 1-2 slices of black rye bread. You need to eat often, in small portions.

Watermelon-protein. The diet is followed for about 10 days. You can eat up to 3 kg of watermelon pulp per day; it simply complements regular food. The main diet consists of proteins of animal and plant origin. Fast carbohydrates are excluded.

Watermelon-buckwheat. In addition to buckwheat porridge and watermelon, the menu includes any vegetable salads dressed with olive oil. There are no special restrictions on portion sizes, because it is impossible to eat a lot with this method of eating. Follow a watermelon diet for 1 to 7 days.

Watermelon-apple. It is allowed to consume up to 1 kg of apples and up to 3 kg of watermelon per day. These fruits can be combined in a salad or baked. The duration of the diet is no more than three days.

Watermelon and rice. The porridge is cooked only from brown rice without adding oil; it can be consumed up to 300 g per day. The daily portion is 0.5 kg per 10 kg of human weight.

Watermelon and cottage cheese. As with the kefir diet, these two products cannot be combined. The duration of such nutrition is up to a week, the number of kilograms lost is up to four.

Quitting the diet

Melon culture promotes the removal of excess fluid, so exiting the diet should be smooth to strengthen the result.

The weight has decreased due to the water that will return, but to see the result, you need to limit the consumption of baked goods, sweet foods and fatty foods. If you are on a watermelon or melon diet and immediately engage in gluttony upon completion, the weight will certainly return, and even in greater quantities than the original version.

The diet includes additional portions of protein, green tea and coffee are allowed. Watermelon should not be completely excluded if you are not tired of it during the fasting period. The drinking regime is observed in the amount of 2 liters of clean water per day.

Doctors do not recommend getting too carried away with watermelons and repeating the diet once a season. This is a drawback, but following such a regime outside of summertime risks poisoning, because the berry can contain a large amount of nitrates. If you feel worse during the diet or your stomach starts to hurt, you should stop the diet.


Any diet is a serious stress, and a berry like watermelon is not the most harmless. There are a number of contraindications to following the watermelon diet:

  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity degree III;
  • urolithiasis of the kidneys;
  • with caution in case of cardiovascular pathology;
  • allergic reactions.

Growing experts advise buying watermelons closer to August, because early fruits can also contain harmful substances.

The watermelon diet can be harmful due to its diuretic effect. Along with the fluid, a lot of calcium, magnesium and potassium leave the body. And in the presence of kidney stones, a sharp shift in water balance can provoke renal colic.

Watermelon is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are easily absorbed by the human body. The watermelon diet allows you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to normalize your metabolism. Striped berries have healing properties and can be useful for various diseases, including kidney diseases, biliary tract diseases, gout, and anemia. Regular use of the product throughout the season will ensure a healthy appearance of the skin, remove swelling and effectively get rid of excess fatty tissue.

Watermelon diet options

Depending on your weight loss goals and general health, diets with certain food combinations are selected. A fasting day on watermelon will help cleanse the intestines and restore the water-salt balance in the body. Diets lasting more than a week will provide effective weight loss of up to 10 kg.

Gentle diet for 3 days

Most people who are losing weight are not ready to suddenly give up their usual foods. A watermelon diet for 3 days will help remove excess water from the body and ensure the loss of several kilograms. The menu consists of the following meals:

Strict seven-day diet

This diet involves eating exclusively watermelon pulp. The minerals contained in the fruit will allow you to lose excess weight without harming your health.

In a week of such a diet, you can get rid of 4-6 kg, which, if you exit the diet correctly, will not return within a couple of days.

The menu consists of fruit pulp, which is eaten at the rate of 1 kg per 10 kg of human weight. The product should be consumed in equal portions throughout the day in 5-6 doses. If desired, the stay on the watermelon diet can be extended to 10 days, provided that the person losing weight feels excellent and is not sick.

For 10 days

Recommendations from nutritionists and reviews from those losing weight confirm that eating watermelon while losing weight is not only possible, but also necessary. A gentle variation of the diet allows you to consume not only the striped berry, but also meat and dairy products. The main rule of the ten-day diet is to eat three meals a day. The last dose should be taken no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime. The menu usually looks like this:

Fourteen-day watermelon diet for weight loss

Few people can continue eating berries for two weeks.

Following the diet for 14 days will allow you to achieve lasting results and lose up to 10 extra pounds.

The approximate menu consists of 6 meals, which are divided into:

The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Contraindications for the watermelon diet

A berry diet is not suitable for everyone who is losing weight, which is caused by the large amount of sugar in the fruit. The main contraindications to the diet are:

  • Diabetes mellitus in the acute stage.
  • Stones in the kidneys.
  • Ulcer of the duodenum or stomach.
  • Acute gastritis.
  • Diarrhea and flatulence.

In case of chronic diabetes mellitus, you should be careful when calculating the daily portion of berries. If you have a history of various diseases, you should consult your doctor before changing your diet.

Fasting day

The watermelon menu allows you to consume no more than 2 kilograms of fruit throughout the day. Folic acid will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes that regulate the amount of fat in the body.

Watermelons will remove excess fluid from the body, which will visually improve a person’s figure.

How to choose the right berry

For weight loss, watermelon is an irreplaceable fruit that has a lot of useful substances. To prevent poisoning from low-quality products, attention should be paid to choosing ripe and nitrate-free products. What to pay attention to when choosing:

  1. Tail. It is worth giving preference to fruits whose tail is slightly dried and has a straw color.
  2. Sound. A booming sound indicates that the berry is already ripe.
  3. Size. The most delicious watermelons weigh from 6 to 9 kilograms.
  4. Earthen spot. A perfectly round fruit is very rarely sweet and juicy. Preference should be given to berries with a pronounced trace.

If, when cutting a watermelon, white or yellow veins were found, this indicates the presence of nitrates and pesticides in the fruit. It is not advisable to eat such berries.

Exit from the watermelon diet

Positive reviews about the watermelon diet attract many people who are losing weight. In addition to following a certain diet for several days, you should pay attention to the correct way out of the diet. Usually the diet is changed within 7-10 days. Approximate menu when leaving the diet.

There are only a few people who don’t like a berry like watermelon. He is one of the reasons to love summer so much and look forward to the next season. A huge berry with juicy, aromatic pulp will bring freshness and quench your thirst in the summer heat. A lot of fiber, microelements and a vitamin complex make it very healthy, and the low calorie content of watermelon promotes weight loss.

Losing weight with watermelon

Watermelon for weight loss is an ideal berry with many beneficial properties. It’s good when you have the opportunity to lose weight in a tasty and beneficial way for your body. The watermelon diet in the summer is very popular and easily accessible to many.

  1. With the help of antioxidants, which the berry is very rich in, the condition of hair, nails and skin improves. Prevents premature aging of the body and prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.
  2. Watermelon has a diuretic effect, and its high content perfectly removes cholesterol, salts and excess sugar from the body, which will have a great effect on overall well-being. The digestive and excretory systems are being improved.
  3. The iron contained in this berry prevents anemia and helps with anemia. Phosphorus is very useful for brain function. Potassium – improves kidney and heart function. And calcium strengthens bones.

If you decide to try the watermelon diet, or as it is also called “watermelon fasting,” start with 5 days. During this period, it is not recommended to eat anything other than watermelon. But if it’s difficult for you to get by with just one watermelon, then combine it with a small slice of black bread.

Due to the fact that the calorie content of this berry is only 35 Kcal per 100 g, and the pulp can easily satisfy hunger, you can lose 5-7 kg of excess weight in a five-day diet. And if you also make the right exit from this diet, then in a few weeks you will lose another 7 kilograms, or even more.

While on this diet, even though watermelon is low in calories, you should not indulge in gluttony or overeat. Initially, correctly calculate your daily intake of watermelon, and this is: 1 kg of berries per 15 kg of body weight, divided into 5 meals. That is, if your weight is 75 kg, you will need 5 kg of watermelon per day, 1 kg per meal. So, you will eat all 5 days.

After the diet, i.e. after 5 days, you need to stick to a certain menu, thanks to which your kilograms will continue to be lost:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with water, one egg and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch: boiled fish or chicken and vegetables;
  • dinner: watermelon, only at the rate of 1 kg per 30 kg of body weight.

During the entire diet period, you can only drink plain water and green tea without sugar.

Is it possible to eat watermelon while losing weight in the evening?

Watermelon for dinner when losing weight or just like that is very healthy. In some cases, this is recommended even by doctors. At night, our body actively concentrates urine, and eating watermelon at night helps remove stones from the kidneys.

We hope that everyone who was interested in the question: is it possible to eat watermelon while losing weight received an answer. It’s simply ideal for a diet; you can eat it at any time of the day. Tasty, healthy and not hungry.

Although, like any product, it has contraindications. Since watermelon is a berry with a high content of liquid and fiber, people suffering from colitis, dropsy, diarrhea, kidney disease and other disorders of the outflow of urine need to be extremely careful. It is also not recommended for women in the last months of pregnancy to consume watermelon. Diabetics are required to consult with their doctor about the possibility of enjoying this delicious berry.

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