Pickup for girls - rules of pickup for girls. Funny pickup lines that will help you meet any girl Modern pickup lines for girls

It just so happens that the popular word “pickup” is first identified with the male art of seducing women. This “biased attitude” existed, at least until recently.

Today, women are increasingly taking up the baton in this simple matter, developing their own ways of easily seducing men and developing and improving the technique of female “pickup”.

Long gone are the days when, seeing a handsome man, women waited for him to decide to come up and speak. Now representatives of the fair sex are increasingly taking this initiative into their own hands without hesitation.

Women's pickup: goals set

What is a women's pickup truck? While the male pickup only pursues the goal of seducing more and more representatives of the opposite sex, the female pickup is aimed at “collecting” acquaintances with men with the prospect of further development of more serious relationships.

Women's pickup rather involves creating conditions for acquaintance. After all, when a man sees a beautiful girl, he does not always decide to approach her due to lack of self-confidence or, for example, a previous unsuccessful dating experience. This is where female pickup methods come to the rescue.

To become a “successful” or a “pick-up artist”, a woman does not necessarily have to have gorgeous external characteristics. Naturally, you need to maintain a neat, well-groomed appearance, but the most important role in success is played by a woman’s gaze, addressed to the man you like.

When learning the technique of female pickup, you need to develop a sense of self-confidence. You shouldn’t be afraid of not liking a man, because the essence of a pickup line comes down to seducing as many of them as possible.

Female pickup: techniques and techniques of seduction

As already mentioned, a female pickup does not involve direct acquaintance with the man the woman is interested in, but rather the creation of conditions for this. The man must subsequently be sure that he was the one who initiated the acquaintance. There are a huge number of secrets and tricks for any occasion and for any circumstances.

Woman's look

The first signal that can interest a man is a glance. It does not imply constant monitoring of a person. All it takes is a few slightly lingering glances. This will indicate that the woman is interested in the man and will give him confidence to take the next step.

If a man, having caught the eye, began to actively show interest, without taking his eyes off the woman, then other methods can be introduced into the game.

When you meet a man’s gaze, you don’t need to start boring into him. Men are put off by overly confident women, so it’s better to look away, slightly embarrassed. The appearance of a slight blush will be an undeniable plus.


Don't be afraid to show yourself off. You can do this, for example, by lightly playing with your curls or slowly placing your legs on your legs, while not forgetting that the actions being reproduced do not look vulgar.

In addition to the latter, it should be noted that for seduction it is also not necessary to use too revealing sexy outfits, because the girl should remain a mystery and not give the impression of an easily accessible person.

The style should be neat and consistent. It is better to focus on one detail, for example, a slit on a skirt or neckline. Any reproduced movements must be free and not create the appearance of a constrained woman playing memorized roles.


To make it easier for a man to decide to approach, a woman can show that she is bored and not busy with anything. This way he won’t be afraid that his attempt to get acquainted will be inappropriate and at the wrong time.

More experienced and confident women can use drastic methods and, without waiting for the man to be the first to finally decide to approach, start talking to him. This again does not imply full acquaintance, but only the creation of prerequisites for it.

Start of communication

So, one of the most popular and easiest ways is to ask for help. This technique is very successful, because rarely does a man refuse to help a pretty girl and, for example, show her the way or carry heavy bags to the car.

Moreover, this is an open path to further acquaintance without much effort on his part. If the action takes place in a store, you can ask for advice on buying male attributes for your brother/father/grandfather.

All women are actresses to one degree or another, and this means that they can use their acting skills for dating purposes. One way is to misidentify yourself and then immediately apologize nicely. From the same series is the question: “Tell me, have we never met anywhere before?”

A car will help you make a man fall in love with you

As practice shows, women driving a car are given a larger choice of men and higher chances of meeting the person they like. In a competition with female pedestrians, female motorists undoubtedly win, because they can choose their target from a huge number of applicants and actively get to know each other, rather than being chosen. For brave women, there are a number of tricks and tricks to achieve such a road pickup.

When it comes to finding your partner, most women act in stereotypical ways. Many people mistakenly believe that they can find love in a nightclub, restaurant, store, or at work. Of course, many couples met in these places and were later able to create stable, serious relationships, but sometimes you need to spend a lot of time and spend more than one night in nightclubs before the fateful meeting with the man of your dreams.

But if you look at it, most often men go to the same nightclubs with a girlfriend or friends, and simply for a specific purpose - to relax and have a good time. Therefore, often luck can only smile in the form of meeting a drunk visitor looking for a girl for one night. This search tactic is incorrect, because the place where men are hunted should be their familiar “habitat.”

Men’s searches need to be transferred precisely to the environment where they feel most comfortable. This is a kind of man's paradise, consisting of football, weapons and, of course, cars. Attending football matches is not difficult, but it requires time and patience, especially if football is the last thing in a woman's possible interests. With the purchase of a gun and further full involvement in the world of hunting on weekends, the situation is much more complicated. But as for cars, we need to talk about this in more detail.

Where and how to look?

You need to start with car gas stations, because this is where a woman can, after leaving the car, show herself in all her glory. Of course, the presence of natural data does not solve the issue of guaranteed acquaintance. In addition to this, you also need to be able to interest a man and pretend to be stupid in the right situation.

But everyone knows that every woman is essentially an actress, so there shouldn’t be any problems with the latter at all. And some women do not need to play any role at all, since nature initially endowed them with such characteristics. But that's a completely different story. The main thing is that men do not really like smart women and often bypass them. And if a man observes the manifestation of a woman’s mind in automobile matters, then it is rare that further acquaintance can be discussed.

So, the situation with the gas station. You need to remember one little rule: before you stop at a gas station, you need to stop and touch up your makeup, because no one knows who you might meet in line at the cash register. Here you already need to use all your acting abilities to the fullest, using shooting eyes and innocent smiles, which can quickly interest the man you like. You can get used to the role of a lost girl and, approaching with a map in your hands, ask to show the route.

Or ask to listen to the hum of the car, which seems alarming to a woman who does not understand these matters, or to see if the tire really has a flat, or it just seemed like it. Men love to feel needed and useful to the point of shaking their knees, especially when it comes to an attractive stranger in trouble. These are just general ideas, but intricate ladies can create and act out a variety of scenes, as long as their acting skills allow it.

But if you don’t have your own car, this is not a reason to be upset, because no one has ever canceled acquaintance in a taxi. Entire stories can be written about drivers’ addiction to talking about bad roads, car brands and the difficult situation in the country. Here it’s enough just to start a casual conversation, showing genuine interest.

Again, we should not forget about the need to pretend to be stupid, because the driver will only want to part with a woman who gives out advice and teachings all the way. But a girl who asks questions on automotive topics and listens carefully to the answers of an experienced driver who is ready to talk about it for hours, on the contrary, is able to interest him very much.

Of course, the above does not mean that all girls should only meet taxi drivers. You can catch not only taxis, but just passing cars. But in our time of criminal rampage, it’s not entirely safe - you can run into some maniac or crazy person. Men are different.

But dating in a traffic jam is not only the easiest way to start communication, but also a way to pass the slowly dragging time. Again, everything depends only on the woman and her initiative. This could be smiles, or the same request for help as in the situation at a gas station. The easiest way is to just start a conversation, complaining about being stuck in traffic.

In any case, success depends only on the woman and her ability to interest a man, despite the situation and method of transportation.


Today this area of ​​dating and seducing men is so popular that there are many trainings where every woman who wants can learn the technique of female pickup. But visiting the latter is not at all necessary, because all that is needed to successfully seduce men is a little self-confidence and mastery of the simple techniques outlined above.

And one thing needs to be remembered: no matter what method is used, the man must be sure that the acquaintance is his idea. Men do not choose the women they like, but those who sent the necessary signals to make this choice.

In other words: the choice is always up to the woman.

Women's initiative does not always receive the approval of the stronger sex.

The young ladies should humbly sit still, waiting for the prince to pay attention and be the first to start a conversation.

But what to do if the guy you like doesn't notice you at all? This is where a pickup truck comes to the rescue.

With the help of the science of seduction, you can provoke a person into conversation or specific actions, arouse interest and attract.

In this case, the guy will be sure that the acquaintance happened by chance or on his personal initiative.

Is it good or bad?

The female pickup truck has both positive and negative sides. As a plus we can name freedom of choice. After all, using proven seduction techniques, a woman can conquer the object of her affections herself, and not wait for someone to approach her.

Thus, a representative of the fair sex chooses based only on her interests, and not on the men who have shown activity.

Pickup is still about interactions with the opposite sex.

And in the process of interacting with men, a woman is charged with positive energy and simply blossoms.

Therefore, pickup is a great way and confidence, even if you have there are no far-reaching plans for the object of seduction.

The negative aspect of a pickup line is that a woman is obviously in a losing position in a relationship.

If a woman through a pickup meets a man who has only carnal interest in the fair sex, the heart can be hopelessly broken.

But many guys regard any signs of attention as a sexual message.

What is the basis of the teaching?

The teaching originated in the States at the end of the last century. The authors of the seduction technique were Gregory Madison and Eric von Markowicz. Later, a large number of people began studying the topic.

When the teaching began, the sole purpose of pickup was sexual contact with the object of seduction.

Those. the pick-up artist had to do it in any way "take me to bed" your victim.

But now the position of Gregory Madison's followers has changed a little, focusing more on familiarity.

Basis of teaching:

  1. Working on your own image and “pumping up” strengths.
  2. Opponents. A set of prepared phrases with which you can bring a person into dialogue.
  3. . Working with the subconscious or neurolinguistic programming.
  4. Non-verbal communication. It is important to be able to communicate not only with language, but also with body. Pick-up artists must be able to “read” other people’s gestures and transmit the right signals through non-verbal techniques.

Basic rules

Before you start seducing, you need to study the basic rules of “hunting a male” and follow them unconditionally:


What is the sequence of actions:

Methods and techniques

Pickup techniques and methods are quite simple. But it’s better for women to put pressure on “men’s weaknesses” and arrange everything so that the man considers himself the initiator of the acquaintance.

Nowadays, various trainings on women’s pickup are actively promoted online and offline. They are worth visiting not only for those who want to become a master of seduction, but also for those who are afraid.

Lessons with examples

To make it easier to understand the essence of a pickup truck, it is necessary to consider specific examples of seduction and dating.


If you are in a shopping center or store and a handsome man is looking at the window right next to you, do not miss the chance.

Select a “men’s category” product on the shelves. Then ask the man for help.

Tell them that it’s your brother/father’s birthday, but you can’t choose a gift and want for a man to advise you.

While you are choosing wine/tie/cufflinks/perfume, etc., try to smile as charmingly as possible, keep up the conversation, throw back your hair with a slight movement of your hand and look the object of seduction in the eyes.


If you see a guy on the street or in any crowded place, you need to quickly “get into the game” before your paths diverge.

Walk up to your crush, put your hand on his shoulder and say hello. Brave ladies can give a man a little hug during the greeting. Then continue the conversation using neutral phrases.

Ask the guy how things are going and where he has been for so long. Don't immediately ask questions that will hint to him about your mistake.

After all, first of all, a person will remember who you are and maintain a dialogue. This means there will be an opportunity to seduce the victim before the words “Sorry, I misspoke” are uttered.


Negative emotions are always help to reveal a person.

Therefore, you can slightly annoy the object of seduction in order to provoke him.

Can fake a fall, while grabbing the man’s hand. Then a profuse apology should be made.

Can “accidentally” take his scarf/notebook/pen(if you've been around for a while) to then return it and invite you for coffee as an apology.

Options for pickup messages for men online

Pickup is a great way to get to know each other. Perhaps this acquaintance will give rise to a romantic love story. Or maybe it will just remain a fond memory. In any case, you should put aside fear and try on the role of a seductress.

The whole truth about women's pickup training in this video:

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Every woman wants attention and compliments. Each one dreams of men wringing their necks, looking after her, and falling in piles at her feet. But for some, the art of “charming” is given to them from the cradle, while for others, they have to learn this all their lives. The “science” of seducing the opposite sex that has emerged in our time—pickup—was the prerogative of men exclusively. But this complex of seduction techniques and skills has become interesting to modern women. The only difference is that the task of a woman’s pickup, as a rule, is not one-time pleasure, but the search for true love and the desire to become attractive, self-confident and desirable. What are the basic rules of female pickup?

Why do girls do pickup? Goals

Male pick-up artists have simple and clear goals - to please a girl and get her into bed as quickly as possible. Girls goals more selective:

  • How to find it.
  • How to meet.
  • How to charm.
  • How to hold it.

And preferably - all at once. But, of course, that doesn't happen. Only chance can send you a prince on a white horse, who, upon seeing you, will tremble with anticipation and immediately offer his hand, his heart and a Swiss bank account. Therefore, first you need to understand how to get acquainted correctly and how to behave so that your gentleman does not run away from you five minutes after. This is what the female pickup truck teaches - how not to scare a man, how to impress etc.

Female pickup - dating rules

Basic rules of female pickup

Pickup task - provoking a man to take action . The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance on a horizontal plane, or a serious relationship and starting a family. The “science” of pickup can be learned either independently or through special training. What are basic rules of female pickup?

  • Go out more often, expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Have you set your sights on a handsome blue-eyed athlete? Don't look for it in the library. For an oligarch? You definitely won’t find him in the diner around the corner.
  • Always be ready to meet your dreams. An ideal appearance, excellent mood and a charming smile should be your constant companions.
  • Learn the basics of proper makeup, you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight dress, well-groomed hands. Get used to following this rule even at home (when no one sees you). See.
  • Study male psychology. With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your one and only one among them.
  • Be nice, friendly and independent. Act as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  • Your speech should be smooth and calm. No “nerve” in the voice.
  • Don't get confused by words. Listen carefully as if this fishing story is the most amazing thing you have ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  • Don't talk about your problems(home-work-family) and your desires. A man should have a clear feeling that you are a lucky, happy and completely satisfied person with life. And, of course, avoid questions about the number of your ex-men or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be happy to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for your fourth marriage.
  • Don't forget to praise your man. Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just don’t overdo it - you shouldn’t praise your gentleman for a nice tie or clean shoes, you need to praise him for his actions.
  • Be modest. There is no need to put your feet on the table, sweep away dinner at a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty always decorates.
  • When communicating with a man, try as much as possible repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speaking. This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just don’t get carried away – it shouldn’t be obvious.
  • If you are invited to dance, You shouldn’t be too frank in your movements- that is, hang on the gentleman and press with your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, control yourself and wait until the “client matures.”
  • Manicure and makeup should be as natural and minimal as possible.. Avoid red varnish right away - it makes you nervous. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that will have a magical effect on a man is shiny lips.
  • Expand your circle of hobbies and discover new talents in yourself. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change tires, dance and cook.
  • Never be the first to admit your crush.
  • After meeting, do not be intrusive. It is he who should look for you, call you and make appointments. And you just condescendingly accept his advances.
  • Don't hang a kilogram of jewelry on yourself. It’s better to have one or two decorations, but spectacular and of high quality, than to look like a Christmas tree.
  • Don't go too far in your facial expressions and “erotic” movements. It’s enough to straighten your hair, lick your lips and cross your legs. You should not wiggle your hips or swallow bananas.
  • Don't tell yourself and don't let a man tell dirty jokes.
  • Having met that same man, there is no need to continue the “pickup artist games”. A man should love you, not your seduction technique. You won't be able to keep him close to you for the rest of your life.

The ideal female pick-up artist is the one who...

  • Loves and respects himself.
  • Not aggressive, but proactive. Independent.
  • Relaxed and free in relationships.
  • He doesn’t carry around a suitcase of complexes.
  • Understands a man and accepts him for who he is.
  • Knows how to give pleasure.

Any woman is already a natural pick-up artist. In fact, she does not need to learn the science of seduction at all, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. All that remains is to use them competently and wisely. And most importantly - understand what exactly you are waiting for? Imagine that all the men are paying attention to you, salivating and dreaming of at least holding your hand. Are you sure you need this? Or do you still dream of meeting your future, one and only man?
Turning to trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to be aware that the level of male attention to you will increase. And decide for yourself whether you want it or not.

In search of the secrets of seducing girls, any guy is ready to go to great lengths. Hundreds of articles read, hundreds of acquaintances on the street, dozens of dates - all representatives of the male half of humanity go through all this.

The question is: can everyone master all pickup techniques perfectly and become truly successful?

After all, not everyone is ready to devote half of their life to studying pickup tips, and not everyone is ready to implement them! Different people have different life goals and hobbies, and it is not a fact that among them there is a goal - to become a professional seducer. But everyone wants to become successful with the opposite sex. :) Understanding that life is not eternal forces you to look for faster ways to happiness in your personal life.

Fortunately, I have a few secrets for you to seduce girls that will be quite easy to implement into your life.

A universal model of seduction “for everyone”

There is a certain set of qualities of a man, as well as features in his behavior that help him seduce 90% of girls. Of course, such effectiveness is achieved only when each of the features of this model is fully developed in him, and not when he thinks that “he already knows it.”

What are these magical pickup techniques that help seduce almost any girl?

Firstly, this ->

"Closer and further"

In fact, this technique was unknowingly “created” by girls and served only one purpose - to tie a man to themselves. Since every woman strives to surround herself with the largest number of men who are ready to protect her and invest in her, this technique has not lost its relevance to this day.

However, this does not mean that we cannot use it too. ;)

The essence of the technique is to change your attitude towards your object of affection. For a certain period of time, you treat her well, show interest, invite and date her, hug her, etc. And then there comes a period when you suddenly cool off towards her, don’t call, and answer calls and texts dryly.

A particularly good effect is achieved precisely when you do your “further” for no reason, i.e. when everything seems to be going well.

Use this technique and you will see your seduction effectiveness increase.


Try to break common standards of behavior and surprise her. When she expects one thing from you, give her something completely different.

Example: You had a great first date and both of you were happy. How can you surprise her? Don't call the next day (or call, but later in the evening). And after having an interesting conversation, you simply say goodbye (without inviting you on a date). And you don’t even ask if she will be free on any day. Her surprise will know no bounds. ;)

This was just one example. All you have to do is just turn on your imagination and think every time what is the best thing to do, so that she is at least a little amazed and intrigued by the thoughts “what’s next?” If you learn how to intrigue girls, you won't even have to learn special pickup techniques. The ability to create intrigue alone will attract more girls into your life. ;)

As you know, the less she can control you (and intrigue and non-standard behavior on your part will not allow her to use various kinds of manipulation), the better for seducing her.

By the way, about management on her part...


Unfortunately, often a girl strives to seize control in a relationship.

But she does this not for the sake of control itself (she doesn’t need it at all), but in order to make sure that you are not going to give this control to her.

This often manifests itself in the fact that she is offended by you, trying to evoke feelings of guilt, pity and other emotions that will force you to act in a way that is beneficial to her.

Therefore, one of the main secrets of seducing girls is uncontrollability in your behavior.

Try not to be influenced by her, even if she makes pitying eyes or hints that it would be nice for you to start leading the way she likes.

Remember that she may start to get angry with you, or show that if you don't “act normal”, she will stop communicating with you. At such moments, it is especially important to continue to remain uncontrollable. ;)


Yes, my friend, I know that you already know this.

But let's be honest with each other!

Every time a girl does something unexpected, your confidence evaporates. Every time she looks offended and you try to adapt to her, you are showing insecurity. Or when you have a quarrel, and out of fear of losing her, you step on the throat of your beliefs, thereby also showing insecurity.

Your self-confidence should be total! Every action you take must be 100% confident. Even if you are sure that it is wrong, it is important to show the opposite.

Know your target audience!

Like a unique product, you don’t have to appeal to everyone and are only suitable for a narrow target audience.

Think about what kind of girls you would like to seduce and build relationships with.

No, now you don’t need to write down the qualities that are important to you on a piece of paper. Try to find the answer within yourself and imagine the image of such a girl (this will be much better, since emotions, not logic, are responsible for creating images).

Once you have perfected the universal seduction model to a good level, you need to take one more important step. Namely: add to this universal model of seduction those qualities and features that will appeal specifically to your target audience. Then you can become an ideal for such girls on a white horse. ;)

Perhaps this is the main secret of seducing girls. Considering the fact that seducing “everyone and everyone” should not be an end in itself for you, it is better to choose a narrow group of girls for yourself. And focus only on them!

Apply all these simple (yet powerful) tips to take your truck to the next level.

You can get other pickup secrets and a lot of valuable advice at the “Natural Seduction” training.

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