Human mental development. Mental magic: types and methods of development How to develop mental abilities

Krasnodar 1999


At present, when psychotropic generators are becoming a reality, there is a need to familiarize a wide range of people with the elementary basics of mastering their biofield, to talk about elementary ways of developing defense skills at the field (mental) level.

The work is intended to develop human mental abilities and develop skills to protect against energetic aggression, both from individuals and fields of technotronic origin.

The exercises used in various types of martial arts to develop the field component of a fighter are outlined.

Based on the hypothesis about the wave nature of man, the connection between the field and physical components of the human body is shown.

Elements that develop the ability to kill and otherwise cause harm have been removed from the exercise.

The work is intended for

Individual reading and

It is not advisable for anyone

I saw it in your hands.

It is known that any material thing has its own field. But what does the thing itself consist of? It is logical to assume that solid physical matter is also a certain type of field and energy. If you dig deeper and think about what we ourselves are made of, it’s easy to understand that we are wave packets of gravitational and other wave substances that have not yet been studied by us. If we extend the known scale of wavelengths, then on the one hand we have ultra-long waves and on the other, ultra-short. We apparently consist of ultra-short waves that create everything that we perceive as the material world, including ourselves. Based on the above, it is easy to explain many of the incomprehensible things that we encounter in this life, for example, the actions of healers and much more.

Man, woven from many wave substances and products of their interaction, is the most complex biological part of the noosphere. On the other hand, it is a powerful source of secondary radiation, with the help of which it, in the process of evolution, more and more remakes the environment for itself. Moreover, just as the waves emitted by the transmitter wander in space, even after it is turned off, so after the radiation of any person they function for a long time after his death and can interact with the fields of the living. Apparently, someone who, during his lifetime, has learned to consciously own his field essence and control it, will apparently be able to achieve the ability to live for quite a long time in his physical body, which will be constantly updated by the field component, discarding factors leading to its weakening.

The purpose of this work is to teach a person to master his field and feel it, to be able to protect himself from energetic aggression, both from individuals and fields of technotronic origin, and the ability to resist the imposition of someone else’s will on himself.

The basis of owning your body is the ability to control your feelings and emotions. After all, it is uncontrolled emotions, affecting the overall functioning of the body, that lead to changes in its individual connections and, as a result, to diseases. Control of emotions and feelings should not be based on the suppression of emotions through strong will, but on the formation of a human psychology that would separate these emotions and feelings from the functioning of the body. The principle of constructing such a psychology is most clearly accepted in Buddhism and can be expressed in the basic postulate of Dim Mak wrestling: “During a fight, a fighter must be calm as the surface of a lake.”

Having separated all unnecessary things from world religions, we will have a set of simple everyday rules that teach the main thing - do not do evil, do not wish evil. Be kind to the world around you.

If you have read this far, I ask you to stop and think about whether you are strong enough to implement these principles. The fact is that if you continue to read it without purifying your soul, further reading, even just reading, will bring you a lot of suffering and unhappiness.

It should be taken into account that thought, thinking, like any other wave process, is material, and the proposed work is aimed at developing the material component of thought. Remember, thought is material and any movement of thought instantly leaves you, just as a twig thrown into a river is carried away into the distance by the current, so a thought leaves you into space-time, and this cannot be changed. If you thought something bad about someone, then regardless of you, your mental image affects the recipient because we can interact with each other completely unconsciously. But each person has a certain type and level of protection. If you hit someone with your hand, it will still hurt you, and here, regardless of the result of your mental aggression, part of your energy leaving with the mental image will be reflected to you and will amaze you and not only you, but also people with a genetic structure close to your type, then there are relatives and children. Despite the low energy, the blow to you will be adequate, and maybe even more destructive than yours, because the reflected energy corresponds to the structure of your field and will not be delayed by it, but on the contrary can be enhanced.

The strongest interaction of field structures is with direct emotional and physical contact. The interpenetration of fields leads to a violation of the stability of the field structure and transfers it to a metastable state. In this case, to restore the damaged structure, the degree of strength of the physical body is of great importance, that is, due to the energy generated by the physical body, the structure of the field is restored.

Pay attention to people whose work involves emotional and physical contact with different people. They tend to have a dense build. The field structures of these people are constantly subject to disturbances from other field structures, which constantly keeps the field of this person in a metastable state. This forces the physical body to work at extreme levels. On the other hand, if a person is in contact with a constant circle of people, in this case his field structure adapts to their fields, acquiring structures common to them. Of greatest interest are married couples who have lived together for a long time. Often, along with the adaptation of genetic structures, their physical bodies change and they become similar to each other. In other words, the strongest interaction of field structures occurs during sexual intercourse.

As mentioned above, the thinking process is material and therefore must be organized in such a way as to have minimal impact on the environment, that is, located at least on two levels:

Abstract, addressless thinking, as if closed, screened from all sides;

Thoughts of action.

This is the first thing you have to learn to do. And effectiveness depends on you, your will and abilities. In general, developed thinking is the basis for achieving success in any business, in our case the most effective way is to study mathematics at the level of a university, wait a minute, giggle.

Intensive training in solving equations (from simple quadratic to differential), the ability to correctly compose these equations requires clear thinking (the ability to remember and take into account many factors), the ability to imagine the physical essence of a given equation - all this develops memory and disciplines thinking. In martial arts, this was achieved through various meditative exercises over several years. I want to warn the impatient, of course, anyone who picks up this work will read it to the end. But if you want any positive effect for yourself, then everything described here must be done in the order of presentation and only after achieving, in your opinion, positive results, you can move on to the next one, even if it takes years.

People are born frail and strong. A frail person, if he really wants and works hard on himself, becomes strong. Tales about pale, skinny people mentally moving armchairs and chairs are, to put it mildly, nonsense. Any person in a certain psychological state is able to sharply increase his physical and mental abilities to perform a number of actions, but then he pays a very high price for this, and, in the future, cannot always return to his original state. The physical structure of our body corresponds to the structure and level of development of our organs. A person who gradually, either in the gym or as a result of doing some kind of work, naturally develops both the external structure of his body (muscles) and the internal structure (internal organs that feed these muscles) develops harmoniously for his own benefit. The use of any drugs that lead to rapid muscle growth violates the internal organs, undermining their ability to function stably, which subsequently leads to the occurrence of various diseases.

In our case, a hasty attempt to achieve any effect can lead to undermining our main mental component of the body, which can lead not only to severe physical illnesses, but also mental disorders.

Each person is born with certain mental abilities - some are stronger, others are weaker, but everyone has them. Very often, as a child, a person suddenly notices that he is somehow different from his peers, and this difference very often leads to various unpleasant moments. A child tries to be like everyone else, and sometimes, when he outgrows it, he drowns out his abilities in himself, or until the end of his days he hides them even from the people closest to him, tormented by the consciousness of his inferiority.

As has been mentioned more than once, the thought process, like any other wave process, is material, and apparently in the future a person will learn to combine the process of thinking and creating material values ​​- their own material values, because our current ones are unlikely to be needed by our descendants.

The main step towards mastering your powers and their development is the ability to control your thinking, that is, to develop concentration in yourself, the ability to control not only your actions, but also your thoughts in any situation. Act always on the basis of goodwill and causing minimal harm. As mentioned above, a physically frail person is not able to create a sufficiently strong mental field without damage to himself, so you need, in parallel with classes in this book, to begin physical exercises that will increase your strength and endurance. A good basis is provided by classes in martial arts techniques; sambo, judo, karate, qigong, dim mak and others. In addition to what was said above, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the basics of anatomy, acupuncture, study the main energy channels and the time of their functioning.

Despite the simplicity and brevity of the proposed exercises, correct gradual mastery of them will require great effort from you and several years of training. They should be performed carefully, gradually, monotonously. Just as a whole bucket of water is collected drop by drop, so here you will gradually come to a completely different perception of the world, you will feel the strength and beauty of nature, your place in it.

Of course, by starting to study the proposed exercises, you have already become a friendly, calm person whom nothing in the world can throw out of balance, you have taught yourself to act and think so as not to harm people or to minimize the negative results of your actions. If so, then the first exercise:

Within ten fifteen minutes, every day, you need to develop a sense of time and learn to record it without a watch. Putting a watch with a second hand in front of you, watch it for a while, then, closing your eyes, try to mentally imagine how the second hand moves around the dial and, opening your eyes, compare the position of the hand where you imagined it mentally with where this hand is in reality. In less than a month you will learn to clearly beat five, ten, fifteen seconds, a minute, three, five, ten. In addition, when going to bed or doing any work, look at the position of the clock hands and, closing your eyes, mentally imagine on them the time when you should wake up or finish this work. After a while, you will learn to sense time quite accurately without a watch. After you have mastered this exercise, we move on to relaxation exercises and the ability to completely disconnect from your surroundings.

First, lying down, in the evening, or at any time convenient for you, preferably in a dimly lit room, it should be noted that no one should interfere with this exercise, because the sharp voice of a spouse, the sound of a falling object, even the exhaust of a car perceived by you in the state of entering shavasana can very seriously harm your health. And, at best, it will increase the time it takes you to master this exercise.

Lie on your back on a flat surface without a pillow and first of all forget about everything that surrounds you. There is nothing and no one - the world is you, you are floating in the void. Your arms are extended along your body and your palms are pressed to your thighs, your legs are straight and even, your feet are parallel to each other. Slowly relax your legs and then your arms. After you have relaxed: your feet and hands spontaneously take a position that is comfortable for them, your head will turn slightly to the side, your mouth will open slightly and from the outside you will look like a fresh corpse. That’s why this pose is called shavasana-corpse pose. At first, you mentally suggest to yourself that in five minutes you will wake up and get up. The fact is that when doing this exercise, especially at the beginning, you very often fall asleep and sleep in a healthy deep sleep for several hours. Then you imagine how your legs become heavy and warm, the heat from the tips of the toes gradually rises up and reaches the head, there is a kind of plane that, rising from the legs, also grips the hands from the tips of the fingers and higher throughout the body. Don’t be upset if in a fixed period of time the heat only reaches your knees or even less, it may happen that at first you won’t be able to really relax, don’t be upset and don’t rush, the exercise will be fully mastered in a year and a half. Gradually increasing the time, you will reach a state in which your body, having filled up, will become heavy, after which a feeling of lightness and weightlessness should appear - the main thing at this stage is to be able to not think about anything, focusing only on your body. After achieving this state, you will have the feeling that your body has become weightless, and you seem to be falling into a bottomless well; you may feel dizzy. Surrender to this feeling, do not be afraid of it, because if you interrupt the exercise at this moment, it will erase everything that you have achieved while learning it, and you will have to start all over again. You seem to be floating, falling into the void in the weightless liquid that permeates you. Shavasana exercise

Takes no more than twenty minutes to complete. Never be tempted to stay in this state longer when your clock tells you it's time to go back. During this exercise, your body will cool down, and after the specified time has elapsed, it is dangerous for your health. After two or three months or a little more, after you start doing the relaxation exercise, after you feel that you have begun to float in the weightless liquid that permeates you, in parallel with this, we begin to learn the next exercise.

Proper breathing is a very complex exercise that allows you to accumulate energy. The proposed exercise is not the only one, but the simplest and most accessible. I would like to note that doing this exercise incorrectly or in haste can be harmful to your health.

Stand straight, hands on your hips, breathe calmly and evenly, then pressing the tip of your tongue to the upper alveoli, slowly inhale air first through your stomach and then through your lower chest. Having drawn in air, you press your tongue against the base of your lower teeth and exhale first with your upper chest, then with your middle chest and with your stomach, trying to press your stomach as close to your ribs as possible. If you experience any pain, stop the exercise and resume after a few days. There is no need to try to immediately inhale, stretching your stomach or chest further, or exhale, squeezing them. Start small, doing it two to three times a day. This exercise is fully assimilated within a year and a half. Starting as described above, avoiding pain, after the first five to six months you will be able to perform this exercise eight to nine times, gradually increasing the volume of air inhaled. If the pain does not stop while learning this exercise, then you need to consult a doctor and cure what is hurting you. Many people, starting this exercise with sick internal organs, try to continue doing it despite the pain. In no case should the exercise cause pain, as then it will only cause harm.

After you have learned to breathe correctly and rhythmically, by the way, after several months of training, you will unconsciously and very often breathe like this without noticing it, begin to hold your breath while inhaling, starting from ten seconds to two minutes, but only so that it does not cause unpleasant sensations . The second part of this exercise will be described later.

The exercise for fixation in space can be started immediately as soon as you read it in parallel with the others. It can be done in any place where you will not be disturbed, lasting three to ten minutes. Sitting, standing, lying down, you close your eyes and mentally reproduce everything that you just saw in front of you, repeat the exercise to such a state that with your eyes closed you can touch any object or place as if your eyes were open. After you have mastered this part of the exercise, proceed to the next one: now you have to do the same as in the previous one, only not in front, but first on the left side and then on the right. After you succeed, the same thing will need to be done only from behind, and then from above and below. When, after about a year or a little more, you succeed in the above exercise, repeat the same thing, but only at a distance of five ten meters. When you succeed, try to close your eyes and concentrate to see yourself from all sides. Having mastered this stage, we proceed to the next one - the feeling of space. Blindfolded, you should completely relax and feel the space around you, feeling not only stationary objects, but also moving ones, even a mosquito at a distance of five to six meters.

At the next stage, you should imagine as if you were walking, that is, while remaining motionless, with your eyes blindfolded or closed, mentally leave the room where you are, you can rise a little up and look around, and then, having stayed at some point space go back. Remember, no matter how far you go, you must come back.

As you master shavasana and the exercise of fixation in space, you will have to master the exercise of concentration. Different schools recommend doing it differently.

For example, according to the Dim Mak system, one candle is placed and a person focuses on its flame and then, closing his eyes, mentally imagines this candle. Then a second candle is placed, and everything is repeated with only two. And so gradually the number of candles is increased to 17, which are placed around the person sitting, and he mentally retains them all in his memory. Then, already mentally, imagining the light of a candle, he first moves it in front of him, then rotates it around himself faster and faster each time until the point turns into a circle and then he rotates this circle around himself until it turns into a canvas enveloping the whole person - the so-called cocoon.

This cocoon completely isolates a person from energy-information exchange with the environment, so it is recommended to leave a small hole on top.

The reiki system recommends a more gentle, but no less effective way of creating a point. I think that it will suit you, especially since you will approach this exercise after you have mastered the exercise of fixation in space, at the stage at which you can see yourself from all sides.

Having relaxed in as much darkness as possible, first lie down before going to bed, with your eyes closed, try to mentally imagine a luminous point at a distance of 1.3 meters directly opposite the bridge of your nose. This exercise is very difficult to perform at the initial stage, so at first we do it for no more than five minutes. During this exercise, spontaneous energy release is possible. There will be a feeling as if a weightless multi-colored liquid from dark purple to white-green will begin to flow from the temporo-frontal region on both sides of the head and from the bridge of the nose to the point in space you imagine. Pieces of fog of the above color may float before your eyes, they may float out, and very clearly, as in a color photo of a face; this is a common occurrence, but when faces appear, it is advisable to drive them away with an effort of will to stop the exercise. If you correctly performed all the exercises described above, then after several sessions you will see a bright white-green dot, which, like a supernova, flares up and goes up relative to your face. The next stage is to use willpower to hold this point in place and make it move as you want. Next, do as described above using the Dim Mak system.

After you have learned how to wrap yourself in a cocoon, move on to the next exercise.

You need to learn to place screens, shields only in a certain direction, and learn to mentally repel with them everything that is in front of them, in addition, wrapped in a cocoon, learn to, as it were, repel with it everything that can approach you in such a way that, when repelled, it will I would be a little bloated.

After mastering this exercise, we proceed to the next one. You need to learn how to work with color and create simple geometric shapes. First you need to learn how to light up multi-colored dots, all the colors of the rainbow, just as you learned earlier, with the only difference being that each subsequent dot will be a different color. Then do the same with various geometric shapes - a rectangle, a ball, a cube, a segment of a ball.

After these exercises, it is imperative that all mental images: screens, shells, be completely erased.

If you have mastered the proposed exercises, then you can already treat people and yourself, but do not rush to rejoice and God forbid you heal. It is not enough to have a scalpel in your hand; you need to study to be a doctor.

At the stage of learning the previous exercise, you can also perform an auxiliary exercise. Lie on your back in as much darkness as possible, raise your arms and touch your flat palms to each other. Slowly, slowly, move your folded palms away from each other at a distance of five to ten millimeters. First, you will feel a slight tingling and slight itching in your palms, then you will see light purple, green sparks jumping between your palms and between your fingers, which, depending on your training and abilities, can turn into long lightning bolts. If you try to push your palms apart with a weak force or move them, you will feel resistance. Having spread your palms at a distance of eight to ten centimeters, try to light a dot between them, a second, up to seven eight pieces and paint them in different colors, play with them, moving them wherever you want, also try, in addition to the dots, to form some kind of geometric figure. If you don’t succeed right away, don’t rush, learn gradually.

It is known that the left side and left palm produce energy intake, while the right side and palm radiate it. Any organism, including humans, receives the energy supply necessary for normal life and produces it itself. In order to properly protect yourself from someone else’s energy aggression, you need to take additional portions of energy. The simplest way is as follows. Below the navel, two and a half fingers, there is a chakra through which the body takes energy from space during inhalation. Lie down, relax and try to feel this chakra. You may have the feeling that along the line running from the bridge of your nose to your navel and below you have not one, but several holes, this is so, but you should focus on the one proposed. Breathing as you learned earlier, you will feel how with each inhalation a little heat enters your body through this chakra, and when you exhale it comes out. Remember this feeling.

The next step is to imagine that in this chakra there is a valve that, when you inhale, releases this heat, and when you exhale, it closes, holding it and gradually filling your belly with warmth. At first, you don’t need to get carried away and take too much of it. After holding it for a while, release it as much as it comes out on its own. Please note. Too much and sudden energy intake can lead to disruption of the intestines and internal organs, roughly speaking, to wild diarrhea. Your internal organs must get used to energy doping.

When you are confident in doing this, you can proceed to the next stage. With your hands on your hips, begin collecting energy as described above. Take five to ten breaths, and it doesn’t matter if the level of this liquid rises higher and higher, and when it reaches the top of the head, we move on to the next stage.

Standing straight, raise your arms in front of your chest, just as you did when forming a point. And we begin circulation, directing the energy collected during inhalation into the right hand up the midline of the body. Then through the right shoulder from the base of the right palm to the base of the left and then through the base of the left palm to the left shoulder, then to the right, etc. Gradually, the arms move wider and wider to a distance of thirty-five to forty centimeters.

The energy you have collected can be released through any point of the body and formed from it into any shape you need.

It is advisable to release energy through those places that hurt you - cuts, abrasions, just where there is pain inside; in the latter case, you need to determine exactly where it hurts, pull the pain to a point and push it out of you with an energy flow.

It is not recommended to treat teeth using the described method, i.e., to get rid of toothache. The author spent many years eliminating pain by force of will, which led to the loss of some teeth. An attempt to grow new teeth in two cases gave positive results, but they also quickly became infected. Therefore, get your teeth treated by a doctor.

After you have mastered the described exercises for 2-3 years, you will perceive the world around you and people a little differently, not like before. In particular, you will be able to sense the energetic state of another person or object and assess the degree of its danger.

The most important thing is to learn not to give away your condition in any way. When, for example, in your soul a person fiercely hates you, flatters you and tries to be your friend, you feel the lies of loved ones, hostility or indifference towards yourself. You need to be able to forgive and live next to them as if nothing had happened.

If a person harms you, you need to isolate yourself from him with an energy shield. Remember, the energy field that you have learned to use is an extension of you and your hands.

Moreover, you will be able to capture not only yourself, but also other people in space. How does a psychic find a person from a thing? Yes, it’s very simple, every thing that a person touches, or his photo, bears the imprint of a field of a genotype unique to him, and from this imprint he begins to record this genotype in space-time, and if he really has certain skills, then he is able to determine that place, where is the main carrier of this genotype located?

Starting to master these exercises, as you move forward you will feel the beauty of the world in which you live, the charm and enjoyment of life. You cannot help but love people because we are children all our lives, only age and toys change.

And never use the acquired skills to harm people or to change reality.

All the exercises described are suitable for any age. It is advisable to teach children all this by playing with them. The sooner a child is able to master these exercises, the greater his chances of living a calm, long, fulfilled life, and in the future mastering, if desired, basic exercises not included in the abstract.

The Concept of Consciousness Ryle Gilbert

(3) Mental abilities and tendencies

We have at our disposal an unlimitedly wide range of dispositional terms that allow us to talk about things, living beings and people. And some terms can be applied to all these categories of individuals at once. For example, some metal objects, like some fish and people, can weigh 340 pounds and be elastic and flammable; they will all fall with the same acceleration if the stand is removed from under them. Other dispositional terms can only be applied to things of a certain kind. For example, only about living beings can one formulate the true or false proposition that they hibernate. And “Tory” can only be called (truly or falsely) a person who is also not an idiot, a barbarian or a child. In what follows, we will be interested only in the class of dispositional terms that can only be used to characterize people. And an even narrower class of terms, namely those that are applicable to characterize traits of human behavior that indicate intellectual and personal qualities. We will not deal, for example, with reflexes unique to humans or the physiological aspects of human anatomy.

Of course, the distinction made is unclear. Dogs and babies can be trained to respond to commands or to pull a dinner bell. Monkeys can use and even create tools themselves. Cats are playful, and parrots can imitate human speech. We can say that animal behavior is instinctive, while human behavior is partly rational. In this case, we point to an important difference (or family of differences), but its boundaries are in turn unclear. For example, can we say exactly when the instinctive imitation of a small child turns into conscious acting? At what year of life does a child stop responding to the bell calling for dinner, like a dog, and begin to respond to it like an angel? Is it possible to draw an exact line between suburb and suburb?

Since this book as a whole is devoted to discussing the logical properties of some of the most important dispositional or event terms that we use to talk about consciousness, all that is required in this section is to point out some general differences in the use of a number of the dispositional terms we have chosen. We do not intend to list all such terms or even all their types.

Many dispositional statements can (although this is not required or usual) be expressed using the verbs "can", "able", "could". The statement “He is a swimmer,” if it does not imply that the person is a professional in this matter, simply means that he can swim. But the words “can” and “capable” have a wide variety of uses, as the following examples show. “Stones can float (since this block of pumice does not sink)”; “This fish can swim (for it is not yet dead, although it does not move in the mud)”; “John Doe can swim (because he was taught to do so and has not forgotten how)”; “Richard Rowe can swim (and would swim if he wanted to learn)”; “You can swim (if you try hard enough)”; “She can swim (because the doctors no longer forbid her),” etc. The first example shows that we have no right from the fact that it is a stone to conclude that it cannot swim; the second denies the presence of physical injuries; the latter announces the termination of the ban. The third, fourth and fifth examples provide information about personal qualities, and different ones.

To clarify the difference in logical force of these different uses of the words "can" and "able", let us take a brief excursion into the logic of so-called "modal words" such as "can", "should", "has the right", "necessary", “not necessary”, “not necessary, what not”. A statement that something must be or is necessary functions as a “pass” to the inference that a thing exists based on some circumstances that may or may not be specified in the statement. The statement that something necessarily does not...or cannot be functions as permission to conclude that it is not the case. When we need to say that there is no such permission to conclude, we usually express this using the words “maybe”, “possibly”. When we say that something can be, it does not follow that it is or that it is not, much less that this something is in an intermediate state between being and non-being; such a phrase simply means that we have no right to conclude from any premises (specified or unspecified) that this is not the case.

This general consideration also applies to most sentences of the form: “If... then...”. Such a sentence can almost always be rephrased into a modal sentence, and vice versa. Modal and hypothetical sentences have the same logical force. Take an ordinary “if-then” sentence, for example: “If I walk under the stairs, then I get into trouble all day.” Let's see how a contradictory proposition is usually expressed. It is not enough to add “not” to the antecedent verb or the consequential verb or to both at once, for the result of all such operations would be statements that are prejudices no less than the original one. It is possible, although not common in ordinary language, to say: “It is not the case that if I walk under the stairs I will get into trouble.” Usually we reject the prejudice by saying, “I can walk under a ladder and not get into trouble,” or more generally, “Trouble does not necessarily fall on people who walk under a ladder.” Conversely, the original prejudice statement can be rephrased as: “I can’t walk under the stairs without being in trouble all day.” The difference between "if... then..." and modal expressions is only stylistic.

However, we must not forget that the words “if”, “should”, “may” have other uses for which this equivalence does not apply. “If” sometimes means “even if” or “although.” The word is also used to express a conditional obligation, threat or bet. “Can” and “should” are sometimes used to express non-theoretical assumptions, commands and prohibitions. Of course, there is some analogy between allowing or denying the right to make a certain conclusion and between allowing or denying the right to do other things, but there are also big differences. For example, we do not usually describe as true or false a doctor's order that "the patient must remain in bed, not smoke, but may dictate letters." At the same time, it is quite natural to describe as true or false sentences such as “a syllogism can have two common premises,” “whales cannot live without surfacing from time to time,” “a freely falling body must fall with acceleration,” or “people who have passed under the stairs will not necessarily be in trouble all day.” The ethical uses of "should" and "may" have analogies in both uses. One could debate the truth of ethical statements containing such words, but their purpose is to regulate part of human behavior, not to be the basis of logical conclusions. Ethical proposals are more like prescriptions contained in medical books than they are like prescriptions given by a particular doctor to particular patients. Ethical statements as opposed to specific ones ad hominem orders and reproaches should be considered as the grounds on which any specific orders and reproaches are based, and not as specific treatments of such, i.e., not as personal tickets for the right to perform certain actions, but as impersonal decisions. These are not imperatives, but “laws” under which such things as imperatives and punishments fall. Like laws that establish status, they must be interpreted not as orders, but as licenses for the right to give orders and compel their execution.

Now from a general discussion of the types of functions performed by modal sentences, we can return to consider the specific differences between the above sentences with the modal verb “can” describing personal qualities.

Saying that John Doe can swim and that a puppy can swim are two different things. When we say this about a puppy, it implies that no one taught it and has never practiced it, while the statement that a given person can swim implies that he has learned it and has not yet forgotten how to do it. The ability to acquire learning skills is, of course, not unique to humans. A puppy can be taught to “serve,” just as a baby is taught to walk or use a spoon. But some types of learning, including most learning to swim, require understanding and applying either verbal instructions or demonstration of movements. And if a creature is capable of learning in this way, then consciousness is unhesitatingly attributed to it, while the learning ability of a puppy or a baby leaves us in difficulty whether or not to recognize such a quality in them.

When we say that Richard Rowe can swim (for he can learn), it means that he is able to follow such directions and illustrations and apply them, although he has not yet had the opportunity to do so. It is a mistake to assume, as it would be quite right in the case of an idiot, that as he is now floundering helplessly in the water, he will flounder just as helplessly after he has received proper training.

To say that you can swim (if you try) is an interesting intermediate use of the word "can". If John Doe is simply not trying to swim now, and Richard Rowe is not yet able to swim, no matter how hard he tries, you know what you need to do to swim, but you can only do it when you are completely focused on the task at hand. You have understood all the instructions and demonstrations, but you still need to practice and practice. This ability to deliberately apply instructions during strenuous and sometimes dangerous practice is usually considered the hallmark ability of conscious beings. The person here reveals certain character traits different from those shown by the puppy, who demonstrates perseverance and courage even in games, for the beginner, striving to learn to swim, undertakes something difficult and even dangerous with the conscious intention of developing his abilities. By saying that he can swim if he tries, we are saying both that he can understand the instructions given to him and that he can consciously train himself in their application.

It's not hard to imagine many other uses of the words "can" and "capable." One such usage is found in the phrase “John Doe was able to swim when he was a boy, but now he can invent new swimming techniques.” “Can invent” does not mean that “he was taught and has not forgotten how to do it.” And this “may” is not at all like the “may” in the phrase “May sneeze.” Again, the “can” in the phrase “Can defeat everyone except the champion swimmer” has quite a different force than in the phrases “Can swim” or “Can invent.” This is a “may” that applies to racing horses.

The word “may” has another feature that is of particular importance for our main topic. We often say about a person or an animal that they can do something, in the sense of doing something right or good. When we say that a child can spell a given word, we mean that he will not just give a random set of letters, but will pronounce the correct set of letters in the correct order. When we say that he can tie a reef knot, we do not mean that when he plays with strings, sometimes he gets a reef knot, and sometimes he gets an ordinary one. No, we mean that always, or almost always, when a reef knot is required, a reef knot is obtained, or at least that these knots are obtained almost always when they are required and when the child tries. When, as often happens, we use the phrase “Can say” as a paraphrase for “knows,” we always mean: “Can say correctly.” We will not say that a child can tell the time if he utters arbitrary phrases containing phrases indicating the time of day. We will say that he can do this only if he systematically reports the time according to the position of the clock hands or the position of the sun.

Many of the action verbs with which we describe people, and sometimes, with a certain degree of doubt, animals, denote the performance of not just actions, but appropriate or correct actions. They represent achievements. Verbs and verb phrases such as “spell”, “keep score (in a game)”, “solve (a problem)”, “find”, “win”, “heal”, “remember”, “deceive”, “ convince”, “arrive”, and countless others mean not only the commission of some action, but also the achievement of a certain result thanks to it. These are verbs of success. Generally speaking, success is sometimes a matter of chance. A cricketer can score a point simply due to a careless move. But when we say that a person can do things of a certain kind, for example, solve anagrams or heal us, we mean that his activities are quite often successful without relying on luck. He knows how to carry out such activities under normal conditions.

We also use corresponding verbs of failure, such as “miss”, “make a mistake”, “drop”, “lose”, “spoil”, “miscalculate”. It is important that if a person can count or spell words, he can also make mistakes in this. But the meaning of “can” in the phrases “can spell” and “can count”, on the one hand, and “may make a mistake in spelling” and “can make a mistake in counting” - on the other, are significantly different. If in the first case we are talking about a certain competence, then in the second it is not about another competence, but about exposure. For some purposes, it is necessary to note another difference between both of these senses of "can" and the sense in which it can be said that a person cannot solve an anagram incorrectly, fail to win a race, find a treasure in vain, or prove a theorem inadmissibly. In these cases, we are talking about a logical impossibility, and not at all about the competence of the actor. “Fail to win” or “guess incorrectly” are self-contradictory expressions. We will see later that epistemologists' desire to find conclusive observations stems in part from a failure to notice that in one of its senses "observe" is a success verb, so that "observe wrong" is as self-contradictory an expression as "cure fails." However, just as the logically valid expressions “wrong reasoning” or “failed treatment”, the logically valid expression “inadequate observation” is also logically valid if the word “observe” is understood as analogous not to the verb “find”, but to the verb “to seek”.

It seems that what has been said is enough to show the variety of types of meanings of the word “can”, as well as the types of expressions of ability and liability. Only some of the expressions of ability and liability are characteristic of describing human beings. But even among them, different types stand out.

Tendencies are different from abilities and exposures. “It would be if...” is different from “could,” and “happens all the time... when...” is different from “could.” The situation is something like this: if we say “maybe,” we are thereby saying that it is unreliable, that something will not happen. And when we said “tends to...”, “continues” or “tends to...”, we are saying that this certainly was or will be the case. Therefore, “tends to...” implies “can,” but not vice versa. The sentence “Fido tends to howl at the moon” says more than “It is not true that if the moon is shining, then Fido is silent.” This sentence allows the reader not only not to rely on Fido's silence, but to directly expect his bark.

But there are many different types of trends. Fido's tendency to get mange in the summer (unless he is put on a special diet) is different from his tendency to howl at the moon (unless his owner scolds him). A person's tendency to blink regularly is different from their tendency to close their eyes in difficult times. We can call the second, but not the first, “his manner.”

We differentiate between different behavioral tendencies, calling some “habits,” others “tastes,” “interests,” “hobbies,” and “hobbies,” and others “jobs” and “activities.” Putting a sock on first on the right foot and then on the left can be just a habit, going fishing whenever business and weather permits can be a hobby, driving a truck can be a job. We can imagine borderline cases of regular behavior that we would not categorize clearly. For some people, work is their hobby, while for others, both work and hobbies are just habits. But, in any case, the concepts themselves are quite clear. Habitual action is not action for a specific purpose; a person sometimes cannot report that he did this, even when asked immediately after his usual action: his consciousness was occupied with something else. Actions performed as part of a job may be done simply out of habit. However, a person does not perform these actions if he is not at work. A soldier does not march while on leave from home - he does this only when he must march. He gives up and picks up the habit again, taking off and putting on his uniform again.

Manifestations of a hobby, interest or taste are carried out, as we say, “for one’s own pleasure.” But such circulation may create the misconception that such actions are undertaken as some kind of investment from which certain dividends are expected. In fact, the opposite is true, i.e. we do such things because we love or want to do them, and not because we love and want something that is an addition to them. We are reluctant to invest our capital in the hope of receiving dividends that justify the investment, and if we had a chance to receive them without investing capital, we would, of course, gladly refuse to invest. But a fishing enthusiast will not accept or understand your offer to have fun without the fishing process itself. For him, pleasure is precisely this process, and not something that is its result.

When they say that someone is now enjoying or experiencing a negative attitude towards something, it follows that he is paying attention to it. It would be a contradiction to say that a person likes the music being played although he does not pay any attention to what he is listening to. At the same time, it would not be a contradiction to say that he listened to music, but this was not accompanied by either pleasure or negative emotions. Accordingly, when we say that someone likes to fish, it follows not only that he tends to take up a fishing rod when nothing hinders or prohibits him, but that he tends to do it consciously, paying attention to what he does; this means that he tends to get lost in dreams or memories of fishing and takes great interest in conversations and reading books on the subject. But that's not all that needs to be said. A conscientious reporter makes a conscious effort to listen to the words spoken by politicians, even if he would not do so if it were not his duty. He doesn't do this during his off hours. At this time, he may prefer to devote himself to fishing. He forces himself to focus on fishing, just as he did for political speeches. He concentrates here without any effort. When they say that a person loves to do something, they mean this first of all.

Beyond simple habits, work, and interests, there are many other types of higher-level tendencies. Some regularities of behavior are due to principles and strategies that the individual imposes on himself; others are determined by religious principles or codes instilled in him from outside. Inclinations, ambitions, missions, devotion, dedication and chronic negligence are all behavioral tendencies, but very different types of tendencies.

Two illustrations will help to demonstrate some of the differences between abilities and tendencies, or between competence and inclinations. (a) Both qualifications and skills and inclinations can be simulated. However, we call a deceiver who pretends that he knows how to do certain things a charlatan, and a deceiver who pretends that he has certain habits and inclinations is a “hypocrite.” (b) Epistemologists tend to confuse themselves and their readers by making the difference between knowledge and belief extremely complicated. Some of them claim that knowledge and belief differ only in degree of something, while others say that they differ in the presence of some introspectively observable component that is present in knowledge but absent in belief, or vice versa. Their difficulty stems in part from the assumption that the words “know” and “believe” designate events. But it is not enough to understand that these words are dispositional verbs - we must also see that they belong to different types of dispositional verbs. “Know” is a verb that denotes ability, and the ability to successfully accomplish or comprehend something correctly. On the other hand, "believe" is a verb that denotes a tendency, but it does not have any connotations indicating that it is a tendency to do or comprehend something correctly. The word “believe” can be qualified by such adverbs and phrases as “persistently”, “hesitantly”, “steadily”, “invincible”, “stupidly”, “fanatically”, “with all my heart”, “from time to time”, “ passionately" or "childishly." Most of these characteristics apply to nouns such as "trust", "devotion", "inclination", "aversion", "hope", "habit", "zeal" or "vice". Like a habit, a belief or belief can be deeply ingrained, quietly acquired, or discarded. Like commitment, devotion and hope, they can be blind and obsessive. Similar to disgust and phobia. And they may be unconscious. Like fashion and taste, they can be contagious. Like loyalty and affection, they can be induced in a person by cunning. A person may be coerced and begged not to believe something, and may try, successfully or unsuccessfully, to stop believing. Sometimes a person may exclaim: “I can’t help but believe so-and-so!” However, all such expressions and their negations are not applicable to knowledge, for to know means to be able to comprehend something correctly; it does not imply a tendency to act or react in a certain way.

Roughly speaking, “believe” belongs to the family of words denoting motivation, and “know” belongs to the family of words denoting skills, abilities, and competence. Therefore, we ask “how a person learned something” as opposed to “why he believes something,” just as we ask “how a person ties a knot,” but “why he wants to tie such a knot.” or “why does he always tie lady’s knots.” Skills and habits have their own methods, and habits and inclinations have their sources. Accordingly, we ask what makes people believe something or fear something, but we do not ask what makes them know something or achieve something.

Of course, faith and knowledge (if this is knowledge) act, so to speak, in the same field. We can say about the same kind of things that they can be known or not known, that they can be believed or not believed, just as we say about the same kind of things that they can be produced and that they can be produced. export. A person who believes that the ice is dangerously thin will warn others to ride with caution and will answer questions in the same way as a person who knows that the ice is dangerously thin. If you ask him whether he knows that this is really so, he will not hesitate to answer in the affirmative, until he is confused by the question of how he discovered it.

We can say that faith is like knowledge, it differs from trust in people, care about some things or aversion to smoking in that it is a “propositional attitude”, i.e. what exactly a person believes in or what exactly he knows, expressed in a sentence. This is, of course, true, but it is still too thin a resemblance. Of course, if I believe that the ice is dangerously thin, then I will not hesitate to tell myself and others that “the ice is thin”, agree when other people make the same statements, and object to the opposite in meaning, draw consequences from the sentence “the ice is thin” ", etc. However, the belief that the ice is dangerously thin is also expressed in the tendency to skate cautiously, to be afraid, to imagine possible misfortunes and to warn other skaters against them. Faith is expressed in the tendency not only to express certain statements, but also to carry out certain actions, draw certain images in the imagination, and have certain feelings. And all these things are related to the same sentence. The phrase “The ice is thin” will be used to describe fears, cautions, cautious skiing, statements, conclusions, agreements or objections.

A person who knows that the ice is thin, and is also interested in finding out whether it is thin or not, will also be inclined to behave and react in this way. But if we say that he stays close to the shore because he knows that the ice is thin, then we use the phrase “because” in a completely different sense and give a significantly different kind of “explanation” for this than when we say that he stays near the shore because he believes the ice is thin.

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Now let's look at the problem of mental and psychic protection from so-called psychic and magical attacks. Perhaps you have already heard something about them.

There is a group of people, fortunately not very large, who are happy to attempt mental attacks on others. By telling stories about imaginary or real psychic attacks that they themselves carried out or repelled, they try to strengthen their prestige, counting on respect and deference.

The most common signs of a psycho-mental attack are:

  • mental and physical weakness;
  • feeling drowsy and tired;
  • problems with concentration;
  • feeling that vitality is leaving;
  • other people's thoughts, emotions, visions come;
  • a constant sensation of the presence of some person or immaterial being.

Among parapsychologists, very often the signs mentioned above are considered the result of a psycho-energetic attack or manipulation. However, this is not always the case. Fortunately, actual attacks are rare.

People who are hypersensitive to the weakest energies (almost not felt by other people) believe that they are often subject to such attacks. Such people, staying in geopathogenic zones or near installations that create a strong electromagnetic field, may experience similar symptoms.

Another reason for negative feelings may be the natural ability for many people to equalize their level of vital energy according to the principle of connecting vessels. This often happens in the family.

When one person feels bad, the others subconsciously “give” them excess of their own energy. Their health suddenly deteriorates.

An example would be a wandering headache. Mechanisms of this type most often come into play in close partnerships or in a parent-child situation.

Sometimes there are people who unknowingly cause the phenomenon described above - both in acquaintances and strangers. This is how they strengthen their energy using the presence of another person. They are often said to "drink all the blood."

“As a result of such meetings, victims cannot work normally and act actively, they have problems with concentration. They must rest and gain strength again.

There is evidence that some people in concentration camps survived in those terrible conditions precisely thanks to such energy recharging.

If someone does (or has done) something like this unknowingly, this cannot be blamed on him. However, you need to learn to protect yourself from such actions. Protection is especially important when a person acts quite consciously.

There are two schools of thought for solving this problem. One proposes to transfer excess energy to people who require it, that is, to help them. Naturally, this method can only be used by those who can generate large amounts of energy.

By giving their own energy, they not only do not weaken themselves, but also support others. For now, we will deal with another school, which categorically orders: “Do not give your energy to others.”

A person’s biofield shell is his most basic defense against the harmful effects of other people. It is difficult to imagine how many times a day our biofield is exposed to this effect, and how much it is deformed: we simply feel general fatigue, loss of strength, and we need a night’s sleep to restore our energy.

Such random deformations received during the day are not yet a disease, but if they become stable, then in the area of ​​​​violation of energy harmony a person begins to experience a certain discomfort.

Thanks to topological diagnostics, it is possible to characterize the consequences and identify the degree of influence of evil on the human protective shell. The thing is that the emotions of irritation, envy, anger and others excite strong energy vibrations around the source of these emotions.

And if a person in this state concentrates his anger on this, this vibration is capable of piercing or pushing through the biofield shell of the victim even in the case when any chakra is energetically completely normal, and the field of the organ subordinate to it is deformed, therefore it can be argued that the blow was struck from the outside.

You can often come across the belief that only those people who share a belief system with the attacker are susceptible to mental attacks. This could be a belief in the “evil eye,” spells and curses, magic, ultra-subtle energies, astral bodies, spirits, telepathy, negative energies, radiant forms, etc. Probably all this really weakens our resistance to such actions.

The belief that a given phenomenon does not exist can sometimes be a very good defense. However, since we are talking about little-known phenomena, we cannot “build” our defense only on the fact of disbelief.

It can always happen that the force of influence of the person trying to harm us will be stronger. Such a person can “bring to light” our phobias. For example, it can restore in our minds the feeling of guilt or low self-esteem instilled in us in early childhood.

At the same time, the “aggressor” may try to impose on us the “only possible way” of solving our imaginary problems. There may even be a way in which it is possible to reconstruct the primitive and archaic belief system that continues to exist in our subconscious (despite the millennia that separate the present from the past).

Thanks to altered states of consciousness, it was proven that the fear of big cats and snakes still sits in the subconscious of the Eskimos - residents of the distant and cold North, who for many generations have not had the opportunity to encounter these animals and feel threatened by them. But despite this, the fear sitting in the corners of their minds has survived to this day.

Now we'll move on to learning some mental defense techniques.

If you are afraid that you may become the object of someone's attempts at negative influence, first of all, change your environment. If you feel bad in a given place, leave it.

Go for a walk, preferably in the lap of nature. Perform several physical exercises, this could be fast walking, running, free dance, during which you can perform movements that would free you from invisible shackles, from someone else’s skin stretched over you.

Eat something tasty - something you like, it’s good if it’s spicy or sour. You can take a cold or hot shower, imagine that the flowing water cleanses you and protects you from all negative influences.

In situations of such threat, shift your attention from the fear of negative impact to something else. Concentrate on your new job or the task assigned to you. Do something that interests you and attracts you, that usually completely absorbs you.

Another way to protect yourself is to set yourself up to disbelieve any possibility of a psychic attack. This good method, unfortunately, is a double-edged sword.

On the one hand, it can protect you from a possible attack, but on the other hand, it carries with it a certain danger. If you persistently tell yourself that parapsychological techniques are ineffective, you yourself will block the possibility of achieving success in this area.

Since many attempts at negative influence consist of energetic influence, we will create appropriate protection - at the energetic level. On occasion we will also develop our visualization abilities.

Parapsychology. Exercise

Become free. (...) Stretch your arms forward, place your palms at an angle of 90 degrees relative to your forearm. Focus on the center of your palm. (...) Imagine a point located in this place. (...) Feel her presence. (...)

Feel and become aware of the space that is between your body and this point. (...) Imagine that your palms begin to glow with white-golden energy (...). Slowly draw your palms into a circle around your body, at shoulder height.

The radiant energy begins to create a light circle around your body. (...) Lower your palms along your body, stretch the radiant energy with outstretched arms from your feet, along your body, to a point above your head. Fill the cocoon formed in this way with golden-white energy.

Feel the positive energy vibrating and shining around you. (...) A cocoon of energy surrounds you from all sides. It is located around your body, above your head and under your feet. (...)

You are completely safe in this cocoon; no negative energy has access to you. Any negative energy will be reflected from your protective cocoon. Only positive energy surrounds you. (...)

Take a deep breath, imagine the number "5" and “exhale” it from your lungs. (...) Every time you need protection, it will be enough to provide a figure "5" and exhale it from your lungs - and the cocoon will surround you with a dense barrier. (...)

Do this exercise many times. As you acquire skills, the effectiveness of your defense will increase. Over time, it will be enough for you to imagine only the number "5" , and the energy protection you created will itself appear around the body.

Despite this, it is necessary that you update your cocoon from time to time and perform all the actions associated with creation. Remember that, like any energy, your protection gradually fades away, and after some time you will have to create it again.

It is very important that during the creation of a protective cocoon you realize that this energy barrier protects you from the effects of negative energy, while simultaneously allowing any positive vibrations to pass through.

If a completely impenetrable cocoon were formed, then after a while you would begin to “suffocate” in it. In order to exist, we must be able to exchange energy with our environment and other beings. It is up to us to choose at what level and with whom we will conduct energy exchange.

Other defense techniques include visualizing mirrors to reflect someone's influence and energy, and building walls to separate us from potential threats. These techniques are especially helpful when dealing directly with a person who is trying to influence us in a negative way.

We are confident that, using the experience gained from visualizing a cocoon, you yourself will be able to perform the corresponding exercises with visualizing a wall or reflecting mirrors. Remember that such impenetrable barriers must then be “dismantled” so that you do not remain cut off from the world for too long.

Parapsychology. Exercise

Work through and complete the exercise on your own with building a wall and installing mirrors that protect you mentally. Try to make your visualization as detailed as possible, with all sorts of features. Use all channels of sensations for this.

Now we will make small changes to our protective cocoon and perform several versions of the previous exercise.


Follow the introductory procedure, say a protective affirmation.

Create your own protective cocoon. (...)

Imagine that your cocoon is filled with red light, (...) move it in a circular motion to the left, (...) feel how the cocoon rotates around your axis, passing from your feet through your spine to the top of your head. (...)

Imagine your cocoon filled with orange energy and move it in a circular motion to the left. (...) Similarly, set in motion yellow, (...) green, (...) blue, (...) indigo, (...) violet energy. (...) Now bring into simultaneous movement the energies of all colors. (...)

During their connection, a common white energy arises. Feel how it rotates around you - slowly, evenly. (...) A cocoon of energy surrounds you from all sides.

It is around your body, above your head, under your feet. (...) You are completely safe in it, no negative energy has access to you. All negative vibrations are reflected from your cocoon. Only positive energies have access to you.

Now, thanks to rotation, your defense has become more effective.

Take a deep breath, holding the air in your lungs, imagine the number “5”. Now “exhale” it from your lungs. (...) Every time you need protection, it will be enough to imagine the number “5” and exhale it from your lungs - and the rotating cocoon will surround you with a dense barrier. (...)

Parapsychology. Exercise

Work through the next version of the exercise suggested above and do it yourself.

Draw the axis of rotation of energy (in a counterclockwise direction) parallel to the plane of the earth, it passes through your center of gravity, which is located 2-3 centimeters below the navel.

Now we'll move on to visualizing the two most effective versions of protective cocoons.

Parapsychology. Exercise

Follow the introductory procedure, say a protective affirmation. Create your permanent protective cocoon of multi-colored energy. (...)

Imagine that the colored energy you created begins to rotate and flows through your feet into your body, surrounding it on all sides. After this, it flows back into your feet to rise up your body again. (...)

You are completely safe in your spinning cocoon, no negative energy has access to you. All negative vibrations are repelled from your cocoon. Only positive energies have access to you. Now, thanks to rotation, your defense has become more effective.

Take a deep breath and imagine the number "5". Now “exhale” it from your lungs (...) Every time you need protection, it will be enough to imagine the number “5” and exhale it from your lungs - and the rotating cocoon will surround you with a dense barrier. (...)

Parapsychology. Exercise

Work through and complete the following version of the exercise yourself. Make changes in the movement of energy. When it flows above your head from your body, rotate it around the vertical axis of your body.

You have been introduced to four options for creating a rotating protective cocoon. Try to practice creating them all. The one that works best will become a model for you. Try to use it always.

Another, very good way of mental protection is absolute concentration on magical objects, such as amulets, medallions, religious objects - especially if they were performed according to all the rules, and the power was skillfully contained in them.

Concentrating attention and energy on a given subject will not allow us to succumb to someone else's suggestion and submit to someone else's energy. If we are associated with some religion or denomination, then through prayer and visualization we can ask for protection from the corresponding forces and spiritual beings, for example, saints, Spiritual Guardians of a given path of development.

Through prayer, we can appropriately communicate to them the problem that concerns us and the difficulties that lie in our way. The stronger our faith and practice, the more sincere we are, the stronger the protection we will receive.

Although this may seem paradoxical, our psyche functions like the energetic world. To receive something, we must first believe in it. This condition also applies in the case of a request for protection, etc.

The most effective form of defense is a clear conscience and pure intentions, a sense of innocence. The person who wants to attack us mentally, we must FORGIVE from the heart. We don't know this person's life path.

We don’t know what persuaded him to take such actions. We are unable to objectively evaluate his life, and, in the end, no one gave us the right to do so. We must not only forgive him, but also mentally ask him for forgiveness. After all, maybe, by chance, by our behavior we provoked him to attack.

At the same time, we must be aware that our behavior, which is extremely noble, can lead to the negative energy of the attacker being turned against him. According to the laws of nature, everything that is energetically “released” by us into space returns to us in a state enhanced many times over.

Many people have difficulty noticing this pattern. This happens because the Universe's response to our actions can return to us even after many years.

We use mental defense not only to protect against mental or energetic attacks, but also against threats in the physical world.

Now we will introduce you to the technology that came from Hawaii. There she is taught by Kaguns - the so-called Guardians of the Secret - priests, magicians, healers and psychologists at the same time. You will learn to harness the energy coming from your Highest Self to protect yourself and others.

First, let's look at an example of how this technique works.


At a certain place, two women who were successful in spiritual practice took part in meditation. Suddenly a drunk man came in and grabbed a chair to smash everything into pieces. The women uttered a protective formula in their thoughts. At that moment, the man seemed to suddenly sober up, came to his senses, put the chair in place and said: “Forgive me, it seems I behaved unworthily.” And he left.

Parapsychology. Exercise

Take a few deep breaths in and out. (...) Imagine that a huge ball of white-golden energy hangs above your head, which is radiated by the Highest Self - the Supreme Being.

Take a deep breath and as you exhale say out loud or in your thoughts:

"The wonderful Light of Kindness is upon me." (...) Imagine how white energy slowly flows down your body, surrounding it on all sides. (...) Now you are in complete mental and physical safety - in the energy “enveloping” you from all sides. (...)

Take a deep breath and as you exhale say out loud or in your thoughts: “The wonderful Light of Kindness is upon You.” Imagine how white energy slowly flows down onto the person you want to surround with protection or from whom you expect danger.

Now you and the person you protect are in complete physical and mental safety, immersed in the energy enveloping you. (...)

Always remember to surround yourself with protective energy first and then the other person. The distance separating us doesn't matter. The person we want to help may be either near us or on another continent.

Neither time nor space can limit energy. Over time, when you acquire the necessary skills, it will not be necessary to imagine energy. This will happen automatically; it will be enough just to say the words of the protective formula.

To enhance the impact of this exercise, you can “multiply” the impact of white-golden energy in your thoughts. To do this, when completing the pronouncement of the formula, add: “one”.

In place of the ellipsis, say any number. Don't think about how this mechanism works. Your subconscious will be freed from such a task.

This technique can be used when a child does not return home at the agreed time or when someone close to you goes on a trip. Remember! The power of this technique increases as your abilities in visualization, concentration and energy work develop.

It will also depend on your faith in it and your practical skills. Use this method only for serious purposes, in situations where you (or someone else) really need protection.

Don't play with it, because then you will weaken its effectiveness and the power of its impact. Your subconscious may later, in a difficult moment, not distinguish whether you are joking or really need help.

Main ideas from the book by psychologist Lucy Jo Paladino “Maximum Concentration”, cited quotes and specific advice and drew a mind map.

Herbert Simon, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1978, noted that “a wealth of information leads to a poverty of attention.” The author of the book "Maximum Focus" Lucy Jo Paladino, a psychologist with 35 years of experience, specializes in the topic of attention. As a result of scientific research, she developed a complete and effective system for focusing attention on the tasks at hand.

As in Edward Hallowell's book Don't Distract Me, the problem is described in terms of people who have difficulty concentrating. But here throughout the book the topic is explained through the “concentration curve.”

Attention depends on how aroused you are. In a state of hyperactivity, the focus of attention switches from one thing to another, and when there is little energy, it is simply difficult to concentrate. One of Paladino's tips is to evaluate how energetic you are throughout the day and adjust to your sweet spot, which means not being too lethargic and not too active.

We tend to think that it is the brain that determines our behavior, but the opposite is also true: behavior directly affects the brain. The adult brain has between 100 and 1,000 trillion synapses, and for a long time scientists thought it did not change. Research conducted over the past 50 years (there are references to them in the book) has proven that this opinion is wrong.

The term "neuroplasticity" defines the brain's ability to transform throughout life. In childhood, the brain is more plastic, but even in adulthood, brain neurons continue to form new connections and structures. It's never too late to change your brain: keeping yourself in the concentration zone will improve your self-control, but constant lack of concentration affects your ability to concentrate negatively. The ability to concentrate can be trained.

Multitasking is evil

Multitasking in most cases worsens work results. The book references a Carnegie Mellon University study that analyzed images of brain activity. The young people who took part in the experiment had to solve linguistic problems while mentally rotating three-dimensional geometric shapes.

The accuracy of completing the task did not suffer, but the speed when it was necessary to switch between tasks was lower. It took less time to solve problems when they were performed one at a time. In addition, areas of the brain responsible for verbal communication and spatial reasoning were less active during multitasking than when performing each task individually.

Research confirms that the brain “switches gears” every time the prefrontal region moves from one task to another. First the switch is made, and then you need to stop following the rules of the first task and perform new ones.

Mindful multitasking can be used to adjust your position relative to your zone of concentration - to make a situation a little more stressful or calm. For example, if you are doing a routine, turn on aggressive music.

It also helps to have a list of three important things to do. If something interferes with your work and you procrastinate, you can switch to one of the tasks and get a little distracted.

How to improve concentration and attention

The book would be simply a collection of research results if it were not for practical advice, divided into three groups:

  • Strategies for developing emotional skills.
  • Strategies for developing mental skills.
  • Strategies for developing behavioral skills.

Most advice boils down to eating right, getting enough sleep, using the Pomodoro technique ( divide the process of completing a task into segments of 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest - approx. ed.), constantly practice meditation and self-awareness, but there are also some great unique ideas.

Athletes, when preparing for important competitions, are advised to constantly assess their adrenaline level (their state on the scale) and do everything to improve the situation: think about long-term goals or remember past training.

Development of emotional skills

You need to ask yourself, “What am I not doing now?” The author gives the example of a woman accustomed to procrastination, who learned to refuse acquaintances when she did not have time, and not to run away from performing necessary tasks.

In January 2007, Piers Steele published an analysis of hundreds of studies on procrastination. It turned out that it is becoming more widespread: from 1978 to 2006, the number of procrastinators increased from 5% to 26%. Procrastination is also associated with a person's impulsiveness and distractibility.

Modern technology makes it more and more tempting to procrastinate. In his work, Dr. Steele showed why other people procrastinate: perhaps they are unhappy with the task or are not confident that they can cope with it. You need to understand why you even took on the task that you are now putting off.

The fight against self-doubt needs to start with “rewriting” the past: understand and accept your mistakes, draw conclusions and no longer allow the past to disturb you, and most importantly, start praising yourself not for fulfilling the plan, but for actually putting in the effort.

The same advice is useful for those who experience anxiety - to replace fear with effort or dissociative (not related to the current moment) thinking. As in John Acuff's book Get Started, it is advised to write down the fears that prevent you from moving forward and the reasons why they are invalid.

Development of mental skills

Mental skill is the ability to use thinking to achieve a goal. Mental skills improve the functioning of the prefrontal cortex of the brain (which is also responsible for decision-making, planning, reasoning) and lead you to your goal. They are formed through regular practice.

This is why stable motivation and constant work on oneself are important. When you are in the right zone of concentration, the necessary chemical connections are formed in the brain to support attention. You are both relaxed due to the release of serotonin and focused due to dopamine and a small dose of norepinephrine.

In addition to the traditional advice with the morning mantra of Steve Jobs ( For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, “If today was the last day of my life, would I do what I planned for the day?” - quote from a speech to Stanford graduates, approx. ed.), the book introduces the concept of “maximum achievable goals” from sports psychology. At every moment, an athlete must understand how and why he is able to achieve his goal. You need to choose goals so that their fulfillment depends on the efforts made, and not on circumstances that you cannot control.

In 1984, Swedish psychologist Lars-Erik Unesthal revolutionized the world of sports psychology with this statement: “An athlete is more likely to become a winner if he does not set a goal to win.” For many years, Dr. Unestal has worked with world-class athletes, analyzing their habits. He found that champions focus on tasks rather than rewards. Their primary goal is to improve their current level, not to surpass someone.

Build a ladder that you need to climb to reach your goals. The art of goal setting is to ensure that each completed goal stimulates movement forward. In sports psychology, the metaphor of building a ladder is used for this - so that each step is the right size and they are all located in the right order.

Don’t be afraid to focus on your goal and the current moment: the one for whom this goal is not the main one is more likely to win. The champion shoots and does not know how many targets he has already hit; for him there is only one target - the one that is now thrown into the air. He is so focused on the moment that he is sometimes surprised when the test comes to an end. This helps you not to worry about competitors and rivals. You cannot influence them - you can only do something yourself.

Another group of tips for developing mental skills is devoted to affirmations - this is when a person convinces himself with positive formulations. Allegedly, research proves that affirmations “I can, I am the best, I am strong” help athletes perform better.

Most of us remember past mistakes better than successes. We constantly plague ourselves with demoralizing whining and self-criticism. Instead, listen to thoughts that inspire hope, to the voice of an inner helper who believes in your strength and abilities. Recover at least three examples of personal success; if this works, remember something related to the current task. It should get easier.

Development of behavioral skills

In this part of the book there are very often references to research and Duhigg’s book, because they directly affect the mechanisms of habit formation, not only positive ones, but also, for example, fear of loss.

In one experiment, people were asked what they would do if they were given the opportunity to receive $3,000 with a 100% guarantee or $4,000 with an 80% guarantee. About 80% of respondents answered that they would take $3 thousand (although the mathematical expectation of the second win is 4000x0.8 - 3200).

When it was proposed to lose $3 thousand or $4 thousand under the same conditions, only 8% were in favor of the first option. The rest, which is also wrong, not wanting to part with what they already had, postponed making a decision and hoped for chance.

Positive habits:

  • relax and unwind;
  • believe in yourself instead of being afraid;
  • be able to find support from friends and family;
  • thank.

It would seem, what is the point in gratitude? In the 1970s, the author of the book participated in one of the last seminars of Hans Selye, the doctor who introduced the concept of biological stress. According to Selye, the only thing that helps cope with stress is thoughts of gratitude. To develop gratitude, Paladino suggests following her tips for 21 days:

  • write down three things you are grateful for;
  • thank one person;
  • remember something good that happened to you in the last 24 hours.

A sense of control is extremely important to a person. In 1971, demographer and sociologist David Glass and his colleagues clearly demonstrated this by having students solve problems in a room with occasional noise. In one group, students were told that they could stop the noise with a signal, but were asked not to do so - and they complied with the request. The other group had no way to stop the sounds. Within twenty-five minutes, both groups had completed the task well and seemed to have adapted to the noise.

Then all participants in the experiment were taken to another room and asked to correct errors in the text in silence. The results varied widely. Subjects who were able to control the noise on the previous task performed much better on the new task and were less anxious. Those who could not control the situation showed very weak results and were very tense.

It is important for a person to have at least the slightest sense of control. If you can't control anything around you, but you can at least control yourself, you won't be exhausted like the participants in Glass's experiment. You will have the courage to control yourself, which means you will be able to continue working and cope with the obstacle.

In 1970, Martin Seligman and Donald Hiroto conducted an experiment on learned helplessness. In the first experiment, subjects were forced to listen to a loud noise while sitting in front of a button. In one group, the experiment participants could stop the noise by pressing a button, while in the other, pressing the button did not help - the subjects depended on those who could stop the sound.

Then the conditions changed: this time anyone could stop the nasty noise. People who could stop the noise in the first experiment easily stopped it this time - as did the control group participants who did not participate in the first part of the experiment. Those who could not turn off the sound in the first experiment could not do so now. They learned to be helpless and sat obediently in their places, although to stop the torment it was enough to stretch out their hand.

In other experiments, three groups of subjects were placed in the same conditions and asked to perform a test.

  1. Those who could not influence the source of the sound performed the task poorly: they were unable to unravel the simplest anagrams and find the patterns by which they were composed.
  2. Group members who had the opportunity to stop the noise knew that the outcome depended on their actions.
  3. Judging by the reactions of people in the third group, they did not believe that success or failure depended on their actions.

Attention Deficit Disorder

The book touches on the problem of ADHD, or ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. According to research, the syndrome appeared due to a mutation in the D4 gene, which affects the production of dopamine and the reward mechanism. People with ADHD became better hunters due to their divided attention. Evolution has confirmed the benefit of this gene, as a result of which the mutation is passed on from generation to generation.

The differences became visible only when “farmers” began to appear in the population, leading a sedentary lifestyle - their survival depended on the ability to concentrate. People with attention deficit disorder have an unusually developed orienting reflex. Their brain, like a magnet, is drawn to something new; it becomes dependent on adrenaline, which is produced from the novelty of impressions. Finishing a task means receiving an assessment of the result.

Many people with attention deficit disorder grew up in constant fear - for example, they were afraid of receiving a test with many corrections on details that they thought were unimportant. Not turning in the work seemed like salvation, because this way they didn’t feel like hopeless losers - and this led them to the idea that they shouldn’t finish things.

In addition, ADHD causes people to overestimate their abilities. When you can't keep your promises, you feel guilty, and to hide it from yourself, you take on the next task - switching also gives you a release of dopamine.

As always, the main thing in solving this problem is to recognize it and understand that perhaps this is not a weakness, but simply a feature taken to the extreme. If we regard ADHD as a disease, then only “farmers” can be normal, “hunters” - never. If you look at it as a biological adaptive trait, both are normal. Problems begin when “hunters” are faced with the demands of an environment that in most cases rewards “farmers.”


Everything can be taken away from a person except the last freedom of a person - to choose his own attitude to any circumstances and his own path.

- Viktor Frankl, psychologist, former concentration camp prisoner

If I ever made significant discoveries, it was due more to my patient attention than to any other talent.

- Isaac Newton

A path is just a path. You will ask if this path has a heart. If there is, it's a good way - if not, then it's of no use.

A path with a heart makes traveling along it joyful: no matter how you travel, you and your path are inseparable. One path gives you strength, the other destroys you.

- Advice given to Castaneda by senior shaman Don Juan Matus

When a player realizes that it is more important to learn attention than to hit a good shot, he stops playing "outside" and instead plays "inside." So, instead of learning attention to play better tennis, he plays tennis to improve attention.

- Timothy Gallwey

To achieve something, you need to focus on your efforts and not focus on any specific result. Life is a movie, not a landscape. If you measure yourself by only one win or loss, you stay within those boundaries while life moves on. If your decision led to failure, rethink it: it is just an experience that teaches and will one day lead to success. Instead of beating yourself up, say: “But I’m so good at trying! We just need to draw conclusions for the future.

Mind map

Click to enlarge

The health of the mental body depends on the nature of thoughts. Every thought and mental aspiration leaves an imprint not only on the matter of the mental body, but also on the cells of the physical body. Thus, with our thoughts we form and build our future physical body.

The process of healing the mental body is based on the same principle: like attracts like. The darker and more primitive a person’s thinking, the weaker his mental body, which actually drags out a hungry existence.

First of all, you need to realize the importance of your mental body as a conductor of consciousness, and then it will begin its activity. If a person lives only by desires and passions, then the mental body weakens and may stop in its development, because it does not receive sufficient development, there is no aspiration to search for the true meaning and purpose of life. On a mental level, this manifests itself in dissatisfaction with life.

The human mental body, like others, is susceptible to various diseases. The disease, as a form of negative energy, penetrates the body and, having reached a critical mass, descends down to the astral, etheric, and then the physical body.

First of all, the nervous system and brain cells of a person are affected, and he begins to suffer from neuropsychiatric diseases. To cure such a disease, you need to know what energy has invaded the mental body, analyze your way of thinking recently and draw a conclusion about the causes of the disease. The manifestation of a disease of the mental body can last for years and even extend beyond the boundaries of one life.

The energies of past sins have grown into the mental body, and if a person does not correct his thinking, in later life he may again be subject to neuropsychiatric diseases, including paralysis, strokes, etc.

The state of the mental body and the receptivity of the brain, its thinking are also interconnected. Each thought is a certain vibration that is associated with mental matter that forms the mental body. Thought images are a complete vibrational form that permeates all bodies, saturating them with energy or taking it away. With the power of thought, you form a mental body, a project of your future state, which is transmitted through communication channels to the astral and etheric body, and then to the physical. Beautiful mental images will certainly be reflected in the state of the mental body, and the conscious process of thinking will gradually create a strong will.

Mentally focusing on one concept or subject is very useful. For example, on the structure of human subtle bodies, or comprehension of outer space, or the development of one’s mental body, or the improvement of consciousness, or the formation of one’s spiritual body. You can think about different things, about the creative power of life, about the sources of life-giving energy. Thinking and mental images should be bright and clear. Imagination can give complete form to every chain of thoughts. Streams of mental energies are attracted when a person thinks about distant worlds, thereby tearing his thoughts away from the earth at least for a short time. The mental body receives a strong energy impulse, and a conscious connection with higher planes appears. Concentration teaches you to concentrate mental energy, which gives the power of thought. A person who is angry, irritable or burdened with hatred or revenge will not be able to give his energies strength, because in such a state the waste of strength is very great. But the more spiritual and moral a person is, the more strength he has for the thought process.

The state of selfless love for people makes mental energy pure and active like nothing else.

Sometimes, in order to restore the strength of the mental body and give impetus to brain activity for useful and fruitful work, you need to learn to achieve a state of thoughtlessness. At the same time, you can focus on the inner contemplation of one of the saints or great ascetics of humanity. This state is extremely beneficial for brain cells.

Strength is stimulated in people who are in a sleeping state. As a result of such an awakening, all energy systems are renewed, which gradually reaches the physical body, and rejuvenation is possible at the cellular level of the entire organism.

But one should not confuse the state of inner silence with ordinary mental immobility or dullness. These are completely opposite things.

In a state of thoughtlessness, amazing insights are possible.

There is also the concept of mental breathing. The energy of thought is diffused in space, and focusing on deep and even breathing for the purpose of healing is very useful. What is mental breathing?

Bring your entire being into a state of balance and inhale not just air or prana, but the essence of mental purified energy. It is better to carry out such an action while in nature, in a clean place - in the forest, in the mountains, away from cities.

Air molecules contain etheric energies that are subject to thought and can be attracted during inhalation. During the pause, they will enter the blood, and on exhalation they will carry away negative particles. This way you can push illnesses out of yourself. You can inhale aromas, or you can inhale a fiery substance, gradually accustoming yourself to higher energies. But first you need to remember which element you belong to. And do not inhale the opposite element.

The physical body belongs to the dense world. Astral - to the astral, we go there in our dreams. Mental - to the mental world, very few can get there, and for this you need to have a refined and developed mental body. The spiritual is the habitat of saints and very few spiritually developed people.

It is very useful to at least think about the higher worlds - mental and spiritual. Thoughts, like anchors, will be fixed there, and over time you will be able to get to a higher plane of existence. Mental constructions can be so beautiful that they are beyond ordinary description.

Communication with the worlds is carried out through the corresponding bodies. But a person himself can raise and increase his own vibrations to any level, thereby giving himself the opportunity to stay in the spiritual world. These are enormous possibilities, or rather super-possibilities, because it was thanks to access to the spiritual world, to its highest energies, that saints and ascetics could perform healings and other miracles. Having established sufficient connections with the mental world and its energy, you will feel a powerful influx of strength, inspiration and creative enthusiasm.

The mental images in which you try to imagine pictures of the higher layers of the mental world may seem fantastic, but this does not mean that they do not exist. There is no evil there, everything glows, sounds and smells. The subtle matter of the mental is instantly transformed, it is so mobile that images appear immediately in certain forms. There are no limits or restrictions here and you can create anything you want: palaces, temples, flowering alleys. Everything your essence is capable of. Such contacts with the highest beauty of mental creativity are sometimes more fruitful than the health-improving activities themselves. Don't be afraid to think about higher worlds, don't limit yourself and your thinking. This is the same as limiting the flow of energy. But more often, mentally lift yourself off the ground. Don't deny anything under any circumstances. Any denial is a limitation of the development of energy bodies. It leads to stagnation of energy and saturation of bodies with decay products, energy self-poisoning.

Anything is possible! That's what ordinary people say. Eliminate envy, ill will and the most destructive thing for energy bodies - selfishness. The more selfish a person is, the weaker his mental body. In the next life, such an egoist is born poor, with weak mental abilities, but the dense side of life manifests itself clearly in him. Rude, selfish, greedy, lustful - how many of them are there now? The consequences of a soulless and immoral life have not yet befallen them, but they have already begun to manifest themselves in diseases of a very different nature.

The mental body is also weakened by excessive sexual activity. Mental abilities decrease from this. Therefore, if you need to succeed in mental activity, then restraint in the sexual sphere will help you in this. Outbursts of anger, hatred, even simple irritation will also harm and weaken the energies of the mental body.

Not everyone’s mental body is fully formed and developed, so consciously building it from refined mental energy - the energy of thought - just as you would sculpt from clay, will help strengthen and fill it with light radiations. And control over thoughts will teach you to accumulate mental energy, which contributes to longevity, clarity of mind into old age and a full, active life.

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