Why does the skin peel after surgery? Why does my skin peel? Treatment for peeling skin

Peeling of the facial skin, unfortunately, is an all too common complaint with which people turn to a cosmetologist. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including hereditary predisposition. The problem can be solved not only in beauty salons, but also with the help of home remedies, but you need to understand what should be done and how.

Read in this article

Why does the skin peel?

There may be several reasons for this, and if we do not consider the genetic factor, then the following points can be highlighted.

In women, men

External factors play a very important role - frost, sunlight, too dry air, wind, contaminated water, poor-quality cosmetics. As a result, the skin of the face dries out and begins to peel. And equally in men and women. The detachment of the upper layer of the epidermis is sometimes so intense that problem areas cannot be hidden even with the best foundation or concealing pencil.

Often the cause of peeling skin in men and women can be various pathologies of internal organs and systems. For example, a similar problem can result from:

  • irrational, poor nutrition (changes on the facial skin are often observed in people on a weight loss diet);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, improper production of hormones;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins or their excess;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and urinary system.

Age-related changes can also cause flaking of the facial skin, and this is a natural process associated with increased dryness and thinning of the skin. Many people believe that the problem cannot be solved in this situation, but dermatologists can easily convince you otherwise.

Allergies are worth mentioning separately. It can also manifest itself as peeling of the facial skin, and it will only intensify if there is contact with an irritant. Regardless of what disease caused the condition in question, it is necessary to first diagnose it, undergo treatment, and only then restore the health of the facial skin.

The child has

In childhood, the causes of peeling facial skin are most often external factors: too high air temperatures, frost, wind, staying in a room with dry air, sun rays. Often the condition in question is a symptom of an allergic reaction, but in relation to other pathologies it is extremely rarely present among the first signs.

In newborns and under 12 months of age, peeling may indicate an adaptation period for the baby. The hormonal system, thermoregulation of the body and the perception of certain foods at this age simply function imperfectly. As the baby grows older, the problem disappears without any special treatment.

Causes of dry skin problems

It is not surprising that flaking is a constant companion of dry skin, but appears with some frequency. And exacerbations occur in case of improper facial skin care, for example, if washing is done using soap and hot water, or moisturizer is not regularly applied.

Dry skin is susceptible to changes even with minor exposure. Even salt water that stays on the face for a short time leads to intense peeling, and it’s not even worth talking about direct sunlight, wind and frost.

The whole situation becomes more complicated if, in parallel with the above factors, there are also internal diseases, a lack of vitamins, and poor nutrition.

To learn why facial skin is dry, watch this video:

What if the face is still red, blotchy, dry?

Redness and the appearance of pronounced spots on the face indicate that the skin is drying out. Since peeling is most often observed on dry skin, redness may be a sign of dilation of small blood vessels close to the epidermis.

Red spots with obvious drying out often appear after a long stay in the cold or in direct sunlight - this is how a banal allergy to external irritants manifests itself. As a rule, these symptoms disappear immediately after the negative impact is eliminated.

Peeling around the mouth

The reasons for this condition may be:

  • improper facial skin care;
  • exposure of the epidermis to low and high air temperatures;
  • allergies to food or cosmetics;
  • problems in the functioning of the sebaceous glands located around the mouth;
  • insufficient intake of vitamins into the body or their excess.

Perioral dermatitis

In addition, one more fact needs to be taken into account: it is in this part of the face that contact with hands most often occurs, and if they are unclean (which is most often the case), then peeling and irritation cannot be avoided.

Options for solving the problem

To stop peeling bothering you, you should do the following:

  • Get advice from a specialist. And this must be done, since the basis for successfully solving a problem is finding out the cause of its occurrence.
  • If you have existing diseases of internal organs and systems, you need to undergo their full treatment. In the case of diagnosing chronic forms of pathologies, it is necessary to introduce them into a stable stage of drug remission.
  • Thoroughly audit your own cosmetics bag and get rid of products that have expired or are from a dubious manufacturer. The same applies to medicinal and facial skin care products.

And you can treat excessively dry and flaky facial skin with pharmaceutical products, various masks from ordinary food products and procedures in beauty salons.

To learn how to care for dry skin, watch this video:

Elimination of external and internal factors

Only an integrated approach to solving the problem of peeling facial skin will give positive results.


You can go to a beauty salon and have peeling procedures performed using professional means. But cosmetologists assure that it is quite possible to get no worse results when using home remedies. They are called scrubs and are prepared according to the following recipes:

  • From salt and sugar. You need to mix 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar, add to them the same amount of fat sour cream and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. The resulting mass is gently massaged onto a clean and damp face. Then the product remains on the skin, and only after 10 - 15 minutes you can start washing.
  • From bran and oat flakes. You need to grind a glass of wheat and oatmeal bran, but not into powder, mix. Then the resulting mass is moistened with water (very little is needed, just so that the dry raw material can be picked up and slightly crushed) and applied to the skin of the face with massage movements, using some effort. It is important to avoid the area around the eyes during the procedure! There is no need to leave the mixture on the face; after cleansing the skin, wash it immediately.
  • From baking soda. You must first soap your cleansed face with laundry or baby soap, then rub the skin on top with regular baking soda. Immediately after finishing the procedure, you should wash with warm water.

These recipes are optimal for normal to oily but flaky skin types. For dry skin, only peeling using fruit acids is suitable. For the procedure, you need to prepare a scrub from grated apple, banana pulp, fermented milk product (preferably sour cream), honey, small oatmeal - all ingredients are taken in 1 tablespoon.

The finished product is applied to the face and rubbed in with a cotton pad, then left for another 15 minutes.

Regardless of what type of facial skin suffers from peeling, you need to remember two rules for peeling procedures:

  • no more than 2 - 3 times a week;
  • no longer than 15 minutes of rubbing.

After applying the scrub, the skin is lubricated with moisturizer.

Watch this video about peeling for dry skin:


They should moisturize your facial skin as much as possible and nourish it with vitamins and microelements. You can use products from a line of professional cosmetics for the procedure, but homemade masks will also be effective:

  • Cottage cheese + carrots. The vegetable is grated on a fine grater, the cottage cheese is kneaded and combined with carrots. Olive oil and milk or cream are added to the finished mass. All components are taken in equal quantities.
  • Dairy products. It's simple: sour cream, kefir or natural yogurt is applied to the skin of the face in a fairly thick layer, and everything is covered with a cloth on top. The procedure takes 15 minutes, then everything is washed off with warm water. This mask can only be used in the evening, before going to bed - pronounced red spots appear on the skin and disappear only after a few hours.

Mask for dry skin: avocado + sour cream + honey
  • Aloe pulp + chicken egg white. These ingredients are mixed in equal quantities and applied to the face. First you need to keep the leaves of the plant in the freezer and lubricate the skin with greasy cream or medical Vaseline. The time the product remains on the face is a maximum of 20 minutes.
  • Dry mustard + olive oil. They are mixed in such a proportion that the “output” is a creamy mass. It is applied to a previously cleansed face in a thin layer and left for 10 - 15 minutes. During the procedure, a slight burning sensation, tingling and rush of blood may be felt - this is a normal reaction of the skin.

Masks against peeling facial skin can be used daily, but first you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components included in the chosen product.

Folk remedies

It is very useful to wash your face with decoctions of medicinal plants and use vegetable oils to moisturize your facial skin. The optimal composition for solving the problem would be the following composition of the herbal mixture:

  • yarrow and St. John's wort leaves;
  • coltsfoot and calendula flowers;
  • linden blossom and mint;
  • stems of field and medicinal strawberries.

Having prepared the mixture from the indicated components, taken in equal quantities, you need to brew 2 tablespoons of the raw material with a glass (250 ml) of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain. The finished product can be used for daily washing, but in this case the infusion should be diluted with boiled warm water (100 ml per 1 liter). Cosmetologists recommend pouring the infusion into an ice tray and then using the finished product to wipe the skin.

As for vegetable oils, you can wipe your face with them every day. After applying the product, wait 15 minutes and wash off any remaining residue with warm water and soap. You can take any oil - sunflower, olive, almond.

Pharmacy drugs

If the cause of peeling facial skin is an allergy, then creams with an antihistamine effect will help solve the problem. In case of irritation due to high/low air temperatures or sunburn, you can use Panthenol or another cream that contains dexapanthenol.

Pharmaceutical products from the hydrocortisone category are often used against peeling. They really quickly eliminate the problem, but using them without the appropriate prescription from a dermatologist or cosmetologist is prohibited. The fact is that hydrocortisone is a strong allergen that can significantly worsen your health.

Cosmetology procedures

They are performed in specialized clinics and are recognized as the most effective in combating flaking of facial skin. It is recommended to complete the following procedures:

  • (hyaluronic acid injections);
  • (injections in certain areas of the face).

Many people simply omit this item on the list of measures to combat flaking of facial skin. But cosmetologists say that adjusting your diet can play an important role in solving the problem. In many cases, such an “event” allows you to do without cosmetic procedures and the use of pharmaceutical products. Things to remember:

  • The amount of fatty, spicy, sweet foods should be excluded from the diet or reduced;
  • You need to drink at least 2 liters of water every day;
  • the menu should always contain fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • It’s worth enriching your diet with fish and seafood.

Peeling facial skin is a serious and common problem. It can be solved not only with professional cosmetic procedures, but also with home remedies. With regular care for such a problematic person, a positive result is guaranteed.

Useful video

Watch this video about food products for different skin types:

Surgery on the male testicles is the final step and is only used when other treatments fail.

Peeling skin, discomfort in the groin, pain, swelling... - these problems can signal a serious problem with a man’s health, but due to the special delicacy of the problem, many representatives of the stronger sex consult a doctor when it is too late to take drug treatment. But in vain!

The fact is that diseases of the male reproductive glands, including flaking of the skin, can be easily treated with antibiotics, since delicate male problems have long been studied, but (!) for this, you should promptly contact an andrologist or urologist to make a correct diagnosis.

If you apply early, testicular surgery may not be necessary! Therefore, dear men, do not ignore the problem. Especially if you have the following symptoms:

  • aching, nagging pain in the groin, over a long period of time, peeling of the skin of the scrotum
  • painful sensations even with a light touch
  • visible deformation of the right or left testicle, accompanied by a small tumor
  • pain in the testicles that does not disappear within one to two hours after the injury.

In addition, testicular pain can be caused by:

  • inguinal hernia, the result of which is compression of the seminal canal - hence pain and peeling of the skin
  • varicocele - varicose veins of the thin skin of the spermatic canal - a similar disease, unfortunately, is diagnosed in every fifth or sixth man who consults doctors with this problem
  • torsion of the testicle, which can cause dropsy, and if you don’t consult a doctor in a timely manner, it can lead to the death of the foreskin
  • hydrocele is a disease that requires surgical intervention only in an advanced stage, its characteristic symptoms are testicular swelling, provoked (in 90% of cases) by an infectious disease, peeling of the skin
  • Vasectomy is complete sterilization due to irreversible changes in the testicles; after such a radical surgical intervention, sexual activity is impossible.

It should be noted: surgery on the testicles is not required if a man experiences temporary nagging pain in the groin, provoked by unsatisfied sexual desire. Discomfort usually goes away a few hours after the event, and does not pose a threat to men's health.

Pain and peeling of the skin can also be caused by a cancerous tumor. If the disease is not advanced, radiation and chemotherapy will cope with the problem; if not, surgical intervention is necessary. After surgery (if it is not a vasectomy), as a rule, the reproductive functions of the male body are restored.

Any surgical intervention causes serious discomfort to a person, but in some cases, testicular surgery is the only way to maintain a full sex life for many years.

There are several factors that cause peeling of the skin after a fracture.

First factor

The first and most common option is a chemical burn of the skin on the affected area. As a rule, before applying plaster, the skin area is treated with a disinfectant solution or antiseptic. For many people with hypersensitive skin, this is quite enough to cause a burn.

Second factor

The second reason is dirt. For fear of getting the cast wet or damaging, many people neglect personal hygiene. In this case, it may be advisable to wipe the skin around the cast with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a weak alcohol solution.

Poor circulation

Often, the cause of peeling of the skin under and around the cast is poor circulation, especially if the cast is tight and the fracture is accompanied by swelling. Epithelial cells in such a situation begin to die.
There are cases where allergic reactions to gypsum components were observed on the skin. Itching and peeling in this case are inevitable.
Unfavorable flora
Among other things, the skin under the cast secretes its secretions, the sebaceous and sweat glands continue to function. Therefore, the skin can rot, and in such an environment bacteria take root very quickly.

Is it dangerous?
In most cases, peeling of the skin after a fracture goes away within a week after the plaster is removed. But, of course, the skin should be helped to return to normal. For this, daily water treatments and the use of nourishing and moisturizing creams are recommended. Sometimes doctors recommend hypoallergenic regenerating ointments (De-Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.) If the skin condition does not improve for more than two weeks, you should consult a doctor about this.

anonymous, Female, 23 years old

On February 07, I had a sectoral revision of the right breast, and a mixed type fibroadenoma was removed. We used Vicrol suture material, the body reacted to the suture material. They made an intradermal cosmetic suture, and the Vicrol treatment resulted in rejection. I took antibiotics and antihistamines - it didn’t help. The wound festered at the points of contact with the thread. 10 days after the operation, the doctor took out the upper threads, since the wound had festered, and necrosis began in the places where the thread touched the skin. The doctor took out the upper threads and cut off the skin. He did not get the internal threads, he said that there was no indication to act so radically, since getting the thread out is very traumatic for the mammary gland. The wound didn’t heal at all for a month, it just festered + pain in the wound for a month and the temperature was 37.4-37.6... Then I turned to another surgeon, he advised me to pour Fucorcin into the wound and add Gentasept powder (if I’m not mistaken in the name) . The wound healed, but the color of the wound and scar was blue-cherry... 70 days during which Vicrol should dissolve expires on April 7, and the temperature has not dropped below 37.4 for 2 months and the wound is dark cherry in color. Is it normal that the temperature does not go away, and besides, the scar is very flaky. The skin just falls off in layers


after sectoral resection mol. the glands have not dropped in temperature for 2 months (approximately 37.4), the wound healed completely only 10 days ago, the wound did not heal at all for 1.5 months... the scar is very peeling. There was a reaction to the threads (Vicrol), there was suppuration, necrosis of the skin (which came into contact with the thread). The doctor removed the upper stitches 12 days after the operation (and cut off the skin with necrosis), but did not pull out the internal threads because... justified that this is traumatic for the pier. glands... the skin is red around the scar, a hypertrophic suture may be forming, suggests excision of the scar. The deadline for resolving the threads (70 days) has already expired, and the scar and the skin around the scar are cherry... The doctor advised me to apply hydrocortisone, I applied the ointment, but was faced with a burning sensation and pain in the wound. Is it possible to somehow remove the redness, how serious is it...? and what to do with the temperature?

Hello. The scar will finally form after 6 months, only then can we talk about excision of the scar. Redness and temperature are manifestations of the inflammatory process, so it can be. You don’t need to do anything about the temperature, just control it, the main thing is that it doesn’t rise above 38. Be healthy!


Hello! After sectoral resection, the scar is very flaky and very red... if you wet it, it turns blue-black... The scar looks red and crooked. On one side it is wide, and on the other the edge is arched and narrower... It feels deep and dense to the touch, protruding slightly above the skin. It causes me discomfort because I constantly touch it with the inside of my arm.... It itches very much, it just brings me to tears... And the scar itself itches, and the tissue around the scar.... It’s simply impossible to tolerate...... They sewed it up with a cosmetic intradermal a seam, but it doesn’t look cosmetic at all..... crooked, red and scary. There was a reaction to the thread (Vicryl), 70 days for resorption passed two weeks ago... And the temperature has not left me for all 3 months, the last month was 37.7, but it dropped to 37.3


Hello! On February 7, a fibroadenoma of the breast was removed; the suture material did not fit; the wound festered and did not heal; after 2 months it healed and a keloid scar formed. It was very painful, itchy, very flaky, the color of the scar was burgundy-cyanotic, and frankly frightening... The treating oncologist suggested excision. On May 16, the keloid scar was excised. The doctor picked a thread for me. The thread came up this time. A month later, I underwent electrophoresis with lidase, minor suppuration of the scar began and electrophoresis began to pull the threads out. The oncologist said to stop electrophoresis; out of the planned 10 procedures, only 5 were completed. Then the keloid relapsed. Now the keloid scar is even larger, longer and actively growing. in the middle of the scar such an acute angle began to form. The keloid scar now hurts and aches, sometimes very strongly. It came down to painkiller injections! Especially if you press on the scar (not even hard), there is a sharp pain. It’s been 4 months since the excision operation, the scar doesn’t even seem to lighten, it hurts. Especially before menstruation, when the breasts swell... it hurts so much((((doctor, tell me! What should I do? The oncologist suggests doing nothing now, even on its own... and suturing the keloid in the near future, but does not guarantee that this will help! What can you advise? And please, tell me! What should not be done with a keloid scar?

Peeling skin occurs at any age in women. In men, this symptom rarely appears, only if it accompanies a serious illness. How to determine when peeling is not dangerous and when it indicates skin diseases? We will tell you about the most important criteria and help you solve the problem. So, what are the causes and how to get rid of peeling skin?

What is peeling skin

Peeling is the appearance of scales of dead epidermis on the skin surface. This process occurs in every person, but is usually unnoticeable. Under the influence of a variety of factors, large quantities of the stratum corneum are rejected.

When they talk about peeling, what they usually mean is dryness of the skin, which does not have any pathological reasons. It is believed that dry skin is just a skin type, so nothing needs to be treated in this case. In fact, treatment is required, only it is expressed in high-quality hydration. If you ignore xerosis, comedones may appear, early skin aging and other problems may occur.

Sometimes peeling is associated with dysfunction of internal organs and sensitization of the body. In this case, not only hydration is required, but also other measures related to the treatment of the underlying cause of the symptom.

Elena Malysheva will talk about what peeling facial skin is in the video below:


Peeling can be divided into pathological and physiological.

  • In the second case, the process of rejection of dead cells is at a normal level.
  • With pathological peeling, this process intensifies.

Classification is carried out according to the size of the scales:

  • lamellar (psoriasis);
  • pityriasis (rubrophytia, lichen);
  • large-lamellar (lupus, erythroderma).

How to identify yourself

Peeling can be abundant or small, it all depends on the root cause of the disease. The duration of the symptom is directly related to the pathology. It may not go away for several years, only occasionally fading away.

  • Yellow peeling color is characteristic of seborrhea,
  • white the shade indicates psoriasis,
  • A dark scales indicate ichthyosis.

The skin at the site of the symptom may become saturated with exudate and form a crust.

You should consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • development of pustules in the area of ​​peeling,
  • infection,
  • peeling has spread to the legs,
  • Bubbles and spots appeared.

What does peeling of the scalp, on the face, palms, fingers and toes indicate, what skin diseases may the symptom indicate?

Diseases and disorders

A number of skin diseases and problems are accompanied by peeling:

  • irritation,
  • psoriasis,
  • skin injuries,
  • hypothyroidism,
  • demodicosis,
  • helminthiasis,
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • toxins,
  • ichthyosis,
  • scarlet fever,
  • xerosis,
  • lupus erythematosus,
  • gastrointestinal diseases,
  • syphilis,
  • diabetes.

This symptom does not always indicate any disease.

  • For example, the skin begins to peel more when there is a lack of moisture or in winter.
  • In older people, the mechanism of occurrence of the symptom is a purely physiological change, since the sebaceous glands simply cease to function normally.
  • Peeling also occurs from frequent washing with soap and prolonged exposure to a room with low humidity and high air temperature.

We will tell you below how to treat severe peeling of the skin of the face and other parts of the body due to irritation, itching, dryness, and redness.

Useful tips on how to get rid of flaking skin are contained in the video below:

How to deal with the problem

Traditional solutions

If you are only concerned about peeling, then you can try to deal with it yourself. If no improvement is noted within 2-3 weeks, you should visit a dermatologist.

Treating the symptom requires moisturizing, as this will help prevent the appearance of new skin flakes. When treating, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. Wear clothes with natural ingredients.
  2. Take a course of vitamins A and E, group B.
  3. For washing, choose soap with a moisturizing effect. This product usually contains a large amount of fat.
  4. After water procedures, it is advisable to moisturize the skin.
  5. Lubricate the skin surface with any ointment containing. The medication will not only solve the problem of peeling, but will also reduce inflammation and irritation.
  6. . Use it for no more than 14 days.

The doctor selects other healing compounds based on what caused the symptom.

It is worth correcting your usual diet, since sometimes severe peeling is the main sign of vitamin deficiency. The diet should contain many microelements; it is unacceptable to maintain diets with severe calorie restriction.

Are there special ointments for peeling and itching of the skin that you can make yourself? Let's find out further.

Folk remedies

If there is no inflammation, severe itching or other unusual symptoms during peeling, indicating, for example, eczema, then you can resort to traditional medicine methods. There are a lot of recipes for moisturizing:

  1. Boil oatmeal in milk, mix the required amount of porridge with butter and honey, and then apply to the face. It is advisable to find olive oil for the recipe, as it will not create a film on the skin. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
  2. After washing your face, take honey, add a little water to it and massage the resulting product onto your skin using circular movements.
  3. Rubbing with watermelon, apple, and cucumber juice prevents peeling.
  4. Flax seeds (2 tablespoons) are boiled in 2 glasses of water until a paste is obtained. It is removed and the broth is filtered. This is what needs to be applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Then the product is washed off with water.
  5. Mash the banana, mix with cream (2 tsp). Keep it on the skin for up to 15 minutes, and then wipe the skin with linden decoction.

To achieve the effect, you need to repeat the masks. In total, the course includes about 20 procedures; no more than three procedures can be done per week.

The video below shows the girl, using her own example, how to protect your skin from peeling in winter:

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