Footwear for hunting in autumn and winter: selection rules and recommendations. Hunting Shoes for Low Temperatures Best EVA Ice Fishing Boots

Those who are just getting involved in this type of active recreation or sport (depending on who you are), pay the main attention to the issue. But an equally important factor that determines how successful the hunt will be and whether it will turn into flour is the correct choice of appropriate shoes, which, unfortunately, is not taken into account by many.

What criteria should be used to choose shoes for hunting in the fall or winter, what to consider when purchasing, which manufacturers it is advisable to focus on - understanding all such nuances will allow you to avoid the most typical mistakes made by novice amateur fishermen.

The general requirements for any shoes for hunting or fishing, be it autumn or winter, are the same - durability (which implies increased resistance to wear), convenience, comfort and high-quality protection from negative external factors such as dampness and cold. But considering this issue only from the point of view of the advisability of purchasing certain shoes (boots, high boots) is not entirely correct. Rather, we are talking about a kit, which also includes such elements of “equipment” as socks and insoles. You shouldn’t forget about this either.

What to consider when choosing shoes for hunting

Type of fishing

If hunting is carried out by walking, then the requirements for shoes are somewhat stricter. And this is understandable, since you often have to navigate a rough route and overcome areas with different types of soil. The specifics of the territory in which it is planned to hunt is also important - wooded area, mountainous, swampy, and so on.


For autumn, shoes are chosen that are lighter and not as insulated as for winter fishing. Plus, you won't need thick socks. It’s another matter if boots are purchased for all occasions, for any season. The criteria for correct selection are described below.

Care products

What is good about a well-known brand? Large companies care not only about the quality of boots, shoes, and insoles, but also about the development and supply to the market of various preparations that can extend the service life of hunting shoes. Therefore, it is worth asking if there are any creams, ointments, etc. from this manufacturer. Alternatively, what he recommends to use for caring for boots or shoes.

Inexperienced hunters overlook the fact that randomly selected products can reduce the breathability of the material, and feet in such shoes will quickly sweat. And this is just one of the indicators of the advisability of using the appropriate products, although there are many more of them - compatibility of the base and the drug, and so on.

Classification of shoes for hunting

There are three main groups of it, depending on the intended use and performance characteristics.

Rubber boots

Unlike traditional rubber boots, they are equipped with special liners that simultaneously serve as insulation and shock absorber. But they are only suitable for autumn and early winter, since at temperatures below -8 ºС they lose elasticity, and their feet begin to freeze. Typically purchased for hunting waterfowl or in wetlands.

Canadian boots

A modernized version consisting of two “structural” parts. The bottom is galoshes made of high-quality rubber, the top is leather (expensive models of shoes for hunting), tarpaulin or synthetics. These boots are ideal for winter, especially since you can choose the most suitable thermal insulation insoles from the same manufacturer for local conditions - wool, synthetic, felt and even fur.

In such boots the hunter will be comfortable, even if the temperature outside is extremely low - down to -45. Your feet will definitely not freeze. Such models are popular among winter fishing enthusiasts, polar explorers, and ski tourists.


Not only specimens are suitable for hunting if the documentation for them (or on the tags) indicates exactly this purpose. Similar shoes are produced for climbers, skiers, and military personnel. The main thing is that it (and its equipment) meet the requirements for it.

Basic criteria for choosing shoes for hunting


Possibility of adjusting them to fit your feet. Even if two hunters have the same foot size, one will find the shoes he likes just right (which means they are comfortable to wear), while the other will feel some discomfort. If not in the store, then later, at home, after the next fitting. It is believed that this is not critical, and is often perceived only as a temporary inconvenience - nothing, they are carried away (although it is not a fact that this is exactly what will happen). Now imagine that you will have to spend the whole day outdoors in such shoes. How long will the hunter hold out, will he give up the race in a couple of hours?

What is the reason for this discrepancy? There are no absolutely identical people. Even twins have characteristic differences by which their mother recognizes them. This fully applies to anatomical features, including the foot. That is why hunting shoes should be purchased from well-known manufacturers who do not miss this nuance. Their boots have special lacing or Velcro fasteners that allow for a precise fit to the foot.

In addition, the seasonal factor should also be taken into account. Unlike in autumn, during winter fishing you will have to additionally insulate your feet. As a rule, thick socks help out, since a second insole in such a situation is not the best solution.

Protection against moisture penetration inside. In this case, it does not mean the material from which the hunting shoes are made, but the location of the fasteners or lacing. It is this part of the boots that is the most vulnerable in terms of protection. When choosing shoes for hunting, you should find out whether they have so-called protective valves. Otherwise, even when walking across the field, your feet will quickly get wet, since the chain (with rare exceptions) lines up and starts moving early in the morning, when there is still dew on the grass. By the way, neglect of this “detail” is one of the main reasons why novice fishermen quickly leave the race.

Air permeability. If autumn hunting is not carried out in wetlands, then you need to pay attention to the material. Natural rubber, rubber varieties are clearly not the best choice. In such sealed shoes, a greenhouse effect occurs quite quickly. The result is sweating of the feet, wet socks, insoles and hypothermia. You won’t be able to withstand walking hunting in such boots for long, especially in winter. Execution of the sole. An equally important component of high-quality hunting shoes, especially in winter, when there are often areas with hardened soil or ice along the way. The sole must have a tread pattern, and a distinct one, with deep cutouts. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve reliable adhesion of shoes to the soil. If boots have smooth soles, then they are definitely not suitable for hunting, no matter how good they are in all other respects. Although there are shoes with removable spikes, which are convenient to move on any soil, be it rocky rocks or plowing.

Boots are considered universal footwear for a hunter, but if fishing is carried out in wetlands, then they are unlikely to be suitable.

There are a number of other parameters that influence the choice, but they are not decisive. For example, the color design of a product. Many hunters wear camouflage robes and overalls over their clothes. In this case, is camouflage shoes really necessary if they are hidden? To select the optimal model of boots for hunting, the criteria listed above are sufficient.


The main criteria (as far as relevant) have already been noted. What should be assessed further?

Height. For autumn hunting in wetlands, you should choose boots with tops that go above the knees. This ensures that even if you have to walk through water in some area, it will not get inside. These boots are also suitable for those who hunt in snowy areas, when periodically falling into ice almost up to the waist is a common occurrence. Boot construction. They should not fit tightly to the leg. This allows you to tuck your trousers into them, thereby providing additional insulation for the lower leg. And the bottom of the pants will not gradually get wet.

Ease of removal from the foot. In some situations, perhaps the main criterion. For example, if in winter a chain of hunters crosses a river (wide stream) on ice, and someone falls through. The distance to a neighbor is usually at least 20 m. By the time he has time to come to the rescue, precious time will be lost. Therefore, high-quality hunter's shoes are also those that you can easily get rid of. For this reason, many experienced fishermen are quite skeptical about high boots - they are heavy (which means their legs get tired quickly) and you can’t just take them off. Therefore, such shoes are purchased mainly by those who fish in winter and on skis.


Regardless of the material of manufacture, the requirements for them are identical:

  • hygiene;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • elasticity, which implies good shock absorption.

For people with flat feet, insoles with arch supports are preferable when hunting.


The best option for winter fishing is 3 pairs in the following order: wool (to improve blood circulation, since during hunting the fibers constantly massage the feet), cotton (to accumulate moisture if the feet begin to sweat) and synthetic (to protect previous layers from increased abrasion ). In addition, such a complex “design” creates air layers that serve as additional thermal insulation.

There are special socks on sale for hunters, tourists, and so on, that is, people who spend a significant amount of time outdoors. It is advisable, when purchasing shoes, to buy them at the same time. There are several options for hunting socks - neoprene, with a gore-tex layer and a number of others.

A brief overview of the main manufacturers of hunting shoes and their cost

Prices are approximate, in Russian rubles.

As a rule, amateur hunters go out into nature occasionally, a couple of times a month, so it makes no sense to purchase separate autumn and winter options. It makes much more sense to buy shoes that are equally suitable for any season. But it’s hard to say whether it’s worth saving or focusing only on well-known manufacturers. This is relevant for commercial hunters who are constantly in extreme conditions.

For irregular trips, according to the author, you can limit yourself to buying budget shoes. Moreover, much is determined not only by the quality of the product, but also by the carefulness of the owner, the organization of appropriate shoe care, the conditions in which a person prefers to hunt, and a number of other factors. And since such models are relatively cheap, if they are unsuitable for further use, the next purchase will not be too burdensome for the family budget.

Moreover, branded models, along with their advantages, also have some disadvantages. It is pointless to list them, since each manufacturer’s shoes have their own positive and negative characteristics, which determine the specifics of their use (in relation to hunting conditions). In addition, this article is not an advertisement, and more specific information can be easily found on the website of the dealer or manufacturer.

Among the “branded” products, one can single out products from North American companies, about which reviews from professionals are more than laudatory - branded models "Baffin Trapper", "Baffin Titan". The price of boots starts from 6,680 (42 rubles).

If we focus on cheaper shoes for hunting, then in this price segment the products under the brand stand out "Lemigo" (Poland). Good boots can be purchased for 2,900 – 3,100.

Among domestic shoes for hunting, products under the brands “ Husky", "ROKS", "ARDT", "NordMan", "Jnt" and a number of others. In principle, the list of Russian manufacturing companies is quite impressive. For amateur hunters who travel outside the city only occasionally, shoes from the Russian Federation are even better.

  • Firstly, domestic manufacturers take into account the specifics of our climate, which they know firsthand, unlike foreign ones.
  • Secondly, in terms of the main characteristics, “native” shoes are not much inferior to their imported counterparts. And this is not advertising, but a statement of fact - market relations have forced companies to think about the quality of the final product.
  • Thirdly, the cost of domestic hunting boots starts from 780 rubles. Even if they only last 2-3 seasons, there is no tragedy in that.

For those who are interested in a more extensive list, the following brands of high-quality hunting shoes from the budget category can be cited as examples: "ATTACKER", "Patboots", "BERKUT ZIPP", "CORPORAL", "AKU", "ARAVI MULTICAM". There is a choice, and a very significant one. Moreover, the price for all of these models is quite reasonable - ranging from 2,000 to 9,800 rubles.

Asking someone to buy shoes for yourself is the biggest mistake. The features of the anatomical structure have already been mentioned. You should only purchase it yourself, preferably in a specialized store. If shoes or boots are taken only for a specific season, then you need to take with you the necessary paraphernalia - insoles, socks. Although it is better to buy everything as a set, along with shoes. Be sure to fully wear, and a pair at once, and not just one shoe. Practice shows that if a cheap product is purchased, especially from a tray somewhere, then it is not a fact that the left and right samples are completely identical.

But this is not enough. You need to walk around the store, make several characteristic movements with each foot (up and down, to the sides). If the shoes do not pinch, do not cause discomfort in any position of the foot and there is some “reserve” in size, you can take them.

Nowadays, various online stores are becoming increasingly popular. And this is understandable - their prices are somewhat lower than market prices, despite the fact that the goods are delivered to your home. But there are many such services, and not all of them, unfortunately, are trustworthy. One of the indicators of a seller’s reliability is the design of the website and the presence of positive reviews.

Experienced hunters always take spare socks and insoles when going out into the wild. They don’t take up much space in your backpack, but when your feet get wet (and this is possible, even if the shoes are of the highest quality), you won’t have to sit somewhere on the edge of the forest or in a car, look with envy at your comrades and wait for everything to dry. And this still needs to be organized, which can be quite problematic to do outside the house in winter or autumn.

The requirements for such an accessory are separate and quite serious. Considering the specifics of the situation, namely the slippery surface of a frozen river, frost or high humidity, you need to pay special attention to the choice of equipment such as winter boots for fishing. Reviews from owners of various types of products of this kind given in this article will help you form your own opinion about the convenience and functionality of the most famous brands of these accessories.

What kind of shoes should you wear for winter fishing?

The times when fishermen dressed in felt boots and galoshes for ice fishing have long since sunk into oblivion. The modern market is filled with offers of special shoes for this winter activity.

However, it is quite difficult for a novice fisherman to figure out how to choose this piece of equipment according to the situation. Advice from experienced winter fishing enthusiasts points out some positions that suitable shoes should satisfy:

  • Be stable and not slip on the ice. This is a very important and relevant wish. To implement this, the sole of the shoe is equipped with special protectors and spikes.
  • Be the correct size. The foot should not be embarrassed, but the situation when the foot dangles in the shoe is also unacceptable. A person should feel comfortable. Tight shoes will lead to freezing, and too loose ones can lead to the formation of calluses.
  • Provide good thermal insulation properties.
  • Be light enough.
  • Be made of breathable material so that the foot does not get wet or freeze. Modern winter boots for fishing have earned positive reviews from owners precisely due to the presence of membrane fabric, which provides excellent air exchange. It is a multi-layer material, designated Gore-tex, and is used in sewing shoe shafts. One of the components of the membrane is Teflon.
  • Have proper insulation. It is best when this element is removable, it can be pulled out of the shoe and dried. It is very inconvenient when this sock is inseparable.

If you choose shoes for winter fishing in accordance with all these criteria, then their owner has every chance to enjoy his favorite activity in comfort even in severe cold.

Two main types of fisherman's winter equipment

According to the design features and the principle of wearing, shoes for winter fishing can be divided into two types:

  • Shoe covers.
  • Boots.

Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at each type of shoe.

Shoe covers or boots?

There is always a dilemma for fishermen: what is better to choose for winter fishing - shoe covers or boots? Just a few decades ago, OZKs were the only way to go fishing in the winter without getting cold or getting your feet wet. In appearance, these shoe covers were unsightly, but they perfectly protected from getting wet even in deep areas. Previously, fishermen wore them with felt boots, but such equipment is uncomfortable and weighs quite a lot. do not bend when walking and squatting, and are difficult to remove. Fishermen came up with the idea of ​​putting shoe covers on ordinary boots and laying insoles made of felt and other materials underneath them.

Shoe covers with “ROKS” inserts

About ten years ago, products called “men’s fishing shoe covers” from the company “ROKS” appeared on the fishing accessories market. They were rubber galoshes with boots sewn onto them. Now you can also find these winter boots for fishing on sale. Reviews from owners of ROX shoe covers note that the sole is thin and soft, and the metal anti-slip spikes on it do not do their job well. However, these boots are equipped with stocking liners and at the time of their creation were considered products of a new generation. The lacing on them is non-functional, and the weight of one piece of fishing shoes is about 1200 g, so moving long distances in them is quite grueling. Many fishermen note that in shoe covers, the feet often sweat and begin to freeze already at -15 ° C, and the seams between the PVC and the galoshes can burst.

EVA boots: light and dry

A real revolution in the market of goods for active leisure in the fresh air was the appearance of solid-type boots made of EVA, or ethylene vinyl acetate.

This material with a highly porous structure has many advantages:

  • Unsurpassed thermal insulation. The EVA pores are filled with air and this retains heat well.
  • Good cushioning. EVA is a material that can retain its elasticity and not break in any cold weather. Such reviews from the owners adequately characterize them. Up to 60 degrees below zero Celsius - an indicator of the temperature at which EVA shoes retain their performance and provide comfort to their owner.
  • Resistant to aggressive chemicals such as organic solvents and oils. This will protect the fisherman’s feet from getting petroleum products and other reagents while refueling his vehicle.
  • A light weight. If we draw an analogy with products made of PVC and molded rubber, then boots made of EVA are 4 and 6 times lighter, respectively. Therefore, fishermen note increased comfort in operation, especially if they have to travel long distances on foot.
  • Hydrophobicity. You can safely move through the water without fear of getting your feet wet.

Are there any disadvantages to EVA boots?

Thanks to these wonderful qualities, EVA winter fishing boots have earned positive reviews from their owners, and in certain situations they are the best. However, one cannot fail to note several significant disadvantages of these products:

  • They are quite easy to pierce. Due to the fact that EVA is a porous material, it can be damaged if it comes into contact with broken glass or sharp knots. Some models have special reinforcement that prevents unexpected puncture of boots.
  • Insufficient grip on slippery icy surfaces. This circumstance is due to the peculiarity of the production of EVA boots: when casting ethyl vinyl acetate into a mold, a fairly smooth surface is obtained. With such a sole, moving on ice is quite problematic. New EVA boots are made with more ribbed soles, which gives the fisherman more stability on the frozen water surface.

However, experienced ice fishing enthusiasts offer one important piece of advice on how to choose quality ethylene vinyl acetate winter boots for fishing. Reviews from owners (only shoes made of high-quality EVA can withstand temperatures up to 60 degrees below zero) advise in this matter to trust boots only from well-known manufacturers who have proven themselves to be the best. It is better to buy these in specialized stores. At the market you can run into a handicraft product that will crack in the slightest frost on your first fishing trip. Novice amateurs should listen to the opinions of experienced fishermen to avoid disappointment and a useless purchase.

What are the earbuds for?

If the manufacturer promises that boots for winter fishing can withstand temperatures down to -70˚C, then this is solely due to the removable liners. They are designed to maintain a comfortable feeling even at critical sub-zero ambient temperatures.

Thanks to the use of modern materials, the liners prevent the feet from fogging, providing moisture removal. This allows a person to withstand frost perfectly for a long time.

The liner in boots for winter fishing has a multi-layer structure:

  • The first layer, the inner one, is adjacent to the leg. It is made of material that wicks away moisture in the form of sweat or condensation. Some models are impregnated with a special antibacterial and antifungal composition, which prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  • The next layer is responsible for heat retention and thermal insulation. It maintains the temperature of warm air inside the boot and wicks moisture out.
  • The subsequent layer, like a sponge, absorbs moisture removed from deeper structures and releases it to the surface.
  • The final outer layer is thermofoil. It is made of nylon and performs a double function: it reflects back from a person’s feet and prevents cold air from entering the boot from the outside.

High-quality winter boots for fishing, the reviews of which are positive, owe their unsurpassed performance to a high-quality liner. It works on the principle of thermal underwear, and the moisture removed from the feet accumulates in a special reservoir as part of a multi-layer structure, which is easy to dry after fishing. In cheap analogues of boots, produced in a handicraft way, the liner is made of simple insulation. In such shoes, the foot sweats and quickly freezes.

It is best when the sole of the liner is made of a material with low wrinkleability, and the inner layer is made of fabric with increased wear resistance. There should be a patch sewn into the heel to prevent abrasion.

What should you pay attention to when buying boots for winter fishing?

Experienced fishermen have their own opinions about what the best boots for winter fishing should look like. Reviews from avid fishing enthusiasts allow us to conclude: shoes need to be carefully tried on before purchasing.

Therefore, it is better to test an unfamiliar model of boots in a specialized goods store. When trying on boots, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Foot width. The overall duration and success of fishing depends on how comfortable your toes are. It’s faster in tight shoes, and the comfort of movement suffers.
  • Lifting height. This is a very important indicator, because if the liner gets wet while fishing, it will be very difficult to remove your foot from a boot with a low instep. In addition, this indicator certainly affects the comfort of walking.
  • The thickness of the sole and boot directly affects heat conservation.
  • The height of the boot top is essential when overcoming water obstacles.
  • The width of the boot should be sufficient to tuck the trousers into the boots so that they do not get wet or freeze.
  • The presence of an upper protective cuff on a lace with a limiter will protect against snow getting into the boot.

Be sure to try it on before purchasing!

The tops of EVA boots bend poorly, so before purchasing, you should definitely walk in them and evaluate their comfort. For this reason, lovers of online shopping should purchase online only models that have been tested through personal experience. By the way, when looking for fishing shoes in online markets, carefully study the “weight of boots” item. Some sellers cheat by indicating the weight of one piece of shoes, rather than a pair. Another marketing ploy is to indicate the weight of boots without liners, so be vigilant and check this figure with the seller before ordering.

If this is the first time you are thinking about which boots to choose for winter fishing, reviews from owners of various models will help with this and warn you about the need to think through the future functional load in advance. Will you be moving around a lot along a difficult route, drilling a lot of holes, staying in one place for a long time? All these points are important when choosing a shoe model. If the temperature load and wear resistance limit are exceeded, the boots will not last long.

Most popular models

Today you can easily buy any winter boots for fishing. Reviews from owners allow us to identify several names of these accessories that are the most popular.

These shoes can be considered from the perspective of: quality, reliability, comfort, design and ease of care.


Boots for winter fishing "Yeti" have positive customer reviews. Many note among the advantages their lightness, the ability to perfectly retain the warmth of their feet even at (down to -60 ˚C). The design of the boots allows you to protect your feet from getting wet from the outside and fogging. Regarding their stability on ice, the opinions of the owners are divided: some are satisfied with the degree of adhesion of the sole to a slippery surface, while other consumers consider it insufficient. The wear resistance of the boots is generally good. Also, these products are easy to maintain and have an attractive design. However, winter boots for fishing “Yeti” also have negative reviews from owners. Some respondents note excessive rigidity when walking and insufficient resistance to punctures in shoes. The price of these boots is about 2000 rubles.


Winter fishing boots “Torvi” received positive reviews from owners. Most users agree that this shoe has no flaws. These boots provide unsurpassed protection to the fisherman's feet from winter cold and moisture.

They are comfortable to walk on, lightweight and wear-resistant. The seven-layer liner retains heat well and wicks away moisture. A fairly thick sole with a powerful slip tread and a raised toe provides additional comfort when walking on any surface. The peculiarity of the top layer is that even at a temperature of -60 ˚С it remains elastic and does not collapse. The liner, however, is not recommended to be washed, and the boots themselves should be protected from open fire and washed without using aggressive cleaning agents. The cost of these shoes is about 2000 rubles.


Nordman winter fishing boots occupy a special place in the range of similar products. Reviews from many experienced fishermen indicate that these products are of very high quality and durable. The feet are warm and comfortable in them.

No wonder professional fishermen choose these boots for winter fishing. Feedback from the owners allows us to conclude that a wide range of these products can satisfy the needs of any fishing enthusiast in the cold season at ambient temperatures from -15 ˚С to -60 ˚С. Aesthetic design, availability of women's models, wear resistance, practicality and affordable price (from 1000 rubles) - all this makes Nordman boots a bestseller.

If you approach the issue of choosing boots for winter fishing with all responsibility, then the purchased product will last a long time and you will enjoy excellent fishing in any weather.

The main enemy of feet in low temperatures is moisture. Moisture accumulates inside and gets outside. Moisture speeds up the cooling process of the feet and contributes to frostbite.
The best heat insulator is air. If there is a layer of air and more than one, then there will be thermal insulation.

Therefore, here are some tips.

Shoes for hunting in low temperatures should be 1/2 a size larger than what you wear in the city. It's minimum. For example, my city boots are size UK 10.5. And the basic hunting boots are size UK11. The leg is not pinched, there is an air gap, there is no discomfort.

But this is up to -10C in static mode and up to -18C in dynamic mode, that is, in constant motion mode. When the temperature drops, your toes freeze. Too few and thin layers of thermal insulation. Leather-membrane-sock-sock. Lacks.
That's why I use special winter boots when hunting in winter. These are the same boots as the main ones, but 1.5 sizes larger. For what purpose is this being done? In order to ensure the use of another layer of thermal insulation. This is a special liner made of wool felt. The method is old, used for a long time and by many. You can sew the liner yourself; I sew it at Baska’s experimental production facility. The basis for cutting was to take the cheapest liner purchased in Splav. In this situation, we get: leather-membrane-liner made of wool felt - sock-sock. It lasts up to -30C in dynamic mode and -20C in static mode.

When I was involved in AKU footwear, I initiated the development and production of hunting boots with a special Gore-tex Duraterm membrane. The AKU GRIZLY TOP GTX model was chosen as the base. This model is more convenient to manufacture with a Gore-tex Duraterm membrane. Why? Gore-tex Duraterm membrane is a combination of Gore-tex membrane and insulation. That is, the membrane sock turns out to be thicker than usual and, for example, the AKU JAGER HIGHT TOP GTX, the main hunting boot, due to its design, cannot be made with such a membrane. According to my estimates, the use of a Gore-tex Duraterm membrane should have lowered the temperature threshold. The boot was released and even went on sale in Russia, but I learned this from other sources, since the selling company did not inform me. That's why I didn't wear it and I can't say anything.

There are many models of boots for hunting in low temperature conditions, where modern synthetic materials are used as insulation, mainly Pimaloft and Thinsulate. I can’t say which insulation is better, but I think that they are not fundamentally different from each other.
It must be remembered that the temperatures indicated on the labels are not the ultimate truth. I have asked manufacturers many times questions about what temperature is this? Under what mode of use does it not pose a risk of frostbite to the toes? There were practically no clear answers.

Back to moisture and liners. This set is convenient because it can be quickly and efficiently dried in the field. You walk all day, your foot naturally sweats, moisture passes through all layers and part of it is removed outside by the membrane. But some of the moisture will accumulate inside. The socks, liners, and the shoe itself will become damp. It will be felt. But then, you come to the camp, take everything off your feet, change your socks and calmly dry your wet socks and liners near the fire, burner, or just on yourself and in your sleeping bag. In the morning you have a dry kit. Or, for example, you take out dry socks, change them, wet them on your stomach and move on. Your first layer is dry again.

Once upon a time, in the 80s of the last century, we went skiing in ordinary leather work boots. The burnt leather of these boots grew damp slowly, and they were protected from the snow by rag shoe covers on top. The skin removed some of the moisture. They dried normally, but like all gear and gear, they deteriorated if not dried properly. Remembering these boots, I’m thinking about switching to shoes without a membrane, with leather inside, for the winter.

Professional hunters and fishermen use special shoes called ICHIGI. This is a boot with a flat sole and a thick felt liner.

As you can see, the principle is the same. You can go skiing in Ichigi. And they are also convenient because they have a soft sole and, unlike boots, are less noisy, which is very important when tracking an animal. My friend Sergei Shiyanov, a professional hunter, generally does not use anything other than ichigs.

Something similar is made in the north from reindeer camus, the skin taken from the legs of a deer. These shoes are called high boots or torbazas. The good thing about these shoes is that, in addition to being warm, snow does not stick to them. The best, in my opinion, are high boots made from seal skin.

Now regarding shoes with galoshes.

For example, SOREL CARIBU boots. SOREL is a trademark of COLUMBIA.

Leather top, galosh bottom, felt liner inside. I've worn boots like these a couple of times. They are good for short hunts, when you need to stand and walk. But if you have to walk a lot in wet snow, then this is an ambush. The leather of the upper slowly becomes wet from the damp snow, and moisture accumulates inside. One time we went to pick up a wild boar. There was a lot of snow and it was warm. On the way out of the forest, both my boots were squelching. Not the best feeling in winter.

All these boots have one bug. This is a galosh. Yes, it protects against moisture from the outside. But the moisture that comes from the foot has no way to escape, since most of the foot is covered with a waterproof overshoe. Therefore, moisture begins to accumulate, socks become damp, and feet get cold.

The same applies to the BUGABOOT boots from COLAMBIA. Only, unlike SOREL, Bugaboots do not have a removable liner. It uses OMNI HEAT technology, the famous silver dots. These boots are warm, but for long-term wear in conditions where there is no way to dry them, I would not recommend using them.

For hiding, I used ordinary high boots. Famous flying shoes for the North. Previously, flight boots were made from dog hair. When it was very cold, additional fur socks called untyaty were put on the feet. Now they use sheepskin. I have high boots and instead of boots I use regular insulating inserts from rubber boots. Walking in high boots is not comfortable, as the soles are very slippery.

Now about boots, or rather about boots made of EVA (EVA). They started making them quite recently. EVA is ethyl vinyl acetate. Boots made from this material are light and warm. But absolutely not breathable. Although, according to many reviews, they are comfortable. I didn't wear it, so I can't say anything. For additional insulation, they also use inserts made of synthetic felt.

Well, the simplest winter shoes for hunting in low temperatures are felt boots. In the pre-Columbian era they were also used for hunting. Yes, they still do.

Let's summarize.

Shoes should not be tight. The more layers of insulation, the better. Dry regularly. When drying by the fire, watch carefully.

The process of fishing in the cold season, especially with a lot of snow and ice, will be comfortable only in the best boots for winter fishing. There are many options on the market made of polyurethane and EVA, but we have selected the most worthy of them and included these products in this rating. All boots have many positive reviews from fishermen and recommendations for purchase from experts. You just need to familiarize yourself with their pros and cons and choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Which brand of boots for winter fishing is better to choose?

There is a very wide selection of fishing boots available on the market that are suitable for winter use. Competition among them is fierce, but the following companies hold confident leadership:

  • Torvi is a manufacturer of clothing and footwear for fishing, hunting and everyday life, in whose assortment a special place is occupied by products made from EVA material. His boots are thin, comfortable, warm, resistant to mechanical and chemical negative influences. The edges of these models do not injure the shin, since they end above the top. They are designed to fit your foot shape and instep. They are comfortable both to sit in one place and to walk for a long time.
  • All-terrain vehicle– the company specializes in the production of men's, women's and children's shoes for hunting, fishing, cottages and gardens, tourism. In its catalog there are models made both exclusively from EVA and with the addition of a small amount of polyurethane. They are divided into 3 types - those that can withstand temperatures down to -5, -15 and -45 degrees Celsius. There are boot sizes for winter fishing from 36 to 48, depending on the specific position.
  • Norfin is a leading brand under which clothing and shoes for fishermen are developed and produced. It guarantees them dryness, comfort and warmth in all weather conditions. It produces both boots and classic boots, which are distinguished by a higher rise. Many of them are equipped with insulation, which allows them to be used comfortably in severe frosts. The material here is mainly EVA, which increases the shelf life of the products.
  • Nordman– the manufacturer offers a wide selection of clothing and footwear for fishing, hunting and outdoor activities. Particular attention is paid here to boots, many of which are made of modern and reliable EVA material. There are also models made from PVC, which are not inferior in quality to their analogues. The size range available here is from 41 to 48.

The listed companies have both budget boots for winter fishing and premium models. There are also offers from the mid-price range.

Rating of the best boots for winter fishing

When compiling this TOP, we took into account the connotations of fishermen's reviews and expert recommendations. At the time of selecting suitable nominees, all products were compared according to multiple criteria:

  • Size range;
  • Design and color;
  • Quality of materials, their density;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Height and width;
  • Convenience of the shoe and the type of materials from which it is made;
  • The presence of a platform or heel;
  • The quality of the seams, if we are not talking about solid models;
  • The elasticity of the fabric, whether it rubs the skin;
  • No fatigue in the legs and stress on the spine;
  • The weight of the product, is it difficult to walk in shoes for a long time;
  • Easy to care for.

A special parameter for selecting boots for winter fishing was the price-quality ratio of the product, since popular brands sometimes inflate the cost.

Best EVA Ice Fishing Boots

These shoes are made from ethylene vinyl acetate, making them durable, light, and beautiful. This material allows you to keep your feet warm even in sub-zero temperatures. Due to its elasticity, there is no discomfort during walking and it does not rub the skin. In the category of the best boots for ice fishing made of EVA, 3 models stand out.

These are solid boots for winter fishing, due to which there is simply nowhere for water to seep in due to the absence of seams. A fisherman can safely enter them into a river, lake, or sea without fear of getting sick. The shoes do not feel on your feet due to their lightness; they are made of dense materials that do not freeze even at low temperatures, and at the same time do not rub the skin. It has a very comfortable last, so even with prolonged wear the foot does not get tired. The sole is resistant to abrasion and deformation, which increases the service life of the product.


  • Tall;
  • Comfortable bottom;
  • Doesn't let your feet get wet;
  • Good form;
  • Give stability to the fisherman;
  • Reduce the load on the foot due to the raised toe.


  • Available in one color.

Torvi wading boots are sold in a wide range of sizes, starting from 41 to 47, so men have no problems with the choice.

These ice fishing boots are reviewed as being warm enough for cold temperatures. It is comfortable to fish in them because they are frost-resistant and almost indestructible to mechanical damage. This wear resistance is due to the high strength of the materials, which increases the service life. They do not harden in the cold, which creates comfort when walking. The product has an optimal length, up to the shin, so it is comfortable to squat and bend in the shoes. The fabric does not rub the foot and does not cause any discomfort while wearing.


  • Comfortable shoe;
  • High-quality materials, including EVA;
  • The maximum wearing temperature is up to -45 degrees Celsius;
  • High density;
  • Corrugated surface;
  • Dark color;
  • Fabric upper that does not press on the skin.


  • High price;
  • You can't go deep into the water.

...I have been using these boots for quite some time and I can say that they perfectly hold back the cold, reduce the load on the spine due to the comfortable shock-absorbing pads and do not allow my legs to get tired...

Expert opinion

What makes these boots best for winter fishing and hunting is their resistance to low temperatures; you can walk in them until the thermometer shows less than -45°C. They have a non-slippery shoe, which allows you to comfortably cover long distances on snow and even ice. It adheres well to the surface due to the absence of a pronounced heel and due to the “waffle” structure. In such shoes, the fisherman is not in danger of getting his feet wet, since condensation is drained away in a timely manner thanks to a 5-layer liner. The boots are light enough for long-term wear.


  • Made from EVA;
  • Reliable thermal protection;
  • Good fixation on the leg;
  • Do not slip on the surface;
  • At the top they are tightened along the shin;
  • Black color;
  • Wide range of sizes.


  • Not very tall;
  • You won't go far into the water.

The best polymer boots for ice fishing

Polymers include PVC and rubber, which are used to make fishing boots that are cheaper than EVA. They can withstand temperatures down to -50 degrees Celsius and have shockproof properties. But at the same time, such shoes are more difficult to wash than those made of EVA. This rating category describes only two fairly good models.

This model of fishing winter boots is particularly durable, which allows you to wear them even in extreme conditions. Being polymer, they withstand exposure to water and do not get wet. It is very convenient that the shoes reach almost to the knees, so you can go into a river or lake in them and fish not only from the shore. The product weighs 3 kg, but despite this, thanks to the good last and shape, fatigue in the legs does not occur even with prolonged use. The boots provide freedom of movement and are characterized by increased stability on the surface.


  • Solid cast;
  • Comfortable to wear;
  • Resistant to mechanical damage;
  • Long service life;
  • Dark, non-staining color;
  • Good thickness;
  • Warm.


  • No size smaller than 42;
  • Not a low price.

Winter fishing boots got this name for a reason; in them you can really walk safely through mud, snow, water and even in swampy areas. The sole is made of PVC and does not sag while walking; it is resistant to deformation and mechanical damage. The toe is round, so your toes are not cramped inside. The shoe is not high, which allows you to relieve your feet. The top is made of dense material that almost completely hugs the calf and does not roll down. The uneven surface of the platform provides the product with good adhesion properties.


  • Completely waterproof;
  • Good elasticity;
  • Comfort to wear;
  • High-quality seams;
  • Excellent wear resistance;
  • Tall.


  • There are no sizes larger than 45;
  • Not suitable for severe frosts.

Which boots for winter fishing are best to buy?

You need to take the size either strictly according to your foot, or one larger so that you can put on a sock and the boot in this case does not put pressure on the skin. The product should have a fairly thick sole or a small heel, as well as a corrugated surface to maintain stability on snow or ice. It is important that they have good hygroscopicity, this will prevent the feet from sweating. It is desirable that the liner is not sewn to the bottom and, if necessary, can be removed and replaced with a new one.

If you are going to buy boots for winter fishing made of rubber, then do not forget that it, of course, holds its shape perfectly, but it does not hold heat as well as polyurethane or EVA. When purchasing them, you will probably have to additionally use a warm sock or insole to prevent your feet from getting cold and from getting sick yourself.

Ideally, boots should be solid, so that moisture is 100% impermeable. But this option is more expensive than the connected one, the seams of which must be quite reliable. To avoid injuries and damage, the last should be stable and the boot should be wide enough.

Here is the best model of boots to buy for winter fishing, depending on the situation:

  • In swampy areas, boots from Torvi will be relevant.
  • In severe subzero temperatures, shoes from Toptygin will provide comfortable fishing.
  • If you plan to go into the water and not fish from the shore, then the Norfin Berings Eva will be just right.
  • For fishermen with sensitive skin and joint problems, it is best to buy Nordman Single PVC, which reduces the stress on them.
  • You can move normally on ice in boots from the Vezdekhod brand.

Local: freshwater

Fishing season: from the ice

Type of fish: predatory, peaceful

Brand: Norfin, Baffin, Torvi, Nordman, Lemigo

Types of fishing: winter types of fishing

Equipment: boots

Fisherman experience: I’ve never fished, I fished as a child, I know what I’ll fish with

Season: winter


Boots for winter fishing are the main element of equipment for a modern winter fisherman, without which it is impossible to go out on the ice. Properly selected shoes will protect your feet from cold and moisture, will facilitate quick movement around the water area and will allow you to feel comfortable regardless of weather conditions.

In order for boots for winter fishing to perform their assigned functions to the fullest, the fisherman should learn how to approach their choice correctly. You need to know about modern materials, their performance characteristics, and be able to compare this data with the weather conditions under which fishing is planned.

Modern shoes for winter fishing are made from different materials. Each has its own characteristics and is designed for different loads and operating conditions. All boots are divided into the following types:

  • rubber boots with thermal insulation;
  • polyurethane shoes;
  • EVA boots;
  • “American” and “Canadian” boots;
  • insulated boots.

Winter rubber boots for hunting and fishing with a thermal insulation insert are considered unusually light and elastic.

They are made of foam rubber; the insert has a multilayer structure, the composition of which depends on the manufacturer. These are felt, neoprene, and other natural or synthetic materials. In some cases, the liner has an outer layer of foil.

Men's polyurethane winter boots for hunting and fishing are even lighter than shoes made of rubber and PVC. They have good thermal insulation properties, and the sole has excellent anti-slip properties. Made by seamless casting, they are 100% waterproof, wear-resistant and reliable.

EVA winter fishing boots are made from an innovative polymer material - ethylene vinyl acetate, which has unique properties:

  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • waterproof;
  • extraordinary lightness;
  • elasticity;
  • durability;
  • strength.

Thanks to their porous structure, EVA shoes retain elasticity in low temperatures, which is superior to boots made of foam rubber and polyurethane.

American and Canadian winter boots for fishing are a separate category of footwear for ice fishing. Made from a combination of several materials. The galosh is made of foam rubber, less often polyurethane, and the boot is made of canvas or leather. They are heavier and are not intended for long walks across the water area, but are relevant in conditions of very low temperatures and low activity of the fisherman.

The last type of footwear is warm boots for winter fishing. They are high-quality shoes made of leather. Budget models are made from leatherette. Thermal insulation lining is made from natural or synthetic materials. This type of footwear is suitable for northern regions and harsh winters.

How to choose winter boots for fishing?

To choose the right shoes for fishing from under the ice, you need to decide on the conditions in which they will be used. The main criteria for this are:

  • temperature regime;
  • fishing method activity;
  • ice condition.

For active fishing methods, such as fishing for roach, white bream or vertical trolling for perch and pike perch, you should choose the lightest possible shoes. The fisherman has to continuously move across the ice, drill many holes, and perform active fishing. The lighter the equipment, the less effort will be expended during the fishing process and the less tired the fisherman will be by the end of daylight hours. Read more about how to choose a fishing vest here.

For stationary fishing and sedentary fishing methods, the issue of weight is irrelevant. The thermal insulation properties of shoes come first. Men's winter boots for fishing should keep their feet warm at a given temperature throughout the day.

Depending on the ice condition, fishing conditions can be divided as follows:

  1. Normal snow cover is no more than 10 cm high. It is easy to move on such snow, the sole does not slip. These are the most comfortable conditions for fishing;
  2. The snow cover exceeds 10 cm, and there are a lot of snowdrifts and sediments on the ice. In such a situation, you need the lightest possible high boots to protect you from snow and reduce fatigue while moving across a body of water.
  3. There is no snow cover and it is slippery to move around. In this case, you need boots with anti-slip soles, for example, made of polyurethane. Winter boots for fishing with spikes, which are made in a similar design or modified by using special linings, are just as helpful.
  4. There is a lot of water on the ice. Then waterproof materials will be optimal - rubber, PVC, polyurethane. Read: useful information about waders.

Boots for fishing in winter must be the right size. It is advisable to purchase shoes one size larger in order to have extra space for a thick insulated sock. The boot should be spacious so that, if necessary, the trouser leg can be tucked in, but the boots should not dangle on the leg when walking. Does not include a protective cuff with a drawstring for better protection against moisture and snow.

In addition, once in the store, you must follow the following rules:

  • You definitely need to try on two boots and try walking in them;
  • It is necessary to choose stable shoes, which in their structure best suit the angler’s feet;
  • We carefully examine the sole, the boot, check all seams for defects and defects;
  • In boots with thermal insulation, we check their integrity and compliance with the size of the overshoes.

It is advisable to purchase well-known boots for winter fishing, reviews of which are easy to find on the Internet. “Noname” boots can be unpleasantly disappointing on your first fishing trip, so it’s better not to take risks and immediately buy shoes from a popular manufacturer.

Rating of shoes for winter fishing

Above we discussed the features of how winter boots for fishing differ, which ones to choose in various situations, taking into account the method of fishing, temperature conditions of operation, the activity of the fisherman and other factors. Below is an overview of the most popular and sought-after brands of shoes for ice fishing.

No. 1. Norfin

Our rating of winter boots for fishing opens with Norfin. Its equipment has long become the standard in terms of price-quality ratio for many ordinary winter fishing enthusiasts. The company continuously modifies popular shoe models, develops new products, and offers a wide range of boots for different fishing conditions and activities.

Norfin winter fishing boots have the following advantages:

  • Light weight, allowing you to tirelessly move across the ice while fishing and make long transitions between promising locations;
  • Strength, reliability, durability, ensured by the use of high-quality materials;
  • Waterproof thanks to a perfect technological process and subsequent testing of finished products;
  • Designed for temperatures from –5 to –50 degrees.

The inserts have a three-layer structure. Their main components are foil and polyester, which provide maximum thermal insulation capabilities.

Additionally, they are good at removing condensation that forms during active walking.

Boots from Norfin are no less functional. They fit comfortably on the foot, are reliable, and do not slip on ice. Available in basic, insulated and lightweight versions for different temperature conditions.

No. 2. Lemigo

Another popular brand that produces the best boots for winter fishing made of PVC and EVA in its price range.

They are distinguished by an affordable price, affordable to every fisherman, and excellent quality. Lemigo products are durable and can withstand harsh operating conditions. They are light weight, comfortable, and functional.

The most famous models that are in demand among domestic “penguins” are:

  • Greenlander;
  • ArcticTermo;
  • Vermouth.

Each model has felt or neoprene inserts. They have increased thermal insulation properties, reliably remove moisture from the foot, and do not get wet in any weather. The boots are equipped with a protective cuff at the top, adjustable with a drawstring.

No. 3. Nordman

A popular brand that produces shoes for hunting, fishing and everyday wear. For fishermen, the company has developed a whole range of boots for different operating conditions:

  • The Light, Active, PowerPlus lines are intended for late autumn and relatively warm winter;
  • The most popular are the Safety, Classic, Silla series of EVA boots;
  • Optimal and Exrtream boots are designed for very low temperatures and northern latitudes.

Nordman winter fishing boots are equipped with a removable multi-layer liner. It is based on foil fabric and natural fur. These materials retain heat well, “reflect” cold, and remove excess moisture, preventing the foot from sweating and getting the sock wet.

The cost of shoes produced by Nordman is affordable and affordable for many ice fishing enthusiasts. This company is relatively new, but has already gained recognition and earned a lot of positive feedback.

No. 4. Torvi

This manufacturer is known for boots made from EVA. All models produced under this brand are distinguished by excellent quality, increased reliability, and durability of the material at low temperatures. The following boots from Torvi can be noted:

  • Onega;
  • T-45;
  • T-60;
  • T-25.

Each series has a multi-layer insert that provides protection from the cold at a given temperature, drains condensation to the outside, and ensures maximum walking comfort.

The boots have a stable shape. To reduce the load on the foot when walking, the toe of the shoe is curved upward. The sole has a deep tread that allows you to confidently move through snow and ice. There is a waterproof cuff at the top, which is tightened with a cord with a lock. It has reflective tape for safety when moving at dusk.

No. 5. Baffin

The quality of these shoes for winter hunting and fishing has been confirmed by many outdoor enthusiasts.

The company produces many models, some of which have already become bestsellers and are in great demand:

  • Titan;
  • Trapper;
  • Bison;
  • Tundra;
  • Colorado.

The soles and tops of the boots are made of rubber specially designed for polar conditions. The inner side is a removable multi-layer insert made of polyester, felt, foil fabric. Provides maximum thermal insulation and condensate removal. Baffin boots are distinguished by the fact that some models can be used in the most severe conditions at temperatures from –60 to –100 degrees.


Boots for winter fishing are a mandatory element of equipment for a winter fisherman. By choosing the right equipment for fishing, you can guarantee your health and a comfortable time on the pond, regardless of the prevailing weather conditions.

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