Make cheese out of paper. Mouse on paper cheese

Felt toys are considered the safest for children, and if they are sewn by mother’s hands, then they are also the most beloved. As a material, felt looks great in products, it is easy to sew from it, it does not need processing, and the color palette in which it is sold allows you to fantasize and create absolutely amazing things. Doll food is especially often made from felt - when finished, it looks like the real thing, which is why it delights children.
This tutorial will help you sew cheese. The manufacturing process is as simple as possible; even a person far from handicraft can handle it.
You will need:
- yellow felt and matching threads;
- padding polyester or cotton wool;
- cardboard for patterns and scissors.

Any thread will do, although floss is mostly used. Regular threads can be folded in half, thus increasing the thickness. It is better to take the thinnest padding polyester so that the toy cheese does not look like a pillow.

First you need to draw a pattern - your imagination will help with this. Take a rectangle measuring 5*7 cm as a basis, draw cheese holes in it and cut them out. Next, cut out two felt pieces. Place them together and place a layer of padding polyester between them. Sew the pieces together using an overlock stitch. Treat internal holes in the same way. Fasten the thread and straighten the product.

A huge number of fermented milk products on supermarket shelves cannot but please the eyes of buyers. However, new additives, various preservatives and flavor improvers in such products do not always indicate their quality and safety. Every day there are fewer and fewer environmentally friendly products, and most people have begun to resort to long-forgotten methods - making fermented milk products at home with their own hands. Their recipe does not contain any additional knowledge or technology. This article contains recipes for the most popular cheeses, which are made using the most common products. They will decorate any dish and add a touch of sophistication and perfection to any dish.

Many novice housewives wonder what kind of milk is used to make cheese. It is best to use homemade milk to make homemade cheeses, but if you do not have the opportunity to purchase it, then store-bought milk will do.
As a form, you can use various dishes that are available in the kitchen (deep plates, dishes, jars). But if you like the process of making homemade cheeses, then it is best to resort to professional molds, which are sold in specialized stores.

Professional cheese molds usually come complete with a pressing; if you don’t have a pressing on hand, you can use any weight weighing 500 grams. - this is a small stone, a half-liter jar of water.

Recipe for making Adyghe cheese?

Adyghe cheese is a traditional dish of Circassian cuisine; it can always be purchased in any supermarket, or you can easily and quickly make it in your own kitchen, and you will know not only the composition of the cheese, but also the conditions under which it was made.

To prepare it you will need:

  • kefir - 1 liter
  • milk - 3 liters
  • salt - 20 - 30 grams


Pour kefir into a saucepan and heat over heat. Gradually, curd mass and whey will form in the pan. The entire mass should be brought to a boil, but not boiled. Strain the mixture through a colander. Leave the whey to sour for two days in a warm place, and eat the cottage cheese.
After two days, bring three liters of milk to a boil in a saucepan, turn the heat down and pour in the sour whey. In about 6 minutes, the milk protein will separate and float to the top. Remove the pan from the heat and strain the entire mixture through a colander, the bottom of which should be covered with several layers of gauze. As soon as all the brine has drained, add salt to the cheese and hang until all the liquid has completely drained. As soon as there is no moisture in the cheese, transfer it to a mold with gauze, put a weight on top and put it in the refrigerator for a day. During this period, liquid will form in the cheese and it is recommended to drain it from time to time.

How to make braided cheese?

Pigtail cheese, or chechil as it is called in Armenia, is very loved and popular among children and adults. Children are attracted by its fascinating appearance and taste; for adults, it is an excellent snack to accompany beer. However, due to its low calorie content (10%), it is ideal for people on weight loss diets. Chechil is a real source of useful microelements: protein, calcium and phosphorus.

To make cheese braids you will need:

  • homemade milk - 4 liters
  • water - 8 liters
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon
  • rennet - 1 gram
  • salt to taste


Pour milk (4 liters) into a large saucepan and heat it to 38º using a water bath. Add citric acid to it and stir. Take some milk and dissolve the rennet in it, then pour it into the pan with the milk. Mix everything. Remove the pan from the water bath and place it in a warm place for one hour. During this time, the whey will separate from the cheese mass. Then reheat the pan with milk for about five minutes. Take a knife and cut the mixture into cubes. Place the cheese mixture in a colander so that the whey is completely drained. Let the cheese mixture rest for about 60 minutes.
During this time, make a saline solution (20%) in a bowl (200 grams of salt per liter of water), and heat plain water in a saucepan to 75º - 80º. Once the water is hot, put on rubber gloves, break off a piece of the cheese mixture and dip it into the saline solution to heat it up. Each piece should be kneaded with your hands for no more than 10 minutes, otherwise the cheese will become rubbery. First we make a cake and make a hole in it. Then we stretch the cheese, twist each ring halfway and stretch again. We repeat this process several times to form thin threads. As soon as the cheese begins to stretch strongly, transfer the threads to cold salt water to cool. We do this with each piece of cheese mass. Remember that the water in the pan should always have a temperature of at least 75 degrees.

The threads can remain in the saline solution for 24 hours, it all depends on your preferences. The longer they lie, the saltier the cheese will be. After this, lay the threads on the table, let the water drain and start braiding.

Cheese - a braid can be consumed immediately, or you can smoke it a little.

The cheese should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 90 days.

How is processed cheese made?

To make homemade processed cheese you will need:

  • 100 g butter at room temperature
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese (9% is best)
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • salt to taste
  • herbs, spices, mushrooms optional


We rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, or twist it through a meat grinder, or knead it with a blender until thick and without lumps. Add butter, eggs, soda, salt and other spices (optional) and mix thoroughly. Place this mass in a water bath and heat until melted. The melting process will take up to 10 minutes. As soon as the entire mixture has melted, remove from the water bath and transfer the mixture into a container, preferably glass, and leave until it cools. Store in the refrigerator.

Simple homemade cheese recipe

To make simple cheese you will need:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 100 ml kefir
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 1 tbsp. salt


Pour the milk into the pan and place it on the stove. Add some salt. You can use less salt, depending on your taste preferences. Bring the milk to a boil.
Meanwhile, take a small container and mix sour cream, eggs, and kefir in it. As soon as the milk boils, pour the prepared mixture of sour cream, eggs and kefir into it. Reduce the heat and stir constantly. The milk will begin to curdle. As soon as the whey and curd mass are formed, turn off the heat. Take a colander, line the bottom with gauze and strain the curd mixture. Then cover the mass with the ends of the gauze and place a small weight on top. Leave the cheese to cool and then place it in the refrigerator for several hours. After a few hours, the cheese will be ready to eat.

DIY cottage cheese

Curd cheese is very easy to make at home with your own hands. To prepare it, it is best to choose homemade products, but if it is not possible to purchase them, then choose natural products, without adding additives.


  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 200 grams butter
  • salt to taste


Soft butter at room temperature is combined with cottage cheese, salt is added to taste if desired, and thoroughly mixed with a blender until creamy. Place the cream in the refrigerator until it cools.

Herbs (parsley, dill, green onions), garlic, and sour green cucumber go well with cottage cheese.

Homemade cream cheese

Cream cheese is a versatile product that goes perfectly with cakes and cupcakes, and is also suitable for hot dishes and snacks. As a result, the food turns out soft, tasty, with a creamy taste.

There are various recipes for preparing this divine product. Some of them are discussed below.
First way:

  • 500 ml cream (not less than 20%)
  • 400 ml sour cream (not less than 21%)
  • 1 liter of milk 3.2%

Take a deep saucepan, put all the ingredients into it and carefully mix everything with a spoon. After the formation of a homogeneous mass, cover the pan with a lid and place it in a warm place for six hours to ferment. The mass should not be disturbed during fermentation. After six hours of warming in the pan, a solid curd will form. Then you should carefully place the pan on the stove without destroying the clot, turn on low heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil. The whey and cheese mass will separate from the curd. After boiling, close the pan again with a lid and place in a warm place to ripen for about 12 - 13 hours. Next, take a colander. We lay gauze on its bottom in four to five layers and transfer the mass there. We hang the gauze and wait until all the whey drains. As soon as the liquid stops flowing, the cream cheese is ready. Place it in a glass container and store it in the refrigerator.

Second way:

  • 500 ml sour cream with at least 21% fat content

We take a colander and put four to five layers of gauze on the bottom. Pour in sour cream. We cover the sour cream with the ends of the gauze, as if we were wrapping it. Place a colander-shaped plate on top of the mass, and place a small weight weighing up to 500 grams on top of the plate. We put this design in the refrigerator for a day so that the liquid (whey) is glassed. Every other day, we take the mixture out of the refrigerator, put it on a plate and serve it with your favorite foods or prepare cream for desserts.

DIY Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cheese is a cream cheese that does not require a ripening process. It is famous for its mild, moderately sweet taste. Its delicate consistency goes perfectly with both sweet and savory foods.
Unfortunately, the price tag for Philadelphia cheese in supermarkets is very high and the average consumer cannot always afford to buy it. More affordable, and even better in taste, is Philadelphia cheese, made by yourself. Its recipe is very simple and quick.

You will need:

  • 300 grams of sour cream 25%
  • 280 grams of classic yogurt
  • one teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon salt


Place sour cream, yogurt, lemon juice and a teaspoon of salt in a bowl and mix gently, but do not beat. Then take a colander and stir it into a saucepan or plate. Cover the bottom of the colander with gauze three to four times and pour out the mixture.

Carefully close the mass with the edges of the gauze and place a small weight on top. A plate shaped like a colander will do, put a half liter jar of water on top and put the whole structure in the refrigerator for 2 days. During this time, it is forbidden to shake or stir the cheese. After two days, take the cheese out of the refrigerator and transfer it from gauze to a plate or glass jar. Philadelphia cheese is ready to eat.

Video: DIY homemade cheese

Homemade hard cheese

Hard cheeses made in cheese factories are famous for a huge number of different preservatives, which have a detrimental effect on the human body and sometimes cause allergic reactions in weakened people.
The production of hard cheeses is not a complicated process; it can be easily and simply repeated at home from ordinary products.
For cooking hard cheese you will need:

  • 700 grams of soft cottage cheese, homemade is best
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons butter

Take a pan and put the cottage cheese in it, knead it thoroughly and mix it. Pour milk into the cottage cheese and place the pan over medium heat. Stir the mixture in the pan constantly. After a few minutes, the curd will begin to form into lumps and harden, and the liquid will become colorless, thus the whey will separate.
Once all the curd has formed into lumps, turn off the heat. We take a colander, place several layers of gauze at the bottom, and pour out the prepared mass so that all the liquid drains out of the cottage cheese.

As soon as all the liquid has left the cottage cheese, take a clean pan, put butter in it and melt it over low heat, then add two eggs, one teaspoon of soda, two teaspoons of salt and the resulting cottage cheese. Cook the whole mixture over low heat, constantly stirring with a spoon, until smooth. It is best to use a wooden spoon. This process takes about 30 minutes, it all depends on the quality of the cottage cheese, the softer it is, the faster the mass will become more homogeneous. Pour the homogeneous mass into molds. Instead of a mold, you can use a deep plate and place it in a cool place to cool. It is recommended to store hard cheeses in the refrigerator.

Video: how to make cheese with your own hands

If you still think that making hard cheese is a complex technological process that cannot be repeated at home without special knowledge and equipment, then you are deeply mistaken. The following videos are proof that you can make hard cheese in any kitchen and without specific knowledge.

Homemade goat cheese

Goat cheese is a very healthy product that is absorbed much better and faster by the human body than cheeses made from cow's milk. Its delicate texture and special aroma make it unique and divine. Goat milk cheese is a rich storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. It is an indispensable product in the diet of young children and sick people, since there are practically no allergies to it.
Today, on the shelves of any store there are various types of goat’s milk cheeses, but cheese made with your own hands at home is not only tastier and healthier, but also imbued with love and care.
For cooking plain goat cheese you will need:

  • 2 liters goat milk
  • 60 ml vinegar
  • 30 - 40 grams of salt

Pour milk into a dry saucepan, place over medium heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. Gently pour in the vinegar while stirring the milk. After a few seconds, the milk will begin to curdle; when a thick curd appears, remove the pan from the heat. We take a colander, spread gauze on the bottom in several layers, and place the formed clot into it. As soon as it seems to you that all the liquid is glass, tie the gauze into a bag and hang it so that the liquid completely disappears from the curd mass. Once the cream cheese is dry, transfer it to a bowl and add salt. The amount of salt depends purely on your preferences; the more salt, the saltier the cheese. Place the cheese carefully and form it into a thick cake. Next, take a cast-iron frying pan, place the formed cake into it and place the frying pan on the fire. After a few minutes the cake will melt. Transfer the melted mass into a mold, cool and place in the refrigerator for several hours until it hardens.

Goat cheese is a great addition to any salad and goes well with a slice of regular bread, as well as fruit and chocolate. Red wine goes perfectly with it, but it's not for everyone.

Create and treat your family and friends with delicious and healthy homemade cheeses!!!

You can make very interesting and original crafts from cardboard and colored paper. The creative passion of children must be developed and encouraged in every possible way. School labor lessons, of course, help with this, but this is still not enough. It is necessary to involve the child in creativity at home. Especially if your baby doesn’t go to school yet. Today we will show you how to make a thief mouse, biting a piece of cheese, and a crow in a nest out of cardboard. These funny toys can be used in a home puppet theater and act out entire performances. In the future we will continue making similar toys, but for now we will focus on the little crow. So, let's stock up on the necessary material and tools and get to work.

Making a thief mouse in a piece of cheese

  • Let's cut out the base of the mouse from cardboard according to the pattern and glue a smooth wooden or cocktail tube to it with tape.
  • We glue the ears and tail (made of serpentine ribbons), and secure the antennae (made of soft wire) with tape. Then we glue the muzzle and body. Eyes, nose and mouth can be glued or drawn.
  • For the bangs, cut out a small strip, make small cuts, twist it onto a pencil and glue it on!
  • We will make the cheese from yellow cardboard according to our pattern or from a box of any shape, pasting it with yellow paper and cutting out holes. All that remains is to insert the stick with the mouse into the cheese.

Making a crow in a cardboard nest

We will make the little crow in the same way as the mouse. We will make long legs from thick threads.

  • For the nest, we will cover a round box with colored paper with cut-out leaves.
  • Don't forget to make a hole in the center for the stick.

That's it, our work is finished for today. Look how funny we turned out. If, dear friend, you read this page and did everything yourself, without adult intervention, then you are a jack of all trades and can rightfully be proud of your wonderful creativity. You can make a lot of things out of cardboard and paper. Look for them on this site and you will find a lot of interesting things for your skillful hands. See you again!

The advantages of paper as a decorative material are endless. Varieties and ways to create miracles from it. For example, quilling.

Quilling (quilling) is a fairly young technology for working with paper, based on twisting paper strips. Using various ornaments or natural motifs, artists create entire panels - not only flat, but also three-dimensional, as well as other decorative items of amazing grace and beauty.

Piece of cheese


- Yellow sheet of paper
- Various coin sizes

Make a piece of cheese from a piece of yellow paper. Cut a fairly wide strip and fold it to form a triangle. Leave a small allowance for gluing.

Cut the workpiece and circle coins on it - “holes”. Cut them out with nail scissors. Very small holes
do it with a hole punch or punch.

Cut yellow paper into strips (or use ready-made quilling paper). Roll each into a loose spiral - wrap the strip around a toothpick and place it on the table so that it straightens slightly. You can straighten it with your fingers. Glue the end of the spiral to the last turn so that it retains its shape. Make several of these spirals of different sizes. Glue the “cheese” blank. Glue the finished parts into the side parts of the piece, filling the entire triangular space with them. Glue the spirals to the walls of the workpiece and to each other.



- Gray and pink quilling paper
- Black stained glass paint
- Toothpick and paper glue

How to make a mouse out of paper. The body consists of a strip of pink paper: press one end of it to a toothpick and roll it into a tight roll. Lubricate the end of the strip with glue and glue it so that the part does not unfold.

Take a strip of gray paper. Glue its end to the pink blank and wrap it around a roll to enlarge the body. You can add one or two more stripes (this depends on the desired size of the part). Glue the end of the strip.

Make the head. Take a strip of gray paper and roll it into a tight roll - you can add another strip by wrapping it on top. Fix the strips - coat the ends with glue, press and hold them until the glue sets. Use paper glue.

To make a muzzle, roll up a roll from a partial strip of paper, secure the end, and then slightly stretch the middle of the roll so that it turns into a cone. Glue this cone to the head piece.

Glue the head to the body. Make small rolls of ears and paws from narrower strips of gray paper. Glue the parts to the head and body. Draw the eyes and mouth. You can make the eyes differently: drop a little stained glass paint for children's creativity onto a piece of plastic film. When it dries, you will have a pair of shiny, bulging eyes.

Roll up a strip of gray paper and place it on the table. When the “spring” straightens, you will get a tail. If you glue it, the toy will have a stand.

What else can quilling do? Here are two examples of excellent paper works. Try making a snow-white swan or a tea mug yourself.

Design: Elena Albitova
Photo: Dmitry Korolko
Model: Angelina
Magazine: "Handmade"

Women's portal - Bonterry