Summaries of direct educational activities in the "childhood" program. Listen to the poem I

Summary of direct educational activities

in mathematics in the second junior group

according to the "Childhood" program.

Nikolaeva E.I.

Educator at the Medical Educational Institution of the Moscow Region, Nyagan

d/s No. 11 “Yolochka”


Target: mastering elementary mathematical concepts, developing children’s cognitive and creative abilities.

Tasks: Exercise children in counting from 1 to 5. Develop the ability to correlate the number of objects with numbers and numbers. Develop the ability to classify objects according to two properties: size and thickness, using Dienesh blocks. To promote the development of spatial concepts: right, left, above, below. To develop children's speech, logical thinking, attention, and imagination. Cultivate friendly relationships and a desire to help others.

Group registration: a gate to a fairyland, a model of an image of a village, a stove, an image of a river, a bridge over a river. Characters for the fairy tale “Geese-Swans” (figures for tabletop theater): Alyonushka, Ivanushka, Baba Yaga, 5 geese-swans, a hut on chicken legs.

Equipment for the lesson: Dienesh blocks, code cards depicting the thickness and size of the blocks, a baking sheet with “pies” - blocks, 2 plates, a basket. Image of an apple tree with apples: 3 large red, 3 large green, 5 small red, 5 small green. Cuisenaire sticks, blue stripes of different widths for each child. Three pairs of mittens with different patterns of geometric shapes. Planar bags in the form of different contour images.


Educator: We stood next to each other, like a moon in a semicircle.

The teacher walks in a circle, clapping the children’s hands with the phrase: “We know many, many names of Russian folk tales.” The one whom the teacher touched with his palm names any fairy tale.

Educator: Well done, you know a lot of Russian folk tales. And guess what this fairy tale is called? (Showing the illustration “Geese-Swans”). That's right, I invite you to visit a fairy tale. Close all your eyes, I will say the magic words:

Hush, hush - silence, the fairy tale comes to us on its own.

Blowing a cool breeze, the doors to a fairy tale opened for us!

(Children open their eyes, walk through the fairy-tale gates and approach the model of the village, a girl stands next to the house)

Educator: Hello, girl! What is your name? (Alyonushka). Why are you sad?

Alyonushka: How can I not be sad, my father and mother went to the market, and they told me to look after my brother Ivanushka, but I didn’t listen, left him alone, and went to play myself. Geese-swans flew in and carried away my brother. I do not know what to do.

Educator: Guys, how can you help Alyonushka? Alyonushka, our guys are good, we will help you, save Ivanushka. Don't cry, tell us how many swan geese there were?


Two geese flew above us, two others behind the clouds,

One flew ahead of everyone. How many geese were there in total?

(children count the geese in the picture and find the corresponding number).

Educator: Alyonushka, wait for us, we are going to look for geese and swans. Children, tell me who is found at the very beginning in this fairy tale?


Granny is grey-haired and white, dear to everyone in winter.

Rings are flying from the chimney - this is smoke from our... (Stove).


To get to the stove we need to go around the puddles.

Everyone walk one after another, don’t step into puddles.

Educator: Stove, stove, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

Stove: Take my pies out of the oven, then I’ll tell you.

Game with Dienesh blocks and code cards. Figure No. 1.

Children place pies on 2 plates: one - large, thick ones; in the other - large, thin. Determine the signs of the remaining pies outside the plates - small.

Pechka: Well done, the guys completed the task. Take small pies with you, your road is long, the swan geese have flown further into the forest. Follow the path, it will lead you to the place.


A narrow path leads us straight into the forest.

We walk along it together, there is a forest of miracles there.

They walked and walked along the path and found mushrooms in the forest.

We bent down, collected, we were very tired

And finally, they saw the apple tree.

Educator: Guys, let’s sit near the apple tree and relax. Apple tree, apple tree, tell me where the geese-swans flew.

Game "Pick Apples". Figure No. 2.

Apple Tree: Help me pick my apples, then I’ll tell you.

First, remove the small green apples. How many are there? Where did they grow on the apple tree? (at the top, on the upper branches)

Similarly, the guys pick the rest of the apples, count them and determine on which branches they grew.

Yablonka: Well done guys, you did a good job. The swan geese flew to the river.


We will go to the river on our toes and then on our heels.

We go like all the guys, one-two, one-two,

And then, like a clumsy bear.

Educator: River, river, tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

River: I have many friends, streams, please build bridges across the streams, then I’ll tell you.

Game "Build a bridge" from Cuisenaire sticks. Figure No. 3.

Educator: Guys, how wide are streams? Wide, narrow. The bridge needs to be built from 5 logs. There is a card with the number 5 on the table. Each child chooses a blue stripe, for which he selects “logs” in accordance with the width of the stripe.

Educator: Guys, what color are your bridges? Who do you think has a longer bridge, Alina or Polina? How to find out? Let's compare. (Children check using the application method). Why did Alina build a bridge from long logs? Because her stream is wider.

River: Well done, the guys built beautiful bridges. The geese-swans flew to Baba Yaga into the forest thicket.


In order to get to Baba Yaga, we need to cross the river.

Raise your legs higher and walk along the logs.

(The teacher and children cross the bridge over the river)

Educator: We went into the thicket, and here was a hut on chicken legs. Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and your front to us (the hut turns, Baba Yaga comes out).

Educator: Hello, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Hello. What do you want?

Educator: We are looking for brother Ivanushka, give him to us, please!

Baba Yaga: No, I won’t give it back, I’m angry today, I lost my mitten, but I can’t find it.

Educator: Baba Yaga, don’t be angry, we will find you a mitten.

Game "Find a pair". Figure No. 4.

There are 5 mittens with different patterns of geometric shapes on the table; children select a mitten for Baba Yaga with the desired pattern and explain their choice.

Baba Yaga: Thank you guys, I wouldn’t have found the mitten without you. So be it, I’ll give you Ivanushka, but you have to guess in which bag he’s hidden?

A game« What inbag? Figure No. 5.

The bags are designed in the form of contour images, reminiscent of various objects. Children express their guesses about what is in the bags, find a bag in the shape of a man, with a figurine of Ivanushka attached to the back side. The guys thank Baba Yaga and treat her to pies.


Educator: It’s time for us to go back to the village.

The guys tell Alyonushka how they saved brother Ivanushka, who they met, what they did. What task did they enjoy doing the most?

Educator: Alyonushka, we are returning to kindergarten. Goodbye, take care brother. (Music sounds, children leave the land of fairy tales through the gate).

Hush, hush - silence, it's time for us to go to kindergarten,

The cool breeze is blowing, we have closed the doors to the fairy tale!

Figure No. 1.

Figure No. 2.

Figure No. 3.

Figure No. 4.

Figure No. 5.

Summary of the NOD “Naughty Bunny”

Target: Expansion and clarification of the previous children's lessons about wild animals and their habitats. Deepen children's understanding of the hare and its appearance. Continue learning to compose a story using a mnemonic table. Develop coherent speech. Cultivate curiosity, a desire to help. Cultivate communication skills, initiative, and cooperation skills.

Activities: Playful, motor, productive, communicative.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading fairy tales “Teremok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Kolobok”, “Hare and Hedgehog”.

2. Working with mnemonic tables.

3. Games “The animals went to watering”, “Go to the Little Bunny”, “Little White Bunny”.

Equipment: Mnemonic table “Hare”, interactive whiteboard, presentation about the habitat of animals, geometric figures according to the number of children, album sheets, sponges, colored water in jars, a toy hare.

GCD move

Org. Moment. Children stand in a circle game "Good mood" And suddenly they hear crying. Oh, guys, do you hear, we are in a good mood, but someone is crying, listen, who could it be? A bunny appears.

Bunny: Hello! Where am I? I was walking along a forest path and came here...

Educator: You ended up in kindergarten.

Bunny: Where is your kindergarten located, in what city?

Children: In the city of Belgorod, kindergarten No. 86. Located at: Chapaeva, building 3.

Educator: Bunny, why are you crying?

Bunny: I'm lost. He didn’t listen to his mother, ran away and got lost.

Educator: What is she like, your mother?

Bunny: Kind, beloved, caring.

Educator: Do you have a photo of your mother?

Bunny: Certainly. Here she is, my mom. (Shows a picture of a mother bunny.)

Help me find her.

Educator: Shall we help? But first tell me, who is the bunny's mother?

Children: Hare.

Educator: To find a hare, you need to make a verbal portrait of her. And this table (mnemonic table) will help us with this. But there is one condition: every sentence must contain the word - hare.

Sample children's story:

  1. This is a hare.
  2. The hare is white.

    The hare lives in the forest.

    The hare is a wild animal.

    The hare has an oval body, a round head, small black eyes, long ears, and a short tail.

    The hare has enemies: fox, wolf, lynx, hunter.

    The hare is a fairy-tale character.

(Children make up stories.)

Educator: Bunny, why are you crying? Bunny: I found my mother's beads, but they were torn, what should I do now?

Educator: children, how to help the bunny? (children's answers).

Educational game "Collect beads." Children assemble beads from geometric shapes according to the pattern, naming the color and shape.

Educator: Well, the beads have been collected, it’s time to look for mom. And here is the path into the forest. (There is an image of the path on the screen.)


Someone's house. Maybe a mother bunny lives here? (There is an image of a den on the screen.)

Children: No, this is a den.

Educator: And who lives in it?

Children: Bear.

Educator: Let's check. (There is an image of a bear on the screen.) Let's move on.

Maybe this is the bunny's house? (There is an image of a hollow on the screen.)

Children: No, this is a squirrel's home.

Educator: What is the name of their house? (Duplo.) Let's check.

Children: Fox.

Bunny: Guys, I'm tired. Educator: Our children are tired too. Let's relax and play the game “The Animals Went to Water.” Let's stand in a circle. Now turn around and turn into a forest animal.

"The animals were going to water"

Once upon a time along a forest path (they walk in a circle, one after another

The animals went to water one after another)

Did you follow mama bear? (cubs) (go to the waddle)

Who was sneaking after the mother fox? (fox cubs) (sneaking, on tiptoes)

Who rolled after the hedgehog's mother? (hedgehogs) (moving in a half-squat)

Who jumped after the mother squirrel? (baby squirrels) (jumping)

Behind the mother hare - oblique Who? (hares) (jumping, making ears out of their palms)

Who was the she-wolf leading? (wolf cubs) (sneak with long steps)

Everyone - mothers and children want to get drunk (face in a circle, get on all fours).

Turn around yourself and turn into children.

The path has ended. Where should we look for the hare? Look, some kind of tubercle. Maybe she's hiding here? Let's check. A sponge and colored water will help us. Take a sponge, dip it in water and apply it to the snowdrift. Look, a fox is hiding in my snowdrift. Now check who is hiding in your snowdrift. (Children draw with sponges) Who is hiding with you, Alena? Who hid with Sasha? And who did the hare hide with? Children draw to the accompaniment of music " Song of the baby mammoth"(V. Shainsky D. Nepomnyashchaya).

Bunny! We found your mom. Don’t lose her anymore and don’t get lost yourself. (A bunny with his mother appears on the screen). Goodbye! It's time for us to go to kindergarten.

Educator: And here is our path. (There is an image of a path on the screen.) It’s time to return to the group. (There is a picture of the group on the screen.) In the group they find treats from the hare - carrots. After all, this is the rabbit’s favorite treat.

GCD for the project “Without the past there is no present”

Topic: “When parents were little”

Educational field "Socialization".

Integration with communication, cognition, artistic and creative activities, music.

Types of children's activities: cognitive, creative, productive, communicative.

Goal: to develop an understanding of the course of human development, to show the interdependence of relationships, the interconnection of generations, to form in children an idea of ​​the family as people who live together, love each other, to introduce the word “relative”, “family” into the children’s dictionary, to give the concept What is this. To consolidate children's understanding of how a family appears and who it consists of. Encourage children to purposefully pursue their goal, overcoming obstacles and not giving up their plan until the result is achieved. To instill in children feelings of love and respect for family members. To promote the development in children of skills of friendly interaction with family members, taking into account their and their age; understanding and mutual assistance in family life, showing interest in family affairs.

Today I brought a riddle - rebus. You will guess it and understand what we will talk about. 7I - What is written here? Children: "Family." Each of you has a family, let's count all family members. How many people do you have in your family, Nastya? What about Vadim? What about Alyosha? What do you think family means?

It is no coincidence that the word “Family” can be encrypted as 7Ya. Previously, in the old days, in Rus' they said: a family is seven selves, that is, in a family there are seven people living in one house. They all lived as one big happy family. Everyone took care of each other, helped each other, and protected the family in case of trouble and danger. When parents went to work, the older children took care of their younger sisters and brothers.


Guys, tell me, who do they call men (women, boys, girls) in the family?

Who are people divided into by age? (Children, young, elderly, old)

Who are the eldest in the family? (great-grandfather, great-grandmother.)

What are they? (Old, beloved, kind)

A game. “Let’s arrange the pictures according to people’s ages”

I suggest the children arrange the pictures by age.

From a girl to a grandmother (old woman)

From boy to grandfather (old man)

(Sit on chairs)

Listen to the poem by Y. Akim “My Relatives”

Mom and dad are my relatives. I have no one more dear to me,

And my sister and brother,

And a puppy, lop-eared, Tishka.

I love my family very much

I'll buy gifts for everyone soon.

Dad will have a motor boat,

A magic brush for mom in the kitchen,

A real hammer for my brother,

Ball for little sister, candy for Tishka.

And I also have

And I also have a friend, Seryozha, who is also related to me.

I run to him in the morning,

Without him, the game is not a game for me.

I tell him all the secrets

I will give him everything in the world.

Questions about what you read:

Tell me, who do we call members of our family?

Guys, who is called relatives in the poem?

Children. Dad, mom, brother, sister.

Educator: Would you call Seryozha and the puppy Tishka relatives or would you call them something else?

Children: Seryozhka is a friend, and Tishka is a beloved puppy.

Educator: Guys, find words close in meaning to the word “relatives”. Children: Relatives, parents, relatives.

Educator: Who do you think the relatives are?

Children: Dad, mom, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa. Some children say they have godparents. It turns out that some guys have great-grandparents.

Game “Name it kindly”

Grandmother-grandmother-grandmother, dad-daddy-daddy, son-son-sonny, grandfather, grandpa, aunt-aunty, brother-brother-brother, mom-mommy-mummy-mother-mama, daughter-daughter-daughter, uncle - uncle - uncle.

Would you like to be like your relatives? But on who? Why?

Children, you know that once your mothers, fathers, grandparents were also little boys and girls, you want to look at your loved ones, guess whose mother this is? (showing several slides of children's photos of the children's parents) children find similarities and guess. And they also loved to play various games, listen, you interviewed. (Video show). Children, we are now going to play the game “Cossacks - Robbers”. Your parents drew these arrows in the morning, you asked what it was and hid the treasure, to find it you need to follow the arrows (the children go and find album sheets with a picture of a yellow circle), look, there is a note here - it turns out it’s the warmth of our parents, they pass it on to you, (a gentle melody plays) Let's hug the warmth of our parents and introduce our nearest and dearest people. And now let’s turn this warmth into the sun, and you will draw as many rays as the care, kindness and warmth your Family gives you. Children draw sun rays to the music.

Topic: "Family Traditions"
Program content:
Training tasks:
- to form in children an understanding of the importance of family relationships, the dependence of good relationships on the personal qualities of each;
- expand and activate children’s vocabulary (adjectives);
- learn to understand the meaning of proverbs about family;
- bring to the children’s consciousness the idea that traditions, like people, have their own history.
Educational tasks:
- promote positive changes in family relationships;
- continue to cultivate an attentive attitude towards others, a feeling of love and tenderness for parents.
Developmental tasks:
- promote an optimistic perception of a child’s life, through Biblical stories about the creation of the world, and the ability to talk about family traditions.
Preliminary work: interviews with parents about family traditions.
Multimedia and slides of Biblical stories about the creation of the world, musical accompaniment.
Vocabulary work:
Introduce the expression “honoring parents” and traditions into the children’s active vocabulary.
GCD move:
The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle, saying:
“I see in a wide circle, all my friends have stood up.” Children convey a good mood to each other by holding hands (“I convey my good mood to Mashenka, and I convey my good mood to Alyosha, etc. in the end they convey a good mood to all the guests.”).
The teacher invites the children, having solved the puzzle, to find out what we will talk about today.

7 I

What do you think this means (This means that we are, as it were, repeated in our own family 7 times. The smile resembles my mother’s, my father’s gait, the eye color like my grandmother’s, the oval face like my grandfather’s, etc.
. "I and my family"
-What is family? (children's answers)
- How old are family members?
. Didactic game “Ranking photos by age”
(Boys arrange pictures by age from baby boy to old man, girls from baby girl to old woman).
Educator: Each of you has the most dear and beloved people - this is your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sisters and brothers, uncles and aunts... This is your family.
Game exercise “Praises” (Children praise their family: “My family is the friendliest, and mine is the most cheerful, etc.).
Educator: In order for the family to be friendly and happy, you need to fulfill the fifth commandment of God. Remember what it sounds like.
Children: “Honor your father and mother, so that it may be well for you and that you may live long on Earth.”
Educator: What does it mean to honor your father and mother? (children's answers - be attentive to everyone, respect, do not offend, be kind to everyone, obedient, provide all possible help). - vocabulary work.
Jesus Christ taught “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Therefore, love and care for others is always inherent in an Orthodox person.
Child: There are different parts of the earth,
Only where your father’s house is is your homeland.
Have fun, grow and sing - know that the Motherland is with you.
Remember the main words “Mom”, “Motherland”, “Family”.
Proverbs about family (called by children)
“The family is strong together,” “Whoever honors his parents never perishes,”
“Parental heart in children”, “To live in a family is to serve God”, “You don’t need a treasure if there is harmony in the family.”
"Family traditions"
-What are traditions? (vocabulary work). (tradition is translated as “transmission”, this is what passes from one generation to another).
-Listen, what are your parents saying about this? (On the screen is an interview with the parents, taken in advance by the children).
- We learned what traditions are kept in some families. Let's see how God worked during the week during the creation of the world.
Bible stories.
(On the screen there are slides - a calendar, how God worked and completed all his deeds to create the world in six days, and he blessed the seventh day - Sunday - for rest).
-Our families are Orthodox, and in the likeness of God they also build their relationships in the family, plan work and leisure. On weekdays they go to work, and on weekends they are all at home together.
- how do you spend time with your parents, what family traditions are kept in your home? (children's stories about family traditions are accompanied by showing photos on the screen)
Katya family concerts on Sundays are our tradition) (“When my grandmother was young she sang in the choir, my mother also sings very well, my older sister Anya studies at a music school, I dance. We are busy all week: our parents are at work, my sister at school, I'm in kindergarten. But on weekends we have home concerts: on Saturday we clean the house, prepare costumes, and on Sunday we have concerts - this is our tradition).

Vlad (“Mom every morning, when she brings me to the garden, she kisses me and whispers in my ear how much she loves me. In the evening we all drink tea together and watch TV. Every weekend we go to visit my grandmother in the White Well. On Saturday we help with the housework, and on Sunday we rest - we drink tea from the samovar with grandma’s pies. She doesn’t allow us to work on Sunday, that’s what God commanded.)
Ilya (every year the whole family travels both in Russia and abroad - showing photos on the screen and a corner of interesting souvenirs) Ilya comments.
Sasha (family genealogy archive - awards, orders, certificates, old photos, books, icons, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers) - exhibition. On Sunday the whole family goes to church.
In conclusion, the group’s tradition (photo on the screen) invites guests to prepare their own treats: vinaigrette, fruit salad, cookies), celebrate Maslenitsa, and visit the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross on holidays.
Educator: So what is a family? (total)
1st child Family is a big word!
2-reb. Family is a ringing word!
3-reb. Family is an important word
4-reb. Everyone will tell you this.
5-reb. Family is the sun that shines
6-reb. Family is the stars in the sky
7-reb. Family is all love.
8-reb. The love of sons and fathers,
9-reb. Love of daughters and mothers,
Together: We give you our love! (A.V. Sidorova).
Children treat guests to tea and baked cookies.
The song “My Family” plays (the children leave the hall)

Birds are returning to their homeland from warmer climes. Feast of the Annunciation.

Educational objectives: to consolidate ideas about spring changes in nature (it becomes warmer, the sun shines more, snow and ice melts, birds that have flown to warmer climes for the winter return),
consolidate children's knowledge about the Orthodox holiday "Annunciation".
Educational tasks: cultivate sensitivity and compassion for all living things.
Developmental tasks: promote the development of observation and imaginative perception of natural phenomena by children.
GCD move:
1 part GCD Game tasks about spring. Children stand in a circle and give each other a toy bunny with a yellow bow or a yellow bunny. His name is Sunny Bunny. He came to help children learn to notice the signs of the coming spring. The one of the children standing in the circle who has a bunny in his hands must say which signs of spring he saw today on the way to kindergarten (the sun was shining, the icicles were melting, there were puddles on the roads...)
After each child gives an answer, the bunny is sent around the circle a second time: now the children must name the spring sounds that they heard on the street on the way to kindergarten (birds chirped, dripping from the roofs, water squelched under their feet...) When the bunny will go in a circle for the third time, the children will have to say whether they somehow managed to feel the effect of the coming spring (someone will say that they felt how the sun began to warm up like spring, someone felt a breath of still cool, but already spring wind; someone smelled spring freshness in the air). On behalf of the sunny bunny, praise the children for their observation.
Guys, we still have snow here and there, let's call for spring:
Spring, spring, clear,
Come red spring,
Sunshine, warm the earth,
Birds, come quickly!
Part 2 of GCD. Children, you know that in ancient times it was believed that spring began with the holiday of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (showing an image of an icon accompanying the teacher’s story about this holiday)
A wonderful story happened on this day many centuries ago. (presentation show)
According to the Gospel narrative (Luke 1:26-38), the Archangel Gabriel, sent by God to the Virgin Mary, said to Her: Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women." Mary did not understand what this greeting meant, the Archangel continued: Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God; and behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will give His name Jesus. He will be great and he will be called the Son of the Most High.” Mary humbly said: “I am obedient to God, let it be done to me according to your word.”
Questions for children:
What was the name of the Archangel who brought the good news?
What did he tell her?
What did the Virgin Mary answer him?
Part 3 of the lesson: People say: “On this day the bird does not build a nest, and the maiden (girl) does not braid her hair.” On this day it was impossible to work, you need to rest, and watch the sun - on the Annunciation, it “plays”, that is, it shines brightly. Even on this day, birds were released into the wild: they bought the bird from the bird hunter and released it from the cage. It is believed that the bird will intercede with God on behalf of its liberator. People eagerly awaited the return of birds from distant lands.
Guys, what migratory birds do you know?
(swallows, cranes, larks).
Conducting a didactic game “Migratory and wintering birds”
Birds fly a long and difficult journey. Here listen to the poem
Victor Afanasyev "Birds of Migratory".
Over the darkened fields
And over the gray lake
Clouds are flying in waves
And they swirl like smoke.
It will take them a long, long time
Over the depths of the sea,
And not all of them will return
Home on Easter days. Setting out on a dangerous journey
Without limits and boundaries,
Leaving the stormy land
On an autumn day there are flocks of birds.
We will meet them on the threshold of Warm days: “They are flying, they are flying!”
How difficult are the roads for birds?
But how joyful their return is!

How did the autumn landscape differ from the spring one: how did the birds feel when they were going to foreign countries in the fall?
- How do you feel now, returning to your homeland?
-How do we feel when we meet returning birds?

Part 4 of GCD. Guys, do you want the birds to return as soon as possible? Then let's make birds from dough, bake them and treat them to all the guests and parents.
From the previously prepared lean dough, I suggest the children make birds. I show how this is done, then we put it on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and take it to the dining room for baking. In 15 minutes the birds will be ready.
Part 5 GCD
I invite the children to dance in a round dance, invite guests and sing a stonefly for the birds to quickly arrive:
A sandpiper flew from across the sea,
The sandpiper brought nine locks,
“Kulik, kulik, close the winter,
Close the winter, open the spring -
Warm summer!" (repeat 2-3 times)
Russian folk game "Mother Spring"
Description: Spring is selected. Two children form a gate with green branches or a garland.

All the children say:
Mother spring is coming,
Open the gate.
The first of March has arrived
He spent all the children;
And behind it comes April
He opened the window and the door;
And just as May came -
Walk as much as you want!

Spring leads a chain of all the children through the gate and into a circle.
Rules: Do not break the chain.

In the second half of the day, you can continue to meet birds, drinking tea and playing; if the day is sunny, then you can play with real sunbeams, which the teacher releases with the help of a mirror, and the children will try to “pat” and “catch” them.

Material for the lesson:
1.Toy bunny with a yellow bow (sunny bunny).
2. Presentation about the holiday “Annunciation”
2.Mirror (if the day is sunny).
3. Lenten baking dough.
Dough recipe:
1 cup of tomato or cucumber brine.
2 cups sugar, 0.5 cups vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon soda. Knead everything with flour not very well and bake for 15 minutes. Bon appetit.

Elena Nikolaeva
"Journey into a fairy tale." Summary of a mathematics lesson in the second junior group under the “Childhood” program

Abstract direct educational activities

By mathematics in the second junior group

By program« Childhood» .

Subject: « Journey into a fairy tale» .


1. Mastering the ability to compare objects of contrasting and identical sizes in length and width.

2. Learn to compare a set of objects by quantity, using the technique of superposition and application (the same amount, 3 - 4 by recalculation). 3. Development of creative imagination, logical thinking, and the ability to imagine an image based on schematic figures.


Demo: carousel with ribbons of different lengths, widths and colors; Winnie the Pooh - toy; house, flat figures of gnomes in clothes of different colors of the spectrum; silhouettes of bags of different shapes; doll - seller, card with two stripes, buttons, chips.

Dispensing: stencils for jackets with eyelets (3, 4, 5 pieces, chips, buttons, cards with two stripes.

Progress of the lesson.

Our guest today is Winnie the Pooh.

Hello guys. I flew to you from fabulous countries on a magic carousel. Do you want to fly to the country fairy tales?

The carousel is magical, it will fly only when we tell you what ribbons it has.

1. Game « Fairytale carousel» .

What color are the ribbons? (red, blue, green, yellow, etc.)

Multi-colored ribbons. But they are not only different in color, but also different in width. Some ribbons are narrow, while others are wide.

How do you know which of these bands is narrow and which is wide?

You can compare them; we put another on one tape. Which tape is wider?

Take one strip at a time. Take a good look, what kind of tape do you have?

Who has a narrow ribbon? Lift it up.

Now lower the narrow ribbons down and lift the wide ones up?

What ribbons are at the top? Which ones are at the bottom?

Well done guys, you determined the width of the ribbons correctly, but the carousel does not want to take off. We forgot talk about it what length of tape?

How do you know who has a long ribbon and who has a short one?

You can compare them. Stand in pairs, keeping the ribbons nearby. Which ribbon is the longest?

Which one is short? (ask each pair of children).

Well done, everyone told about magic ribbons, the carousel is ready to fly.


We rushed to the carousel, (children stand facing in a circle).

Did you all have time?

Everyone made it in time (children nod their heads).

Did you fly?

Let's fly (children nod their heads).

And the carousel carried us to distant lands (walk in a circle).

But the earth calls back, although it’s nice in the blue, after space it’s nice to land on earth (everyone stops).

2. Game exercise "Colorful Gnomes".

So we arrived in fairy tale. Look, the house is standing. Do you want to know who's in this lives in a fairy tale? Sit in the clearing and listen.

In one kingdom lived cheerful gnomes. The gnomes were very similar, and to avoid confusion, they wore suits and caps of different colors. They are like that name: "Red Cap"(from the house "comes out" dwarf in a red suit)

Why was he called that? (because it has a red cap)

What's this gnome's name? Guess it. Why? (so look at each gnome)

They lived very friendly, every day they put on warm jackets and went into the forest to hunt. But one day a mischievous wind came and blew quietly at first.

How did he blow?

And then he blew harder and harder, and became so naughty that he tore off all the buttons from the jackets. And now the gnomes don’t know what to do; they can’t button their jackets without buttons.

Where can I get buttons? (buy in store)

H. Game "Let's buy buttons".

Let's help the gnomes buy buttons?

I'll tell you now how many buttons you need to buy. Take one gnome at a time (children take one gnome each and go to the table on which there are jackets and chips).

Each jacket has eyelets. You need to buy as many buttons as there are eyelets. I'll consider the loops to be counters. Chips must be placed from top to bottom (the teacher runs his hand over the jacket from top to bottom).

How should you place chips?

I put one chip on each loop. (Teacher demonstration).

I took as many chips as there are loops on the jacket. How many chips did I take?

Now you put the chips on the loops (children complete the task).

How many chips did you put in? (The same amount, or name the number).

Now, guys, remember which gnome you will buy buttons for, take your chips in your palm, don’t lose them, we’ll go to the store now.

We walk the paths

We walk along the paths Top-top-top, top-top-top,

Crossed the stream over the bridge,

We came to the store to buy buttons.” (There is a doll seller in the store).

Hello guys. What did you want to buy?

How many buttons do you need? (you need as many buttons as chips).

Place the chips on the table next to you and see how to arrange the chips correctly. All buttons are in boxes with windows on top (run your hand along the windows).

And the windows below are empty, in them I will put chips from left to right (run your hand from left to right along the typesetting canvas, one chip in each window.

Let's show everyone together in which direction the chips should be placed. From left to right, like this (children together with the teacher move their hand in the air from left to right).

I put the first chip below under the first button on the left. Second I put the chip next to it under another button (the teacher lays out all the chips).

I laid out all the chips. Now, show with your hand the first window on the left.

Start placing chips from this window, (the seller checks how the children arrange the chips).

Have all the chips been laid out? Now look, what are more, chips or buttons? (more buttons, fewer chips).

Look, you need to take as many buttons as you put in chips, (teacher demonstration).

If there are no chips in the windows, can you take these buttons? (No).

I took as many buttons as there are chips on the strip.

How many buttons should I take?

Now take as many buttons as the number of chips you have laid out (the children complete the task, the seller checks whether the children took the buttons correctly).

The children thank the seller, say goodbye to him and go to the gnomes.

Guys, now we need to sew buttons on the jackets. One button for each eyelet (children lay out buttons).

Did everyone have enough buttons?

Count how many buttons you sewed? (3, 4, 5) .

How can say it differently? (there are as many buttons as loops).

Thank you guys for buying the buttons and sewing them on. The gnomes have prepared bags of gifts for you.

4. Game "Jolly Dwarf".

Place a figurine of a gnome with a bag in his hand on the easel.

Guess, guys, what's in this bag?

Listen to the children's suggestions, then replace this bag with a bag of a different shape. Bags can look like a variety of things items: ball, mushroom, bunny, pyramid, tumbler, square, etc.

Thank you, dwarves, for the gifts, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

5. Game "Carousel".

Barely, barely, barely, barely the carousel spun,

And then, then, then everything runs, runs, runs.

Hush, hush, don’t rush, stop the carousel.

One - two, one - two, the game is over.

Bottom line: Guys, did you like our journey?

Where were we today? What did you do? I really liked you today. You are good, kind guys, you helped the gnomes. Well done.

- Strengthen the properties of the circle through problematic questions from the teacher.

- To develop the ability to recognize a circle in objects in the environment through the d/i ​​“Find a circle in a group.”

- Develop fine motor skills of the fingers through the “Complete the drawing” activity.

- Cultivate a desire to help the hero through a request.

Materials for the lesson: toys a bunny, a dragon, a wheel, a sheet with a task, a drawn car and wheels (wheels with dotted lines), a sheet with a task, a dragon and a bunny blowing bubbles, a simple pencil.

Progress of the lesson:

Children are included in the group. The chairs are in a semicircle.

All the guys stood up together

And they walked on the spot

Stretch on your toes

And they smiled at each other

We sat down like springs

And they sat quietly on the chairs.

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, today I want to tell you a fairy tale about a bunny and his friend the dragon. Once upon a time there lived a bunny and a dragon. One day the bunny went to visit the dragon. So he walks along the road and sees a wheel lying on the road. The bunny decided to lift the wheel, but he couldn’t lift it, the wheel turned out to be too heavy.

What can you do with the wheel? (Roll it.)

The teacher shows the children that the wheel is rolling.

Why can we roll it? (Because it's round.)

Why is it round? (Because it has no corners.)

What can we say about the circle? (The circle rolls because it has no corners.)

Well done, children.

Physical education minute.

And now I suggest you look for round objects in our group, what else could a round-shaped bunny give to his friend?

Children look for round objects in a group. And they trace a circle with their finger.

The bunny rolled the wheel for the dragon. Drakosha really liked the gift.

Guys, where can a dragon put a wheel? (In the car.)

Drakosha asked the bunny to help him insert the wheel. Guys, maybe we can help the dragon.

Let's go to the tables. Let's take a simple pencil and trace the wheels of the car. Take your time, work carefully.

Children trace the outline of the wheels of a car

They put the wheels on and they went for a ride. We arrived at a clearing and began blowing soap bubbles.

What shape are soap bubbles? (Round).

Why? (No corners.)

Let us, together with the bunny and the dragon, blow soap bubbles. Let's draw them

Children draw circles on their own.

Smart guys. Fun friends. They wanted to play the game “Bubble”.

Let's play with them. Let's join hands.

Game "Bubble".

What kind of figure did we get? (Circle.)

Why? (Because it has no corners.)

What circle? (Big.)

What needs to be done to make the circle small? (Wake him up.)

Friends played and had fun. It was already getting dark outside and the bunny galloped home.

Well done, guys, I really enjoyed telling you the story, you listened carefully and helped your friends. Thank you.

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