Fairy tale "Three girls under the window" (a fairy tale for adults in a new way). Funny congratulations to the hero of the day

This funny birthday greeting is suitable for any birthday or anniversary. It is best to find out in advance where and how long the birthday boy studied and worked. This will be even more believable and funnier. go!

So, now I will talk about the life path of the hero of the day. And you, guests, will help me. Your task, birthday boy, is as simple as a synchrophasotron. It is necessary to say: " This should be done after the words “And he says...”

(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

So, now I will talk about the life path of the hero of the day. And you, Sergey, will help me. your task is as simple as a synchrophasotron. It is necessary to say:“Shouldn’t we have a drink?" This should be done after the words“And he says...”

Once upon a time there was a birthday boy. He was inquisitive - passion! Sometimes, even in preschool age, he would come up to his parents and say...
(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

Not really! He says: “Where do children come from?” or “Why doesn’t the sun fall?”….
And the parents bury themselves in books, but they explain and explain. But time passed, and in the 7th grade the school principal came out and said...
(Celebrant of the day: Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

Yes you! He says that every student will participate in some kind of Olympiad, and Sergei will participate in all of them at once! And he took part, skied and played football. Therefore, on the last call, Sergei takes the response from all the graduates and says...
(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

No, he says: “Thank you for participating, I received such hardening in the struggle of life.” ... Then an agricultural technical school, then an institute, sessions, coursework, I came to get a job at a construction site and said...
(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

No, he asks: “Do you need a reinforcement specialist with 2 qualifications here?” And the head of the personnel department says...

(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

No, he says: “Start tomorrow.” He started, and for almost 2 years he could not retreat. And every year on his birthday he says...
(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)

Now that's right! Note that the hero of the day himself suggested!...We pour and drink to the health of the birthday boy!

To hold the competition you will need several people, one of whom is the presenter. The presenter brings out a simple drawing and shows it to one of the players; everyone else should not see it. The player who saw the drawing must explain in a whisper to the other player what was depicted in the drawing. The second player tells the third one from the words of the first and so on.
The last player who was told about the drawing takes a piece of paper, pen or pencil, and tries to draw what he was told. Then the drawing drawn by the last player is compared with the original.

Catch a butterfly

Two players are invited to participate in the competition, each of whom is given a large net on a long stick. Along with this, they are given a balloon. The players' task is to catch each other in the net without dropping the ball.
The competition is quite funny and brings pleasure not only to the players, but also to the guests.

Kiss Ribbons

For the competition you will need several ribbons of the same color and length. The presenter folds all the ribbons so that the edges coincide, then squeezes the middle of the folded ribbons into a fist, and randomly lowers their ends down.
Each player must take one end of the tape. Then the presenter unclenches his fist, and the couple holding on to different ends of the same ribbon must kiss.

Congratulations on the round date

The bravest ones take part. So, the guests take turns putting a round bagel in their mouth and say a short congratulation in two or three sentences. The guest congratulates, and the hero of the day “recognizes” the text of the congratulator. The guest whose congratulation with a bagel in his mouth is recognized literally by the hero of the day will win and receive a prize.

Round date - in a ball

Participants are divided into pairs and each pair receives an identical (length) ball of thread. At the command “start”, some participants in pairs unravel the ball, and the second participants tie themselves with thread, that is, they wind the threads around themselves. The couple that unwinds the ball faster than the rest and wraps the threads around the participant will win and receive a prize.

Bouquet for the hero of the day

Guests are divided into equal teams (5 or 7 people). Each participant receives a rose with the same number of thorns. At the “start” command, the teams begin to form a bouquet for the birthday boy - they remove the thorns from the roses. As soon as each participant frees their rose from the thorns, the team collects all the roses into a single bouquet and presents it to the hero of the day. The team that completes the task first will win and receive a prize, and the birthday boy will be extremely pleased to receive additional bouquets as a gift.

Ride the ball

All players are divided into two teams, the captain of each team is given a ball. Each player is taken by hand by two others, and his feet are placed on the ball. The task is to step on the ball and reach the end of the hall.
The team whose players hit the ball faster to the end of the hall wins.


A stool is placed in the center of the hall. At each leg of this stool there becomes one player, in whose hands is an aluminum spoon. All players stand with their backs to the stool and, accordingly, to each other.
Then, at the leader’s command, the players move three steps away from the stool and turn around. After this, the presenter gives another signal, after which each player must try to put his spoon on the chair first.

Draw an elephant

All players are divided into two teams and are blindfolded. The facilitator brings out a large sheet of paper and pencils for all participants. Teams are asked to draw an elephant. Moreover, the entire team must draw. One player draws a trunk, the second a tail, the third a leg, and so on.
At the end, the players take off their bandages and admire the design. The most understandable drawing wins.

Reverse bowling

If the bowling player's task is to knock down all the pins, then in this competition the point is not to knock down a single pin. All players are divided into two teams and are blindfolded. Pins are placed along all trajectories. Players, holding hands or lining up like a snake, must go through the entire trajectory without knocking over a single pin.
The team that knocks down the fewest pins will be the winner.

Let's reward the hero of the day

Guests are given round paper blanks on ribbons, symbolizing medals. Each participant is asked to draw something on the blank and write what he would reward the hero of the day for. The winner is the author of the most original medal. The competition can be made as a team competition. Then you can compete in the number of medals signed by the team in one minute.

Expensive gift

Each participant in the competition is given an old newspaper or magazine, and in one minute he must find and cut out a symbolic gift for the hero of the day. This could be an image of a car, jewelry, or just a word from the text of an article. For example, “wealth”, “health”, “luck”. The participant whose gift is more expensive wins.

Each participant places a coin on the toe of their shoe. At the leader’s signal, the participants move to the finish line, where the piggy bank stands, while trying not to drop their burden. The fastest and most agile wins. If the competition is held in a team version, then the team that brings the most coins into the piggy bank of the hero of the day during the specified time wins.

Manual operator

One of the competition participants is blindfolded, and the rest are given cards on which body parts are written (ear, hand, nose, leg, elbow, etc.). Guests take turns approaching the chiropractor, and he, carefully feeling the part of the body indicated on the card of the person standing in front of him, tries to guess who is in front of him. The most accurate manual operator wins.

Anniversary “What? Where? When?"

The host asks the guests one by one questions, with the help of which he finds out which of them knows the hero of the day better. Questions may relate to incidents in the life of the birthday person, his preferences, habits, hobbies, desires, etc. If the guest answers correctly, he continues to play. The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

50 compliments

Guests are divided into several teams. Each team receives a task - within 5 minutes to come up with exactly 50 compliments for the hero of the day. Then all compliments are voiced. Only those compliments that are not repeated in the lists of different teams are counted. The team with the most compliments left on its list wins.

Money bag

Participants are divided into teams. Each team receives a bag in which souvenir banknotes of different types are mixed (souvenir dollars, euros, rubles, etc.). The team’s task is to sort the contents of the bag by type of banknote and fold the bills in ascending order. The team that does it first wins.

Sweet life

Participants are divided into teams. Each team receives a vase in which sweets, small cookies, nuts, candied fruits, lollipops, etc. are mixed. The team’s task is to sort the contents of the vase and put everything into separate bags. The team that does it faster than the rest wins.

Table competitions for the anniversary
A huge collection of fun competitions and games on the PozdravOK website. Bright games and anniversary competitions will brighten up any holiday, making it interesting for everyone!

New Competitions and games for the anniversary

Games and competitions for the anniversary

Competition “Making a hero of the day”

For this competition you need 20 balloons. Two teams are given 10 balls, a felt-tip pen, a spool of thread and tape. And on command, they begin to inflate the balloons and tie them together so that it looks like a woman. And use a felt-tip pen to draw her eyes, mouth, ears and anything else you like. The team that does it faster and better wins.

Competition "Anniversary Ribbon"

For this competition you will need colored ribbons 20-30 cm long. The number of ribbons must correspond to the number of guests. The colors of the ribbons must correspond to the number of participants in the competition, as well as the theme of the anniversary. Each volunteer is given a ribbon of a specific color. Within the allotted time, it is necessary to tie ribbons on the wrists of all guests. If a guest already has a ribbon of a certain color, you cannot knit another one. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.

Game "Heaping"

The game involves two teams of three people each. A small basin is placed in front of the teams, in which apples, oranges and potatoes are mixed. The players are blindfolded and, accompanied by cheerful music, they make three piles of these products: the first is from apples, the second is from oranges, the third is from potatoes. After 3 minutes, the participants of the competition are untied and they count their work. Prize - the pile made is given to the contestants who have the largest number of products of the correct name.

Competition "Feed your husband"

Married couples usually take part in this competition, but this is not obligatory. Men sit on a chair and have their hands tied behind their backs. And the women are blindfolded, given a glass of vodka in one hand, and a spoon with a snack in the other hand. On command, the women approach their partner and first give him a glass of vodka and then a snack. Whoever does it faster, and most importantly, without spilling or dropping the snack, wins.

Game "Roses for the hero of the day"

What woman doesn’t dream of being showered with flowers? And an anniversary is a great reason to organize a flower contest.

The game involves 4-6 men and the hero of the day. Men receive a rose (after removing the thorns), they are blindfolded and asked to turn around in place several times. The hero of the day takes a place on a chair standing away from the men. To the accompaniment of instrumental romantic music, men go to present gifts to the hero of the day. The first person to present a rose will receive a prize.

Competition "Gift for the hero of the day"

Two teams participate in the competition. Each team is given a blank sheet of Whatman paper, several newspapers, magazines, or pre-prepared letters, numbers and drawings. You also need scissors and glue. On command, participants must cut out letters, sentences, pictures from newspapers and magazines and glue it all onto whatman paper, so that it turns out to be a wall newspaper for the birthday girl.

It is important that the wall newspapers contain congratulations, funny jokes and something else. After 5 minutes, the teams show the guests and the hostess what they did. The team whose wall newspaper they like the most wins.

Game "Favorite of the Anniversary"

To play this game, you need to carefully wrap a note “The Hero of the Day’s Favorite” in one of the candies. The competition usually involves two players who, at the presenter’s signal, begin to unwrap and eat candy from the tray. Whoever finds the note first is awarded this honorary title. You can even give a badge. You can also come up with many different titles and hold the competition several times.

Competition "Anniversary Date"

In this competition, it is necessary to immortalize the date of the anniversary so that everyone remembers it for a long time. Invite three guests to write the anniversary date within one minute, handing them each an album sheet and a red marker. The winner will be the one who captures the date the most times. After the competition, hang the sheets with dates in the most visible places.

Competition "Congratulations to the hero of the day"

The essence of the competition is simple - you need to come up with a congratulation for the hero of the day from pre-prepared words. To do this, write down from 3 to 10 interesting words on pieces of paper in advance. These sheets of paper are distributed to guests and they must come up with a congratulation to the hero of the day in one or two minutes, containing all the words from the sheet of paper.

For example words: wall, solid, brick, happiness, China. But what can come of this: “I wish you happiness as long as a Chinese wall and strength of spirit, like a real brick hardened in flame.”

The one who came up with the most interesting congratulation in the opinion of the hero of the day wins.

Competition "Toast to the hero of the day"

It is customary to raise glasses to the hero of the day. This process can be made more fun by holding this competition. For this competition you will need two volunteers, preferably men. They receive a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. The winner will be the one who first uncorks his bottle and pours its contents into the glasses of those sitting at the table. As a prize, he is given the floor for a congratulatory toast.

New Competitions and games for the anniversary
New competitions from the “Anniversary Competitions” section.

All players sit on chairs in two parallel rows. The presenter speaks a tongue twister into one of the players' ears. This player must pass the tongue twister to the person sitting next to him, and so on. The last player must stand up and listen to the tongue twister, which he understood from the words of his neighbor.
The team whose players pronounce the tongue twister most correctly wins.


The players sit in a circle. The first player thinks of a word and speaks it into his neighbor's ear, so that the others cannot hear. The second player comes up with an association with this word and says it in the ear of the third player. And so on until the very end. The word returns to the first player, who says it loudly. It is interesting at the end to compare the original word and the final association.


All players are divided into two or three teams. Each player has a thread tied to his belt, at the end of which a paper fish should be attached. Each team must have fish of its own color.
The task of the players of one or another team is to step on the fish of a member of the other team. The team that gets all the fish will be considered the loser.

Boxes on the nose

One person or several can participate in the competition. Each player needs to put an empty matchbox on his nose, and put it on tightly. Next, each player, using the movement of his facial muscles, must manage to remove the box from his nose.

Just no hands!

The players are divided into two teams. Their task is to move round objects, such as balls, from one end of the room to the other without using their hands. Players can squeeze them between their knees or come up with another way.
The team that gets its balls to the other end of the room faster wins.

Find out your other half

To hold the competition you will need one loving couple and many other participants, both women and men. The man from the loving couple is blindfolded. All other players, including the woman from the pair, sit on chairs and expose one leg.
The task of a blindfolded man is to guess his soulmate by touch.


The competition is aimed primarily at the birthday boy. Place several potatoes on a chair and cover them with something. The birthday boy is invited to sit on the covered potatoes and fidget, and he must do this in order to ultimately determine how many potatoes lie under him.

Thread the button through the loop

For the competition you will need several girl-boy pairs. Everyone wears an apron. But girls have a button sewn into the center of their apron, while boys have a loop. The task of each pair is to thread the button through the loop.
The movements that couples will make to thread the button through the loop will make everyone laugh.

Air hero of the day

In this competition you can show all your imagination and make very funny options. So, the guests are divided into teams of about 4-5 people. Each team is given balloons (round and long, about 10-20 pieces), thread, tape, and felt-tip pens. The task of each team is to make a birthday person out of the proposed materials. The best copy deserves a worthy prize.

Fort Boyar

2-3 teams are formed from the guests. At a certain distance from the teams there is a large basin with small items (buttons, candy, etc.). Each first team member, at the command “start”, runs to the bowl and picks up as many coins as he can and carries it into the bowl to his team (each team has its own bowl and it stands on the spade line near the first participant). After the first participants the second ones start, after that the tritiums and so on. When the first participants again appear to be in the place of the first, the host stops the game and looks to see who has the most coins. The team with the most loot is the winner.

This date requires a special approach. Our hero of the day is a seasoned man who has seen life. It's not easy to surprise him. And you will have to not only surprise him, but also please him. So if you have taken on the trouble of organizing this holiday, you need to carefully think through the scenario for a man’s 55th birthday. This is a wonderful age, despite all the prejudices, so you need to celebrate the date in such a way that not a single sad thought creeps into the birthday boy’s head!

Ideas for celebrating an anniversary

  • Classic evening. This is the most common way to spend an anniversary evening. Involves a well-organized and carefully prepared party, solid, dignified and serious. Usually all friends, relatives, and some (or all) work colleagues are invited. Bottles of expensive alcohol and good tasty snacks, including several different types of dishes, are placed on the tables. The evening is led by the toastmaster according to a pre-prepared and agreed upon scenario, many toasts are said, music is played, and all the guests dance a lot.
  • Not a very common way. In general, it’s the same as a classic evening, only the script includes something more original, unusual, and creative. This can be a pre-ordered exclusive congratulation in verse or in the form of a song. (Exclusive means written specifically for the hero of the day.) Ordering the writing of such a poem today is not at all difficult - the corresponding services are offered on many Internet resources. In some cases, today it is even possible to order an exclusive theatrical production or the shooting of a mini-film. Also, this version of the party involves performances by unusual creative groups.
  • An evening organized by the students of the hero of the day. If the hero of the occasion is, for example, a university teacher who is highly respected, then you can assemble a team of students from different generations so that they completely take over the entire organization of the holiday. Another option is to organize an evening with the help of former patients, if the hero of the day is a respected doctor. (Only here the initiative group needs to keep in mind such a sensitive point: how glad the hero of the day will be to see those with whom his work is connected.)
  • Thematic option. If the hero of the day loves very funny and unusual situations, then you can offer him, for example, some kind of adventure trip. These kinds of events are also offered today by holiday organizing companies. Adventures can be different, for example, attacks by some robbers, etc.

Where to celebrate a man's 55th birthday?

The easiest option is at home. Requires a minimum of investment, a minimum of effort and time. But some may find this proposal boring.

For a classic, respectable party, a restaurant or cafe is usually chosen. In some cases, this may be a dining room, night club, or assembly hall.

For an unusual party, the choice of venue depends on the overall storyline of the scenario. This could be a small theater (or any other room with a stage and rows of seats for spectators), even a circus. Often such holidays are held outside the city - at a dacha, on the territory of a boarding house or sanatorium, or simply in nature. Sometimes, as a gift, the hero of the day is given a trip to his native village (city, country), where he has not been for a long time and has become very bored. In any case, do not forget that you must have a script ready for execution.

Scenario for a man's 55th birthday. Let's have fun until we drop!

This festive program includes the best and most interesting competitions, ideal for this celebration. There must be at least 4 participants. It is better to choose a room that is more spacious, but it is not necessary to be huge.


Hello, dear guests and our dear birthday boy! On this wonderful day, I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the best! Are you ready to have a good time? Then let's get started!

Competition "Unusual Restaurant"

Participants are given only five minutes, before which the task is explained: to create a recipe for a special holiday dish with the greatest mention of the number equal to the years of life of the birthday person. For example, “you need to take 55 tablespoons of sugar and beat 55 eggs,” etc. The more often the number is used, the closer the participant is to winning this competition.


And now a competition under the strict guidance of our birthday boy! Who's ready to test their strength?

Competition "55 questions"

The host of this competition is the birthday boy, while the guests are participants. The hero of the day must think of a word (object), which the guests need to think of by asking leading questions. The difficulty is that the number of questions is limited. The number of questions is equal to the years of life of the hero of the day (for example, 55). If the guests meet this number of questions, then the birthday person is considered a loser and performs a song or dance for the guests.


Great! I propose to raise a glass to the hero of the day and continue our program! We have a very interesting task ahead, which will certainly interest many!

Competition "Forecaster"

To conduct this competition, you will need to prepare in advance a bag of candies, the number of which is equal to the years of the birthday person’s life. Participants are asked to guess the number of candies with the opportunity to offer one number only once. The one who names the correct number will be considered the winner.


And now a couple more tasks that only the most desperate can handle! Ready? Let's begin!

Competition "Family Concerns"

Anyone can participate in this competition, including both men and women. The players are divided into pairs and given a task to each, after being blindfolded. Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare the props with which the participants will work. For example, for women you can prepare some vegetables or fruits for chopping, and for men - several boards, hammers and nails that need to be hammered. Victory and prizes go to the couple that completed the task faster and more accurately than others.

Competition "Apple adventure"

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to prepare a certain number of apples, so that later they can be divided equally for each participant, as well as one plate for each. The players' task will be to transport apples from one table to another, without using their hands. You can only touch apples with a plate. The winner is the one who completed the task faster than others.


Well done! How about taking a little break! Wonderful! Take your seats, while I get busy preparing for the next task!

Competition "Secret of Initials"

Anyone can participate in this competition. The task of each player will be to decipher the initials of the birthday person (the first letters of the last name, first name and patronymic together). For example, the birthday boy’s name is Ilya Maksimovich Semenov. Then S.I.M. can be deciphered as The Most Impressive Man, etc. From all the options, a winner is selected who was able to show creativity and use imagination.


A cheerful mood sparkles at our holiday! As I can see, the birthday boy is happy, which means we can’t stop there! Let's continue our program!

Competition “If I were the hero of the day”

To conduct this competition, you will need to prepare cards in advance, each of which will have one word written on it. These words rhyme with the word “celebrant”. Each participant must continue the phrase “if only I were the hero of the day,” using his word in the second part. The most creative player wins the competition.

Competition "Reverse Alphabet"

Anyone can participate in this competition. The players are given the task: to tell the entire alphabet from the end, without mixing up anything. Victory is given to the one who managed to go further than the rest.


There's not much time left, so let's gather our strength and get ready to win the next prizes! There are very interesting competitions ahead!

Competition "Compliments in honor of the anniversary"

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to divide all participants into equal teams, from five to seven people. The presenter must prepare several pieces of paper and pens in advance, distributing one of these items to each team. Depending on how old the hero of the day is, players write down the same number of compliments, which are adjectives, on a piece of paper. The victory is won by the team that managed to cope faster than the rest.

Competition "Count - don't get tired"

To conduct this competition, you will need to prepare in advance boxes filled with something small (beads, matches), one for each participant. The number of items in the box should correspond to the number of years of life of the hero of the day. With the start of the competition, each participant begins to count objects, trying to be faster than their rivals. Someone may be able to guess earlier and name the correct number. Victory along with a prize is awarded to the fastest player.


Unfortunately, it's time to say goodbye! But don’t be upset, because you still have a whole evening ahead of you with our birthday boy! You will never get bored with such a man! I'm sure you'll have a great time without me. And it's time for me to take my leave. Once again, congratulations to the hero of the day! See you again, friends!

Such an interesting scenario for a man’s 55th birthday will appeal to everyone without exception. A wonderful competition, pre-prepared rewards for participation and a great mood! What could be better?! Happy holiday!

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