How to make old jeans fashionable. How to make ripped jeans with your own hands: instructions for creating spectacular holes and fashionable scuffs

Times change, years fly by, fashion changes... Only torn jeans continue their victorious existence, sparing no one: torn jeans are loved by both women and men, and show business stars, and business people, schoolgirls and students.

“Ripped jeans” are loved by all models: classics, flares, bananas, boyfriends...

The older the jeans look, the more fashionable they are! Even the most expensive brands have found ripped jeans. Jeans are offered to be torn and made to order! “Master of Handicrafts” will save your money and teach you how to “aging” jeans with your own hands.

How to rip a fashion item so that it looks like a factory? How to make it shabby? How else can you customize this wardrobe item? Here you will find the most interesting ideas and, of course, master classes.

How to make holes in jeans

How often do your clothes become obsolete? Is the model outdated, torn, or just tired? Give your jeans a second chance, give them a second life!

We would like to note:

  • Blue or blue denim jeans are most suitable for “execution”; they will look more impressive
  • The silhouette should not be too tight, but not completely loose.
  • Read the ingredients, if it contains a word like “elastane”, you won’t be able to tear them.

In order to beautifully “perforate” jeans, we will need the following materials:

  • Stationery knife
  • Wooden plank (place under the knife)
  • Nail scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Needle or pin
  • Pumice stone, nail file, sandpaper
  • Soap

Stage 1:

Mark the areas you will be working on with a piece of soap.


  • If you are not a super model in terms of body composition, do not experiment with cuts on the loin, consider the holes at the knees, a little higher or a little lower.
  • Narrow and elongated slits along the central part will slim your legs
  • Wide holes below the pockets will make the hips wider.

If you mess up your trouser cutting technique, you'll ruin your jeans, so start with a small cut and increase it later if necessary.

Stage 2:

So, first we mark where the holes will be. Then lay the jeans out on a flat surface. Place a board under the cut to avoid cutting through the entire pant leg. Make a neat cut with a knife. We cut horizontally along the transverse threads.

If you need a small hole, quietly use tweezers to release the light threads, and use a brush to remove the blue threads, cutting off the longest ones.

3. Take out the blue threads and leave the white ones to get these jeans.

After you finish your work, wash your trousers in the washing machine, they will put an end to your creative mess.

Ripped jeans at home

So, there is a second way to get blue threads out of boring trousers.

We make cuts with scissors or a knife, pull out the blue threads with tweezers, leaving the white ones.

Cut off any excess long white threads.

How to rip jeans at the knees

If you want to get a hole on your knees with white threads, then read the previous paragraph.

How to get a big hole in your knees? As easy as pie:

  • Mark the cuts
  • Cut with scissors and pinch them a little with tweezers.
  • Wear until the holes themselves become huge and worn out from wear.

How to make distressed jeans

If you want to get distressed denim, arm yourself with a nail file, pumice stone or sandpaper and start rubbing and rubbing and rubbing. Sometimes even a grater comes into play!

DIY jeans with patches

Why not diversify your clothes with different kinds of patches?

A lace patch looks very impressive.

How to make a patch on jeans video

Text prepared by: Veronica

Jeans with holes, torn, with frays and bald spots on the legs now in fashion! Moreover, the holes can be very different - from small “scratches” on the fabric to large holes from which knees stick out.

It is not always possible to buy such a fashionable item in a store. Or it costs like haute couture. And why spend money? If you can make ripped jeans with your own hands in no time?

What do we need

First, the jeans themselves, preferably made from medium-weight denim. Secondly, a piece of plywood and the sharpest knife (a stationery knife will do). A vacuum cleaner and a piece of chalk will also come in handy.

Next, it is important to determine the angle at which the light threads go on the fabric: a little fluff the free edge and separate the white threads from the dark ones. This will come in handy if you want to cover the hole with thread.

However, worn jeans at home can be different. In any case, you will also have to figure out where to make the holes: for example, a flaw on the buttocks often looks ridiculous, and holes on the knees too. Therefore, it is best to rip your pants above and below the knees. However, if you are thinking about how to make extremely ripped jeans, you can neglect this rule.

Practice creating - after such lessons you will be able to fly everything.

The process of creating a masterpiece

Now we carefully draw the lines of future cuts with chalk on the fabric, hang the clothes at eye level and see if everything is satisfactory.

Before making ripped jeans, place plywood in the trouser leg: this is so that the cut comes out as smooth as possible and the back of the legs does not get damaged.

We're cutting! When all the cuts are made, do not forget to remove some of the threads perpendicular to the cuts: this way we will weaken the transverse threads, those that are lighter and stronger. This will make it more stylish.

Now all that remains is to clean the longitudinal threads from the remaining lint with a knife and remove the remaining threads with a vacuum cleaner.

To make these jeans look more stylish, you can treat the edges of the torn areas with chlorine bleach. Other decorations, be it lace, embroidery, beads, depend only on your desire and taste.

If your talent allows, you can make holes in the shape of hearts, daisies, or even in the form of a profile of your favorite musician. Main- sew the hole with a zigzag on a sewing machine or glue the edges of the hole with non-woven material from the inside out - otherwise it will lose its shape after washing. You need to wash such a new thing as carefully as possible, hiding it in a pillowcase.

How to make scuffs on jeans?

Truly worn pants look no worse than artificially torn ones.

How to make jeans distressed? To begin, add pumice or sandpaper to the same set of tools as in the first method. Now let's choose a prototype of a fashion trend, a copy of which we will make. Next, we decide on the implementation of the decor: either there will be holes, or abrasions, or slits.

This is important simply because after the first wash, the scuffs will turn into real holes. Before making scuffs on the jeans, we draw chalk on the locations of future holes, place a piece of plywood in the legs and cut the legs with a utility knife. Now we pry up the transverse threads with a needle and remove them using tweezers.

Holes are made using this method shaped like the letter "H", in this case, it is better to make the crossbar in this letter a little longer: thanks to this, the threads will be easier to remove, and the hole will look visually larger.

There is another way to make distressed jeans more impressive at home. To do this, we make two parallel slits on the legs, and carefully remove the longitudinal threads. If your hands do not grow from where you would like, but you want to be a designer, there are simpler ways to create exclusive jeans.

How to make scuffs on jeans in the easiest way? Rub the selected area on the fabric with pumice and scratch with a razor. Now treat with bleach and wash. Ready.

Butterflies are a stylish accessory, relevant for both men and girls. From one pair of old jeans you can make a dozen different butterflies for yourself and your friends.

2. Bags

An old pair of jeans + a strap = a lunch bag or tote.

3. Wall and table organizers

You can make such a cute cup holder even with children. It looks nice and protects your hands from getting hot.

5. Pillow

If you have a brutal bachelor interior at home, then such a pillow will come in handy. Pockets can be used as storage for the remote control.

6. Mat

If you have a lot of old denim clothes, you can make a rug out of it - like the one in the photo above, or like the one in this video instruction.

7. Shoes

If you are not afraid of complex projects, then the idea of ​​making shoes or these “denim felt boots” may inspire you to create your own masterpiece.

This removable collar is very easy to make. If you have an unnecessary old shirt with defects, just cut off the collar from it and decorate it with rivets, rhinestones, spikes, beads or something else.

A great option for men is a holster made from old jeans, in which you can put small tools and parts when performing various tasks. Making a holster is very simple. It is enough to cut off the top part with pockets and process the cuts.

Dedicated to lovers of casual style: a table napkin with a cozy pocket for cutlery.

If you take a pair of jeans, connect the legs and trim off the excess, the back pockets will turn into breast pockets, and the jeans themselves will turn into a comfortable apron.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, such a simple decoration is very relevant. Recommended for adults and very young fashionistas, as well as those who are in love with life.

Bill Jackson

A pair of jeans can also be turned into a wine gift box with a functional corkscrew pocket. Instructions.

Are you tired or stressed? Take your scissors and cut, cut, cut your denim into long strips. You can roll them into rolls of different diameters and use them, for example, to decorate a frame. Instructions.

15. Covers for paper and e-books

Another option for the practical housewife is to recycle jeans into oven mitts.

17. Necklace

18. Upholstery

If you have accumulated a lot of old denim clothing, it may be enough to upholster several pieces of furniture.

19. Mask

20. Cup holders

Every part of your jeans can be useful to you. For example, the seams make excellent cup holders and hot pads. Instructions.

This non-standard and eye-catching option for using old jeans can be useful in a country house or balcony.

22. House for a kitten

23. Jeans skirt

In the end, if your jeans are torn somewhere, are very dirty, or you are a little tired of their style, you can dye them, decorate them, tear them into shapes with your own hands, turn them into shorts or even a skirt.

A few cans of paint, glitter and a love of space are the main ingredients for turning ordinary jeans into galactic ones. Instructions.

If you've never done anything handmade, but you want to, try making prints on a pair of jeans that you don't mind. Take red textile paint, cut out a heart-shaped stencil and decorate your knees with a romantic print.

Large holes in jeans can be decorated with lace inserts. You can also decorate the edges of shorts, pockets and other parts of the product with lace.

Remember that it is almost impossible to achieve a very smooth transition of colors and the first time the result may not be very happy. Gradient coloring is a matter of practice. By the way, a gradient can also be made using bleach.

28. Decorating with rhinestones

An interesting way to transform jeans, which will require lace fabric and special fabric markers.

You can also cut jeans with a blade many, many times - you get something in the style of one of the Chanel models.

Don't throw away your old combat jeans. Give them new life! We hope that these ideas will be useful to you and will inspire you to start your own handmade projects.

With all reason, jeans can be called a rare wardrobe item that is timeless. Fashion trends, styles and values ​​change, but jeans do not lose their relevance. To give an old model of your favorite panties a more modern look, you can change them and add accessories. We’ll look at how to make fashionable jeans out of old jeans in this article.

Denim shorts

If the model has gone out of fashion or defects have appeared, they can be converted into bright shorts. Samples that have an aged appearance are popular. Frayed, frayed and torn models look original and modern. It is not difficult to achieve such a result even for those who have no experience.

The photo shows some examples.

Choosing the length

  • “short” - this model slightly covers the buttocks;
  • “classic” - length from 8 to 12 cm above the knee;
  • "Bermuda" - slightly reaching the knee;
  • "Capri" - ends in the middle of the calf.

You need to choose the length of shorts not only as desired, but also taking into account their shape. If your jeans are loose, they will look better if they are not short.

Cutting jeans step by step

  1. Fitting . Put on jeans and determine where to cut. Mark the cutting line with chalk or a pen. When cutting, it is better to leave a few centimeters for finishing (fringe, lace, ribbon and other materials).
  2. To trim trousers, carefully lay them out on the table and draw a straight line.

For more details, watch the video:

Shorts decoration options

Stencil drawing

Make a stencil out of cardboard by cutting out a design on it. Using a sponge, spread the paint over the fabric, filling in the empty spaces. Lace is also suitable for a stencil.

Decor with lace and fabric

The lace on different parts of the shorts looks delicate and feminine. They can be used to decorate pockets, make side inserts, hem the bottom of a product, or secure lace fabric to the front or back of shorts. In addition to lace, you can use bright fabric (floral pattern, ornament, stars, portrait of a famous person) as decoration.

Sequin decoration

For lovers of a glamorous look, shorts with sequins are suitable. They come in two types: piece and roll. Rolled sequins are easier to work with. This method helps to decorate large areas of the product and process it with a machine. Piece parts are sewn on by hand, each sequin separately.

Shorts with holes

Denim shorts with ripped spots look modern. The size and shape are selected as desired. Watch the technique and procedure in this video:

Decoration of jeans along the entire length


Denim trousers decorated with embroidery look interesting. Nowadays there are enough shops that provide accessories and decorations for handmade work. In their

The range includes materials for embroidery along with step-by-step instructions. To choose a design, you need to decide where the embroidery will be located. A large pattern is suitable for the hip area, and it is preferable to decorate pockets or ears with smaller details.

Operating procedure:

  1. Transfer the drawing to the product using chalk, pencil or pen.
  2. You can use the satin stitch or cross stitch technique in your work.
  3. Iron the embroidery with a warm iron.


You can refresh and update your jeans with beads. White and multi-colored ones are used to decorate pockets, side seams, the bottom of trousers, or scatter them along the entire length. Particularly patient needlewomen can post their name or interesting phrases.


When decorating your old panties with rhinestones, you should buy those from the store that are fixed when heated. The work is simple, but creative and interesting.

  1. Place the jeans on the table.
  2. Use tweezers to lay out a pattern of rhinestones.
  3. Cover with a cloth and iron with steam function. When using rhinestones of different sizes, small parts are glued first, and then large ones. This technique allows you to machine wash your pants.


You can decorate jeans with rivets on pockets, around the waist, in

side seams, lay out an inscription or drawing.

  • prepare a drawing on paper,
  • lay out your jeans
  • transfer the design to the product,
  • make holes for rivets,
  • insert the rivets and fix them on the wrong side of the jeans.

With holes

It is impossible not to mention such a decoration method as decorative holes. Any

A fashionista has at least one pair of “holey” jeans in her wardrobe. To create holes in jeans, you can use scissors, a grater or sandpaper. Take a closer look at the video:

Shorts for men

Not only girls, but also the stronger sex follow fashion. The big advantage of denim shorts is that they look good on almost any figure and have no age restrictions. For guys, Bermuda shorts that reach to the knee are more suitable. Men's shorts do not require excessive brightness. It is preferable to do:

  • abrasions on pockets, side seams and knee area,
  • decorative holes,
  • fabric inserts, labels,
  • buttons, spikes, chains, buttons.

You can revive, add chic and decorate old jeans with many options. For girls, in addition to the methods listed above, you can update your jeans using:

  • felt-tip pens for fabric,
  • buttons,
  • acrylic paints,
  • by bleaching,
  • applique,
  • patches,
  • in a gradient way.

In such an interesting and creative process, it is important to involve imagination and creativity. Without spending a lot of time on creativity, you get updated, bright jeans. An important fact is that no one else will have such pants.

A selection of interesting videos on the topic of the article:

For many seasons in a row, ripped jeans have occupied a leading position in the world of fashionable clothing. They are equally in demand among both women and men of different age categories. This type of clothing is especially popular among teenagers. Despite the fact that such jeans are not cheap, many fashionistas and fashionistas are eager to purchase them. And some people, having heard that they can remake their jeans without any effort by tearing them in some places, have irrevocably ruined their clothes.

The thing is that without knowing some of the subtleties and using special tools, you cannot cope with this task. In this article you can get complete information on how to properly rip jeans at the knees and not ruin them, but, on the contrary, turn them into a fashionable designer item.

Big and small

Before you start altering your jeans, you need to decide for yourself exactly what size knee holes you want. The fact is that there are several types of such processing. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following:

  • which completely open the knees;
  • small and narrow, visible only when walking;
  • holes draped with threads.

In addition to jeans with holes that reveal naked areas of the legs, there are also those that hide stripes from other fabrics under the holes. Such items are especially popular with guipure fabrics or materials with colorful patterns.

But do not forget that no matter what type of holes you choose to improve your favorite outfit, you need to know when to stop in this matter. Otherwise, there is a possibility of overdoing it and getting a clown outfit instead of fashionable jeans. The information provided in the article on how to tear jeans at the knees will help prevent a lot of mistakes and prevent you from becoming an object of ridicule.

Making holes in your favorite pants is a delicate matter and requires taking into account some rules:

  1. You should never make cuts by eye; it is best to do a preliminary fitting and apply marks at the location of the future cut.
  2. Use chalk or soap to mark fabric.
  3. The area on the knees is particularly susceptible to stretching; this nuance must be taken into account when creating an incision of the required size.
  4. You should not use scissors, as they do not allow you to make straight lines. It is best to use a stationery knife.
  5. You only need to make cuts when using a backing board. Without it, you can cut right through your jeans with a utility knife.

Knowing how to beautifully rip jeans at the knees and applying these valuable tips, you can transform your outfit without any help.

Which jeans are better?

When planning to decorate their own or recently acquired ones with the help of rips, many fashionistas forget to take into account some nuances:

  1. Ripped jeans at the knees do not suit all body types. If a girl has a slim figure and is tall, then she can, in principle, wear jeans with rips in different places. But for plump people with curvaceous figures and short stature, it is better to give preference to this item with small vertical tears above the knee.
  2. Before you make torn knees on jeans, you need to know the characteristics of the material from which they are made. Although many people think that any jeans with ripped knees look cool, this is actually not the case. The best pants for this are those made using classic mid-weight denim.
  3. And finally, I would like to mention the style most suitable for such decisions. A trouser cut that is too wide will not allow the full beauty of ripped jeans to be revealed, as the holes in them will look awkward. There is also no need to carry out such manipulations with very narrow models, because the fabric on them will be deformed, which will ruin the original appearance of the outfit. Tight-fitting jeans are considered the most suitable for creating holes in the knees.

Bare Knees

Having studied the information about the correct choice of suitable jeans for their further transformation, we proceed to the most important point - the formation of holes.

Let's look at the most popular type, which allows you to fully open your knees. So let's get started:

  1. Put on your jeans and, using a piece of chalk or a bar of soap, draw one oval on each leg at the knees. The oval should be depicted in such a way that when cutting it out, the knees open completely.
  2. Look in the mirror and, if the drawings are satisfactory, proceed to the next steps; if not, then you should redraw them.
  3. Remove your pants and place them on a flat surface.
  4. Place a board inside the jeans, under the drawn oval.
  5. Cut out the design using a utility knife.
  6. Do the same steps with the second pant leg.
  7. The edges of the hole need to be ruffled a little using a fine grater.
  8. And using a needle, disconnect several outer threads, after which you will get a beautiful fringe that will border the holes in the knees.

There is no need to try to make the holes in the knees identical. It's best if they are slightly different. The slight carelessness of the image obtained when using this method allows you to give the wearer of these jeans lightness, freedom and sexuality. Knowing how to tear jeans at the knees by drawing ovals, you can improve this method a little by changing the contours of the drawing. Thus, it is possible to depict various designs on the surface of the trousers.

Narrow stripe

This method involves creating narrow holes in the knees. Many people like these ripped jeans because they look more restrained than the previous option. They are preferred by people who want to liberate themselves, but are not yet ready for very big transformations.

It's very easy to make narrow slits on jeans in the knee area that would only be visible when walking. Let's look at how to tear jeans at the knees using this method in more detail.

  1. Put on your jeans and use chalk to draw one thin strip down the center of your kneecap, on both legs.
  2. Make sure the work is done correctly.
  3. Take off your pants and place them on the table.
  4. Place a board inside the jeans, under the drawn line.
  5. Cut the line with a sharp utility knife.
  6. Do the same with the second pant leg.
  7. Make a small fringe around the edges of the cut using a needle or fine grater.

As can be seen from the listed actions, working with creating different types of holes on trousers has similarities. Therefore, you can easily make several jeans for yourself with different types of holes.

Thin cobweb

Making holes in the knees so that they are covered with thin threads is not a difficult task, although, at first glance, it seems otherwise. Guided by certain rules for the manufacture of such parts, you can create a thin web on your trousers quite quickly. Let's look at how to rip jeans at the knees beautifully at home, with a step-by-step guide:

  1. On both legs, in the knee area, draw several transverse lines of varying lengths.
  2. Place a board inside each pant leg under the drawn lines.
  3. Use a sharp utility knife to make cuts along the drawn lines.
  4. On each resulting strip, use a needle or tweezers to pull out the blue threads, leaving the white ones intact.

If you wish, you can make not a full web on your jeans, but only a few alternating stripes.

Which color is better?

Current fashion has made it possible to have not only blue or light blue jeans, but also any other shade. In this regard, many people have a question about whether the color of trousers is decisive when making holes in them.

There are some points to note. Actually, it doesn’t really affect the appearance of the holes made on them. Another thing is that colored trousers are sometimes not jeans at all, but are only called that by their owners out of habit. To form a beautiful flaw on trousers, the density and structure of the fabric are important, and therefore material with thin fibers will not be suitable.

When it comes to colored mid-weight jeans, small slits at the knees with minimal fringing and minor fraying will look great on them.

Also, some are concerned about the question of how to tear black jeans at the knees. In fact, making beautiful holes on black trousers is no different from similar work with blue or light blue ones.

Jeans for macho

Although there are much fewer men who prefer to wear ripped jeans than women, nevertheless, many representatives of the stronger sex consider this outfit the most stylish. Men's jeans with holes in the knees and other places can make their owner visually more masculine and brutal. To achieve this result, you need to use the same techniques as when making holes in women's trousers.

Before going on your knees, it would be nice to think through the entire image of the trousers. For representatives of the stronger sex, you can make the edges of the holes rougher. It's also worth adding more frays to the jeans. This can be done quite simply by using sandpaper.

Any man, knowing how to rip jeans at the knees correctly and beautifully, can do it without any help. But creating fashionable ripped jeans is only half the job, because to make them look really cool, you need to be able to combine them correctly with other things.

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