Embroidery on felt snowflakes. Felt snowflakes, master class

In the winter season, parents and children are engaged in cutting out snowflakes from paper. Thanks to the advent of new materials, snowflakes today can be cut not only from paper, but also from felt. This fabric is easy to use, as it is easy to cut and does not require additional processing of the edges. Felt snowflakes, made, can be used for interior decoration, as well as for making garlands. Today on sale you can even find sets of felt snowflakes, which are packaged in a beautiful box. Don't waste your money, try making these decorative items yourself.

DIY felt snowflakes. Patterns

Felt snowflakes can be of absolutely any shape. You can use regular patterns and patterns, transfer them to felt and carefully cut them out with scissors.

Template for the outline of a felt snowflake

Patterns for felt snowflakes

You can look at photos of felt snowflakes or use step-by-step master class.

In order for the snowflake to turn out beautiful, you will need to remember the basics of geometry or drawing.

Master Class. Felt snowflake

Take a compass and draw two circles on red and white felt. You can choose any color scheme for your snowflakes, for example, a combination of blue and white, pink and white or gold.

Felt garland

As you can see, cutting out snowflakes from felt is quite simple. The most important thing is to decide on the design. To do this, you can try your own knowledge of geometry or use ready-made examples of the work of experienced needlewomen.

A snowflake can be either a beautiful and cute gift or a cute decoration for a New Year tree or interior.

How to easily and simply make a snowflake? Especially for you, we have selected 7 different master classes that will help you create a New Year's decoration in the form of a snowflake.

You can use felt or fleece as a material; they are soft, pleasant to the touch and do not crumble.

1. Master class from

How to make a snowflake is clearly shown in this picture:

See what a snowflake looks like next to regular New Year's toys

2. Master class from

What we need:

Cut the circle into 6-8 pieces

On the reverse side we connect the material from the outer sides, as shown in the photo:

That's all. If desired, you can sew additional beads, beads or buttons

3. Master class snowflakes from

How to make a snowflake can be seen in this photo:

You can decorate it to your taste

Snowflake pattern:

4. Another master class

5. Master class

What we need:

Let's cut out a figure in the form of a star with six rays from paper - this will be a pattern for our snowflake. You can draw the star yourself by hand or attach the paper to the pattern on the monitor screen and lightly trace the translucent star with a simple pencil. Then trace the pencil sketch more clearly and cut out the resulting figure.

Using the prepared pattern, cut out two parts of the snowflake - one from blue felt, and the other from white felt or fleece. We will get two snowflake parts.

On each part of the snowflake we will make cuts between the rays in the direction from the edge to the center. We will make cuts slightly short of the very center of the snowflake, so that a small continuous area with a diameter of about 2 cm will form in the center.

Now the snowflake details, cut out of white and blue felt, need to be decorated. We sew the edges of each ray near the center of the snowflake, and sew one white mother-of-pearl bead near each seam. The rays of the snowflake parts have become voluminous.

Take a white part of a snowflake and sew a light pink sequin in the recess of each ray, and sew a white bead in the center of the sequin.

Additionally, we decorate the white part of the snowflake with white beads. We trim the edge of each ray with white beads in one row. To sew on beads, it is advisable to use a thin bead needle, as it easily fits into any bead.

Let's take a snowflake detail made of blue felt and sew a light pink sequin and a white bead in the corner of each ray.

Let's combine the white and blue parts of the snowflake together so that the rays of the blue part peek out between the rays of the white part of the snowflake. Let's sew the details of the snowflakes in the center.

In the center of the white snowflake we will sew a light pink sequin, and in the middle of the sequin a small white mother-of-pearl bead.

Take a piece of narrow blue satin ribbon approximately 16 cm long. Fold this piece in half and sew snowflakes to the blue part. The sewing area can be decorated with a white bead - it will look neater.

The Christmas tree toy “Snowflake” is ready.

6. A very short master class on snowflakes: sew several layers of felt along the lines of the pattern and cut out. The pattern can be made either very simple or something special.

A snowflake made of felt or fleece of different colors will look more interesting. We make hexagon blanks, from which we will later make our snowflakes:

Using pins we attach 2 different colored layers to the hexagons

Sew a pattern - snowflake pattern

Cut off all the excess from the top layer so that you get a snowflake:

We sew on beads or beads for beauty, as well as a ribbon on which our snowflake will hang:

These are the wonderful snowflakes you can get. As you can see, the more contrasting the color of the felt in different layers, the more interesting the snowflake looks

And now some interesting ideas for creating snowflakes:

    Three-dimensional felt snowflake. Using the pattern, we cut out two parts of the snowflake and sew them together. The inside is filled with synthetic padding. To make the snowflake look more fun, we decorate it with the head of an angel; there is also a pattern for an angel. You will get an original felt snowflake.

    The simplest thing you can make from New Year's decor is a snowflake. It is made from various materials. The most common is paper. But they also do felt snowflakes.

    This is very easy to do. First of all, we make a snowflake template on paper - draw it

    We place the template cut out of paper on felt, pin it with pins so that nothing moves out and trace it with a marker or felt-tip pen. Next, cut out the snowflake along the contour.

    In fact, the snowflake is almost ready. It can be of three types:

    • single layer,
    • two-layer,
    • volumetric.

    For a two-layer snowflake, cut out two parts from felt and sew them along the edge. If the snowflake is voluminous, then we add padding between the two layers so that the figure has volume.

    To get fluffy light snowflakes from felt you need thin felt and tailor's scissors. You will have to cut out the center of the snowflake with nail scissors or try to buy a breadboard knife.

    In the photo above, purchased snowflakes are made using a machine.

    And here DIY felt snowflakes. We cut out according to the templates and assemble them to the centers. There is a bead in the middle.

    You can make a felt snowflake in a very simple way. First, you need to draw it on paper or print a snowflake template from the Internet. Cut it off. Next, using a pencil, transfer this snowflake onto felt (you can choose different colors of felt from white to light blue and dark blue) and cut it out. The snowflake is ready. You can decorate it with either beads or rhinestones!

    In order to make snowflakes from felt, required:

    • felt in white, blue (or any other color)
    • stationery knife
    • sharp scissors
    • thick paper
    • market or pencil

    Draw a snowflake on paper and cut it out. We apply the resulting template to the felt, trace it with a marker and carefully cut it out.

    You can use ready-made templates for patterns:

    Also, felt snowflakes can be embroidered, trimmed with beads or seed beads, and covered with sparkles. Or you can simply draw beautiful patterns with colored pencils.

    To make a felt snowflake, first take a piece of felt and decide on snowflake stencils. You can take for example these:

    Place the stencil on the felt and cut it out.

    After the snowflake, you can decorate it or decorate it with beads and sequins, for example like this:

    I wish you success and imagination!

    Felt snowflakes are very easy to make; you just need a stencil. The only difficulty may be the size of the Snowflake.

    Scheme, template, stencil of Snowflakes.

    It will be very difficult to cut small ones.

    After we have cut out the snowflake from felt using a stencil, we move on to decorating it. This can be beads, sequins, or special contours for painting on fabric.

    If there is another option for making Snowflakes. Again, we cut out six or eight identical snowflake fragments using a stencil and sew them in the middle. We decode the center of the Snowflake with a beautiful bead or felt in a contrasting color.

    Video master class on making snowflakes from felt with your own hands.

    Snowflakes made from felt look beautiful and very impressive. Making them yourself is very easy. For this you will need: felt, scissors, stationery knife, pencil, paper.

    Draw on paper or print a stencil. Here are several options for stencils for snowflakes.

    Place the stencil on the felt, trace and cut out. Now you already have a beautiful snowflake. If this is not enough for you, then the resulting snowflake can be decorated with rhinestones and sparkles. It is also possible to embroider a pattern on a sewing machine. Or cut out the same snowflake, but smaller and from felt of a different color and sew them together.

    There are beautiful ideas on how to make a snowflake from felt. This is a little painstaking, but beautiful work, the result exceeds expectations. Each snowflake consists of individual petals, which are attached together to form a snowflake. Here is an example of the main shape of a snowflake's petals.

    We cut out this shape of the petals from felt, then use a thread and a needle to fasten the edge of the petals, only then we fold it into the shape of a snowflake. In the photo you can see how you can embroider petals, decorate them with beads, beads, you can even sew a button in the middle. And the shaped sides of the petals can be cut out with scissors, as in the picture, and it’s very convenient to do this with felt without any problems, it doesn’t crumble and keeps its shape.

Felt snowflakes. Master classes.

Master class 1.

You will need:
- paper;
- scissors;
- felt (white, blue, blue);
- threads;
- stuffing material;
- beads, sequins and other decorations.


1. Draw a snowflake of any shape on paper. This will be a pattern. Next, transfer the snowflake from the paper to the felt. You need to cut out two identical parts.

2. Using neat stitches over the edge, we sew both felt parts, but not completely.

3. We fill the future Christmas tree decoration with any material, for example, padding polyester. Then we sew the figure to the end and get a three-dimensional snowflake.

We use beads, beads and sequins to decorate the toy. Don't forget to sew a loop on which you can hang a snowflake.

Master class 2.

You will need: white felt, scissors, thread, needle, possibly glue, beads, buttons, threads of different colors. And of course the petal template:

Based on these petals we will make a snowflake. Each petal must be cut out of felt, slightly flattened on one side and sewn at the junction of the fabric (or glued). Then all the petals need to be combined into a snowflake. It is better to decorate the center with a piece of felt or a bead to hide the junction of all the petals.
You can pre-embroider patterns on each of the petals or cut out the outlines of a crystal snowflake.

Among all the possible ideas for creating snowflakes, one of the most interesting is felt snowflakes. Felt is cozy and gentle, pleasant and soft, it is associated with the warmth of a home and is ideal for interior decor. And it’s as fluffy as freshly fallen snow. Using it to create beautiful snowflakes is easy and simple. There are at least three different ways. Let's talk about each in more detail.

Just an outline

This is the easiest way to make felt snow with your own hands.

  • Cut out a snowflake from paper using a beautiful template.
  • Place it on felt and trace it with a pencil.
  • Using scissors and a sharp craft knife, we cut out the same piece from felt.

Just! Beautiful! And everyone can do it! Examples of templates are in the photo.

Such decorations will look great if they are hung on white satin ribbons at different levels above the window or in a circle under the chandelier. The result will be a small indoor snowfall.

Of six petals

Beautiful felt snowflakes can be made using felt, floss threads and transparent hot glue. Here's how to do it.

If desired, the petals can be given any shape, making them even more similar to real snowflakes.

Snowflakes are ready! They turn out different, but each of them is beautiful in its own way. They retain their handmade charm and make a wonderful New Year's souvenir.

Little trick. In fact, you can cut out not 6 petals separately, but a ready-made flower at once. Then you won’t have to sew it at the very beginning, but all that remains is to sew on the button and do the embroidery. To cut out a whole flower at once, you will first need to fold the paper pattern. Here is a diagram of how to fold such a flower using a sheet of paper.

Real toy

A snowflake in the form of a real small toy is the third idea for a snow felt craft. She has a funny expression on her face, and she herself is stuffed with soft padding.
It can be made as a decoration for a nursery, as a Christmas tree toy, or simply as a gift for a child.
It is sewn in the same way as any simple felt toy.

  1. We cut out a paper pattern using this template.
  2. We apply the template to felt, folded in two layers, and cut out two identical parts.
  3. On the first part we make a funny face: two pieces of black fabric - eyes, two pink circles - cheeks and an embroidered mouth.
  4. We sew the two parts together, stuffing the toy with padding polyester as we work. At the end we sew on a ribbon for hanging.

The toy snowflake is ready!

Each of the three methods is good in its own way, and the felt snowflakes themselves in all three options turn out completely different. Sewing them with your own hands is a pleasure. This is a great way to spend time with your children and get them involved in preparing for the main holiday of the year.
At the end of the article, according to tradition, there is a short video master class on how you can embroider a beautiful snowflake on a felt New Year's ball.
Stay with us and delight your loved ones with warm, homemade gifts!

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