Wedding night tips. Some tips for newlyweds on their wedding night

An interesting survey took place on the Reddit website: how was your wedding night, if it was also your first sexual experience in your life?

Many people still prefer to wait for official marriage, and then give up their virginity. There may be a variety of reasons for this: tradition, religious considerations, or simply personal preference. One Reddit user decided to ask these people what their first time was like, and received very varied answers.

Many admitted that their first sexual experience did not impress them. Others said it was worth the wait.

One of the girls said that she was still a virgin and that she was getting married the next day, and promised to tell how everything went.

According to some of those interviewed, anticipation can take over, and then the reality turns out to be a complete disappointment.

With disconcerting honesty, people talked about how many problems they had because of their solution.

One woman said that she was quite scared on her wedding night, but thanks to her husband’s tenderness and patience, everything went well, and then they discovered the world of sex together.

One of the respondents admitted that the first sex after marriage was too short, and now he is ashamed to remember it.

But in general, the range of opinions received was enormous: from “a terrible nightmare” to “delightful.”

We were both virgins before we got married. I was only 19 years old, and my husband was 25, but he had no one before me. Our wedding night turned out to be simply fabulous. We spent it at the hotel. I put on silk lingerie and my husband turned on the radio. And when the song “Let’s get Physical” by Olivia Newton John started playing, we finally got to know each other. We realized that this was a sign symbolizing for us the beginning of a new life. The first night we made love three times, and each time this song played. Even after 35 years of marriage, this memory still touches my soul.

It was terrible. I could hardly wait, and on my wife’s wedding day “these days” began. She was also nervous about the wedding fuss. Just imagine what kind of sex it was: nervous, both virgins, and it lasted about five seconds. The second time in the morning was better, at least a few seconds longer. But then things got better, and now we have been together for 11 years.

My wedding night earns a solid 10 out of 10. Not because of the sex. The sex wasn't the best. But because I liked discovering this new and AMAZING side of life with my husband. It was great even without orgasms. We also ate a huge pizza in the jacuzzi after sex. I recommend to all!

Our wedding night was wonderful. We rented a honeymoon room with breakfast included. Helping me take off my wedding dress, my husband said, “We’ve had a very long day... Would you like to take a bath?” I happily agreed. He lit candles in the bathroom, opened the champagne and... left him to relax alone. Not even 15 minutes had passed before I called him to join. No, we didn't have sex in the bathroom, we explored each other's bodies, relaxed, got used to seeing each other naked. And then we moved to the bed... It was unforgettable!

I was a virgin before marriage because my wife insisted on it. But those were the best 30 seconds of my life. It's a pity that my wife didn't like it. Well, she still doesn't like it very much, but I'm working on it.

Preparing for a wedding requires considerable effort on the part of the bride and groom, since it is necessary to think through a large number of little things. It is necessary to organize everything correctly so that both the guests and the newlyweds themselves are satisfied with the celebration. However, after the wedding celebration, the newlyweds will have another wonderful event - the first wedding night of the newlyweds. It is necessary to organize your honeymoon and first romantic night in advance so as not to spoil your mood. Finally, you will be left alone after a busy day full of different emotions. You need to relax and enjoy the attention of your loved one.

If you have not yet started preparing for your first wedding night, a modern wedding portal website will tell you what to do to ensure that this night goes flawlessly. Tune in for a stunning evening full of surprises and romance.

What is a romantic wedding night?

Many newlyweds do not fully understand how exactly the wedding night should take place and what it symbolizes. The bride and groom's first night together is a truly romantic time. This night symbolizes the creation of a new family, the transition to new statuses of husband and wife. After tiresome celebrations with dancing and congratulations, the newlyweds finally find themselves alone with each other. This time is dedicated just to the two of you. In the morning, a completely different “adult” life will begin, and this night will become the starting point of your family relationships.

How is the first wedding night: preparation

When the time for the upcoming wedding night approaches, the newlyweds do not know what to do or how to behave. However, this night is practically no different from all those nights that you will spend together after the wedding. The only difference is that on the newlywed night, the newlyweds try to please each other with romantic surprises to make it unforgettable. In order for the first night of love after the wedding to truly leave only joyful memories for the newlyweds, you need to carefully prepare for it.

  • Preparation on the part of the groom. How the first wedding night of the newlyweds will go largely depends on the groom, since it is on his shoulders that the organization of the main issues falls. The most important issue in organizing a romantic night will be finding a suitable place. If you do not have your own home, then you can spend your first wedding night after the wedding in a hotel or in a house on the lake. After the wedding, you need to be alone together, in peace and quiet, so a cozy room or a whole house will be the ideal place for you to spend a night together. However, not all young people have this opportunity. Many newlyweds have no idea how to spend their wedding night at home. But parents wish their children only happiness and a speedy addition to the family, so they will happily leave you an apartment for one night, or allocate a room, promising not to disturb you. If you don't know where to spend your wedding night, ask your beloved parents for help.

  • Whatever place you choose, you need to carefully prepare it in order to surprise your beloved bride. Bedding should be clean and neatly made. You can scatter rose petals on the bed and floor. You can also beautifully light candles in the shape of a heart or words of love on the floor. You can have a romantic dinner in a warm bath, drink champagne and eat some light dessert. A beautiful first wedding night will remain in the memory of your beloved for the rest of her life, so you should make every effort for this.

  • Preparation on the part of the bride. The bride should also carefully prepare for the first night of love. You need to think over a beautiful outfit in which you will appear in front of your loved one. This could be the bride's beautiful sexy lingerie for the wedding night, stockings and high-heeled shoes. Your groom must once again make sure that he has chosen a real queen as his wife. Your wedding night should be romantic and sensual, so don't be shy about wearing bold outfits. You can also arrange a surprise for your husband and dance a beautiful dance for him to your favorite music. It is worth preparing the movements in advance so that they look natural and organic. It is then that your first wedding night of the bride and groom will become bright and memorable.

I would like to remind you that the first wedding night is a very serious event. You shouldn’t take this lightly - they say, it will pass as it passes. Start careful preparation long before the wedding: choose underwear and bed linen, think about the condition of your skin, how to create an environment in such a way that, first of all, you are confident! Discuss your wedding night with your partner, dream, make plans - this brings you closer and eliminates embarrassment in the future.

The first wedding night should take place in especially cozy, calm and comfortable conditions. This is necessary so that a woman can feel calm, confident, and be able to easily focus on her partner’s actions. Among the special conditions we can list - complete privacy not only in the room, but also in the apartment (hotel) with shower and toilet, preferably separate. There must be a wide, comfortable bed, preferably not too easily soiled (colored, with a patterned design).

The lucky ones are those newlyweds who, after the wedding, can go to their own apartment, where no one will disturb them. It will be worse for those who plan to live with their parents. In this case, for the first wedding night, the bride and groom will either have to rent a hotel room or move the entire family to other relatives for a day or two.

But no matter where you have to spend your first wedding night, some attributes will certainly come in handy:

1. Bed linen
Pink or bright scarlet silk is a very chic option. But silk is a very slippery material, so for this case, choose bedding from another material that is pleasant to the body. Cotton or linen bedding works well. Sheets and pillows can be lightly scented with essential oils or your favorite perfume.

2. Romantic music
If you are a lover of pop culture or, conversely, a connoisseur of rock music, it is better to save your preferences for another occasion. And on your wedding night, classical instrumental music will help you create a pleasant atmosphere. Do not play music loudly, because it is just a background and should not distract you from each other.

3. Drinks
Don't forget to take a couple of bottles of champagne with you from the banquet, or better yet, bring them to your apartment in advance. You can take wine instead of champagne, but it’s better to avoid stronger drinks, otherwise all the romance will quickly disappear.

4. Something to eat
You’ll somehow manage without borscht and grandma’s cutlets on your wedding night. But light sandwiches, fruits, sweets and even a couple of salads will be very useful to you. The night is long, maybe my appetite will still wake up. And most likely, he will wake up quite quickly, since excitement, guests and toastmasters rarely give young people the opportunity to eat normally during the day.

5. Candles
What would a romantic setting be without candles? Subdued light, flickering shadows...

6. Flowers and balls
The groom can take on the decoration of your bedroom, or entrust it to friends. Everything will come in handy here - balloons, romantic inscriptions and painted hearts on the mirror, posters, streamers. Don't forget to put flowers in vases. Although you don’t have to do this in advance - you will be given a lot of flowers at the wedding, just don’t forget to take them with you from the banquet.

7. The magic of smells
Smells can control our subconscious and influence erotic desire. You can use aroma sticks and aroma lamps with jasmine, rose or lavender oils to complement the atmosphere of your wedding night.

8. Sexy lingerie
Seductive underwear, stockings, a garter, a lace negligee - you need to arm yourself with all this before your wedding night. If, as brides often do, you wear flesh-colored lingerie under your wedding dress, then you can prepare a second, more elegant set for the evening.

If you are planning to spend your wedding night in a hotel, then everything is much simpler in terms of organization and more luxurious in scope. You don't have to worry about drinks and food, bed linen and other little things. Another advantage may be the presence of a swimming pool or jacuzzi in the hotel.

It is very important that this night becomes a truly magical and unforgettable night of love. Be attentive and gentle to each other, try to make it full of tenderness and romance.

The newlyweds are lying in bed.
- Masha, can I?
- Masha, can I?
- Masha, can I?!
- Masha, can I?..
- Okay, get off...

A man married a conservatory student. The wedding night. He quickly undresses and jumps into bed. She undresses, carefully corrects her makeup, puts on a peignoir and shoes, stands on a chair in the middle of the room, and announces in a well-trained voice:
- Marital duty! Performed for the first time.

After the first wedding night. Wife:
- Hm-yes. You are not an important lover...
- I wonder how you were able to determine this in 10 seconds?

The first wedding night, the wife undresses in front of her husband, suddenly he notices that the wife does not have a navel:
- Where is the navel?
- It was erased in the hostel.

The wedding night. The bride turns out to be NOT a virgin. The groom scolds her:
- Mash, how does this happen? You swore and swore to me that you were a virgin!
- What, did I really say that? Oh, how inconvenient it is...

The wedding night. The groom leads the bride into the bedroom.
- You know, dear, it’s good that you didn’t give yourself to me before the wedding. I have to admit, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have married you.
- I didn’t know?! How many men have screwed me over like this before I realized what was going on.

The morning after their wedding night, the young wife tells her mother:
- Mom, it was so cool, we fucked three times!
- Daughter, watch your expressions! If I had said, for example, that you ate sprats, I would have understood.
The next day her daughter says to her:
- Mom, can you imagine, tonight we ate 5 cans of sprat, we liked it so much that my husband licked the can, and I sucked the can opener!

Before the wedding, the village guy is instructed by the priest:
- In family life you should always have love and harmony. And in bed there should be harmony between you!
After the first wedding night, the priest asks:
- Well, was everything okay?
- Yes! Everything was going wrong, but by morning I finally threw away the accordion!

Village. A house has four walls. The wedding night. Behind the curtain are mother and father. Son's voice in the middle of the night:
- Mom!
Mother to father quietly:
- Is something not going well?
- Shut up, you fool, they’ll figure it out themselves.
Son even louder:
- Mommy!!
Mother whispers to father:
- Can I help you with something?
- Shut up, maybe he’s not a fool, he’ll guess.
The son shouts:
- Mom!!!
The mother couldn't stand it:
- What, son?!
- That’s good!!!

The newlywed asks the old married man:
- Everyone says “honeymoon”... What is it?
- How can I explain it more clearly to you? Imagine your family life as a tar barrel. And on top there is a small layer of honey. Understood?
- Ah... So I opened the barrel from the wrong side!

A man comes to work after his wedding. Colleagues:
- So how was your wedding night?
- I do not remember! I lost consciousness after she peeled off my eyelashes.

The wedding night is a pleasant but exciting event. Following simple rules will make this night unforgettable and will deprive you of any unpleasant sensations.

Try to relax before an exciting event. When left alone with your husband, drink some wine or champagne and eat a light snack. Alcohol will help you relax, but don't overuse it, otherwise it will have the opposite effect. Chocolate and seafood are natural aphrodisiacs that increase arousal. Buy an assortment of chocolates, order sushi or a seafood salad - aphrodisiacs will also help you relax and unwind. To create a romantic atmosphere, light scented candles, play quiet music, or take a bath together. Ask your husband not to rush, let him wait until you are ready. If you are very worried, discuss this with your future husband before the wedding. Tell him about your fears, ask questions. A loving husband will calm you down and tell you what you need to do.

It is better to spend your wedding night in a romantic setting, such as a hotel room, where you can be served champagne and snacks.

Tell your husband comfortable positions

There are several positions in which defloration occurs most painlessly. The most popular position is the classic missionary. Here you can relax and let your husband take the initiative. Control his actions, and defloration will be quite easy. For greater relaxation, place a pillow under your buttocks and pull your bent legs towards your chest. Another good position suitable for a virgin is the man from behind. Lie on your stomach on the bed with your feet on the floor. Let your husband rest his hands on the bed and enter you while standing. In this position, the hymen becomes stretched and breaks easily. It’s better not to experiment during sex; cowgirl positions, sitting and standing are not for you yet. If pain and bleeding occur during sex, it is better to stop contact. Blood is released in most cases, but sometimes there may not be any. If there is heavy bleeding, you should abstain from sexual intercourse for several days.

If bleeding persists for more than 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

How to behave after sex

After sexual contact, you may be tired or, conversely, feel nervous. But don't forget to pay attention to your husband. He was just as worried as you that something would go wrong. Thank him for his care, give free rein to kisses and hugs. You can take a shower together. Be sure to tell us what you liked about your husband’s actions, and only then can you give some critical comments. Make a note of what you would like next time.

How to spend your first wedding night

Since ancient times, we have been honoring the traditions of the first wedding night. Let marriage in modern society night for many it is only a convention, since for the bride and groom it is not at all the first. However, this night must be special.

  1. First marriage night although it has lost its traditional meaning, it is still a symbol of new life for spouses. This is the first night as married people, and it should go through in a special way. This is the beginning of your new life, night should serve as the foundation of your marital relationship.
  2. The wedding ceremony and festivities on this occasion are extremely exhausting for both spouses. Therefore, by the end of the holiday, there is a desire to quickly fall asleep, because there is simply no strength left for anything more. It is advisable to have a marriage ceremony night in a good hotel. It is in an unfamiliar environment.
  3. Book a wedding room at a hotel or hotel. Your room will be decorated in a special way. A large and soft bed will be strewn with rose petals, silk bed linen will add piquancy to this night. Make sure that no one even accidentally disturbs your privacy. To make love or not this time night- it's up to you to decide. This morning you will wake up as a married couple for the first time.

How to relax without alcohol

  • Spending the evening with a bottle of beer, and on holidays, not limiting yourself to one bottle, and maybe even taking something stronger on your chest - this habit exists among many. Some people cannot understand at all whether it is really possible to relax without resorting to drinking alcoholic beverages. However, they do not think that alcohol does not allow the body to rest, but on the contrary, exhausts it even more
  • Listen to yourself: why can’t you relax without drinking? Maybe it's just a psychological addiction. When drinking with friends, you feel more relaxed and it seems to you that you are relaxing both soul and body. And it is quite possible that the addiction is no longer only psychological and it is time to take drastic measures.
  • If you are determined to eliminate alcohol or significantly reduce the amount of alcohol in your life, think about how else you can relax. After all, you usually drink with friends in a bar, nightclub, or even on a bench in the park. Change your interests and places of visit.
  • Go to museums, theaters, exhibitions. In such cultural places alcohol no, and you will feel that even without it you can spend time interestingly and usefully for self-education. Speaking of education, start taking courses in what you have long dreamed of learning. Playing the guitar, learning a foreign language. If this is your long-standing desire, you will not get tired of such work.
  • Get active. Volleyball, basketball, football - whatever. Exercising not only lifts your mood and gives a positive charge to the whole body, but also improves your appearance. Get involved in social activities.
  • Communication with animals plays an important role. Furry friends are great for relieving stress. Be in nature more often. Watching her calms and fills the body with energy.
  • If you choose the right way to spend your free time, you will be pleasantly surprised that even without alcohol you feel no worse. On the contrary, your body will begin to truly rest, thanks to sports, your body will become toned, and the new acquired knowledge may help you achieve those goals that you could not even dream of while sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer.

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How is the first wedding night going?

Initially, the wedding night was truly the first in the lives of the newlyweds. The girls kept their innocence for one single person - their husband. In modern society, the first night is considered simply a beautiful ritual.

  1. Decide in advance on the location for your wedding night. This could be a honeymoon room in a hotel or your apartment that you will move into after the wedding. If you have been living together for a long time, you can, of course, arrange your wedding night at home, but it is unlikely that you will be able to create the right atmosphere.
  2. Take care of decorating the room. Tie heart-shaped balloons, arrange candles, and prepare rose petals. Don't forget to stock up on light snacks. In the process, you will probably get hungry, and the leftovers of the banquet, carefully packed by your parents, will be out of place. Buy fruits, berries, chocolate, cheese. Place a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator.
  3. The wedding night is a beautiful end to the wedding day. It is very important that it takes place in a romantic atmosphere of love. Therefore, while lighting up at the celebration, be sure to leave the strength to continue the tête-à-tête celebration with your spouse.
  4. Make your bed with fresh linens in advance. It is good if it is washed with conditioner, which will add a light aroma. Turn off your phones and devote time only to each other. Many newlyweds, having reached the place of the first night, begin to count the donated money. Don’t get carried away with this and start planning your expenses right away. Calculate the amount and put it aside until tomorrow.
  5. Let the newly-made husband free his beloved from the shackles of the corset of the wedding dress. Girls should take care of their wedding underwear in advance. This could be a thinner corset or a set. It is beautiful when the bride's lingerie is made in white and decorated with lace.
  6. To relieve fatigue after an emotional day, you can take a bath with your spouse. Stored rose petals, candles and champagne will come in handy here. Turn on beautiful music, place wine glasses and fruit on the table next to the bathroom and relax, sharing your impressions of the wedding.
  7. A private dance performed by his wife will be a pleasant surprise for the young husband. You can learn it from videos on the Internet, and practice it at home in advance. It’s not scary if the movements are not perfect. The main thing here is to surprise.
  8. The first wedding night is a time of affection, tenderness, and romance. Imagine that this is your first experience, kiss and hug more, take time for foreplay. Listen to your partner's wishes during sexual intercourse. And during breaks, feed each other fruits and sweets, clink glasses and rejoice, because you are now a family.

In order not to waste time and not look for containers for donated flowers in the middle of the night, stock up on a couple of plastic buckets.

If you are spending the night in an apartment or house, make sure you have breakfast in advance in the morning. Toast, scrambled eggs, fruit, and leftover wedding cake work well.

What is the first wedding night

Previously, the first wedding night involved the first sexual contact of the newlyweds. In the modern world, this expression has a slightly different meaning. However, this does not stop the newlyweds from looking forward to their first wedding night.

  • Many nations sometimes have very strange customs associated with their wedding night. In some African tribes, the virginity of a bride was considered a disgrace. And the blood that appears during deflowering could bring illness to the husband. Therefore, girls were deprived of their virginity with a special bone knife or just a finger. In other tribes, everyone took turns taking possession of the bride. And only after this could the “experienced” wife go to bed with her husband. Fortunately, today, such rituals have been preserved only in a few wild tribes.
  • In most cultures, a bride's virginity was highly valued. In Muslim countries, there is still a tradition according to which, after the first wedding night, the groom must provide evidence of the bride’s innocence. Sheets with blood stains are hung for everyone to see.
  • In seemingly civilized Europe, there was a “right of the first night.” Moreover, it did not belong to the groom. Girls had to spend their first wedding night in the beds of feudal lords. This applied more to serfs; brides from noble families could avoid such a “privilege.” This barbaric custom lasted in some countries until the 18th century. But in Germany, France and Scotland, another funny tradition has been preserved since ancient times. Friends of the bride and groom do their best to prevent the newlyweds from being alone. They make noise under the windows, sing obscene songs, and can hide a dozen alarm clocks set in the bedroom. The newlyweds can enjoy each other only after the guests are tired and fall asleep.
  • In Russian traditions, great importance was attached to the first wedding night. The bride and groom were forbidden to drink strong drinks during the wedding feast. The bed for the newlyweds was made in a cold, non-residential area. Friends and matchmakers escorted the newlyweds there. The bride took off the groom's boots. This custom was not intended to humiliate the young woman. The groom hid gold and silver coins in one boot. If the newlywed guessed where the money was, she received the right not to maintain the family budget. In pre-Christian Rus', the virginity of the bride was desirable, but not obligatory.
  • For modern couples leaving the doors of the registry office, the concept of “wedding night” is very arbitrary. The innocent bride is the exception rather than the rule. Most newlyweds enter into intimate relationships before the official registration of marriage, and this does not shock anyone. Some couples even manage to have a child before marriage. However, all this should not detract from the solemnity of the first night of marriage. On the contrary, the wedding night gives the spouses the opportunity to return to the time when they were just discovering the joys of sex with each other. It is better to postpone the inspection of gifts until the morning and do what the first wedding night is intended for - love.

How to relax before sex

Intimate relationships are an integral part of the lives of many modern couples. For some, sex becomes a way to get to know themselves and their partner better, feel trust and become closer not only physically, but also emotionally. However, only those who are absolutely relaxed can fully relax in bed.

What should a girl wear before sex to make a guy like her? Nine erotic adventures!

You will need

  • - beautiful underwear;
  • - feather, puff or brush;
  • — massage oil/cream;
  • - Beautiful music


  1. A liberated person will be able to get maximum pleasure from intimacy. With such a girl, the partner will feel cozy and comfortable, and will try in every possible way to please her. To fully surrender to the process, you need to relax before sex.
  2. Your favorite music and beautiful underwear will help you get in the right mood. Just get dressed, listen to a few tracks, meditate or, conversely, get active. This will help you forget about your problems and get unnecessary thoughts out of your head. If your partner knows about your anxiety, you can perform the “act of relaxation” together.
  3. Long foreplay will also help you relax before sex. Show your partner your erogenous zones, unobtrusively stimulating his sensitive areas. Pay special attention to the head, neck, ears and the area behind them. If you want to extend the time of sexual games, first use flirtations by touching your loved one with the help of accessories: a puff, a feather or a soft brush. Gradually move to closer contact.
  4. Long-term tactile contact will help you gain trust in your partner. Ask your man to give you a light back massage. To make your touch more pleasant, use oil or cream. There are many nerve endings in the area of ​​the back, shoulder girdle, and lower back. Massaging them will produce pleasant sensations, help you relax and tune in to intimacy. Some girls find this kind of foreplay very exciting. Especially if the partner, in addition to his hands, uses his lips and tongue.
  5. If you are just at the very beginning of a relationship and will have sex for the first time, try to “postpone” it until the morning, and spend the night in a confidential conversation and sleeping together. Sexologists say that spending time together will help you become emotionally closer to your partner and feel relaxed in his presence. Therefore, morning sex will be a logical and pleasant start to a new day (and a strong relationship).

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A man may also be very nervous before sex. Therefore, long foreplay will become the same “lifeline” for him as it is for you. The main thing is not to be embarrassed by your fears and try to overcome tightness and tension through joint efforts.

Some sources recommend drinking a glass of champagne or wine to relax. However, remember: this method is a sure way to rash actions that you may regret. Such relaxation can also negatively affect your health.

What to do on your wedding night

Basically, all brides think about the wedding: the dress, the reception hall, the toastmaster and other moments of this day are worked out to the smallest detail. But some people forget about another important question - what to do on their wedding night? When husband and wife are left alone in a new official status.

You will need

  • - rose petals;
  • - aroma candles;
  • — silk bed linen;
  • - beautiful underwear.


  • Don't go home, make this night unforgettable. Book a room in a good hotel in advance, with a large bed and a beautiful view from the window. It is best to choose a honeymoon room. This will help you get rid of pressing problems, relax and enjoy your wedding night.
  • If you do not have the opportunity or desire to spend your wedding night in a hotel, you can go home. But make sure that there is no one at home, just you and your spouse. To create a romantic atmosphere, you need to take care of auxiliary items in advance. Rose petals on the bed, scented candles around, dim lighting and silk bed linen. You can prepare snacks and cream to use during foreplay.
  • It is advisable for a girl to buy beautiful underwear and negligee to impress her husband. After a long day, your makeup can get dirty and you can get rice stuck in your hair, so it's a good idea to head to the bathroom and freshen up. Don't take off your wedding dress yourself; let your husband do it.
  • When you get rid of the uncomfortable dress, you can move on to the main thing. There is no need to rush, because you have the whole night ahead of you. Play romantic music in the background to create the right atmosphere. Get into the right mood by taking a bubble bath together. After it, you can give each other a relaxing massage, smoothly turning into foreplay.
  • If you are intimate for the first time on your wedding night, you need to carefully perform defloration. To avoid staining your bed linen with blood, place a folded towel under you. Don't worry and try to relax so that the process is less painful. There are two poses that will allow you to do this quickly and without unnecessary pain.
  1. First: you lie on your back with a small pillow under your buttocks, your knees bent and pulled up to your chest. In this position, the hymen stretches and quickly breaks, so the pain is short-term. For the second pose, you need to lie across the bed and lower your legs to the floor. Your spouse positions himself between your thighs and enters from that position. The defloration process is quick and you will not feel much pain.

After this, it is recommended to wait to have sex until the wound heals a little. So you can end your wedding night with kisses and mutual caresses. If you don't want to go to bed after this, think in advance about what to do on your wedding night afterwards. For modern society, such a concept as “wedding night” has long been of a purely symbolic nature. Intimate relationships before marriage are a completely normal phenomenon, because people want to get to know each other... The Cancer man is a very complex and mysterious person, but if you choose the right “key” for such a person, you will undoubtedly be the happiest woman. To find a man of this zodiac sign......

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