Fitness for pregnant women 2nd trimester at home. Exercises for pregnant women

The stereotype that a pregnant woman is a “crystal vase” is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Modern expectant mothers lead a fairly active lifestyle, many of them continue physical training, which they began even before the moment of conception. But still, sometimes some people have doubts about whether pregnant women can do fitness, whether this will harm the course of pregnancy and the baby? Let's consider how safe fitness is for pregnant women, and what exercises are recommended for women during this period.

Is it possible for pregnant women to do fitness?

Experts say that if pregnancy is proceeding normally, there are no pathologies, then there is no need to give up physical activity. On the contrary, there are many positive effects of exercising during pregnancy. Firstly, regular moderate physical activity improves the functioning of the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems, metabolism in the body, and contributes to a successful pregnancy. Secondly, physical exercise increases the endurance of the female body, preparing it for childbirth. And thirdly, thanks to fitness, you can reduce the negative consequences of pregnancy, such as stretch marks, sagging abdomen after childbirth.

However, a prerequisite for starting fitness classes during pregnancy is to consult a doctor. The specialist will determine whether there are any contraindications to such physical activity and can give advice on which exercises are best excluded and which, on the contrary, should be included in the complex for the expectant mother.

You can study in special groups for pregnant women or on your own at home. When creating a home fitness routine, it is important to take into account the trimester of pregnancy. Doctors call the second trimester the safest period, although if there are no contraindications, you can exercise at any time.

Necessary rules

It is important to follow some rules when exercising during pregnancy:

  • training should be regular, with moderate intensity;
  • You should not overheat during training, you need to monitor your water balance;
  • expectant mothers are prohibited from doing certain exercises, primarily sudden movements, jumping, swinging, strong back arching, and stretching.

Fitness for the expectant mother in the 1st trimester

Pregnant women are recommended to purchase a special ball for physical exercise - a fitball, which allows you to gently regulate the load, avoiding overexertion. If you don’t have a fitball, you can use an ottoman or a chair.

Here is an approximate set of home fitness exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester:

  • Tilts. The starting position is to sit on a fitball, your back is straight, your feet are hip-width apart. Stretching your arm up, as you exhale, bend in the direction opposite to your outstretched arm. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction.
  • Rifles. Sit on the exercise ball, holding onto it. As you exhale, slowly step your feet and roll down to the level of your shoulder blades, keeping your body parallel to the floor. As you inhale, holding onto the ball, return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.
  • Pelvic lifts. Lie on the floor, feet pressed tightly, arms along the body. As you exhale, slowly raise your pelvis, linger for a few seconds at the top point, and while inhaling, smoothly lower it to the floor. Repeat 6 times.
  • Breathing exercise. Sit on a fitball, feet hip-width apart. Inhale - the chest expands as much as possible, exhale - the ribs close. Do 10 repetitions.

Home fitness for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

Starting from the second trimester, classes pay more attention to breathing.

An approximate set of fitness exercises in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy:

  • Breathing exercise. Sit on a fitball, feet hip-width apart. Place your palms on your chest and inhale, feeling your chest expand, then exhale. Repeat 10 times.
  • Push ups. Stand against the wall, legs hip-width apart, feet a step away from the wall, hands resting on the wall. As you exhale, bring your chest closer to the wall, bending your elbows. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Do it 10 times.
  • Exercise for the hip joints. Lie on the floor, place your feet on the ball, bend your knees, arms along your body. As you exhale, open your knees, straightening your legs; while inhaling, close your knees and return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.
  • Breathing exercise. Sit on a chair, arms placed freely along the body. Inhale with the lower part of the chest, hold the air for 4-5 seconds, followed by a slow exhalation. It is important to take long inhalations and exhalations. Repeat 5-6 times, trying to inhale and exhale longer each time.

Fitness for the expectant mother in the 3rd trimester

Fitness exercises in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy are primarily aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, which play an important role in the birth process.

An approximate set of exercises:

  • Doggy breathing. Sit on a chair, back straight, feet hip-width apart. Breathing should occur in short bursts, reminiscent of a dog breathing in hot weather. In this case, 8-10 inhalations and exhalations are made in one cycle. Repeat 5 times.
  • Pelvic circles. Sit on a fitball, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and rest your hands on the ball. Rotate your pelvis 10 times in each direction.
  • "Frog". Sit on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands at the back. Alternately lower the knee of one or the other leg, bringing it closer to the floor. Repeat 8-10 times.
  • "Bike". Lying on your back, place your feet on the ball, legs bent at the knees. As you exhale, push the fitball forward with one leg, the other leg remains motionless. Repeat the movement with the other leg. Do 7-8 times.
  • Relaxation. Lie on your back, put a cushion under your head and knees, arms along your body, eyes closed. You need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Gradually relax the whole body, starting from the feet and ending with the top of the head.

Fitness for pregnant women can be a great way to train muscles, relax tired parts of the body, and prepare for childbirth. In addition, regular exercise will leave no chance for a bad mood.

An active, mobile lifestyle during pregnancy is the key to excellent health. Physical exercise makes it possible to stay fit, invigorates and gives strength, and improves psychological well-being. Easy workouts necessary throughout pregnancy, but the most comfortable period for their implementation is the second trimester.

Period of time from the fourth to the sixth month the safest and most favorable for sports activities. The body has already become accustomed to the new state, the constant nausea has disappeared, more strength has appeared, and hormonal levels have stabilized.

Now is the time to start preparing for childbirth through exercise. Easy daily workouts will help avoid many problems:

  • reduce and help control it;
  • prepare the skin for gradual stretching as the abdomen grows;
  • teach proper breathing;
  • tones the abdominal muscles, the work of which is important during labor.

Regular exercise during pregnancy allows you to quickly get back into shape after childbirth and lose extra pounds.

Select exercises it is necessary individually for each woman, taking into account all the characteristics of pregnancy and her general condition.

Maximum occupation should last no more than 30 minutes; throughout the entire workout, the expectant mother should monitor her well-being.

When to avoid physical activity

Not all pregnant women are allowed to exercise. There are some factors that make training should be postponed until after birth:

  • for chronic and;
  • in the second half of the gestation period;
  • low location of the placenta;
  • miscarriages or spontaneous termination of previous pregnancies;
  • uterine tone;
  • and vomiting.

Avoid exercising if you feel unwell. Listen not only to recommendations, but also to your own feelings.

In the second trimester physical activity is prohibited, during which it is required:

  • pump up the press;
  • stand on one leg;
  • jump intensely;
  • run any distance.

As the abdomen grows, the center of gravity of the body shifts, and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted. The expectant mother becomes unstable and clumsy, dancing and body balance exercises are inappropriate during this period.

Copious discharge of unknown etiology from the genital tract is a contraindication to gymnastics. From week 13 you will have to forget about extreme sports, because now you are responsible not only for your life, but also for the development of the future baby.

How to do exercises correctly for pregnant women

The main requirement is to perform the entire range of movements with pleasure and in a good mood. Classes should be fun. Don't force yourself to study through force, if you don’t want to move actively, it’s better to postpone the workout until later or the next day.

Remember, all movements must be smooth and slow, no sharpness when turning. Lifting heavy equipment is also now prohibited. Squats, swings of arms and legs, stretching are performed slowly, with a long rest between approaches.

When exercising in the second trimester, do the following requirements.

  • Wear a bandage to class. Buy new sportswear that will support your enlarged breasts.
  • Monitor your pulse - the heart rate should not exceed 130 beats, otherwise the access of oxygen to the uterus will be reduced and the fetus may be in danger.
  • Limit exercises that require you to do while lying on your back. The growing uterus in this position compresses the vena cava, oxygen does not reach the unborn child. At such moments, a pregnant woman feels severe dizziness and nausea.
  • Avoid team sports and activities that have a high risk of falls and injury.
  • The goal of physical exercises from the 4th to the sixth month of pregnancy is not to lose weight, they are designed to increase muscle tone and prepare the body for childbirth.

A set of exercises during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

Like any set of exercises, a lesson for pregnant women begins with a warm-up.

Exercise 1

Raise your arms up and lightly stretch your whole body behind them. At this time, you can slightly move your body to the left, then to the right. All movements are made smoothly and slowly. Repeat 3 times and take a short break.

Exercise 2

Sit on a hard surface, it should be hard. Cross your legs in front of you. This pose is called “Turkish”. The back should be level, the spine straight.

Make smooth turns with your head, add body turns to them. Your arms should also work at this time - spread them to the sides and make rotational movements, starting from the hand and ending with the shoulders. Repeat 10 times, then rest for 30-60 seconds.

As you warm up, visualize your skin stretching, becoming elastic and firm.

After the preparatory exercises, proceed to the main exercises for different muscle groups. The following exercises are designed to strengthen the chest muscles in order to at least maintain some of its shape.

Exercise 3

In a sitting position, place your open palms against each other. Elbows should be at the level of the pectoral muscles. Alternately press one hand onto the other. The movement is reminiscent of squeezing juice from a citrus fruit. Performs 10 times without stopping. You can do several approaches during a session.

Exercise 4

Surely, you have seen the cartoon “The Little Mermaid” more than once, and to complete the next exercise you will have to spend a little time in her role.

Sit on your thigh, bend your legs slightly forward. Place your arm along your body and lean on it. The second arm extends upward, moves slightly to the side and does not drop down sharply. Then the side changes to the opposite, and the movements are repeated - 10 swings for each hand.

Exercise 5

Don't forget about the oblique abdominal muscles - there is something for them too.

Lie on your side. Place your arms extended forward on top of each other. While slowly rotating your body, move your top arm as far as 180 degrees. Return to the starting position. You need to repeat 10 times for each side.

Exercise 6

Physical tasks for preparing the muscles of the perineum are of great importance. A fitball will help a lot with this.

Sit on a large rubber ball with your hips as far apart as possible. We hold for a few seconds until a slight tension is felt, and bring them together.

The pelvis and perineum should be completely relaxed when moving the hips back, and tightened when returning to the starting position. This improves blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Exercise 7

Pay attention to your back. Get on all fours with your feet and hands shoulder-width apart. This pose is called “cat pose.” The entrance is made - bend your back, exhaling - arch it as much as possible. The head should practically touch the floor. Performed 10-15 times, possibly in several approaches.

Exercise 8

Exercise for the feet is also very important in the second trimester, when the legs begin to get more and more tired from long walking.

Sit on the fitball. Spread your legs hip-width apart. Lay out a ribbon or scarf made of thin material in front of you. Use your toes to finger the fabric, trying to get from one end to the other. Do 3-6 times alternately for each leg.

Exercise 9

Don't forget about breathing! During the birth process, breathing exercises will be of great benefit to you. With their help you can reduce pain and relax.

Sit upright, your back should be straight. Place your right hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Take deep breaths in and out through your nose. As you inhale, the chest should remain motionless and the stomach should rise. Then change tactics - let the chest rise, but the abdominal cavity does not move.

Exercise 10

After each exercise performed, do a light relaxing activity.

Sit on the floor, bend your legs under you so that your buttocks rest on them. Spread your knees slightly so as not to put pressure on your tummy - this way it will fit between them. Slowly lean forward, try to touch your forehead to the floor. Repeat 3 to 5 times. These movements will relieve tension from the spine and relax all muscle groups.

The exercises we have given are not the only ones of their kind. The choice of exercises for home fitness is completely in your hands! Exercise in a good mood by turning on your favorite music. Open the windows and let more fresh air and light into your room.

  1. Pay attention to yoga. Special sets of exercises have been developed for pregnant women, which can be in addition to daily gymnastics or instead of it. It energizes, stretches muscles and strengthens the whole body.
  2. Another type of physical activity is Pilates. Exercising three times a week helps strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
  3. If signs of unwellness occur, exercise should be stopped and a few breathing exercises should be performed. Overwork and forceful exercise are unacceptable.
  4. Start exercising in the morning, before breakfast or a few hours after eating.
  5. A physical therapy doctor can select the necessary exercises for all muscle groups for pregnant women.
  6. If the weather is good, you can train outdoors in a park or on a sports ground.

Video of three sets of exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

We invite you to look at three different sets of exercises for the second trimester, developed by a master trainer of the highest category. It is safe for all pregnant women who have no contraindications.

Did you exercise during pregnancy? Which complex did you choose for yourself? Was it an independent choice or a doctor's advice? Share your experience with us workouts in the second trimester of pregnancy!

They differ in the nature and intensity of the loads. In order to feel good during pregnancy and not lose good shape, you need to do gymnastics. There is a specially developed version by sports trainers and gynecologists by trimester.

Fitness for pregnant women 1st trimester

The most dangerous period for embryo development is the first trimester (the first 14 weeks). Therefore, loads should be limited during this period. You can't pump up your abs. Breathing exercises and some hip training are allowed.

So, here are the allowed exercises in the first trimester.

  1. You will need a chair. Holding your back, squat slowly and shallowly, while spreading your legs to the sides.
  2. In order not to lose good breast shape, you need to do the following. Place your arms near your chest and clasp your palms together. Press your palms firmly into each other so that you feel the tension in your chest muscles.
  3. Holding the back of the chair, lift your leg obliquely forward, then to the side, then back. This exercise is a good prevention of stretch marks and excellent preparation for childbirth.
  4. Spread your legs to the sides, bend your knees and perform circular rotational movements with your pelvis in one direction or the other.
  5. Rotating your feet will help you avoid cramps and varicose veins. Do this exercise as often as you want.

Fitness for pregnant women 2nd trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is the best period for doing physical activity, as it is the safest period during the entire pregnancy. The threat of miscarriage is now minimal.

A large concentration of exercises is now in the pelvic area. If you do them constantly, you can protect yourself from such an unpleasant phenomenon as urinary incontinence. This is especially true for women over 35 years of age.

You should not do exercises that involve stress on one leg. It is not recommended to exercise while lying on your back, as this can compress the vena cava and cause a lack of oxygen in the child. Try to do the exercises on your side.

  1. First exercise. Sit with your legs crossed in front of you. First, turn your head in both directions. Then, spread your arms to the sides and smoothly turn your body.
  2. Inhale, stretch your arm up, exhale - place your arm behind your head.
  3. Lie on your side with your arms on top of each other and extended in front of you. Rotate your upper arm 180 degrees with your body. Bring her back.
  4. Exercises for the pectoral muscles are the same as in the first trimester.
  5. Sit with your buttocks on your heels. Stretch your arms in front of you and carefully try to touch your forehead to the floor. This exercise is very relaxing. To make it easier, your legs can be spread apart at the knees.

Fitness for pregnant women 3rd trimester

The belly is getting bigger. Childbirth is getting closer and closer. Doing even the most basic exercises is already difficult. Therefore, it is worth using a fitball specially designed for pregnant women.

  1. Sitting on the ball, take dumbbells (no more than one kilogram) and bend your arms one at a time.
  2. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in front of you, and sharply squeeze the ball with your hands. This is how the chest is trained.
  3. If you are comfortable, lie on your back and use your foot to roll the ball back and forth for one to two minutes.

It is worth remembering that exercise in the third trimester can tone the uterus. If this happens, then you should limit yourself to breathing exercises.

Contraindications for fitness classes during pregnancy

Also, if you have medical contraindications, then exercises for pregnant women cannot be performed. These are such as:

  • chronic diseases;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • bloody issues;
  • polyhydramnios.

Fitness for pregnant women, as mentioned earlier, includes and. If you learn to breathe correctly during pregnancy, you can reduce your pain during childbirth.

  1. Breathing with the diaphragm. One palm is on the stomach, the other is on the chest. Inhalations and exhalations are deep. It is necessary to ensure that during inhalation the chest remains in place and the stomach rises. Breathing occurs through the nose.
  2. Breathing through the chest.
  3. Chest breathing.
    • Palms on the ribs, elbows apart. Inhale – elbows slide to the sides;
    • One hand is on the stomach, the other is on the chest. Inhale - and the chest rises. The stomach doesn't move.

Important condition: When doing breathing exercises, you cannot hold your breath, otherwise the child will get hypoxia. The duration of the exercises is about half an hour.

Reading time: 12 minutes

If you don’t want to lose your fitness even during pregnancy, then you will probably like the Prenatal Workouts series from the BodyFit by Amy YouTube channel. We offer you 10 effective workouts for pregnant women at home that will help you stay slim throughout the nine months.

Amy created Prenatal Workouts while she was pregnant, so she experienced all the videos offered personally. The trainer has selected accessible and safe exercises that are suitable for any trimester of pregnancy. There is no calendar of classes, you can combine videos as you wish.

Before starting pregnancy exercises, be sure to consult your doctor. If you feel unwell or feel discomfort during exercise, stop exercising. Amy suggests very gentle programs, but your body may respond differently to stress. Don't be afraid to skip exercises or stop your workout if necessary. Also try to drink more water during exercise and do not exercise on an empty stomach.

Review of pregnancy workouts from BodyFit by Amy

1. Cardio training for pregnant women (20 minutes)

An easy cardio workout for pregnant women, Prenatal Cardio Workout includes simple exercises to raise your heart rate and burn fat. Basically, these are a variety of steps with the active involvement of the muscles of the arms and body. Amy also prepared some squats, lunges and light jumps. The program is also perfect as a charger.

2. Abdominal workout for pregnant women (15 minutes)

  • Equipment: 1 dumbbell (2-5 kg)
  • Load: standing and floor core exercises

This workout for pregnant women helps strengthen your back muscles and. The first half of the exercise is done standing (bending to the side with dumbbells), the second half is on the mat. Leg raises and table pose await you. The exercise is not difficult, but it is better to do it only if you already had training experience before pregnancy.

3. Strength training for pregnant women (30 minutes)

  • Equipment: dumbbells (1-4 kg)

Strength training for pregnant women Prenatal Strength Workout will help you strengthen your body muscles, work on problem areas and improve your body quality. You'll perform classic dumbbell exercises for your upper and lower body. The last 5 minutes are spent on the mat. The load can be adjusted by weight.

4. Pilates workout for pregnant women (20 minutes)

In this pregnancy workout, Amy includes effective Pilates exercises to tone your core, hips, and thighs. The training takes place entirely on the floor. You will find exercises on all fours, side planks, leg raises while lying on your side, and abdominal exercises on your back.

5. Kickboxing training for pregnant women (20 minutes)

This aerobic workout for pregnant women at home will especially appeal to kickboxing fans. You will find various punches and kicks at a gentle pace, squats, lunges, and raising your knees to your stomach. The program is a little more active than the Prenatal Cardio Workout, but absolutely anyone can handle it.

6. Training with TRX for pregnant women (20 minutes)

8. Workout for pregnant women with kettlebells (20 minutes)

  • Equipment: kettlebell (dumbbell)

To help you achieve a toned body and firm muscles, Amy offers another at-home pregnancy strength workout, but this time with a kettlebell. If you don't have a kettlebell, then you can replace it with a dumbbell or perform the exercises without weight (if you are a beginner). The following exercises await you: squats, standard and squats, biceps curls, shoulder presses, triceps presses, back rows, bend-overs, deadlifts with one leg raised back.

9. Full body workout (20 minutes)

This workout for pregnant women at home does not require any additional equipment from you other than your own body weight. You will perform simple strength exercises with active involvement of the muscles of the upper and lower body. The workout can be complicated with dumbbells; the exercises allow this. For the second half of the lesson you will need a chair.

10. Two short stretches for pregnant women (7 minutes)

  • Equipment: not needed/fitball

Regardless of whether you'll be actively exercising during pregnancy, taking a few minutes each day to stretch is essential. This will help you relax your muscles and relieve stress. Amy suggests two 7-minute stretches for pregnant women: one done without equipment, the other with a stability ball.

Without inventory:

With fitball:

Do you want to stay in a slim, toned body even during pregnancy? Try quality, safe and effective pregnancy workouts that are suitable for any fitness level. Stay slim and healthy for the entire nine months with the BodyFit by Amy YouTube channel.

Previously, pregnant women were told to maintain complete rest until the birth. However, now the answer to this question is simple and unambiguous - it is possible and even in most cases it is simply necessary. Today, fitness exercises while pregnant are welcome.

According to research, the benefits of moderate exercise have been proven. The main thing is that physical activity is properly designed during pregnancy. Classes should consist of gentle general strengthening and warm-up exercises.


For women's health

Fitness at this time helps to keep the muscles of the chest, arms, and legs toned.. However, at this time it is not intended to make the figure ideal; this will have to be done after childbirth. Exercise during this period of time will help prepare the body for childbirth.

Fitness trainers develop various sets of exercises together with gynecologists so that the exercises are beneficial for the mother and fetus. The benefits of such exercises are as follows:

For the fetus

The benefits of exercise are as follows::

  • relief of some of the discomfort that often accompanies pregnancy (constipation, sleep problems, varicose veins);
  • improving blood circulation and thereby supplying the fetus with oxygen, which allows it to breathe freely;
  • turning the fetus in the right direction (with special exercises, if at first there was a breech presentation);
  • improving the child’s well-being due to the mother’s good mood.


Mom's health

Fitness classes can harm a woman’s health if she puts heavy stress on her body, although she did not exercise before giving birth. Or she continues to exercise with the same loads as before giving birth. In such cases, deterioration of health, increased blood pressure, and muscle pain are possible.


If a mother does not follow safety precautions and overloads her body, she may be injured during exercise and thereby provoke uterine tone, the threat of termination of pregnancy, premature birth or miscarriage.

Failure to comply with the load during exercise can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases, which will negatively affect the fetus.


From 13 to 27 weeks

To protect herself and her baby, a mother should study the list of contraindications to rule out their presence. Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative. In their absence, the mother can calmly start doing fitness.

The absolute ones include:

Absolute contraindications exclude physical activity.

Relative contraindications include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • anemia;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • fetal freezing that occurred during previous pregnancies;
  • previous premature births;
  • sinus arrhythmia, VSD.

Important! If there are relative contraindications, then you can do fitness, but with some restrictions. Before exercising, you should definitely consult a doctor.

From 27 to 40 weeks

All contraindications that exist in the 2nd trimester also apply to the 3rd trimester. Also added to them:

  • constant tone of the uterus;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • high risk of occurrence (or presence) of gestosis;
  • deterioration of health.

If there are no contraindications, then Fitness classes during pregnancy are quite realistic and useful.

Class restrictions

At 4-6 months

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a woman should be more careful during this period.

At 7-9 months

In addition to the restrictions of the second trimester, some more restrictions are added. Do not overuse stretching exercises, since a pregnant woman’s body contains a lot of the hormone relaxin, which helps to “spread” the bones as the baby passes through the birth canal, and therefore dislocations can occur.

Stretching the abdominal muscles is prohibited, as this can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Such exercises include:

  • squats;
  • lifting dumbbells;
  • arm presses;
  • twisting;
  • jumping;
  • lunges;
  • lifting weights.

You should also not do exercises that involve raising your arms up, as this leads to tone in the abdominal muscles. There is no need to do balance exercises because a pregnant woman's center of gravity shifts due to her enlarged belly, making it difficult for her to maintain balance.

During a normal pregnancy, fitness exercises can be done, but first it is better to consult a doctor. Only a personal gynecologist will be able to say for sure whether a woman can engage in fitness and how.

During training, you must monitor your heart rate, since during pregnancy it is higher than normal, and during exercise it can increase to 130. If this figure does not decrease within half an hour, then you need to stop exercising for a while and rest.

Exercises at home

Mid term

The expectant mother, after consulting with her doctor, should determine for herself an acceptable load and frequency of exercise. It is best to include in a set of exercises exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, legs, and abdominal wall. It is also necessary to do Kegel exercises, which will help during the birth process and will contribute to the rapid return of tone to the intimate muscles.

The set of exercises for the second trimester includes:

  1. First you need to work all the muscles. We turn our heads to one side, then to the other, make circular movements with our shoulders back and forth, tilt our body, stretch our arms and ankles, and do half-squats to warm up (6 times).
  2. Then you need to stand and straighten up, leaning on some object, spread your legs, approximately shoulder width apart. We do squats, stay in this position for a few seconds, exhale at this moment, and then return to the starting position and inhale. Do this exercise 10 times. In this exercise, the muscles of the buttocks and perineum should be tense, but the abdominal muscles should not.
  3. Next, we lie down on our side and swing our legs forward, up, and back. Then we turn around on the other side and also swing with the other leg. Do the exercise 10 times with each leg.
  4. For the next exercise, you need to kneel and place your hands on the floor. Arch your back upward as you exhale, holding this position for 5 seconds, and then return to the starting position. The exercise is called “Kitty”, repeat ten times.
  5. You need to turn your back to the wall, lean against it and lower yourself down, doing a squat. Stay in a sitting position for 5 seconds, and then return to the original position, straightening your legs.
  6. To perform the next exercise, you should stand on all fours, your right hand rests on the floor, and your left touches your neck. Then you need to try to reach the mat with your left elbow, and then return to the original position, doing this exercise 10 times for each hand.
  7. After this, you should lie on your side, bringing your knees towards you. Now they need to be carefully pulled apart without tearing the feet. Do this exercise 20 times.

Fitball exercises are very useful:

Below is a visual video with a set of exercises for a pregnant woman in the first trimesters:

For later dates

When exercising in the third trimester, you should do everything carefully and very carefully, as abdominal size and body weight have increased. A woman’s body prepares physiologically for childbirth, so fitness exercises should be aimed at helping it in this matter. The expectant mother should not be very active during this period, so flexibility and relaxation exercises are suitable at this stage. The best exercises for pregnant women in the third trimester are exercises on a fitball.

The set of exercises includes:

Long walks in the fresh air are very important during this period, as they normalize blood pressure and pulse, protect the fetus from hypoxia and help the mother stay in good shape.

Breathing exercises are also helpful:

  1. To do this you need to straighten your back.
  2. Raise your head up and take a deep breath through your nose, gradually inflating your stomach and then your chest.
  3. As you exhale, on the contrary, the chest relaxes first, and then the stomach.
  4. Repeat 10-15 times.

By doing all the exercises correctly and setting aside a certain time for fitness every day, childbirth will be easy and without complications, and the baby will be born healthy and strong.
Below is a visual video about exercises in the third trimester:
And another video with breathing exercises for late pregnancy:

Women's portal - Bonterry