Health Day event script in the dhow. Health day scenario with parents "fun starts"


1. Goals and objectives.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle for families.

Nurturing physical culture and moral cohesion of the family.

Development of sports and motor skills in children and adults.

Prevention and prevention of diseases in children.

Holding a holiday.

Host: Hello, dear guests - dear mothers, fathers, children! We are very glad to see you at our holiday dedicated to Health Day.

Boys and girls, as well as their parents,

Hurry up to our sports hall.

There will be competitions between children, fathers and mothers,

We will tell you who the winner will be later.

Today at our holiday we are pleased to welcome friendly sports teams: the Zvezdochka team and the Raketa team. Let's welcome them.

A march sounds. Teams enter.

Presenter: The jury will evaluate our successes.

Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a mistake.

Whoever turns out to be more friendly - let him win today!

And now the floor is given to the chairman of the jury. (Welcome speech from the manager.)

Host: Before you compete, you should warm up quickly.

Do the exercises

Repeat after me together.

(Warm-up for everyone to music.)

Ved. Quiet, guys. I hear the bells ringing. Guests are coming to visit us. But you will find out who is coming to us if you guess the riddle.

Treats small children

Treats birds and animals.

And now he's rushing towards us

good doctor...

Children. Aibolit!

Aib. I came to Vita

I came to Olya.

Hello children!

Who is sick with you?

Ved. Hello, dear doctor! All the guys are healthy because they are friends with sports and eat vegetables and fruits.

Guys, before sitting down at the table, what should you do?

Children: Every time before meals

Fruits need to be washed with water.

Ved. And what else?

Children: To be healthy, strong,

Wash your face and hands with soap!

Aib. Well done boys! You know everything! Let's continue the celebration. (Moans are heard.)

Ved. Guys, from somewhere I hear groans. Apparently, someone needs the help of Dr. Aibolit. (Carlson comes groaning and groaning.)

Charles. I am the most unhappy, I am the sickest, oh, I can’t, help!

Aib. What happened to you?

Charles. My biggest belly hurts.

Aib. What did you eat today?

(Carlson lists.)

Charles. And I ate the most beautiful apples...

Aib. Did you wash your fruit before eating?

Charles. What for? They were already delicious and beautiful!

Aib. Ah ah ah! Guys, explain to Carlson what to do before eating.

(Children's answers).

Aib. Did you hear that, Carlson?

Charles. I am the best understander in the world, I understood everything. What about my stomach?

Aib. Now we'll treat you, drink the medicine.

Charles. Or maybe jam is better?

Aib. Yes, no, dear Carlson, jam will not help you. You'll have to drink the potion. And now I will give you an injection.

Charles. I'm the best non-fan in the world. I’m not afraid of injections; if necessary, I’ll inject myself. Well, just think, an injection, I injected myself and went.

(Aibolit takes out a syringe. Carlson begins to tremble and holds tightly to his trousers.)

Aib. Why are you trembling? You are the best non-fan in the world! It doesn't hurt, does it, kids? Carlson, children are not afraid of injections, give me your hand, I’ll give you an injection.

(Carlson extends his hand, winces, turns away.)

Children. Don't be afraid, Carlson! Don't be afraid, Carlson!

(Carlson stops being afraid and wincing.)

Charles. You see, I told you that I am the best non-fighter in the world. Thank you, doctor, thank you, children! Now I can play and compete with you!

Host: Let's start our competition. And the fans support the participants with friendly applause.

1. Relay race “One pants for two”

Participants are divided into pairs. At the signal, the first couple in the team puts on their pants, runs to the landmark, returns and passes the pants to the next couple. The team that completes the task first wins.

(The jury sums up the results).

Presenter: Let's praise the winning team: “Well done!”

Musical break: cheerful Cossack dance “Varenka”.

Now let's see with you

Who can handle the balls faster!

2. Relay race “Score a goal”

On all fours, each couple blows on a balloon and pushes it into the gate. More goals are counted.


The poem “Conceit” by J. Brzechwa is read by a child.

Who is our strongest?..

Only success awaits them here!

We'll show you how to jump

And we will help and tell you.

3. Relay race “Beam racing”

An adult and a child sit astride the module, run to the chip and return back, passing the “log” to the next pair.


Musical break: ditties about Health Day.

Smoky pan

Julia cleaned with sand.

Two hours in Yulya's trough

Grandma washed it afterwards.

Vova was lazy this morning

Comb your hair.

A cow came up to him

She combed her tongue.

The Sloppy is Confused

Everything is wrong, everything is wrong.

And the shirt is wide open

And a buttonless jacket.

I washed my hands under the tap,

And I forgot to wash my face.

Trezor saw me,

He shouted: “What a shame!”

Presenter: Now we will delight you with new skills,

Sport helps us to be strong and healthy!

4. Relay race “Running in a hoop”

At the signal, the first two participants put on a hoop and run in it to a landmark, run around it and return to their team. The next pair completes the task.


Musical break: Dance "May Waltz".

Presenter: the next “Sharpshooters” Relay Race

Each participant must take the ball and throw it into the basket. The team that scores the most goals wins.


Song about dad (sung by a child)

Presenter: These guys are brave, dexterous, skillful,

Their parents are important, strong and brave...

b. Relay "Tunnel"

Children crawl into the tunnel, come back, pass the baton to the next one, and parents cheer loudly for their kids.

Host: In the meantime, while the jury is summing up the results, and our teams are resting, I want to hear from the fans. I will ask you riddles, and you will guess!

I don’t understand, who are you guys?

Birders? Fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

Wouldn't you interfere with the game?

You'd better go away.

We are playing in. . . (volleyball)

These fruits are inedible

But they are huge and comfortable.

Their other athlete for hours

Pounds him hard with his fists.

(Punching bags)

I want to become a strongman.

I come to the strongman:

Tell me about this -

How did you become a strongman?

He smiled in response:

Very simple. Many years

Every day, getting out of bed, I get up. . . (dumbbells)

There's a game in the yard in the morning,

The kids played out.

Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” -

So there is a game there - ... (hockey)

On an empty stomach

They beat me unbearably;

The players shoot accurately

I get punches with my feet. (Football)

Green meadow,

A hundred benches around

From gate to gate

People are running briskly.

At these gates

Fishing nets (stadium).

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just steer better.


The competition participants are lined up.

Presenter: The jury is given the floor to sum up the results (presentation of gifts).

The cheerful holiday was a great success.

I think everyone liked him.

Goodbye, goodbye, everyone be happy,

Healthy, obedient and don’t forget to exercise!

Be friends with sports, go hiking,

And then you won’t care about boredom.

We are ending the holiday and wish everyone health, success and happiness in everything!

(The teams leave the hall to applause.)

Scenario of joint parent-child leisure for children of senior preschool age “HEALTH DAY”

Target: developing children's needs for a healthy lifestyle.
- promote the unification of children and parents;
- instill a love of movement and sports;
- develop motor activity.

The hall is festively decorated. A large pyramid stands in a prominent place. Children enter the hall to the sound of marching music. Their parents follow them in. Children line up.
Presenter. Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy?
Are you all ready to run and play?
So hurry up and pull yourself up
Don't yawn, don't be lazy.
Get ready to warm up!
Warm up to rhythmic music.

During the warm-up, marching, walking on toes, on heels, on the outside and inside of the foot, and easy running are performed.
The children sit on the bench. Parents come out to the sports march and line up.
Hello to all the guys! And this word:
Love sports from an early age - you will be healthy!
Everyone knows, everyone understands
It's nice to be healthy.
You just need to know
How to become healthy!
There is no better recipe in the world -
Be inseparable from sports
You will live a hundred years -
That's the whole secret!
Train yourself to order -
Do exercises every day
Laugh more cheerfully
You'll be healthier.
Sports, guys, are very necessary!
We are strong friends with sports!
Sport is a helper, sport is health,
Sports - a game, physical education - hurray!
Everyone is clapping.
Presenter. Dear Parents! We'd love to see your warm-up.
Adults imitate sports exercises accompanied by cheerful music.
Children clap their hands.
Presenter. Now let's sing a funny song!
The song “How nice it is not to get sick!” is performed.
Presenter. Attention! And now our main surprise (points to the pyramid). They made a pyramid -
One two three four five.
There are secrets hidden in it,
You need to solve them...
On each ring there is a picture of a riddle.
Quickly find a solution to the riddle.
Now we will begin to disassemble the pyramid. The one who removes the ring must show the picture on the back and say what game it suggests. Let the counting rhyme help us choose the first one.
The child comes out and, according to the counting, chooses the first player, who takes off the first ring; an owl is drawn on the back of the ring.
Presenter. Of course, this is the game "Owl"
The game "Owl" is being played
Presenter. Guys, the next ring is taken off by the one who jumps on the balls faster.
The game "Ball Racing" is played.
The child who jumped faster takes off the ring. A frog is drawn on the reverse side.
Presenter. Guys, have you guessed what game this is?
The game "Frogs" is played.
Presenter. Guys, the next ring will be taken off by one of our parents who jumps faster and longer on a jump rope from wall to wall.
The game "Jump rope" is played.
Presenter. Let's clap for the best jumper!
An adult takes off the ring; a hare is drawn on the back side.
Presenter. Did you all guess? That's right, this is "Homeless Bunny".
The game “Homeless Hare” is played.
Presenter. The next ring will be removed by the parent whose hoop spins the longest.
The game “Rotation of hoops” is played.
The winner takes off the ring; a circle is drawn on the back of the ring.
Presenter. What would that mean? We should probably all stand in a circle and play the game "Right Circle."
The game is played in an even circle.
Presenter. The next child to take off the ring will be the one who hits the ball on the floor the longest.
The game "Balls" is played.
The winner takes off the ring; a hare and a wolf are drawn on the back of the ring.
Presenter. Did you guess it? This is the game "Hares and the Wolf".
The game "Hares and the Wolf" is played.

Presenter. We continue to disassemble the pyramid. Now the parent who hits the ring with the ball will take off the ring.
The game “Hit the Target” is played (up to five throws).
Parents take off the ring, a “turnip” is drawn on the back side
Presenter. Why are you silent? Is there no such game?
So let's figure it out! Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip... Everyone knows the fairy tale! We'll run around in all directions. And when I say “Turnip!” we need to stand one after another, like in a fairy tale. Look, two turnips grew in our garden at once. (shows two masks - caps). This means we will have two teams of 7 people - turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. Let's see which team can line up faster. Dress up guys! And dress up your parents.
The game “Turnip” is played (both children and adults play it).
Presenter. There's only one ring left, I'll take it off.
Ribbons are painted on the reverse side.
Presenter. Has everyone guessed what game we will play? Right!
The game “Ribbon Trap” is played (both parents and children play the game).
Presenter. Well done everyone: both children and adults! Everyone is smart and fast! We all played well and had fun. Let's clap for each other. Our surprises continue.
The door opens and the cooks (two children) enter.
Cooks. Have you played? Are you frolicking?
Have you worked up an appetite?
Now let's get some food
It won't hurt you at all.
The samovar hisses and sings
He's been calling everyone to the table for a long time
We give you delicious cookies
Baked with love.
Have a treat!
Eat healthy!

Participants of the holiday go to the group for tea.

authors: Natalya Alekseevna Kashirskaya , Moscow, Svetlana Danchenko, preschool educational institution employee, Moscow

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The purpose of the sports festival– increasing interest in physical education and a healthy lifestyle in children and adults. Identify children's abilities and interests. Nurture strong-willed qualities, develop the desire to win and self-confidence. Learn not only to receive joy from your results, but also to worry about your comrades.


  1. Improve the level of physical fitness of children 4-5 years old.
  2. To instill an interest in an active, healthy lifestyle in all participants in the educational process.
  3. To form strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, agility, to cultivate the desire to win and empathy.
  4. To strengthen parents’ desire to participate in the lives of children in kindergarten, a sense of cohesion, mutual assistance, and belonging.

The progress of the holiday

Fanfare sounds.

Instructor in physical education:

Children, we invite you to the sports ground
We are starting the holiday of sports and health now!

Teams bypass are being built around the hall near the benches.

The two teams came out together
To start the holiday for us,
And that's why everyone needs
Take part in it.
Everyone needs their strength,
Show off your dexterity
Be healthy and cheerful,
And, of course, don’t be bored!

Instructor: It's time to introduce the teams. Team "Strong Men" and Team "Smart Guys".

Team "Strongmen":

We are strong, skillful
Clever and brave.
We wake up early
We are charging.

Team "Shustriki":

We are our team
We call “Shustriki”
Because they are clever
And we grow smart.
There is no one faster than us in the world.
From us “Fizkult - hello!”

Instructor: Attention! We welcome the judges of our competitions!

  1. __________________
  2. __________________
  3. __________________

WARM-UP (musical) “Sun” gr. Mascot

Children perform basic outdoor movements to music.

Instructor: Are you ready for the competition?

Children: Ready.

Instructor: Our parents know that playing sports is very useful and now they will give us their instructions.


To all the guys our... ( Alltogether) Hello!
And this word:
Love sports from an early age -
You will be healthy!

Everyone knows, everyone understands
It's nice to be healthy.
You just need to know
How to become healthy!

There is no better recipe in the world -
Be inseparable from sports
You will live a hundred years -
That's the whole secret

Sports, guys, are very necessary!
We are strong friends with sports!
Sport is an assistant, sport is health,
Sports - games, physical education... ( All) hooray!

Instructor: Well, it's time to start the competition. For a team to win, its members must be very friendly and be able to perform exercises together. Now we’ll check how friendly you are.

1 competition “Obstacle Course”

Jump from hoop to hoop on two legs, climb through the hoop and throw the ball into the basket.

Instructor: And the next competition is for the most dexterous and jumping ones.

2nd competition “Whose team is faster”

Relay race for mothers and children. Team members are divided into pairs and hold an inflatable ball 30 cm in diameter between them. Each pair needs to take turns running to the cone, go around it, go back and pass the baton to the next pair, without losing their ball.

3rd competition “Tumbleweeds”

Task: run a snake along a certain path with the ball, go around the last cone, return to your column and pass the ball to the next participant.

Instructor: While the jury is deliberating, let's listen to the poems:

1st child:

Love physical education
Dads, moms, children.
Air, sports and vitamins
Everyone in the world needs them.

2nd child:

Play volleyball
Rowing, swimming, football.
Fly colorful kites,
Ice skating in winter
Ride a bike
And always strive for victory!

3rd child:

If you want to be skillful,
Agile, fast,
Strong, brave,
Learn to love jump ropes
Ball, hoops and sticks!

Instructor: Well, we continue our holiday of health. While the jury is deliberating, the team will show a pair dance.


Instructor: Our holiday is coming to an end, and I announce the last one

Competition “Catch the ball with a spoon and make a word”

Each team has 7 participants. The first participant runs to the basket, catches the ball with a spoon with one hand, brings it to the team, passes the spoon to the next, etc. When all the balls are caught, you need to make up the word “WELL DONE” from them.

Instructor: The competitions are over and the jury is still summing up the results. I suggest testing the fans' knowledge.

There's a game in the yard in the morning,
The kids played out.
Shouts: “puck!”, “past!”, “hit!” –
So there is a game there - ... (hockey)

On an empty stomach
They beat me unbearably;
The players shoot accurately
I love cuffs with my feet.

Green meadow,
A hundred benches around
From gate to gate
People are running briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets (stadium).

This horse doesn't eat oats
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just steer better.

Instructor: We give the floor to the members of our jury.


Summing upresults of the competition. Awardsparticipants.


Thank you all for your attention,
For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,
For the excitement of competition,
Guaranteed success.
Now the moment of farewell has come,
Our speech will be short
We say: “Goodbye”!
See you again!

Maksimova Olga Vladimirovna,

senior teacher

MBDOU d/s OV "Golden Fish"

Target: Formation of interest, an emotionally positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils,


  1. Enrich and deepen children’s understanding of how to maintain, strengthen and maintain health.
  2. Enrich children's understanding of hygienic culture.
    1. Develop motivation to preserve your health and the health of those around you.
    2. Enrich children's motor experience.
    3. To interest parents in cooperation with preschool educational institutions to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

Project type: short


1. Signs with aphorisms, statements of great and famous people about health for placement in corridors and group rooms of preschool educational institutions.

2. Posters of wishes “Add health” to reception groups.

3. Personal club cards for each child, which contain information about Health Day events and an assignment for parents.

4. “Healthy, fabulous menu” for all age groups.


Fostering a value-based attitude towards health is one of the most important tasks of the preschool level of education. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education defines the main objectives of preschool education:

Clause 1.6, subclause 6. Formation of a common personal culture for children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

Clause 1.6, subclause 9. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health

Clause 2.6. The content of the main educational program of preschool education should ensure the development of personality - physical development - the formation of healthy lifestyle values, mastery of its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, motor mode, hardening, in the formation of useful habits, etc.)

Modern children have good skills and abilities and require help from adults in determining the meaning of the activities they are mastering. This meaning is the relationship to what children do. The quality and result of the activity as a whole depends on how close and understandable this meaning becomes to them, whether the activity becomes formal, conventional or meaningful and sustainable.

To develop motivation for a healthy lifestyle, you need an emotionally positive attitude and interest in the rules of health-preserving and safe behavior. Health Day is a form of organizing educational, educational, health-preserving activities that evokes an emotional response in both children and adults. Regular holding of such events helps to strengthen physical and mental health, and the formation of a value-based attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

Health Day at MBDOU d/s OV "Golden Fish"

under the motto “We want to be healthy.”

Health Day in kindergarten is not just part of educational work, it is also a holiday for children, their parents and employees.

Early in the morning, fairy-tale characters greeted everyone with wishes of health; the clowns Neboleyka and Zdoroveyka offered vitamins to children and parents and invited them to go through an obstacle course. A fun warm-up was accompanied by music and artistic expression.

In each group, teachers organized interesting and exciting competitions.

Parents completed tasks, answered questions, and before leaving, filled out a wish poster “Add health!”

Especially for the holiday, the medical staff of the preschool educational institution developed a “Fabulously healthy menu.”

After a tasty and healthy breakfast, the older preschoolers set off on a journey along the “Health Route”.

At the beginning of the journey, we visited the fairy Veselia in the country of “Correct Speech,” where we played communication games and performed exercises to develop speech breathing.

Funny clowns entertained children and tested their strength, dexterity, and speed.

Dunno invited me to watch the cartoon “Smeshariki: The Hedgehog and Health.”

In the office of the teacher-psychologist, the travelers met the Bird of Happiness, with the help of whose magic the children visited a fabulous sensory room filled with miracles.

In the art workshop, the children had a meeting with the wizard Pencil, who invited them to express their thoughts and feelings in a drawing.

The last point on the route was the office of Dr. Pilyulkina, who talked with the children about what health is, how to maintain, strengthen, and preserve it.

While the older pupils were traveling, the kids visited the cinema hall, where the cartoon “Moidodyr” was presented to their attention.

In the afternoon, festive events took place in groups. The teachers conducted role-playing games, outdoor games, sketches, created problem-game and practical situations aimed at developing ideas about a healthy lifestyle, preserving and strengthening physical, mental, and somatic health.

Parents and their children took a responsible approach to completing the task given the day before and shared their favorite recipes for healthy and tasty dishes.

All recipes were subsequently included in a cookbook called “The Book of Favorite Recipes for Tasty and Healthy Food”

The children were delighted with Health Day, parents and staff also received a charge of vivacity and good mood, then they remembered the holiday for a long time and with warmth and wished each other health!


  1. Derkunskaya V.A., Korshunova M.G. Fostering a value attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle in preschool children // Kindergarten: theory and practice. 2011. No. 10.
  2. Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relationships: Selected psychological works. M.: MPSI, 2011.
  3. Organization of club work in preschool educational institutions. Fish – disc “Methodological support for a senior teacher.” 2012. No. 2.
  4. Photos from the archives of the MBDOU d/s OV “Golden Fish”

Annex 1

Health Day plan

Forms of work, content



Morning exercises for parents

"Obstacle Course"

Physical education instructors, music directors

Games, exercises to preserve and strengthen physical, mental, somatic health, formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle (senior preschool age)

"Health Route"

Speech therapists, physical education instructors, additional education teachers, educational psychologists, art teachers, environmental educators, medical personnel, teachers of senior preparatory groups.

Cartoon session (I, II junior, middle groups)


Musical directors are teachers of primary and secondary preschoolers.

Exhibition of children's and parent's creativity products on health preservation (in group rooms)

“Innovative forms of interaction with parents to develop healthy lifestyle skills in children”, “Creating a health-preserving environment in families and preschool institutions”

Age group educators

Games: role-playing games, sketch games, developing problem-based game and practical situations (in all age groups)

Aimed at preserving and strengthening physical, mental, somatic health, forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Age group educators

Psychological living room for parents of preparatory group students

Features of psychological preparation for school of children of different sexes

Educational psychologist

Appendix 2

Timetable for the Health Route

pupils of senior and preparatory groups

Group number


Gym hall

Sensory room

Fine art studio

Winter Garden

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0002699

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Target: formation of motivation in children and adults for a healthy lifestyle, satisfaction of movement needs, development of spatial orientation, nurturing feelings of mutual understanding, creating emotional comfort.

Equipment: 2 large balls, 2 weights, hoops, 2 balloons, 2 bags, food, jump ropes, tennis balls and rackets.

Celebration progress:

Leading: Hello sports fans! We gathered here on our sports ground to hold fun starts:

Look, friends are around

There's a whole circle of kids

Next to them are fathers and mothers.

Dads threw sofas

The mothers threw the pots.

Everybody wants to compete

Joking and laughing

Show strength and agility.

We are all happy about this meeting.

We did not gather for a reward.

We need to meet more often

So that we all live together.

Leading: Dexterous, brave, resourceful, skillful children and their parents take part in our competitions. We welcome our participants.

Leading: All teams came out together

To start our holiday

And that's why everyone needs

Take part in it.

Everyone needs their strength

Show off your dexterity

Be healthy and cheerful

And of course, don’t be bored.

Leading: At our festival there is a jury that will take into account the completion of tasks and evaluate them fairly (performance):

Leading: Let's start our competition with the introduction of the teams.

Leading: The performance is over, let's start warming up. All athletes, as you know, warm up their muscles before a competition. We will conduct a fun, comic warm-up.

The little frog jumps - qua-qua-qua, Jumping on two legs.

The duckling swims, quack, quack, quack Bend forward, simulate swimming.

Everyone around is trying

Play sports (2p) Walking in place.

Fast tit-trick-lu-lu-lu Swing your arms.

Spinning in the air - try-lu-lyu Turn around yourself.

Everyone around is trying

Play sports (2p) Walking in place.

Here we are at charging-123 Bend forward.

In the morning at site-123 Turns left and right.

See, we are trying

we do sports (2p) walking in place.

Leading: Dear friends! Let us open our family triathlon championship “Mom, Dad, Me – a sports family.”

Competition 1 : The first, as is customary in every family, is the strong half, our dads, who go into battle. They will now remember their youth and love for the popular game - football. Dads' task is to run to the mark while dribbling the basketball. Yes, it’s difficult for our dads, we have to go around all the pins and not lose the ball.

Competition 2 : Moms come out after dads. Competition for mothers - running while throwing a balloon with a badminton racket. He is very easy, naive and does not understand that he is in the hands of housewives who will not miss their chance. Let's support them with applause.

Competition 3 : Our captains are called to the start. Children are our pride, they are our glory! During recess there is constant training for agility, courage, boldness, and strength. Let's see if our kids trained hard. Our captains will demonstrate running by dribbling the ball along the ground with their hands. May the daily exercises that we do before lessons help us, may our jumping, bending, and squats help us.

Competition 4 : Now let's see how our family works together.

Relay race “Caring Parents”: to Each team is given an umbrella, dad carries the child behind his back, stepping through puddles (step into a hoop), and mom runs after them, covering the child with an umbrella from the rain. Run to the mark and back through the puddles.

Competition 5 (1 from each team): And again our dads are at the start. There are weights in front of you. Whoever is the strongest will lift the weight more times. Do you think this is an easy task? No! It is very difficult! But our participants are not afraid of difficulties.

The rest of the dads were resting, now there’s a task for you: They must run with a gymnastic stick, stepping over it. They will have to do the incredible. With a sharp tilt, bend over, step over and run again. This is an obstacle course. Everything is just like in life! We are in a tough fight! All participants simply show professionalism in this type of competition.

Competition 6: And now we call our mothers to the start. They must run a distance while jumping rope.

Competition 7: And again our captains are at the start. They must walk the distance with the bag on their head and not drop it.

Competition 8: called "Running on three legs" (Dad's right leg and mom's left leg are connected). Yes, life has taught us to run not only on two legs, but also, when necessary, on three.

Competition 9: It’s so good to see the family gathered, but the mothers now remembered that the family needs to be fed after the competition. And at home the refrigerator was empty; I didn’t have time to run to the store in the morning. Therefore, the next competition is called "For products". All team members participate.

On the opposite side of the chair there are products (tea, salt, pasta, seeds, lemonade, bay leaf, "Rolton" sprats). Taking a shopping bag, the participant goes “to buy groceries.” Having jumped over 2 barriers, he runs to a chair, puts 1 product in the bag, comes back and passes the bag to the next player.

Well, now the family will be fed.

Competition 10: Here we come to the last competition "Collect a motto" of our holiday: Run to the chair, take 1 sheet of paper with a letter and go back. The relay is considered complete when the team lines up holding the following words in front of them: “A healthy family is a healthy nation.”

Our captains are participating, and parents are collecting words.

Teams are awarded certificates and sweet prizes.

Leading: Our holiday is over. All team members showed their agility, strength, and speed. And most importantly, we received a boost of energy and a lot of positive emotions! Once again we congratulate everyone on the holiday! Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance! See you again!

Women's portal - Bonterry