DIY New Year's coffee magnets. A souvenir for everyone! DIY New Year's refrigerator magnet from a disk

So the orange-tangerine season begins, and not only in gastronomic terms, but also in decorative creativity. I use oranges for handicrafts in all sorts of ways: I dried them in circles, flowers, whole and in all sorts of shapes.

There are a huge number of ideas using this popular citrus fruit. On the eve of the New Year, I decided to make refrigerator magnets. I focused on one of the symbols of the New Year - oranges. 🙂

You can make a refrigerator magnet with your own hands quite quickly, and for this you will need some New Year's decorations, artificial branches and 1-2 dried orange slices.

Additionally, you will need: magnetic tape or a magnet and a hot glue gun.

When making a New Year's gift, try to show maximum creativity and imagination, then your gift will definitely be appreciated.

So, let's begin….

Magnetic tape must be of good quality - dense; if you use thin magnetic tape or a small magnet, be sure to use thick corrugated cardboard as a base. If you glue it directly onto a thin soft magnetic tape, it will have bumps and irregularities, which will make it impossible to use it as a magnet.

Magnetic tape, approximately 5/6-7 cm.

We buy citrus slices in craft stores, or.

You can also prepare additional decorations yourself: for this New Year’s craft, I silvered ordinary leaves using dry glitter and PVA glue.

I seem to have told you all the subtleties, and then everything will be easier than ever. You just need to glue the Christmas decorations you like to the magnet. We direct the branches slightly upward so that they do not extend beyond the magnet, and it sticks well to the surface of the refrigerator.

You don't have to buy expensive accessories to decorate your home. Such a seemingly small thing, like a refrigerator magnet, will help enliven the interior. And making them yourself, as it turns out, is very easy.

Alternatively, you can use orange peel roses.

And you will stock up on small New Year's gifts not only for your family and friends, but also for more friends and work colleagues whom you also want to please on this holiday.

To make the process of making a New Year's souvenir more clear, I would like to present to your attention a video tutorial.

Have fun creating!

I was glad to help!

DIY Christmas magnets

On the eve of the New Year, we all stock up on gifts for our family and friends, but there are still many friends, acquaintances, and colleagues who also want to do something nice on the holiday. I decided to make refrigerator magnets.

Such magnets are not my invention, but I decided to tell you in detail how I knitted them. I made sure that there were no knots on either the front or back side, since these Santa Clauses can be used not only as magnets, but also as Christmas tree decorations, decorating the Christmas tree with them!

For work we will need:

1. Threads - cotton ("Iris", "Pekhorka" or others), 2. Hook (I have No. 1), 3. Scissors, 4. Corrugated cardboard (or any other cardboard for creativity), 5. Double-sided tape, 6 . Magnetic tape

  1. To lift, we knit 3 chain stitches = 1 stitch, and we knit another 12 double crochets into the ring.
  2. Leave the white thread for a while, insert a hook into the last 2 loops of the 13th stitch and pull the pink thread
  3. We knit 6 double crochets with pink thread, “knitting” the white and pink tail of the thread inside, as in the photo
  4. We close the circle with a connecting stitch (in the 3rd chain loop of the first white stitch)
  5. First we pull the white thread (tail), then the pink one, pull it as tightly as we can with the knitted element, after which the tails can be carefully cut off
  6. Turn the knitting and knit 2 double crochets into each pink loop of the previous row, 14 double crochets in total, leave the “tail” of the pink thread about 1.5-2 cm and cut off the thread
  7. We return to knitting with white thread. We knit 3 air lifting loops
  8. In each loop of the previous row we knit a lush stitch (3 stitches with 1 crochet from one loop with a common top). Between the lush columns 1 air loop
  9. We finish the row with a connecting column in the 3rd air loop of the lifting column
  10. Turn the knitting over. In each air loop between the lush columns of the previous row we knit a lush column (i.e. in a checkerboard pattern in relation to the previous row). Between the lush columns there is an air loop - a “pico” air loop. "Piko" - knit 3 air loops and return to the first loop with a connecting stitch
  11. We direct the pink thread parallel to the row being knitted
  12. We knit 14 single crochets, tying the pink thread inside
  13. We knit a Santa Claus hat. We knit 14 single crochets along the front side with a blue thread, while knitting the blue tail of the thread and the white tail of the thread of the previous row
  14. Turn the knitting over, knit 12-10-8-6 loops in the next rows, leaving the first and last loops of the previous row unknitted in each row
  15. In the 6th row we leave the first 2 loops unknitted so that the cap begins to tilt slightly to one side. In the 7th row we make 1 ch. rise, knit 3 single crochets, starting with 1 loop. In the 8th row, we knit 2 single crochets, skipping the first one. In the 9th row we knit 1 ch. rise and knit 1 single crochet from the first loop
  16. We wind 5-7 skeins on the index and middle finger, fold them into a figure eight, tie them with red thread
  17. So that there are no knots on the wrong side, pull the thread to the wrong side and the same thread to the face, tie a neat knot under the “mustache”
  18. Glue a magnet of the desired size onto a glue gun or any universal glue. We decorate the hat with a white bead, fastening it to the blue thread that was left after knitting the hat, and sew on beads-eyes. If you make not magnets, but toys for the Christmas tree, then instead of a magnet we attach a satin ribbon of a suitable color.
  19. We cut out a rectangle of the required size from corrugated cardboard, fold it in half, i.e. making a postcard. Inside (or on the reverse side if the cardboard is single) you can write wishes and congratulations. On the front side of the card we glue a magnet the same size as on Santa Claus.
  20. This is what happened))) You can go further and continue decorating the card with ribbons, beads, sequins, sparkles and anything else that your imagination suggests
  21. I got such funny Santa Clauses
  22. And these are magnets in action, i.e. on the refrigerator;))))

P.S. Happy holidays to you! Happiness, family well-being, health to you and your loved ones and of course CREATIVE SUCCESS!!!

On the eve of the New Year, each of us begins to stock up on gifts for loved ones! And today I want to offer you to make small gifts for your dear people with your own hands - these are New Year's magnets “Winter Hut”. We will make them from salt dough (can be replaced with self-hardening clay). I chose salted dough, because the ingredients for it are available to everyone, and you can make such products with children!

For work we will need:

  • salted dough (the recipe I use will be below);
  • stack, stationery knife;
  • toothpicks, needles;
  • a plasticine board or ceramic tile (where we will roll out the dough);
  • acrylic paints (if there are metallic colors);
  • gouache (black and ocher);
  • brushes;
  • felt;
  • magnet;
  • varnish (I used colorless Varnish XB-584);
  • rhinestones (I have a diameter of 3 and 5 mm);
  • glue (Moment, PVA);
  • optional white glitter;
  • sponge.

Salt dough recipe (I’ve made it many times already):

  1. 150 g water + 1 tbsp. l. Mix simple wallpaper glue and let the glue dissolve thoroughly;
  2. 200 g flour + 200 g fine salt + 2 tbsp. l. (with top) mix potato starch separately;
  3. combine everything + 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

For several magnets, the amount of salty ingredients can be divided in half.

It’s better to prepare the dough in advance (I make it the night before and put it in the refrigerator overnight, wrapped in 2 bags).

Important! When working with salt dough, always keep the bag closed, the dough dries quickly!

We will have two versions of magnet huts!

Magnet “Winter Hut” with two Christmas trees

1. Roll out the dough, cut out the blank for the huts according to the template (the edges can be trimmed with a brush and water). Let's outline where the logs, roof, and snow will be. We make a sausage from 4 mm dough, cut it into approximately equal parts, lubricate the workpiece with some water and begin to place our logs, flattening them a little.

2. While our logs are not dry, we go over them with a needle, we get an imitation of wood. Make two more sausages, flattening them a little. Using a needle or toothpick, we make curves on one edge and transfer our blanks to the hut, having previously lubricated the places with water, then we make indentations on the rounded blanks (I did it with a dots, but you can also use a regular toothpick). We make a pipe over the roof, go through the dough with a needle, imitating bricks. Next, we roll the ball, flatten it, cut it in half, we only need one part (this will be the window above the roof), attach it to the hut, make indentations, and we get a window.

3. Make a thin sausage, smear it around the window with water, wrap it in the sausage - it turns into cashing the window, flatten it a little.

4. In the middle of the hut there will be a main window made of a rectangular piece of dough; we make indentations in it. We roll the sausage, divide it into four parts according to the size of the window - these will be the platbands. We flatten the workpieces and transfer them to the hut, not forgetting to lubricate the gluing areas with water.

5. Now you can sculpt the Christmas tree. We cut out three trapezoidal blanks of different sizes, round each blank, cut the bottom edge into three parts and round it with a toothpick (you get twigs). At the beginning, we place the largest piece down and in increasing order. We go along the edges of the branches with a needle.

6. We will get two Christmas trees, tall on one side and smaller on the other. We make indentations in the Christmas tree that are slightly larger than the rhinestones themselves, because as the salt dough dries, it becomes smaller. We make snow on the roof, in front of the hut, on the windows.

Magnet “Winter hut” with snowman and Christmas tree

Let's move on to the next version of the magnet. The first stages of modeling are the same as for the first hut.

1. Let's make the platbands at the roof a little differently, small curves at the edge and indentations in them using a toothpick. We roll the ball, make an oval, cut off a little at the bottom, we get a semicircular blank for the window. We attach in the middle of the hut and indentations.

2. Take a strip of dough, place it over the window and flatten the edges a little with a knife or stack.

3. We do the same at the bottom of the window. Next, we make the shutters: we cut out two rectangles, cut them at an angle and attach them to the hut.

4. Let's make a snowman. We roll three balls of different sizes, flatten each ball and start attaching it to the hut from the largest one, roll four balls, these will be the arms and legs of the snowman :) We make a hat from a triangle of dough, a scarf from two stripes. The nose is a triangle-shaped carrot made of dough. The Christmas tree is molded in the same way as on the first hut.

Our blanks for the magnets are ready, let them dry thoroughly (I leave them on the battery for 2 days). First, they are dried on foil, and when they are dry, I transfer them to cardboard, because... the foil does not allow air to pass through, and the workpiece does not dry out.

Our huts have already dried, now we cover them with black gouache (brown is also possible). When the gouache has dried, we begin to carefully wash it off, so the product turns out to be embossed. The blanks have dried out from the water. Let's start painting. We take brown acrylic paint and with a thin brush we go over the logs of the hut. Next, we cover the platbands: in the first hut we cover the platbands with gouache (ochre), in the second with blue acrylic, and the snowman’s outfit is also blue.

When the paint has dried, we paint the frames of the windows with white acrylic, and we tint the trim of one hut with white.

Then mix green and a little brown, cover the Christmas trees with it

We need to make “frozen” windows. We drop blue and white paint directly into the window, quickly mix it with a needle, and add a little more white around the edges. We additionally cover the ocher-painted frames with paint of a different color (I have acrylic metallic bronze; if I don’t have it, you can mix brown and yellow acrylic paint - you’ll get beige frames). Paint the snowman with white paint. Next, we take a sponge and begin to swab with white paint where we will have snow (I also went over the logs with a brush). We make the eyes and mouth of the snowman. We tint the snowman's hat and scarf with silver paint.

First we coat one side of the magnet with varnish, when it has dried, we coat the other side (the varnish that I use gives a little yellowness to the white color, after drying the varnish the snow was again covered with white paint). We take felt, trace it, cut it out, this will be the back side of the hut.

Master class “Fridge magnet – New Year’s souvenir from an old CD”

Osinovskaya Tatyana 13 years old, studying at the creative association “Izostudiya” of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Syavsky Center for Children’s Creativity” in the village of Syava
Supervisor: Sokolova Svetlana Sergeevna, additional education teacher at the Syavsky Center for Children's Creativity, Syava village
Description: The master class can be useful in the work of primary school teachers, additional education teachers, and parents.
Purpose: DIY gift for friends and family for the New Year, interior decoration.
Target: teach a wide audience of handicraft lovers how to make unusual New Year's souvenirs for friends and family.
Learn how to make crafts from waste material - CDs.
Develop creative initiative.
Foster interest in joint creative activities between children and adults.

Compact Disc is an optical storage medium in the form of a plastic disk with a hole in the center, the process of recording and reading information is carried out using a laser. Initially, a CD was created for storing audio recordings in digital form, but later it became widely used as a medium for storing any file data in binary form, not only with the ability to read the information recorded on them once, but also with the ability to write and rewrite it.
For true craftswomen, this object of scientific and technological progress has become a wonderful material for realizing various ideas and fantasies.
Crafts made from non-working CDs are a great option for recycling garbage that usually accumulates at home and is a shame to throw away. Such products can be a wonderful decoration for your apartment. For example, you can make a refrigerator magnet from an old disk. So we started preparing for the New Year and made gifts for friends - New Year's magnets for the refrigerator. (photo 1)
Materials for work:
- old CDs
- paper napkins with a New Year's pattern
- acrylic paints (can be replaced with gouache and primer)
- thin thick cardboard
- white landscape paper
- PVA glue
- glue “Crystal Master”
- flat self-adhesive magnet, you can use any other one
- sponge
- tassel
- scissors

Sequence of work
1. Prepare the back of the magnet.
Trace the disc on white landscape paper and cut out the piece from the paper.

2. Trace the end-to-end circle of the disk on thin, thick cardboard and cut it out. We will need it to make the surface of the disk even.

3. Use Crystal Master glue to glue the paper back to the disk.

4. Before the glue has dried, immediately insert a cardboard center blank into the middle of the disk.

5. Glue a magnet on the back side.

6. Paint the front part of the disk with acrylic paint, preferably in two layers. We chose white for the composition. If you don’t have acrylic paints, you can paint it with gouache, after first covering the disc with primer.

7. Apply paints of contrasting shades along the edge of the disk with a dry sponge.

8. When the workpiece is dry. We place a piece of paper napkin in the center of the disk and smooth it with gentle movements and at the same time glue it with PVA glue.

9. When the glue dries, apply a second layer of PVA glue. During the work, the idea came to decorate the magnet with crumbly glitter. Sprinkled them on glue.

10. We got this beauty in just 2 hours. We wish everyone New Year's inspiration.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the process of making cute Christmas magnets with your own hands.

To make New Year's magnets you will need:

Cotton threads (“Pechorka”, “Iris” or others) + hook No. 1;

Corrugated cardboard;

Double-sided tape, scissors;

Magnetic tape.

Christmas magnets step by step:

To lift, knit 3 chain stitches = 1 stitch, knit another 12 double crochet stitches into the ring (photo 2). Leave the white thread for a while, insert the hook into the last 2 loops of the 13th stitch and pull through the pink thread (photo 3). Knit 6 double crochets with pink thread, while “knitting” the pink and white tails of the thread inside, as in photo 4.

Close the circle with a connecting stitch (in the third chain stitch of the first white stitch) (photo 5). First pull the tail of the white thread, then the pink one, pull it as tightly as the connected element will allow, and then carefully cut off the tails (photo 6). Turn the knitting and knit 2 double crochets into each pink stitch of the previous row, 14 stitches in total, cut the pink thread, leaving a “tail” of about 1.5-2 cm (photo 7).

Continue knitting with white thread. Knit 3 lifting chain stitches (photo 8). Knit a puffy stitch into each stitch of the previous row (3 double crochets from one stitch with a common top). There is 1 air loop between the “lush” columns (photo 9). Finish the row with a connecting column in the 3rd air loop of the lifting column (photo 10).

Turn the knitting over. In each v.p. (air loop) between the lush columns of the previous row, knit a lush column (i.e. knit in relation to the previous row in a checkerboard pattern). Between the lush columns v.p. - “pico” - v.p. “Piko” - knit 3 ch. and return the connecting column to the first loop (photo 11). Direct the pink thread parallel to the row being knitted (photo 12).

Knit 14 single crochets, tying a pink thread inside (photo 13). Knit a hat for Santa Claus. Using blue thread, knit 14 single crochets along the front side, while knitting the blue tail of the thread and the white tail of the thread of the previous row (photo 14). Turn the knitting over, knit 12-10-8-6 stitches in the next rows, leaving the first and last stitches of the previous row unknitted in each row (photo 15).

In row 6, leave the first 2 stitches unknitted so that the hat begins to tilt slightly to one side. In the 7th row make 1 ch. rise, knit 3 single crochets, starting with 1 loop. In row 8, knit 2 single crochets, skipping the first. In the 9th row, knit 1 ch. rise and knit 1 single crochet into the first loop (photo 16).

Wind 5-7 skeins around your index and middle fingers, fold them into a figure eight, and tie them with red thread (photo 17). To avoid knots on the inside, pull the thread to the wrong side and the same thread to the “face”, tie a neat knot under the “mustache” (photo 18). Glue a magnet of a suitable size using hot melt glue or any other universal adhesive. Decorate the hat with a white bead, attach it to a blue thread, and sew on bead eyes. If instead of a magnet you want to make a toy for the Christmas tree, then instead of a magnet, attach a satin ribbon of a suitable shade.

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