What kind of cheese should I give my child? When can you give cheese to children? Is cheese healthy?

Like many other “goodies,” many parents want to quickly introduce hard cheese into their child’s diet. No one argues about the usefulness of such a product for adults. But you shouldn’t rush to introduce it to kids: experts don’t have a consensus on the timing of introducing hard cheese into baby food. Most of them believe that this product should not be given to babies until they are one year old.

Children under 4 years of age should be offered grated hard cheese in addition to other foods.

Cheese is a concentrated dairy product obtained by fermentation and subsequent pressing.

This is both a tasty and healthy product:

  1. It is the leader among dairy products in terms of content. If 100 g contains 125 mg of calcium, 100 ml of milk contains 120 mg, then 100 g of hard Russian cheese contains 1300 mg of this mineral, which is important for the child’s body.
  2. Other microelements include sodium, potassium, and in small quantities selenium.
  3. Cheese contains essential amino acids that do not enter the body with plant foods.
  4. The amount of milk fat depends on the type and fat content of the product. A high percentage of fat in cheese will cause digestive problems in children due to imperfect development of the digestive system.
  5. Solid varieties contain vitamins: beta-carotene, PP,. The absorption of iron ensures the presence of vitamin B 12 (cobalamin).

Is cheese good or bad for a child?

Hard cheese has many beneficial properties. What is important is the ability of the protein contained in it to be absorbed better than from cottage cheese or milk. Hard cheese can be a source of protein for children who do not want to consume meat and milk.

It is known that calcium is absorbed in the presence of phosphorus in the product, and in a ratio of 2:1. This condition is also ensured in cheese. Both microelements are important for the formation of the skeletal system.

But this valuable product also has disadvantages:

  1. Cheese is a fatty product that can put a significant burden on the digestive system.
  2. The significant content in cheese is also not harmless to the child’s body, so it should not be given to the baby uncontrollably.
  3. Like any dairy product, cheese can cause. There should be no rush to introduce this product to children with a tendency to allergies.

How and when to give hard cheese to babies?

Opinions on the timing of introducing hard cheese into baby food vary:

  • Some pediatricians and nutritionists believe that it is a difficult-to-digest product for a child’s immature digestive system. In their opinion, it is undesirable to give hard cheese to children under 3 years of age.
  • Proponents of early introduction suggest giving it to children after one year of age if the baby is able to chew solid foods. There are even proposals for the first samples of cheese in tiny amounts at 10 or 11 months.

Opinions also differ regarding the daily intake of the product:

  • Some advise giving only 5 g of cheese to children under 6 years old, and 15 g to schoolchildren, motivating their point of view with the high fat content.
  • Other experts believe that the initial portion for a child at 10-11 months should be 5 g, and after a year it can be increased to 20 g per day.

Each child needs an individual approach. It is better for mothers to consult with the pediatrician who is monitoring the child about the timing of introducing cheese into the baby’s menu, and about its amount in the daily diet.

If your baby doesn’t like the cheese, then you shouldn’t persistently offer him this product. You can try again at an older age.

  • Children under 4 years old can be given grated hard cheese along with other products: omelet, vegetable puree, porridge. In this case, the dish does not need to be salted - the salt contained in the cheese will be enough. The little gourmet should like the new taste of the dish.
  • Cheese is recommended for children under 3 years old only 2-3 times a week, so as not to create excessive stress on the digestive organs. It is better to give vegetables or noodles with grated cheese in the morning.

The fat content of cheese should be taken into account when choosing a diet for older children in the case of both (i.e., underweight and overweight).

Which cheese is better to choose?

There are many varieties of hard cheese. Some of them are undesirable for children to use, while others are completely contraindicated.

The assortment of hard cheeses in stores is quite rich. Not all of them can be consumed by children. Let's figure out which hard cheeses are suitable for children, and which ones are not recommended.

  • You should not buy cheese surrogates for children (another name for them is “cheese product”). Vegetable fats in their composition almost completely replace milk fat. These products are difficult to distinguish from cheese by taste. In addition to not being beneficial, they can have harmful effects on the digestive system.
  • Blue cheese is also not suitable for baby food: the mold spores and opportunistic listeria present in it (a bacterium that can cause disease under certain conditions) can cause digestive disorders or pathology of lymphoid tissue. Mold cheeses pose a risk of allergic reactions.
  • It is not advisable for children to consume smoked cheese or processed cheese for the simple reason that manufacturers in most cases use hard spoiled cheese or waste from its production with the addition of salt, flavorings, and flavorings as raw materials. For a smoked taste, liquid smoke is added - a very strong allergen. In addition, it is high in salt and high in fat. These varieties can only be given to school-age children.

You should also not buy too sharp and salty varieties of cheese for your child. It is necessary to carefully study the label indicating the composition of the product.

  • Too salty varieties are suluguni and feta cheese.
  • Cheeses with the indication “pickled cheese”, for example, Adygei, are also not suitable for small children. Their use may adversely affect kidney function.
  • Cheddar, Mozzarella, Ricotta have less salt - these varieties can be offered to children after 6 years.
  • It is advisable to choose cheese with a fat content of no higher than 30-35%. In the widespread varieties Edam, Gouda, and Cream, the fat content ranges from 42 to 70%, so it is not recommended to use them in the diet of children under 6 years of age.
  • Mild, unsalted Lithuanian cheeses, Poshekhonsky, and Dutch, are more suitable for children.
  • Preference when purchasing should be given to Parmesan cheese produced using special technology: elite cheese is least likely to contain cheap, low-quality chemical additives that are harmful to children. In addition, this variety is a leader in calcium content.

Special cheeses for baby food would also be an ideal option. They have low fat content, reduced salt and mineral content.

In addition, special lactose-free and low-fat cheese is produced for children. However, sometimes it is too salty. (In this case, it is recommended to soak it in water.)

The date of manufacture and the permissible period of use should not escape the attention of parents. The storage conditions of the product are also important: sliced ​​cheese has a shorter shelf life than a whole head.

Summary for parents

A healthy and tasty product, such as hard cheese, is best introduced into the diet of children aged 10-12 months, starting with a tiny amount (5 g). It is added to other dishes.

It is important to choose the right variety that is optimal in terms of fat and salt content for the baby. Cheese is a wonderful source of calcium and phosphorus, vitamins, and easily digestible protein.

The thinnest slices of cheese have an infinitely pleasant taste. This is one of the most interesting and useful products, which most people love throughout their lives. At what age can a baby be given cheese? Which varieties will be healthier for him? Today we will answer these and many, many other questions.

Is cheese healthy?

Weird question! Of course! How else can one explain such a variety of varieties - there are only several hundred of them. With noble blue mold and spices, soft and hard, crumbly or with many large holes. All of them are made on the basis of milk - with the addition of special enzymes, thanks to which the product matures. Cheese should definitely be in the diet of children, there are several reasons for this:

  • It contains more protein than meat; moreover, cheese protein is absorbed by 95% - almost all of it.
  • Even if your baby is allergic to milk protein, eating cheese will most likely not cause an allergic reaction. This is due to the fact that the cheese protein is broken down during the fermentation process.
  • Cheese is an excellent source of calcium; there is significantly more of it in the product than in milk - 8 times, and 10 times - than in fermented milk products, in particular in cottage cheese. Important! In terms of calcium content, processed cheese is inferior to hard cheese.
  • Hard cheese contains a significant amount of fat-soluble vitamins, including A, D and E, as well as many others - B vitamins and others.
  • Cheese contains amino acids that are strategically important for the baby’s health; of particular interest are: lysine, tryptophan, and methionine. They ensure the proper development of internal organs, promote the development of the baby’s muscles, and have a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  • In addition to vitamins and amino acids, cheese contains microelements, including calcium, which is so important for strengthening the skeletal system, phosphorus, which is necessary for brain development, as well as zinc and many other substances.
  • Cheese is the best way to restore strength. Therefore, it is especially useful to use it after physical exercise (we hope you are involved in sports and active games with your baby), as well as swimming, playing football and other activities that involve significant energy expenditure.

30–40 g of cheese is enough to satisfy a child’s daily need for vitamins and minerals. For this reason, it is recommended to be given regularly to patients with fractures or other injuries.

Precautionary measures

You are mistaken if you think that cheese is good for absolutely everyone. Some people have a complete intolerance to this product. You should also refrain from using it in some other cases:

  • for gastritis - regardless of acidity: high or low;
  • for kidney problems, including pyelonephritis (both acute and chronic);
  • with urolithiasis;
  • for heart problems or hypertension;
  • If you are overweight, cheese is a very high-calorie product; the energy value of 200 g of the product covers the daily calorie requirement.

Blue cheeses should be consumed with caution - they can cause an allergic reaction in children. We do not recommend including processed cheeses in the diet of children. Cause? The fact is that almost all products in this category are obtained by processing products lying on the shelf. There is practically no benefit from them.

First "tasting"

Pediatricians unanimously object to children eating cheese before they reach the age of 1 year. The reasoning for this is simple: almost all products are obtained by fermentation, so it creates an increased burden on the child’s digestive system. The optimal age for “acquaintance” with cheese is 1 year. An older baby has more digestive enzymes, so he can consume this product without risk to health. Administration scheme:

  • On the first day, offer your baby a tiny slice of cheese - weighing up to 2 g.
  • If the tasting went well, next time the portion can be increased to 4–5 g.
  • The maximum daily intake of cheese for a child aged 1–3 years is 5–10 g, for preschool children - up to 50 g.

In the first days of introducing a new product, carefully monitor all changes in the child’s health. Very often, an allergy does not manifest itself as a rash, but by the appearance of a cough, runny nose or other symptoms.

What cheeses are best to give to your baby?

At the age of 1–2 years, it is better to offer a child low-fat varieties of cheese without spices, with a mild taste, for example, “Maasdam” or “Russian”, as well as similar products. Do not buy smoked cheeses under any circumstances - due to their high fat and salt content, they can negatively affect the kidneys and liver.

Little children accept Poshekhonsky or Dutch cheese well, as well as other varieties with a fat content of up to 45–50%. You can make delicious desserts from Mozzarella, while Camembert is more suitable for children over 3 years old. Its use activates the digestive system. If your child has a calcium deficiency (manifested by brittle nails and poor hair condition), introduce Gouda or Emmental varieties into his diet. After one and a half years, children can be given pickled cheeses, including Adyghe or Suluguni.


Children are happy to eat cheese in its natural form, but sometimes you really want to please your baby with something tasty. We hope that the proposed recipes will help with this.

Cheese soufflé

Ingredients: milk sauce (1 teaspoon each of honey and butter, 0.5 tablespoon flour), 4 eggs, 70 g grated cheese, 25 g butter.

Preparation of milk sauce: heat a frying pan, pour honey and butter into it, when melted, add flour, cook until thickened (sour cream consistency). Cool the resulting mixture, add the yolks and cheese to it (leave a little), then mix thoroughly. Beat the whites separately, then carefully fold them into the cheese mixture. Then it must be placed in a mold, previously coated with butter, and sprinkled with the remaining cheese on top. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Serve warm.

Milk-based cheese pudding

Products: 0.25 milk, 50 g plums. butter, 125 g breadcrumbs (you can grate the dry bread), 125 g hard cheese, 3 eggs.

Preparation. Boil the milk, add crackers with grated cheese and butter, then stir, then cool to a temperature of 75-80 ° C, add the yolks. The final stage is the introduction of whipped whites into a stable foam and cooking in a water bath (40 minutes) in a form sprinkled with breadcrumbs (pre-grease). A wonderful option for an afternoon snack!

Cheese omelette

For 2 servings you will need: 2 eggs (if quail - 8), 100 ml of milk, 2 teaspoons of flour, 30 g of cheese - any of the hard varieties will do, a little vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Preparation. Wash the eggs thoroughly, break them into a bowl, add salt, add milk, and then beat until smooth (alternatively, you can do this by hand). At the very end, carefully add flour so that no lumps form. Second stage of preparation: grease the mold, pour the omelette mixture into it, and place in a preheated oven. Bake for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese, and then put back in the oven - 3-5 minutes is enough.


The cheese contains a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for strong bones, nails, hair and teeth. In addition, this product contains a lot of protein, which means it is a source of amino acids necessary for the beneficial functioning of the body. Nutritionists say that cheese contains more amino acids than meat, and it is absorbed much better. Vitamin A, which is contained in this product, has a beneficial effect on vision, and B vitamins improve metabolic processes and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

However, despite the benefits of cheese, the protein it contains puts a large burden on the baby’s kidneys, and fats and salts are poorly absorbed by the child’s body. Therefore, introduce this product into your child’s diet only from 11-12. By this age, the baby’s digestive tract is already stronger and capable of processing many products. This is due to the fact that the permeability of the intestinal mucosa decreases, and components that improve the digestion of such food begin to be produced.

Start giving cheese carefully - no more than 5 grams per day. Weekly intake should be no more than 25 grams. It is best to introduce hard cheeses into your diet. Cut it into thin slices and grate on a fine grater.

Choose cheese very responsibly; do not buy a cheap product, it may be of low quality, and therefore there is a risk of allergic reactions in your baby.

Give preference to low-fat, lightly salted cream cheeses without any additives or spices. Never give your child cheese with a moldy crust. This product is strictly contraindicated for small children.

Take great responsibility for your baby’s nutrition and then you will not encounter sudden allergic reactions or problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


  • cheese for baby

Cheese is healthy because it contains large amounts of calcium and protein. Calcium contributes to the proper formation of the child’s skeletal system, and protein is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. This product can be gradually introduced into the diet of a child over 1 year old. However, it is important to know which types of cheese are good for children and which are undesirable to consume.

What types of cheese can be given to children over 1 year old?

If you introduce cheese into your child’s diet, it is better to use hard varieties that are low-fat and mild, and do not contain additives, dyes or preservatives. For example, a baby can be given “Maasdam”, 17-20% “Oltermani”, “Russian”, “Poshekhonsky”.

But smoked and processed cheeses are not suitable for children, since they contain a large amount of salts and fats. Varieties with mold should also not be given to your baby, since if such products are consumed, there is a high probability of allergic reactions.

Different types of old cheeses, with mold - all this the child will be able to try when his digestive and enzymatic system is fully formed. He can eat such foods after about 12 years.

Homemade cheese for children

You can try making cheese for your baby yourself. By doing this, you will be sure that this product does not contain any dyes or preservatives.

Here is one of the simplest recipes. Take 1 kilogram of fresh homemade cottage cheese, break it into pieces and add 1 tablespoon of salt. Wrap the resulting mass in gauze and place it in a small container with a wide neck, since you will need to place a press on top of it.

If your choice is a small saucepan, find a lid with a smaller diameter, and place a large saucepan on top, filling it with water. After about 5 hours, drain the separated liquid and change the gauze in which the cottage cheese was placed. Then place it under a heavier press for one day.

When excess liquid comes out of the cheese, place the resulting mass in the refrigerator or cool place for about 2 weeks to ripen. That's all, delicious and healthy cheese is ready!

How much cheese per day can you give your child?

At 1-2 years old, a child can eat no more than 3-5 grams of cheese per day. By 3 years, this amount can be increased to 10 grams. It is best to give cheese to your baby in the first half of the day, since digestive enzymes are most active during this period.

If such a product is unusual or the baby does not like it, first the cheese can be added in grated form to purees, soups, and omelettes. A regular sandwich or toast with cheese can be given to a child after 3 years.

Is it possible to give cheese to a child with an allergy to cow's milk protein?

If you have lactase deficiency or an allergy to cow's milk protein, you should choose the least fatty varieties of cheese. The administration of this product to such children should only be done under the supervision of a physician.

Since casein (milk protein) is broken down during the cheese making process and becomes less allergenic, this product can also be administered to a child with food allergies. Lactose in hard varieties is also contained in minimal quantities, and therefore this product is not contraindicated in case of lactase deficiency.

Many parents diligently monitor their children's diet. Pediatricians advise feeding the baby correctly so that unforeseen health situations do not arise in the future. If your baby has grown, it’s time to gradually introduce complementary foods into his diet.

Product benefits

Is it possible to give cheese to babies? The product is rich in calcium and proteins; they are absorbed faster than the proteins contained in milk and cottage cheese. It contains vitamins A, PP, B; microelements – phosphorus, pantothenic acid.

The composition of the product confirms its value. It should be present in baby food, fully forming bones, hair, and teeth. Cheese has a beneficial effect on vision, improves metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and improves mood, thanks to the serotonin contained in it.

The smallest children, children under 6 months, should not be offered cheese as complementary foods. The protein contained in the product overloads the kidneys, and fats and salts are poorly accepted by the child’s body.

From what month can a baby be given cheese?

From 8 months, pediatricians recommend introducing cottage cheese into complementary foods. It's better if mom cooks it herself. You can add half a teaspoon of grated or mashed with a fork product to your baby’s porridge. With cheese, beneficial substances will enter the baby's body. This cheese is very similar to cottage cheese.

From the age of 9 months, a child can be introduced into complementary foods with cheese of a uniform consistency, without seasonings, and a little salty. Add it to food, a teaspoon, 2 times a week.

By 10-11 months of life, you can give your child soft curd cheese, industrially produced, in small quantities.

How to give cheese to a baby if he refuses?

The baby will like its delicate taste; its soft consistency makes it easy to mix it with porridge or add it to pureed natural vegetables.

At what age can a child fully try a tasty, healthy product?

At 1 year, the digestive system will stabilize, immunity will increase, the strength of the intestinal walls will increase, and the risk of allergic reactions to an unfamiliar cheese product will decrease.

Rules for feeding cheese

Cheese is not a main dish or a side dish for a child, it is a nutritious food supplement. It should be given in small portions, alternating with eggs, cottage cheese, and meat. As a source of fats and proteins, cheese can be included in the diet.

You need to start complementary feeding with 5 grams per day, by the age of two the portion increases to 30 grams. Cheese should be taken in the morning, before lunch, when digestive enzymes are most active. It is combined with other products: pasta, vegetables, bread, to balance the necessary carbohydrates, proteins, fats.

The method of serving the product depends on the age of the child. It is better for children three years old to add grated cheese to their food. Pediatricians do not recommend combining it with foods that contain proteins and fats, such as butter and meat. This will put additional stress on the digestive organs - the stomach, intestines, as well as the pancreas, kidneys, liver, leading to their failure.

From 4 years old, a child can be given cheese in slices. The baby’s body will receive useful substances, and by chewing a tasty product, the jaw muscles will be well strengthened.

Product selection

Not all varieties are suitable for little ones. What cheese is best to give to a baby? You should not buy cheap cheese for your child; you should approach the choice responsibly. An inexpensive product may be of poor quality and cause allergies in the baby. It is better to choose low-fat, lightly salted cream cheeses, without various additives.

The child's body accepts soft cheeses well. There is no need to offer children hard cheeses until they are one year old.

The healthiest thing for a baby is homemade cheese. Cooking technologies at home must be strictly followed. And the store sells high-quality cheeses; you need to learn how to choose them correctly. When the baby turns one year old, Russian cheese is ideal for him, and later let him try Mozzarella and Parmesan.

Fat content

When purchasing, parents must control the fat content; it should not exceed 45%. Cheese with low fat content is not recommended for children; in the absence of fat, the body does not absorb calcium.

From the age of one and a half years, pickled and fermented milk cheeses are added to the diet. Little gourmands will like Adygei, Suluguni, Georgian. They have less fat content than rennet products, but more salt.

Cheese is a high-calorie dairy product, but children are active - they jump, run, and play, especially on a sunny summer day. Calories burn quickly, there is no need to count them, a healthy baby does not have a tendency to become overweight. From the age of 3, children begin to be introduced to a new assortment, starting with Poshekhonsky or Dutch. To diversify the baby’s diet, it is necessary to introduce new varieties, excluding melted and smoked ones.

You should avoid feeding your child blue cheese; the additive often causes severe allergies. When can you treat your child to an unusual product? From the age of 6, the body will become stronger and the child will be able to try the delicacy.

Allergies in children

Cheese is a favorite and popular product for many. Convenient for daily use, does not require preparation. The product is rich in a large number of useful substances. It has many types, many get acquainted with new tastes.

Not everyone can enjoy eating a product that often causes allergies. Infants, their delicate bodies are exposed to substances that cause this disease.

In most cases, it appears on the components of a dairy product. Allergy appears in young children as an intolerance associated with the characteristics of the reaction to a certain product. An allergy to cheese occurs in an infant due to the body's inability.

Having a negative predisposition to certain components of classic cheese, the baby often accepts products produced from or derived from plants well. For example, Tofu cheese, familiar to many, is made from soy milk.

The younger the child, the less protected the vital systems are. The resulting reaction to the product is more pronounced in the baby and can take on a complex nature.

The child develops symptoms of the disease:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • dyspnea;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • dangerous intestinal disorders;
  • dehydration of the body, which in a short time leads to a sad outcome;
  • anaphylactic shock.

If you are allergic to this dairy product, it is better to avoid it. Checking your baby’s normal tolerance to the reaction to cheese will help you avoid serious consequences.

To find out if your baby has an allergy, do a small test. The baby should be given a small piece of the product. If small spots on the body and loose stools do not appear in the evening or morning, add cheese to your child’s food.

At the first symptoms of negative changes in the condition, the product causing the allergy should be excluded from the diet after observing the child’s behavior. A new attempt to include cheese in your baby’s diet should be repeated after a few weeks, after consulting with your pediatrician.

Children like cheese, they need to start complementary feeding correctly, on time, and monitor the baby’s health. A tasty product will help your child grow up strong and smart.

Cheese is a healthy product, and it can bring a lot of benefits to your baby. But it should be introduced into the diet in a timely manner, and not all varieties can be eaten by children. So how to choose cheese for complementary feeding and at how many months/years should you start giving it?

A variety of dairy products are slowly introduced into the diet of a child older than one year (starting from 12-years-old). And not only kefir, but also cottage cheese and cheese. “Milk” is needed to provide children’s diet with substances for growth and full development.

In addition, it is important for children to begin to develop taste habits in time, otherwise they will be capricious in food and refuse foods that are beneficial to health.

When mothers forget that children should be offered a little cheese per year, they give preference to the more familiar cottage cheese and yoghurt. And in vain, because a high-quality product contains many useful substances.

100 g contains an average of 23 g of proteins, which are easily absorbed by the child’s body. Vitamins: A, B2, C, B6, E, B12, D. Lots of calcium, potassium, phosphorus.

The composition of the product can be richer, it largely depends on the variety: fused, sausage, solid, semi-solid, curd etc.

Benefits of cheese for children's bodies:

  • contains a lot of calcium necessary for teeth, bones, hair, nails and skin;
  • rich in protein, which is easily digestible and is needed for tissue formation;
  • helps to gain weight;
  • quickly satisfies hunger;
  • energizes;
  • forms correct taste habits;
  • is a source of fatty acids that are beneficial for the skin, internal organs and brain;
  • has a beneficial effect on vision.

Thus, cheese must be included in the diet of babies starting from 12 months. There is no need to be afraid that this rather high-calorie product can cause harm. After all, children quickly use up energy.

Which varieties are suitable?

Of course, you shouldn’t skimp when buying cheese for your child. It is necessary to choose solid varieties with a low salt content without unnecessary additives: dyes, flavors.

Kids can be given hard cheeses similar to Maasdam: sweetish, tender, with large holes and a fat content of no more than 20%. Also pay attention to “Poshekhonsky”, “Russian”, “Oltermani” from trusted manufacturers.

Theoretically, you can treat your baby to curd cheeses. But most of these products displayed on store shelves contain flavorings and other additives that can cause allergies and other more serious health problems.

Smoked sausages and processed cheeses should absolutely not be given to children. Moreover, processed ones are prohibited, as well as those that have a creamy consistency, and cheese curds like “Friendship” in foil wrappers. They contain a lot of salts. Plus they are very fatty. Parents should also know that processed and sausage cheeses are made from production waste.

Fancy blue cheeses should not be offered to children under 7 years of age. They increase the risk of allergies and negative skin reactions.

It is advisable to give your child “Maasdam” as the first cheese - it has a pleasant sweetish taste, which kids usually like and is easy to chew. It is rarely counterfeited, and all production rules are followed in production, which serves as a guarantee of safety for the baby’s health.

Why not earlier than a year?

Sometimes parents love their children so much that they unwittingly harm them. A simple example: out of a desire to diversify the menu, a mother treats her beloved child with meat, cheeses or fruits. This is strictly forbidden.

The little man’s body is ready to accept cheese only once a year. It is then that the gastrointestinal tract begins to produce the necessary enzymes. Moreover, for some children this may happen a little later, for example: at 13 months or even at one and a half years. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce new foods into the diet strictly at a certain age. And the exact answer to the question: “When?” – the reaction of the child’s body will tell you.

How to give and how much?

A one-year-old baby can have either one slice per day, or one spoon of grated cheese mass. It is advisable to treat your child to cheese 2-3 times a week, not more often.

If you don't like the treat, try a different variety. Does the child refuse to eat anything? Don't force it.

At the age of 3 years, you can give your child about 10 g of cheese per day, including on buttered sandwiches. It is better in the morning, when the baby’s body is most ready to absorb proteins.

Take bread with butter and cheese with you on long walks - such a snack will only bring benefits.

Grated cheese can be added to your baby’s favorite dishes (broccoli, boiled potatoes, pasta, tomato soups), or to prepare puree soups.

Try to diversify the children's menu by offering them “adult”, beautifully presented dishes. After all, it is at this age that taste preferences and attitudes towards food are formed for all subsequent years.

How to choose?

There is no need to buy vacuum-packed cheeses for your child - they are usually unripe and do not have a very pleasant taste.

It’s also not worth saving: cheap products are either spoiled or of poor quality. All cheap cheeses contain additives that reduce the cost of production and threaten your baby with allergic reactions. And their taste leaves much to be desired. The baby will simply refuse to eat, and will even retain a dislike for all cheeses for the rest of his life.

It is better to buy from a familiar saleswoman at the market or in a good supermarket, where the cheese is cut from a large circle.

If you want to purchase a already packaged product, then carefully read the composition. The label should not indicate “cheese product.” This is a surrogate, and it will not bring any benefit, only harm.

Testing for reaction

It’s not enough to buy good, high-quality cheese for your child; you need to test it. To do this, on the day of complementary feeding, all other unfamiliar foods are excluded from the diet. In other words, the menu on this day should be as familiar as possible to the baby.

At lunch, the child should cut off a small (about 2x2 cm) piece of cheese. Better yet, grate it onto one spoon.

Give your baby a new treat and watch his reaction carefully. If you start spitting, stop feeding. But even if the product is received with a bang, do not give the supplement.

Observe your child during the day to see if there are any skin rashes, complaints of abdominal pain or other gastrointestinal disorders.

If everything went well, cheese can be given 3-4 times a week. For variety, you are allowed to alternate different varieties, without forgetting about quality.

But if the baby starts crying or his stool changes, it is necessary to temporarily stop introducing cheese into the diet. Perhaps the child’s body is not yet ready to digest this product.

Possible harm

Low-quality cheeses can negatively affect the baby's health. And lead to obesity, nausea, dermatitis, allergic reactions. They are also capable of causing such strong disgust in a child that it will last a lifetime.

In some cases, even high-quality, expensive cheese should not be given to children. Contraindications include cases when your child:

  • suffers from a bad reaction to fatty foods (nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea);
  • prone to gaining excess weight;
  • has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • I just don't like cheese.

As you can see, good cheese practically cannot harm a child. The main thing is not to force him to eat and make sure that the child does not eat too much.

Do you have allergies?

Most often, people are allergic not to cheese, but to one of its components (spices, herbs, flavorings). But the product itself can become an allergen if a child is intolerant to dairy components (in this case, cow’s milk protein).


  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • skin rashes;
  • nausea;
  • asthma attack;
  • skin itching;
  • increased body temperature;
  • blisters.

Attention! As a rule, allergic reactions in children are very severe, including severe shortness of breath and anaphylactic shock.

If you find similar symptoms, first of all you need to give the child a lot of water, it is advisable to rinse the stomach, inducing vomiting.

In case of severe suffocation, you should immediately call an ambulance and give an antihistamine.

Fortunately, cheese allergies are rare.

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