Pickup style date. What is a fast pickup? How can he surprise?

Pickup artist seduction templates

Pick-up artists have two main techniques for picking up girls.

The first - fast - is considered a special chic in the pick-up artist environment. This is a girl's scam for sex immediately after meeting, literally in a couple of hours.

An inexperienced girl can be deceived when a pick-up artist approaches her in a public place and behaves unusually, saying something different from other guys. Original? Not at all. He didn’t come up with it, but the founders of the pickup truck. To start dating, the pick-up artist memorizes many templates for different occasions. This is an “opener”, or “opener” - a template for starting an acquaintance, a template, and the pick-up artist, like a parrot, reproduces these words.

The second method is the so-called “three date”. At the same time, the main goal is to make the girl fall in love with you, and the motto is “not to consider her as something significant to you.”

The first day. On the street, in a club, in any public place, a guy comes up to you and voices some unusual phrase. Moreover, this may be complete nonsense. Or an ordinary phrase in which words are rearranged, like the speech of the Star Wars hero Master Yoda. Yoda said something like this: “The dark side of the force has taken over you, young Padawan.” And the pick-up artist can say: “Would you like to get out of the stuffy hall and get some fresh air?” This is one of the classic NLP techniques for putting the interlocutor into a state of trance: while the girl is trying to comprehend an unusual phrase, her consciousness is fixed only on this process. She doesn't perceive anything else - she's in a trance. And in this state, the pick-up artist has the opportunity to use his standard techniques: touching a girl (this is called “kinesthete”), forming conditioned reflexes (“anchoring”), reducing physical space to a minimum and, in general, allowing himself what a well-mannered man would never allows himself towards an unfamiliar girl. In other words, the pick-up artist meanly took advantage of the victim’s helpless state.

And when the victim comes out of the trance, she is already touched, anchored and pliable. Without wasting a second, the pick-up artist unleashes a stream of verbiage on her. He has tested all this more than once on other naive girls, learned it by heart long ago, and so he bursts into tears like a nightingale. And she, silly, thinks: “How interesting he is, how witty, how fun it is to be with him!”

But if his strange phrase doesn’t work, if the girl doesn’t want to make contact, or doesn’t fall into a trance, the pick-up artist uses a sneaky technique called “neghit” - these are taunts, insulting attacks, remarks in order to make the girl angry (“drive her off her feet”). her arrogance"). Sometimes other, long-established pick-up techniques are used.

The main goal of the first meeting is to get the girl’s phone number. Having written down the number, the pick-up artist leaves in English, without saying goodbye, leaving the confused girl in confusion: it seems that he was so actively seeking her phone number, she thought that the guy was courting her, but he disappeared. The girl hopes that her new acquaintance will call her the next day, but that’s not the case! Pick-up tactics have already been worked out, the web has been woven. The spider waits. He pauses for several days or even a week, during which time “the girl has matured.” And when he finally calls her, she is incredibly happy. According to the well-established “three-date” scenario, the pick-up artist, without further ado, urgently makes an appointment at a certain place and, without listening to the interlocutor, hangs up. The girl is already hooked, and, of course, she will come on a date.

On this date, the pickup artist will spread his peacock tail and appear almost like Prince Charming. Shamelessly using NLP techniques, he carries out the so-called “tuning”. In other words, he adapts to the girl in everything, creating in her the belief “It’s so good with him, it feels like we’ve known each other for a hundred years, we have so much in common.” She is already fascinated by her new acquaintance, she is convinced that she has found her Man, who “understands her literally perfectly” and with whom she is emotionally comfortable. In fact, the pick-up artist used the so-called rapport - he created the mood he needed in the girl. The pick-up artist’s task on the second date is to give the girl the impression that she has “found a soul mate.”

On the third date, the pick-up artist performs the so-called “roof-blow.” For example, he takes her to an unusual place - to a cemetery, to a dilapidated house in a vacant lot, to a subway tunnel - or creates an acute situation so that she experiences emotional shock. And strong emotions create the basis for falling in love. So the girl falls head over heels in love, especially if already on the second date she admitted to herself that she had met the Man of Her Dreams. Well, of course, a girl deeply in love is an easy prey.

You see that a “three date” takes a certain amount of time—a week or more. And give the impatient pick-up artist everything at once. Some have already become so lazy that they don’t bother with the classic “three-date”, using the most accelerated techniques to pick up girls.

When talking about “long-term” relationships, pick-up artists, as a rule, are disingenuous. Just as an old bachelor, defending his selfishness and inability to accept responsibilities for his family, invents fairy tales about the “ideal woman” whom he has been looking for all his adult life, so pick-up artists come up with all sorts of excuses. The leitmotif of their behavior: “Forging new relationships is much more interesting and easier than constantly patching up existing ones.” With this attitude, pick-up artists cross out the possibility of building long-term relationships. “Why bother?” - says the pick-up artist. - “There are many girls, but I am alone.”

Reply to pick-up artists

There are a lot of pick-up artists these days. The harmfulness of this category of males lies not only in the fact that they slept together and fled (albeit not immediately), but also in the fact that they cripple the tender souls of girls.

It would be nice if the pick-up artist “picked up” an adult woman - she, perhaps, wouldn’t mind. But they prefer “fresh meat”! And then the girls they abandoned suffer, acquire complexes, and self-esteem decreases. It is possible that the situation will repeat itself again - the naive girl will again fall for the pick-up artist’s tricks (not realizing that she has become a victim of the proven tactics of a sex consumer). And then she will decide that she is not able to give anything except sex - with all the ensuing consequences.

This is how a pick-up artist can ruin her life by walking through a girl’s tender soul.

Therefore, we girls need to keep our ears open, always remembering that thousands of pseudo-Don Juans hungry for one-time sex are prowling in places where potential victims gather. And, knowing this, develop defensive tactics.

Firstly, the girl must thoroughly study pick-up tricks. I wrote about this in detail in four previous articles.

Secondly, remember that a smart woman will always outwit even a smart man. And, accordingly, use an arsenal of feminine tricks to counteract the pickup.

I was 19 years old at the time, and my mother was treating a patient, let’s call her Natalya, who had fallen into the web of a seasoned pick-up artist. Igor is already well over thirty, but he still won’t calm down! He “picked” Natalia, fucked her, made her fall in love with him, and later shamelessly used her. He constantly borrowed money without paying it back (putting into practice one of the basic pick-up principles “Don’t spend more money on a woman than she spends on you”) and used her as a housekeeper. And he continued to pick up, “picking off” young girls and ignoring Natalya as a woman. Desperate, Natalya came to her mother and was treated for depression. When she regained her sight and recovered, she wanted to take revenge on the man on whom she had ruined three years of her life. Natalya asked me to help. “Let him fall in love with you, and you leave him,” Natalya admonished me. I am for women's solidarity, so I agreed.

It turned out that Igor is a multi-shot operator: he took pictures of girls wherever he could. I also used dating sites. I registered on this site under a fictitious name, but with my photo, and wrote to him. Igor responded immediately, made a date with me the same day and arrived in a brand new Mazda (by the way, bought with Natalya’s money - gigoloism is flourishing in pickup artistry). I admit, he impressed me at first! Then I still didn’t know anything about pickup and didn’t suspect that Igor was an experienced pickup artist. Igor tested all the techniques that I described in previous articles on me. It’s clear that my plans did not include sex with a man who was old enough to be my father, but his unusual behavior was intriguing. But at some point I intuitively sensed the falseness. Igor was too sweet-voiced a nightingale. According to him, as soon as he saw me, he fell recklessly in love, etc. and so on. But I knew Natalia’s story! We met a few more times, but the “three-date” method didn’t work. And Igor continued the attack, creatively using pick-up techniques. Realizing that you couldn’t take me at once, he changed tactics. Igor even neglected the principles of pick-up artist: he took me to restaurants, bowling, always came on dates with a bouquet, tried to give me gifts. I saw that he was really interested - this probably never happened in his pick-up practice. I don’t know, maybe I wouldn’t have resisted, but I remembered Natalya’s sad fate. In general, for Igor I turned out to be a tough nut to crack, which he could not crack. I disappeared from his field of vision the same way pickup artists usually disappear. For several months, Igor regularly called me (unanswered) and wrote tender SMS (also unanswered). Just as pick-up artists leave a girl after sex (one-time or multiple, it doesn’t matter) in bewilderment - why he left, because everything was so good - I did the same with Igor. Indeed, in his understanding, our relationship developed progressively. But he never managed to get me into bed, and in general he completely broke down.

So, how to protect yourself from a pick-up artist?

At the beginning of dating, a guy’s unusual “approaches” should alert you. The average young man does not shine with eloquence and does not amaze with his imagination when meeting a girl, because he is worried - what if they reject him or answer in such a way that it will be a blow to his pride?! There are, of course, among the male half both eloquent people and inventors with non-standard ways of dating who are not pick-up artists, but it will not harm your potential romance at all if, while listening to his speeches and mentally stating how interesting, funny, witty he is, you keep your ears open on top of the head. Remember that a normal guy (not a pick-up artist) will not go around groping a girl an hour after meeting her: after all, you might even get hit in the face! If a guy likes a girl and he seriously intends to hit on her, he will be careful not to make any sudden movements so as not to scare her away or destroy the relationship that has just begun. Keeping your distance (in all respects) will only strengthen your potential suitor's intentions to court you. After all, easy prey is not valued by men!

Never let a guy you just met touch you, no matter how plausible an excuse he may use to disguise his intention. Thus, you do not allow him to “kinestheticize” (kinesthetics - touch is one of the most effective techniques used in pickup) and “anchor” you (that is, form the conditioned reflexes he needs in you). Thus, you immediately deprive the pickup artist of his main weapon.

Don't give a stranger the opportunity to close the distance between you. It is known that to feel safe, a person needs a certain personal space. In ordinary cases, the boundaries of personal space are as follows: in front - a distance of a human height, in the back - two human heights, on the sides - a distance no less than the width of a palm. This has developed since ancient times, when a person was in danger from everywhere, and he had to be ready to either attack or run away. The enemy behind is more dangerous than the enemy in front, so the distance must be greater. But no one would allow the enemy to approach him so that he would be on the side. The person turned to face the dangerous object, trying to maintain a safe distance. If he allowed someone to approach him from the side, then this was no longer an enemy, but his own. That's why the lateral distance is so small. Only lovers completely ignore distance. They just need tactile contact - constant and as close as possible. Other people, being in friendly, friendly or close relationships, maintain their distance in ordinary life. Even spouses and lovers, holding hands or walking arm in arm, do not rub their bodies against each other, but keep a distance of at least the width of a palm. But you and this unfamiliar guy are not lovers, not spouses, and not a couple in love! Why on earth does he allow himself to deprive you of a safe distance?! If a young man does this, you should be wary and move away. And even more so, you shouldn’t let a guy grope you! Even if you met in a nightclub, being drunk, or dancing, still don’t forget that you shouldn’t let your new acquaintance get away with it! I'm not a prude at all. I am an NLP specialist, and pickup art is based specifically on NLP.

Some experienced pick-up artists use sophisticated, time-tested methods. For example, a young man comes up to you, hands you a candy in a beautiful wrapper or a flower and says with a smile: “This is for you, as the most beautiful girl in this neighborhood.” The further behavior of a girl who is not familiar with a pickup truck is quite predictable: she will smile, start a conversation, and so on. Or an unfamiliar guy with a wide smile tells you, as if you have known each other for a hundred years: “You look great, beauty, give me five!” and extends his hand. An inexperienced girl will most likely extend her hand too. So much for kinesthetics. And then the pickup truck will carry out a cavalry charge.

And even more so, you should be wary when a guy you barely know tells dirty jokes or stories with sexual overtones. No decent young man would allow himself to do this in the presence of a girl he barely knows—only pick-up artists use such banal techniques.

Remember that men love to talk about themselves. They don't really like women's chatter, but usually the man is forced to listen to it. But at the first opportunity he will turn the arrows on himself. And the pick-up artist will constantly turn the arrows on you, trying to find out as much as possible (he will use this information in the future).

If you very quickly get the impression that you and your new acquaintance are kindred spirits, remember that this is a classic pick-up technique called “adjustment.” In addition, the pickup artist says WHAT you WANT to hear. He already found out what exactly you want during the blitz survey.

If the guy who approached you seems cool in all respects (witty, cheerful, erudite, etc., etc.), this is also a reason to take a closer look at him. Yes, of course, there are naturally smart, witty guys, but they don’t need to “pick up” girls in nightclubs, on the street or anywhere. Such guys, as a rule, already have a girlfriend, and even if he is temporarily single, he will not look for a companion in a club or on the street.

The guy’s viciousness is almost 90 percent evidence that he is a pick-up artist. Of course, a poor young man who really does not have money for beautiful courtship can meet you. But if he is no longer a student, if he is decently dressed and at the same time is stingy even on little things, run away from him in any case - even if he is not a pick-up artist, there is little joy in contacting a stingy guy. By the way, from the point of view of psychology, a stingy person is stingy with his feelings.

And of course, you should defend yourself when a guy, just two or three hours after meeting you, offers to go somewhere with him, even if this place does not seem to cause concern, for example, to Red Square, to an exhibition, to the museum... Know: no matter where he invites you, you will still end up either in his apartment, or in his friend’s apartment, or in any other place where he will quickly do what he started all this for.

If a guy showed you at least a few of the above techniques, rest assured: this is a pickup artist. Keep in mind that your attempts to simply dismiss him will not work. He also has his own trick against this - neghit. With his jokes and sarcastic remarks bordering on rudeness, he can deprive you of your peace of mind and drive you crazy. This is exactly what he needs.

Use his own tactics against the pick-up artist. Let’s say that for some time you watched with curiosity his “jumps and grimaces” (in any case, this will be useful to you in the future, so that you can easily recognize pick-up artists later). And so he prances around you, and you pretend to fall for his tricks. And suddenly, at the most unexpected moment, with a sweet smile, say something like: “You were taught poorly at the pickup courses, you didn’t learn the main thing: the target should under no circumstances suspect anything”; “Boy, from the very first minutes I realized that you are a home-grown pick-up artist”; “I was interested in watching you, you are such a funny pick-up artist!”; "Russian model of effective seduction?"

In response to his boorish neghits, do not spare poison. Here are a few options for parrying pick-up jokes: “Be rude, boy! Did you use the neghits?”; “Are you not at your best today? Bummer after bummer? Poor thing!”; “Boy, you are not the best representative of the pick-up artist tribe”; “Pass by, there’s no free sex on today’s menu”; “Other pickup artists are cool, but why are you so angry? Are you tired of your complexes?”; “Don’t you know that a pick-up artist’s “best girl” is his own right hand?”; “And how many girls have you been rude to today to no avail?”; “Real men compliment ladies, but pick-up artists use neghits”; “It’s an age thing, baby! If you get married, it will pass! And so on, in the same spirit - you make it clear that you are familiar with pickup techniques.

The most important thing, girls: always remember that there are sexually hungry types roaming around who only want one thing from you (well, how can you not remember the instructions that Soviet-era mothers gave to their daughters?) and be fully prepared!

(Psychologist Maria Lobova)
(Andrey Kochergin)

I spent about a month on the forum, delving into what was going on, memorizing openers and recyclers. In general, I got acquainted with the topic, and somehow I didn’t quite believe that fast food and sex on the first date was a reality. Nevertheless, I continued to smoke the forum, and at the same time tried my hand at the field. I did approach after approach, at first it worked clumsily, of course, then it got better and better. And now, after a couple of months, I have something to talk about. One evening, my friend and I were walking in search of the OZhP, and we saw two 6-6.5 in front. They have a good view from behind, about 18-19 years old we overtake them, look - their faces are fine too, we make an approach. We open with banter over the dog (they were walking the dog, it was some strange breed - the kind that is carried in purses or on hands).

Then I introduce myself and a friend, then light chatter about who studies where and periodic banter over the dog. Girls have K+. The OJP, whom a friend liked, turned out to be married (HZ, didn’t notice the ring). After a couple of minutes we go into the courtyards, it’s time to take the phone. Throughout the entire acquaintance, a light movie with a K+ reaction. The married woman goes a couple of steps ahead, and the friend leaves under the pretext of calling.

Me and OZhP dialogue:

“It’s interesting to talk to you,” I say.

- Yes, you’re fine too. K+

- Let's meet sometime, go to a cafe, chat.

- Let's. K0

— How can I contact you?

- Is this the phone number you need to tell? K+

— Don’t say, but write (I hold out my phone).

Writes down. I:

- See you, bye.

I call a friend, we meet, we decide to go home. I get on the minibus, the bell rings. The OZhP, from whom I took the phone, calls and says that she forgot my name and asks for my name. I say the name. We say goodbye.

First date.

The next day at lunchtime she called. I don't pick it up

I call later (an hour later), he picks up the first time:

- Hi, how are you?

- Hello, everything is fine! (K+ - glad to hear)

- What are you doing?

— I’m preparing for lectures tomorrow. (She is studying at medical college to become a masseuse)

“How about we go for a walk tonight?”

- I don’t know, where should we go?

- It’s a secret, I’ll tell you when we meet. (I throw intrigue)

A short pause.

“I’ll be waiting for you there at eight, don’t be late.”

- Fine.

I arrive at the appointed time. A minute later I see her, I approach her, kiss her on the cheek - zero resistance, K+ reaction (the girl has a mini-nausea), I take her hand, we walk, we talk. Along the way, a light but constant movie, K+ reaction. After some time, I see that the girl is cold, I say: “Come to my work, I’ll make you excellent hot coffee” (the date is specially scheduled near work). OZhP reluctantly agrees and clarifies how far to go. We arrive, I turn on the music on the computer, and start making coffee. The girl is getting comfortable, looking at something on the computer. I bring coffee, we drink, we chat. Then I look a little tired. Sitting on a chair, I lean towards the table, as if lying on it, and say something like:

— I wouldn’t mind a massage right now...

K0 is silent. I continue:

- And you seem to be studying to be a masseuse, as far as I remember?

- Yes, but I’m still not good at it. (Freezing)

“That’s great, you can just practice on me.” (I sit closer)

She starts massaging my shoulders, and she clearly likes it K+. After a couple of minutes he says:

- No, it’s so inconvenient, clothes get in the way. (Meta: "take off your clothes")

Without hesitation, I take off my jacket, the girl again has a mini-nausea K+. Rocking chair + boxing make themselves felt. He continues the massage, I feel that he is getting excited. After a couple of minutes I turn to her, suck her in, there is zero resistance.

Further petting, until the girl is excited to the limit, then I whisper in her ear: “Come to me,” I hand her outerwear, the OZH becomes embarrassed, remains silent, and gets dressed. I call a taxi on the way and stop at the store for fruit. We come to me, take off our outerwear, and show my home. Then, while the OzhP is getting used to it, I turn on some pleasant music, light candles, put fruit on the table, and the atmosphere is ready. Then another couple of minutes of communication, then a hickey, petting. I excite her, undress her, and at the same time tell her how beautiful she is, the resistance is only for show. And the process reaches the point of putting on the condom, and then the girl has a stupor, a frost and a check at the same time. I don’t remember what this thing is called, in general, it’s a final check of the CBD before sex.

OZHP issues:

- Will this be friendly sex or what? K- (Meta: show that she’s not a bitch, probably + show that a permanent relationship is needed, not sex for once). I understand that we need to dispose of it with all our might!!! I say: “Friends don’t behave like that” and get sucked in (the first thing that came to mind, but it worked).

Pick-up artists differ from the Don Juans of previous times in their systematic approach and special cynicism regarding the object of seduction. For them, a girl is a female person. Rated on a ten-point scale of sexual attractiveness and is not considered as a person.

The pickup epidemic (from the English pick-up “to catch”) will spread especially quickly among young fragile minds. It is they, the newly minted machos, who do not allow us passage in supermarkets, pester us on the streets with stupid questions, and beg for a telephone number in nightclubs and restaurants. In their pick-up language, this is called “going out into the field.” For example, a task: collect at least five phones in an evening, or achieve sex on the first date... Don’t be surprised if later on the Internet at pickup.ru or lover.ru you find a photo of yourself with a detailed story (heavily embellished) about your recent adventure with a temperamental a stranger.

Classics in a pick-up style

Pick-up artists are taught two main “pick-up models”. By using these basic scenarios, you will easily recognize a seduction high school graduate.

The classic pickup truck is a “three date”, the so-called ru.pickup classic style. The scheme is something like this: a guy comes up to you, for example, in a club and says something unusual, in no case “can I meet you?” You smile and a conversation begins. In the process, he often kinesthetically (touches you), or uses neghits (tricks), or other techniques according to the circumstances, his main target for a given evening is your phone. After writing down the number, it disappears, leaving you confused. Under no circumstances will he call right away; he will wait five days for you to suffer. Then he calls and makes an appointment (himself, not asking you), on this date his task is to demonstrate to you that he is “not like everyone else,” i.e. it breaks your pattern of communicating with men and creates rapport, you are left with the feeling that you have met a “soul mate”. On the third date, he takes you to some unusual place, where the joint adventures literally blow your mind, this is called “roof blowing”. One pickup artist, for example, buried a box of champagne and glasses in Tsaritsyn Park in advance, and he and his girlfriend “found a treasure.” According to the scenario, the roof blower should be the final blow to your defense system, and you should rush into the arms of the pick-up artist. The final.

A special pick-up chic is “fast”. Sex immediately after meeting. Here you need to use various techniques to “fool” the girl’s head (often already drunk, since the usual place for fast food is a nightclub). Kinesthetics, metaphors (“fairy tales for adults”), neghits are actively used... In this case, the pick-up artist can be especially persistent and even rude. Sensing your weakness, he will almost forcefully drag you “to a secluded corner”, because... You can come to your senses and run away at any moment. The finale, i.e. sex takes place either in the same club in the toilet (or other secluded place), or in an apartment (his, yours, or rented specifically for such purposes).

We are not afraid of the gray wolf

You can recognize a pick-up artist both by typical techniques and by putting him in test situations. A match of three or more points is an almost complete guarantee that you have met a representative of this breed.

His techniques:

  • The acquaintance began in an unconventional way. The young man addressed you with unusual words, or there is a suspicion that the situation was set up by him.
  • From the very beginning of communication, he constantly touches you: sometimes he offers to tell your fortune, sometimes he supports you, sometimes he hugs you, sometimes he straightens your hair.
  • After meeting, he picked up the phone and immediately left, then called a week later and made an appointment without further ado.
  • Very quickly and for no apparent reason, you get the feeling that you have known each other for many years and have a lot in common. You are imbued with trust, and you don’t know why.
  • His phone contains many women's numbers by first name, not by last name.
  • You were invited on a date to a very unusual place and had a blast.
  • On the third date, the young man very persistently pushes you towards “spontaneous sex” and simulates a situation of “accident”.

Your tests:

  • Do not go where your new friend invites you, insist on your own meeting place. The average guy won't care, but the pickup artist will resist.
  • Ask to buy something for you. Not paying for a lady is the main law of a pickup truck, so the pickup artist will try in every possible way to avoid “payback”. The guy here is offered two options: first, hyperbole - buy everything in disproportionately larger quantities than necessary. Coffee - a pot, ice cream - a bucket, Coca-Cola - 2 liters, etc. The lady is expected to “get behind.” Ask such a person for a “brown ring” ;-) The second option is frankness:
    - Buy me a cocktail!
    - Ok, will we have sex?
    Say “it will be,” and then look at how the situation develops.
  • Actively ask him: where he studied, what he does, what successes he achieved... It is known that men like to brag, especially if they have something to show off. But the pick-up artist will not like this direction of the conversation; he is more interested in learning about you, and then using this information. Most likely, he will act mysterious and try to shift the conversation to your biography.
  • Try to use pick-up artist terms in his presence, preferably with mistakes; if he starts to correct them, he’s caught!
  • A pickup truck teaches you to be “cultured,” so if you notice that a guy is “clever,” quoting writers and philosophers appropriately and inappropriately, or reading poetry, there is reason to be wary. Especially if it is clearly noticeable from his speech that he “didn’t graduate from universities” and didn’t read books as a child: poor vocabulary, speaks with errors, repeats himself, uh-kay, uh-kay... and suddenly on you:
    “...Foolish heart, don’t beat!
    We are all deceived by happiness..."

    Definitely a pick-up artist. I learned one and a half poems to charm the ladies.

Pick-up artist's dictionary

Beachshield(Bitch Shield) – a girl’s defensive reaction, aggressive opposition to a pickup truck. Neutralized by neghits (see below).

Delusion generator (BG)- the ability to talk about anything as much as you want and with anyone, used as filling pauses in a conversation when in fact there is nothing to say.

Needle– psychotechnics of emotional attachment of a partner. You need to cause the girl mental pain, and then “regret”.

Calibration- assessing the girl’s reaction to certain actions. Hugged a girl - wow! she smiled, so we put “K+”, she touched her butt - she pushed her away, we put “K-”.

Kinesthetics- physical touch. Popularly called "palpating".

Metaphor– a beautiful story told with intention. “...and then the prince kissed the sleeping beauty...” says the pick-up artist and throws the OzhP onto the sofa.

Neghit- a mild form of insult to reduce the self-esteem of the Ozhp. “You have a hole in your tights.”

Ozhp- a female person.

Opener, template- a preparation for starting acquaintance. There should be a lot of templates, for different occasions, this is taught in trainings.

Rapport- technique for creating the illusion of mutual intimacy. First there is “adjustment” (gestures, postures, words are repeated after you), and then “leading” begins, in the right direction. A classic technique of hypnosis, often used by scammers.

Kryshesnos- unusual situations that lead to the fact that the girl experiences a pleasant shock and is ready to rush into the guy’s arms.

Fast Seduction- quick seduction. Sex immediately after meeting.

Many have had a situation when you are sitting, stupidly glued to the TV or listening to music, surfing the social network, mindlessly scrolling through the news feed, and suddenly the desire for wild passionate sex with a girl comes. Moreover, not with an ordinary appearance, but beautiful, with large breasts, long legs, and a pretty face. Most people in such situations simply go looking for porn, but not everyone is happy with this. There is a cooler scenario when you just take it and go in search of a girl who is ready to give herself to you on the same day. This is the essence of a fast pickup truck.

This article is intended for those who prefer a pick-up date to porn secretly from the family, locked in the toilet.

It's worth working on your face. On the streets I see the expression on most guys: “Well, give it to me as soon as possible, I want it, I want it, I want it, will you give it to me?” This evokes only one emotion – sympathy. The meta-message conveyed by the face should be something like, “I’m a nice guy, I have a lot of cool features, and unless you deserve sex, I won’t even unzip my fly for you.” When you make a face like that, girls pay attention to you. You don’t even have to come up and introduce yourself.

A quick pickup means being dispersed among a large number of girls. There is no need to concentrate exclusively on one and spend the whole day trying to get it to bed. The goal is to have sex with a beautiful busty girl, and not on some person personally. In large cities, deciding on a place for fast rentals is quite simple. This could be a modeling agency, or any club, bar or even shopping centers. You can spend 5 hours on one person or shoot two within half an hour, whose beauty will easily outshine the first.

Beliefs for pickup fast

Cockroaches in a girl’s head are solely the problems of the girl herself. When trying to seduce that young lady dressed in a miniskirt and long legs, first of all you need to break her foundations, and then create new ones. However, with fast seduction, the goal is completely different. If a girl is not going to act, you should abandon her and switch to another.

Many people make the mistake of trying to teach a girl about life. Tell her about good and bad things. Quite often I noticed this while sitting in a cafe or bar. Ladies don't need this. Let the girl's beliefs remain with her. It takes a long time to change a person's mind about something. In fast rent conditions it simply isn’t available. Your goal is as quickly as possible, and not to change the girl’s foundations and beliefs.

When trying to break the opinion that all guys are assholes, the girl’s opinion will change gradually. Starting from “Fuck them all, these goats,” a lot of time will pass to “He turns out to be not a goat, can I give it to him? What if he thinks I’m slutty?” With the standard scheme, everything is quite simple; in 3 meetings you can form any opinion. However, eating fast food greatly limits it.

There is no need to focus on the place of her study, try to remember other facts from her daily life. After sex, if you personally wish, you will always have time to ask about this. What then to ask and dialogue about? It is better to start a conversation about the surrounding environment; you need to avoid any banal topics. An important aspect is to call a person by name as often as possible, this will win the girl over. This is no less important than putting on protection before sex.

How to get a girl in the mood for sex?

For this purpose, you must adhere to a number of rules.
  1. Constantly maintain her emotional arousal. There is no need to let her think about certain actions. For this, the girl has a home, work, study and any other things. However, with you, she should forget about everything and get away from it all as much as possible. Emotions allow you to experience new emotions. This is a time-tested rule. Why is it possible or on the very first day of acquaintance - because this is a person with emotions and feelings. Those who deny the possibility of this do not know how to properly communicate with people and influence them emotionally. Unless such a guy will have sex out of pity. The emotions of the interlocutor must be controlled. It is necessary that they be as intense as possible. The transferred emotions allow you to win the girl over in a short period of time. However, you should avoid topics that could negatively affect your desire to be in bed with her that night.
  2. Also, there is no need to create checks on the girl’s part. Any variation can be avoided even before the dialogue on this topic begins. An adequate person will always have doubts whether it is right to leave with a guy on the day they meet, because she is a decent and well-mannered person. In any case, checks cannot be avoided, but you should not provoke them.
  3. You can try to fuck the girl, but expect a test of adequacy in response. The need for such a measure is individual and depends on the situation. It is more difficult to pass the test during fast removal compared to the standard scheme. There are five types of checks in total. You need to show the girl that there is no point in checking you at all and that you can open up completely.
If you have any doubts about one of the points, you need to confirm your status, but this should be done before the check. During a fast rental, most people respond with the same type of phrases, like: “I don’t think it’s normal to have sex on the first date,” here you need to act according to the standard scheme.

It is necessary to be able to flexibly avoid inspection. In the process of getting to know each other, they are all hackneyed and arise with a light touch, with a kiss or a trip to your home. These are classic situations. If, before entering the apartment, a girl suddenly decides to remember her modesty, you should get ahead of this statement and say that you usually don’t invite a girl home on the day you meet and don’t know why you so want to spend time with her together. When a girl remembers her principles before sex, you need to let her know that you will not take off her panties until she wants it more than you. Usually after 20 - 30 minutes the girl openly hints that the principles have gone to hell and you can safely forget about it.

Situations can be very different, here everything is decided by practice. An important point is the ideology of pick-up artistry itself. There is no need to convince the girl that you will spend the rest of your life with her, build a house, raise children. Female representatives all understand perfectly well that this is clearly not why the guy is dragging them to him. All questions about long-term relationships are pure formalities, so that their conscience is calm.

If a girl hopes for a permanent relationship after such an evening, this is inadequate on her part. Both understood what they were getting into and how it would all end. When a person behaves and thinks inappropriately, is it necessary to think about her feelings? No one has any duties to another.

If a girl does not have a desire, she will never go to bed. However, it is necessary to create a beautiful seduction, to create a pleasant atmosphere that the girl will remember for a long time. One of the important aspects is to let the girl know that she needs to enjoy the present moment and not regret the past. When something like this becomes a routine, the value of the moments is gradually lost.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

How to recognize a pick-up artist? Popular seduction techniques

Pickup is a fashionable technique that is popular with many guys who like to “collect” girls or, more simply put, are looking for frivolous, fleeting relationships. The girl’s feelings do not matter to the pick-up artist; his main goal is to achieve his goal and then go in search of a new “victim”. In order not to get caught in the network of such an alpha male, it would be useful for any girl to know how to recognize a pick-up artist and what the behavioral characteristics of such young people are.

The pick-up artist usually appears to the girl in the image of such a prince that she begins to think: “Well, finally I met HIM, my only one.” But in exceptional cases, they can, on the contrary, break stereotypes in order to confuse the girl and confuse her. The pick-up artist usually spends 3-4 dates on one “victim,” no more, and then, having achieved his goal and dragged her into bed, he disappears forever. They win the chosen one in stages, step by step striking her feelings and thoughts.

First date

On the first date, the pick-up artist usually tries to find out as much as possible about the girl. He asks about her hobbies, family, work, thereby finding the most important points of contact. He listens attentively, allowing the girl to speak, while talking almost nothing about himself, or only in general terms. When the girl tries to find out more about him and starts asking questions, the pick-up artist cleverly avoids the conversation and takes the topic in a different direction.

At the first meeting, the pick-up artist’s main task is to find out the girl’s contacts, in particular, her phone number. And then his game enters the second stage.

The second stage of the pick-up “game”

As a rule, after receiving the girl’s contacts, the pickup guy suddenly and unexpectedly disappears for a while. He does not call or write, thereby confusing the girl. "How so? Such a courteous, gallant and interesting young man, he liked me so much, and suddenly he disappeared” - these are approximately the thoughts that come to the confused beauty.

After waiting a pause, the young man appears and invites you for a second date. Now his goal is to finally conquer his chosen one and launch a counterattack.

What techniques do pick-up artists use?

1. They like to throw out clever phrases or quotes from books. Usually a pickup artist is an encyclopedist who at first glance seems to know a lot, but in fact, if you dig deeper, this knowledge is superficial. At pickup courses, young people are often given advice on what books are worth reading, a list of fashionable authors, directors, and what quotes should be memorized in order to skillfully use them in a conversation with a girl. That is, he knows popular quotes from works, but he has never read these books himself and has a very vague concept of their authors.

2. The “roof blower” technique. The guy is trying to make the girl literally “blow her mind,” as they put it. His task is to evoke vivid emotions in her. To do this, a pickup guy can take a girl to an unusual place, or somehow scare her. Can set up a non-dangerous but frightening emergency situation on the road, etc. Some play out an attack situation in which they find themselves a brave savior and defender. The girl experiences some intense emotions and at this moment becomes attached to the young man on a subconscious level.

3. “Needle” technique. One of the varieties of “roof blower”. This is a fairly brutal technique that works surprisingly well in many cases. The pick-up artist causes the girl severe emotional pain, and then he calms her down and takes pity on her. He can insult her, or speak sharply about something that worries her very much, and then immediately apologize and begin to calm her down, feel sorry for her, talk about how bad he is and how wrong he was, how he admits his mistake.

4. Plays with ego. There is also a technique by which you can recognize a pickup artist. For example, a guy approaches a girl and tells her that she has problems with her appearance and even kindly points out what they are. And after that he suddenly gives an ardent compliment, sometimes flavored with a light innocent touch. After this, the girl is completely confused and already interested.

When should you be wary?

If a young man is overly assertive, hasty and during a conversation somehow takes the topic into an intimate direction, then this is the first bell. The look of a pickup artist is usually appraising, passionate, even a little arrogant. For him, you are just a target, another trophy with which he wants to add to his collection.

He talks little about himself; he listens about you with interest, although this interest is only visible. However, as soon as you offer him an acquaintance with your parents or older brother, he will immediately become nervous and will certainly refuse. A pickup artist generally loses his temper easily if something doesn’t go according to plan and he sees that his lie has been figured out. Speech becomes fast, hasty, nervous, and he can even become rude. Such people do not accept refusals and prefer to fight to the last.

By the way, about refusals... if a pick-up artist sees that a girl does not “buy” into his tricks and refuses to give her coordinates, then he can say some nasty things, trying to humiliate and lower the girl, so to speak, throw her off the pedestal and show, “ who she really is." Something along the lines of: “Did you seriously think that I wanted to meet you? Yes, I just felt sorry for you, probably, it’s rare for someone to approach you with such and such a figure and crooked legs...” You shouldn’t react seriously to such “jokes” of a pickup artist. Know that you seriously hurt his pride.

These guys don't like to spend money on a girl. Most likely, you won’t get bouquets or trips to restaurants from him, and forget about gifts. The most a pickup artist can spend on is a cafe. Such a man does not consider it necessary to spend money on a girl with whom he only wants to spend the night.

Being able to recognize a pick-up artist and distinguish him from the bulk of guys is especially useful for girls who like to relax in clubs and other entertainment places. Special “gourmets” love to hunt outdoors, in parks and squares. In any case, if you encounter such an instance, then rest assured that you will not be able to have a serious relationship with him.

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