Tattoo in blackwork style. Tattoos in blackwork style, photos of tattoos and sketches Clock tattoo on shoulder in blackwork style

If you are a supporter of simplicity and at the same time originality of tattoos, pay attention to the Blackwork style. On the one hand, it resembles a tribal tattoo, ornamental or dotwork, and, on the other hand, it is very recognizable for its special coloring and style features. Even its name itself speaks of the predominance of black or its halftones in the tattoo.

History of the blackwork tattoo style

The history of these tattoos goes back to ancient centuries, when the Pacific Islanders-Polynesians painted drawings on their bodies telling about their occupation, the size of the tribe, goals, and the like. Getting a tattoo turned into a real ritual with the participation of the priests of the tribe.

Blackwork was brought to the European and American continents by sailors who appreciated the beauty of Aboriginal tattoos and adopted this fashion. Even at that time it was spreading quite quickly, so tattoos in the Blackwork style quickly won their adherents.

This style received another wave of popularity in the 80s of the last century, when tattoos, including Blackwork, again entered mass fashion. As expected, they got a new start in the USA.

Features and differences of Blackwork tattoos

In the classic version, tattoos in the Blackwork style are distinguished by the symmetry and correctness of the geometric shapes of the figures and patterns. One can also note their external restraint and even asceticism. The color scheme of tattoos is straightforward black and white. The drawing consists of geometric shapes, ornaments and completely painted areas of the body. Moreover, as a rule, the painted fragments are quite large.

One of the features of this type of tattoo is that it often solves the problem of covering up a previous tattoo, which was either poorly done or has become irrelevant for its owner. Also, Blackwork is an ideal tattoo for those who want to disguise some kind of scar or skin defect.

This type of tattoo can be placed on any part of the body: on the arm, leg, neck or torso. It all depends on the pattern you choose. If you have your own idea, you can offer it to the master; almost any drawing can be processed in the Blackwork style. By the way, it doesn’t always look rough; using shadows and gray undertones you can get subtle and even elegant work.

The meaning of a blackwork tattoo

The meaning of tattoos is also quite straightforward, there are no hidden meanings, everything is very technical. The main thing that a Blackwork tattoo conveys is its shape and color content. In the process of choosing a design you like, the master can offer you not only abstract geometric images, but also subject paintings, for example, white stars on a black sky, plants, skulls, insects or even entire landscapes.

By the way, among ornamental tattoos, Blackwork is one of the most expensive. This is due to the enormous amount of work involved in painting large areas, and during the tattooing process it is necessary to maintain uniform color saturation.

It should be noted that Blackwork is very difficult, even almost impossible, to reduce, cover or correct, so carefully choose both the design and the artist who will do the tattoo.

Blackwork is one of the most popular styles for tattoos. The name itself means that the sketch contains large spots of black (tone or halftone) and the remaining colors are reduced to zero. Sometimes there are inclusions of red or white elements. Such tattoos are not gender specific and are ideal for both men and women. Sometimes it’s just a beautiful image, and sometimes it’s a whole story on the body, a comic book, a secret sign for its owner.

The Internet is replete with photos of works by different artists in this style. On many websites dedicated to tattoos, you will find entire sections with works in the blackwork style. To apply the design, choose a variety of places: on the arm, leg, neck. It all depends on the sketch you choose and your desire.

Blackwork tattoos are often used to cover skin defects. This is one of the most convenient designs for redoing “old” tattoos and covering scars. Thanks to the large dark areas in the work and the graphic nature of the lines, such a sketch will best hide scars.

Virtually any design can be stylized and processed in this style. If the drawing is not very complex, you can do it yourself. For more complex and creative types of work, it is better to make a sketch to order.

Tattoo is a new way of self-expression. This is the art of our time, the response of the era. Why don't you try to plunge into this bright world of body drawing and painting. Blackwork is not necessarily a crude, stylized sketch. It may well have volume and shadow parties. Often they are solved not with the help of shadows, but with the help of dot work. For an accurate representation, of course, it is better to view photos of the works.

The complexity and price of the work can be completely different. It all depends on the subtlety of the work and the amount of material used. Blackwork can easily be considered one of the most popular styles. It can easily combine animalistic drawings, inscriptions, and even. A classic example of such work is the black square. Many people now simply paint themselves geometric shapes filled with black paint.

Some classic blackwork designs echo the Polynesian style. They are similar due to their themes and technique. Such work takes quite a lot of time due to its complex geometric structure. Therefore, immediately calculate the time so as not to rush the master. There are many specialists who concentrate their work in this area. Just search the Internet and you will find many similar ones.

Blackwork translated from English means “dirty work.” Tattoos made in this style fully correspond to their name.

The work is done in rich black, painting mainly large areas of the body. The basis for this style was the ritual tattoos of Buddhists, since they were also done in black colors. This direction completely excludes other shades that are possible in this art, revealing to us all the mystery and mysticism of darkness.

If you are a lover of black color and respect large tattoos, you will like the blackwork style. Of course, the sketches can be different; you can depict anything in this style.

Men love designs in the form of clear geometric shapes, which give a special brutality and effectiveness. The blackwork forest tattoo is considered popular - it is an image of a mysterious black forest on white skin. If desired, other details can be added to the drawing, for example, birds flying over the treetops. The picture fascinates with its mystery and gloom. You don’t want to hide such work under layers of clothing, so it is depicted on the sleeve.

The strength of this trend is the rejection of fashion trends. Even if the whole world decorates their bodies with colorful paints, blackwork tattoos do not lose their relevance and are considered true classics that are unable to disappear or become obsolete.

Often, unsuccessful tattoos, the so-called “portaki”, are painted over with blackwork. Any imperfection in the skin or portac will be hidden under a layer of black pigment. But you should understand that this style permanently pigments the skin, so it will most likely be impossible to remove a blackwork tattoo.

As a rule, tattoo lovers are divided into two camps and distinguish for themselves, respectively, two types of tattoos: colored or black and gray tattoo. The very roots of the tattoo (in the ethnic sense) are saturated mainly with black ink. Actively developing in a traditional environment over many centuries, they have grown into something more than just a tribal tattoo. Currently tribal tattoos became widely known as the Blackwork tattoo style or the Neo-tribal tattoo, which are becoming increasingly popular today. Well friends, welcome to the monochrome kingdom...

Some may mistake blackwork tattoos for extremeness or a lack of aesthetic taste, but the choice of true blackwork connoisseurs deserves great respect for their courage! Blackwork shows Dotwork tattoo And Linework tattoo its impressive dimensions are more than completely filled with black paint; its complex geometric and symmetrical patterns inherited from Polynesian tattoos, as well as unsurpassed graphic art. Blackwork is designed for design, mainly ornamentalism, not on meaning or realism. From minimalist to extremely complex, blackwork tattoos are varied. However, you can always add white ink to soften the black outline. Blackwork is also great for covering up old tattoos. There is a huge amount of good famous tattoo artists there are even specialized tattoo parlors in this style, so take the time to find a reputable artist if you want to get into black...

Well, does anyone have a desire to paint themselves black?:D Let's now explore in more detail the possibilities of blackwork on this selection of black ones tattoos covering the body from 1% to 90%...

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