Fairy tale therapy (selection of books). How to turn your life into a fairy tale? (about the method of fairy tale therapy for adults) Therapeutic fairy tales for adults

All people want to know about one thing - why we live. What is the meaning of a particular person’s life?

According to many, the Meaning of Life, like the bright Sun, should illuminate the path of life, illuminating it ahead. Happiness and harmony can then finally fill those walking along this path, and the knowledge that life is lived with meaning and not in vain will protect a person from doubts and negative experiences. It's so tempting! But you only need one thing - to find this Sun-meaning!

And the man goes on a search. Some people look for information on this issue from the older generation, some in textbooks at various universities, some in smart books, and some in personal growth trainings. Attempts to grab and hold at least a ray from the solar star that beckons the imagination turn into a person’s endless race for knowledge, but do not fill them with harmony and happiness. An overabundance of information does not cause pleasure, but toxicosis. Instead of joyful fulfillment, a person falls into despondency and melancholy.

Why is this so? After all, everyone sincerely wants to see the Sun! And he does everything possible for this.

Maybe this is because

Some people look at their feet all the time, afraid to stumble all their life. And he doesn’t see the Sun.

Someone, looking ahead, runs all the time, afraid all his life of not being able to make it in time. And he doesn’t see the Sun.

Someone stands still all the time and looks up intently. Blinded, he does not see the Sun...

And maybe for other reasons...

Will each of them ever find their Sun? And what is needed for this? Let's wait and find out...

But they say that there was once a story like this:

“Recently or long ago, there lived one person. His head was always lowered, his shoulders were hunched, his gaze was doomedly directed downwards. He never raised his head up, since he had neither the desire nor the need to do so. Nothing in life brought him joy. Everything for him was gray and tasteless. This made him very sad. He was offended by everyone for this and showed everyone with his suffering appearance how bad his life was in this world.

Because of his constant complaints and tears, people wanted to communicate with him less and less. But he managed to blame them even for this. And finally, he had no one left to whom he could complain about his bitter fate and the injustice around him.

He was left completely alone. The loneliness made him feel even worse and he began to cry. First he cried into a puddle, then into a lake, and then into a whole sea of ​​bitter tears. He had no strength left to stay afloat in this salty and bitter sea, and he doomed to the bottom.

Sinking to the very bottom, he began to say goodbye to life - habitually gray and tasteless. All the grievances surfaced in his memory, not giving room to other feelings. The cotton body - arms, legs and torso - lay limply on the sand. Severe fatigue from a useless and dreary life prevented even the fear of the approaching end from arising. When the back of the head had already touched the sandy bottom, the eyes opened for the last time with an empty gaze.

This gaze unconsciously went straight up to the surface of the water. The rays of the Sun pierced the water there, boldly breaking through and decorating it with multi-colored sparks.

"What is this? What kind of light is this? What kind of rays and what kind of colors?” - instantly many questions flashed through his head.

"I want to see it! I want to go up! I want to swim! I want to swim there!” the ringing in his head vied with each other.

For the first time in his life, this man forgot about his hardships and grievances towards other people. He had no time for them. It turned out that life is colorful, and you can look at it from different angles, and not just with your head down!

Surprise at what he saw, interest, a desire to know and live overwhelmed him. From new sensations and feelings, the body was filled with strength, and the heart with forgiveness and love.

He gathered his courage, pushed off from the bottom and began his journey towards the captivating Sun, watching how the world around him was painted with bright colors from the rays penetrating everywhere and piercing everything...”

They say that this Man still lives, maybe you have met him, only now he looks, smiling, straight into the eyes of other people, and they say that the Sun is now shining in his eyes.

People ask him what they should read or do to make their eyes sparkle like that, and he always gives them the same answer:

“You don’t need to specifically look for the ALWAYS GLOWING AND NEVER DYING SUN. The time will come, and its rays themselves will pierce your heart - at the moment when you really need it.”

Fairy tales for adults.

At any age, we love fairy tales for their warmth and sincerity. And we all love allegorical tales called parables - they teach and entertain at the same time. They are full of wisdom and inspiration. And, as we know, there can never be too many of these things.

A parable about how to teach children to be happy.

One day, an old wise man was walking along the road, looking at nature and admiring the bright colors of spring. Then he saw a man carrying an immensely huge load on his shoulders. It was noticeable how his legs were giving way from such weight.

Why do you condemn yourself to such hard work and suffering? - asked the old man.

“I suffer so that my grandchildren and children can be happy,” the poor fellow answered. - My great-grandfather doomed himself to hard work for the sake of his grandfather, my grandfather - for the sake of my father, my father - for my sake, and I will suffer for the sake of the happiness of my children.

Was anyone in your family happy? - asked the wise interlocutor.

Not yet, but the children and grandchildren will certainly be happy! - the man exclaimed dreamily.

Unfortunately, an illiterate person cannot teach to read, and a mole will never educate an eagle! - the old wise man sighed. - First you need to learn to be happy yourself, only then can you teach your children happiness. This will be your most valuable gift.

Parable about the tree.

ABOUTthe bottom of the tree suffered greatly due to the fact that it is small, crooked and ugly. All the other trees in the neighborhood were much taller and more beautiful. The tree really wanted to become just like them, so that its branches would flutter beautifully in the wind.

But the tree grew on the slope of a cliff. Its roots clung to a small piece of soil that had accumulated in a crevice between the stones. An icy wind rustled through its branches. The sun illuminated it only in the morning, and in the afternoon it hid behind the rock, giving its light to other trees growing lower down the slope. It was simply impossible for the tree to grow any larger, and it cursed its unfortunate fate.

But one morning, when the first rays of the sun illuminated it, it looked at the valley below and realized that life was not so bad. A magnificent view opened before him. None of the trees growing below could see even a tenth of this wonderful panorama.

A rock ledge protected him from snow and ice. Without its crooked trunk, knotted and strong branches, the tree simply could not survive in this place. It had its own unique style and took its place. It was unique.

A parable about the real price.

One merchant purchased a large diamond in Africa, the size of a pigeon egg. But there was a crack inside the stone. The jeweler, to whom the owner of the stone showed the diamond, shook his head in admiration and said:

This stone can be split into two pieces, which will create two magnificent diamonds, each of which will be many times more expensive than a diamond. But a careless blow can break this miracle of nature into a handful of tiny pebbles that will cost a penny. I don't dare take that risk.

Others responded the same way. But one day he was advised to contact an old jeweler from London, a master with golden hands. He examined the stone and again talked about the risks. The merchant said that he already knew this story by heart. Then the jeweler agreed to help, citing a good price for the work.

When the merchant agreed, the jeweler called his young apprentice. The boy put the stone on his palm and hit the diamond once with a hammer, breaking it into two equal parts. The shocked owner of the diamond asked:

How long has he been working for you?
- It's only the third day. He doesn't know the real price of this stone, and that's why his hand was firm.

Moral: The longer we think about a question, the more difficult it is to make a decision.

A parable about looking at the world.

Not far from the road there grew a small crooked tree. One night a thief passed by. He saw a silhouette in the distance and thought it was a policeman standing near the road, got scared and ran away.

In the evening a lover passed by. From a distance he noticed an elegant silhouette and thought that his beloved was already waiting for him. His heart began to beat joyfully. He smiled and quickened his pace.

One day a mother and child walked past the tree. The kid, frightened by the scary fairy tales, thought that a ghost was peeping out by the road and burst into tears loudly.

But... a tree was always just a tree.

The world around us is just a reflection of ourselves.

How do words affect us?

Two friends are talking:
- My wife is so unkempt and sloppy! I tell her about this all the time, but every year everything just gets worse and worse.

To which the second one answers:
- And mine is such a smart girl and a wonderful hostess! And every year it gets better and better! I tell her about this all the time too.

A philosophical tale about resentment.

Resentment, a small animal, looks completely harmless. When handled correctly, it does no harm. If you don’t try to domesticate it, resentment lives well in the wild and doesn’t bother anyone.

But all attempts to take possession of it end in failure... This animal is small and nimble, and can accidentally end up in the body of any person. A person feels it immediately. He becomes offended.

The animal begins to shout to the man: “I accidentally got caught! Let me out! It's dark and scary for me here! Let go!” But humans have long forgotten how to understand the language of animals. There are those who immediately let go of the offense while it is small - this is the best way to say goodbye to it.

But there are those who never want to let her go. They immediately call her theirs and rush around with her like a white sack. They constantly think about her, care about her, but she still doesn’t like the person.

She spins around, looking for a way out, but since her eyesight is poor, she can’t find a way out herself. Such an unlucky little animal. And the man too... He shrank all over, and never lets go of his resentment.

But the animal is hungry, it wants to eat - so it begins to slowly eat whatever it finds. And the person feels it. Sometimes it hurts here, sometimes here... But the person does not let go of his resentment. Because I'm used to it. And she eats and grows... Finds something tasty inside a person, sucks it and gnaws it. That’s what they say: “The resentment gnaws.”

And in the end it grows to something in the human body and against its will becomes part of it. A person becomes weaker, begins to get sick, and the resentment inside continues to grow... And the person doesn’t realize that all he needs is to take the resentment and let it go! And she is better off without a person, and it is easier for a person to live without her...

Moral: Resentment is a state of mind. Essentially, we make the decision to be offended. And the next time you want to be offended, think: is it really so pleasant to feel sorry for yourself? The predator always senses the weak and attacks him. It’s not for nothing that people say: “They carry water for the offended.” Let go of the grudge, let it run!

Even more interesting things on the website http://fit4brain.com/

Specific instructions and ACTION ALGORITHM! As the owl from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh said, No charge. Take it, grab it, use it! And then write to us about your fabulous life.

So, once upon a time, there lived a child who believed in fairy tales and miracles: that the good fairy brought chocolate bars and bicycles (and not her mother who bought them if she had money left from her salary).

That if he complains in a letter to Baba Yaga about the boy who offended him, she will beat him so hard with a broom at night that he will not come close. And the world was wonderful: when needed, a bicycle appeared, the neighbor boy stopped fighting.

And then we grew up and realized that “there are no fairy tales” and they were no longer in our lives.

Exhausted, we earn money for a “bike”; we don’t know where to escape from the insults of neighbors’ uncles and aunts.

It's not our fault. This is how it is customary in our era of pragmatists and pessimists: when faced with “evil and injustice” and not finding the help of a fairy, we stop believing that the world is a wonderful fairy tale, we begin to live in a gray world, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to change anything ourselves, receive help from the world and good helpers.

And who told you that a fairy will run at the first call, where have you seen a fairy tale without evil forces? :) And without the hero’s victory over them?

That's it. And with the help of fairy tales you can change any life situation.

How? Be patient a little, I’ll tell you now.

But first, for those who need a scientific basis for all these passes with their hands, feet and head, I’ll tell you what fairy tale therapy is.

This is a method in psychology that uses the fairy tale form to solve difficult situations, develop creative abilities, expand consciousness, and improve interaction with the outside world.

Fairytale therapy is good for both children and adults. Working with primary schoolchildren at school, I was able to relieve his fears, negative behavior, etc. with just one fairy tale written to suit the child’s situation and “revive” it with him.

With “non-magical” and skeptical adults, the work takes longer.

Fairytale therapy requires a certain state of thinking, a readiness to play, to bring miracles into life.

And if you managed to “catch” such a state, I give you an invaluable algorithm on how to turn your life into a fairy tale. This is one of the methods of working with your fairy tale.

1.Write a fairy tale for your situation that you want to solve.

We depict the main character and characters (people, problems) as fairy-tale characters.

We endow them with certain properties and actions.

It’s good to come up with your own fairy tale, with your own plot.

If yours is difficult, you can take something already known as a basis. In a fairy tale, your main desire (how you want to solve the situation) must coincide with the main desire of the Hero of the fairy tale.

Example: a man cannot find a job for six months.

Goal: well-paid job with business trips around the world.

You can remake the tale about the ugly duckling, or you can...

Once upon a time there was a little mouse, so gray and inconspicuous. He really wanted to be useful, to accomplish some Great Deed, to travel to different states, to see the world.

He came to the pond and began to ask the ducks: take me to warm countries to see, I am useful, I will get you worms from under the ground.

Ha ha, say the ducks. You saw yourself, small, worthless, you won’t be able to get worms, get out of here.

Come on, mole, I'll help you.

What do you want for this?

Look, what a one! I can manage without you, I suppose you don’t even know how to dig.

It’s good when, as in all fairy tales, your hero has 3 tries! And only on the third or after the third it works!

The mouse was upset, apparently completely worthless, should he stay in his barn and live from hand to mouth or would it be better to immediately live in the paws of a cat...

Once upon a time a little mouse lived and suddenly...

And now we dramatically change the plot of the fairy tale and everything becomes as you want.

We listen to ourselves: how, by what methods do you want to change your fairy tale?

What solution does your soul suggest? How is the fairy tale written next?

Your subconscious often already at this stage gives you an option for solving a problem situation. (for this it is important not only to compose a fairy tale in your head, but also to write it down on paper)

Suddenly... the little mouse thought, I’ll tie a beautiful red ribbon on my tail and become a bright and noticeable handsome mouse, learn the gibberish language and go to the mice as an ambassador of the mouse state.

The next day, a brave mouse in a red frock coat with a scarlet ribbon came to the mouse king and, as soon as he spoke in gibberish, he was immediately appointed ambassador to distant Papuandia and given so much cheese that he could barely carry it!

So, now we have two tasks:

3.1. First, we change our image and our reality in a playful way, performing some “ritual actions”, like in a fairy tale.

We put on mouse ears and imagine ourselves as a mouse.

Then we knit a red ribbon and perform a ritual of transformation into a SUPERMOUSE!

This could be a mouse dancing, crawling out of a hole in a red ribbon, etc. and confident speech in gibberish.

3.2. We perform actions that were in a fairy tale in reality. For example, we learn English, change our image, behavior style.

We go to interviews with a red ribbon in our pocket.

The method works amazing. Gently, without breaking, changes our internal and external reality.

In fairy tale therapy there is no such resistance to change as in other methods, because We work in the fabulous language of metaphors.

Try it! And if you need help and support in coming up with your fairy tale and “launching” it into life, come to us for training in fairy tale therapy!

There we will get acquainted in detail with this and other methods of fairy tale therapy, which allow us to create in our lives the fairy tale in which we would like to live! And most importantly, we will act!

You still have the opportunity to attend, the number of participants is only 8 people. And its cost is only 1,500 rubles, half the cost of an individual consultation, although during the training we work specifically with your situation and your fairy tale!

Welcome to your fairy tale!

© Center for Positive Psychology "SO!" Olesya Dobrovolskaya. All rights reserved.

Full or partial publication of materials is possible only with reference to the authorship and the source www.treningi.me.

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Parables - fairy tale therapy for adults.

Some people think that fairy tales and parables are primarily intended for children. But why? It is parables and fairy tales, which seem so simple at first glance, that carry real wisdom. You just need to listen.



A student comes to the Teacher and says: “Teacher, I’m tired, I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I swim against the current all the time, I have no more strength. What should I do?”

Instead of answering, the teacher put three identical containers of water on the fire. I threw carrots into one container, put an egg into another, and poured coffee beans into a third. After a while, he took the carrots and egg out of the water and poured coffee from the third container into the cup.

"What changed?" - he asked the student.

“The egg and carrots were cooked, and the coffee beans dissolved in the water,” the student answered.

“No,” said the Teacher, “this is only a superficial look at things. Look - hard carrots, having been in boiling water, became soft and pliable. A fragile and liquid egg became hard. Outwardly they did not change, they only changed their structure under the influence of equally unfavorable circumstances - boiling water. Likewise, people who are strong outwardly can become unstuck and become weak where the fragile and tender only harden and get stronger."

"What about coffee?" - asked the student.

“Oh! This is the most interesting thing! Coffee beans completely dissolved in a new hostile environment and changed it - they turned boiling water into a magnificent aromatic drink. There are special people who do not change due to circumstances. They change the circumstances themselves and turn them into something new and beautiful, benefiting and learning from the situation."


One day a small gap appeared in the cocoon, and a person passing by stood for long hours and watched a butterfly try to exit through this small gap. A lot of time passed, the butterfly seemed to give up its efforts, and the gap remained just as small. It seemed that the butterfly had done everything it could, and that it had no more strength for anything else.

Then the man decided to help the butterfly, he took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly immediately came out. But her body was weak and feeble, her wings were transparent and barely moved.

The man continued to watch, thinking that the butterfly’s wings were about to straighten and get stronger and it would fly away. Nothing happened!

For the rest of its life, the butterfly dragged its weak body and its unstretched wings along the ground. She was never able to fly.

And all because the person, wanting to help her, did not understand that the butterfly needs effort to exit through the narrow gap of the cocoon so that the fluid from the body passes into the wings and so that the butterfly can fly. Life made it difficult for the butterfly to leave this shell so that it could grow and develop.

Sometimes it is effort that we need in life. If we were allowed to live without encountering difficulties, we would be deprived. We couldn't be as strong as we are now. We would never be able to fly.

I asked for strength... And life gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for wisdom... And life gave me problems to solve.

I asked for wealth... And life gave me brains and muscles so that I could work.

I asked for the opportunity to fly... And life gave me obstacles so that I could overcome them.

I asked for love... And life gave me people whom I could help with their problems.

I asked for benefits... And life gave me opportunities.

I didn't get anything I asked for. But I got everything I needed.


Parable "Chasing Milk"

How unfair life is,” the student complained.

Why do you say that? - The teacher grinned slyly.

I always buy milk from one merchant. Milk is always fresh, full-fat and inexpensive. Yesterday morning, on the way to the market, I was thinking about something, and my mare turned into the wrong alley. It took a long time to get out afterwards. The stupid beast was stubborn and did not want to go faster. I was worried that I would be late, so I had to dismount and run myself. And of course, the milk has already sold out. But I wanted exactly this milk and the goods of other traders did not attract me, so I ran after the gentleman who bought the last jug and bought milk from him at exorbitant prices.

Your wish came true and that's why life isn't fair? - the old man was surprised.

The milk turned out to be tasteless, and in addition, I suffered from stomach pain all night,” the boy muttered in embarrassment.

“I see,” the teacher laughed. - You got what you wanted, but you were dissatisfied with the result. And the whole world turned out to be guilty, although it stubbornly steered you away from this purchase. Learn a lesson and buy your smart filly some tastier oats.


Parable "Find a way out"

One fine day, the master led his student to a park located at the foot of the mountain. The park contained a complex labyrinth with very high and smooth walls. The labyrinth had no roof, and its passages were illuminated by sunlight.

The master led the student to the entrance to the labyrinth and told him to find a way out. The student wandered through the labyrinth all day and all night, but time after time he invariably came to a dead end. Desperate to get out, he fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Feeling someone shaking his shoulder, the student opened his eyes. The master stood above him.

Follow me,” he said.

Coming out of the labyrinth, the Taoist, without turning around, began to climb the mountain. Having climbed to the top, he said:

From the place where they stood, the labyrinth was clearly visible.

Looking from here, can you find the path leading to the exit from the maze? - asked the Taoist.

“It’s not difficult,” said the student. – You just need to look closely.

Find it and remember it well,” said the teacher.

After some time, they descended the mountain, the student entered the labyrinth and confidently passed it, without ever getting lost or lost.

Fairytale therapy for adults

There is such a technique in psychology - to tell children about the laws of life not in direct text - this can be too dry and complicated - but with the help of allegories and abstract images. As practice shows, adults are no different from children in this sense. For us, too, sometimes it is not soulless academic descriptions that sound much clearer and clearer, but colorful artistic stories with special effects.

Fairytale therapy for adults:

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Fairytale therapy for adults as help in crisis situations

The concept of “fairytale therapy”

Surprisingly, one type of psychotherapy helps solve various psychological problems of adult life - fairy tale therapy. On the Internet you can now find entire sites of exercises and trainings on fairy tale therapy. But few people understand what its essence is in general?

When I was offered to conduct a master class for adult teachers, to show elements of fairy tale therapy, I hesitated a little. I worked more often with children, but at that time there were almost no methods for adults! On the Internet there is only work with children, and what was not quite comparable was a fairy tale and therapy. It is clear that there is a “fairy tale” and it is clear what “therapy” is (treatment, recovery, diagnosis). However, how can they be combined in such a way as to satisfy the new demands of society?

What methods did the psychotherapists use at the beginning of the first sessions?

I’ll say right away that it simply brought me back to childhood. For example, they invited everyone present to draw their own fairy tale - a picture. They suggested not to rush, no more than seven people participated in the game. Many surprised with their imagination, while others simply suffered from not being able to draw. Some of the specialists, during all ten classes, were forced to simply draw or continue to draw a fairy tale that he loved as a virgin... I can say that this is not exactly the same method, although it is also possibly productive. rather, it is a method of art therapy - creativity and drawing. In fairy tale therapy, there is more emphasis on resolving conflict or stress in a given period of time. The “mask” fairytale therapy technique is very effective in the method of self-determination. Those present are invited to draw the face of their beloved hero on the entire sheet; it is not necessary that the face be similar to the hero. The main thing is that the one who draws knows that this is the same hero. As soon as you finish, ask them to make holes in the eyes. Now we put this mask on ourselves... at the moment - the effect of surprise. As a rule, we subconsciously like certain heroes and want to be something like them. I remember then I drew a “sleeping princess” for myself... someone even drew a Dragon, I remember. It was funny. Next, it was suggested to walk around the room with this mask attached - to communicate with other characters - a very powerful thing.

Of the many techniques, I personally liked the “self-determination” technique.

As a rule, a person who is tired of reality comes to class and does not expect any effect from the class, he has a huge load of problems, and we came here to teach him about life - therefore fairy tale therapy is the most effective moment on the first day of classes - it helps to relax and tune in the subject or client . It’s easier with children, that’s why I worked with them. But with adults - they paid money, they want to understand what went wrong in their lives. Is a person born who dreams of living alone, he has no friends, colleagues do not understand and there is no family as such. Perhaps there are categories of people who, in principle, are comfortable being alone, but he is a person - as a social adept, he cannot be alone for a long time.

So what went wrong?

How will the direction of Gestalt psychology - fairy tale therapy - help?

In general, I often see in many sources that fairy tale therapy is a type of Gestalt psychology. However, even more so as an independent branch of development. Which of the statements is true or false will be determined most likely by future science.

For my part, I can say for sure that fairy tale therapy as a type is still only at the first stage of a long ladder in the work of psychology and psychotherapy. Out of a possible hundred steps. Unfortunately, our domestic science in the 80s lagged very far behind the psychology of American science. They are really ahead in this matter, but on the other hand, we have not lost our “theoreticism”. To put it simply, the situation with practice is still rather weak. Some problems at school are still solved by the habit of the old science - a neurologist. Or, at worst, the school principal. The development of the psychology of adults is even darker... The maximum we can count on for now is games - “mafia” cafes. By the way, it’s a good thing, I recommend it, it teaches powerfully. I went through this school myself.

But what should psychotherapy do with fairy tale therapy for adults? Make an appointment with a psychologist - find out more about where this work can be carried out in your area. Why I recommend it, simply because already in the first sessions of psychotherapy in the form of “fairytale therapy” you will understand whether you really need outside help in solving your problems.

What books are there for self-help in the area of ​​fairy tale therapy?

We all come from childhood ©

Start yourself off with the easiest thing - we are reading a very good book, the book is written in simple language and personally helped me a lot on some issues.

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  • December 28:02
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  • December 28:50

I agree with this. I seem to have grown up. But I’m still a child at heart, it’s just that the tasks are now somewhat different as I get older...

Fairytale therapy or life-changing fairy tales

What is fairy tale therapy and its examples;

Fairytale therapy for adults;

Example: “The Tale of the Lucky Star”;

Hello dear friends. In today's article I want to tell you about the amazing and useful qualities of fairytale therapy. Just imagine that there are such fabulous stories that not only help you emerge victorious from unfavorable life situations, but also positively influence your life or even help you fulfill many of your desires. And there are fairy tales that, from childhood, will begin to shape the character, habits, life principles of your children and saturate their subconscious with images of a happy and successful life, which will certainly be realized in their future. We will talk about all this further.




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      TALE: A GIFT


      Another favorite fairy tale from Elfika...

      On the eve of Christmas, being in the gloomiest mood, I was returning from the store with purchases, trying to feel the keys to the house in my fur coat pocket. Along with the keys, something else fell onto the brown tiles of the stairwell. I bent down and picked it up, and immediately I wanted to howl throughout the entire entrance. Although it was just a keychain - a small devil on a ring with a lock. New Year's gift, by the way. If you can call this a gift...

      What is this? – I moaned sadly, resolutely heading towards the garbage chute. – Throw it away and forget it!

      No no no! Don't throw me away, I'll be useful to you! - it squeaked in my hand.

      Oh! – I screamed, dropping the keychain a second time. - Damn, he also has music!

      “Don’t swear,” the keychain squeaked offendedly. – We cannot be remembered in vain.

      Who shouldn’t be remembered in vain here? – I muttered, putting my bag on the floor to open the garbage disposal.

      I paused. I really cried for New Year. Only no one knew about this except me. So where did...

      So I was nearby! In your fur coat pocket! I heard everything and even saw part of it!

      Who is “you”? – I asked suspiciously, staring at the keychain.

      Yes, look carefully! - the voice begged. - I, I say it!

      Then I really saw that the devil was desperately giving me signs: waving his little arms, puffing out his already plump cheeks and bulging his eyes with all his might. He looked so comical that I involuntarily grinned. Fun toy...

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        Monday is a hard day, and thank God it ever ends. I was dragging myself home from work, my soul felt about the same as the sky – gloomy, cloudy and slushy. A tedious light rain was drizzling, which logically completed the joyless day. To top it all off, when I turned onto the street leading to my home, it turned out that it was impossible to get through - the street was blocked, repair work was in full swing there. The road workers carefully stretched the colored tape and hung up a sign: “There is no way out.” Although, in fact, there was no entrance either. It was cruel: on the left was a long school fence, on the right was a clinic fence. All that remained was to choose - left or right. I mentally cursed and trudged around the school.

        I have never walked such a crooked path. And that's why I've never seen this store. It was located at the end of an ordinary residential building, and its name immediately struck my imagination: it was called the Shop of Happiness.

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          Once upon a time there was a girl who did not believe in miracles, but believed in human reason. That’s what she was taught as a child, well, she believed it. But miracles exist regardless of whether you believe in them or not, and each of us experiences not just one, but many different miracles throughout our lives. Only those who believe in them sincerely rejoice and say: “Oh, a miracle!”, And those like our girl say “coincidence” or “lucky”. Who do you think has a happier life? That's right, of course, the first ones! After all, both miracles and joy live in the Soul and therefore go hand in hand, but emotions are unusual for the Mind - at best, a feeling of deep satisfaction. They are very different, our Mind and Soul. The Soul loves to sing and laugh, and the Mind loves to plan and analyze. Since our long-grown girl was friends with Reason, she rarely sang, but she thought constantly.

          Of course, while the girl was growing up, small miracles happened to her, which she stubbornly did not consider as such. But when she grew up, the first big Miracle came to her.

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            Inna was sitting in the kitchen of her house and chatting with her friend Svetka, who had dropped in to visit her lucky friend.

            Inka, how great it is, you live in such a wonderful and beautiful house! Lucky you! I remember how you commuted to work from that house of, well, your husband. And now you live like a queen!

            Yes, there was a time.

            Listen, how did you manage to buy such a cool house?

            Oh, well, it's a long story.

            Well, please tell me,” Svetka whined.

            Okay, I'll tell you, just don't whine. You know how much I didn’t love that house, the energy of my husband’s ex-wife was everywhere there. And I really couldn’t do anything there; all my innovations were met with hostility. I was completely desperate then; I didn’t want to live. One day I was walking home from work, and my legs were carrying me in the other direction. I’m going, not knowing where, tears are flowing. So she walked until she found herself in some kind of park. She sat down on a bench and again plunged into her bitter thoughts. I feel someone shaking my shoulder.

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              TALE: NOT LIKE EVERYONE else.


              Once upon a time there lived a Little Bear. The most ordinary in appearance, he didn’t grab stars from the sky, he lived for himself, like everyone else. But at times, when everything around him became quiet, and sleep had not yet had time to wrap him in its warm blanket, thoughts came to him. And who don’t they come to? Little Bear thought: “What if I’m not like everyone else? What if everyone around knows about this, but we agreed not to tell him or Little Bear about it?” This thought made him feel somehow uncomfortable, chilly. He tossed and turned for a long time and could not sleep. And in the morning, when Little Bear got up, he began to listen more carefully: what if someone was whispering behind his back? The little bear began to look more and more often to see if anyone was watching him on the sly. He increasingly watched his voice, gait, and paw gestures, so as not to give himself away in any way: what if those around him had not yet realized that Little Bear was not like everyone else? And more and more time, instead of rejoicing, playing and smiling with his cute, furry face, the bear was watching himself. He really didn’t want people to think about him that he was different from others. Often he did not do what he wanted because he might not be understood. For example, he loved to just tumble in a sunny meadow. He was great at it because it was from the heart. He dreamed of learning to play the harmonica, he wanted to write poetry and draw... But the rest of the bears were busy with completely different things. They collected honey and raspberries, dug dens for themselves and boasted to each other whose den was bigger and better. Other bears simply would not have understood him and, of course, would have decided that Little Bear was not like everyone else. Our Little Bear grew up and learned to do everything that other bears did, but he tried to forget about his dreams.

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                Yulyashka had a cup, so beautiful, with purple flowers and green leaves. Yulenka loved her very much and doted on her. It was so nice to drink coffee from it, and tea with mint, for example, and even better - with lemon balm.

                Every morning, before going to college, a sweet, beautiful girl sat down on a comfortable soft sofa and drank aromatic freshly brewed coffee. She called this little ritual “a magical ten-minute morning.” And before going to bed, Yulenka, of course, had an “evening ten minutes”: delicious soothing tea or brewed chamomile (if she couldn’t sleep).

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                  For those who do not have a good relationship with a partner or with each new partner, with some change of scenery, the play is played out approximately the same, i.e. relationships develop approximately according to one scenario or according to several different ones in turn, or in relationships some individual situations are repeated with an enviable sequence and it is completely unclear what to do about it.

                  I propose to identify these scenarios in a very simple way - by writing a fairy tale.

                  You may have written this fairy tale for yourself in childhood, having learned parental relationships, or maybe you liked the fairy tale read to you (many scenarios were created based on “Cinderella”) and you decided for yourself “I want it too.”

                  My scenarios, for example, were 2 main: first, the expectation that the man would leave, disappear, disappear somewhere, because of this, a lot of fears and inappropriate behavior patterns arose in relationships, second, a relationship with the expectation that we would finally be together . At the same time, situations were created over and over again in which this was repeated with enviable consistency in life, until, firstly, I realized this, and secondly, I found the tools to change these scenarios.

                  It's actually very simple, easier than most other methods. Why through a fairy tale? It will reflect our unconscious guidance towards the development of relationships (what is inside). At the same time, outwardly we do not want this at all, but for some reason, over and over again in relationships, approximately the same thing happens, and we ourselves unconsciously repeat the same patterns of behavior, which create a repeating scenario.

                  What are the important principles of writing fairy tales? - Don’t think, don’t write on purpose (work quickly and intuitively), “everything is possible in a fairy tale.” In fact, a fairy tale can be written to resolve any of the problematic situations or to resolve any issue. The principles of writing fairy tales do not change depending on the topic; I simply suggest, as an example, to identify your own scenarios in relationships.

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                    FAIRY TALE THERAPY FOR YOU.


                    Do you want to become a good witch for yourself? There is nothing simpler - write a fairy tale about your life. A happy ending is required!

                    When I started working on this article, I was skeptical. Well, I don’t believe in fairy tales, no matter what! I believe in the possibility of self-development, in the benefit of positive thinking, in humanoids, finally. But fairytale therapy doesn’t work. Then I read J. R. R. Tolkien’s phrase: “Only some children - and only some adults - have any special interest in fairy stories.” Well, that means I’m not one of the lucky ones who are given by nature to believe in the power of fairy tales. However, among the readers of our magazine there are probably those who will find this topic interesting and useful, I thought further. So I’ll write for them - let them develop their creativity and increase their vitality.

                    However, as I wrote the article, my skeptical attitude slowly melted away, and then completely disappeared. I was surprised to realize that writing and analyzing stories is a very exciting activity! Not only that, but the magical rituals I came up with on the fly actually worked! So don’t believe in fairy tales after this...

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                      FAIRY TALE THERAPY: HEALING TALES.


                      Childhood without fairy tales is not childhood. No modern toys, children's programs or films can replace those unforgettable moments when a mother reads a bedtime story to her falling asleep baby. And how often in our memories do we return to a fairy-tale childhood (that’s right!), because childhood itself is one big fairy tale!

                      However, it turns out that a children's fairy tale is far from being a “harmless” read, as it might seem at first glance. Why has there been so much talk lately about therapeutic fairy tales, about fairy tale therapy in general? Because fairy tales have a huge impact on the formation of a child - the formation of logical thinking, the development of imagination in children. Which ultimately leads to the development of the child’s abilities - a very important factor in the formation of personality.

The little fox couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned and thought, thought, thought. About how big the world is around and how many interesting things there are in it. And he, the little fox, is small and doesn’t know much yet.

A Husband Shop opened in the city of N, where women could choose and buy themselves a husband. At the entrance there were rules for visiting the store:

“One girl was dating a young man. The girl loved this guy very much, but he did not share her love with her. But they were together, he did not leave her... out of pity.

Three planets, Femininity, Arrogance and Rudeness, traveled among the starry expanses of the Universe.

Meteorites circled around them, trying to attract attention with mysterious flashes. Having dared, they playfully blocked their path and, smiling affably, asked:


In the beautiful Garden of Eden, even the air froze with delight, watching the work of the angels who, on a wave of solemn inspiration, created a woman from the highest quality and most pliable clay.

She didn't like New Year's. I just didn't like it. However,
like other holidays. But still, New Year
was a special holiday: on this night it was possible
make wishes that will definitely come true.

The husband and wife lived a long, happy married life. They shared all their secrets and experiences with each other, but there was only one thing the wife asked them never to do: not to look into the old shoe box that she kept on the top shelf of her closet.

The Student comes to the Teacher and begins to complain about his hard life. I asked for advice on what to do when one thing came up, and another, and a third, and in general, I just gave up!

When I wrote my first fairy tale, I was not yet familiar with Ericksonian hypnosis, with suggestion and other things of neuro-linguistic programming. I worked very hard, was very tired and... did not feel supported.

Thus was born the first fairy tale for adults

Yes, this fairy tale was about me, about my doubts, disappointments, about my fatigue. It spilled out of me.

To be honest, I always dreamed of writing. But there was a strong and talented husband nearby and it seemed to me that everything I wrote was petty, stupid and uninteresting.

And then the high temperature, my doubts, the search for myself and the desire to understand who I am and what I am - gave birth to this fairy tale.

Then another one was born. Then again. They told me: “Why are you writing them? This is for sentimental women and tearful young ladies. What kind of genre is this?”

I didn't know what genre it was. I was just writing. Then there was Wikipedia. The term fairy tale therapy.

I was far from alone.

And then responses to my question began to come: What is this, indeed, fairy tale therapy.

What are these fairy tales - hints. That this is an ideal therapy not only for children, but also for adults.

My first book of fairy tales has been published. “Fairy tales for wise girls and smart fools”

I graduated from the University of Practical Psychology.

I already knew WHY I write my fairy tales and what I want to inspire in my readers.

It became very easy for me. Psychology and my desire to write CONNECTED!

Now I put all my thoughts, aspirations, lessons into the mouths of fairy-tale and not at all fairy-tale, but real heroes. Sometimes you just need to give a voice to ordinary things: a broom, a dustpan, a vacuum cleaner, an encyclopedia, a pair of shoes, a frog from a neighboring pond, a flower in a pot.

I became very attentive to the world around me. With the help of fairy tales, I and my readers even rewrite life scenarios.

So what am I doing anyway? Psychology or literature?

I don't know. I just sincerely want to tell my readers how best to act in a given situation, to be more tolerant, more affectionate, more attentive, to love the world around us and to value those around us.

This is a fairytale?

Not a fairy tale at all. It's just life!

I just show it a little differently. I change my angle of view slightly.

My friend called me and said:

“You won’t believe it, but before going to bed I read your fairy tales. I only need one. To sleep a little kinder, happier, more attentive. I'm so tired of being strong. Reading your stories, I feel like a woman, soft and vulnerable. Yes, I cry sometimes. I need this too. And now I’m already reading your fairy tales to my son. Call it what you want, fairy tale therapy or fairy tale therapy, I don’t care. The main thing is that they help me. Let it be psychology, but then this is the best of its methods.”

Glad to hear it! To realize that my fairy tales are needed for adults. What are they waiting for? Of course, I can't write them every day. Fairy tales are also sometimes capricious and do not immediately allow you to write them down. But I'm patient.

Main. Turn off the lights. Go to the night window and listen. And after a while it will be possible to distinguish the first sounds. Maybe the whisper of the stars, maybe the conversation of flowers in a vase, or maybe a declaration of love from a teddy bear to an arrogant Barbie doll. Anything can happen.

We must allow the fairy tale to enter our world. That's all.

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