April 21 is the day of the chief accountant, congratulations. Chief Accountant Day (GlavAccountant Day) in Russia

Few specialists can boast of the existence of a periodical with the same name as their profession. But chief accountants are not one of them. The Glavbukh magazine, the first issue of which was published on April 21, 1994, is the flagship in covering taxation and accounting. The publication enjoys authority among economists, is an assistant in the routine work of accountants, and the solemn date of Chief Accountant Day in Russia was chosen in its honor.

The organizers of the holiday call for gratitude for the hard work of the chief accountants. After all, the type of activity of these specialists is really not simple. There are sociological data according to which the profession of accountants in general and chief accountants in particular is placed on a par with pilots, law enforcement officers and firefighters in terms of danger. Although economists do not have to contend with the elements, open criminal behavior, or withstand great physical stress, their field of work and big money attracts adventurers, swindlers and robbers. And it is accountants, sadly enough, who are most often accused without reason of forgery, theft and participation in fraudulent schemes.

With all this, the bulk of the chief accountants are ladies. According to statistics, over 80% of chief accountants are women. They accept all the dangers of the profession, are collected, methodical, responsible, attentive, organized and precise. It is for these qualities that workers in such a difficult field should be thanked on Chief Accountant Day.

Among the famous people who became famous in other fields of activity, there are those who began working as accountants and clerks. The name of Karl Marx in this regard is not surprising; he was a famous economist. But Herbert Wells, O. Henry and Mikhail Zoshchenko are not perceived as anything other than accomplished writers. However, their biography contains episodes of making a living in the field of accounting.

The profession is ancient. The need to take into account the movement of material assets, be it a coin, a head of livestock or a bag of grain, arose along with natural exchange. The amount of resources was recorded according to time - on clay tablets, birch bark, paper.

With the development of civilizations, the science of accounting also developed. The most significant contribution to the development of accounting is considered to be the contribution of Venetian merchants, who introduced the rule of double entry in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. This method turned out to be so successful that it is still used today, having undergone significant improvements, but remaining fundamentally the same. The well-known mathematician Luca Pacioli streamlined the double accounting system, structured it and thereby facilitated the work of economists of his time. It's a rare accountant who doesn't know this name.

There are not many who have not heard the song of the group “Combination”, which tells about an accountant as a simple bookkeeper and not a prestigious employee. The days in which this respected profession was emasculated are over. Now the chief accountant is a valuable employee, the right hand of the general director, the owner of confidential information and a decently paid specialist.

People in almost every existing profession have the opportunity to celebrate at least one professional holiday every year. There is a teacher's day, a doctor's day, a motorist's day, a miner's day, and a journalist's day. And they haven’t forgotten about such an area of ​​work as accounting. Masters of counting numbers in business documents and financial reports are honored in Russia on November 21. Well, what should the chief accountants do? Since this position is more responsible and labor-intensive, we decided to allocate a separate significant date for its representatives. The holiday falls on April 21 and is called Chief Accountant Day.

History of the holiday Chief Accountant's Day

Chief Accountant's Day is a relatively new phenomenon. It was founded just a few years ago by representatives of the editorial staff of the famous narrow-profile magazine of the same name “Glavbukh”. One might say, they encouraged the work activity of financial specialists. The creators of the holiday had a very transparent goal - to demonstrate to employers the importance of having chief accountants on staff of their companies. It is impossible not to admit that it is the latter that support the financial affairs of any company, and the success and prosperity of these very affairs directly depends in many respects on the activities of these specialists.

The holiday of April 21 is literally a call to show respect and express sincere gratitude to the chief accountants for their work.

It is no coincidence that the date of the holiday, Chief Accountant's Day, falls on April 21. The organizers of Chief Accountant Day explain this by the need for a little relaxation before the long weekend in May. The second factor that influenced the decision of the founders of the holiday is of more serious importance: on April 21, 1994, the magazine “Glavbukh” was first published and saw the light of day. In addition to creating such a wonderful holiday, the editorial staff of the publication also presents unique souvenirs to their readers and subscribers.

History of accounting

There have always been financial specialists, except in the primitive era. As long as the civilized world has existed, starting with the most ancient civilizations, money masters have been working for as long. This is evidenced by finds discovered during archaeological excavations in Assyria and Babylon - these are banal accounting reports. The age of these documents is about 7000 years. In that distant period, people needed accounting to keep records of domestic animals and crops, that is, to record information about income and expenses regarding the main sources of subsistence.

As time passed, the inhabitants of the Earth acquired textiles and dishes. Agriculture gave good profits - it became necessary to use more complex methods of accounting for expenses and income. Accountants of that time used clay figures of various shapes for this purpose, each of which was intended to characterize a particular product.

Around 3700 BC trade as such began. This happened, according to historians, in Sumer. The sales and purchase transactions carried out by traders were recorded on clay tablets. These records were overseen by scribes. The ancient peoples did the same, but the ancient Greeks recorded financial procedures on tablets whitened with plaster.

With the advent of money in the world, the need for accounting has increased even more. An entire financial system was created, including such concepts as taxes and the treasury, as well as bureaucracy. It was most developed in Ancient Rome.

We know today that the basis of accounting records is the recording of funds as debits and credits. This system is called “double”, and it appeared in northern Italy in the period from 1250 to 1350. already B.C. This method was much more convenient and eloquent than the one used before.

The mathematician Luca Pacioli made a huge contribution to the development of accounting. He authored the work “Summa of Arithmetic, Geometry, Doctrine of Proportions and Relations,” written and published at the end of the 15th century. In principle, it was Pacioli who provided evidence of the need to write double-entry bookkeeping - and this is not his only merit. This method streamlined the accounting system and facilitated the process of monitoring expenses and income.

It must be said that intelligent, literate people always become accountants, and the profession itself was worthy and respected in society. The status of financial accounting specialist arose in the 16th century. On the territory of our country, the word “accountant” began to be used during the reign of Emperor Peter the Great - he, in fact, introduced this term into use. Translated from German, the word literally means “book holder” (from buch - book, halten - to hold). In 1772, regulations for the management of the Admiralty and the shipyard were established, which served as a positive factor in the further development of the accounting system. An equally high-profile event that influenced this process was the abolition of serfdom in Russia. The development of industry and the publication of the journal “Accounting” in 1888 also played a positive role.

In Soviet times, with the advent of the planned economic system, the accountant turned into a banal bookkeeper, and the profession itself lost its prestige. Today, the profession of an accountant is quite in demand and is decently paid. And of course, being so important, chief accountants are simply obliged to have their own holiday. And it exists, it is a holiday on April 21, Chief Accountant Day.

Basics of the profession

The chief accountant is the right hand of the director of the company, but not in the sense of replacement and cooperation in the direction of the company's development, but in a completely different sense - financial. The chief accountant is the owner of quite confidential information; this alone requires respect and loyalty towards him. The chief accountant can easily be intercepted by the company's competitors, and then management will have to not only look for a worthy replacement, but also make certain adjustments to the functioning of the company in order to prevent opponents from overtaking them on the path of progress.

The profession of chief accountant is one of the most responsible, requiring a person to have a strictly defined set of qualities - both personal and specific, characteristic of this particular qualification. First of all, perseverance, scrupulousness, and accuracy should be mentioned. A person who wants to become a chief accountant must have the desire to constantly develop in his or her direction and spare no effort and time to work. Qualities such as stress resistance and communication skills are very important in the profession of a chief accountant.

The chief accountant has a higher education in economics, but they “grow up” to a specialty of this level gradually, and not all of them. They start with an ordinary accountant or even a PC operator. And then everything depends on determination and luck, of course. However, the high financial responsibility of the chief accountant can reduce the desire to choose this path of professional development. Significant disadvantages of the specialty are health problems that arise during work, in particular, vision and the spine. Allergies and conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome are also likely. If this doesn’t scare you, you can learn a profession!

We cordially congratulate all chief accountants on the holiday of April 21, Chief Accountant Day. We wish you success in your professional activities, good health, prosperity, good mood and joy!

People in almost every existing profession have the opportunity to celebrate at least one professional holiday every year. There is a teacher's day, a doctor's day, a motorist's day, a miner's day, and a journalist's day. And they haven’t forgotten about such an area of ​​work as accounting. Masters of counting numbers in business documents and financial reports are honored in Russia on November 21. Well, what should the chief accountants do? Since this position is more responsible and labor-intensive, we decided to allocate a separate significant date for its representatives. It falls on April 21 and is called Chief Accountant Day.

History of the holiday Chief Accountant's Day

Chief Accountant's Day is a relatively new phenomenon. It was founded just a few years ago by representatives of the editorial staff of the famous narrow-profile magazine of the same name “Glavbukh”. One might say, they encouraged the work activity of financial specialists. The creators of the holiday had a very transparent goal - to demonstrate to employers the importance of having chief accountants on staff of their companies. It is impossible not to admit that it is the latter that support the financial affairs of any company, and the success and prosperity of these very affairs directly depends in many respects on the activities of these specialists.

The holiday of April 21 is literally a call to show respect and express sincere gratitude to the chief accountants for their work.

It is no coincidence that the date of the holiday falls on April 21. The organizers of Chief Accountant Day explain this by the need for a little relaxation before the long weekend in May. The second factor that influenced the decision of the founders of the holiday is of more serious importance: on April 21, 1994, the magazine “Glavbukh” was first published and saw the light of day. In addition to creating such a wonderful holiday, the editorial staff of the publication also presents unique souvenirs to their readers and subscribers.

History of accounting

There have always been financial specialists, except in the primitive era. As long as the civilized world has existed, starting with the most ancient civilizations, money masters have been working for as long. This is evidenced by finds discovered during archaeological excavations in Assyria and Babylon - these are banal accounting reports. The age of these documents is about 7000 years. In that distant period, people needed accounting to keep records of domestic animals and crops, that is, to record information about income and expenses regarding the main sources of subsistence.

As time passed, the inhabitants of the Earth acquired textiles and dishes. Agriculture gave good profits - it became necessary to use more complex methods of accounting for expenses and income. Accountants of that time used clay figures of various shapes for this purpose, each of which was intended to characterize a particular product.

Around 3700 BC trade as such began. This happened, according to historians, in Sumer. The sales and purchase transactions carried out by traders were recorded on clay tablets. These records were overseen by scribes. The ancient peoples did the same, but the ancient Greeks recorded financial procedures on tablets whitened with plaster.

With the advent of money in the world, the need for accounting has increased even more. An entire financial system was created, including such concepts as taxes and the treasury, as well as bureaucracy. It was most developed in Ancient Rome.

We know today that the basis of accounting records is the recording of funds as debits and credits. This system is called “double”, and it appeared in northern Italy in the period from 1250 to 1350. already B.C. This method was much more convenient and eloquent than the one used before.

The mathematician Luca Pacioli made a huge contribution to the development of accounting. He authored the work “Summa of Arithmetic, Geometry, Doctrine of Proportions and Relations,” written and published at the end of the 15th century. In principle, it was Pacioli who provided evidence of the need to write double-entry bookkeeping - and this is not his only merit. This method streamlined the accounting system and facilitated the process of monitoring expenses and income.

It must be said that intelligent, literate people always become accountants, and the profession itself was worthy and respected in society. The status of financial accounting specialist arose in the 16th century. On the territory of our country, the word “accountant” began to be used during the reign of Emperor Peter the Great - he, in fact, introduced this term into use. Translated from German, the word literally means “book holder” (from buch - book, halten - to hold). In 1772, regulations for the management of the Admiralty and the shipyard were established, which served as a positive factor in the further development of the accounting system. An equally high-profile event that influenced this process was the abolition of serfdom in Russia. The development of industry and the publication of the journal “Accounting” in 1888 also played a positive role.

In Soviet times, with the advent of the planned economic system, the accountant turned into a banal bookkeeper, and the profession itself lost its prestige. Today, the profession of an accountant is quite in demand and is decently paid.

Basics of the profession of chief accountant

The chief accountant is the right hand of the director of the company, but not in the sense of replacement and cooperation in the direction of the company’s development, but in a completely different sense - financial. This specialist is the owner of fairly confidential information; this alone requires respect and loyalty towards him. The chief accountant can easily be intercepted by the company's competitors, and then management will have to not only look for a worthy replacement, but also make certain adjustments to the functioning of the company in order to prevent opponents from overtaking them on the path of progress.

The profession of chief accountant is one of the most responsible, requiring a person to have a strictly defined set of qualities - both personal and specific, characteristic of this particular qualification. First of all, perseverance, scrupulousness, and accuracy should be mentioned. A person who wants to become a chief accountant must have the desire to constantly develop in his or her direction and spare no effort and time to work. Qualities such as stress resistance and communication skills are very important in the profession of a chief accountant.

The chief accountant has a higher education in economics, but they “grow up” to a specialty of this level gradually, and not all of them. They start with an ordinary accountant or even a PC operator. And then everything depends on determination and luck, of course. However, the high financial responsibility of the chief accountant can reduce the desire to choose this path of professional development. Significant disadvantages of the specialty are health problems that arise during work, in particular, vision and the spine. Allergies and conjunctivitis, dry eye syndrome are also likely. If this doesn’t scare you, you can learn a profession!

Chief Accountant's Day is a professional holiday for chief accountants. Chief accountants, auditors, teachers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions take part in the festive events.

In Russia, Chief Accountant Day in 2019 is celebrated on April 21 and takes place 25 times. The celebration is not enshrined in legislation and takes place at an unofficial level.

Significance: the celebration is timed to coincide with the publication of the first magazine “Glavbukh” on 04/21/1994.

On Chief Accountant Day, festive events are held at which certificates of honor and diplomas are presented to chief accountants, seminars and advanced training courses are organized. The media covers articles about the accounting profession and accounting.

history of the holiday

Chief Accountant's Day is an unofficial holiday. It was organized by the editors of the magazine “Glavbukh”. The date of the celebration coincides with the publication of the first issue of this magazine on April 21, 1994.

Holiday traditions

On the eve of Chief Accountant Day, advanced training courses are organized. On April 21, company managers congratulate chief accountants on their professional holiday, thank them for their work, and present them with diplomas and certificates of honor. Seminars are held on the topics of record keeping and documentation. Employees of the Glavbukh magazine organize quizzes and competitions for readers and give subscribers interesting gifts. The media publishes materials about the profession of the chief accountant, about the problems and successes of accounting.

Daily task

Analyze who in your family is responsible for budget distribution and plays the role of “chief accountant”.


“Happy Chief Accountant's Day! I wish you 100% happiness, 100% love, 100% health, 100% success, 100% luck, 100% prosperity, yes, also squared, multiplied by ten! Let all this multiply for you, never divide or decrease! Always be on the plus side in everything!

“I raise a glass to Chief Accountant Day. As a person who works with numbers, most of all I would like to wish digital joys: 365 days without insults and disappointments, 365 nights without tears, 52 weeks of excellent mood and only colorful impressions, 12 months without illnesses, quarrels and misfortunes. And also a whole year of joy, love, luck, pleasure and the best and most joyful events! In addition, every day may you be haunted by 24 hours of smiles, 1,440 minutes of pleasant thoughts and 86,400 seconds of happiness daily! Congratulations on your professional holiday!

“Being a chief accountant is not at all easy. In the world of numbers, expenses, profits and income, you feel like a fish in water. Thanks to your efforts, any enterprise stays in the market. So, on this holiday, let only positivity, smiles, congratulations, pleasant surprises and fun await you at work instead of formulas and calculations.”


Sweet gift. A basket of sweets, a chocolate figurine or a cake in the shape of a calculator will be a wonderful idea for a collective or individual holiday gift.

Coffee maker. The coffee maker will serve as an excellent gift that will allow you to enjoy an invigorating drink without leaving your office. In a set with such a gift you can present a cup or box of coffee.

Desk accessories. A stylish organizer, note holder, and stationery stand will serve as a practical and useful gift for the chief accountant.

Wooden abacus. An antique wooden abacus will serve as a themed gift idea for a person who loves original gifts. The abacus will become an original element of the office interior.


The best accountant
Participants in the competition are blindfolded and coins of different denominations are laid out in front of them. Contestants must feel the coins and count the total. The winner is the participant who completes the task faster and without errors.

Words from paper clips
Teams with the same number of people take part in the competition. Each team is given a box of paper clips and a card with a word. For example: love, friendship, smile. Each team must make a word out of paperclips so that each letter has at least ten paperclips. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Stationery competition
Participants in the competition are given a pencil and a box of pushpins. To the music, participants begin sticking buttons into pencils. After the music turns off, participants count the number of buttons in the pencil. The winner is the contestant who can stick the most paper clips into a pencil.

  • November 21 is celebrated in Russia, November 10 is celebrated.
  • The word "accountant" translated from German means "bookkeeper (accountant)." In Russia, this term was introduced into use by Peter I.
  • Accounting originated in the 15th century in Italy. It was founded by mathematician and philosopher Luca Pacioli. He proposed a double entry system: receipts (debit) and expenses (credit).
  • The first accountant was Christopher Stecher, the clerk of the Innsbruck Court of Auditors, in 1498. Previously, account book keepers were called scribes.
  • Accountants have an international coat of arms. It depicts the sun, scales, the Bernoulli curve and the motto “Science, Conscience, Independence.” The coat of arms was created by the French scientist Jean Baptiste Dumarchais.

About the profession of chief accountant

The chief accountant controls and maintains reporting documentation in accordance with the requirements established by law. It records and verifies transactions and transactions with counterparties. The nature of its activities depends on the area in which the company operates.

The career begins after graduating from higher education or taking a course in accounting. The graduate must understand the intricacies of the regulatory framework and know auditing.

Chief accountant is a responsible profession. The success and fate of the company depends on the correct completion of documents. Mistakes lead to criminal prosecution, fines or company closure.

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