How to make a solution for soap bubbles at home. Recipe for making homemade soap bubbles

Soap bubbles delight children of all ages. With their help, you can turn any day, even the most boring, into a holiday. Water balls can be very small and huge. The strength, touch resistance, volatility and number of clear toys produced depend on the blow molding material. You don't have to buy soap show solution in the store; you can easily make it yourself at home using simple ingredients.

From this article you will learn

When preparing a surprise, parents need to follow some recommendations, in this case the holiday will be successful:

  • Say no! tap water. It contains impurities that reduce the quality of the final result. The best option is boiled water, the ideal is distilled water.
  • Sugar and pharmaceutical glycerin give the balls strength.
  • Correctly calculate the ratio of components for the solution. If there is an excess of glycerin, the bubbles will be too dense and difficult to blow out.
  • If you don't find glycerin at home, use sodium tetraborate. It contains glycerin as an excipient.
  • If you make a mixture with cosmetics, choose a product with a minimum amount of dyes and fragrances. Excess impurities reduce the density of the balls and complicate the blowing process.
  • If you plan to play magic with a younger child, then reduce the amount of foaming ingredients by half. The baby will be able to blow out the balloons himself. They will be light, in large quantities, but will burst quickly.
  • After preparing the solution, leave it in the cold overnight or overnight. During this time, excess foam will settle, the ingredients will mix well, and the solution will be of high quality.
  • Use homemade solution indoors. Wind and street dust prevent the creation of a magnificent show from a large number of bubbles.
  • Increase the humidity in the room before playing. Moisture helps the bubbles last longer.
  • When you mix the components, check the quality of the solution. Inflate the balloon. If it bursts quickly or does not inflate at all, add glycerin. If it is difficult to blow, the bubble is heavy, you need to add a little water and mix well.
  • Giant balls are slowly blown out of a wide hole. Small ones are made from straws.

Important! Remember that the soap solution stings your eyes. If an unpleasant situation occurs, do not scare the baby. Rinse your eyelids with water and calm your child down. But it’s best to tell them that this happens in advance.

Check out 15 more life hacks for blowing soap bubbles:

Laundry soap solution (classic)

This is the easiest recipe for making soap bubbles at home. You will need:

  • grated or cut into small pieces soap – 10–20 g
  • glycerin alcohol - 2 tsp.
  • half a glass of hot water.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Rub a piece of soap and place it in a wide container.
  2. Pour boiling water over, stir well.
  3. Wait until completely dissolved.
  4. Strain.
  5. Add glycerin or sodium tetraborate. First 2 tsp.
  6. Check the strength of the balls. If the bubble bursts quickly, add another 1-2 tsp. glycerin.
  7. If there is no glycerin, use sugar or gelatin. Add them in equal proportions: 10 g each, then more if necessary.

Important! Choose your soap carefully. Do not use scented detergent. Take household glycerin. They do not contain unnecessary additives.

Recipe for a solution without glycerin

Glycerin alcohol is available in store-bought bottles. For a homemade homemade version, this is not necessary. It is replaced by other components:

  • liquid dish soap – 70 ml
  • sugar – 50 g
  • water – 70 ml
  • shower gel (unscented) – 70 ml.

Making the solution takes a couple of minutes. First dissolve the sugar, then add AOS, Fairy, Biolan. Let it brew for a couple of hours. If there is a lot of foam left on the surface, remove it.

This is interesting! To add a rainbow to the game, use natural dyes. Pour Easter egg coloring into a soap bowl. For the most chic effect, pour the mixture into small bottles and color it in different shades.

Dishwashing liquid solution

This is ideal for blowing giant bubbles. Prepare the solution as follows:

  1. Boil water, 400 ml. Cool it to 30–35°C.
  2. Pour in Fairy, at least 100 ml. Practice shows that it foams and bubbles best.
  3. Add granulated sugar to the solution - 2 tsp.
  4. Stir the finished mixture.

Important! Only regular dishwashing detergent is considered safe for children. Do not use dishwasher liquid. It does not foam and contains active chemical components.

Shampoo solution

There is a secret in the step-by-step instructions. If you use baby shampoo without tears, then the eyes will not sting when the solution gets in. Make these bubbles for games in a kindergarten group when there are a lot of kids. They push each other, soapy liquid splashes into their eyes. But adult shampoo will also work.

Mix the mixture like this:

  1. Dilute 200 ml of shampoo in 400–500 ml of water.
  2. Lather it up and let it sit for a day.
  3. Add glycerin - 6 tbsp. l. or granulated sugar - 6 tsp.
  4. Keep in the cold for a couple of hours.
  5. Carry out a soap experiment with kids of any age without fear for their eyes.

This is interesting! Jean-Baptiste Chardin was the first famous artist to depict soap bubbles on canvas. The work dates back to 1734. It depicts a man blowing a transparent ball out of a tube, and a child who watches with admiration what is happening.

Bubble bath solution

Make soap balls in the bathtub while bathing. Toddlers often do this. Let's take advantage of their experience.

A solution for making soap bubbles with your own hands from bath foam is easy to prepare, and the balls do not burst for a long time. The mixture will consist of simple ingredients:

  • boiled water – 100–120 ml;
  • bathing foam – 250–300 ml.

If you want the bubbles to be touch-resistant, add 30–40 g of glycerin. There is no need to infuse the mixture.

Important! After boiling, sediment (scale) remains in the water. Try not to add it to soap liquid. It is better to carefully drain the water or strain without stirring it. Scale flakes prevent bubbles from forming. The balloon simply will not inflate due to the heaviness of the solution.

Liquid soap solution

An easy way to create a soap show at home. They replace the classic recipe with laundry soap. Use the liquid version of the product so as not to wait for the pieces to dissolve in water. Balls based on flowing soap will inflate easily and have a pleasant aroma. For the experiment, a baby product or any other without color and strong odor is suitable.

You need to dilute the mixture like this:

  1. Take water - 20 ml.
  2. Add 100 ml of liquid soap to the container.
  3. Mix and place in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for 2-4 hours.
  4. Drop a little glycerin - no more than 10 drops.
  5. Release transparent balloons at home while walking.

This is interesting! Every year on May 10, Samara hosts a bubble festival. Participants in the children's show compete to blow the biggest, strongest and most beautiful bubble. The holiday is fun, and local kids are indescribably delighted.

Washing powder solution

The bubbles from hand washing powder are large and strong. You can hold them in your palm for a couple of seconds. The production of the solution takes a long time, but the end result is worth it.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • hot water (from 45°C) – 500–600 ml;
  • 20 g of washing powder (without Lenor additives, antistatic agents);
  • ammonia - 2 tsp, or 20 drops.

Mix powder, water, shake. Then add ammonia and put the container in the cold for four days. After settling, strain the mixture through a fine sieve. The solution is ready for experiments.

Important! This mixture should not be given to children under 3–5 years of age for independent experience in inflating balloons. Powder and ammonia can get into the baby's mouth if the professionalism of using the bubble tube is not yet at a high level.

Sugar solution

Before making the magic mixture, you will have to make your own sugar syrup. It is not difficult:

  1. Take sugar - 5 parts and warm water - 1 part.
  2. Mix.
  3. You will get a viscous mixture.

Now we can return to the bubbles. Mix the following ingredients:

  • sugar syrup – 100 ml;
  • grated soap – 200 ml;
  • glycerin alcohol – 200 ml;
  • water (35–45°C) – 800 ml.

Combine the ingredients, shake, and leave to steep for 12 hours. Before use, remove excess foam from above.

This is interesting! Sugar is needed in the bubbles for strength and longevity in flight. It acts as a strengthening lubricant on the surface.

How to make huge bubbles

Bubbles with a diameter of 1 meter or more are considered large. Various methods are used to make them.

Recipe with gel lubricant

You will need:

  • water – 1 liter;
  • Fairy – 230 ml;
  • Gel lubricant (technical lubricant) – 120–150 ml;
  • glycerin – 120–130 ml.

Mix everything except water. Then heat the water and pour into the mixture. There is no need to whip up the foam.

Now the miracle begins. Children experience indescribable delight from everything huge. And the giant soap bubbles simply amaze their imagination.

This is interesting! The record for blowing a colossal bubble was set by the American company Beeboo Big Bubble Mix in 2005. The volume of the soap ball was 3000 cubic meters. It was a master class on a global scale, as the company sells equipment for soap shows all over the planet.

Recipe with gelatin

The preparation of soap balls with gelatin takes place in several stages:

  1. Dissolve 25 g of gelatin in warm water (500 ml). Take an iron cup; you will have to heat the dishes a little later on the stove.
  2. Remove excess water - drain it, leaving a thick mass of gelatin in the container.
  3. Add granulated sugar - 25 g.
  4. Place the saucepan to warm up.
  5. Melt, but don't boil.
  6. Pour in 400 ml of water.
  7. Add glycerin - 50 ml, Fairy - 100 ml.
  8. Stir quickly. Do not shake until foamy.
  9. The solution for giant bubbles, just like in the store, is ready.
  10. Start launching soap balls immediately after the mixture has cooled to room temperature.

This is interesting! From a scientific point of view, a soap ball is a multilayer structure with a cavity inside. Water in different layers is attracted by molecules due to well-known physical laws (attraction and others.). If the layers are too thick, then the H2O atoms collapse, forming a single whole - a drop. Glycerin delays this moment, preventing water molecules from attracting.

Watch the tips in this video:

How to make strong bubbles

Tight bubbles are not made with soap base. For bounce and durability, other ingredients will be required:

  1. water heated to 50–60°C – 300 ml;
  2. washing powder – 25 g;
  3. ammonia - 1 tsp;
  4. glycerin – 150 ml.

To prevent the water balloons from bursting, place the mixture of components in the cold for 2-3 days. Pass through a sieve and cool for another 10 hours. Balls made from a mixture of glycerin and alcohol can be held in the palm of your hand and played like a jumper.

This is interesting! Valery Koval, a Russian schoolboy, came up with a new technology for blowing strong bubbles of enormous size. He added rubber cement to the solution. The result was a soap ball with a diameter of more than two meters.

You can watch another interesting recipe for durable bubbles in this video:

What can you use to inflate?

The classic device for creating a party out of soap balls is a tube and straw. Today, showmen, and simply resourceful children and parents, use more modern options for this activity:

  • a purchased bottle with a stick;
  • ballpoint pen tube;
  • a gun with a bubble inflation mechanism;
  • plastic bottles (soda) without bottom;
  • tennis racquet;
  • carpet cracker;
  • homemade wire stick;
  • plastic funnel.

If you wish, you can find many devices and ways to blow the largest, most durable shaped and classic bubble. Use your imagination and play!

Fun with bubbles

There are a lot of group and individual games with soap balls. They can be used at children's parties, at home to lift the mood on sad winter evenings.

Soap matryoshka

You will need straws for cocktails, soap solution, and a saucer. Play with your children like this:

  1. Pour the bubble liquid into a saucer.
  2. Insert a straw into the puddle. Blow a big bubble. It stays on the plate.
  3. Take out the straw, then insert it back inside the ball, make another smaller bubble.
  4. Repeat several times. The bubbles should pout inside the previous ones, hiding, like in a nesting doll.
  5. Have a competition to see how many parts there are inside the main soap ball.

Soap War

Buy a soap bubble generator. This is a special mechanism for blowing water balls of different sizes. For a group of preschoolers, a mechanical version is suitable, which is comfortable to hold in your hands. There is a container inside the gun for refilling the solution. The little ones press a key and the gun releases a series of soap balls.

Children's task: hit the enemy with bubbles. If there are a large number of children playing, you will have to refill the container frequently. But everyone will definitely like the game.


This is a science experience at home. In winter, go out with your children to the balcony or play outside. Blow out the balloon carefully, do not make it big. If the surrounding temperature is less than –7ºС, it will freeze and collapse. Children will love watching the ball freeze as it freezes.

Drawings with soap bubbles

It is necessary to prepare colored solutions for inflation using natural dyes. Pour them into small bottles. Give the children straws and white A4 sheets. You need to inflate colorful balloons and burst them on paper to form a drawn circle. You can create a picture indefinitely, combining colors, drawing silhouettes with soapy lines. Adults can also join the team.


Launching water rounds in the bath will give children a lot of fun. Make bubbles float through the water by blowing in the direction of movement. Have a competition “Whose balloon will float to the edge first without bursting.”

Soap Jumper

This is a play set: gloves and bubble solution. The child inflates an elastic soap ball and plays with the jumper for a long time using gloves. You can’t hit it too hard, otherwise the bubble will quickly burst. The child’s task: learn to calculate the force of the blow, intuitively guess where the ball will land, and place his palm towards it.

The fascination of children of different ages with soap bubbles is difficult to explain. Light water balloons fascinate and captivate boys and girls. Learn how to make bubbles at home using simple ingredients and surprise your family.

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Soap bubbles are a fun, exciting activity that adults and children enjoy. Nowadays it’s not difficult to buy such a funny toy. But the liquid in it runs out quite quickly, and instead of great childish joy, we see pouting lips. In order not to upset the playful baby, you can try making the solution yourself.

How to make soap bubbles at home? What ingredients are needed for this? More on this below.

The history of soap bubbles goes back several thousand years. During excavations in Pompeii, wall paintings were found of people blowing bubbles through sticks. Similar drawings were also found in China.

The appearance of such fun is directly related to the invention and distribution of soap. It is not known for certain who came up with the idea of ​​blowing bubbles from foam. But in the second half of the 19th century, a special liquid began to be sold in London, with which it was possible to obtain rainbow balls.

Initially, bubbles were inflated through a thin straw. Later, a special device was developed (a soap bubble generator), which itself produced a large number of foam balls. Over time, such equipment began to be used when organizing festive events, in theaters, and on film sets.

Making children's soap bubbles

To prepare children's fun, you will need a solution and tubes through which rainbow balls are blown. Soap bubbles must contain detergent and water.

  • It is best to prepare foamy liquid using boiled water. It can be replaced with distilled one.
  • The soap used should contain as few impurities and perfumes as possible.
  • To make the solution high quality and the bubbles strong, you need to add a little sugar and glycerin to the water.
  • Before use, the resulting liquid should be kept for about 10-12 hours.
  • If foam has formed on the surface of the finished composition, it must be removed, or the liquid must be set aside for a while in a cool place.

How to check the quality of the prepared solution? A good rainbow bubble, about 3cm in diameter, will last about half a minute. You can also check the strength of the ball by moistening your finger in the foamy liquid and gently touching it. If the bubble solution is prepared correctly, it will not burst.

Home blowing devices

On the shelves of modern stores you can find a huge number of different sets for soap bubbles. A variety of devices allow you to blow large, small and even giant soap bubbles. But at home, you can use improvised items or make them yourself.

Tubes or straws are suitable for blowing. To get larger bubbles, their edges can be cut on one side and then bent into the shape of a flower. A regular plastic bottle with a cut bottom will also work. Some craftsmen blow foam balls through their fingers.

A convenient device can be easily made from ordinary wire. Beads are put on one end, and the other is wrapped in the shape of a circle or square. To obtain large balls, take two identical sticks and tie them together with woolen thread. The thread is dipped into the solution, allowed to soak completely, and then, changing the position of the sticks, bubbles of various sizes are made.

Bubble gun

On the shelves of modern children's stores you can often find pistols for creating a whole cascade of rainbow balls. Kids love such devices because they run on batteries and there is no need to blow out bubbles, the gun will do everything itself.

You just need to make sure that you don’t run out of foamy liquid.

If it still runs out, you can make it yourself at home. Dish detergent is best suited for these purposes. It foams well, and the bubbles from it are small and bright.

Have to take:

  • detergent 100 grams;
  • clean water 300 grams;
  • glycerin 50 grams.

All ingredients are mixed well and allowed to brew for about an hour. After this time, you can blow out the bubbles. If you don’t really like the result, you can try making soap bubbles without glycerin using the same recipe.

Conditions under which soap solutions work

The film of air bubbles from soap is quite thin. That is why external and weather conditions greatly affect their quality. In clear, too sunny weather, the balloons may not inflate or burst immediately, and even a store-bought solution will not help. It is best to play with soapy water in cool, humid weather. In the morning or late afternoon, when the sun is so bright.

Air bubbles are excellent near open bodies of water or after rain.

If you plan to play indoors, you should turn off the air conditioners and eliminate even a small draft. You won't be able to blow out balloons in a dusty room either.

DIY soap bubbles: simple recipes

To make high-quality bubbles, you can use almost any detergent.

It can be:

  • regular soap;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • washing powder;
  • bubble bath;
  • shampoo;
  • shower gel.

By varying the amount of liquid, as well as foaming compositions, you can create bubbles of different strength and size. Rainbow balls will bring a lot of joy to your little ones.

Recipe for soap bubbles from dish liquid

The easiest way to make a solution for soap bubbles with your own hands is from dishwashing detergent. To do this, take half a glass of detergent and distilled water. Mix both liquids well and add a level teaspoon of sugar. After the solution has infused, you can begin the blowing process.

Soap bubbles with glycerin

This recipe will also require detergent. You can take Sorti, Fairy or any other. So, 150 ml of distilled (boiled) water is mixed with 25 ml of glycerin, a quarter glass of dishwashing liquid. All ingredients are mixed well and placed in the refrigerator for a day. Airy foam bubbles according to this recipe are strong and long-lasting.

Liquid for soap bubbles from powder

This method of preparing the solution is a little more complicated and will take more time.

For this you need to prepare:

  • glycerin 300 grams;
  • hot water 600 ml;
  • washing powder 50 grams;
  • ammonia alcohol 20 drops.

Pour all the ingredients into a selected container and mix well. The finished mixture is left to infuse for 2-3 days.

After this, the resulting liquid is filtered through cheesecloth and then placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. All! A strong solution for children's fun is ready. You can blow soap bubbles. Even professionals use this composition at soap bubble shows.

Soap bubbles that don't burst

Since childhood, everyone has dreamed of rainbow bubbles that do not burst, but the capricious balls immediately disappeared as soon as you put your hand near them. Children like durable soap bubbles much more. It’s easy to prepare a good solution at home that will help you enjoy the fun longer than usual.

To create it you need to prepare:

  • sugar syrup 120 grams;
  • soap shavings 200 grams;
  • glycerin 400 grams;
  • boiled water 800 ml.

Sugar syrup is prepared as follows: 50 grams of sand are mixed with 10 grams of water and mixed well. Next, shavings and glycerin are added to it. After the mass is homogeneous, water is gradually added to it and stirring continues. After 10 minutes, you can blow out unpopping soap bubbles.

Recipe for big soap bubbles

If you follow the following recommendations when preparing the solution, you can easily get huge rainbow balls as a result. Distilled water is heated and poured into a container prepared in advance. You will need about 1 liter of clean liquid. Next, add shower gel (about 200 ml) and 25 grams of glycerin to the bowl. All ingredients are mixed well and left for several hours.

To get large soap bubbles, you need a special device. You can also make it yourself. To do this, you need to prepare two sticks about 30 cm long, a cotton or wool rope about 50 cm and a nut.

A nut is threaded onto a rope, and its ends are tied to prepared sticks. The resulting device is dipped into the solution so that the tips of the sticks and the rope get wet. Next, it remains to straighten your arms and wave them. The result will be a giant soap bubble.

Soap bubbles for children

Quite often, the compositions sold in stores begin to sting the eyes when children chase soap bubbles. At home you can prepare a high-quality solution for babies without tears.

To do this you need:

  • 200 grams of shampoo for children;
  • 2 cup boiled water;
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin.

Mix the shampoo well with water and leave in a cool place for 24 hours. After this time, sugar and glycerin are added to the solution. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. You can use these soap bubbles in kindergarten.

Recipe with bubble bath

Good soap bubbles are obtained by adding liquid bath foam to the composition. To do this, take 1 part water, 3 parts liquid foam, mix everything well. You can blow out the balloons using any device; they turn out iridescent and smell pleasant.

Laundry soap with glycerin

Bubbles made from ordinary laundry soap are strong and long-lasting. To do this, the whole block is grated and poured with boiled hot water in a ratio of 1 to 10. The resulting mixture is stirred well so that all the pieces dissolve.

Interesting games with soap bubbles

All of the above compositions are suitable not only for blowing flying bubbles. There is a lot of fun with a regular straw and solution.

Here are some of them:

  1. You need to take a regular flat plate and grease it with foam solution. Next, use a tube to blow out a large-diameter bubble and carefully disconnect it from it. Then the tube is inserted into the balloon and another, smaller one is blown out. The procedure can be repeated several times. Your little one will definitely love these rainbow pyramids.
  2. It's very interesting to blow bubbles in the cold. If the air temperature drops below -7 °C, the balls will quickly freeze and remain lying on the snow.
  3. With the help of such bubbles you can paint entire pictures. To do this, the finished liquid is poured into several containers, then food coloring or watercolors are added to each. A tube is lowered into the jar, a ball is blown out and applied to the prepared sheet of paper. Spots remain on the white canvas, which gradually form a whole pattern.
  4. You can also arrange outdoor games with air bubbles. It's a lot of fun when kids try to keep flying balls in the air. To do this, you just need to blow on them from below. Whoever allowed his bubble to fly longer won.
  5. For older children, you can arrange a relay race. The guys are divided into two teams. Each participant blows out a ball and catches it on their tube. The child must carry this entire structure to the identification mark and back, and then pass the tube to the next one in his team. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Safety precautions when blowing

Although blowing bubbles from soap is considered a safe activity, it also requires compliance with some rules.

They should not be launched near roads where vehicles move. Children or dogs, chasing a rainbow ball, can jump under the wheels.

If they are inflated indoors, it is necessary to periodically wipe the floor, provided that it is made of linoleum or laminate. The remains of the solution can easily cause crumbs to slip. The bubble machine leaves a lot of marks especially.

Hi all! More than once I wondered how to make soap bubbles at home. If you just mix water and shampoo, nothing will happen. And recently, I found out that there are several more secret ingredients.

And if you add them correctly, you can even make giant bubbles as tall as a person! Well, the child will definitely fit there. How? I'll tell you now.

I remember how, as a child, my dad made homemade bubbles for me. I just diluted soap shavings and water. Oddly enough, but everything worked out! Now it's a completely different matter. Not just any detergent will do. Therefore, you have to think out and look for those very secret ingredients and follow the rules for preparing a wonderful solution. Here are the main points:

  1. Only boiled water, settled. Or better yet, distilled. Why is it so important? The salts in the composition can upset the balance, and instead of toddler joy, you will get a sea of ​​​​tears.
  2. Only detergent of appropriate quality. So that there are fewer impurities.
  3. If the recipe specifies glycerin, one of the secret ingredients, take the exact proportions. It serves as a connecting link; if you overdo it, the child will make great efforts to blow out the ball.
  4. It is good to keep the composition in the refrigerator for several hours before use.
  5. A good level of moisture is a great helper for blowing!
  6. A large amount of dust can interfere with the process.
  7. Approximate soap to water ratio: 1/10.

Strive to follow the recipe, but don’t be afraid to experiment, deviating a little from what is specified. Perhaps you can become the author of a unique composition? In the meantime, I will offer you the TOP best selections that parents most often use.

Cheap doesn't mean bad

In principle, any recipe for making bubbles does not cost a lot of money. But these components can be found in any home. Write it down!

  • Laundry soap shavings - a glass.
  • Water 10 glasses.
  • Glycerin 2 teaspoons.

Pour hot water into the pan and add the shavings. Place this miracle mixture on the fire and stir. But don't bring it to a boil! Stir until dissolved and remove from heat. Cool, add glycerin. Ready!

And if you don’t have a good laundry soap, use liquid soap.

With liquid soap

But I tried to make this solution for soap bubbles for my daughter this summer. Surprisingly it turned out very well. But there is one drawback, which for some reason is not indicated in the recipes. I'll open it a little later. In the meantime, I’ll tell you about the components:

  • Liquid soap 50 ml.
  • 10 glycerin drops.
  • Water 10 ml.

First you need to mix the soap and water, add the glycerin base later. Then I kept this mixture in the refrigerator for 10 hours. I did it in the evening, and by lunchtime the next day my daughter was already blowing strong bubbles.

It turned out a lot and it was fun! But then it turned out that traces of these bubbles do not dry on the asphalt. The result was such wonderful greasy stains that did not disappear and could not be cleaned with anything. It only washed away after heavy rain. There is nothing particularly critical about this. But you need to know about this feature so as not to be surprised later.

The sweetest recipe

  • Sugar syrup 50 grams.
  • 100 grams of soap shavings.
  • 200 grams of glycerin.
  • 400 ml distilled or boiled chilled water.

The recipe does not indicate this, but I advise you to first keep the mixture in the refrigerator and then use it. This way you can blow out different shapes! I think it's worth experimenting. What do you think?

For those who like to tinker

If you want to get a product of the highest quality, without a doubt, I suggest this formula:

  • Pure water 300 g.
  • Glycerin solution 100 g.
  • Ammonia 10 drops.
  • Laundry soap 50 g (shavings).

First, mix the first 3 components, then heat the chips until dissolved, just follow the condition - do not bring to a boil)), combine. It would seem nothing complicated. But you need to let this sit for 3 days, preferably in a cold place. Then strain through cheesecloth and leave for 12 hours in a cool place.

Almost four days, and the solution is ready! And if there is no time to wait and the child urgently requires entertainment, use another option.

Quick recipe

But I warn you right away, the idea is not always successful. Depends on the quality of the detergent and your water supply. A neighbor's boy told us that he succeeded only with a certain shampoo; the child, of course, does not remember the brand. But many advise using the “Little Fairy” series for such purposes. If desired, replace with dishwashing liquid.

So, take ¼ part baby shampoo, 2 parts water, 2 teaspoons sugar. You can also add dye here, you’ll get a color show! Mix well and blow! But, I repeat, the shampoo must be suitable. This idea didn't work out for me.

Just don't despair. There are several more interesting options for making soap bubbles!

With washing powder

Don’t be surprised, because this is also a foaming component. I haven't tried it myself, but I think it should turn out great.

    Powder 25 g.

    Water 300 ml.

    Ammonia 10 drops.

    Glycerin solution 150 ml.

This composition with glycerin and powder is kept in a cool place for 2 days, then filtered and refrigerated for another 12 hours. Now use it!

Huge bubbles

What a show! I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a bubble the size of an adult? Yes, this happens too! Moreover, you can create this miracle with your own hands. And here's what we need:

  • Water 300 g.
  • Dishwashing liquid 100 g.
  • Glycerin 50 g.
  • Sugar 4 teaspoons.

Stir all the ingredients in a bowl or somewhere you can place a large hoop covered with fabric. Don't worry, you won't have to blow anything out! Just dip the hoop in there and move it from side to side. It's better outside when there's a slight breeze. You can place your child in the basin, inside the hoop, and slowly lift the ring up. The bubble wrap will follow, and the child will end up in a tunnel.

Another option with gelatin:

    Water 800 g.

    Detergent 200 g.

    Glycerin 100 g.

    Sugar 50 g.

    Gelatin 50 g.

Here's how to dilute such a mixture: let the gelatin swell well first. Then drain the excess liquid and place on low heat, adding sugar. Let everything melt. Now add the rest of the ingredients. Let it sit for a while, cool well, and go!

These are the kind of home pranks you can let the kids do. Just knowing how to prepare the mixture is not enough for good results. After all, a lot will depend on the tool used to blow.


The easiest option is to use an old bottle. That's exactly what we did. But there are several more ways:

    Wire. Twist regular wire, or colored wire, fasten the handle and decorate it. The best and fastest way is bright ribbons. But if you use your imagination, you can stick various pebbles, small buttons, etc. on top. act!

    Cut plastic bottle. Dip your homemade instrument and blow into the neck.

    A tube that you can make with your own hands. It doesn't take long to make: just roll up a piece of paper and blow!

    Are you taking a plastic straw? Cut its tip lengthwise into pieces.

    Tennis racquet. Acceptable with or without mesh.

    For giant balls, wrap the hoop with rag tape. When the fabric absorbs the solution, pull slowly.

    Carpet beater.

Perhaps you can add something to this list? While you're thinking, I'll tell you how you can make a soap bubble show at home.

Entertainment options

And you probably thought that they could only be blown into a small round hole? But no! There are many activities that will delight your little one.

    Special devices. Liquid for the generator is poured in there, which you can prepare yourself, and the show begins. Such balls do not burst longer than usual and fly in different directions!

    Frosty miracle. Did you know that you can blow funny bubbles in winter? Just cool the prepared mixture. Then go out into the cold and try. A miracle of small snowflakes will form before your eyes!

    Matryoshka. Pour the soap mass into a saucer, dip the straw and blow it out. Then place the same straw inside the ball and blow again. Another bubble forms inside one bubble. Repeat your actions until you get bored.

    Colorful arts. You will need several glasses. Pour the resulting mixture there, add paints or food coloring. Blow from different glasses in turn so that the ball hits a white sheet of paper. See what a colorful miracle will be drawn there!

    Play like this: you make bubbles, and the child touches them with his nose, finger, or shoulder.

How do you like these entertainment options? Maybe you've already tried something? I will definitely do a show in the cold! What recipes do you know? What they were doing? Share your comments! And become blog subscribers. Until next time. Bye!

Extravagant performances involving the making of soap bubbles have become incredibly common in recent years. Most often, these shows are held at graduation parties in children's institutions, and when celebrating birthdays. It is worth trying to organize such an event yourself. Practice in advance, figure out how to make soap bubbles at home. Financial costs for this event are minimal. Of course, a ready-made bottle with a ready-made solution is sold in the store, but it is much more interesting to create it yourself. This process will captivate both adults and children.

For colorful performances, giant soap bubbles are needed; they must shimmer in all shades and be unbreakable. A soap bubble generator has been developed and used for performances. The principle of operation is that a soap solution of a certain composition is placed in a container. Bubbles are automatically blown out when exposed to air flow. Stencils with holes of various shapes are placed in the outlet hole. When the generator is turned on, large soap figures of bizarre shapes are blown out, changing their color. A soap bubble generator is not a cheap pleasure; they are usually rented for children's parties. Many parents make homemade devices from what they have on hand. By helping dad make this device, the child will experience delight in the creative process.

  1. It would be good to prepare a solution for soap bubbles using soft water that has gone through the distillation process. Boiled water is suitable; in this case it is not advisable to use tap water. Water from tap networks is hard, it contains a lot of salts, their presence has a bad effect on obtaining a high-quality soap film.
  2. In order to increase the density, glycerin is added to the liquid for soap bubbles; such a substance can be found in pharmacies. The recipe allows you to use sugar instead of glycerin.
  3. Study the recipe carefully and follow the proportions. Excessive amounts of glycerin or sugar will cause the mixture to be too concentrated, making it difficult to form bubbles.
  4. If the bubble liquid is less concentrated, it is easier to blow bubbles, which is convenient for a small child.
  5. Professionals say that the best quality soap figures can be obtained from a mixture that has been previously kept in the cold for at least a day. This is necessary for the foam to settle.
  6. Strong wind and dust make the blowing process difficult, high humidity makes it easier.

Props for the performance

As devices for blowing, improvised means, whatever your imagination tells you, are suitable.

Prepare the following equipment:

  • tubes of all possible diameters and lengths;
  • various frames and shapes, they can be made with your own hands from thick wire;
  • shaped baking molds;
  • plastic bottles of various sizes with the bottom cut off;
  • hoops;
  • plastic carpet beaters;
  • net;
  • slotted spoon, colander.

To get large bubbles, you can make a device consisting of two slats connected by two ribbons. A loop is formed from these ropes. Before use, the ropes are dipped into the soap mixture, the slats are moved apart and oscillating movements are made. Using a loop made in this way, large soap bubbles are formed.

Homemade soap mixtures are safer than factory-prepared ones. Often the bottles do not indicate the composition of the contents or the date of manufacture. By making this mixture with their own hands, parents will select high-quality ingredients that are safe for children.

Glycerin solution

Let's figure out how to make soap bubbles with glycerin. The recipe is quite simple to follow, the ingredients are safe and non-toxic, and will not provoke allergies in children.

Traditional recipe

  • purified water - a full glass;
  • brown laundry soap - 20 grams;
  • pharmaceutical glycerin - 30 ml.

Before you create soap bubbles for children, you need to grind the soap, for example, grate it, put it in a warm liquid and stir until dissolved, strain. Add about two-thirds of the glycerin and try to blow the bubble. If the test is unsuccessful, increase the amount of glycerin.

Using a detergent product

Using dishwashing liquid to wash dishes will help blow out large bubbles.


  • soft purified water - 200 ml;
  • dishwashing liquid (“Fairy”, “Biolan”) - 30 ml;
  • glycerin - 30 ml.

Use high-quality detergent and mix with liquid. Add glycerin to the homogeneous mixture in parts, periodically checking its readiness.

Using detergent

This recipe involves mixing the soap mixture in advance, several days before use.

Solution composition:

  • boiling water - a full glass;
  • washing powder - 15 grams;
  • ammonia - three drops;
  • glycerin - ¼ cup.

All components specified in the recipe are added to the boiling liquid and mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved. Cool and keep in the cold for at least three days, strain. Refrigerate for at least 10 hours, after this time it can be used.

Glycerin-free solution

Are you wondering how to make soap bubbles at home, but you don’t have any glycerin in the house? Let's look at a number of available ways to make soap bubbles without glycerin.

Classic version

Shake a large glass of boiled water with 150 ml of dishwashing liquid, add 1/2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and mix thoroughly. Leave the prepared solution in the cold for at least 24 hours.

Safest option

Pour 75 ml of delicate shampoo for children (“no tears”) into 200 ml of water, leave the mixture for 24 hours in a cold place (but not in the freezer!). After this, add 25 grams of granulated sugar and stir well.

Glamorous option

To make the resulting colorful balls burst less, create a soap mixture by mixing water and your favorite shower gel in a ratio of one to three. If desired, you can add aromatic essential oil. This solution produces pleasantly smelling, shimmering soap balls.

Non-standard composition

The strength of the air figures increases with the addition of corn syrup. To prepare a high-quality solution, take 300 ml of dishwashing liquid, 700 ml of water and 0.5 cups of corn syrup. After mixing thoroughly, refrigerate overnight.

Durable soap bubbles

Is it possible to make soap bubbles at home that don't burst? Of course, you can, you just need to strictly follow the instructions.

First option

Soap balls prepared using this recipe are not very large, but durable. You need to prepare 1 glass of dishwashing detergent, half a glass of glycerin and three glasses of soft chilled water. You need to mix everything thoroughly and wait until the foam settles. Now the resulting solution is ready for use. Please note that dishwasher detergent is not recommended.

Second option

This is a more labor-intensive method, but it is the one that allows you to blow huge, non-popping soap figures of various shapes.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring 600 ml of purified water to a boil.
  2. Pour 1.5 cups of glycerin into the hot liquid, add 20 drops of ammonia.
  3. Add 50 grams of powdered detergent to this mixture.
  4. Mix well and let the mixture sit for at least three days.
  5. Strain the solution and place in the refrigerator overnight.

Third option

From a solution prepared in this way, you can blow out a huge bubble that can completely cover your baby. For this you will need a large hoop covered with fabric.

Solution composition:

  • clean water - four glasses;
  • dishwashing detergent - one glass;
  • glycerin - 100 grams;
  • regular granulated sugar - 50 grams;
  • gelatin - 50 grams.

Pour gelatin with water and wait until it swells. Remove excess liquid, add sugar and place over low heat, avoiding boiling. When the sugar has dissolved, add all the other ingredients and stir. Give it a couple of hours and you can put on a fun show.

Quality control

To check whether you have a high-quality solution, you need to blow a few bubbles as a test.

Characteristics of the correct solution:

  • small soap bubbles are blown out without any problems;
  • large bubbles retain their integrity for up to 30 seconds;
  • When touched with fingers soaked in soapy water, the bubbles do not burst.

If all the rules are followed, you will have an excellent solution for making soap bubbles.


To get soap bubbles that shimmer with all colors, you need to stock up on food dyes (that is, safe in contact with skin) in advance. Divide the prepared mixture into several parts, tint them with dyes of the chosen color. Adjust the hue saturation to your liking. Painted bright soap bubbles will delight children.

People have been fond of blowing bubbles from various soap solutions since time immemorial. And although thousands of years have passed since then, both children and adults enjoy doing this now. It is very difficult to imagine a children's party without a soap bubble show; children get great pleasure from it. Put a little effort into organizing such a holiday for your kids at home.

When summer comes, children begin to look for interesting activities for themselves. Soap bubbles are what will interest playful children. It is bubbles that will be discussed in our material.

  • You can blow bubbles from an ordinary foaming agent, but the most ideal one is one that includes the addition of household soap.
  • Tune it, dissolve it in hot water, you can heat it up very high
  • Proportions: 10 parts water to 1 part soap

A solution prepared with the addition of glycerin is considered the most durable. Granulated sugar and gelatin also bring strength. The proportions are as follows:

  • glycerin should be added 1/3 of the volume of soap solution
  • sugar – ¼
  • gelatin – ¼

We suggest you prepare such a composition. To do this, combine a liter of water with:

  • Detergent – ​​200 ml
  • Glycerin – 100 ml
  • Granulated sugar – 50 g
  • Gelatin – 5 g

Cooking process:

  • Take gelatin. Soak it in water. Set aside to allow it to swell
  • Strain the resulting mixture
  • Remove excess water
  • Take granulated sugar and swollen gelatin. Melt these ingredients (they should not boil)
  • Add water and remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture.
  • Mix the solution well (there should be no foam)

How to make soap bubbles at home, recipe

Of course, the main elements for making bubbles are: a solution with sticks through which you will release those same transparent balls. Before you decide to make bubbles, we suggest you familiarize yourself with some recommendations:

  • It is better to make soap bubbles from boiled water. But the best solution is to use distilled water.
  • The final result, first of all, depends on exactly how many impurities there will be in the product that you use to make the solution. The fewer such impurities there are in the product itself, the better the result will be.
  • If you want to prepare a dense solution, it is better to use sugar or glycerin dissolved in heated water. But you should remember that it is better not to overdo it in production, since a large amount of sugar or glycerin may interfere with the blowing of bubbles.
  • If your solution is not very dense, then the bubbles will not be stable. However, there is a good point - the bubbles will be blown out easier.
  • If you want to achieve the best results, soak your own solution for up to 20 hours before use.
  • Before you start blowing bubbles, wait until a solid film is formed without any extraneous bubbles around the edges. It’s better to remove the foam altogether: set the solution to steep, then cool it. These manipulations will allow you to get rid of all the foam.
  • Blowing bubbles in windy conditions and heavy dust is quite difficult. It is better to blow them out when there is a lot of moisture in the air.

In order to prepare a good solution for soap bubbles, you need the following elements:

  • 200 ml water
  • 50 g shampoo
  • Mix everything thoroughly. Such a small amount of ingredients will not prevent you from creating excellent bubbles. It's the other way around. This composition will strengthen the bubbles themselves; after you blow them out, they will not burst for a very long time.
  • Use a regular drinking straw.
  • Dip it in the solution.
  • If you want to test the product itself, dip your finger in it and try to break the bubble. If you manage to do this, then your solution has not yet been prepared.
  • Add a little more soap to this mixture.

To blow transparent balls, you can use the following elements:

  • With a cocktail straw (split it at the tip in advance)
  • The body of a regular pen
  • Makaronina
  • Funnel
  • Plastic bottle (cut off the bottom of the bottle)
  • With your palm

You can also use a frame made of wire or a special gun.

How to make soap bubbles without glycerin?

You've probably seen happy children blowing soap bubbles. Yes, you yourself will never pass by, you will definitely want to burst a small balloon and show the kids how you previously blew up big bubbles.

Currently, such pleasure is quite expensive, and it ends very quickly. But you can prepare the product yourself without using glycerin. We offer you several good soap options, for the preparation of which you will have to spend a minimum amount of ingredients.

Simple recipe:

To prepare this recipe, you need the following ingredients:

  • Any washing liquid – 1.5 cups
  • Water – 0.5 l
  • Sugar – 2 tsp

Cooking process:

  • Take these ingredients
  • Mix them well
  • Place the resulting composition in a cool place for 24 hours.

If you want to get colored bubbles, then add a small amount of dye to the resulting solution.

Bubbles for babies:

And you will prepare this recipe if you take:

  • 500 ml boiled water
  • 100 ml each of baby shampoo and sugar

Cooking process:

  • Mix the resulting composition thoroughly and place in a cool place for 24 hours.
  • Then add granulated sugar to the product. Thanks to it, your bubbles will be very strong.

Flavor Bubbles:

To prepare a remedy for fragrant bubbles, stock up on:

  • Product that will cause foam (detergent, shampoo, gel) – 300 ml
  • Water – 100 ml
  • Essential oil

Cooking process:

  • Mix water with bubble bath
  • Add oil to the resulting mixture

Your bubbles will turn out colorful and very fragrant.

Inexpensive recipe:

To make bubble cleaner, mix:

  • Boiled water – 8 tbsp
  • Laundry soap
  • Sugar or gelatin – 3 tsp
  • Essential Masto

Cooking process:

  • Boil the water first
  • Grate the soap. Add gelatin or sugar to it
  • Then boil the resulting product over low heat until the soap is completely dissolved. Stir the mixture while doing this
  • Add some essential oil (a few drops). This will remove the smell of soap

Making soap bubbles using glycerin

Typically, clear bubbles are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Dish detergent. There is no exact type of detergent that is ideal for balloons. Try the one you use yourself.
  • Soap. The most ideal soap is laundry soap.
  • Water. Treat this ingredient with special attention. Tap water is not suitable for the solution, as it contains various salts. It is better to boil it before use, give the water some time to settle.
  • Glycerin. This component is responsible for making the bubbles strong, colorful and of different sizes. You can purchase glycerin at any pharmacy in your city.

So, let's explore some great recipes with added glycerin that you can prepare with your kids.

First recipe:

If you want to make a bubble solution according to this recipe, take:

  • Washing liquid – 100 ml
  • Water – 300 ml
  • Glycerin – 50 ml

Cooking process:

  • Mix these ingredients

Do not use tap water. Since it contains a lot of salts, it has a bad effect on the film.

Second recipe:

To prepare this recipe, you will have to spend several days and stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Boiled hot water – 150 ml
  • Glycerin – 75 ml
  • Ammonia – 5 drops
  • Washing powder – 12.5 g

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients well
  • Leave the composition for a couple of days so that it infuses
  • When 2 days have passed, filter the product and place it in a cool place for 10 hours

Making a solution for soap bubbles

The solution you prepare at home will turn out good if you can immediately inflate a bubble with a diameter of about 10 cm. If the bubble turns out smaller, then add a little more soap to the solution.

  • If you want the balls to turn out fragrant, for example, with the smell of strawberries or chocolate, then add bath foam to the solution. Mix it with soap in the following proportion - three parts of aromatic foam to one part of ordinary water.
  • If you want colorful bubbles different shades, then add food coloring to the solution. You can divide the product into several parts and add a different paint to each part.

Now try to prepare such a solution. To prepare it, you will need to stock up on simple and affordable ingredients, namely:

  • Glycerin with hot water – 300 and 150 ml
  • Washing powder – 25 g
  • Ammonia – 10 drops

Cooking process:

  • Pour these ingredients into a jar.
  • Mix everything well.
  • Then leave the resulting composition aside for a couple of days. You can extend the period by a day.
  • After this, take out the product and strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Place the mixture back in a cool place for 12 hours.

Yes, you will spend a lot of time preparing the solution. But the result may pleasantly surprise you.

How to make soap bubbles that don't burst?

People first learned about soap bubbles in the 1st century AD. Archaeologists were even able to find frescoes in Pompeii depicting people indulging in this fun. Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed, bubbles have not lost their popularity.

Nowadays, a solution for blowing soap bubbles can be purchased in almost every store. But is it possible to find a product that produces strong and non-bursting bubbles? Probably not. If you want to prepare this solution yourself, you need to remember:

  • Sugar syrup – 120 ml (you will find its preparation below)
  • Soap shavings – 200 g
  • Glycerin – 400 g
  • Cool boiled water – 800 ml

Cooking process:

  • Mix all ingredients
  • Mix them well and you can blow your bubbles

Process for making sugar syrup:

  • Take granulated sugar (50 g)
  • Add water (10 ml) to it
  • Mix the ingredients well

Sugar syrup is ready.

The solution that you prepare from these components will help you fulfill your childhood fantasies. You will even be able to put on an interesting show with soap bubbles and invite your neighbor's children to visit. You can make the most unusual figures from this solution, just connect these strong bubbles between each other.

Making big soap bubbles

If you want to blow huge bubbles, you don't have to run to the store to buy bubble solution. You may not even find one like this on sale. You can prepare it yourself at home. Just try to follow our recommendations:

  • Use only distilled water to prepare the solution. Heat it up, then pour it into the dishes prepared in advance.
  • As a container for the solution, take a container that has a wide lid. This way you can lower your own inflatable element without any problems.
  • If you want to use a glass container, then pour hot water into this container slowly so that the walls of the container warm up gradually. Otherwise, the glassware will simply burst.

Now let's move on to the solution itself, from which you will get large bubbles. To prepare it you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Water – 1 l
  • Dish detergent or shower gel – 200 ml
  • Glycerin – 25 ml
  • Personal lubricant (optional, but it should not be based on oil) – 25 ml
  • Chopsticks 30 cm – 2 pcs.
  • Cotton rope - approximately 50 cm (maximum 80 cm)
  • Nut

Cooking process:

  • Just mix all the ingredients
  • Wait a few hours for the solution to infuse

If you want to quickly start inflating soap balls, then:

  1. Mix shower gel (150 ml) with water.
  2. Add more glycerin and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Make sure that no foam appears while mixing.
  3. If this happens, be sure to remove it. If you want to experiment, then add other ingredients to the composition.

Now prepare your bubble blower:

  • Take the rope
  • Put a nut on it
  • Tie a string to the ends of the sticks
  • Then wet the ends of the sticks on which you tied the rope into the solution
  • Take out the sticks and straighten them
  • Wave them and you will see a big bubble inflate

How to make water for soap bubbles?

The recipes and tips don't end there. You can also prepare special water from which you will get “sticky bubbles.” To make this unique product, combine detergent with:

  • By water
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp

Cooking process:

  • We have not specified the amount of detergent and water. You will have to choose the right proportion yourself.
  • Add granulated sugar to them.
  • Mix the ingredients well.
  • Leave the product for a while to let it infuse.

That's it, the solution is ready for use!

How to make soap bubbles for children?

We have already written a solution for inflating bubbles intended for children. But we want to offer you a recipe for which you need:

  • Shampoo without tears – 200 ml
  • Boiled water – 2 tbsp
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp
  • Glycerin – 2 tbsp

Cooking process:

  • Take these two ingredients
  • Mix them well
  • Leave the resulting composition in a cool place for a day to let it infuse.
  • After 24 hours have passed, add glycerin and granulated sugar to the composition.
  • Mix everything well

You can use this composition for children's games.

  • Take a plate, preferably flat. Lubricate it with soapy water. First, blow up a large bubble on this plate. Then disconnect the tube from the edge of the ball and move it inside. Blow a smaller bubble in this clear balloon. Repeat this several times. Believe me, your baby will definitely love this game.
  • For very young children, you can arrange a game in which you have to draw using colorful soap bubbles. Pour the solution into several glasses at the same time. Add a variety of colors to these solutions. Take a straw. Blow up a soap ball and place it on a piece of paper. You will end up with very unusual pictures.
  • Another interesting game is blowing bubbles in the cold. It is not necessary that it be severely frosty outside. It is enough for the temperature to drop to -7°C. Blow one bubble with your child. When the balls land on the snow, they will freeze within a few seconds. Exciting and a lot of fun.

Making soap bubbles: photo, video

To please your child, you don’t need too much time and effort. Prepare these bubbles with your baby and you will see his joyful smile after the result.

These beautiful bubbles can be made at home. And now we provide video instructions. Don't stop delighting yourself and your children with such simple little things.

Video: How to make soap bubbles at home?

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