Drunk Englishmen. Typical English women

Below are photographs of the British. This happens every weekend in every city in England! These are the features of national culture.

They even have a name for this lawlessness - binge drinking, in England ALL YOUNG PEOPLE (including the golden ones, especially young ladies) drink, what’s most amazing is that they are incredibly proud of it and the next day they enthusiastically tell each other who vomited, fucked and where. hit the face and who passed out where and when.

These photographs clearly show how alcohol “bitters” a person. All these people need is to eat, drink, have sex, relieve themselves (you can do it in a public place, why do animals need behavioral norms), sleep... wait until the weekend and eat again, drink, have sex, relieve themselves, etc.

I have the impression that it is precisely from these “people” that a new species of monkeys will appear.

Photo of the British. Personality degradation

Photo of the British. Personality degradation

Photo of the British. Personality degradation

Photo of the British. Personality degradation

Photo of the British. Personality degradation

Photo of the British. Personality degradation

Photo of a drunken English redneck

Photo of a drunken English redneck

Photo of a drunken English redneck

Photo: drunken redneck. Typical representative in the background

Alcohol will turn a woman into a cattle

Alcohol will turn a woman into a pig

alcohol + woman = redneck

photo of the British. Where we eat and shit.

English photos. A sexless creature, drugged with beer.

Photo of the British. What good can such people do? If they have one thing on their mind...

Youth of England. A typical representative of the animal world with his monkeys.

Maybe stop looking at the decaying West? It's time to take on a sober, healthy lifestyle!

Sometimes it’s a shame that our compatriots are bullied about drunken brawls on vacation. Probably somewhere in Turkey, Egypt or Cyprus, this is noticeable and striking, since our people go there in herds. My personal list of rowdy drunk tourists is definitely topped by the British. Both men and women behave the same way, get drunk on beer, show their huge bellies, scream louder than anyone else, etc. It even seems to me that our people could easily lose to people from England in the game of who is louder, drunker and bolder :) While I was looking for photographs, I found the same large number of photographs of drunken Americans. I’ve never encountered them on vacation, so it would be cool if someone could confirm or refute my speculations. I’ve never met drunken Chinese, but even sober ones will outshout the English and Russians combined, they love noisy companies :) Americans Zayko:)) I found one guy on his blog, he writes that his friend drank a bottle of vodka and went to smoke, when they went to look for him, they found him in this state :) He calms everyone down, they immediately called an ambulance The dude says “It’s ok, guys! I’m fine :)”, who didn’t sleep in the bathroom?)) The girls are in a frenzy :) People know how to come up with their own Halloween costumes :) And now it's the British's turn The girl is trying to stand on the bridge Bachelor party hen-party Ours also drink on the street) it happens And who else, besides the Germans, showed class on vacation? :)) About whom else can you say, wow, that’s drunk?! Full photo report and our top most hooligan tourists in link

More than once, every Russian person has heard about how much our people drink. But meanwhile, we are very far from the British, who are really breaking records for the amount of alcohol consumed. Not far from them are the French, as well as other more “civilized nations,” as we are told. Cultural capitals and centuries-old traditions... Yes, we readily believe. When it comes to infusions, where are all these “cultures”? Below are photos of ordinary, unremarkable Friday evenings. All this is in the order of things and is not considered something particularly shameful.

Crowds of people of all ages walk through the streets in a tipsy state, something similar can be seen in our country, but obviously not in such numbers. In general, there are many interesting differences from other drinking nations.

  1. Although the aforementioned French do not neglect drinking and drink more in total than the British, you rarely see drunk people there. They rather like to drink a glass or two at lunch, another couple of glasses in the evening - until they feel pleasantly dizzy, but without the desire to look for adventures on their own. But among the British you can often find very drunk citizens, especially if it is a weekend evening.
  2. If in our country appearing drunk in public is the lot of the majority of the lower strata of the population, then in England people of the middle and even upper class do not consider it anything shameful to appear on the street drunk, wandering aimlessly through the streets. But one condition applies here: for all this to be considered decent, you need to drink and wander around in company. But spending time alone with alcohol is a sign of bad taste.
  3. In many countries, it is unacceptable and strange for a drunk woman to appear on the street. And English women drink not just less, but on an equal basis with their men. Successful businesswomen do not consider it shameful to get drunk to the point where you can no longer get home on your own. Moreover, all this happens in front of colleagues. By the way, it is surprisingly not customary for the British to discuss drunken adventures - but in our country you can often hear conversations on the topic “But I was drunk yesterday...”.

Indeed, everyone among the residents drinks. Young people opt for beer, cocktails or ale, but older people love gin or whiskey. Although their records are nothing compared to the Irish, who drink several times more than the English. It will not be a problem for them to easily drink 10-12 mugs of Guinness in one evening. And this drink is very, very serious - for a Russian man, 3 glasses will be enough to get drunk, and after 5-7 glasses the state of intoxication will be very strong.

The Scots are a little more reserved than the British, they generally prefer scotch. As for the Welsh, they live rather secluded lives, so it will be difficult to accurately judge their drinking habits. And in general I know little about them.

There is another interesting point - it is quite normal and acceptable to fight in pubs in England. Even if they take you to the police for this, you still shouldn’t expect any consequences. This is something of a tradition, but it is important to follow some rules - no one is simply drawn into a fight, there is a whole ritual, so random visitors do not have to fear anything.

Of course, all people are different, but English girls struck me to the heart, breaking yet another stereotype about Britain. Instead of thin, prim, Englishwomen dressed in formal suits, I saw overweight, dressed in who knows what, drunk (youth alcoholism is a serious problem in modern Britain), smoking cigarettes, loud-mouthed high school girls or students. I’d rather keep silent about other details. Of course, all this happened in the dark and in the area of ​​entertainment venues.
To be fair, there were some pleasant exceptions.
Original taken from teh_nomad in Scary women abroad

This photo is probably the most normal thing that took place at the races in England:

A few days ago, the so-called “Ladies Day” took place at the famous Grand National horse races, which take place near the British city of Liverpool. The central event of this event is not the horse racing itself, but the appearance of women dressed for the occasion on the track. Before an important event, false eyelashes, cosmetics and self-tanners disappear from stores.

Women's Day attracts both ordinary British women who want to show off their dresses, crazy heels and, of course, hats, as well as local celebrities, including pop singers, TV presenters and footballers' wives. This year on Women's Day the weather was very cool: on average it was no more than +6 degrees Celsius, and in addition, a cold wind was blowing. But this did not bother the participants of the event - many came in outfits more suitable for a party on the beach, and warmed up with alcoholic drinks, jackets and hugs.

Aristocratic girls from the British high society again celebrated “Lady's Day” on an impressive scale. British photographers have published many shocking photographs of ladies in a state of intoxication after the final of a horse race. Exquisite dresses, handbags and hats on ladies amid mountains of garbage on dirty asphalt once again blew up the Internet.

The Lady's Day event took place in Aintree, near Liverpool, where the Grand National finals are traditionally held. Many girls of different ages from all over the country came to show off their extravagant outfits and jewelry. However, after the festival, the British were drunk enough to create complete chaos on a truly “royal” scale.

As the site learned, girls show up to the event in the most luxurious outfits for a reason. After the festival, a competition is held for the most impressive designer clothes, and the winner receives a luxury Range Rover Evoque car as a gift.

However, after the results of a kind of beauty contest, glamor quickly remains on the sidelines: girls simply start drinking, forgetting about all the rules of decency. Photographers at the event can only manage to snatch the most shocking shots and post them for everyone to see.

This is not the first time that such events have taken place in the country. Previously, after festivals dedicated to major horse races, ladies also could not resist slipping into a drunken brawl right on the lawn.

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